File: actestc.cxx Description: Client side of the DCOM IAccessControl test program.
#include <windows.h>
#include <ole2.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <accctrl.h>
#include "oactest.h"
#include <oleext.h>
#include <rpcdce.h>
/* Internal program parameters */ #define BIG_BUFFER 2048
#define LINE_BUFF_SIZE 200
#define MAX_TOKENS_NUM 20
#define STR_LEN 100
// Define some bogus access masks so that we can verify the
// the validation mechanism of DCOM IAccessControl
// The following structure encapsulates all kinds of information that
// can be associated with a trustee.
typedef struct tagTRUSTEE_RECORD { DWORD grfAccessPermissions; ACCESS_MODE grfAccessMode; DWORD grfInheritance; PTRUSTEE_W pMultipleTrustee; MULTIPLE_TRUSTEE_OPERATION MultipleTrusteeOperation; TRUSTEE_FORM TrusteeForm; TRUSTEE_TYPE TrusteeType; LPWSTR pwszTrusteeName; PISID pSID; } TRUSTEE_RECORD;
/* Global variables */ char pszUserName[STR_LEN]; // User Name
char pszBasePath[STR_LEN]; char pszResource[STR_LEN]; // Resource location
EXPLICIT_ACCESS_W g_pLocalExplicitAccessList[100]; ULONG g_ulNumOfLocalExplicitAccesses = 0; ACCESS_REQUEST_W g_pLocalAccessRequestList[100]; ULONG g_ulNumOfLocalAccessRequests = 0; PEXPLICIT_ACCESS_W g_pReturnedExplicitAccessList = NULL; ULONG g_ulNumOfExplicitAccessesReturned = 0; TRUSTEE_W g_pLocalTrusteeList[100]; ULONG g_ulNumOfLocalTrustees = 0; TRUSTEE_RECORD g_LocalTrusteeRecord; IAccessControlTest *g_pIAccessControlTest; IUnknown *g_pIUnknown;
const CLSID CLSID_COAccessControlTest = {0x20692b00,0xe710,0x11cf,{0xaf,0x0b,0x00,0xaa,0x00,0x44,0xfb,0x89}};
/* Internal function prototyoes */ void Tokenize(char *, char *[], short *); void stringtolower(char *); PISID GetSIDForTrustee(LPWSTR); void AddTrusteeToExplicitAccessList(TRUSTEE_RECORD *, PEXPLICIT_ACCESS_W, ULONG *); void DeleteTrusteeFromExplicitAccessList(ULONG, PEXPLICIT_ACCESS_W, ULONG *); void AddTrusteeToAccessRequestList(TRUSTEE_RECORD *, PACCESS_REQUEST_W, ULONG *); void DeleteTrusteeFromAccessRequestList(ULONG, PACCESS_REQUEST_W, ULONG *); void MapTrusteeRecordToTrustee(TRUSTEE_RECORD *, TRUSTEE_W *); void AddTrusteeToTrusteeList(TRUSTEE_RECORD *, TRUSTEE_W *, ULONG *); void DeleteTrusteeFromTrusteeList(ULONG, TRUSTEE_W *, ULONG *); void DestroyAccessRequestList(PACCESS_REQUEST_W, ULONG *); void DestroyTrusteeList(TRUSTEE_W *, ULONG *); void DestroyExplicitAccessList(PEXPLICIT_ACCESS_W, ULONG *); void PrintEnvironment(void); void DumpTrusteeRecord(TRUSTEE_RECORD *); void DumpAccessRequestList(ULONG, ACCESS_REQUEST_W []); void DumpExplicitAccessList(ULONG, EXPLICIT_ACCESS_W []); void DumpAccessPermissions(DWORD); DWORD StringToAccessPermission(CHAR *); void DumpAccessMode(ACCESS_MODE); void DumpTrusteeList(ULONG, TRUSTEE_W []); void DumpTrustee(TRUSTEE_W *); void DumpMultipleTrusteeOperation(MULTIPLE_TRUSTEE_OPERATION); MULTIPLE_TRUSTEE_OPERATION StringToMultipleTrusteeOperation(CHAR *); void DumpTrusteeType(TRUSTEE_TYPE); TRUSTEE_TYPE StringToTrusteeType(CHAR *); void DumpTrusteeForm(TRUSTEE_FORM); TRUSTEE_FORM StringToTrusteeForm(CHAR *); void DumpSID(PISID); ACCESS_MODE StringToAccessMode(CHAR *); void DumpInheritance(DWORD); DWORD StringToInheritance(CHAR *); void ReleaseExplicitAccessList(ULONG, PEXPLICIT_ACCESS_W); void CopyExplicitAccessList(PEXPLICIT_ACCESS_W, PEXPLICIT_ACCESS_W, ULONG *, ULONG); void ExecTestServer(CHAR *); void ExecRevertAccessRights(void); void ExecCommitAccessRights(void); void ExecGetClassID(void); void ExecInitNewACL(void); void ExecLoadACL(CHAR *); void ExecSaveACL(CHAR *); void ExecGetSizeMax(void); void ExecIsDirty(void); void ExecGrantAccessRights(void); void ExecSetAccessRights(void); void ExecDenyAccessRights(void); void ExecReplaceAllAccessRights(void); void ExecRevokeExplicitAccessRights(void); void ExecIsAccessPermitted(void); void ExecGetEffectiveAccessRights(void); void ExecGetExplicitAccessRights(void); void ExecCleanupProc();
void Usage(char * pszProgramName) { printf("Usage: %s\n", pszProgramName); printf(" -m remote_server_name\n"); exit(1); }
void stringtolower ( char *pszString ) { char c;
while(c = *pszString) { if(c <= 'Z' && c >= 'A') { *pszString = c - 'A' + 'a'; } pszString++; } } // stringtolower
void __cdecl main(int argc, char **argv) { RPC_STATUS status; unsigned long ulCode; WCHAR DummyChar; int i; char aLineBuff[LINE_BUFF_SIZE]; char *aTokens[MAX_TOKENS_NUM]; short iNumOfTokens; SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_A auth_id; UCHAR uname[STR_LEN]; UCHAR domain[STR_LEN]; UCHAR password[STR_LEN]; TRUSTEE_W DummyMultipleTrustee; ULONG ulStrLen; DWORD dwAccessPermission; BOOL biBatchMode = FALSE; HRESULT hr; OLECHAR pwszRemoteServer[1024]; DWORD dwStrLen;
/* allow the user to override settings with command line switches */ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if ((*argv[i] == '-') || (*argv[i] == '/')) { switch (tolower(*(argv[i]+1))) { case 'm': // remote server name
dwStrLen = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP , NULL , argv[++i] , -1 , pwszRemoteServer , 1024); break; case 'b': biBatchMode = TRUE; break; case 'h': case '?': default: Usage(argv[0]); } } else Usage(argv[0]); }
// Initialize the testing environment
aTokens[0] = aLineBuff;
g_LocalTrusteeRecord.grfAccessPermissions = 0; g_LocalTrusteeRecord.grfAccessMode = GRANT_ACCESS; g_LocalTrusteeRecord.grfInheritance = NO_INHERITANCE; g_LocalTrusteeRecord.pMultipleTrustee = NULL; g_LocalTrusteeRecord.MultipleTrusteeOperation = NO_MULTIPLE_TRUSTEE; g_LocalTrusteeRecord.TrusteeForm = TRUSTEE_IS_NAME; g_LocalTrusteeRecord.TrusteeType = TRUSTEE_IS_USER; g_LocalTrusteeRecord.pwszTrusteeName = NULL; g_LocalTrusteeRecord.pSID = NULL;
auth_id.User = uname; auth_id.Domain = domain; auth_id.Password = password; auth_id.Flags = 0x01; // ANSI
// Call CoInitialize to initialize the com library
hr = CoInitialize(NULL);
if(FAILED(hr)) { printf("Failed to initialize the COM library."); exit(hr); } // if
// Call CoInitializeSecurity
if(FAILED(hr)) { printf("Failed to initialize the COM call security layer.\n"); exit(hr); }
MultiQI.pIID = &IID_IUnknown; MultiQI.pItf = NULL;
COSERVERINFO ServerInfo; ServerInfo.pwszName = pwszRemoteServer; ServerInfo.pAuthInfo = NULL; ServerInfo.dwReserved1 = 0; ServerInfo.dwReserved2 = 0; // Call CoCreateInstance to create an access control test
// object
hr = CoCreateInstanceEx( CLSID_COAccessControlTest , NULL , CLSCTX_REMOTE_SERVER , &ServerInfo , 1 , &MultiQI);
if(FAILED(hr)) { printf("CoCreateInstance failed with exit code %x.\n", hr); exit(hr); } hr = MultiQI.hr; g_pIUnknown = (IUnknown *)MultiQI.pItf;
if(FAILED(hr)) { printf("Failed to create an instance of the access control test object.\n"); exit(hr); }
hr = g_pIUnknown->QueryInterface(IID_IAccessControlTest, (void **)&g_pIAccessControlTest);
if(FAILED(hr)) { printf("Failed to query for the IAccessControlTest interface.\n"); exit(hr); } printf("\n"); PrintEnvironment();
/* Entering the interactive command loop */
for(;;) {
// Print out prompt
if (!biBatchMode) { printf("Command>"); }
memset(aLineBuff, 0, LINE_BUFF_SIZE);
// Read input form user
if (biBatchMode) { printf("%s\n",aLineBuff); }
// Process the tokens
// Decode and execute command
// Ignore comments
if (iNumOfTokens == 0) { continue; } if (*aTokens[0] == '#') { continue; } printf("\n"); if (strcmp(aTokens[0],"quit") == 0) { printf("Exit.\n"); ExecCleanupProc(); break; } else if (strcmp(aTokens[0],"exit") == 0) { printf("Exit.\n"); ExecCleanupProc(); break; } else if (strcmp(aTokens[0],"sleep") == 0) { printf("Sleep for %s milliseconds", aTokens[1]); Sleep(atoi(aTokens[1])); } else if (strcmp(aTokens[0], "testserver") == 0) { g_pIAccessControlTest->TestServer(aTokens[1]); printf("Done.\n"); } else if (strcmp(aTokens[0],"switchclientctx") == 0) {
printf("User:"); gets((CHAR *)uname); printf("Domain:"); gets((CHAR *)domain); printf("Password:"); gets((CHAR *)password);
auth_id.UserLength = strlen((CHAR *)uname); auth_id.DomainLength = strlen((CHAR *)domain); auth_id.PasswordLength = strlen((CHAR *)password); auth_id.Flags = 0x1;
/* Set authentication info so that the server is triggered */ /* to cache group info for the client from the domain server */ hr = CoSetProxyBlanket( g_pIAccessControlTest , RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT , RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE , NULL , RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT , RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IMPERSONATE , &auth_id , EOAC_NONE );
printf("CoSetProxyBlanket returned %x\n", hr); if (FAILED(hr)) { exit(hr); } } else if (strcmp(aTokens[0],"toggleaccessperm") == 0) { stringtolower(aTokens[1]); dwAccessPermission = StringToAccessPermission(aTokens[1]); if (g_LocalTrusteeRecord.grfAccessPermissions & dwAccessPermission) { g_LocalTrusteeRecord.grfAccessPermissions &= ~dwAccessPermission; } else { g_LocalTrusteeRecord.grfAccessPermissions |= dwAccessPermission; } printf("Done.\n"); } else if (strcmp(aTokens[0],"set") == 0) { stringtolower(aTokens[1]);
if (strcmp(aTokens[1],"trusteename") == 0) {
// The old SID in the global trustee record will no longer valid so we
// may as well release it to avoid confusion
if (g_LocalTrusteeRecord.pSID != NULL) { midl_user_free(g_LocalTrusteeRecord.pSID); g_LocalTrusteeRecord.pSID = NULL; }
if (g_LocalTrusteeRecord.pwszTrusteeName != NULL) { midl_user_free(g_LocalTrusteeRecord.pwszTrusteeName); } ulStrLen = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP , 0 , aTokens[2] , -1 , &DummyChar , 0 ); g_LocalTrusteeRecord.pwszTrusteeName = (LPWSTR)midl_user_allocate(sizeof(WCHAR) * (ulStrLen+1));
MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP , 0 , aTokens[2] , ulStrLen + 1 , g_LocalTrusteeRecord.pwszTrusteeName , ulStrLen + 1);
printf("Done.\n"); } else if (strcmp(aTokens[1], "accessmode") == 0) { stringtolower(aTokens[2]); g_LocalTrusteeRecord.grfAccessMode = StringToAccessMode(aTokens[2]); printf("Done.\n"); } else if (strcmp(aTokens[1], "inheritance") == 0) { stringtolower(aTokens[2]); g_LocalTrusteeRecord.grfInheritance = StringToInheritance(aTokens[2]); printf("Done.\n"); } else if (strcmp(aTokens[1], "multipletrustee") == 0) { stringtolower(aTokens[2]); if (strcmp(aTokens[2], "null") == 0) { g_LocalTrusteeRecord.pMultipleTrustee = NULL; } else { g_LocalTrusteeRecord.pMultipleTrustee = &DummyMultipleTrustee; } printf("Done.\n"); } else if (strcmp(aTokens[1], "multipletrusteeoperation") == 0) { stringtolower(aTokens[2]); g_LocalTrusteeRecord.MultipleTrusteeOperation = StringToMultipleTrusteeOperation(aTokens[2]); printf("Done.\n"); } else if (strcmp(aTokens[1], "trusteeform") == 0) { stringtolower(aTokens[2]); g_LocalTrusteeRecord.TrusteeForm = StringToTrusteeForm(aTokens[2]); printf("Done.\n"); } else if (strcmp(aTokens[1], "trusteetype") == 0) { stringtolower(aTokens[2]); g_LocalTrusteeRecord.TrusteeType = StringToTrusteeType(aTokens[2]); printf("Done.\n"); } else { printf("Invalid environment variable.\n"); } // if
} else if (strcmp(aTokens[0], "getsidforcurrenttrustee") == 0) { g_LocalTrusteeRecord.pSID = GetSIDForTrustee(g_LocalTrusteeRecord.pwszTrusteeName); printf("Done.\n"); } else if (strcmp(aTokens[0], "addtrustee") == 0) { stringtolower(aTokens[1]); if (strcmp(aTokens[1], "explicitaccesslist") == 0) { AddTrusteeToExplicitAccessList(&g_LocalTrusteeRecord, g_pLocalExplicitAccessList, &g_ulNumOfLocalExplicitAccesses); printf("Done.\n"); } else if (strcmp(aTokens[1], "accessrequestlist") == 0) { AddTrusteeToAccessRequestList(&g_LocalTrusteeRecord, g_pLocalAccessRequestList, &g_ulNumOfLocalAccessRequests); printf("Done.\n"); } else if (strcmp(aTokens[1], "trusteelist") == 0) { AddTrusteeToTrusteeList(&g_LocalTrusteeRecord, g_pLocalTrusteeList, &g_ulNumOfLocalTrustees); printf("Done.\n"); } else { printf("Unknown list type.\n"); } } else if (strcmp(aTokens[0], "deletetrustee") == 0) { stringtolower(aTokens[2]); if (strcmp(aTokens[2], "localexplicitaccesslist") == 0) { DeleteTrusteeFromExplicitAccessList(atoi(aTokens[1]), g_pLocalExplicitAccessList, &g_ulNumOfLocalExplicitAccesses); printf("Done.\n"); } else if (strcmp(aTokens[2], "accessrequestlist") == 0) { DeleteTrusteeFromAccessRequestList(atoi(aTokens[1]), g_pLocalAccessRequestList, &g_ulNumOfLocalAccessRequests); printf("Done.\n"); } else if (strcmp(aTokens[2], "trusteelist") == 0) { DeleteTrusteeFromTrusteeList(atoi(aTokens[1]), g_pLocalTrusteeList, &g_ulNumOfLocalTrustees); printf("Done.\n"); } else { printf("Unknown list type.\n"); } } else if (strcmp(aTokens[0], "destroy") == 0) { stringtolower(aTokens[1]); if (strcmp(aTokens[1], "localexplicitaccesslist") == 0) { DestroyExplicitAccessList(g_pLocalExplicitAccessList, &g_ulNumOfLocalExplicitAccesses); printf("Done.\n"); } else if (strcmp(aTokens[1], "returnedexplicitaccessslist") == 0) { DestroyExplicitAccessList(g_pReturnedExplicitAccessList, &g_ulNumOfExplicitAccessesReturned); printf("Done.\n"); } else if (strcmp(aTokens[1], "accessrequestlist") == 0) { DestroyAccessRequestList(g_pLocalAccessRequestList, &g_ulNumOfLocalAccessRequests); printf("Done.\n"); } else if (strcmp(aTokens[1], "trusteelist") == 0) { DestroyTrusteeList(g_pLocalTrusteeList, &g_ulNumOfLocalTrustees); } else { printf("Unknown list type."); } } else if (strcmp(aTokens[0], "view") == 0) { stringtolower(aTokens[1]); if (strcmp(aTokens[1], "localexplicitaccesslist") == 0) { DumpExplicitAccessList(g_ulNumOfLocalExplicitAccesses, g_pLocalExplicitAccessList); printf("Done.\n"); } else if (strcmp(aTokens[1], "returnedexplicitaccessslist") == 0) { DumpExplicitAccessList(g_ulNumOfExplicitAccessesReturned, g_pReturnedExplicitAccessList); printf("Done.\n"); } else if (strcmp(aTokens[1], "accessrequestlist") == 0) { DumpAccessRequestList(g_ulNumOfLocalAccessRequests, g_pLocalAccessRequestList); printf("Done.\n"); } else if (strcmp(aTokens[1], "trusteelist") == 0) { DumpTrusteeList(g_ulNumOfLocalTrustees, g_pLocalTrusteeList); printf("Done.\n"); } else if (strcmp(aTokens[1], "trusteerecord") == 0) { DumpTrusteeRecord(&g_LocalTrusteeRecord); printf("Done.\n"); } else if (strcmp(aTokens[1], "localenvironment") == 0) { PrintEnvironment(); } else { printf("Invalid argument."); }
} else if (strcmp(aTokens[0], "copyreturnedlist") == 0) { // release the old local explicit access list
ReleaseExplicitAccessList(g_ulNumOfLocalExplicitAccesses, g_pLocalExplicitAccessList);
// replace the local explicit acccess list with the explicit access list returned
// from the last call to GetExplicitAccess
CopyExplicitAccessList(g_pLocalExplicitAccessList, g_pReturnedExplicitAccessList, &g_ulNumOfLocalExplicitAccesses, g_ulNumOfExplicitAccessesReturned); printf("Done.\n"); } else if (strcmp(aTokens[0], "exec") == 0) { stringtolower(aTokens[1]); if (strcmp(aTokens[1], "testserver") == 0) { ExecTestServer(aTokens[2]); } else if (strcmp(aTokens[1], "revertaccessrights") == 0) { ExecRevertAccessRights(); } else if (strcmp(aTokens[1], "commitaccessrights") == 0) { ExecCommitAccessRights(); } else if (strcmp(aTokens[1], "getclassid") == 0) { ExecGetClassID(); } else if (strcmp(aTokens[1], "initnewacl") == 0) { ExecInitNewACL(); } else if (strcmp(aTokens[1], "loadacl") == 0) { ExecLoadACL(aTokens[2]); } else if (strcmp(aTokens[1], "saveacl") == 0) { ExecSaveACL(aTokens[2]); } else if (strcmp(aTokens[1], "isdirty") == 0) { ExecIsDirty(); } else if (strcmp(aTokens[1], "getsizemax") == 0) { ExecGetSizeMax(); } else if (strcmp(aTokens[1], "grantaccessrights") == 0) { ExecGrantAccessRights(); } else if (strcmp(aTokens[1], "setaccessrights") == 0) { ExecSetAccessRights(); } else if (strcmp(aTokens[1], "denyaccessrights") == 0) { ExecDenyAccessRights(); } else if (strcmp(aTokens[1], "replaceallaccessrights") == 0) { ExecReplaceAllAccessRights(); } else if (strcmp(aTokens[1], "revokeexplicitaccessrights") == 0) { ExecRevokeExplicitAccessRights(); } else if (strcmp(aTokens[1], "isaccesspermitted") == 0) { ExecIsAccessPermitted(); } else if (strcmp(aTokens[1], "geteffectiveaccessrights") == 0) { ExecGetEffectiveAccessRights(); } else if (strcmp(aTokens[1], "getexplicitaccessrights") == 0) { ExecGetExplicitAccessRights(); } else { printf("Unknown command.\n"); } }
else { printf("Unrecognized command.\n"); } // if
} // for
} // end main()
PISID GetSIDForTrustee ( LPWSTR pwszTrusteeName ) { PISID pSID; DWORD dwSize = 0; WCHAR pwszDomain[100]; DWORD dwDomainSize = 100; SID_NAME_USE SIDUse;
LookupAccountNameW( NULL , pwszTrusteeName , pSID , &dwSize , pwszDomain , &dwDomainSize , &SIDUse );
pSID = (PISID)midl_user_allocate(dwSize);
LookupAccountNameW( NULL , pwszTrusteeName , pSID , &dwSize , pwszDomain , &dwDomainSize , &SIDUse );
return pSID; }
void AddTrusteeToExplicitAccessList ( TRUSTEE_RECORD *pTrusteeRecord, PEXPLICIT_ACCESS_W pExplicitAccessList, ULONG *pulNumOfExplicitAccesses ) { PEXPLICIT_ACCESS_W pInsertionPoint;
pInsertionPoint = pExplicitAccessList + *pulNumOfExplicitAccesses; pInsertionPoint->grfAccessPermissions = pTrusteeRecord->grfAccessPermissions; pInsertionPoint->grfAccessMode = pTrusteeRecord->grfAccessMode; pInsertionPoint->grfInheritance = pTrusteeRecord->grfInheritance; MapTrusteeRecordToTrustee(pTrusteeRecord, &(pInsertionPoint->Trustee)); (*pulNumOfExplicitAccesses)++;
void DeleteTrusteeFromExplicitAccessList ( ULONG ulIndex, PEXPLICIT_ACCESS_W pExplicitAccessList, ULONG *pulNumOfExplicitAccesses ) { PEXPLICIT_ACCESS_W pDeletionPoint;
if(ulIndex >= *pulNumOfExplicitAccesses) { return; } pDeletionPoint = pExplicitAccessList + ulIndex;
(*pulNumOfExplicitAccesses)--; memmove(pDeletionPoint, pDeletionPoint + 1, sizeof(EXPLICIT_ACCESS_W) * (*pulNumOfExplicitAccesses - ulIndex)); }
void AddTrusteeToAccessRequestList ( TRUSTEE_RECORD *pTrusteeRecord, PACCESS_REQUEST_W pAccessRequestList, ULONG *pulNumOfAccessRequests ) { PACCESS_REQUEST_W pInsertionPoint;
pInsertionPoint = pAccessRequestList + *pulNumOfAccessRequests;
pInsertionPoint->grfAccessPermissions = pTrusteeRecord->grfAccessPermissions; MapTrusteeRecordToTrustee(pTrusteeRecord, &(pInsertionPoint->Trustee)); (*pulNumOfAccessRequests)++;
void DeleteTrusteeFromAccessRequestList ( ULONG ulIndex, PACCESS_REQUEST_W pAccessRequestList, ULONG *pulNumOfAccessRequests ) { PACCESS_REQUEST_W pDeletionPoint; pDeletionPoint = pAccessRequestList + ulIndex;
if (ulIndex >= *pulNumOfAccessRequests) { return; }
midl_user_free(pDeletionPoint->Trustee.ptstrName); (*pulNumOfAccessRequests)--;
memmove(pDeletionPoint, pDeletionPoint + 1, sizeof(ACCESS_REQUEST_W) * (*pulNumOfAccessRequests - ulIndex)); }
void MapTrusteeRecordToTrustee ( TRUSTEE_RECORD *pTrusteeRecord, TRUSTEE_W *pTrustee ) { ULONG ulTrusteeNameLength; pTrustee->pMultipleTrustee = pTrusteeRecord->pMultipleTrustee; pTrustee->MultipleTrusteeOperation = pTrusteeRecord->MultipleTrusteeOperation; pTrustee->TrusteeForm = pTrusteeRecord->TrusteeForm; pTrustee->TrusteeType = pTrusteeRecord->TrusteeType; switch(pTrusteeRecord->TrusteeForm) { case TRUSTEE_IS_SID: if(pTrusteeRecord->pSID== NULL) { pTrustee->ptstrName = NULL; } else { ulTrusteeNameLength = GetSidLengthRequired(pTrusteeRecord->pSID->SubAuthorityCount); pTrustee->ptstrName = (LPWSTR)midl_user_allocate(ulTrusteeNameLength); CopySid(ulTrusteeNameLength, (PSID)(pTrustee->ptstrName), pTrusteeRecord->pSID); } break; case TRUSTEE_IS_NAME: if (pTrusteeRecord->pwszTrusteeName == NULL) { pTrustee->ptstrName = NULL; } else { ulTrusteeNameLength = lstrlenW(pTrusteeRecord->pwszTrusteeName); pTrustee->ptstrName = (LPWSTR)midl_user_allocate((ulTrusteeNameLength + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); lstrcpyW(pTrustee->ptstrName, pTrusteeRecord->pwszTrusteeName); } break; } }
void AddTrusteeToTrusteeList ( TRUSTEE_RECORD *pTrusteeRecord, TRUSTEE_W *pTrusteeList, ULONG *pulNumOfTrustees ) { TRUSTEE_W *pInsertionPoint;
pInsertionPoint = pTrusteeList + *pulNumOfTrustees;
MapTrusteeRecordToTrustee(pTrusteeRecord, pInsertionPoint); (*pulNumOfTrustees)++;
void DeleteTrusteeFromTrusteeList ( ULONG ulIndex, TRUSTEE_W *pTrusteeList, ULONG *pulNumOfTrustees ) { TRUSTEE_W *pDeletionPoint; pDeletionPoint = pTrusteeList + ulIndex;
if (ulIndex >= *pulNumOfTrustees) { return; }
midl_user_free(pDeletionPoint->ptstrName); (*pulNumOfTrustees)--;
memmove(pDeletionPoint, pDeletionPoint + 1, sizeof(TRUSTEE_W) * (*pulNumOfTrustees - ulIndex)); }
void DestroyAccessRequestList ( PACCESS_REQUEST_W pAccessRequestList, ULONG *pulNumOfAccessRequests ) { ULONG i; PACCESS_REQUEST_W pAccessRequestListPtr;
for ( i = 0, pAccessRequestListPtr = pAccessRequestList ; i < *pulNumOfAccessRequests ; i++, pAccessRequestListPtr++) { midl_user_free(pAccessRequestListPtr->Trustee.ptstrName); } *pulNumOfAccessRequests = 0;
void DestroyTrusteeList ( TRUSTEE_W *pTrusteeList, ULONG *pulNumOfTrustees ) { ULONG i; TRUSTEE_W *pTrusteeListPtr;
for ( i = 0, pTrusteeListPtr = pTrusteeList ; i < *pulNumOfTrustees ; i++, pTrusteeListPtr++) { midl_user_free(pTrusteeListPtr->ptstrName); } *pulNumOfTrustees = 0; }
void DestroyExplicitAccessList ( PEXPLICIT_ACCESS_W pExplicitAccessList, ULONG *pulNumOfExplicitAccesses ) { ReleaseExplicitAccessList(*pulNumOfExplicitAccesses, pExplicitAccessList); *pulNumOfExplicitAccesses = 0; }
Function: PrintEnvironment
Parameter: none
Return: void
Purpose: This function prints out the current setting of the client side global varibles.
void PrintEnvironment ( void ) { printf("Local access request list:\n"); DumpAccessRequestList(g_ulNumOfLocalAccessRequests, g_pLocalAccessRequestList); printf("Local explicit access list:\n"); DumpExplicitAccessList(g_ulNumOfLocalExplicitAccesses, g_pLocalExplicitAccessList); printf("Local trustee list:\n"); DumpTrusteeList(g_ulNumOfLocalTrustees, g_pLocalTrusteeList); printf("The explicit access list returned form the last call to GetExplicitAccessRights:\n"); DumpExplicitAccessList(g_ulNumOfExplicitAccessesReturned, g_pReturnedExplicitAccessList); printf("Current trustee record:\n"); DumpTrusteeRecord(&g_LocalTrusteeRecord);
} // PrintEnvironment
void DumpTrusteeRecord ( TRUSTEE_RECORD *pTrusteeRecord ) { CHAR pszTrusteeName[200]; ULONG ulStrLen;
printf("Access permissions:\n"); DumpAccessPermissions(pTrusteeRecord->grfAccessPermissions); printf("Access mode: "); DumpAccessMode(pTrusteeRecord->grfAccessMode); printf("Inheritance: "); DumpInheritance(pTrusteeRecord->grfInheritance); printf("pMultipleTrustree is "); if(pTrusteeRecord->pMultipleTrustee == NULL) { printf("NULL.\n"); } else { printf("non-NULL.\n"); } printf("MultipleTrusteeOperation: "); DumpMultipleTrusteeOperation(pTrusteeRecord->MultipleTrusteeOperation); printf("TrusteeForm: "); DumpTrusteeForm(pTrusteeRecord->TrusteeForm); printf("TrusteeType: "); DumpTrusteeType(pTrusteeRecord->TrusteeType);
if (pTrusteeRecord->pwszTrusteeName == NULL) { strcpy(pszTrusteeName, "<NULL>");
} else { ulStrLen = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP , 0 , pTrusteeRecord->pwszTrusteeName , -1 , pszTrusteeName , 200 , NULL , NULL ); } printf("Trustee's name: %s\n", pszTrusteeName);
printf("Trustee's SID: \n"); DumpSID(pTrusteeRecord->pSID); printf("\n"); }
void DumpAccessRequestList ( ULONG ulNumOfEntries, ACCESS_REQUEST_W pAccessRequestList[] ) { ULONG i; PACCESS_REQUEST_W pLocalAccessRequestListPtr;
for (i = 0, pLocalAccessRequestListPtr = pAccessRequestList; i < ulNumOfEntries; i++, pLocalAccessRequestListPtr++) { printf("Access request #%d:\n\n", i); printf("Access permissions: "); DumpAccessPermissions(pLocalAccessRequestListPtr->grfAccessPermissions); printf("Trustee: \n"); DumpTrustee(&(pLocalAccessRequestListPtr->Trustee)); printf("\n"); } }
Function: DumpLocalExplicitAccessList
Parameters: ULONG ulNumOfEntries - Number of EXPLICIT_ACCESS structures in the array EXPLICIT_ACCESS_W pExplicitAccessList - Pointer to an array of EXPLICIT_ACCESS structures to be printed to be printed to the console. Purpose: This function prints an array of explicit access structures to the console
*/ void DumpExplicitAccessList ( ULONG ulNumOfEntries, EXPLICIT_ACCESS_W pExplicitAccessList[] ) { ULONG i; // Loop counter
EXPLICIT_ACCESS_W *pLocalExplicitAccessListPtr; // Local pointer for stepping through the explicit access list
for (pLocalExplicitAccessListPtr = pExplicitAccessList, i = 0; i < ulNumOfEntries; i++, pLocalExplicitAccessListPtr++) { printf("Entry #%d.\n\n", i); printf("Access permissions:\n"); DumpAccessPermissions(pLocalExplicitAccessListPtr->grfAccessPermissions); printf("Access mode: "); DumpAccessMode(pLocalExplicitAccessListPtr->grfAccessMode); printf("Inheritance: "); DumpInheritance(pLocalExplicitAccessListPtr->grfInheritance); printf("Trustee:\n"); DumpTrustee(&(pLocalExplicitAccessListPtr->Trustee)); printf("End Of entry #%d.\n\n", i); } // for
} // DumpLocalExplicitAccessList
void DumpAccessPermissions ( DWORD grfAccessPermissions ) { if(grfAccessPermissions & COM_RIGHTS_EXECUTE) { printf("COM_RIGHTS_EXECUTE\n"); } if(grfAccessPermissions & BOGUS_ACCESS_RIGHT1) { printf("BOGUS_ACCESS_RIGHT1\n"); } if(grfAccessPermissions & BOGUS_ACCESS_RIGHT2) { printf("BOGUS_ACCESS_RIGHT2\n"); } if(grfAccessPermissions & BOGUS_ACCESS_RIGHT3) { printf("BOGUS_ACCESS_RIGHT3\n"); } if(grfAccessPermissions & BOGUS_ACCESS_RIGHT4) { printf("BOGUS_ACCESS_RIGHT4\n"); } }
DWORD StringToAccessPermission ( CHAR *pszString ) { if (strcmp(pszString, "com_rights_execute") == 0) { return COM_RIGHTS_EXECUTE; } if (strcmp(pszString, "bogus_access_right1") == 0) { return BOGUS_ACCESS_RIGHT1; } if (strcmp(pszString, "bogus_access_right2") == 0) { return BOGUS_ACCESS_RIGHT2; } if (strcmp(pszString, "bogus_access_right3") == 0) { return BOGUS_ACCESS_RIGHT3; } if (strcmp(pszString, "bogus_access_right4") == 0) { return BOGUS_ACCESS_RIGHT4; } return 0; }
void DumpAccessMode ( ACCESS_MODE grfAccessMode ) { switch(grfAccessMode) { case NOT_USED_ACCESS: printf("NOT_USED_ACCESS\n"); break; case GRANT_ACCESS: printf("GRANT_ACCESS\n"); break; case DENY_ACCESS: printf("DENY_ACCESS\n"); break; case SET_ACCESS: printf("SET_ACCESS\n"); break; case REVOKE_ACCESS: printf("REVOKE_ACCESS\n"); break; case SET_AUDIT_SUCCESS: printf("SET_AUDIT_SUCCESS\n"); break; case SET_AUDIT_FAILURE: printf("SET_AUDIT_FAILURE\n"); break; } // switch
} // DumpAccessMode
void DumpTrusteeList ( ULONG ulNumOfTrustees, TRUSTEE_W pTrusteeList[] ) { ULONG i; PTRUSTEE_W pTrusteeListPtr;
for( i = 0, pTrusteeListPtr = pTrusteeList ; i < ulNumOfTrustees ; i++, pTrusteeListPtr++) { printf("Trustee #%d:\n", i); DumpTrustee(pTrusteeListPtr); printf("\n"); } }
void DumpTrustee ( TRUSTEE_W *pTrustee ) { char pszTrusteeName[256]; ULONG ulStrLen;
printf("pMultipleTrustee is "); if(pTrustee->pMultipleTrustee == NULL) { printf("NULL.\n"); } else { printf("non-NULL.\n"); } printf("MultipleTrusteeOperation: "); DumpMultipleTrusteeOperation(pTrustee->MultipleTrusteeOperation); printf("TrusteeForm: "); DumpTrusteeForm(pTrustee->TrusteeForm); printf("TrusteeType: "); DumpTrusteeType(pTrustee->TrusteeType);
switch(pTrustee->TrusteeForm) { case TRUSTEE_IS_NAME: if (pTrustee->ptstrName == NULL) { strcpy(pszTrusteeName, "<NULL>"); } else { ulStrLen = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP , 0 , pTrustee->ptstrName , -1 , pszTrusteeName , 256 , NULL , NULL );
pszTrusteeName[ulStrLen] = '\0'; } printf("Trustee's name is: %s\n", pszTrusteeName); break; case TRUSTEE_IS_SID: printf("Trustee's SID is:\n"); DumpSID((PISID)(pTrustee->ptstrName)); break; } // switch
void DumpMultipleTrusteeOperation ( MULTIPLE_TRUSTEE_OPERATION MultipleTrusteeOperation ) { switch(MultipleTrusteeOperation) { case NO_MULTIPLE_TRUSTEE: printf("NO_MULTIPLE_TRUSTEE\n"); break; case TRUSTEE_IS_IMPERSONATE: printf("TRUSTEE_IS_IMPERSONATE\n"); break; } }
MULTIPLE_TRUSTEE_OPERATION StringToMultipleTrusteeOperation ( CHAR *pszString ) { if(strcmp(pszString, "no_multiple_trustee") == 0) { return NO_MULTIPLE_TRUSTEE; } if(strcmp(pszString, "trustee_is_impersonate") == 0) { return TRUSTEE_IS_IMPERSONATE; } return NO_MULTIPLE_TRUSTEE;
void DumpTrusteeType ( TRUSTEE_TYPE TrusteeType ) { switch (TrusteeType) { case TRUSTEE_IS_UNKNOWN: printf("TRUSTEE_IS_UNKNOWN\n"); break; case TRUSTEE_IS_USER: printf("TRUSTEE_IS_USER\n"); break; case TRUSTEE_IS_GROUP: printf("TRSUTEE_IS_GROUP\n"); break;
} }
TRUSTEE_TYPE StringToTrusteeType ( CHAR *pszString ) { if(strcmp(pszString, "trustee_is_unknown") == 0) { return TRUSTEE_IS_UNKNOWN; } if(strcmp(pszString, "trustee_is_user") == 0) { return TRUSTEE_IS_USER; } if(strcmp(pszString, "trustee_is_group") == 0) { return TRUSTEE_IS_GROUP; } return TRUSTEE_IS_UNKNOWN; }
void DumpTrusteeForm ( TRUSTEE_FORM TrusteeForm ) { switch (TrusteeForm) { case TRUSTEE_IS_NAME: printf("TRUSTEE_IS_NAME\n"); break; case TRUSTEE_IS_SID: printf("TRUSTEE_IS_SID\n"); break; } }
TRUSTEE_FORM StringToTrusteeForm ( CHAR *pszString ) { if (strcmp(pszString, "trustee_is_name") == 0) { return TRUSTEE_IS_NAME; } if (strcmp(pszString, "trustee_is_sid") == 0) { return TRUSTEE_IS_SID; } return TRUSTEE_IS_NAME; }
void DumpSID ( PISID pSID ) { ULONG i; if( pSID == NULL) { printf("<NULL>\n"); } else {
printf("Revision: %d\n", pSID->Revision); printf("SubAuthorityCount: %d\n", pSID->SubAuthorityCount); printf("IdentifierAuthority: {%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d}\n", (pSID->IdentifierAuthority.Value)[0] , (pSID->IdentifierAuthority.Value)[1] , (pSID->IdentifierAuthority.Value)[2] , (pSID->IdentifierAuthority.Value)[3] , (pSID->IdentifierAuthority.Value)[4] , (pSID->IdentifierAuthority.Value)[5] ); printf("SubAuthorities:\n"); for (i = 0; i < pSID->SubAuthorityCount; i++) { printf("%d\n", pSID->SubAuthority[i]); } }
ACCESS_MODE StringToAccessMode ( CHAR *pszString ) { if(strcmp(pszString, "not_use_access") == 0) { return NOT_USED_ACCESS; } if(strcmp(pszString, "grant_access") == 0) { return GRANT_ACCESS; } if(strcmp(pszString, "set_access") == 0) { return SET_ACCESS; } if(strcmp(pszString, "deny_access") == 0) { return DENY_ACCESS; } if(strcmp(pszString, "revoke_access") == 0) { return REVOKE_ACCESS; } if(strcmp(pszString, "set_audit_success") == 0) { return SET_AUDIT_SUCCESS; } if(strcmp(pszString, "set_audit_failure") == 0) { return SET_AUDIT_FAILURE; } return NOT_USED_ACCESS;
void DumpInheritance ( DWORD grfInheritance ) { switch(grfInheritance) { case NO_INHERITANCE: printf("NO_INHERITANCE\n"); break; case SUB_CONTAINERS_ONLY_INHERIT: printf("SUB_CONTAINERS_ONLY_INHERIT\n"); break; case SUB_OBJECTS_ONLY_INHERIT: printf("SUB_OBJECTS_ONLY_INHERIT\n"); break; case SUB_CONTAINERS_AND_OBJECTS_INHERIT: printf("SUB_CONTAINERS_AND_OBJECTS_INHERIT\n"); break; } }
DWORD StringToInheritance ( CHAR *pszString ) { if (strcmp(pszString, "no_inheritance") == 0) { return NO_INHERITANCE; } if (strcmp(pszString, "sub_containers_only_inherit") == 0) { return SUB_CONTAINERS_ONLY_INHERIT; } if (strcmp(pszString, "sub_objects_only_inherit") == 0) { return SUB_OBJECTS_ONLY_INHERIT; } if (strcmp(pszString, "sub_containers_and_objects_inherit") == 0) { return SUB_CONTAINERS_AND_OBJECTS_INHERIT; } return 0; }
void ReleaseExplicitAccessList ( ULONG cCount, PEXPLICIT_ACCESS_W pExplicitAccessList ) { ULONG i;
for (i = 0; i < cCount; i++) { midl_user_free(pExplicitAccessList[i].Trustee.ptstrName); } if(pExplicitAccessList != g_pLocalExplicitAccessList) { midl_user_free(pExplicitAccessList); }
void CopyExplicitAccessList ( PEXPLICIT_ACCESS_W pTarget, PEXPLICIT_ACCESS_W pSource, ULONG *pcCount, ULONG cCount ) { ULONG i; PEXPLICIT_ACCESS_W pTargetPtr; PEXPLICIT_ACCESS_W pSourcePtr; ULONG ulTrusteeNameSize;
for ( i = 0, pTargetPtr = pTarget, pSourcePtr = pSource ; i < cCount ; i++, pTargetPtr++, pSourcePtr++) { memcpy(pTargetPtr, pSourcePtr, sizeof(EXPLICIT_ACCESS)); switch(pTargetPtr->Trustee.TrusteeForm) { case TRUSTEE_IS_SID: ulTrusteeNameSize = GetSidLengthRequired(((PISID)(pTargetPtr->Trustee.ptstrName))->SubAuthorityCount); pTargetPtr->Trustee.ptstrName = (LPWSTR)midl_user_allocate(ulTrusteeNameSize); CopySid(ulTrusteeNameSize, (PISID)(pTargetPtr->Trustee.ptstrName), (PISID)(pSourcePtr->Trustee.ptstrName)); break; case TRUSTEE_IS_NAME: ulTrusteeNameSize = lstrlenW(pSourcePtr->Trustee.ptstrName); pTargetPtr->Trustee.ptstrName = (LPWSTR)midl_user_allocate((ulTrusteeNameSize + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); lstrcpyW(pTargetPtr->Trustee.ptstrName, pSourcePtr->Trustee.ptstrName); break; } } *pcCount = cCount;
void ExecTestServer ( CHAR *pszTestString ) { ULONG ulCode; HRESULT hr;
printf("Calling TestServer.\n"); g_pIAccessControlTest->TestServer(pszTestString);
} // ExecTestServer
void ExecRevertAccessRights ( void ) { ULONG ulCode; HRESULT hr;
printf("Calling RevertAccessRights.\n"); hr = g_pIAccessControlTest->RevertAccessRights();
if(hr == E_NOTIMPL) { printf("hr is E_NOTIMPL.\n"); } } // ExecRevertAccessRights
void ExecCommitAccessRights ( void ) { ULONG ulCode; HRESULT hr;
printf("Calling CommitAccessRights.\n"); hr = g_pIAccessControlTest->CommitAccessRights(0);
if(hr == E_NOTIMPL) { printf("hr is E_NOTIMPL.\n"); } } // ExecCommitAccessRights
void ExecGetClassID ( void ) { ULONG ulCode; DOUBLE dMillisec; DWORD dwTotalTickCount; CLSID clsid; HRESULT hr;
printf("Calling GetClassID.\n"); dwTotalTickCount = GetTickCount(); hr = g_pIAccessControlTest->GetClassID(&clsid, &dMillisec); dwTotalTickCount = GetTickCount() - dwTotalTickCount;
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { printf("The command was executed successfully on the server side with a return code of %x.\n", hr); printf("The clsid returned is {%08lX-%04X-%04X-%02X%02X-%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X}.\n" , clsid.Data1, clsid.Data2, clsid.Data3 , clsid.Data4[0], clsid.Data4[1], clsid.Data4[2] , clsid.Data4[3], clsid.Data4[4], clsid.Data4[5] , clsid.Data4[6], clsid.Data4[7]); } else { printf("Execution of the command failed on the server side with a return code of %x.\n", hr);
} // if
printf("The time spent on the server side to execute the command was %fms.\n", dMillisec); printf("The total number of clock ticks spent on the DCOM call was %d.\n", dwTotalTickCount);
} // ExecGetSizeMax
void ExecInitNewACL ( void ) { ULONG ulCode; DOUBLE dMillisec; DWORD dwTotalTickCount; HRESULT hr;
printf("Calling InitNewACL.\n"); dwTotalTickCount = GetTickCount(); hr = g_pIAccessControlTest->InitNewACL(&dMillisec); dwTotalTickCount = GetTickCount() - dwTotalTickCount;
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { printf("The command was executed successfully on the server side with a return code of %x.\n", hr); } else { printf("Execution of the command failed on the server side with a return code of %x.\n", hr);
} // if
printf("The time spent on the server side to execute the command was %fms.\n", dMillisec); printf("The total number of clock ticks spent on the DCOM call was %d.\n", dwTotalTickCount);
} // ExecInitNewACL
void ExecLoadACL ( CHAR *pszFilename ) { ULONG ulCode; DOUBLE dMillisec; DWORD dwTotalTickCount; HRESULT hr;
printf("Calling LoadACL.\n"); dwTotalTickCount = GetTickCount(); hr = g_pIAccessControlTest->LoadACL(pszFilename, &dMillisec); dwTotalTickCount = GetTickCount() - dwTotalTickCount;
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { printf("The command was executed successfully on the server side with a return code of %x.\n", hr); } else { printf("Execution of the command failed on the server side with a return code of %x.\n", hr);
} // if
printf("The time spent on the server side to execute the command was %fms.\n", dMillisec); printf("The total number of clock ticks spent on the DCOM call was %d.\n", dwTotalTickCount);
} // ExecLoadACL
void ExecSaveACL ( CHAR *pszFilename ) { ULONG ulCode; DOUBLE dMillisec; DWORD dwTotalTickCount; ULONG ulNumOfBytesWritten; HRESULT hr;
printf("Calling SaveACL.\n"); dwTotalTickCount = GetTickCount(); hr = g_pIAccessControlTest->SaveACL(pszFilename, TRUE, &ulNumOfBytesWritten, &dMillisec); dwTotalTickCount = GetTickCount() - dwTotalTickCount;
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { printf("The command was executed successfully on the server side with a return code of %x.\n", hr); } else { printf("Execution of the command failed on the server side with a return code of %x.\n", hr);
} // if
printf("The number of bytes written to the file was %d\n", ulNumOfBytesWritten); printf("The time spent on the server side to execute the command was %fms.\n", dMillisec); printf("The total number of clock ticks spent on the DCOM call was %d.\n", dwTotalTickCount);
} // ExecSaveACL
void ExecGetSizeMax ( void ) { ULONG ulCode; DWORD dwTotalTickCount; DOUBLE dMillisec; ULONG ulNumOfBytesRequired; HRESULT hr;
printf("Calling GetSizeMax.\n"); dwTotalTickCount = GetTickCount(); hr = g_pIAccessControlTest->GetSizeMax(&ulNumOfBytesRequired, &dMillisec); dwTotalTickCount = GetTickCount() - dwTotalTickCount;
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { printf("The command was executed successfully on the server side with a return code of %x.\n", hr); } else { printf("Execution of the command failed on the server side with a return code of %x.\n", hr);
} // if
printf("The number of bytes required to save the ACL was %d\n", ulNumOfBytesRequired); printf("The time spent on the server side to execute the command was %fms.\n", dMillisec); printf("The total number of clock ticks spent on the DCOM call was %d.\n", dwTotalTickCount);
} // ExecGetSizeMax
void ExecIsDirty ( void ) { ULONG ulCode; DOUBLE dMillisec; DWORD dwTotalTickCount; HRESULT hr;
printf("Calling IsDirty.\n"); dwTotalTickCount = GetTickCount(); hr = g_pIAccessControlTest->IsDirty(&dMillisec); dwTotalTickCount = GetTickCount() - dwTotalTickCount;
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { printf("The command was executed successfully on the server side with a return code of %x.\n", hr); if(hr == S_OK) { printf("The access control object was dirty.\n"); } else { printf("The access control object was clean.\n"); } } else { printf("Execution of the command failed on the server side with a return code of %x.\n", hr);
} // if
printf("The time spent on the server side to execute the command was %fms.\n", dMillisec); printf("The total number of clock ticks spent on the DCOM call was %d.\n", dwTotalTickCount);
} // ExecIsDirty
void ExecGrantAccessRights ( void ) { ULONG ulCode; DOUBLE dMillisec; DWORD dwTotalTickCount; HRESULT hr;
printf("Calling GrantAccessRights.\n"); dwTotalTickCount = GetTickCount(); hr = g_pIAccessControlTest->GrantAccessRights(g_ulNumOfLocalAccessRequests, (PE_ACCESS_REQUEST)(g_pLocalAccessRequestList), &dMillisec); dwTotalTickCount = GetTickCount() - dwTotalTickCount;
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { printf("The command was executed successfully on the server side with a return code of %x.\n", hr); } else { printf("Execution of the command failed on the server side with a return code of %x.\n", hr);
} // if
printf("The time spent on the server side to execute the command was %fms.\n", dMillisec); printf("The total number of clock ticks spent on the DCOM call was %d.\n", dwTotalTickCount);
} // ExecGrantAccessRights
void ExecSetAccessRights ( void ) { ULONG ulCode; DOUBLE dMillisec; DWORD dwTotalTickCount; HRESULT hr;
printf("Calling SetAccessRights.\n"); dwTotalTickCount = GetTickCount(); hr = g_pIAccessControlTest->SetAccessRights(g_ulNumOfLocalAccessRequests, (PE_ACCESS_REQUEST)g_pLocalAccessRequestList, &dMillisec); dwTotalTickCount = GetTickCount() - dwTotalTickCount;
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { printf("The command was executed successfully on the server side with a return code of %x.\n", hr); } else { printf("Execution of the command failed on the server side with a return code of %x.\n", hr);
} // if
printf("The time spent on the server side to execute the command was %fms.\n", dMillisec); printf("The total number of clock ticks spent on the DCOM call was %d.\n", dwTotalTickCount);
} // ExecSetAccessRights
void ExecDenyAccessRights ( void ) { ULONG ulCode; DOUBLE dMillisec; DWORD dwTotalTickCount; HRESULT hr;
printf("Calling DenyAccessRights.\n"); dwTotalTickCount = GetTickCount(); hr = g_pIAccessControlTest->DenyAccessRights(g_ulNumOfLocalAccessRequests, (PE_ACCESS_REQUEST)g_pLocalAccessRequestList, &dMillisec); dwTotalTickCount = GetTickCount() - dwTotalTickCount;
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { printf("The command was executed successfully on the server side with a return code of %x.\n", hr); } else { printf("Execution of the command failed on the server side with a return code of %x.\n", hr);
} // if
printf("The time spent on the server side to execute the command was %fms.\n", dMillisec); printf("The total number of clock ticks spent on the DCOM call was %d.\n", dwTotalTickCount);
} // ExecDenyAccessRights
void ExecReplaceAllAccessRights ( void ) { ULONG ulCode; DOUBLE dMillisec; DWORD dwTotalTickCount; HRESULT hr;
printf("Calling ReplaceAllAccessRights.\n"); dwTotalTickCount = GetTickCount(); hr = g_pIAccessControlTest->ReplaceAllAccessRights(g_ulNumOfLocalExplicitAccesses, (PE_EXPLICIT_ACCESS)g_pLocalExplicitAccessList, &dMillisec); dwTotalTickCount = GetTickCount() - dwTotalTickCount;
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { printf("The command was executed successfully on the server side with a return code of %x.\n", hr); } else { printf("Execution of the command failed on the server side with a return code of %x.\n", hr);
} // if
printf("The time spent on the server side to execute the command was %fms.\n", dMillisec); printf("The total number of clock ticks spent on the DCOM call was %d.\n", dwTotalTickCount);
} // ExecReplaceAllAccessRights
void ExecRevokeExplicitAccessRights ( void ) { ULONG ulCode; DOUBLE dMillisec; DWORD dwTotalTickCount; HRESULT hr;
printf("Calling RevokeExplicitAccessRights.\n"); dwTotalTickCount = GetTickCount(); hr = g_pIAccessControlTest->RevokeExplicitAccessRights(g_ulNumOfLocalTrustees, (PE_TRUSTEE)g_pLocalTrusteeList, &dMillisec); dwTotalTickCount = GetTickCount() - dwTotalTickCount;
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { printf("The command was executed successfully on the server side with a return code of %x.\n", hr); } else { printf("Execution of the command failed on the server side with a return code of %x.\n", hr);
} // if
printf("The time spent on the server side to execute the command was %fms.\n", dMillisec); printf("The total number of clock ticks spent on the DCOM call was %d.\n", dwTotalTickCount);
} // ExecRevokeExplicitAccessRights
void ExecIsAccessPermitted ( void ) { ULONG ulCode; DOUBLE dMillisec; DWORD dwTotalTickCount; HRESULT hr; TRUSTEE_W Trustee;
MapTrusteeRecordToTrustee(&g_LocalTrusteeRecord, &Trustee);
printf("Calling IsAccessPermitted.\n"); dwTotalTickCount = GetTickCount(); hr = g_pIAccessControlTest->IsAccessPermitted((PE_TRUSTEE)&Trustee, g_LocalTrusteeRecord.grfAccessPermissions, &dMillisec); dwTotalTickCount = GetTickCount() - dwTotalTickCount;
if (hr == S_OK) { printf("The current trustee is granted the current set of access rights.\n"); } else if (hr == E_ACCESSDENIED) { printf("The current trustee is denied the current set of access rights.\n"); } else { printf("Execution of the command failed on the server side with a return code of %x.\n", hr);
} // if
printf("The time spent on the server side to execute the command was %fms.\n", dMillisec); printf("The total number of clock ticks spent on the DCOM call was %d.\n", dwTotalTickCount);
} // ExecIsAccessPermitted
void ExecGetEffectiveAccessRights ( void ) { ULONG ulCode; DOUBLE dMillisec; DWORD dwTotalTickCount; HRESULT hr; TRUSTEE_W Trustee; DWORD dwRights;
MapTrusteeRecordToTrustee(&g_LocalTrusteeRecord, &Trustee);
printf("Calling GetEffectiveAccessRights.\n"); dwTotalTickCount = GetTickCount(); hr = g_pIAccessControlTest->GetEffectiveAccessRights((PE_TRUSTEE)&Trustee, &dwRights, &dMillisec); dwTotalTickCount = GetTickCount() - dwTotalTickCount;
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { printf("The command was executed successfully on the server side with a return code of %x.\n", hr); printf("The set of effective access rights available to the current trustee includes:\n"); DumpAccessPermissions(dwRights); } else { printf("Execution of the command failed on the server side with a return code of %x.\n", hr);
} // if
printf("The time spent on the server side to execute the command was %fms.\n", dMillisec); printf("The total number of clock ticks spent on the DCOM call was %d.\n", dwTotalTickCount);
} // ExecGetEffectiveAccessRights
void ExecGetExplicitAccessRights ( void ) { ULONG ulCode; DOUBLE dMillisec; DWORD dwTotalTickCount; HRESULT hr;
// If the global retruned explicit access list pointer is not NULL,
// release the old returned explicit access list
if (g_pReturnedExplicitAccessList != NULL) { ReleaseExplicitAccessList(g_ulNumOfExplicitAccessesReturned, g_pReturnedExplicitAccessList);
} // if
g_pReturnedExplicitAccessList = NULL;
printf("Calling GetExplicitAccessRights.\n"); dwTotalTickCount = GetTickCount(); hr = g_pIAccessControlTest->GetExplicitAccessRights(&g_ulNumOfExplicitAccessesReturned, (PE_EXPLICIT_ACCESS *)&g_pReturnedExplicitAccessList, &dMillisec); dwTotalTickCount = GetTickCount() - dwTotalTickCount;
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { printf("The command was executed successfully on the server side with a return code of %x.\n", hr); printf("The number of explicit access structures returned is %d.\n", g_ulNumOfExplicitAccessesReturned); printf("The returned explicit access list is as follows:\n"); DumpExplicitAccessList(g_ulNumOfExplicitAccessesReturned, g_pReturnedExplicitAccessList); } else { printf("Execution of the command failed on the server side with a return code of %x.\n", hr);
} // if
printf("The time spent on the server side to execute the command was %fms.\n", dMillisec); printf("The total number of clock ticks spent on the DCOM call was %d.\n", dwTotalTickCount);
} // ExecGetExplicitAccessRights
void ExecCleanupProc ( void ) { ULONG ulCode;
// Release the IAccessControlTest pointer
g_pIAccessControlTest->Release(); g_pIUnknown->Release();
// Cleanup all the memory allocated for the Local list
DestroyAccessRequestList(g_pLocalAccessRequestList, &g_ulNumOfLocalAccessRequests); DestroyTrusteeList(g_pLocalTrusteeList, &g_ulNumOfLocalTrustees); DestroyExplicitAccessList(g_pLocalExplicitAccessList, &g_ulNumOfLocalExplicitAccesses); DestroyExplicitAccessList(g_pReturnedExplicitAccessList, &g_ulNumOfExplicitAccessesReturned);
} // ExecCleanupProc
Function: Tokenize Parameters: [in] char *pLineBuffer [out] char *pTokens[] [out] short *piNumOfTokens
Return: void
Purpose: This function partition a string of space delimited tokens to null delimited tokens and return pointers to each individual token in pTokens and the number of tokens ion the string in piNumOfTokens.
Comment: Memory for the array of char * Tokens should be allocated by the caller.
This function is implemented as a simple finite state machine. State 0 - Outside a token State 1 - Inside a token
void Tokenize ( char * pLineBuffer, char * pTokens[], short * piNumOfTokens ) { short iTokens = 0; // Token index
char *pLBuffPtr = pLineBuffer; // Pointer in the line buffer
char c; // current character
short state = 0; // State of the tokenizing machine
for(;;) { c = *pLBuffPtr;
switch(state) { case 0: switch(c) { case '\t': // Ignore blanks
case ' ': case '\n': break; case '\0': goto end; default: state=1; pTokens[iTokens]=pLBuffPtr; break; } // switch
break; case 1: switch(c) { case '\t': case ' ': case '\n': *pLBuffPtr='\0'; iTokens++; state=0; break; case '\0': *pLBuffPtr='\0'; iTokens++; pTokens[iTokens]=pLBuffPtr; goto end; default: break; } break; } pLBuffPtr++; }// switch
end: *piNumOfTokens = iTokens; return; } // Tokenize
/*********************************************************************/ /* MIDL allocate and free */ /*********************************************************************/
void __RPC_FAR * __RPC_USER midl_user_allocate(size_t len) { return(CoTaskMemAlloc(len)); }
void __RPC_USER midl_user_free(void __RPC_FAR * ptr) { CoTaskMemFree(ptr); }
/* end file actestc.c */