/*****************************************************************************/ /** Microsoft LAN Manager **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1987-1999 **/ /*****************************************************************************/ /*****************************************************************************
File : gramutil.hxx Title : grammar utility module Description : contains definitions associated with the grammar and : associated routines History : 05-Sep-1990 VibhasC Created 11-Sep-1990 VibhasC Merged gramdefs.hxx into this one for easy maintainability 20-Sep-1990 NateO Safeguards against double inclusion, added include of rpctypes, common *****************************************************************************/ #ifndef __GRAMUTIL_HXX__
#define __GRAMUTIL_HXX__
#include "allnodes.hxx"
#include "symtable.hxx"
#include "idict.hxx"
extern "C" { #include "lex.h"
* prototypes of all grammar related utility routines ***************************************************************************/ void BaseTypeSpecAnalysis( struct _type_ana *, short ); void SignSpecAnalysis( struct _type_ana *, short ); void SizeSpecAnalysis( struct _type_ana *, short ); void ParseError( STATUS_T , char *); STATUS_T GetBaseTypeNode( node_skl **, short, short, short, short typeAttrib = 0); STATUS_T GetBaseTypeNode( node_skl **, struct _type_ana );
* general definitions ***************************************************************************/ //
// definitions for type specification and analysis
// basic types
#define TYPE_UNDEF (0)
#define TYPE_INT (1)
#define TYPE_FLOAT (2)
#define TYPE_DOUBLE (3)
#define TYPE_VOID (4)
#define TYPE_BOOLEAN (5)
#define TYPE_BYTE (6)
#define TYPE_HANDLE_T (7)
#define TYPE_PIPE (8)
#define TYPE_FLOAT80 (9)
#define TYPE_FLOAT128 (10)
// sizes of basic types
#define SIZE_UNDEF (0)
#define SIZE_CHAR (1)
#define SIZE_SHORT (2)
#define SIZE_LONG (3)
#define SIZE_HYPER (4)
#define SIZE_SMALL (5)
#define SIZE_LONGLONG (6)
#define SIZE_INT64 (7)
#define SIZE_INT32 (8)
#define SIZE_INT3264 (9)
#define SIZE_INT128 (10)
// signs
#define SIGN_UNDEF (0)
#define SIGN_SIGNED (1)
#define SIGN_UNSIGNED (2)
// attribs
#define ATT_NONE (0)
#define ATT_W64 (1)
#define SET_ATTRIB(x,att) (x = x | att)
#define SET_TYPE(x,type) (x = x | (type << 4 ))
#define SET_SIZE(x,size) (x = x | (size << 8))
#define SET_SIGN(x,sign) (x = x | (sign << 12))
#define GET_ATTRIB(x) (x & 0x000f)
#define GET_TYPE(x) ((x & 0x00f0) >> 4)
#define GET_SIZE(x) ((x & 0x0f00) >> 8)
#define GET_SIGN(x) ((x & 0xf000) >> 12)
#define MAKE_TYPE_SPEC(sign,size,type, attrib) ((sign << 12) | (size << 8) | (type << 4) | attrib)
// array bounds
* definitions local to the parser ****************************************************************************/ struct _type_ana { short TypeSize; // char/short/small/hyper/long/etc
short BaseType; // int/float/double/void/bool/handle_t ect
short TypeSign; // signed/unsigned
short TypeAttrib; // vanilla/__w64
class _DECLARATOR { public: class node_skl * pHighest; class node_skl * pLowest;
void Init() { pHighest = (node_skl *) NULL; pLowest = (node_skl *) NULL; };
void Init( node_skl * pSoloNode ) { pHighest = pSoloNode; pLowest = pSoloNode; };
void Init( node_skl * pTop, node_skl * pBottom) { pHighest = pTop; pLowest = pBottom; };
void ReplTop( node_skl * pTop ) { pTop->SetChild( pHighest->GetChild() ); pHighest = pTop; };
// void MergeBelow( _DECLARATOR & dec );
// declarator lists are maintained as circular lists with a pointer to the
// tail element. Also, the list pointer is a full entry, not just a pointer.
private: class _DECLARATOR_SET * pNext; friend class DECLARATOR_LIST_MGR;
public: void Init() { pNext = NULL; pHighest = NULL; pLowest = NULL; };
void Init( _DECLARATOR pFirst ) { pHighest = pFirst.pHighest; pLowest = pFirst.pLowest; pNext = NULL; };
void Add( _DECLARATOR pExtra ) { // skip empty declarator
if (pExtra.pHighest == NULL) return;
// fill in anchor if empty
if (pHighest == NULL) { Init( pExtra); return; };
// create a new link node, and fill it in
pNew->pHighest = pExtra.pHighest ; pNew->pLowest = pExtra.pLowest ;
if ( pNext ) { // point pNext to list head (tail's tail)
// point tail to new one
pNew->pNext = pNext->pNext; pNext->pNext = pNew; } else { pNew->pNext = pNew; }
// advance tail pointer
pNext = pNew; }; };
class DECLARATOR_LIST_MGR { class _DECLARATOR_SET * pCur; class _DECLARATOR_SET * pAnchor;
pCur = NULL; pAnchor = &First;
// break the circular list, so first points to head
// of list, and tail points to NULL
if (pTail) { First.pNext = pTail->pNext; pTail->pNext = NULL; } };
// return next element
_DECLARATOR * DestructiveGetNext() { _DECLARATOR_SET * pLast = pCur;
// delete the element we returned last time (if
// not NULL or the Anchor node)
if (pCur) { pCur = pCur->pNext; if (pLast != pAnchor) { delete pLast; } } else { pCur = pAnchor; };
return pCur; };
BOOL NonEmpty() { return ( pAnchor->pHighest != NULL ); };
class SIBLING_LIST { named_node * pTail; friend class SIBLING_ITER;
SIBLING_LIST Init() { pTail = NULL; return *this; };
SIBLING_LIST Init( node_skl * pLoneNode ) { named_node * pSoloNode = (named_node *) pLoneNode;
pTail = pSoloNode; if ( pSoloNode ) { pSoloNode->SetSibling( pSoloNode ); };
return *this; };
BOOL NonNull() { return pTail != NULL; };
named_node * Tail() { return pTail; };
SIBLING_LIST SetPeer( named_node * pNewNode ) { return Add( pNewNode ); };
SIBLING_LIST Add( named_node * pNewNode ); // add to tail
named_node * Linearize();
void AddAttributes( ATTRLIST & AList );
operator void * () { return pTail; }; };
class SIBLING_ITER { private: named_node * pHead; named_node * pCur;
public: SIBLING_ITER( SIBLING_LIST & SibList ) { pCur = NULL; pHead = (SibList.pTail == NULL) ? NULL : (named_node *) SibList.pTail->GetSibling(); };
named_node * Next() { if (pCur == NULL) { pCur = pHead; } else { pCur = (named_node *) pCur->GetSibling(); pCur = (pCur == pHead) ? NULL : pCur; }
return pCur; };
class _decl_spec { public: node_skl * pNode; MODIFIER_SET modifiers;
void Init( node_skl * pOnly ) { pNode = pOnly; }; void Init( node_skl *pOnly, const MODIFIER_SET & mod ) { pNode = pOnly; modifiers = mod; } };
struct _interface_header { node_interface * pInterface; // interface node
struct _numeric { union { double dVal; // value
float fVal; // value
long Val; // value
}; char *pValStr; // value string as user specified
struct _array_bounds { class expr_node * LowerBound; // lower array bound
class expr_node * UpperBound; // upper bound
struct _int_body { SIBLING_LIST Imports; // import nodes
SIBLING_LIST Members; // type graph node below interface node
struct _library_header { node_library * pLibrary; };
struct _disp_header { node_dispinterface * pDispInterface; };
struct _coclass_header { node_coclass * pCoclass; };
struct _module_header { node_module * pModule; };
struct _enlab { class expr_node * pExpr; class node_label * pLabel; unsigned short fSparse; };
struct _enlist { class SIBLING_LIST NodeList; class node_label * pPrevLabel; unsigned short fSparse; };
struct _en_switch { class node_skl * pNode; class node_switch_is * pSwitch; char * pName; };
struct _nu_caselabel { class expr_node * pExpr; node_base_attr * pDefault; };
struct _nu_cllist { class expr_list * pExprList; class node_base_attr * pDefault; short DefCount; };
struct _nu_cases { SIBLING_LIST CaseList; short DefCount; };
union s_lextype { short yy_short; USHORT yy_ushort; int yy_int; long yy_long; MODIFIER_SET yy_modifiers; enum _operators yy_operator; char * yy_pSymName; char * yy_string; _type_ana yy_type; node_skl * yy_graph; _DECLARATOR yy_declarator; _DECLARATOR_SET yy_declarator_set; _decl_spec yy_declspec; _interface_header yy_inthead; type_node_list * yy_tnlist; _array_bounds yy_abounds; _int_body yy_intbody; expr_node * yy_expr; expr_list * yy_exprlist; _numeric yy_numeric; _enlab yy_enlab; _enlist yy_enlist; expr_init_list * yy_initlist; ATTR_T yy_attrenum; class SIBLING_LIST yy_siblist; class ATTRLIST yy_attrlist; class node_base_attr * yy_attr; struct _en_switch yy_en_switch; struct _nu_caselabel yy_nucaselabel; struct _nu_cllist yy_nucllist; struct _nu_cases yy_nucases; _library_header yy_libhead; _disp_header yy_disphead; _module_header yy_modulehead; _coclass_header yy_coclasshead; token_t yy_tokentype; };
typedef union s_lextype lextype_t;
// the parse stack depth
#define YYMAXDEPTH 150
// predefined type node data base
struct _pre_type { unsigned short TypeSpec; class node_skl * pPreAlloc; };
#define PRE_TYPE_DB_SIZE (36)
class pre_type_db { private: struct _pre_type TypeDB[ PRE_TYPE_DB_SIZE ]; public: pre_type_db( void ); STATUS_T GetPreAllocType(node_skl **, unsigned short); };
// A structure which carries the interface information while the interface
// is being processed. This is necessary since the interface node and the
// type graph gets joined after the interface declarations are fully processed
// and the interface declarations need this while it is being processed.
typedef struct _iInfo { node_interface * pInterfaceNode; short CurrentTagNumber; unsigned short IntfKey; ATTR_T InterfacePtrAttribute; BOOL fPtrDefErrorReported; BOOL fPtrWarningIssued; BOOL fLocal; } IINFO ;
class IINFODICT : public ISTACK { private: BOOL fBaseLocal; ATTR_T BaseInterfacePtrAttribute; node_interface * pBaseInterfaceNode; public:
IINFODICT() : ISTACK( 5 ) { BaseInterfacePtrAttribute = ATTR_NONE; }
BOOL IsPtrWarningIssued();
void SetPtrWarningIssued();
void StartNewInterface();
void EndNewInterface();
void SetInterfacePtrAttribute( ATTR_T A );
ATTR_T GetInterfacePtrAttribute();
ATTR_T GetBaseInterfacePtrAttribute();
void SetInterfaceLocal();
BOOL IsInterfaceLocal();
void SetInterfaceNode( node_interface *p );
node_interface * GetInterfaceNode();
SymTable * GetInterfaceProcTable() { return GetInterfaceNode()->GetProcTbl(); }
char * GetInterfaceName() { return GetInterfaceNode()->GetSymName(); }
short GetCurrentTagNumber();
void IncrementCurrentTagNumber();
void SetPtrDefErrorReported();
BOOL IsPtrDefErrorReported();
class nsa : public gplistmgr { short CurrentLevel; public: nsa(void); ~nsa(void) { }; STATUS_T PushSymLevel( class SymTable ** ); STATUS_T PopSymLevel( class SymTable ** ); short GetCurrentLevel( void ); class SymTable * GetCurrentSymbolTable( void ); };