// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1994 - 1999
// File: dgsccomn.c
// Filename: dgsccomn.c
// Description: This file contains common routines for Datagram Socket I/O
// routines for use with IPC raw network performance
// tests.
// This module is written using win32 API calls.
// Authors: Scott Holden (Translator from NT API to win32 API)
// Mahesh Keni (Mahesh wrote this application using mostly
// NT native API calls)
#include "rawcom.h"
#include "dgsccomn.h"
/************************************************************************/ INTEGER DGSocket_Recv( IN USHORT CIndex, IN OUT PVOID PReadBuf, IN OUT PULONG rpdatalen) { INTEGER RetCode; ULONG Buflen; PCHAR Bufp;
Bufp = PReadBuf; Buflen = *rpdatalen; // use this for getting request packet length
*rpdatalen = 0; // total data received
// we have make sure that the data received is same as the data
// requested
while (Buflen) { // till we receive all the data
RetCode = recv(Clients[CIndex].c_Sock.c_Sockid, Bufp, Buflen, 0);
if (RetCode == SOCKET_ERROR) { //DbgPrint("Error: Receive:%ld\n",WSAGetLastError());
break; } else { if (RetCode){ *rpdatalen += (ULONG)RetCode; // bytes received
Buflen -= (ULONG)RetCode; // bytes yet to receive
Bufp += (USHORT)RetCode; // Move the buffer pointer
} else { break; } } } // check to see if it's 0
return(RetCode); } /************************************************************************/ INTEGER DGSocket_RecvFrom( IN USHORT CIndex, IN OUT PVOID PReadBuf, IN OUT PULONG rpdatalen, IN OUT PSOCKADDR pcaddr, IN OUT PUSHORT pcaddrlen) { INTEGER RetCode; ULONG Buflen; PCHAR Bufp;
Bufp = PReadBuf; Buflen = *rpdatalen; // use this for getting request packet length
*rpdatalen = 0; // total data received
// we have make sure that the data received is same as the data
// requested
while (Buflen) { // till we receive all the data
RetCode = recvfrom( Clients[CIndex].c_Sock.c_Sockid, Bufp, Buflen, 0, pcaddr, (int *)pcaddrlen);
if (RetCode == SOCKET_ERROR) { //DbgPrint("Error: Receive:%ld\n",WSAGetLastError());
break; } else { if (RetCode){ *rpdatalen += (ULONG)RetCode; // bytes received
Buflen -= (ULONG)RetCode; // bytes yet to receive
Bufp += (USHORT)RetCode; // Move the buffer pointer
} else { break; } } } // check to see if it's 0
return(RetCode); } /************************************************************************/ INTEGER DGSocket_Send( IN USHORT CIndex, IN OUT PVOID PWriteBuf, IN OUT PULONG spdatalen) { INTEGER RetCode; ULONG Buflen;
Buflen = *spdatalen; // total data to be sent
*spdatalen = 0;
// Could use write also
RetCode = send(Clients[CIndex].c_Sock.c_Sockid, PWriteBuf, Buflen, 0);
if (RetCode == SOCKET_ERROR) { //DbgPrint("Error: Send:%ld\n",WSAGetLastError());
} else { *spdatalen = (ULONG) RetCode; } // check to see if send length is 0
return(RetCode); } /************************************************************************/ INTEGER DGSocket_SendTo( IN USHORT CIndex, IN OUT PVOID PWriteBuf, IN OUT PULONG spdatalen, IN OUT PSOCKADDR pcaddr, IN OUT PUSHORT pcaddrlen) { INTEGER RetCode; ULONG Buflen;
Buflen = *spdatalen; // total data to be sent
*spdatalen = 0;
// Could use write also
RetCode = sendto(Clients[CIndex].c_Sock.c_Sockid, PWriteBuf, Buflen, 0, pcaddr, *pcaddrlen);
if (RetCode == SOCKET_ERROR) { //DbgPrint("Error: Send:%ld\n",WSAGetLastError());
} else { *spdatalen = (ULONG) RetCode; } // check to see if SendTo Length is 0
return(RetCode); } /************************************************************************/ INTEGER DGSocket_Close( IN USHORT CIndex) { INTEGER RetCode;
RetCode = closesocket(Clients[CIndex].c_Sock.c_Sockid);
if (RetCode == SOCKET_ERROR) { //DbgPrint("Error: Close Socket Id %ld\n",WSAGetLastError());
return(RetCode); } return(RetCode); } /************************************************************************/ INTEGER DGSocket_Connect( IN USHORT CIndex, IN PSOCKADDR pcsockaddr) { INTEGER RetCode;
RetCode = connect(Clients[CIndex].c_Sock.c_Sockid, pcsockaddr, sizeof(SOCKADDR));
if (RetCode == SOCKET_ERROR) { //DbgPrint("DGSock: Connect %ld\n",WSAGetLastError());
return(RetCode); } return(RetCode); } /************************************************************************/