Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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124 lines
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  1. /*
  3. *
  4. * strings for the OLE 2.0 UI Support Library.
  5. *
  6. * Copyright (c)1992 Microsoft Corporation, All Right Reserved
  7. */
  8. #include "ole2ui.h"
  9. //Stringtable common for all dialogs.
  11. BEGIN
  12. IDS_FILTERS, "All Files (*.*)|*.*|"
  13. IDS_ICONFILTERS, "Icon Files|*.exe;*.dll;*.ico|Programs (*.exe)|*.exe|Libraries (*.dll)|Icons (*.ico)|All Files (*.*)|*.*|"
  14. END
  15. // browse dialog
  17. BEGIN
  18. IDS_BROWSE "Browse"
  19. END
  20. //Insert Object stringtable.
  22. BEGIN
  23. IDS_IORESULTNEW, "Inserts a new %s object into your document."
  24. IDS_IORESULTNEWICON, "Inserts a new %s object into your document. It will be displayed as an icon."
  25. IDS_IORESULTFROMFILE1, "Inserts the contents of the file as an object into your document so that you may activate it using the "
  26. IDS_IORESULTFROMFILE2, "application which created it."
  27. IDS_IORESULTFROMFILEICON2, "application which created it. It will be displayed as an icon."
  28. IDS_IORESULTLINKFILE1, "Inserts a picture of the file contents into your document. The picture will be linked to "
  29. IDS_IORESULTLINKFILE2, "the file so that changes to the file will be reflected in your document."
  30. IDS_IORESULTLINKFILEICON1, "Inserts an icon into your document which represents the file. The icon will be linked to "
  31. IDS_IORESULTLINKFILEICON2, "the file so that changes to the file will be reflected in your document."
  32. END
  33. //Change Icon stringtable
  35. BEGIN
  36. IDS_CINOICONSINFILE, "There are no icons in %s."
  37. IDS_CIINVALIDFILE, "File %s does not exist."
  38. IDS_CIFILEACCESS, "Unable to open file %s. Access denied."
  39. IDS_CIFILESHARE, "Unable to open file %s. Sharing violation."
  40. IDS_CIFILEOPENFAIL, "Unable to open file %s. General failure."
  41. END
  42. // Convert stringtable.
  44. BEGIN
  45. IDS_CVRESULTCONVERTLINK, "A linked object must be converted at the source."
  46. IDS_CVRESULTCONVERTTO, "Permanently changes the selected %s object to a %s object."
  47. IDS_CVRESULTNOCHANGE, "The selected %s object will not be converted."
  48. IDS_CVRESULTDISPLAYASICON, " It will be displayed as an icon."
  49. IDS_CVRESULTACTIVATEAS, "Every %s object will be activated as a %s object"
  50. IDS_CVRESULTACTIVATEDIFF, ", but it will not be converted."
  51. END
  52. //Paste Special stringtable
  54. BEGIN
  55. IDS_PSPASTEDATA, "Inserts the contents of the Clipboard into your document as %s."
  56. IDS_PSPASTEOBJECT, "Inserts the contents of the Clipboard into your document so that you may activate it using %s."
  57. IDS_PSPASTEOBJECTASICON, "Inserts the contents of the Clipboard into your document so that you may activate it using %s. It will be displayed as an icon."
  58. IDS_PSPASTELINKDATA, "Inserts the contents of the Clipboard into your document as %s. Paste Link creates a link to the source file so that changes to the source file will be reflected in your document."
  59. IDS_PSPASTELINKOBJECT, "Inserts a picture of the Clipboard contents into your document. Paste Link creates a link to the source file so that changes to the source file will be reflected in your document."
  60. IDS_PSPASTELINKOBJECTASICON, "Inserts an icon into your document which represents the Clipboard contents. Paste Link creates a link to the source file so that changes to the source file will be reflected in your document."
  61. IDS_PSNONOLE, "Inserts the contents of the Clipboard into your document."
  62. IDS_PSUNKNOWNTYPE, "Unknown Type"
  63. IDS_PSUNKNOWNSRC, "Unknown Source"
  64. IDS_PSUNKNOWNAPP, "the application which created it"
  65. END
  66. // Busy/Blocked dialog stringtable
  68. BEGIN
  69. IDS_BZRESULTTEXTBUSY "This action cannot be completed because the %s application (%s) is busy. Choose ""Switch To"" to activate %s and correct the problem."
  70. IDS_BZRESULTTEXTNOTRESPONDING "This action cannot be completed because the %s application (%s) is not responding. Choose ""Switch To"" to activate %s and correct the problem."
  71. END
  72. // OLESTD stringtable
  74. BEGIN
  75. IDS_OLESTDNOCREATEFILE, "Could not create file!"
  76. IDS_OLESTDNOOPENFILE, "Could not open file!"
  77. IDS_OLESTDDISKFULL, "Disk full--unable to complete save operation"
  78. END
  79. // OLE2UI stringtable
  81. BEGIN
  83. IDS_OLE2UIEDITLINKCMD_1VERB, "0%s Linked %s &Object"
  84. IDS_OLE2UIEDITOBJECTCMD_1VERB, "0%s %s &Object"
  85. IDS_OLE2UIEDITLINKCMD_NVERB, "Linked %s &Object"
  87. IDS_OLE2UIUNKNOWN, "Unknown"
  88. IDS_OLE2UILINK, "Link"
  89. IDS_OLE2UIOBJECT, "Object"
  90. IDS_OLE2UIEDIT, "&Edit"
  91. IDS_OLE2UICONVERT, "&Convert..."
  92. IDS_DEFICONLABEL, "Document"
  94. END
  95. // LINKS stringtable
  97. BEGIN
  98. IDS_LINK_AUTO "Automatic"
  99. IDS_LINK_MANUAL "Manual"
  100. IDS_LINK_UNKNOWN "Unavail"
  101. IDS_LINKS "Links"
  102. IDS_FAILED "Operation failed!"
  103. IDS_CHANGESOURCE "Change Source"
  104. IDS_INVALIDSOURCE "Invalid Source : Do you want to correct it?"
  105. IDS_CHANGEADDITIONALLINKS "The selected link has been changed.\nThis document contains additional links to\n%s.\n\nChange additional links?"
  106. IDS_ERR_GETLINKSOURCE "Fail to get source of the link!"
  107. IDS_ERR_GETLINKUPDATEOPTIONS "Fail to get update option of the link!"
  108. IDS_ERR_ADDSTRING "Fail to add item to ListBox!"
  109. IDS_CLOSE "Close"
  110. END