// comadmin.idl : IDL source for comadmin.dll //
// This file will be processed by the MIDL tool to // produce the type library (comadmin.tlb) and marshalling code. // cpp_quote("// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ") cpp_quote("// comadmin.h -- COM Administration Programming Interfaces ") cpp_quote("// ") cpp_quote("// This file provides the prototypes for the APIs and COM interfaces ") cpp_quote("// used by Microsoft COM applications. ") cpp_quote("// ") cpp_quote("// Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. ") cpp_quote("// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ")
cpp_quote("#include <objbase.h>")
cpp_quote("#ifndef DECLSPEC_UUID") cpp_quote("#if _MSC_VER >= 1100") cpp_quote("#define DECLSPEC_UUID(x) __declspec(uuid(x))") cpp_quote("#else") cpp_quote("#define DECLSPEC_UUID(x)") cpp_quote("#endif") cpp_quote("#endif")
#include "winerror.h" import "unknwn.idl";
// ICOMAdminCatalog
[ object, uuid(DD662187-DFC2-11d1-A2CF-00805FC79235), dual, helpstring("ICOMAdminCatalog Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface ICOMAdminCatalog : IDispatch { import "oaidl.idl";
[ id(1), helpstring("Gets a collection on the local catalog - without reading any objects from the catalog data store") ] HRESULT GetCollection( [in] BSTR bstrCollName, [out, retval] IDispatch ** ppCatalogCollection);
[ id(2), helpstring("Connect to a catalog server and get the Root Collection") ] HRESULT Connect( [in] BSTR bstrCatalogServerName, [out, retval] IDispatch ** ppCatalogCollection);
[ propget, id(3), helpstring("Gets the major version number of the COM Admin objects") ] HRESULT MajorVersion([out, retval] long * plMajorVersion);
[ propget, id(4), helpstring("Gets the minor version number of the COM Admin objects") ] HRESULT MinorVersion([out, retval] long * plMinorVersion);
[ id(5), helpstring("---")] HRESULT GetCollectionByQuery( [in] BSTR bstrCollName, [in] SAFEARRAY(VARIANT) * ppsaVarQuery, [out, retval] IDispatch ** ppCatalogCollection);
[ id(6), helpstring("Imports a component that is already registered as an InProc server") ] HRESULT ImportComponent([in] BSTR bstrApplIDOrName, [in] BSTR bstrCLSIDOrProgID);
[ id(7), helpstring("Installs a component into an application") ] HRESULT InstallComponent( [in] BSTR bstrApplIDOrName, [in] BSTR bstrDLL, [in] BSTR bstrTLB, [in] BSTR bstrPSDLL);
[ id(8), helpstring("Initiates shutdown of an application server process") ] HRESULT ShutdownApplication([in] BSTR bstrApplIDOrName);
[ id(9), helpstring("Exports an application or client application to be installed on a different machine") ] HRESULT ExportApplication( [in] BSTR bstrApplIDOrName, [in] BSTR bstrApplicationFile, [in] long lOptions);
// Turn off warning about how optional params should be of type VARIANT. This interface // has shipped so we can't fix it correctly, unfortunately. midl_pragma warning( disable : 2400)
[ id(10), helpstring("Imports an application from a file") ] HRESULT InstallApplication( [in] BSTR bstrApplicationFile, [in, optional] BSTR bstrDestinationDirectory, [in, optional] long lOptions, [in, optional] BSTR bstrUserId, [in, optional] BSTR bstrPassword, [in, optional] BSTR bstrRSN); // Turn default behavior back on for this warning: midl_pragma warning( default : 2400)
[ id(11), helpstring("Stops the router service") ] HRESULT StopRouter();
[ id(12), helpstring("Refreshes the data being used by the router service") ] HRESULT RefreshRouter();
[ id(13), helpstring("Starts the router service") ] HRESULT StartRouter();
[ id(14), helpstring("Reserved method 1") ] HRESULT Reserved1();
[ id(15), helpstring("Reserved method 2") ] HRESULT Reserved2();
[ id(16), helpstring("Installs components into an application from multiple files") ] HRESULT InstallMultipleComponents( [in] BSTR bstrApplIDOrName, [in] SAFEARRAY(VARIANT) * ppsaVarFileNames, [in] SAFEARRAY(VARIANT) * ppsaVarCLSIDs);
[ id(17), helpstring("Returns information about components found in the files") ] HRESULT GetMultipleComponentsInfo( [in] BSTR bstrApplIdOrName, [in] SAFEARRAY(VARIANT) * ppsaVarFileNames, [out] SAFEARRAY(VARIANT) * ppsaVarCLSIDs, [out] SAFEARRAY(VARIANT) * ppsaVarClassNames, [out] SAFEARRAY(VARIANT) * ppsaVarFileFlags, [out] SAFEARRAY(VARIANT) * ppsaVarComponentFlags);
[ id(18), helpstring("Refreshes all component registration information") ] HRESULT RefreshComponents();
[ id(19), helpstring("Registration database backup") ] HRESULT BackupREGDB([in] BSTR bstrBackupFilePath);
[ id(20), helpstring("Registration database restore (must reboot after)") ] HRESULT RestoreREGDB([in] BSTR bstrBackupFilePath);
[ id(21), helpstring("Returns information about an application that is about to be installed") ] HRESULT QueryApplicationFile( [in] BSTR bstrApplicationFile, [out] BSTR * pbstrApplicationName, [out] BSTR * pbstrApplicationDescription, [out] VARIANT_BOOL * pbHasUsers, [out] VARIANT_BOOL * pbIsProxy, [out] SAFEARRAY(VARIANT) * ppsaVarFileNames);
[ id(22), helpstring("Launches application server process") ] HRESULT StartApplication([in] BSTR bstrApplIdOrName);
[ id(23), helpstring("Checks the status of a COM+ related service") ] HRESULT ServiceCheck([in] long lService, [out, retval] long * plStatus); [ id(24), helpstring("Installs multiple event classes into an application") ] HRESULT InstallMultipleEventClasses( [in] BSTR bstrApplIdOrName, [in] SAFEARRAY(VARIANT) * ppsaVarFileNames, [in] SAFEARRAY(VARIANT) * ppsaVarCLSIDS);
[ id(25), helpstring("Installs a event class into an application (if one is provided)") ] HRESULT InstallEventClass( [in] BSTR bstrApplIdOrName, [in] BSTR bstrDLL, [in] BSTR bstrTLB, [in] BSTR bstrPSDLL);
[ id(26), helpstring("Gets a list of event classes that implement a specified interface") ] HRESULT GetEventClassesForIID( [in] BSTR bstrIID, [out] SAFEARRAY(VARIANT) * ppsaVarCLSIDs, [out] SAFEARRAY(VARIANT) * ppsaVarProgIDs, [out] SAFEARRAY(VARIANT) * ppsaVarDescriptions); }
typedef[ helpstring("InUse values for IsSafeToDelete") ] enum COMAdminInUse { COMAdminNotInUse = 0x00000000, COMAdminInUseByCatalog = 0x00000001, COMAdminInUseByRegistryUnknown = 0x00000002, COMAdminInUseByRegistryProxyStub = 0x00000003, COMAdminInUseByRegistryTypeLib = 0x00000004, COMAdminInUseByRegistryClsid = 0x00000005,
} COMAdminInUse;
// ICOMAdminCatalog2 -- new in Windows XP (Whistler)
[ object, uuid(790C6E0B-9194-4cc9-9426-A48A63185696), //uuid(c6a4e9ef-432e-4f32-9107-71d2b6fd2c33), dual, helpstring("ICOMAdminCatalog2 Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface ICOMAdminCatalog2 : ICOMAdminCatalog { [ id(27), helpstring("Get a catalog collection") ] HRESULT GetCollectionByQuery2( [in] BSTR bstrCollectionName, [in] VARIANT * pVarQueryStrings, // VT_BSTR or array of VT_BSTRs [out, retval] IDispatch ** ppCatalogCollection);
[ id(28), helpstring("Get an Application Instance ID from a Process ID") ] HRESULT GetApplicationInstanceIDFromProcessID( [in] long lProcessID, [out, retval] BSTR * pbstrApplicationInstanceID);
// Shutdown, Pause, Resume, Recycle, IsApplicationInstancePaused accept // a VT_BSTR of ApplicationInstanceID, or VT_ARRAY of VT_VARIANT BSTRs // of ApplicationInstanceIDs, or VT_DISPATCH/VT_UNKNOWN of an // ICatalogObject or an ICatalogCollection collection
[ id(29), helpstring("Initiate shutdown of the specified application server processes") ] HRESULT ShutdownApplicationInstances( [in] VARIANT * pVarApplicationInstanceID); // single VT_BSTR or an array [ id(30), helpstring("Pause one or more application server processes") ] HRESULT PauseApplicationInstances( [in] VARIANT * pVarApplicationInstanceID); // single VT_BSTR or an array [ id(31), helpstring("Resume one or more application server processes") ] HRESULT ResumeApplicationInstances( [in] VARIANT * pVarApplicationInstanceID); // single VT_BSTR or an array
[ id(32), helpstring("Recycle one or more application server processes") ] HRESULT RecycleApplicationInstances( [in] VARIANT * pVarApplicationInstanceID, // single VT_BSTR or an array [in] long lReasonCode); [ id(33), helpstring("Return VARIANT_TRUE if ANY application instances are paused") ] HRESULT AreApplicationInstancesPaused( [in] VARIANT * pVarApplicationInstanceID, // single VT_BSTR or an array [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL * pVarBoolPaused); // true iff ANY are paused
[ id(34), helpstring("Dump an image of this application process to disk") ] HRESULT DumpApplicationInstance( [in] BSTR bstrApplicationInstanceID, // one process only [in] BSTR bstrDirectory, [in] long lMaxImages, [out, retval] BSTR * pbstrDumpFile); [ propget, id(35), helpstring("Is the application process dump feature supported on this server")] HRESULT IsApplicationInstanceDumpSupported([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL * pVarBoolDumpSupported);
[ id(36), helpstring("Configure an application to run as an NT service") ] HRESULT CreateServiceForApplication( [in] BSTR bstrApplicationIDOrName, [in] BSTR bstrServiceName, [in] BSTR bstrStartType, [in] BSTR bstrErrorControl, [in] BSTR bstrDependencies, [in] BSTR bstrRunAs, [in] BSTR bstrPassword, [in] VARIANT_BOOL bDesktopOk);
[ id(37), helpstring("Un-configure an application running as an NT service") ] HRESULT DeleteServiceForApplication([in] BSTR bstrApplicationIDOrName);
[ id(38), helpstring("Return the Partition ID for the specified Application") ] HRESULT GetPartitionID( [in] BSTR bstrApplicationIDOrName, [out, retval] BSTR * pbstrPartitionID);
[ id(39), helpstring("Return the Partition name for the specified Application") ] HRESULT GetPartitionName( [in] BSTR bstrApplicationIDOrName, [out, retval] BSTR * pbstrPartitionName);
[ propput, id(40), helpstring("Set the current destination Partition") ] HRESULT CurrentPartition([in] BSTR bstrPartitionIDOrName);
[ propget, id(41), helpstring("Get the current Partition ID") ] HRESULT CurrentPartitionID([out, retval] BSTR * pbstrPartitionID);
[ propget, id(42), helpstring("Get the current Partition name") ] HRESULT CurrentPartitionName([out, retval] BSTR * pbstrPartitionName );
[ propget, id(43), helpstring("Get the Global Partition ID") ] HRESULT GlobalPartitionID([out,retval] BSTR * pbstrGlobalPartitionID);
[ id(44), helpstring("Flush the user-to-default Partition cache") ] HRESULT FlushPartitionCache();
[ id(45), helpstring("Copy one or more Applications from Partition to Partition") ] HRESULT CopyApplications( [in] BSTR bstrSourcePartitionIDOrName, [in] VARIANT * pVarApplicationID, // not application names, just GUIDs [in] BSTR bstrDestinationPartitionIDOrName);
[ id(46), helpstring("Copy one or more components from one Application to an Application in a different Partition") ] HRESULT CopyComponents( [in] BSTR bstrSourceApplicationIDOrName, [in] VARIANT * pVarCLSIDOrProgID, // VT_BSTR or array of VT_BSTR [in] BSTR bstrDestinationApplicationIDOrName);
[ id(47), helpstring("Move one or more components from an Application to another Application in a different Partition") ] HRESULT MoveComponents( [in] BSTR bstrSourceApplicationIDOrName, [in] VARIANT * pVarCLSIDOrProgID, // VT_BSTR or array of VT_BSTR [in] BSTR bstrDestinationApplicationIDOrName);
[ id(48), helpstring("Create an alias for component configuration while retaining the implementation") ] HRESULT AliasComponent( [in] BSTR bstrSrcApplicationIDOrName, [in] BSTR bstrCLSIDOrProgID, [in] BSTR bstrDestApplicationIDOrName, // NULL for same as src [in] BSTR bstrNewProgId, [in] BSTR bstrNewClsid); // may be a NULL string
[ id(49), helpstring("Checks whether a DLL is in use by catalog or registry") ] HRESULT IsSafeToDelete( [in] BSTR bstrDllName, [out, retval] COMAdminInUse * pCOMAdminInUse);
[ id(50), helpstring("Import the specified classes as non-configured components") ] HRESULT ImportUnconfiguredComponents( [in] BSTR bstrApplicationIDOrName, [in] VARIANT * pVarCLSIDOrProgID, // VT_BSTR or an array of VT_BSTR [in, optional] VARIANT * pVarComponentType); // 1=32-bit, 2-64-bit, omitted = natural bitness for platform
[ id(51), helpstring("Promote the specified classes to become configured COM+ components") ] HRESULT PromoteUnconfiguredComponents( [in] BSTR bstrApplicationIDOrName, [in] VARIANT * pVarCLSIDOrProgID, // VT_BSTR or an array of VT_BSTR [in, optional] VARIANT * pVarComponentType); // 1=32-bit, 2-64-bit, omitted = natural bitness for platform [ id(52), helpstring("Import one or more components that are already registered as an inproc server in the 32 or 64 bit registry") ] HRESULT ImportComponents( [in] BSTR bstrApplicationIDOrName, [in] VARIANT * pVarCLSIDOrProgID, // VT_BSTR or an array of VT_BSTR [in, optional] VARIANT * pVarComponentType); // 1=32-bit, 2=64-bit, omitted = natural bitness for platform
[ propget, id(53), helpstring("Determine if the target catalog server is 64 bit") ] HRESULT Is64BitCatalogServer([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL * pbIs64Bit);
[ id(54), helpstring("Export a Partition to be installed on another machine") ] HRESULT ExportPartition( [in] BSTR bstrPartitionIDOrName, [in] BSTR bstrPartitionFileName, [in] long lOptions);
[ id(55), helpstring("Import a Partition from a file") ] HRESULT InstallPartition( [in] BSTR bstrFileName, [in] BSTR bstrDestDirectory, [in] long lOptions, [in] BSTR bstrUserID, [in] BSTR bstrPassword, [in] BSTR bstrRSN);
[ id(56), helpstring("Return information about an application that is about to be installed") ] HRESULT QueryApplicationFile2( [in] BSTR bstrApplicationFile, [out, retval] IDispatch **ppFilesForImport);
[ id(57), helpstring("Return the number of Partitions in which a specified component is installed")] HRESULT GetComponentVersionCount( [in] BSTR bstrCLSIDOrProgID, [out, retval] long *plVersionCount); }
// ICatalogObject
[ object, uuid(6eb22871-8a19-11d0-81b6-00a0c9231c29), dual, helpstring("ICatalogObject Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface ICatalogObject : IDispatch { import "oaidl.idl";
[ propget, id(1), helpstring("Gets a property value") ] HRESULT Value([in] BSTR bstrPropName, [out, retval] VARIANT * pvarRetVal);
[ propput, id(1), helpstring("Sets a property value") ] HRESULT Value([in] BSTR bstrPropName, [in] VARIANT val);
[ propget, id(2), helpstring("Gets the value of the key property") ] HRESULT Key([out, retval] VARIANT * pvarRetVal);
[ propget, id(3), helpstring("Gets the name of the object") ] HRESULT Name([out, retval] VARIANT * pvarRetVal);
[ id(4), helpstring("True if the property cannot be set") ] HRESULT IsPropertyReadOnly([in] BSTR bstrPropName, [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL * pbRetVal); [ propget, id(5), helpstring("True if all properties were successfully read from the catalog data store") ] HRESULT Valid([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL * pbRetVal);
[ id(6), helpstring("True if the property cannot be read") ] HRESULT IsPropertyWriteOnly([in] BSTR bstrPropName, [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL * pbRetVal); }
// ICatalogCollection
[ object, uuid(6eb22872-8a19-11d0-81b6-00a0c9231c29), dual, helpstring("ICatalogCollection Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface ICatalogCollection : IDispatch { import "oaidl.idl"; [ propget, restricted, id(DISPID_NEWENUM) ] // Must be propget. HRESULT _NewEnum([out, retval] IUnknown ** ppEnumVariant);
[ propget, id(1), helpstring("Returns an object by index") ] HRESULT Item( [in] long lIndex, [out, retval] IDispatch ** ppCatalogObject); [ propget, helpstring("Returns number of objects in the collection") ] HRESULT Count([out, retval] long* plObjectCount); [ helpstring("Removes an item, given the index") ] HRESULT Remove([in] long lIndex);
[ helpstring("Adds an object to the collection - returns the new object") ] HRESULT Add([out, retval] IDispatch ** ppCatalogObject);
[ id(2), helpstring("Reads all the collection objects from the catalog data store") ] HRESULT Populate();
[ id(3), helpstring("Saves changes made to the collection into the catalog data store") ] HRESULT SaveChanges([out, retval] long *pcChanges);
[ id(4), helpstring("Gets a collection related to a specific object - without reading any objects from the catalog data store") ] HRESULT GetCollection( [in] BSTR bstrCollName, [in] VARIANT varObjectKey, [out, retval] IDispatch ** ppCatalogCollection);
[ propget, id(6), helpstring("Gets the name of the collection") ] HRESULT Name([out, retval] VARIANT * pVarNamel);
[ propget, id(7), helpstring("Returns VARIANT_TRUE if Add is enabled") ] HRESULT AddEnabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL * pVarBool);
[ propget, id(8), helpstring("Returns VARIANT_TRUE if Remove is enabled") ] HRESULT RemoveEnabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL * pVarBool);
[ id(9), helpstring("Gets the utility interface") ] HRESULT GetUtilInterface([out, retval] IDispatch ** ppIDispatch);
[ propget, id(10), helpstring("Gets the major version number of the Catalog data store") ] HRESULT DataStoreMajorVersion([out, retval] long * plMajorVersion);
[ propget, id(11), helpstring("Gets the minor version number of the Catalog data store") ] HRESULT DataStoreMinorVersion([out, retval] long * plMinorVersionl);
[ id(12), helpstring("Reads selected objects from the catalog data store") ] HRESULT PopulateByKey([in] SAFEARRAY(VARIANT) psaKeys);
[ id(13), helpstring("Reserved for future use") ] HRESULT PopulateByQuery([in] BSTR bstrQueryString, [in] long lQueryType); }
[ uuid(F618C513-DFB8-11d1-A2CF-00805FC79235), version(1.0), helpstring("COM + 1.0 Admin Type Library") ] library COMAdmin { importlib("stdole32.tlb");
[ uuid(F618C514-DFB8-11d1-A2CF-00805FC79235), helpstring("COM Admin Class") ] coclass COMAdminCatalog { [default] interface ICOMAdminCatalog2; }
[ uuid(F618C515-DFB8-11d1-A2CF-00805FC79235), helpstring("COM Admin Catalog Object Class") ] coclass COMAdminCatalogObject { [default] interface ICatalogObject; }
[ uuid(F618C516-DFB8-11d1-A2CF-00805FC79235), helpstring("COM Admin Catalog Collection Class") ] coclass COMAdminCatalogCollection { [default] interface ICatalogCollection; } typedef[helpstring("ComponentType values for ImportComponentAsLegacy")] enum COMAdminComponentType { COMAdmin32BitComponent = 0x00000001, COMAdmin64BitComponent = 0x00000002 } COMAdminComponentType;
typedef[helpstring("Application install options - these options can be or'ed together")] enum COMAdminApplicationInstallOptions { COMAdminInstallNoUsers = 0, //Default COMAdminInstallUsers = 1, COMAdminInstallForceOverwriteOfFiles = 2 } COMAdminApplicationInstallOptions; typedef[helpstring("Application export options - these options can be or'ed together")] enum COMAdminApplicationExportOptions { COMAdminExportNoUsers = 0, //Default COMAdminExportUsers = 1, COMAdminExportApplicationProxy = 2, COMAdminExportForceOverwriteOfFiles = 4, COMAdminExportIn10Format = 16 } COMAdminApplicationExportOptions;
typedef[helpstring("Threading Model Enumerations")] enum COMAdminThreadingModels { COMAdminThreadingModelApartment = 0, COMAdminThreadingModelFree = 1, COMAdminThreadingModelMain = 2, COMAdminThreadingModelBoth = 3, COMAdminThreadingModelNeutral = 4, COMAdminThreadingModelNotSpecified = 5 } COMAdminThreadingModels;
typedef[helpstring("Transaction Settings Enumerations")] enum COMAdminTransactionOptions { COMAdminTransactionIgnored = 0, COMAdminTransactionNone = 1, COMAdminTransactionSupported = 2, COMAdminTransactionRequired = 3, COMAdminTransactionRequiresNew = 4, } COMAdminTransactionOptions;
typedef[helpstring("Transaction Isolation Level Enumerations")] // If these values are changed, also change TxIsolationLevelOption in CatQCS.idl. enum COMAdminTxIsolationLevelOptions { COMAdminTxIsolationLevelAny = 0, COMAdminTxIsolationLevelReadUnCommitted, // translates to ISOLATIONLEVEL_READUNCOMMITTED COMAdminTxIsolationLevelReadCommitted, // translates to ISOLATIONLEVEL_READCOMMITTED COMAdminTxIsolationLevelRepeatableRead, // translates to ISOLATIONLEVEL_REPEATABLEREAD COMAdminTxIsolationLevelSerializable, // translates to ISOLATIONLEVEL_SERIALIZABLE } COMAdminTxIsolationLevelOptions;
typedef[helpstring("Synchronization Settings Enumerations")] enum COMAdminSynchronizationOptions { COMAdminSynchronizationIgnored = 0, COMAdminSynchronizationNone = 1, COMAdminSynchronizationSupported = 2, COMAdminSynchronizationRequired = 3, COMAdminSynchronizationRequiresNew = 4 } COMAdminSynchronizationOptions;
typedef[helpstring("Activation Settings Enumerations")] enum COMAdminActivationOptions { COMAdminActivationInproc = 0, COMAdminActivationLocal = 1 } COMAdminActivationOptions;
typedef[helpstring("Access Level Settings Enumerations")] enum COMAdminAccessChecksLevelOptions { COMAdminAccessChecksApplicationLevel = 0, COMAdminAccessChecksApplicationComponentLevel = 1 } COMAdminAccessChecksLevelOptions;
typedef[helpstring("Authentication Level Settings Enumerations")] enum COMAdminAuthenticationLevelOptions { COMAdminAuthenticationDefault = 0, COMAdminAuthenticationNone = 1, COMAdminAuthenticationConnect = 2, COMAdminAuthenticationCall = 3, COMAdminAuthenticationPacket = 4, COMAdminAuthenticationIntegrity = 5, COMAdminAuthenticationPrivacy = 6 } COMAdminAuthenticationLevelOptions;
typedef[helpstring("Impersonation Level Settings Enumerations")] enum COMAdminImpersonationLevelOptions { COMAdminImpersonationAnonymous = 1, COMAdminImpersonationIdentify = 2, COMAdminImpersonationImpersonate = 3, COMAdminImpersonationDelegate = 4 } COMAdminImpersonationLevelOptions;
typedef[helpstring("Authentication Capabilities Settings Enumerations")] enum COMAdminAuthenticationCapabilitiesOptions { COMAdminAuthenticationCapabilitiesNone = 0x0, COMAdminAuthenticationCapabilitiesSecureReference = 0x2, COMAdminAuthenticationCapabilitiesStaticCloaking = 0x20, COMAdminAuthenticationCapabilitiesDynamicCloaking = 0x40 } COMAdminAuthenticationCapabilitiesOptions;
typedef[helpstring("Operating System Enumerations")] enum COMAdminOS { COMAdminOSWindows3_1 = 1, COMAdminOSWindows9x = 2, COMAdminOSWindowsNT = 3, COMAdminOSWindowsNTEnterprise = 4, COMAdminOSWindows2000Personal = 5 } COMAdminOS;
typedef[helpstring("Service Enumerations")] enum COMAdminServiceOptions { COMAdminServiceLoadBalanceRouter = 1 } COMAdminServiceOptions;
typedef[helpstring("Service Status Enumerations")] enum COMAdminServiceStatusOptions { COMAdminServiceStopped = 0, COMAdminServiceStartPending, COMAdminServiceStopPending, COMAdminServiceRunning, COMAdminServiceContinuePending, COMAdminServicePausePending, COMAdminServicePaused, COMAdminServiceUnknownState, } COMAdminServiceStatusOptions;
typedef[helpstring("Queued Components Message Authenticate Enumeration")] enum COMAdminQCMessageAuthenticateOptions {
[helpstring("Require authenticated messages if available from MSMQ and application Authentication Level For Calls is other than NONE")] COMAdminQCMessageAuthenticateSecureApps = 0,
[helpstring("Do not require MSMQ message authentication")] COMAdminQCMessageAuthenticateOff = 1,
[helpstring("Require authenticated messages")] COMAdminQCMessageAuthenticateOn = 2 } COMAdminQCMessageAuthenticateOptions;
typedef[helpstring("File Flags")] enum COMAdminFileFlags { [helpstring("File is Loadable")] COMAdminFileFlagLoadable = 0x00000001,
[helpstring("File contains COM Objects")] COMAdminFileFlagCOM = 0x00000002,
[helpstring("File contains a proxy stub")] COMAdminFileFlagContainsPS = 0x00000004,
[helpstring("File contains a component")] COMAdminFileFlagContainsComp = 0x00000008, [helpstring("File contains a typelibrary")] COMAdminFileFlagContainsTLB = 0x00000010, [helpstring("File contains self registration code")] COMAdminFileFlagSelfReg = 0x00000020, [helpstring("File contains self un-registration code")] COMAdminFileFlagSelfUnReg = 0x00000040, [helpstring("File is unloadable")] COMAdminFileFlagUnloadableDLL = 0x00000080, [helpstring("File does not exist")] COMAdminFileFlagDoesNotExist = 0x00000100, [helpstring("File is already installed")] COMAdminFileFlagAlreadyInstalled = 0x00000200, [helpstring("File contains a bad typelibrary")] COMAdminFileFlagBadTLB = 0x00000400, [helpstring("GetClassObj call failed on file")] COMAdminFileFlagGetClassObjFailed = 0x00000800, [helpstring("Class is not available")] COMAdminFileFlagClassNotAvailable = 0x00001000, [helpstring("File uses a registrar to register")] COMAdminFileFlagRegistrar = 0x00002000, [helpstring("File does not use a registrar to register")] COMAdminFileFlagNoRegistrar = 0x00004000, [helpstring("Regsvr call on file failed")] COMAdminFileFlagDLLRegsvrFailed = 0x00008000, [helpstring("Register typelibrary call on file failed")] COMAdminFileFlagRegTLBFailed = 0x00010000, [helpstring("Registrar failed to register file")] COMAdminFileFlagRegistrarFailed = 0x00020000, [helpstring("Generic file error ocurred")] COMAdminFileFlagError = 0x00040000 } COMAdminFileFlags;
typedef[helpstring("Component Flags")] enum COMAdminComponentFlags { [helpstring("Component type information not found")] COMAdminCompFlagTypeInfoFound = 0x00000001, [helpstring("COM Plus Properties Found")] COMAdminCompFlagCOMPlusPropertiesFound = 0x00000002, [helpstring("Proxy Found")] COMAdminCompFlagProxyFound = 0x00000004, [helpstring("Interfaces Found")] COMAdminCompFlagInterfacesFound = 0x00000008, [helpstring("Component is already installed")] COMAdminCompFlagAlreadyInstalled = 0x00000010, [helpstring("Component is not in application")] COMAdminCompFlagNotInApplication = 0x00000020 } COMAdminComponentFlags;
const wchar_t *COMAdminCollectionRoot = "Root"; const wchar_t *COMAdminCollectionApplications = "Applications"; const wchar_t *COMAdminCollectionComponents = "Components"; const wchar_t *COMAdminCollectionComputerList = "ComputerList"; const wchar_t *COMAdminCollectionApplicationCluster = "ApplicationCluster"; const wchar_t *COMAdminCollectionLocalComputer = "LocalComputer"; const wchar_t *COMAdminCollectionInprocServers = "InprocServers"; const wchar_t *COMAdminCollectionRelatedCollectionInfo = "RelatedCollectionInfo"; const wchar_t *COMAdminCollectionPropertyInfo = "PropertyInfo"; const wchar_t *COMAdminCollectionRoles = "Roles"; const wchar_t *COMAdminCollectionErrorInfo = "ErrorInfo"; const wchar_t *COMAdminCollectionInterfacesForComponent = "InterfacesForComponent"; const wchar_t *COMAdminCollectionRolesForComponent = "RolesForComponent"; const wchar_t *COMAdminCollectionMethodsForInterface = "MethodsForInterface"; const wchar_t *COMAdminCollectionRolesForInterface = "RolesForInterface"; const wchar_t *COMAdminCollectionRolesForMethod = "RolesForMethod"; const wchar_t *COMAdminCollectionUsersInRole = "UsersInRole"; const wchar_t *COMAdminCollectionDCOMProtocols = "DCOMProtocols"; const wchar_t *COMAdminCollectionPartitions = "Partitions";
// VB style error codes typedef[helpstring("Error codes (HRESULTS)")] enum COMAdminErrorCodes { [helpstring("Errors occurred accessing one or more objects - the ErrorInfo collection may have more detail")] COMAdminErrObjectErrors = COMADMIN_E_OBJECTERRORS,
[helpstring("One or more of the object's properties are missing or invalid")] COMAdminErrObjectInvalid = COMADMIN_E_OBJECTINVALID,
[helpstring("The object was not found in the catalog")] COMAdminErrKeyMissing = COMADMIN_E_KEYMISSING,
[helpstring("The object is already registered")] COMAdminErrAlreadyInstalled = COMADMIN_E_ALREADYINSTALLED,
[helpstring("Error occurred writing to the application file")] COMAdminErrAppFileWriteFail = COMADMIN_E_APP_FILE_WRITEFAIL,
[helpstring("Error occurred reading the application file")] COMAdminErrAppFileReadFail = COMADMIN_E_APP_FILE_READFAIL,
[helpstring("Invalid version number in application file")] COMAdminErrAppFileVersion = COMADMIN_E_APP_FILE_VERSION,
[helpstring("The file path is invalid")] COMAdminErrBadPath = COMADMIN_E_BADPATH,
[helpstring("The application is already installed")] COMAdminErrApplicationExists = COMADMIN_E_APPLICATIONEXISTS,
[helpstring("The role already exists")] COMAdminErrRoleExists = COMADMIN_E_ROLEEXISTS,
[helpstring("An error occurred copying the file")] COMAdminErrCantCopyFile = COMADMIN_E_CANTCOPYFILE,
[helpstring("One or more users are not valid")] COMAdminErrNoUser = COMADMIN_E_NOUSER,
[helpstring("One or more users in the application file are not valid")] COMAdminErrInvalidUserids = COMADMIN_E_INVALIDUSERIDS,
[helpstring("The component's CLSID is missing or corrupt")] COMAdminErrNoRegistryCLSID = COMADMIN_E_NOREGISTRYCLSID,
[helpstring("The component's progID is missing or corrupt")] COMAdminErrBadRegistryProgID = COMADMIN_E_BADREGISTRYPROGID,
[helpstring("Unable to set required authentication level for update request")] COMAdminErrAuthenticationLevel = COMADMIN_E_AUTHENTICATIONLEVEL,
[helpstring("The identity or password set on the application is not valid")] COMAdminErrUserPasswdNotValid = COMADMIN_E_USERPASSWDNOTVALID,
[helpstring("Application file CLSIDs or IIDs do not match corresponding DLLs")] COMAdminErrCLSIDOrIIDMismatch = COMADMIN_E_CLSIDORIIDMISMATCH,
[helpstring("Interface information is either missing or changed")] COMAdminErrRemoteInterface = COMADMIN_E_REMOTEINTERFACE,
[helpstring("DllRegisterServer failed on component install")] COMAdminErrDllRegisterServer = COMADMIN_E_DLLREGISTERSERVER,
[helpstring("No server file share available")] COMAdminErrNoServerShare = COMADMIN_E_NOSERVERSHARE,
[helpstring("DLL could not be loaded")] COMAdminErrDllLoadFailed = COMADMIN_E_DLLLOADFAILED,
[helpstring("The registered TypeLib ID is not valid")] COMAdminErrBadRegistryLibID = COMADMIN_E_BADREGISTRYLIBID,
[helpstring("Application install directory not found")] COMAdminErrAppDirNotFound = COMADMIN_E_APPDIRNOTFOUND,
[helpstring("Errors occurred while in the component registrar")] COMAdminErrRegistrarFailed = COMADMIN_E_REGISTRARFAILED,
[helpstring("The file does not exist")] COMAdminErrCompFileDoesNotExist = COMADMIN_E_COMPFILE_DOESNOTEXIST,
[helpstring("The DLL could not be loaded")] COMAdminErrCompFileLoadDLLFail = COMADMIN_E_COMPFILE_LOADDLLFAIL,
[helpstring("GetClassObject failed in the DLL")] COMAdminErrCompFileGetClassObj = COMADMIN_E_COMPFILE_GETCLASSOBJ,
[helpstring("The DLL does not support the components listed in the TypeLib")] COMAdminErrCompFileClassNotAvail = COMADMIN_E_COMPFILE_CLASSNOTAVAIL,
[helpstring("The TypeLib could not be loaded")] COMAdminErrCompFileBadTLB = COMADMIN_E_COMPFILE_BADTLB,
[helpstring("The file does not contain components or component information")] COMAdminErrCompFileNotInstallable = COMADMIN_E_COMPFILE_NOTINSTALLABLE,
[helpstring("Changes to this object and its sub-objects have been disabled")] COMAdminErrNotChangeable = COMADMIN_E_NOTCHANGEABLE,
[helpstring("The delete function has been disabled for this object")] COMAdminErrNotDeletable = COMADMIN_E_NOTDELETEABLE,
[helpstring("The server catalog version is not supported")] COMAdminErrSession = COMADMIN_E_SESSION,
[helpstring("The component move was disallowed, because the source or destination application is either a system application or currently locked against changes")] COMAdminErrCompMoveLocked = COMADMIN_E_COMP_MOVE_LOCKED,
[helpstring("The component move failed because the destination package no longer exists")] COMAdminErrCompMoveBadDest = COMADMIN_E_COMP_MOVE_BAD_DEST,
[helpstring("The system was unable to register the TypeLib")] COMAdminErrRegisterTLB = COMADMIN_E_REGISTERTLB,
[helpstring("This operation can not be performed on the system application")] COMAdminErrSystemApp = COMADMIN_E_SYSTEMAPP,
[helpstring("The component registrar referenced in this file is not available")] COMAdminErrCompFileNoRegistrar = COMADMIN_E_COMPFILE_NOREGISTRAR,
[helpstring("A component in the same DLL is already installed")] COMAdminErrCoReqCompInstalled = COMADMIN_E_COREQCOMPINSTALLED,
[helpstring("The service is not installed")] COMAdminErrServiceNotInstalled = COMADMIN_E_SERVICENOTINSTALLED,
[helpstring("One or more property settings are either invalid or in conflict with each other")] COMAdminErrPropertySaveFailed = COMADMIN_E_PROPERTYSAVEFAILED,
[helpstring("The object you are attempting to add or rename already exists")] COMAdminErrObjectExists = COMADMIN_E_OBJECTEXISTS,
[helpstring("The component you are attempting to add or rename already exists")] COMAdminErrComponentExists = COMADMIN_E_COMPONENTEXISTS,
[helpstring("The registration file is corrupt")] COMAdminErrRegFileCorrupt = COMADMIN_E_REGFILE_CORRUPT,
[helpstring("The property value is too large")] COMAdminErrPropertyOverflow = COMADMIN_E_PROPERTY_OVERFLOW,
[helpstring("Object was not found in registry")] COMAdminErrNotInRegistry = COMADMIN_E_NOTINREGISTRY,
[helpstring("This object is not poolable")] COMAdminErrObjectNotPoolable = COMADMIN_E_OBJECTNOTPOOLABLE,
[helpstring("A CLSID with the same GUID as the new application ID is already installed on this machine")] COMAdminErrApplidMatchesClsid = COMADMIN_E_APPLID_MATCHES_CLSID,
[helpstring("A role assigned to a component, interface, or method did not exist in the application")] COMAdminErrRoleDoesNotExist = COMADMIN_E_ROLE_DOES_NOT_EXIST,
[helpstring("You must have components in an application in order to start the application.")] COMAdminErrStartAppNeedsComponents = COMADMIN_E_START_APP_NEEDS_COMPONENTS,
[helpstring("This operation is not enabled on this platform.")] COMAdminErrRequiresDifferentPlatform = COMADMIN_E_REQUIRES_DIFFERENT_PLATFORM,
[helpstring("The queuing service is not installed")] COMAdminErrQueuingServiceNotAvailable = COMQC_E_QUEUING_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE,
[helpstring("One of the objects being inserted or updated does not belong to a valid parent collection")] COMAdminErrObjectParentMissing = COMADMIN_E_OBJECT_PARENT_MISSING,
[helpstring("One of the objects being updated or worked on does not exist")] COMAdminErrObjectDoesNotExist = COMADMIN_E_OBJECT_DOES_NOT_EXIST,
[helpstring("Application Proxy is not exportable")] COMAdminErrCanNotExportAppProxy = COMADMIN_E_CAN_NOT_EXPORT_APP_PROXY,
[helpstring("Failed to start application because it is either a library application or an application proxy")] COMAdminErrCanNotStartApp = COMADMIN_E_CAN_NOT_START_APP, [helpstring("System application is not exportable")] COMAdminErrCanNotExportSystemApp = COMADMIN_E_CAN_NOT_EXPORT_SYS_APP,
[helpstring("Can not subscribe to this component (the component may have been imported)")] COMAdminErrCanNotSubscribeToComponent = COMADMIN_E_CANT_SUBSCRIBE_TO_COMPONENT,
[helpstring("The specified application is not currently running")] COMAdminErrAppNotRunning = COMADMIN_E_APP_NOT_RUNNING,
[helpstring("An event class cannot also be a subscriber component")] COMAdminErrEventClassCannotBeSubscriber = COMADMIN_E_EVENTCLASS_CANT_BE_SUBSCRIBER,
[helpstring("Library applications and application proxies are incompatible")] COMAdminErrLibAppProxyIncompatible = COMADMIN_E_LIB_APP_PROXY_INCOMPATIBLE,
[helpstring("This function is valid for the base partition only")] COMAdminErrBasePartitionOnly = COMADMIN_E_BASE_PARTITION_ONLY,
[helpstring("The specified partition name is already in use on this computer")] COMAdminErrDuplicatePartitionName = COMADMIN_E_CAT_DUPLICATE_PARTITION_NAME,
[helpstring("The partition cannot be deleted because it is the default partition for one or more users")] COMAdminErrPartitionInUse = COMADMIN_E_CAT_PARTITION_IN_USE,
[helpstring("Applications that contain one or more imported components cannot be installed into a partition")] COMAdminErrImportedComponentsNotAllowed = COMADMIN_E_CAT_IMPORTED_COMPONENTS_NOT_ALLOWED,
[helpstring("The COM+ registry database has not been initialized")] COMAdminErrRegdbNotInitialized = COMADMIN_E_REGDB_NOTINITIALIZED,
[helpstring("The COM+ registry database is not open")] COMAdminErrRegdbNotOpen = COMADMIN_E_REGDB_NOTOPEN,
[helpstring("The COM+ registry database detected a system error")] COMAdminErrRegdbSystemErr = COMADMIN_E_REGDB_SYSTEMERR,
[helpstring("The COM+ registry database is already running")] COMAdminErrRegdbAlreadyRunning = COMADMIN_E_REGDB_ALREADYRUNNING,
[helpstring("This version of the COM+ registry database cannot be migrated")] COMAdminErrMigVersionNotSupported = COMADMIN_E_MIG_VERSIONNOTSUPPORTED,
[helpstring("The schema version to be migrated could not be found in the COM+ registry database")] COMAdminErrMigSchemaNotFound = COMADMIN_E_MIG_SCHEMANOTFOUND,
[helpstring("There was a type mismatch between binaries")] COMAdminErrCatBitnessMismatch = COMADMIN_E_CAT_BITNESSMISMATCH,
[helpstring("A binary of unknown or invalid type was provided")] COMAdminErrCatUnacceptableBitness = COMADMIN_E_CAT_UNACCEPTABLEBITNESS,
[helpstring("There was a type mismatch between a binary and an application")] COMAdminErrCatWrongAppBitnessBitness = COMADMIN_E_CAT_WRONGAPPBITNESS,
[helpstring("The application cannot be paused or resumed")] COMAdminErrCatPauseResumeNotSupported = COMADMIN_E_CAT_PAUSE_RESUME_NOT_SUPPORTED,
[helpstring("The COM+ Catalog Server threw an exception during execution")] COMAdminErrCatServerFault = COMADMIN_E_CAT_SERVERFAULT,
[helpstring("Library applications may not be recycled")] COMAdminErrCantRecycleLibraryApps = COMADMIN_E_CANTRECYCLELIBRARYAPPS,
[helpstring("Applications running as NT services may not be recycled")] COMAdminErrCantRecycleServiceApps = COMADMIN_E_CANTRECYCLESERVICEAPPS,
[helpstring("The process has already been recycled")] COMAdminErrProcessAlreadyRecycled = COMADMIN_E_PROCESSALREADYRECYCLED,
[helpstring("A paused process may not be recycled")] COMAdminErrPausedProcessMayNotBeRecycled = COMADMIN_E_PAUSEDPROCESSMAYNOTBERECYCLED,
[helpstring("The specified partition does not exist or access to it is denied")] COMAdminErrInvalidPartition = COMADMIN_E_INVALID_PARTITION,
[helpstring("Only Application Files (*.MSI files) can be installed into partitions")] COMAdminErrPartitionMsiOnly = COMADMIN_E_PARTITION_MSI_ONLY,
[helpstring("You cannot start an application that has been disabled")] COMAdminErrStartAppDisabled = COMADMIN_E_START_APP_DISABLED,
[helpstring("A component cannot be moved (or copied) from the System Application, an application proxy or a non-changeable application")] COMAdminErrCompMoveSource = COMADMIN_E_COMP_MOVE_SOURCE,
[helpstring("A component cannot be moved (or copied) to the System Application, an application proxy or a non-changeable application")] COMAdminErrCompMoveDest = COMADMIN_E_COMP_MOVE_DEST, [helpstring("A private component cannot be moved (or copied) to a library application or to the base partition")] COMAdminErrCompMovePrivate = COMADMIN_E_COMP_MOVE_PRIVATE,
[helpstring("Event Class components cannot be aliased.")] COMAdminErrCannotCopyEventClass = COMADMIN_E_CANNOT_ALIAS_EVENTCLASS } COMAdminErrorCodes; }