// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1994 - 1999
// File: scudp.c
* This file contains Common routines for Socket I/O * Mahesh Keni ************************************************************************ */
#include "rawcom.h"
#include "scudp.h"
IN USHORT NClients, // Number of clients
IN PCHAR ServerName, // Server IP address
IN USHORT SrvCli) // server or client
{ INTEGER RetCode = 0; WSADATA WsaData; // got from RCP prog
RetCode = WSAStartup(0x0101, &WsaData);
if (RetCode == SOCKET_ERROR) { //DbgPrint("Error: WSAStartup : %ld \n",WSAGetLastError());
return(STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL); } return(STATUS_SUCCESS); } /************************************************************************/
This routine is responsible Creating a Socket instance and doing bind for for a thread.
NTSTATUS SCUDP_PerClientInit( IN USHORT CIndex, // client index
IN USHORT SrvCli ) { //NTSTATUS pstatus;
INTEGER RetCode; SOCKADDR saddr; // socket address
//INTEGER saddrlen;
SOCKET isockid;
// We can combine this with SPX routines later
PSOCKADDR_IN paddr_in = (PSOCKADDR_IN)&saddr; int protocol = IPPROTO_UDP;
// First create a socket for this client
if ((isockid = socket(AddrFly, SOCK_DGRAM, protocol)) == INVALID_SOCKET) { //DbgPrint("Error: Invalid Socket: %ld \n",WSAGetLastError());
return(STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL); } Clients[CIndex].c_Sock.c_Sockid = isockid; // now do the address binding part
// should get ip address from Name
ClearSocket(&saddr); // cleanup the structure
paddr_in->sin_family = (short)AddrFly;
if (SrvCli) { // if it's a server only then do the binding
paddr_in->sin_port = htons((USHORT)(SERV_UDP_PORT + CIndex)); paddr_in->sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(HostName); // use htonl
} else { // for client assign socket id.
paddr_in->sin_port = 0; paddr_in->sin_addr.s_addr = 0; }
RetCode = bind(isockid, &saddr, sizeof(saddr));
if (RetCode == SOCKET_ERROR) { //DbgPrint("Error: Bind: %ld\n",WSAGetLastError());;
closesocket(isockid); return (STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL); } else { Clients[CIndex].c_Sock.c_Sockid = isockid; } return (STATUS_SUCCESS); }
/************************************************************************/ /*++
This routine is responsible for Connecting a server address to a socket if Connected flag is true. --*/
NTSTATUS SCUDP_Connect_To_Server( IN USHORT CIndex) // client index and namedpipe instance number
{ INTEGER RetCode; SOCKADDR_IN saddr; // socket address
saddr.sin_family = (short)AddrFly; // Address family
saddr.sin_port = htons((USHORT)(SERV_UDP_PORT + CIndex)); saddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(ServerName);
RetCode = DGSocket_Connect(CIndex, (PSOCKADDR)&saddr);
if (RetCode == SOCKET_ERROR) { //DbgPrint("Sock: Error in Connect %d\n", RetCode);
/************************************************************************/ /*++
This routine allocates memory required for all the buffers for a client.
NTSTATUS SCUDP_Allocate_Memory( IN USHORT CIndex) // client index and namedpipe instance number
{ NTSTATUS astatus; ULONG AllocSize;
// AllocSize = Clients[CIndex].c_reqbuf.SendSize;
AllocSize = MAXBUFSIZE; (LPVOID) Clients[CIndex].c_pSendBuf = VirtualAlloc( (LPVOID) Clients[CIndex].c_pSendBuf, (DWORD)AllocSize, (DWORD)MEM_COMMIT, (DWORD)PAGE_READWRITE);
sprintf(Clients[CIndex].c_pSendBuf,"Client%d Send Data",CIndex+1); if (Clients[CIndex].c_pSendBuf == NULL) { astatus = GetLastError(); printf("\nVirtual Alloc error\n"); } // AllocSize = Clients[CIndex].c_reqbuf.RecvSize;
AllocSize = MAXBUFSIZE; (LPVOID) Clients[CIndex].c_pRecvBuf = VirtualAlloc( (LPVOID) Clients[CIndex].c_pRecvBuf, (DWORD)AllocSize, (DWORD)MEM_COMMIT, (DWORD)PAGE_READWRITE);
sprintf(Clients[CIndex].c_pRecvBuf,"Client%d Recv Data",CIndex+1); if (Clients[CIndex].c_pRecvBuf == NULL) { astatus = GetLastError(); printf("\nVirtual Alloc error\n"); } return astatus; } /************************************************************************/ /*++
This routine deallocates memory for a client.
NTSTATUS SCUDP_Deallocate_Memory( IN USHORT CIndex) // client index and namedpipe instance number
{ NTSTATUS dstatus; ULONG DeallocSize;
// Deallocate memory for Send Buffer
// DeallocSize = Clients[CIndex].c_reqbuf.SendSize;
DeallocSize = MAXBUFSIZE;
dstatus = NtFreeVirtualMemory( NtCurrentProcess(), (PVOID *) (&(Clients[CIndex].c_pSendBuf)), &(DeallocSize), MEM_DECOMMIT); */ dstatus = VirtualFree( (LPVOID) Clients[CIndex].c_pSendBuf, DeallocSize, MEM_DECOMMIT);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(dstatus)) { //DbgPrint("Nmp SendBuf: Deallocate memory failed: err: %lx \n", dstatus);
return dstatus; }
// DeallocSize = Clients[CIndex].c_reqbuf.RecvSize;
DeallocSize = MAXBUFSIZE;
// Deallocate memory for Receive Buffer
dstatus = NtFreeVirtualMemory( NtCurrentProcess(), (PVOID *) (&(Clients[CIndex].c_pRecvBuf)), &(DeallocSize), MEM_DECOMMIT); */ dstatus = VirtualFree( (LPVOID) Clients[CIndex].c_pRecvBuf, DeallocSize, MEM_DECOMMIT);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(dstatus)) { //DbgPrint("Nmp RecvBuf :Deallocate memory failed: err: %lx \n", dstatus);
} return dstatus; } /************************************************************************/ /*++
This routine is responsible for disconnecting a session.
NTSTATUS SCUDP_Disconnect_From_Server( IN USHORT CIndex) // client index and namedpipe instance number
{ INTEGER RetCode;
//Close the socket so that it can disconnect
if ( (RetCode = DGSocket_Close(CIndex)) == SOCKET_ERROR) { //DbgPrint("Sock: Error in Close Sockid %d\n", RetCode);
/************************************************************************/ /*++
This routine does handshake with it's peer. For Server this means receiving request message from a client. For Client it means just the opposite. --*/
NTSTATUS SCUDP_DoHandshake( IN USHORT CIndex, // client index
IN USHORT SrvCli) // if it's a server or client
{ ULONG RWreqLen; INTEGER RetCode = 0; SOCKADDR_IN daddr; INTEGER daddrlen = 16;
RWreqLen = sizeof(struct reqbuf);
// for server do receivefrom for a request buffer
if (SrvCli) { RetCode = DGSocket_RecvFrom( CIndex, (PVOID) &(Clients[CIndex].c_reqbuf), (PULONG) &RWreqLen, (PSOCKADDR) &daddr, (USHORT *) &daddrlen); if (RetCode == SOCKET_ERROR) { //DbgPrint("Sock: Error in RecvFrom %d\n", RetCode);
return (STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL); } // Connect this address to client's Socket
RetCode = DGSocket_Connect(CIndex, (PSOCKADDR)&daddr);
if (RetCode == SOCKET_ERROR) { //DbgPrint("Sock: Error in Connect %d\n", RetCode);
return (STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL); } } else { // for Client do send of reqbuf size
// Client always does Send
RetCode = DGSocket_Send( CIndex, (PVOID) &(Clients[CIndex].c_reqbuf), (PULONG) &RWreqLen); if (RetCode == SOCKET_ERROR) { //DbgPrint("Sock: Error in Send %d\n", RetCode);
return (STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL); } } // check if read/write length is ok
if (RWreqLen != sizeof(struct reqbuf)) { //DbgPrint("Sock:Read/Write Len mismatch: read %ld \n", RWreqLen);
} /*
MyDbgPrint("handshake: Sendl:%ld Recvl:%ld \n", Clients[CIndex].c_reqbuf.SendSize, Clients[CIndex].c_reqbuf.RecvSize); */ return (STATUS_SUCCESS); }
/************************************************************************/ /*++
This routine Reads data from IPC. For server it means reading data NumSends times in SendBuffers and for a client NumRecvs times into RecvBuffer.
NTSTATUS SCUDP_ReadFromIPC( IN USHORT CIndex, // client index and namedpipe instance number
IN OUT PULONG pReadDone, IN USHORT SrvCli) // if it's a server or client
{ ULONG NumReads; ULONG ReadLen; PCHAR ReadBuf; INTEGER RetCode; // SOCKADDR_IN raddr;
// INTEGER raddrlen;
if (SrvCli) { // set proper iterations and buffer for Server
NumReads = Clients[CIndex].c_reqbuf.NumSends; ReadBuf = Clients[CIndex].c_pSendBuf; ReadLen = Clients[CIndex].c_reqbuf.SendSize; } else { // for client do proper settings
NumReads = Clients[CIndex].c_reqbuf.NumRecvs; ReadBuf = Clients[CIndex].c_pRecvBuf; ReadLen = Clients[CIndex].c_reqbuf.RecvSize; } while (NumReads--) { RetCode = DGSocket_Recv( CIndex, (PVOID) ReadBuf, (PULONG)&ReadLen); if (RetCode == SOCKET_ERROR) { //DbgPrint("DGSock: Error in Recv %d\n", RetCode);
return (STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL); } // Assign the read length
*pReadDone = ReadLen; } return (STATUS_SUCCESS); }
/************************************************************************/ /*++
This routine Writes data to IPC. For server it means writing data NumRecvs times in RecvBuffers and for a client NumSends times into SendBuffer.
NTSTATUS SCUDP_WriteToIPC( IN USHORT CIndex, // client index and namedpipe instance number
IN OUT PULONG pWriteDone, IN USHORT SrvCli) // if it's a server or client
{ ULONG NumWrites; ULONG WriteLen; PCHAR WriteBuf; INTEGER RetCode;
if (SrvCli) { // set proper iterations and buffer for Server
NumWrites = Clients[CIndex].c_reqbuf.NumRecvs; WriteBuf = Clients[CIndex].c_pRecvBuf; WriteLen = Clients[CIndex].c_reqbuf.RecvSize; } else { // for client do proper settings
NumWrites = Clients[CIndex].c_reqbuf.NumSends; WriteBuf = Clients[CIndex].c_pSendBuf; WriteLen = Clients[CIndex].c_reqbuf.SendSize; } while (NumWrites--) { RetCode = DGSocket_Send( CIndex, (PVOID) WriteBuf, (PULONG) &WriteLen); if (RetCode == SOCKET_ERROR) { //DbgPrint("Sock: Error in Send %d\n", RetCode);
return (STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL); } *pWriteDone = WriteLen; } return (STATUS_SUCCESS); } /************************************************************************/ NTSTATUS SCUDP_Cleanup(VOID) { //USHORT Cindex = 0; // client index
//NTSTATUS cstatus;
//NTSTATUS exitstatus = 0;
return (STATUS_SUCCESS); } /************************************************************************/ /*++
This routine does a client specific cleanup work. --*/
NTSTATUS SCUDP_ThreadCleanUp( IN USHORT CIndex) { //NTSTATUS tstatus;
// For Server Close the ListenId
return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /************************************************************************/
For UDP do nothing. --*/
NTSTATUS SCUDP_Wait_For_Client( IN USHORT CIndex) // client index
{ //NTSTATUS wstatus;
//INTEGER RetCode;
return (STATUS_SUCCESS); }
/************************************************************************/ /*++
This routine is responsible for issueing Disconnect to close the connection with a client. --*/
NTSTATUS SCUDP_Disconnect_Client( IN USHORT CIndex) // client index
// Dissociate address from the socket handle
// Connect to zero address
ClearSocket(&daddr); // cleanup the structure
// Connect this address to client's Socket to disassociate server
// address from this socket
RetCode = DGSocket_Connect(CIndex, (PSOCKADDR)&daddr);
if (RetCode == SOCKET_ERROR) { //DbgPrint("Sock: Error in Connect %d\n", RetCode);