Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name :
Abstract :
This file contains the function to dispatch calls to stub worker.
Author :
Yong Qu yongqu Feb 2000 created Revision History :
#include "precomp.hxx"
#include "ndrole.h"
#include "rpcproxy.h"
#include "interp2.h"
#include <stdarg.h>
extern long RPC_ENTRY Ndr64StubWorker( IRpcStubBuffer * pThis, IRpcChannelBuffer * pChannel, PRPC_MESSAGE pRpcMsg, MIDL_SERVER_INFO * pServerInfo, const SERVER_ROUTINE * DispatchTable, MIDL_SYNTAX_INFO * pSyntaxInfo, ulong * pdwStubPhase );
RPCRTAPI void RPC_ENTRY NdrServerCallNdr64( PRPC_MESSAGE pRpcMsg ) /*++
Routine Description :
Server Interpreter entry point for regular RPC procs.
Arguments :
pRpcMsg - The RPC message.
Return :
--*/ { ulong dwStubPhase = STUB_UNMARSHAL; PRPC_SERVER_INTERFACE pServerIfInfo; PMIDL_SERVER_INFO pServerInfo; const SERVER_ROUTINE * DispatchTable; NDR_PROC_CONTEXT ProcContext; MIDL_SYNTAX_INFO * pSyntaxInfo; pServerIfInfo = (PRPC_SERVER_INTERFACE)pRpcMsg->RpcInterfaceInformation; pServerInfo = (PMIDL_SERVER_INFO)pServerIfInfo->InterpreterInfo; DispatchTable = pServerInfo->DispatchTable; pSyntaxInfo = &pServerInfo->pSyntaxInfo[0];
NDR_ASSERT( XFER_SYNTAX_NDR64 == NdrpGetSyntaxType(&pSyntaxInfo->TransferSyntax), " invalid transfer syntax" ); Ndr64StubWorker( 0, 0, pRpcMsg, pServerInfo, DispatchTable, pSyntaxInfo, &dwStubPhase ); }
RPCRTAPI void RPC_ENTRY NdrServerCallAll( PRPC_MESSAGE pRpcMsg ) { ulong dwStubPhase = STUB_UNMARSHAL; PRPC_SERVER_INTERFACE pServerIfInfo; PMIDL_SERVER_INFO pServerInfo; const SERVER_ROUTINE * DispatchTable; NDR_PROC_CONTEXT ProcContext; MIDL_SYNTAX_INFO * pSyntaxInfo;
pServerIfInfo = (PRPC_SERVER_INTERFACE)pRpcMsg->RpcInterfaceInformation; pServerInfo = (PMIDL_SERVER_INFO)pServerIfInfo->InterpreterInfo; DispatchTable = pServerInfo->DispatchTable; // assuming the default transfer syntax is DCE, NDR64 is the second syntaxinfo.
pSyntaxInfo = &pServerInfo->pSyntaxInfo[1];
NDR_ASSERT( XFER_SYNTAX_NDR64 == NdrpGetSyntaxType(&pSyntaxInfo->TransferSyntax), " invalid transfer syntax" ); Ndr64StubWorker( 0, 0, pRpcMsg, pServerInfo, DispatchTable, pSyntaxInfo, &dwStubPhase ); }
long RPC_ENTRY NdrStubCall3( struct IRpcStubBuffer * pThis, struct IRpcChannelBuffer * pChannel, PRPC_MESSAGE pRpcMsg, ulong * pdwStubPhase ) { IUnknown * pSrvObj; CInterfaceStubVtbl * pStubVTable; PMIDL_SERVER_INFO pServerInfo; const SERVER_ROUTINE * DispatchTable; SYNTAX_TYPE SyntaxType; long i; MIDL_SYNTAX_INFO * pSyntaxInfo = NULL;
if ( NULL == pRpcMsg->TransferSyntax || NdrpGetSyntaxType( pRpcMsg->TransferSyntax ) == XFER_SYNTAX_DCE ) return NdrStubCall2( pThis, pChannel, pRpcMsg, pdwStubPhase ); pSrvObj = (IUnknown * )((CStdStubBuffer *)pThis)->pvServerObject;
DispatchTable = (SERVER_ROUTINE *)pSrvObj->lpVtbl;
pStubVTable = (CInterfaceStubVtbl *) (*((uchar **)pThis) - sizeof(CInterfaceStubHeader));
pServerInfo = (PMIDL_SERVER_INFO) pStubVTable->header.pServerInfo;
for ( i = 0; i < (long)pServerInfo->nCount; i++ ) { if ( NdrpGetSyntaxType( &pServerInfo->pSyntaxInfo[i].TransferSyntax ) == XFER_SYNTAX_NDR64 ) { pSyntaxInfo = &pServerInfo->pSyntaxInfo[i]; break; } }
return Ndr64StubWorker( pThis, pChannel, pRpcMsg, pServerInfo, DispatchTable, pSyntaxInfo, pdwStubPhase );