Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996 - 1999
Module Name:
Client side of Data Transfer test.
Brian Wong (t-bwong) 10-Mar-1996
Revision History:
#include <rpcperf.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <WinINet.h>
#include <DataTran.h>
#include <DTCommon.h>
// Uncomment this for debugging (to make sure files are sent
// properly). Note that under normal circumstances, only
// the receiver retains the temp file - if A creates a temp
// file to sends it to B (ie B gets a copy of the file), then after the
// transfer A deletes its temp file while B keeps its copy.
// If DELETE_TEMP_FILES is defined, then B will also delete its copy
// of the temp file.
#ifdef MAC
extern void _cdecl PrintToConsole(const char *lpszFormat, ...) ; extern unsigned long ulSecurityPackage ; #else
#define PrintToConsole printf
unsigned long ulSecurityPackage = RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT ; #endif
// Usage
const char *USAGE = "-n <threads> -a <authnlevel> -s <server> -t <protseq>\n" "Server controls iterations, test cases, and compiles the results.\n" "AuthnLevel: none, connect, call, pkt, integrity, privacy.\n" "Default threads=1, authnlevel=none\n";
#define CHECK_RET(status, string) if (status)\
{ PrintToConsole("%s failed -- %lu (0x%08X)\n", string,\ (unsigned long)status, (unsigned long)status);\ return (status); }
static HINTERNET hInternet = NULL;
// Note: ulBufferSize should be greater than the largest chunk size used.
const unsigned long ulBufferSize = 512*1024L;
RPC_STATUS DoRpcBindingSetAuthInfo(handle_t Binding) { if (AuthnLevel != RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE) return RpcBindingSetAuthInfo(Binding, NULL, AuthnLevel, ulSecurityPackage, NULL, RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE); else return(RPC_S_OK); }
* Test wrappers ********************************************************************/
// Regular RPC
unsigned long Do_S_to_C_NBytes (handle_t __RPC_FAR * b, long i, unsigned long Length, unsigned long ChunkSize, char __RPC_FAR *p) /*++
Routine Description: Do_S_to_C_NBytes
Arguments: b - Binding Handle i - number of iterations Length - Length of data to transfer in bytes ChunkSize - Size of the chunks in which data is to be transfered Buffer - the buffer allocated for this Worker thread
Return Value: The time it took to perform the test. --*/ { unsigned long n; unsigned long Time = 0;
// Division by zero is evil, make sure this doesn't happen.
assert( (Length == 0) || (ChunkSize != 0));
while (i--) { n = Length; // Reset length to send.
StartTime(); // Start the timer for this iteration.
// Send in complete chunks.
for (; n > ChunkSize; n -= ChunkSize) { S_to_C_Buffer(*b, ChunkSize, p); } //
// Send last bit that doesn't fit into a chunk.
S_to_C_Buffer(*b, n, p);
Time += FinishTiming(); // Update total time elapsed.
return Time; }
unsigned long Do_C_to_S_NBytes (handle_t __RPC_FAR * b, long i, unsigned long Length, unsigned long ChunkSize, char __RPC_FAR *p) { char __RPC_FAR *pCur; unsigned long n; unsigned long Time = 0;
assert( (Length == 0) || (ChunkSize != 0));
while(i--) { n = Length; pCur = p;
for (; n > ChunkSize; n -= ChunkSize, pCur+=ChunkSize) { C_to_S_Buffer(*b, ChunkSize, pCur); } C_to_S_Buffer(*b, n, pCur);
Time += FinishTiming(); }
return Time; }
unsigned long Do_S_to_C_NBytesWithFile (handle_t __RPC_FAR * b, long i, unsigned long Length, unsigned long ChunkSize, char __RPC_FAR *p) /*++
Routine Description: Get a stream of bytes from the Server and save it to a file. --*/ { static const char *szFuncName = "Do_S_to_C_NBytesWithFile"; TCHAR pFileName[MAX_PATH]; unsigned long Time = 0;
assert( (Length == 0) || (ChunkSize != 0));
// Create a temporary file to transfer
if (FALSE == CreateTempFile (NULL, TEXT("FCR"), 0, pFileName)) return 0;
// Open the temporary file.
hFile = CreateFile ((LPCTSTR) pFileName, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, (LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES) NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, (HANDLE) NULL ); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { printf(szFormatCantOpenTempFile, szFuncName, pFileName); PrintSysErrorStringA(GetLastError()); return 0; }
// Get the server to prepare a file to send us.
if (0 == (hRemoteContext = RemoteOpen(*b, Length))) { printf(szFormatCantOpenServFile, szFuncName);
CloseHandle (hFile); DeleteFile (pFileName);
return 0; }
// The Actual Test
{ DWORD dwBytesRead; DWORD dwBytesWritten; while(i--) { SetFilePointer (hFile, 0, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); RemoteResetFile (hRemoteContext);
StartTime(); do { //
// Assume that the transfer is finished when we receive zero bytes.
if (0 == (dwBytesRead = S_to_C_BufferWithFile(*b, hRemoteContext, ChunkSize, p))) { break; }
WriteFile(hFile, p, dwBytesRead, &dwBytesWritten, NULL); } while (dwBytesRead == ChunkSize);
Time += FinishTiming(); } }
// Clean Up
RemoteClose(&hRemoteContext, TRUE); // Close and delete remote file
CloseHandle(hFile); // Close local temp file
DeleteFile (pFileName); #endif
return (Time); }
unsigned long Do_C_to_S_NBytesWithFile (handle_t __RPC_FAR * b, long i, unsigned long Length, unsigned long ChunkSize, char __RPC_FAR *p) /*++
Routine Description: Create a temporary file of size Length, then send it to the server. --*/ { static const char *szFuncName = "Do_C_to_S_NBytesWithFile"; TCHAR pFileName[MAX_PATH]; unsigned long Time = 0;
assert( (Length == 0) || (ChunkSize != 0));
// Create a temporary file to send.
if (FALSE == CreateTempFile (NULL, TEXT("FCS"), Length, pFileName)) return 0;
// Open that temp file.
hFile = CreateFile ((LPCTSTR) pFileName, GENERIC_READ, 0, (LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES) NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, (HANDLE) NULL); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { printf(szFormatCantOpenTempFile, szFuncName, pFileName); PrintSysErrorStringA(GetLastError()); return 0; }
// Open a temp file on the server to receive our data.
if (0 == (hRemoteContext = RemoteOpen (*b, 0))) { printf(szFormatCantOpenServFile, szFuncName); DeleteFile (pFileName); return 0; }
// The Actual Test
{ DWORD dwBytesRead; while(i--) { SetFilePointer (hFile, 0, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); RemoteResetFile (hRemoteContext);
StartTime(); for(;;) { //
// If ReadFile fails we keep trying.
// This could go on forever, though.
if (FALSE == ReadFile (hFile, p, ChunkSize, &dwBytesRead, NULL)) { printf("%s: ReadFile failed.\n", szFuncName); PrintSysErrorStringA(GetLastError()); continue; }
if (0 == dwBytesRead) break;
C_to_S_BufferWithFile (*b, hRemoteContext, dwBytesRead, p); }
Time += FinishTiming (); } }
// Clean Up
RemoteClose (&hRemoteContext, TRUE); // Close and Delete remote file.
RemoteClose (&hRemoteContext, FALSE); // Close Remote File but don't delete it.
CloseHandle (hFile); // Close local file.
DeleteFile (pFileName); // Delete local file.
return (Time); }
typedef struct { unsigned long BufferSize; char __RPC_FAR *pBuffer;
unsigned long nBytesToGo; }PIPE_STATE, *P_PIPE_STATE;
typedef struct { unsigned long BufferSize; char __RPC_FAR *pBuffer;
void PipeAlloc (PIPE_STATE *state, unsigned long RequestedSize, unsigned char **buf, unsigned long *ActualSize) { *buf = state->pBuffer;
*ActualSize = (RequestedSize < state->BufferSize ? RequestedSize : state->BufferSize); }
void PipePull (PIPE_STATE *state, unsigned char *pBuffer, unsigned long BufferSize, unsigned long *ActualSizePulled) { if (state->nBytesToGo > BufferSize) { *ActualSizePulled = BufferSize; state->nBytesToGo -= BufferSize; } else { *ActualSizePulled = state->nBytesToGo; state->nBytesToGo = 0; } }
void PipePush (PIPE_STATE *state, unsigned char *pBuffer, unsigned long BufferSize) { state->nBytesToGo -= BufferSize; }
void FilePipePull (FILE_PIPE_STATE *state, unsigned char *pBuffer, unsigned long BufferSize, unsigned long *ActualSizePulled) { ReadFile (state->hFile, pBuffer, BufferSize, ActualSizePulled, NULL); }
void FilePipePush (FILE_PIPE_STATE *state, unsigned char *pBuffer, unsigned long BufferSize) { DWORD dwBytesWritten;
if (BufferSize != 0) { WriteFile (state->hFile, pBuffer, BufferSize, &dwBytesWritten, NULL); } }
unsigned long Do_S_to_C_Pipe (handle_t __RPC_FAR * b, long i, unsigned long Length, unsigned long ChunkSize, char __RPC_FAR *p) { const static char *szFuncName = "Do_S_to_C_Pipe"; PIPE_STATE State; UCHAR_PIPE ThePipe; unsigned long Time = 0;
assert( (Length == 0) || (ChunkSize != 0));
// Allocate a buffer on the server
// This is done so that each server thread will have its own buffer
// without forcing a memory allocation on every RPC call.
if (NULL == (hRemoteMem = RemoteAllocate (*b, ChunkSize))) { printf("%s: RemoteAllocate failed.\n", szFuncName); return 0; }
State.pBuffer = p; // Use the thread's buffer as the buffer.
State.BufferSize = ChunkSize;
ThePipe.state = (char __RPC_FAR *) &State; ThePipe.alloc = (void __RPC_FAR *) PipeAlloc; ThePipe.push = (void __RPC_FAR *) PipePush;
// The Actual Test
while (i--) { State.nBytesToGo = Length; // Reset the pipe's state.
StartTime(); S_to_C_Pipe (*b, ThePipe, Length, hRemoteMem); Time += FinishTiming(); }
// Clean Up
return Time; }
unsigned long Do_C_to_S_Pipe(handle_t __RPC_FAR * b, long i, unsigned long Length, unsigned long ChunkSize, char __RPC_FAR *p) { const static char *szFuncName = "Do_C_to_S_Pipe"; PIPE_STATE State; UCHAR_PIPE ThePipe; unsigned long Time = 0;
assert( (Length == 0) || (ChunkSize != 0));
// Allocate a buffer on the server.
// This is done so that each server thread will have its own buffer
// without forcing a memory allocation on every RPC call.
if (NULL == (hRemoteMem = RemoteAllocate (*b, ChunkSize))) { printf("%s: RemoteAllocate failed.\n", szFuncName); return 0; }
State.pBuffer = p; // Use the thread's buffer as the buffer.
State.BufferSize = ChunkSize;
ThePipe.state = (char __RPC_FAR *) &State; ThePipe.alloc = (void __RPC_FAR *) PipeAlloc; ThePipe.pull = (void __RPC_FAR *) PipePull;
// The Actual Test
while (i--) { State.nBytesToGo = Length;
StartTime(); C_to_S_Pipe (*b, ThePipe, hRemoteMem); Time += FinishTiming(); }
// Clean up
return Time; }
unsigned long Do_S_to_C_PipeWithFile(handle_t __RPC_FAR * b, long i, unsigned long Length, unsigned long ChunkSize, char __RPC_FAR *p) /*++
Routine Description: Receives a file from server via a pipe --*/ { static const char *szFuncName = "Do_S_to_C_PipeWithFile"; FILE_PIPE_STATE State; UCHAR_PIPE ThePipe; TCHAR pFileName[MAX_PATH]; unsigned long Time = 0;
assert( (Length == 0) || (ChunkSize != 0));
// Create a temporary file.
if (FALSE == CreateTempFile (NULL, TEXT("FCR"), 0, pFileName)) return 0;
// Open that temp file.
hFile = CreateFile ((LPCTSTR) pFileName, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, (LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES) NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, (HANDLE) NULL); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { printf(szFormatCantOpenTempFile, szFuncName, pFileName); PrintSysErrorStringA(GetLastError()); return 0; }
// Allocate a buffer on the server
// This is done so that each server thread will have its own buffer
// without forcing a memory allocation on every RPC call.
if (NULL == (hRemoteMem = RemoteAllocate (*b, ChunkSize))) { printf("%s: RemoteAllocate failed.\n", szFuncName);
CloseHandle (hFile); DeleteFile (pFileName);
return 0; }
// Get the server to prepare a file to send us.
if (0 == (hRemoteFile = RemoteOpen(*b, Length))) { printf(szFormatCantOpenServFile, szFuncName);
RemoteFree(&hRemoteMem); CloseHandle(hFile); DeleteFile(pFileName);
return 0; }
State.pBuffer = p; // Use the thread's buffer as the buffer
State.BufferSize = ChunkSize; State.hFile = hFile;
ThePipe.state = (char __RPC_FAR *) &State; ThePipe.alloc = (void __RPC_FAR *) PipeAlloc; ThePipe.push = (void __RPC_FAR *) FilePipePush;
// The Actual Test
while (i--) { SetFilePointer (State.hFile, 0, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); RemoteResetFile (hRemoteFile);
StartTime(); S_to_C_PipeWithFile (*b, ThePipe, hRemoteFile, hRemoteMem); Time += FinishTiming(); }
// Clean Up
RemoteClose (&hRemoteFile, TRUE); RemoteFree (&hRemoteMem); CloseHandle (hFile);
DeleteFile (pFileName); #endif
return Time; }
unsigned long Do_C_to_S_PipeWithFile (handle_t __RPC_FAR * b, long i, unsigned long Length, unsigned long ChunkSize, char __RPC_FAR *p) /*++
Routine Description: Sends a file to server via a pipe --*/ { static const char *szFuncName = "Do_C_to_S_PipeWithFile"; FILE_PIPE_STATE State; UCHAR_PIPE ThePipe; TCHAR pFileName[MAX_PATH]; unsigned long Time = 0;
assert( (Length == 0) || (ChunkSize != 0));
// Create a temporary file to send.
if (FALSE == CreateTempFile (NULL, TEXT("FCS"), Length, pFileName)) return 0;
// Open that temp file.
hFile = CreateFile ((LPCTSTR) pFileName, GENERIC_READ, 0, (LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES) NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, (HANDLE) NULL); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { printf(szFormatCantOpenTempFile, szFuncName, pFileName); PrintSysErrorStringA(GetLastError()); return 0; }
// Allocate a buffer on the server
// This is done so that each server thread will have its own buffer
// without forcing a memory allocation on every RPC call.
if (NULL == (hRemoteMem = RemoteAllocate (*b, ChunkSize))) { printf("%s: RemoteAllocate failed.\n", szFuncName);
CloseHandle (hFile); DeleteFile (pFileName);
return 0; }
// Open a temporary file on server to receive our data
if (0 == (hRemoteFile = RemoteOpen(*b, 0))) { printf(szFormatCantOpenServFile, szFuncName);
RemoteFree (&hRemoteMem); CloseHandle (hFile); DeleteFile (pFileName);
return 0; }
State.pBuffer = p; // Use the thread's buffer as the buffer
State.BufferSize = ChunkSize; State.hFile = hFile;
ThePipe.state = (char __RPC_FAR *) &State; ThePipe.alloc = (void __RPC_FAR *) PipeAlloc; ThePipe.pull = (void __RPC_FAR *) FilePipePull;
// The Actual Test
while (i--) { SetFilePointer (State.hFile, 0, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); RemoteResetFile (hRemoteFile);
StartTime(); C_to_S_PipeWithFile (*b, ThePipe, hRemoteFile, hRemoteMem); Time += FinishTiming(); }
// Clean up
RemoteClose (&hRemoteFile, TRUE); // Close and Delete remote file.
RemoteClose (&hRemoteFile, FALSE); // Close Remote File but don't delete it.
RemoteFree (&hRemoteMem); CloseHandle (hFile); DeleteFile (pFileName);
return Time; }
// Internet APIs
static void PrintInternetError (LPCSTR lpszStr) { unsigned long ulBufLength = 255; char szErrorString[256]; DWORD ulErrorCode; DWORD ulWinErrCode;
ulWinErrCode = GetLastError();
printf("%s: %ld:", lpszStr, ulWinErrCode); PrintSysErrorStringA(ulWinErrCode);
if (TRUE == InternetGetLastResponseInfoA ((DWORD __RPC_FAR *) &ulErrorCode, (char __RPC_FAR *) szErrorString, (unsigned long __RPC_FAR *) &ulBufLength)) { assert (NULL != szErrorString);
printf(" %s", szErrorString); } }
static BOOL InternetCommonSetup (LPCSTR szCallerId, // [in]
BOOL f_Ftp, // [in]
BOOL f_StoC, // [in]
handle_t __RPC_FAR *b, // [in]
unsigned long ulLength, // [in]
HINTERNET *phINetSession, // [out]
DT_FILE_HANDLE *phRemoteFile, // [out]
LPTSTR szFtpFilePath // [out]
) /*++
Routine Description: Performs several common setup functions in FTP tests
Arguments: szCallerId - a string that identifies the invoker for display in error messages
f_Ftp - indicates whether to perform setup for an FTP test. TRUE indicates FTP
f_StoC - indicates whether to set up a file for a Server-to-Client or a Client-to-Server transfer. TRUE indicates the former.
b - the binding handle
ulLength - specifies the length of the file
phFtpSession - where to store the handle for an FTP session
phRemoteFile - where to store the handle for the server's file
szFtpFilePath - the path to the file on the FTP server
Return Value: TRUE if successful, FALSE if otherwise --*/ { TCHAR szServerName[81];
// Get Server's machine name.
GetServerName (*b, 80, szServerName);
// Open an Internet session.
*phINetSession = InternetConnect (hInternet, szServerName, 0, // Default Port
NULL, // Anonymous
NULL, // Default Password
(TRUE == f_Ftp ? INTERNET_SERVICE_FTP : INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP), 0, 0); if (NULL == *phINetSession) { PrintInternetError (szCallerId); return FALSE; }
// Get the server to set up a file that we can get.
// Or get a filename from the server so we can send
// data to it if ulLength is zero.
if (TRUE == f_Ftp) { if (NULL == (*phRemoteFile = RemoteCreateFtpFile (*b, (boolean)f_StoC, ulLength, MAX_PATH, szFtpFilePath))) { printf(szFormatCantOpenServFile, szCallerId);
InternetCloseHandle (*phINetSession);
return FALSE; } } else { if (NULL == (*phRemoteFile = RemoteCreateHttpFile (*b, (boolean)f_StoC, ulLength, MAX_PATH, szFtpFilePath))) { printf(szFormatCantOpenServFile, szCallerId);
InternetCloseHandle (*phINetSession);
return FALSE; } }
return TRUE; }
unsigned long Do_S_to_C_FtpWithFile (handle_t __RPC_FAR * b, long i, unsigned long Length, unsigned long ChunkSize, char __RPC_FAR *p) /*++
Routine Description: Get a file from the server's FTP directory. The server must have the FTP root directory set or the test will fail. --*/ { const static char *szFuncName = "Do_S_to_C_FtpWithFile"; TCHAR pFileName[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szFtpFilePath[MAX_PATH]; unsigned long Time=0;
HINTERNET hFtpSession; DT_FILE_HANDLE hRemoteFile;
assert( (Length == 0) || (ChunkSize != 0));
// Create a temporary file.
if (FALSE == CreateTempFile (NULL, TEXT("FCR"), 0, pFileName)) return 0;
// Common setup for Internet API tests...
if (FALSE == InternetCommonSetup (szFuncName, TRUE, // FTP setup
TRUE, // S_to_C
b, Length, &hFtpSession, &hRemoteFile, szFtpFilePath)) { DeleteFile (pFileName); return 0; }
// The Actual Test
StartTime(); while (i--) { if (FALSE == FtpGetFile (hFtpSession, szFtpFilePath, pFileName, FALSE, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, FTP_TRANSFER_TYPE_BINARY, 0)) { PrintInternetError (szFuncName);
RemoteClose (&hRemoteFile, TRUE); InternetCloseHandle (hFtpSession);
return 0; } } Time = FinishTiming();
RemoteClose (&hRemoteFile, TRUE); InternetCloseHandle (hFtpSession);
DeleteFile (pFileName); #endif
return Time; }
unsigned long Do_C_to_S_FtpWithFile (handle_t __RPC_FAR * b, long i, unsigned long Length, unsigned long ChunkSize, char __RPC_FAR *p) { const static char *szFuncName = "Do_C_to_S_FtpWithFile"; TCHAR pFileName[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szFtpFilePath[MAX_PATH]; unsigned long Time=0;
HINTERNET hFtpSession; DT_FILE_HANDLE hRemoteFile;
assert( (Length == 0) || (ChunkSize != 0));
// Create a temporary file.
if (FALSE == CreateTempFile (NULL, TEXT("FCS"), Length, pFileName)) return 0;
// Common setup for Internet API tests...
if (FALSE == InternetCommonSetup (szFuncName, TRUE, // FTP setup
FALSE, // C_to_S
b, 0, &hFtpSession, &hRemoteFile, szFtpFilePath)) { DeleteFile(pFileName); return 0; }
// The Actual Test
while (i--) { StartTime(); if (FALSE == FtpPutFile (hFtpSession, pFileName, szFtpFilePath, FTP_TRANSFER_TYPE_BINARY, 0)) { PrintInternetError (szFuncName);
RemoteClose (&hRemoteFile, TRUE); InternetCloseHandle (hFtpSession); DeleteFile (pFileName);
return 0; } Time += FinishTiming(); }
RemoteClose (&hRemoteFile, TRUE); // Close and Delete remote file.
RemoteClose (&hRemoteFile, FALSE); // Close Remote File but don't delete it.
InternetCloseHandle (hFtpSession); DeleteFile (pFileName);
return Time; }
unsigned long Do_S_to_C_Ftp1(handle_t __RPC_FAR * b, long i, unsigned long Length, unsigned long ChunkSize, char __RPC_FAR *p) { const static char *szFuncName = "Do_S_to_C_Ftp1"; TCHAR szFtpFilePath[MAX_PATH]; unsigned long Time=0;
HINTERNET hFtpSession; DT_FILE_HANDLE hRemoteFile;
// Common setup for Internet API tests...
if (FALSE == InternetCommonSetup (szFuncName, TRUE, // FTP setup
TRUE, // S_to_C
b, Length, &hFtpSession, &hRemoteFile, szFtpFilePath)) { return 0; }
// The Actual Test
{ HINTERNET hFtpFile; DWORD nBytesRead;
while (i--) { //
// Open file on the server to read from.
hFtpFile = FtpOpenFile (hFtpSession, szFtpFilePath, GENERIC_READ, FTP_TRANSFER_TYPE_BINARY, 0); if (NULL == hFtpFile) { PrintInternetError (szFuncName);
RemoteClose (&hRemoteFile, TRUE); InternetCloseHandle (hFtpSession);
return 0; }
// Transfer the file!
do { if (FALSE == InternetReadFile (hFtpFile, p, ChunkSize, &nBytesRead)) { PrintInternetError (szFuncName);
InternetCloseHandle (hFtpFile); RemoteClose (&hRemoteFile, TRUE); InternetCloseHandle (hFtpSession);
return 0; } } while (0 != nBytesRead);
Time += FinishTiming();
InternetCloseHandle (hFtpFile); } }
RemoteClose (&hRemoteFile, TRUE); InternetCloseHandle (hFtpSession);
return Time; }
unsigned long Do_C_to_S_Ftp1(handle_t __RPC_FAR * b, long i, unsigned long Length, unsigned long ChunkSize, char __RPC_FAR *p) { const static char *szFuncName = "Do_C_to_S_Ftp1"; TCHAR szFtpFilePath[MAX_PATH]; unsigned long Time=0;
HINTERNET hFtpSession; DT_FILE_HANDLE hRemoteFile;
assert( (Length == 0) || (ChunkSize != 0));
// Common setup for Internet API tests...
if (FALSE == InternetCommonSetup (szFuncName, TRUE, // FTP setup
FALSE, // C_to_S
b, 0, &hFtpSession, &hRemoteFile, szFtpFilePath)) { return 0; }
// The Actual Test
{ DWORD dwBytesWritten; DWORD dwBytesRead; HINTERNET hFtpFile; unsigned int n;
while (i--) { //
// Open a file on server to write to.
hFtpFile = FtpOpenFile (hFtpSession, szFtpFilePath, GENERIC_WRITE, FTP_TRANSFER_TYPE_BINARY, 0); if (NULL == hFtpFile) { PrintInternetError (szFuncName);
RemoteClose (&hRemoteFile, TRUE); InternetCloseHandle (hFtpSession);
return 0; }
n = Length;
// Transfer in complete chunks
for (; n > ChunkSize; n -= ChunkSize) { if (FALSE == InternetWriteFile (hFtpFile, p, ChunkSize, &dwBytesWritten)) { PrintInternetError (szFuncName);
InternetCloseHandle (hFtpFile); RemoteClose (&hRemoteFile, TRUE); InternetCloseHandle (hFtpSession);
return 0; } } //
// Transfer the last bit that doesn't fill a chunk
if (FALSE == InternetWriteFile (hFtpFile, p, n, &dwBytesWritten)) { PrintInternetError (szFuncName);
InternetCloseHandle (hFtpFile); RemoteClose (&hRemoteFile, TRUE); InternetCloseHandle (hFtpSession);
return 0; }
Time += FinishTiming();
InternetCloseHandle (hFtpFile); } }
RemoteClose (&hRemoteFile, FALSE); InternetCloseHandle (hFtpSession);
return Time; }
unsigned long Do_S_to_C_Ftp1WithFile(handle_t __RPC_FAR * b, long i, unsigned long Length, unsigned long ChunkSize, char __RPC_FAR *p) { const static char *szFuncName = "Do_S_to_C_Ftp1WithFile"; TCHAR pFileName[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szFtpFilePath[MAX_PATH]; unsigned long Time = 0;
HANDLE hFile; HINTERNET hFtpSession; DT_FILE_HANDLE hRemoteFile;
assert( (Length == 0) || (ChunkSize != 0));
// Create a temporary file.
if (FALSE == CreateTempFile (NULL, TEXT("FCR"), 0, pFileName)) return 0;
// Open the temporary file.
hFile = CreateFile ((LPCTSTR) pFileName, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, (LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES) NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, (HANDLE) NULL ); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { printf(szFormatCantOpenTempFile, szFuncName, pFileName); PrintSysErrorStringA(GetLastError()); return 0; }
// Common setup for Internet API tests...
if (FALSE == InternetCommonSetup (szFuncName, TRUE, // FTP setup
TRUE, // S_to_C
b, Length, &hFtpSession, &hRemoteFile, szFtpFilePath)) { CloseHandle(hFile); DeleteFile(pFileName); return 0; }
// The Actual Test
{ DWORD dwBytesWritten; DWORD dwBytesRead; HINTERNET hFtpFile;
while (i--) { //
// Open the remote file.
hFtpFile = FtpOpenFile (hFtpSession, szFtpFilePath, GENERIC_READ, FTP_TRANSFER_TYPE_BINARY, 0); if (NULL == hFtpFile) { PrintInternetError (szFuncName);
RemoteClose (&hRemoteFile, TRUE); InternetCloseHandle (hFtpSession); CloseHandle(hFile); DeleteFile(pFileName);
return 0; }
// Reset the local file.
SetFilePointer(hFile, 0, NULL, FILE_BEGIN);
StartTime(); for (;;) { //
// Transfer in complete chunks
if (FALSE == InternetReadFile (hFtpFile, p, ChunkSize, &dwBytesRead)) { PrintInternetError (szFuncName);
InternetCloseHandle (hFtpFile); RemoteClose (&hRemoteFile, TRUE); InternetCloseHandle (hFtpSession); CloseHandle(hFile);
return 0; }
// Return value == TRUE and dwBytesRead == 0 means EOF
if (0 == dwBytesRead) break;
WriteFile(hFile, p, dwBytesRead, &dwBytesWritten, NULL); }
Time += FinishTiming();
// Close and re-open the file after each write.
InternetCloseHandle (hFtpFile); } }
RemoteClose (&hRemoteFile, TRUE); InternetCloseHandle (hFtpSession); CloseHandle(hFile);
DeleteFile (pFileName); #endif
return Time; }
unsigned long Do_C_to_S_Ftp1WithFile(handle_t __RPC_FAR * b, long i, unsigned long Length, unsigned long ChunkSize, char __RPC_FAR *p) { static const char *szFuncName="Do_C_to_S_Ftp1WithFile"; HINTERNET hFtpSession; HANDLE hFile; TCHAR pFileName[MAX_PATH]; unsigned long Time=0;
DT_FILE_HANDLE hRemoteFile; char szFtpFilePath[MAX_PATH];
assert( (Length == 0) || (ChunkSize != 0));
// Create a temporary file.
if (FALSE == CreateTempFile (NULL, "FCS", Length, pFileName)) return 0;
// Open the temporary file.
hFile = CreateFile ((LPTSTR) pFileName, GENERIC_READ, 0, (LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES) NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, (HANDLE) NULL ); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { printf(szFormatCantOpenTempFile, szFuncName, pFileName); PrintSysErrorStringA(GetLastError()); DeleteFile(pFileName); return 0; }
// Common setup for Internet API tests...
if (FALSE == InternetCommonSetup (szFuncName, TRUE, // FTP setup
FALSE, // C_to_S
b, 0, &hFtpSession, &hRemoteFile, szFtpFilePath)) { CloseHandle(hFile); DeleteFile(pFileName); return 0; }
// The Actual Test
{ DWORD dwBytesWritten; DWORD dwBytesRead; HINTERNET hFtpFile;
while (i--) { //
// Open the remote file.
hFtpFile = FtpOpenFile (hFtpSession, szFtpFilePath, GENERIC_WRITE, FTP_TRANSFER_TYPE_BINARY, 0); if (NULL == hFtpFile) { PrintInternetError (szFuncName);
RemoteClose (&hRemoteFile, TRUE); InternetCloseHandle (hFtpSession); CloseHandle(hFile); DeleteFile(pFileName);
return 0; }
SetFilePointer(hFile, 0, NULL, FILE_BEGIN);
StartTime(); for (;;) { if (FALSE == ReadFile(hFile, p, ChunkSize, &dwBytesRead, NULL)) { printf("%s: ReadFile failed.\n", szFuncName); continue; }
// Return value == TRUE and dwBytesRead == 0 means EOF
if (0 == dwBytesRead) break;
if (FALSE == InternetWriteFile (hFtpFile, p, dwBytesRead, &dwBytesWritten)) { PrintInternetError (szFuncName);
InternetCloseHandle (hFtpFile); RemoteClose (&hRemoteFile, FALSE); CloseHandle(hFile); InternetCloseHandle (hFtpSession);
return 0; } }
Time += FinishTiming();
// Close and re-open the file after each write.
InternetCloseHandle (hFtpFile); } }
RemoteClose (&hRemoteFile, TRUE); // Close and Delete remote file.
RemoteClose (&hRemoteFile, FALSE); // Close Remote File but don't delete it.
InternetCloseHandle (hFtpSession);
CloseHandle(hFile); DeleteFile(pFileName);
return Time; }
// We want to accept all types of files, even binary.
static LPCTSTR lpszAcceptTypes[] = {TEXT("*"),0};
unsigned long Do_S_to_C_Http(handle_t __RPC_FAR * b, long i, unsigned long Length, unsigned long ChunkSize, char __RPC_FAR *p) { static const char *szFuncName = "Do_S_to_C_Http"; TCHAR szHttpFilePath[MAX_PATH]; unsigned long Time=0;
HINTERNET hHttpSession; DT_FILE_HANDLE hRemoteFile;
assert( (Length == 0) || (ChunkSize != 0));
// Common setup for Internet API tests...
if (FALSE == InternetCommonSetup (szFuncName, FALSE, // HTTP setup
TRUE, // S_to_C
b, Length, &hHttpSession, &hRemoteFile, szHttpFilePath)) { return 0; }
// The Actual Test
{ HINTERNET hHttpFile; DWORD nBytesRead;
while (i--) { //
// Open file on the server to read from.
hHttpFile = HttpOpenRequest (hHttpSession, TEXT("GET"), szHttpFilePath, HTTP_VERSION, NULL, lpszAcceptTypes, INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD, 0); if (NULL == hHttpFile) { PrintInternetError (szFuncName);
RemoteClose (&hRemoteFile, TRUE); InternetCloseHandle (hHttpSession);
return 0; }
if (FALSE == HttpSendRequest (hHttpFile, NULL, 0, NULL, 0)) { PrintInternetError (szFuncName);
InternetCloseHandle (hHttpFile); RemoteClose (&hRemoteFile, TRUE); InternetCloseHandle (hHttpSession);
return 0; }
// Transfer the file!
do { if (FALSE == InternetReadFile (hHttpFile, p, ChunkSize, &nBytesRead)) { PrintInternetError (szFuncName);
InternetCloseHandle (hHttpFile); RemoteClose (&hRemoteFile, TRUE); InternetCloseHandle (hHttpSession);
return 0; } } while (0 != nBytesRead);
Time += FinishTiming();
InternetCloseHandle (hHttpFile); } }
RemoteClose (&hRemoteFile, TRUE); InternetCloseHandle (hHttpSession);
return Time; } //---------------------------------------------------------
unsigned long Do_C_to_S_Http(handle_t __RPC_FAR * b, long i, unsigned long Length, unsigned long ChunkSize, char __RPC_FAR *p) { static const char *szFuncName="Do_C_to_S_HttpWithFile"; HINTERNET hHttpSession; unsigned long Time=0;
DT_FILE_HANDLE hRemoteFile; char szHttpFilePath[MAX_PATH];
assert( (Length == 0) || (ChunkSize != 0));
// Common setup for Internet API tests...
if (FALSE == InternetCommonSetup (szFuncName, FALSE, // HTTP setup
FALSE, // C_to_S
b, 0, &hHttpSession, &hRemoteFile, szHttpFilePath)) { return 0; }
// The Actual Test
{ DWORD dwBytesWritten; DWORD dwBytesRead; unsigned int n; HINTERNET hHttpFile;
while (i--) { //
// Open the remote file.
hHttpFile = HttpOpenRequest (hHttpSession, TEXT("PUT"), szHttpFilePath, HTTP_VERSION, NULL, lpszAcceptTypes, INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD, 0); if (NULL == hHttpFile) { PrintInternetError (szFuncName);
RemoteClose (&hRemoteFile, TRUE); InternetCloseHandle (hHttpSession);
return 0; }
if (FALSE == HttpSendRequest (hHttpFile, NULL, 0, NULL, 0)) { PrintInternetError (szFuncName);
InternetCloseHandle (hHttpFile); RemoteClose (&hRemoteFile, TRUE); InternetCloseHandle (hHttpSession);
return 0; }
StartTime(); //
// Transfer in complete chunks
for (n = Length; n > ChunkSize; n -= ChunkSize) { if (FALSE == InternetWriteFile (hHttpFile, p, ChunkSize, &dwBytesWritten)) { PrintInternetError (szFuncName);
InternetCloseHandle (hHttpFile); RemoteClose (&hRemoteFile, FALSE); InternetCloseHandle (hHttpSession);
return 0; } } //
// Transfer the last bit that doesn't fill a chunk
if (FALSE == InternetWriteFile (hHttpFile, p, n, &dwBytesWritten)) { PrintInternetError (szFuncName);
InternetCloseHandle (hHttpFile); RemoteClose (&hRemoteFile, FALSE); InternetCloseHandle (hHttpSession);
return 0; }
Time += FinishTiming();
// Close and re-open the file after each write.
InternetCloseHandle (hHttpFile); } }
RemoteClose (&hRemoteFile, TRUE); // Close and Delete remote file.
RemoteClose (&hRemoteFile, FALSE); // Close Remote File but don't delete it.
InternetCloseHandle (hHttpSession);
return Time; }
unsigned long Do_S_to_C_HttpWithFile(handle_t __RPC_FAR * b, long i, unsigned long Length, unsigned long ChunkSize, char __RPC_FAR *p) /*++
Routine Description: Grabs a file from the server using HTTP --*/ { static const char *szFuncName = "Do_S_to_C_HttpWithFile"; TCHAR pFileName[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szHttpFilePath[MAX_PATH]; unsigned long Time=0;
HANDLE hFile; HINTERNET hHttpSession; DT_FILE_HANDLE hRemoteFile;
assert( (Length == 0) || (ChunkSize != 0));
// Create a temporary file.
if (FALSE == CreateTempFile (NULL, TEXT("FCR"), 0, pFileName)) return 0;
// Open the temporary file.
hFile = CreateFile ((LPCTSTR) pFileName, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, (LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES) NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, (HANDLE) NULL ); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { printf(szFormatCantOpenTempFile, szFuncName, pFileName); PrintSysErrorStringA(GetLastError()); return 0; }
// Common setup for Internet API tests...
if (FALSE == InternetCommonSetup (szFuncName, FALSE, // HTTP setup
TRUE, // S_to_C
b, Length, &hHttpSession, &hRemoteFile, szHttpFilePath)) { CloseHandle(hFile); DeleteFile(pFileName); return 0; }
// The Actual Test
{ DWORD dwBytesWritten; DWORD dwBytesRead; HINTERNET hHttpFile;
while (i--) { hHttpFile = HttpOpenRequest (hHttpSession, TEXT("GET"), szHttpFilePath, HTTP_VERSION, NULL, lpszAcceptTypes, INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD, 0); if (NULL == hHttpFile) { PrintInternetError (szFuncName);
RemoteClose (&hRemoteFile, TRUE); InternetCloseHandle (hHttpSession); CloseHandle(hFile); DeleteFile(pFileName);
return 0; }
if (FALSE == HttpSendRequest (hHttpFile, NULL, 0, NULL, 0)) { PrintInternetError (szFuncName);
InternetCloseHandle (hHttpFile); RemoteClose (&hRemoteFile, TRUE); InternetCloseHandle (hHttpSession);
return 0; }
// Reset the local file.
SetFilePointer(hFile, 0, NULL, FILE_BEGIN);
StartTime(); for (;;) { if (FALSE == InternetReadFile (hHttpFile, p, ChunkSize, &dwBytesRead)) { PrintInternetError (szFuncName);
InternetCloseHandle (hHttpFile); RemoteClose (&hRemoteFile, TRUE); InternetCloseHandle (hHttpSession); CloseHandle(hFile);
return 0; }
// Return value == TRUE and dwBytesRead == 0 means EOF
if (0 == dwBytesRead) break;
WriteFile(hFile, p, dwBytesRead, &dwBytesWritten, NULL); }
Time += FinishTiming();
// Close and re-open the file after each write.
InternetCloseHandle (hHttpFile); } }
RemoteClose (&hRemoteFile, TRUE); InternetCloseHandle (hHttpSession); CloseHandle(hFile);
DeleteFile (pFileName); #endif
return Time; }
unsigned long Do_C_to_S_HttpWithFile(handle_t __RPC_FAR * b, long i, unsigned long Length, unsigned long ChunkSize, char __RPC_FAR *p) { static const char *szFuncName="Do_C_to_S_HttpWithFile"; HINTERNET hHttpSession; HANDLE hFile; TCHAR pFileName[MAX_PATH]; unsigned long Time=0;
DT_FILE_HANDLE hRemoteFile; char szHttpFilePath[MAX_PATH];
assert( (Length == 0) || (ChunkSize != 0));
// Create a temporary file.
if (FALSE == CreateTempFile (NULL, "FCS", Length, pFileName)) return 0;
// Open the temporary file.
hFile = CreateFile ((LPTSTR) pFileName, GENERIC_READ, 0, (LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES) NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, (HANDLE) NULL ); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { printf(szFormatCantOpenTempFile, szFuncName, pFileName); PrintSysErrorStringA(GetLastError()); DeleteFile(pFileName); return 0; }
// Common setup for Internet API tests...
if (FALSE == InternetCommonSetup (szFuncName, FALSE, // HTTP setup
FALSE, // C_to_S
b, 0, &hHttpSession, &hRemoteFile, szHttpFilePath)) { CloseHandle(hFile); DeleteFile(pFileName); return 0; }
// The Actual Test
{ DWORD dwBytesWritten; DWORD dwBytesRead; HINTERNET hHttpFile;
while (i--) { //
// Open the remote file.
hHttpFile = HttpOpenRequest (hHttpSession, TEXT("PUT"), szHttpFilePath, HTTP_VERSION, NULL, lpszAcceptTypes, INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD, 0); if (NULL == hHttpFile) { PrintInternetError (szFuncName);
RemoteClose (&hRemoteFile, TRUE); InternetCloseHandle (hHttpSession); CloseHandle(hFile); DeleteFile(pFileName);
return 0; }
if (FALSE == HttpSendRequest (hHttpFile, NULL, 0, NULL, 0)) { PrintInternetError (szFuncName);
InternetCloseHandle (hHttpFile); RemoteClose (&hRemoteFile, TRUE); InternetCloseHandle (hHttpSession);
return 0; }
// Reset the local file.
SetFilePointer(hFile, 0, NULL, FILE_BEGIN);
StartTime(); for (;;) { if (FALSE == ReadFile(hFile, p, ChunkSize, &dwBytesRead, NULL)) { printf("%s: ReadFile failed.\n", szFuncName); continue; }
// Return value == TRUE and dwBytesRead == 0 means EOF
if (0 == dwBytesRead) break;
if (FALSE == InternetWriteFile (hHttpFile, p, dwBytesRead, &dwBytesWritten)) { PrintInternetError (szFuncName);
InternetCloseHandle (hHttpFile); RemoteClose (&hRemoteFile, FALSE); CloseHandle(hFile); InternetCloseHandle (hHttpSession);
return 0; } }
Time += FinishTiming();
// Close and re-open the file after each write.
InternetCloseHandle (hHttpFile); } }
RemoteClose (&hRemoteFile, TRUE); // Close and Delete remote file.
RemoteClose (&hRemoteFile, FALSE); // Close Remote File but don't delete it.
InternetCloseHandle (hHttpSession);
CloseHandle(hFile); DeleteFile(pFileName);
return Time; }
static const unsigned long (*TestTable[TEST_MAX])(handle_t __RPC_FAR *,long,long,long, char __RPC_FAR *) = { Do_S_to_C_NBytes, Do_C_to_S_NBytes, Do_S_to_C_Pipe, Do_C_to_S_Pipe, Do_S_to_C_Ftp1, Do_C_to_S_Ftp1, Do_S_to_C_Http, Do_C_to_S_Http, Do_S_to_C_NBytesWithFile, Do_C_to_S_NBytesWithFile, Do_S_to_C_PipeWithFile, Do_C_to_S_PipeWithFile, Do_S_to_C_FtpWithFile, Do_C_to_S_FtpWithFile, Do_S_to_C_Ftp1WithFile, Do_C_to_S_Ftp1WithFile, Do_S_to_C_HttpWithFile, Do_C_to_S_HttpWithFile };
// Worker calls the correct tests. Maybe multithreaded on NT
unsigned long Worker(unsigned long l) { unsigned long status; unsigned long lTest; long lIterations, lClientId; unsigned long lTime; long lLength, lChunkSize; char __RPC_FAR *pBuffer; char __RPC_FAR *stringBinding; handle_t binding; unsigned int i;
pBuffer = MIDL_user_allocate(ulBufferSize); if (pBuffer == 0) { PrintToConsole("Out of memory!"); return 1; }
for (i = 0; i< ulBufferSize;i++) { pBuffer[i] = (char) (i&0xff); }
status = RpcStringBindingCompose(0, Protseq, NetworkAddr, Endpoint, 0, &stringBinding); CHECK_RET(status, "RpcStringBindingCompose");
status = RpcBindingFromStringBinding(stringBinding, &binding); CHECK_RET(status, "RpcBindingFromStringBinding");
status = DoRpcBindingSetAuthInfo(binding); CHECK_RET(status, "RpcBindingSetAuthInfo");
RpcTryExcept { status = BeginTest(binding, &lClientId); } RpcExcept(1) { PrintToConsole("First call failed %ld (%08lx)\n", (unsigned long)RpcExceptionCode(), (unsigned long)RpcExceptionCode()); goto Cleanup; } RpcEndExcept
if (status == PERF_TOO_MANY_CLIENTS) { PrintToConsole("Too many clients, I'm exiting\n"); goto Cleanup ; } CHECK_RET(status, "ClientConnect");
PrintToConsole("Client %ld connected\n", lClientId);
do { status = NextTest(binding, &lTest, &lIterations, &lLength, &lChunkSize);
if (status == PERF_TESTS_DONE) { goto Cleanup; }
CHECK_RET(status, "NextTest");
PrintToConsole("(%4ld iterations of case %2ld, Length: %7ld, Chunk: %7ld: ", lIterations, lTest, lLength, lChunkSize);
RpcTryExcept {
lTime = ( (TestTable[lTest])(&binding, lIterations, lLength, lChunkSize, pBuffer));
PrintToConsole("% 5ld mseconds)\n", lTime);
status = EndTest(binding, lTime);
CHECK_RET(status, "EndTest");
} RpcExcept(1) { PrintToConsole("\nTest case %ld raised exception %lu (0x%08lX)\n", lTest, (unsigned long)RpcExceptionCode(), (unsigned long)RpcExceptionCode()); status = RpcExceptionCode(); } RpcEndExcept
} while(status == 0);
Cleanup: RpcBindingFree(&binding) ; //BUGBUG
return status; }
// The Win32 main starts worker threads, otherwise we just call the worker.
#ifdef WIN32
int __cdecl main (int argc, char **argv) { char option; unsigned long status, i; HANDLE *pClientThreads;
ParseArgv(argc, argv);
PrintToConsole("Authentication Level is: %s\n", AuthnLevelStr);
if (Options[0] < 0) Options[0] = 1;
pClientThreads = MIDL_user_allocate(sizeof(HANDLE) * Options[0]);
// Setup for the use of the WinINet functions
hInternet = InternetOpen ("Data Transfer Test", LOCAL_INTERNET_ACCESS, NULL, 0, (DWORD) 0);
for(i = 0; i < (unsigned long)Options[0]; i++) { pClientThreads[i] = CreateThread(0, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)Worker, 0, 0, &status); if (pClientThreads[i] == 0) ApiError("CreateThread", GetLastError()); }
status = WaitForMultipleObjects(Options[0], pClientThreads, TRUE, // Wait for all client threads
INFINITE); if (status == WAIT_FAILED) { ApiError("WaitForMultipleObjects", GetLastError()); }
if (NULL != hInternet) { InternetCloseHandle (hInternet); }
PrintToConsole("TEST DONE\n"); return(0); } #else // !WIN32
#ifdef WIN
#define main c_main
// We need the following to force the linker to load WinMain from the
// Windows STDIO library
extern int PASCAL WinMain(HANDLE, HANDLE, LPSTR, int); static int (PASCAL *wm_ptr)(HANDLE, HANDLE, LPSTR, int) = WinMain;
#ifndef MAC
#ifndef FAR
#define FAR __far
#define FAR
#define main c_main
int main (int argc, char FAR * FAR * argv) { #ifndef MAC
ParseArgv(argc, argv); #endif
PrintToConsole("TEST DONE\n");
return(0); } #endif // NTENV