Copyright (c) 1989-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
cloning routines
NishadM Sep-29-1997 Created.
// unreferenced inline/local function has been removed
#pragma warning ( disable : 4514 )
// includes
#include "nodeskl.hxx"
#include "attrnode.hxx"
#include "acfattr.hxx"
#include "idict.hxx"
// externs
extern SymTable* pBaseSymTbl;
// constants
const char* const szAsyncIntfPrefix = "Async"; const unsigned int uAsyncIntfPrefixLen = 5; const char* const szFinishProcPrefix = "Finish_"; const unsigned int uFinishProcPrefixLen = 7; const char* const szBeginProcPrefix = "Begin_"; const unsigned int uBeginProcPrefixLen = 6;
// forwards
extern IDICT* pInterfaceDict;
void FixupCallAs ( node_call_as*, ITERATOR& ); node_interface* DuplicateNodeInterface ( node_interface* pIntfSrc, const char* const szPrefix, unsigned short uPrefixLen ); node_proc* DuplicateNodeProc ( node_proc* pProcSrc, const char* const szPrefix, unsigned uPrefixLen, unsigned long uInterfaceKey, ITERATOR& Itr ); node_param* DuplicateNodeParam ( node_param* pParamSrc, node_proc* pProc ); node_skl* FindInOnlyParamInExpr ( expr_node* pExpr ); node_skl* GetInOnlyParamPairedWithOut ( MEM_ITER& MemParamList ); void FixupBeginProcExpr ( expr_node* pExpr );
void FixupFinishProcExpr ( expr_node* pExpr ); void TraverseParamsAndExprs ( MEM_ITER& MemParamList, void (*CallFunc)( expr_node* ) );
// routines
CloneIFAndSplitMethods: Given an interface, copy it and split the methods for async. e.g. method IFoo::Foo becomes AsyncIFoo::Begin_Bar and AsyncIFoo::Finish_Bar. ****************************************************************************/ node_interface* CloneIFAndSplitMethods ( node_interface* pSrc ) { node_interface* pAsyncIntf = DuplicateNodeInterface ( pSrc, szAsyncIntfPrefix, uAsyncIntfPrefixLen ) ;
if ( pAsyncIntf ) { // for [call_as] fixups
ITERATOR BeginProcList; ITERATOR FinishProcList;
// each IFoo::Bar() becomes,
named_node* pNodeProcItr = 0; named_node* pPrevSibling = 0; MEM_ITER MemList( pSrc ); while ( ( pNodeProcItr = MemList.GetNext() ) != 0 ) { if ( pNodeProcItr->NodeKind() == NODE_PROC ) { // AsyncIFoo::Begin_Bar()
node_proc* pProcBegin = DuplicateNodeProc ( (node_proc*)pNodeProcItr, szBeginProcPrefix, uBeginProcPrefixLen, CurrentIntfKey, BeginProcList ); pProcBegin->SetIsBeginProc(); if ( pPrevSibling ) { pPrevSibling->SetSibling( pProcBegin ); } else { pAsyncIntf->SetFirstMember( pProcBegin ); }
// AsyncIFoo::Finish_Bar()
node_proc* pProcFinish = DuplicateNodeProc ( (node_proc*)pNodeProcItr, szFinishProcPrefix, uFinishProcPrefixLen, CurrentIntfKey, FinishProcList ); pProcFinish->SetIsFinishProc(); pProcFinish->SetBeginProc( pProcBegin ); pProcBegin->SetSibling( pProcFinish ); pPrevSibling = pProcFinish;
// AsyncIFoo::Begin_Bar() gets all [in] params of IFoo::Bar() &
// AsyncIFoo::Finish_Bar() gets all [out] params IFoo::Bar().
MEM_ITER MemParamList( (node_proc*)pNodeProcItr ); named_node* pNodeParamItr = 0; MemParamList.Init(); while ( ( pNodeParamItr = (node_param *) MemParamList.GetNext() ) != 0 ) { // if parameter has [in] or, does not have either [in] or [out] attributes
// assume [in] by default
if ( pNodeParamItr->FInSummary( ATTR_IN ) || !( pNodeParamItr->FInSummary( ATTR_IN ) || pNodeParamItr->FInSummary( ATTR_OUT ) ) ) { ( (node_param*) pNodeParamItr )->SetAsyncBeginSibling ( DuplicateNodeParam( (node_param*)pNodeParamItr, pProcBegin ) ); } if ( pNodeParamItr->FInSummary( ATTR_OUT ) // || ( (node_param *) pNodeParamItr )->IsTaggedForAsyncFinishParamList()
) { ( (node_param*) pNodeParamItr )->SetAsyncFinishSibling ( DuplicateNodeParam( (node_param*)pNodeParamItr, pProcFinish ) ); } } // fix up expr in Begin_* and Finish_*
MEM_ITER BeginProcParamList( pProcBegin ); TraverseParamsAndExprs( BeginProcParamList, FixupBeginProcExpr );
MEM_ITER FinishProcParamList( pProcFinish ); TraverseParamsAndExprs( FinishProcParamList, FixupFinishProcExpr ); } } // [call_as] fixups
// [call_as(Baz)] IFoo::Bar() becomes,
// [call_as(Begin_Baz)] AsyncIFoo::Begin_Bar()
// [call_as(Finish_Baz)] AsyncIFoo::Finish_Bar()
MEM_ITER AsyncMemList( pAsyncIntf ); AsyncMemList.Init(); while ( ( pNodeProcItr = AsyncMemList.GetNext() ) != 0 ) { node_call_as* pCallAs = ( node_call_as* )pNodeProcItr->GetAttribute( ATTR_CALL_AS );
if ( pCallAs ) { FixupCallAs( pCallAs, BeginProcList ); pNodeProcItr = AsyncMemList.GetNext(); // if Begin_* has [call_as] Finish_* has it too.
pCallAs = ( node_call_as* )pNodeProcItr->GetAttribute( ATTR_CALL_AS ); FixupCallAs( pCallAs, FinishProcList ); } } } return pAsyncIntf; }
DuplicateNodeInterface: Duplicate an interface changing it's name from IFoo to AsyncIFoo and changing the [async_uuid] attribute to [uuid] ****************************************************************************/ node_interface* DuplicateNodeInterface ( node_interface* pIntfSrc, const char* const szPrefix, unsigned short uPrefixLen ) { node_interface* pIntfDup = new node_interface; if ( pIntfDup ) { *pIntfDup = *pIntfSrc; // new named_node get a new copy of the attributes
pIntfDup->CopyAttributes( pIntfSrc ); // members will be added later
pIntfDup->SetFirstMember( 0 );
// async interface inherits from base interface's async clone
node_interface* pSrcBase = pIntfSrc->GetMyBaseInterface(); if ( pSrcBase && pSrcBase->GetAsyncInterface() ) { pIntfDup->SetMyBaseInterfaceReference ( new node_interface_reference( pSrcBase->GetAsyncInterface() ) ); }
// [async_uuid] becomes [uuid]
node_guid* pAsyncGuid = (node_guid*) pIntfSrc->GetAttribute( ATTR_ASYNCUUID ); char* szGuid = new char[strlen(pAsyncGuid->GetGuidString())+1]; strcpy( szGuid, pAsyncGuid->GetGuidString() ); pIntfDup->RemoveAttribute( ATTR_GUID ); pIntfDup->RemoveAttribute( ATTR_ASYNCUUID ); pIntfDup->SetAttribute( new node_guid( szGuid, ATTR_GUID ) );
// IFoo becomes AsyncIFoo
char* szName = new char[strlen(pIntfSrc->GetSymName())+uPrefixLen+1]; strcpy( szName, szPrefix ); strcat( szName, pIntfSrc->GetSymName() ); pIntfDup->SetSymName( szName );
// AsyncIFoo added to the list of interfaces
pIntfDup->SetSibling( pIntfSrc->GetSibling() ); pIntfSrc->SetSibling( pIntfDup );
CurrentIntfKey = (unsigned short) pInterfaceDict->AddElement( pIntfDup );
SymKey SKey( pIntfDup->GetSymName(), NAME_DEF ); named_node* pFound = pBaseSymTbl->SymSearch( SKey ); if ( pFound ) { pFound->SetChild( pIntfDup ); } } return pIntfDup; }
DuplicateNodeProc Duplicate a node_proc and prefix it's name with the given string. Only the procedure node is duplicated, parameters are not set. ****************************************************************************/ node_proc* DuplicateNodeProc ( node_proc* pProcSrc, const char* const szPrefix, unsigned uPrefixLen, unsigned long uInterfaceKey, ITERATOR& Itr ) { node_proc* pProcDup = new node_proc( short( 0 ), true ); // pProcSrc->CopyTo( pProcDup );
*pProcDup = *pProcSrc; pProcDup->SetSibling( 0 ); pProcDup->SetClientCorrelationCount(); pProcDup->SetServerCorrelationCount(); // new named_node get a new copy of the attributes
pProcDup->CopyAttributes( pProcSrc ); // members will be added later
pProcDup->SetFirstMember( 0 ); pProcDup->SetInterfaceKey( uInterfaceKey ); char* szName = new char[strlen(pProcSrc->GetSymName())+uPrefixLen+1]; strcpy( szName, szPrefix ); strcat( szName, pProcSrc->GetSymName() ); pProcDup->SetSymName( szName ); ITERATOR_INSERT( Itr, pProcDup ); return pProcDup; }
DuplicateNodeParam: Duplicate the given parameter and attach it to the given procedure. ****************************************************************************/ node_param* DuplicateNodeParam ( node_param* pParamSrc, node_proc* pProc ) { node_param* pParamDup = new node_param; // pParamSrc->CopyTo( pParamDup );
*pParamDup = *pParamSrc; pParamDup->SetSibling( 0 ); // new named_node get a new copy of the attributes
pParamDup->CopyAttributes( pParamSrc ); pProc->AddLastMember( pParamDup ); return pParamDup; }
FixupCallAs: When an async interface is created from a sync one the duplicated interface still points to stuff in the original interface. Fix up [call_as] procs to point to the split procedures instead. ****************************************************************************/ void FixupCallAs( node_call_as* pCallAs, ITERATOR& ProcList ) { char* szProcName = pCallAs->GetCallAsName(); node_proc* pProcItr = 0;
ITERATOR_INIT( ProcList ); while ( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( ProcList, pProcItr ) ) { // advance past Begin_ or Finish_
char* szProcItrName = pProcItr->GetSymName(); szProcItrName = strchr( szProcItrName, '_' ); szProcItrName++; // semantic errors will be caught in node_proc::SemanticAnalysis()
if ( !strcmp( szProcItrName, szProcName ) ) { pCallAs->SetCallAsName( pProcItr->GetSymName() ); pCallAs->SetCallAsType( pProcItr ); break; } } }
FindInOnlyParamInExpr: Search an expression for an in-only parameter. ****************************************************************************/ node_skl* FindInOnlyParamInExpr ( expr_node* pExpr ) { node_skl* pRet = 0; if ( pExpr ) { if ( pExpr->IsAVariable() ) { if ( !pExpr->GetType()->FInSummary( ATTR_OUT ) ) pRet = pExpr->GetType(); } else { pRet = FindInOnlyParamInExpr( pExpr->GetLeft() ); if ( !pRet ) { pRet = FindInOnlyParamInExpr( pExpr->GetRight() ); } } } return pRet; }
GetUnknownExpression: Determine if a given expression is a non-simple with in parameters. An expression is simple if it is NULL, a constant, or a single variable. An expression is also simple if it is of the form "var+1", "var-1", "var*2", "var/2", or "*var" (these are simple because they can be expressed by directly in the correlation descriptor).
If the expression is non-simple with in parameters, non-0 is returned, else 0 is returned. ****************************************************************************/ bool IsSimpleExpression( expr_node* pExpr ) { if ( ! pExpr || pExpr->IsAVariable() || pExpr->IsConstant() ) { return true; }
expr_node* pExprLHS = pExpr->GetLeft(); expr_node* pExprRHS = pExpr->GetRight();
switch ( pExpr->GetOperator() ) { case OP_SLASH: case OP_STAR: if ( pExprLHS->IsAVariable() && pExprRHS->IsConstant() && ((expr_constant *)pExprRHS)->GetValue() == 2 ) { return true; } break;
case OP_PLUS : case OP_MINUS : if ( pExprLHS->IsAVariable() && pExprRHS->IsConstant() && ((expr_constant *)pExprRHS)->GetValue() == 1 ) { return true; } break;
case OP_UNARY_INDIRECTION : if ( pExprLHS->IsAVariable() ) { return true; } break;
default: break; }
return false; }
GetInOnlyParamPairedWithOut: Determine if any of the expression in the given parameter list mixes in and out parameters in non-simple ways. Return non-0 if the do and 0 if they don't. ****************************************************************************/ node_skl* GetInOnlyParamPairedWithOut ( MEM_ITER& MemParamList ) { named_node* pNodeParamItr = 0; node_skl* pNode = 0; MemParamList.Init(); while ( ( pNodeParamItr = (node_param *) MemParamList.GetNext() ) != 0 ) { if ( !pNodeParamItr->GetAttribute( ATTR_OUT ) ) { continue; } node_base_attr* pAttr; ATTRLIST AList = pNodeParamItr->GetAttributeList(AList); ATTR_T lastAttrID = ATTR_NONE; int nAttrInstance = 0; bool bFirstInstanceWasNull = false; bool bHasInParam = false;
for ( pAttr = AList.GetFirst(); NULL != pAttr && 0 == pNode; pAttr = pAttr->GetNext() ) { ATTR_T thisAttrID = pAttr->GetAttrID();
if ( thisAttrID == lastAttrID ) ++nAttrInstance; else nAttrInstance = 1;
lastAttrID = thisAttrID;
switch ( thisAttrID ) { case ATTR_SIZE: case ATTR_LENGTH: case ATTR_SWITCH_IS: case ATTR_IID_IS: case ATTR_FIRST: case ATTR_LAST: case ATTR_MAX: case ATTR_MIN: { if ( 1 == nAttrInstance ) { bFirstInstanceWasNull = ( NULL == pAttr->GetExpr() ); bHasInParam = false; }
// Don't allow any dimensions after one with an in param
if ( bHasInParam ) { pNode = (node_skl *) -1; break; } if ( FindInOnlyParamInExpr( pAttr->GetExpr() ) ) { if ( ! IsSimpleExpression( pAttr->GetExpr() ) || ( nAttrInstance > 2 ) || ( nAttrInstance == 2 && ! bFirstInstanceWasNull ) ) { pNode = (node_skl *) -1; break; }
bHasInParam = true; }
break; } case ATTR_BYTE_COUNT: { pNode = ( ( node_byte_count* ) pAttr )->GetByteCountParam(); if ( pNode->FInSummary( ATTR_OUT ) ) { pNode = 0; } break; }
default: // Only need to worry about attributes with parameter
// expressions
break; } }
if ( pNode ) { // Do this to have an error message context.
pNode = pNodeParamItr; break; } }
return pNode; }
FixupFinishProcExpr: When an async interface is created from a sync one the duplicated interface still points to stuff in the original interface. Fix up parameters in a Finish method to point to the duplicated parameters in the async interface instead of the original sync interface. ****************************************************************************/ void FixupFinishProcExpr ( expr_node* pExpr ) { if ( pExpr ) { // If we don't have a type then that means we have a reference to a
// variable that doesn't exist. The dangling reference will be caught
// and reported in FIELD_ATTR_INFO::Validate
if ( NULL == pExpr->GetType() ) { return; }
if ( pExpr->GetType()->NodeKind() == NODE_PARAM ) { node_param* pParam = (node_param*)pExpr->GetType(); if ( pParam->GetAsyncFinishSibling() ) { pExpr->SetType( pParam->GetAsyncFinishSibling() ); } else { pExpr->SetType( pParam->GetAsyncBeginSibling() ); pParam->GetAsyncBeginSibling()->SaveForAsyncFinish(); } } FixupFinishProcExpr( pExpr->GetLeft() ); FixupFinishProcExpr( pExpr->GetRight() ); // FixupFinishProcExpr( pExpr->GetRelational() );
} }
FixupFinishProcExpr: When an async interface is created from a sync one the duplicated interface still points to stuff in the original interface. Fix up parameters in a Begin method to point to the duplicated parameters in the async interface instead of the original sync interface. ****************************************************************************/ void FixupBeginProcExpr ( expr_node* pExpr ) { if ( pExpr ) { // If we don't have a type then that means we have a reference to a
// variable that doesn't exist. The dangling reference will be caught
// and reported in FIELD_ATTR_INFO::Validate
if ( NULL == pExpr->GetType() ) { return; }
if ( pExpr->GetType()->NodeKind() == NODE_PARAM ) { node_param* pParam = (node_param*)pExpr->GetType(); pExpr->SetType( pParam->GetAsyncBeginSibling() ); } FixupBeginProcExpr( pExpr->GetLeft() ); FixupBeginProcExpr( pExpr->GetRight() ); // FixupExpr( pExpr->GetRelational() );
} }
FixupFinishProcExpr: When an async interface is created from a sync one the duplicated interface still points to stuff in the original interface. This routine traverses the parameters and fixes up the pointers to point to the proper stuff in the duplicated interface instead.
This routine is quite specific to the needs of async and is not meant as a general purpose parameter traversing function. ****************************************************************************/ void TraverseParamsAndExprs ( MEM_ITER& MemParamList, void (*CallFunc)( expr_node* ) ) { node_param* pNodeParamItr = 0;
MemParamList.Init(); while ( ( pNodeParamItr = ( node_param *) MemParamList.GetNext() ) != 0 ) { node_base_attr* pAttr; ATTRLIST AList = pNodeParamItr->GetAttributeList(AList);
for ( pAttr = AList.GetFirst(); NULL != pAttr; pAttr = pAttr->GetNext() ) { switch ( pAttr->GetAttrID() ) { case ATTR_SIZE: case ATTR_LENGTH: case ATTR_SWITCH_IS: case ATTR_IID_IS: case ATTR_FIRST: case ATTR_LAST: case ATTR_MAX: case ATTR_MIN: { CallFunc( pAttr->GetExpr() ); break; } case ATTR_BYTE_COUNT: { node_param* pParam = ( ( node_byte_count* ) pAttr )->GetByteCountParam(); if ( FixupBeginProcExpr == CallFunc ) { ( ( node_byte_count* ) pAttr )->SetByteCountParam( pParam->GetAsyncBeginSibling() ); } else { if ( pParam->GetAsyncFinishSibling() ) { ( ( node_byte_count* ) pAttr )->SetByteCountParam( pParam->GetAsyncFinishSibling() ); } else { ( ( node_byte_count* ) pAttr )->SetByteCountParam( pParam->GetAsyncBeginSibling() ); pParam->GetAsyncBeginSibling()->SaveForAsyncFinish(); } } }
default: // Only need to worry about attributes with parameter
// expressions
break; } } } }