Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1994 - 1999
Module Name:
RPC performance to measure system/processor/memory overhead. memcpy, string operations, memory allocation, kernel traps
Mario Goertzel (mariogo) 30-Mar-1994
Revision History:
static char * RPC_UUID_PERSISTENT_DATA="Software\\Description\\Microsoft\\Rpc\\3.1\\RpcUuidPersistentData"; static char * PREV_CLOCK_SEQUENCE="PreviousClockSequence"; static char * PREV_TIME_ALLOCATED="PreviousTimeAllocated";
const char *USAGE="-n case -i iterations\n" " -n 1 - Memory copy\n" " -n 2 - String copy\n" " -n 3 - String length\n" " -n 4 - Allocate/free memory\n" " -n 5 - Kernel traps (set and reset event)\n" " -n 6 - GetTickCount\n" " -n 7 - Open & Query Registry\n" " -n 8 - Query Registry\n" " -n 9 - Open & Update Registry\n" " -n 10 - Update Registry\n";
int __cdecl main(int argc, char **argv) { unsigned int i; int size; unsigned long seconds, mseconds; char *buffer; char *buffer2; HANDLE event; HANDLE heap; long status;
ParseArgv(argc, argv);
if (Options[0] == -1) { puts(USAGE); exit(1); }
if (Options[0] < 4 && Options[0] > 0) { if ((Options[1] < 0) || (Options[2] < 0) || (Options[2] < Options[1])) { printf("Case %d requires -n start -n end_size switches\n", Options[0]); exit(1); } buffer = RtlAllocateHeap(RtlProcessHeap(),0,Options[2]); buffer2 = RtlAllocateHeap(RtlProcessHeap(),0,Options[2]);
// For string tests
for(i = 0; i < (unsigned long)Options[1]; i++) buffer[i] = 'M';
printf("Start size, end size: %d, %d\n", Options[1], Options[2]); }
switch (Options[0]) { case 1: // Memory copy test
size = Options[1]; while(size < Options[2]) { printf("Size: % 6d : ", size); StartTime(); for(i = 0; i < Iterations; i++) memcpy(buffer,buffer2,size); EndTime("for memcpy"); size *= 2; }
case 2: // String copy test
size = Options[1]; while(size < Options[2]) { printf("Lenght: % 6d : ", size); for(i = 0; i < (unsigned long)size-1; i++) buffer[i] = 'A'; buffer[size-1] = '\0';
StartTime(); for(i = 0; i < Iterations; i++) strcpy(buffer2, buffer); EndTime("for strcpy"); size *= 2; }
case 3: // String len test
size = Options[1]; while(size < Options[2]) { printf("Lenght: % 6d : ", size); for(i = 0; i < (unsigned long)size-1; i++) buffer[i] = 'A'; buffer[size-1] = '\0';
StartTime(); for(i = 0; i < Iterations; i++) strlen(buffer); EndTime("for strlen"); size *= 2; }
case 4: // Allocate/Free tests
if (Options[1] == -1) { printf("Memory test requires an addition -n switch for block size\n"); exit(1); } printf("Block size: %d\n", Options[1]); heap = RtlProcessHeap();
StartTime(); for(i = 0; i < Iterations; i++) { buffer = RtlAllocateHeap(heap,0,Options[1]); RtlFreeHeap(heap, 0, buffer); } EndTime("for Rtl{Alloc,Free}Heap");
StartTime(); for(i = 0; i < Iterations; i++) { buffer = malloc(Options[1]); free(buffer); } EndTime("for Malloc/Free");
StartTime(); for(i = 0; i < Iterations; i++) { buffer = LocalAlloc(0, Options[1]); LocalFree(buffer); } EndTime("for Local{Alloc/Free} (0)");
StartTime(); for(i = 0; i < Iterations; i++) { buffer = LocalAlloc(LPTR, Options[1]); LocalFree(buffer); } EndTime("for Local{Alloc/Free} (LPTR)");
case 5: // Kernel traps
event = CreateEvent(0, FALSE, FALSE, 0); CHECK_STATUS(event == 0, "CreateEvent");
StartTime(); for(i = 0; i < Iterations; i++) SetEvent(event); EndTime("for SetEvent");
StartTime(); for(i = 0; i < Iterations; i++) ResetEvent(event); EndTime("for ResetEvent");
case 6: // GetTickCount
StartTime(); for(i = 0; i < Iterations; i++) GetTickCount(); EndTime("for GetTickCount");
case 7: { // Open and Query Registry
HKEY Key; DWORD BufLen = 30; char String[30];
StartTime(); for (i = 0; i < Iterations; i++) { status = RegOpenKey(REGISTRY_ROOT_KEY, RPC_UUID_PERSISTENT_DATA, &Key);
if (status) printf("RegOpenKey returned %d\n", status);
status = RegQueryValue(Key, PREV_CLOCK_SEQUENCE, String, &BufLen); if (status) printf("RegQueryValue returned %d\n", status);
RegCloseKey(Key); } EndTime("for opening and querying a registry key"); }
case 8: { // Query Registry
HKEY Key; DWORD BufLen = 30; char String[30];
if (status) printf("RegOpenKey returned %d\n", status);
StartTime(); for (i = 0; i < Iterations; i++) { status = RegQueryValue(Key, PREV_CLOCK_SEQUENCE, String, &BufLen);
if (status) printf("RegQueryValue returned %d\n", status);
} EndTime("for querying a registry key"); RegCloseKey(Key); }
case 9: { // Create and update.
HKEY Key; DWORD BufLen; static const char String[] = "24682468";
StartTime(); for (i = 0; i < Iterations; i++) { status = RegCreateKey(REGISTRY_ROOT_KEY, RPC_UUID_PERSISTENT_DATA, &Key);
if (status) printf("RegOpenKey returned %d\n", status);
status = RegSetValue(Key, PREV_CLOCK_SEQUENCE, REG_SZ, String, strlen(String)+1);
if (status) printf("RegSetValue returned %d\n", status);
RegCloseKey(Key); } EndTime("for creating and updateing a registry key."); }
case 10: { // Update Registry
HKEY Key; DWORD BufLen; static const char String[] = "24682468";
status = RegCreateKey(REGISTRY_ROOT_KEY, RPC_UUID_PERSISTENT_DATA, &Key); if (status) printf("RegOpenKey returned %d\n", status);
StartTime(); for (i = 0; i < Iterations; i++) { status = RegSetValue(Key, PREV_CLOCK_SEQUENCE, REG_SZ, String, strlen(String)+1);
if (status) printf("RegSetValue returned %d\n", status);
} EndTime("for updating a registry key."); RegCloseKey(Key); }
break; }
return 0; }