// File: ioleobj.cxx
// Contents: IOleObject methods of COleObject class.
// Classes: COleObject - IOleObject implementation
// History: 7-Dec-92 DeanE Created
// 31-Dec-93 ErikGav Chicago port
#pragma optimize("",off)
#include <windows.h>
#include <ole2.h>
#include "testsrv.hxx"
// Member: COleObject::COleObject()
// Synopsis: The constructor for COleObject.
// Arguments: None
// History: 7-Dec-92 DeanE Created
COleObject::COleObject(CTestEmbed *pteObject) { _cRef = 1; _pOAHolder = NULL; _pocs = NULL; _pteObject = pteObject; _pmkContainer = NULL; }
// Member: COleObject::~COleObject()
// Synopsis: The destructor for COleObject.
// History: 7-Dec-92 DeanE Created
COleObject::~COleObject() { // _cRef should be 1
if (1 != _cRef) { // BUGBUG - Log error - someone hasn't released
if (_pocs != NULL) { _pocs->Release(); }
if (_pmkContainer != NULL) { _pmkContainer->Release(); }
// Method: COleObject::QueryInterface
// Synopsis: Forward this to the object we're associated with
// Parameters: [iid] - Interface ID to return.
// [ppv] - Pointer to pointer to object.
// Returns: S_OK if iid is supported, or E_NOINTERFACE if not.
// History: 7-Dec-92 DeanE Created
STDMETHODIMP COleObject::QueryInterface(REFIID iid, void FAR * FAR *ppv) { return(_pteObject->QueryInterface(iid, ppv)); }
// Method: COleObject::AddRef
// Synopsis: Forward this to the object we're associated with
// Returns: New reference count.
// History: 7-Dec-92 DeanE Created
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) COleObject::AddRef(void) { ++_cRef; return(_pteObject->AddRef()); }
// Method: COleObject::Release
// Synopsis: Forward this to the object we're associated with
// Returns: New reference count.
// History: 7-Dec-92 DeanE Created
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) COleObject::Release(void) { --_cRef; return(_pteObject->Release()); }
// Method: COleObject::SetClientSite
// Synopsis: Save the IOleClientSite pointer passed - it's this
// object's client site object.
// Parameters: [pClientSite] - Pointer to the new client site object.
// Returns: S_OK
// History: 7-Dec-92 DeanE Created
STDMETHODIMP COleObject::SetClientSite(LPOLECLIENTSITE pClientSite) { if (_pocs != NULL) { _pocs->Release(); }
_pocs = pClientSite;
if (pClientSite) { _pocs->AddRef(); }
return(S_OK); }
// Method: COleObject::GetClientSite
// Synopsis: Return this objects current client site - NULL indicates
// it hasn't been set yet.
// Parameters: [ppClientSite] - Save current client site pointer here.
// Returns: S_OK
// History: 7-Dec-92 DeanE Created
STDMETHODIMP COleObject::GetClientSite(LPOLECLIENTSITE FAR *ppClientSite) { *ppClientSite = _pocs; _pocs->AddRef(); return(S_OK); }
// Method: COleObject::SetHostNames
// Synopsis: See spec 2.00.09 p99. Returns names the caller can use
// to display our object name (in window titles and such).
// Parameters: [szContainerApp] - Name of container application.
// [szContainerObj] - Name of this object.
// Returns: S_OK
// History: 7-Dec-92 DeanE Created
STDMETHODIMP COleObject::SetHostNames( LPCWSTR szContainerApp, LPCWSTR szContainerObj) { szContainerApp = L"Test Server"; szContainerObj = L"Test Server:Test Object"; return(S_OK); }
// Method: COleObject::Close
// Synopsis: See spec 2.00.09 p104. Short story is: if fMerelyHide,
// turn off the UI of this object, else return to the
// "loaded" state, which for us means to shut down (since we
// don't do any caching).
// Parameters: [dwSaveOption] - ???
// Returns: S_OK
// History: 7-Dec-92 DeanE Created
// Notes: BUGBUG - what if we have multiple instances? Do we
// return the server app to the loaded state or do we
// return this object to the loaded state?
STDMETHODIMP COleObject::Close(DWORD dwSaveOption) { // BUGBUG - NYI
return(S_OK); }
// Method: COleObject::SetMoniker
// Synopsis: See spec 2.00.09 p99. The moniker for this object
// (or it's container) has been changed to that passed
// in. Take appropriate actions (de-register old object
// and register new, inform contained objects, etc).
// Parameters: [dwWhichMoniker] - Moniker type being sent.
// [pmk] - The new moniker.
// Returns: S_OK
// History: 7-Dec-92 DeanE Created
STDMETHODIMP COleObject::SetMoniker(DWORD dwWhichMoniker, LPMONIKER pmk) { if (_pmkContainer) { _pmkContainer->Release();
_pmkContainer = pmk;
// Set moniker in container
IOleObject *pobj;
HRESULT hresult = _pocs->QueryInterface(IID_IOleObject, (void **) &pobj);
pobj->SetMoniker(dwWhichMoniker, pmk);
return S_OK; }
// Method: COleObject::GetMoniker
// Synopsis: See spec 2.00.09 p100. Return either this objects
// container moniker, this objects relative moniker, or
// this objects full moniker.
// Parameters: [dwAssign] - Condition to get moniker.
// [dwWhichMoniker] - Kind of moniker being requested.
// [ppmk] - Return moniker here.
// Returns: S_OK
// History: 7-Dec-92 DeanE Created
STDMETHODIMP COleObject::GetMoniker( DWORD dwAssign, DWORD dwWhichMoniker, LPMONIKER FAR *ppmk) { *ppmk = _pmkContainer; _pmkContainer->AddRef(); return S_OK; }
// Method: COleObject::InitFromData
// Synopsis: See spec 2.00.09 p100. Initialize this object from
// the format passed in.
// Parameters: [pDataObject] - IDataObject providing data.
// [fCreation] - TRUE if this is the initial creation.
// [dwReserved] - Ignored.
// Returns: S_OK if we attempt to initialize, S_FALSE if we don't
// want to.
// History: 7-Dec-92 DeanE Created
STDMETHODIMP COleObject::InitFromData( LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject, BOOL fCreation, DWORD dwReserved) { // BUGBUG - NYI
return(S_FALSE); }
// Method: COleObject::GetClipboardData
// Synopsis: See spec 2.00.09 p101. Return clipboard object that would
// be created if Edit/Copy were done to this item.
// Parameters: [dwReserved] - Ignored.
// [ppDataObject] - IDataObject return locale.
// Returns: S_OK or ???
// History: 7-Dec-92 DeanE Created
STDMETHODIMP COleObject::GetClipboardData( DWORD dwReserved, LPDATAOBJECT FAR *ppDataObject) { // BUGBUG - NYI
*ppDataObject = NULL; return(S_OK); }
// Method: COleObject::DoVerb
// Synopsis: See spec 2.00.09 p101. Execute the verb passed in.
// Parameters: [iVerb] - Verb being requested.
// [pMsg] - Message that triggered the request.
// [pActiveSite] - IOleClientSite for this object.
// [lReserved] - Ignored.
// Returns: S_OK, or other ones specified but not defined yet...
// History: 7-Dec-92 DeanE Created
STDMETHODIMP COleObject::DoVerb( LONG iVerb, LPMSG pMsg, LPOLECLIENTSITE pActiveSite, LONG lReserved, HWND hwndParent, LPCRECT lprcPosRect) { // HWND hwndObj;
if (OLEIVERB_SHOW == iVerb) { // BUGBUG - NYI
// Display the object (we're not in-place yet)
// PostMessage(g_hwndMain, WM_REPORT, MB_SHOWVERB, 0);
// PostMessage(0xFFFF, WM_REPORT, MB_SHOWVERB, 0);
// MessageBox(g_hwndMain, L"Received OLEIVERB_SHOW", L"OLE Server", MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_OK);
// Get hwndObj
//MessageBox(hwndObj, L"Received OLEIVERB_SHOW", L"OLE Server", MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_OK);
} else { // Return alternate error code?
return(S_OK); }
// Method: COleObject::EnumVerbs
// Synopsis: See spec 2.00.09 p103. Enumerate all the verbs available
// on this object in increasing numerical order.
// Parameters: [ppenmOleVerb] - Enumeration object return locale.
// Returns: S_OK or ???
// History: 7-Dec-92 DeanE Created
STDMETHODIMP COleObject::EnumVerbs(IEnumOLEVERB FAR* FAR *ppenmOleVerb) { // BUGBUG - NYI
*ppenmOleVerb = NULL; return(S_OK); }
// Method: COleObject::Update
// Synopsis: See spec 2.00.09 p105. Ensure any data or view caches
// maintained inside the object are up to date.
// Parameters: None
// Returns: S_OK
// History: 7-Dec-92 DeanE Created
STDMETHODIMP COleObject::Update() { // We don't use any caches, so we don't have to do anything
return(S_OK); }
// Method: COleObject::IsUpToDate
// Synopsis: See spec 2.00.09 p105. Check to see if this object is
// up to date - including embedded children, etc.
// Parameters: None
// Returns: S_OK, S_FALSE, or ???
// History: 7-Dec-92 DeanE Created
STDMETHODIMP COleObject::IsUpToDate() { // We should always be up to date as we don't have any caches
// or children or links
return(S_OK); }
// Method: COleObject::GetUserClassID
// Synopsis: I have little idea what this does. It's not in the
// spec 2.00.09.
// Parameters: [dwFormOfType] -
// [pszUserType] -
// Returns: S_OK?
// History: 16-Dec-92 DeanE Created
STDMETHODIMP COleObject::GetUserClassID( CLSID FAR *pClsid) { // BUGBUG - NYI
return(E_FAIL); }
// Method: COleObject::GetUserType
// Synopsis: I have little idea what this does. It's not in the
// spec 2.00.09.
// Parameters: [dwFormOfType] -
// [pszUserType] -
// Returns: S_OK?
// History: 16-Dec-92 DeanE Created
STDMETHODIMP COleObject::GetUserType( DWORD dwFormOfType, LPWSTR FAR *pszUserType) { // BUGBUG - NYI
return(E_FAIL); }
// Method: COleObject::SetExtent
// Synopsis: See spec 2.00.09 p106. Set the rectangular extent of
// this object. Container will call us with the size
// it will give us; we must fit accordingly.
// Parameters: [dwDrawAspect] - DVASPECT specified for this object.
// [lpsizel] - Extent structure.
// Returns: S_OK
// History: 7-Dec-92 DeanE Created
STDMETHODIMP COleObject::SetExtent(DWORD dwDrawAspect, LPSIZEL lpsizel) { // BUGBUG - NYI
return(S_OK); }
// Method: COleObject::GetExtent
// Synopsis: See spec 2.00.09 p106. Size of the object given in the
// the last SetExtent call is returned. If SetExtent has
// not been called, the natural size of the object is
// returned.
// Parameters: [dwDrawAspect] - DVASPECT specified for this object.
// [lpsizel] - Extent structure to set.
// Returns: S_OK
// History: 7-Dec-92 DeanE Created
STDMETHODIMP COleObject::GetExtent(DWORD dwDrawAspect, LPSIZEL lpsizel) { // BUGBUG - NYI
return(S_OK); }
// Method: COleObject::Advise
// Synopsis: See spec 2.00.09 p121. Set up an advisory connection
// between this object and an advisory sink; when certain
// events happen (birthdays?) this sink should be informed
// by this object. Use the OleAdviseHolder object as a
// helper (see p122).
// Parameters: [pAdvSink] - Sink that should be informed of changes.
// [pdwConnection] - Pass advisory token returned so our
// caller can shut down the link.
// Returns: S_OK
// History: 7-Dec-92 DeanE Created
STDMETHODIMP COleObject::Advise( IAdviseSink FAR *pAdvSink, DWORD FAR *pdwConnection) { // if (NULL == _pOAHolder)
// {
// if (S_OK != CreateOleAdviseHolder(&_pOAHolder))
// {
// return(E_OUTOFMEMORY);
// }
// }
// return(_pOAHolder->Advise(pAdvSink, pdwConnection));
return S_OK; }
// Method: COleObject::Unadvise
// Synopsis: See spec 2.00.09 p121. Tear down an advisory connection
// set up previously.
// Parameters: [dwConnection] - Connection established earlier.
// Returns: S_OK or ???
// History: 7-Dec-92 DeanE Created
STDMETHODIMP COleObject::Unadvise(DWORD dwConnection) { if (NULL == _pOAHolder) { // No one is registered - see ellipswt.cpp for this
return(E_INVALIDARG); }
return(_pOAHolder->Unadvise(dwConnection)); }
// Method: COleObject::EnumAdvise
// Synopsis: See spec 2.00.09 p122. Enumerate the advisory connections
// currently attached to this object.
// Parameters: [ppenmAdvise] - Enumeration object to return.
// Returns: S_OK
// History: 7-Dec-92 DeanE Created
STDMETHODIMP COleObject::EnumAdvise(LPENUMSTATDATA FAR *ppenmAdvise) { if (NULL == _pOAHolder) { return(E_FAIL); } return(_pOAHolder->EnumAdvise(ppenmAdvise)); }
// Method: COleObject::GetMiscStatus
// Synopsis: I have little idea what this does. It's not in the
// spec 2.00.09.
// Returns: S_OK?
// History: 7-Dec-92 DeanE Created
STDMETHODIMP COleObject::GetMiscStatus( DWORD dwAspect, DWORD FAR *pdwStatus) { // BUGBUG - NYI
return(E_FAIL); }
// Method: COleObject::SetColorScheme
// Synopsis: I have little idea what this does. It's not in the
// spec 2.00.09.
// Returns: S_OK?
// History: 7-Dec-92 DeanE Created
STDMETHODIMP COleObject::SetColorScheme(LPLOGPALETTE lpLogpal) { // BUGBUG - NYI
return(S_OK); }