// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1991 - 1999
// mqmgr.c
// Abstract:
// Functions to manage temporary Falcon message queues for RPC. The
// RPC support of Falcon as a transport allows for temporary queues
// which exist only as long as the process. These functions manage
// these temporary queues.
// Author:
// Edward Reus (edwardr)
// Revision History:
#include <sysinc.h>
#define FD_SETSIZE 1
#include <wtypes.h>
#include <rpc.h>
#include <rpcdcep.h>
#include <rpcerrp.h>
#include <rpctrans.hxx>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <objidl.h>
#include <mq.h>
#include "mqmgr.h"
#define MAX_FORMAT_LEN 128
// Local Types:
typedef struct _MqTempQueue { struct _MqTempQueue *pNext; WCHAR wsQFormat[MAX_FORMAT_LEN]; } MqTempQueue;
typedef struct _MqTempQueueList { HANDLE hToken; // For impersonation of the client.
MqTempQueue *pQueues; } MqTempQueueList;
#define MQ_DELETE_FN_NAME "MQDeleteQueue"
// Globals:
static HINSTANCE g_hMqDll = 0; static MQ_DELETE_QUEUE_FN g_pMqDeleteQueue = 0;
// MqGetContext()
// Establishs a context handle to manage temporary queues. Once the
// context handle is created, the RPC client and server processes
// will automatically register temporary queues.
unsigned long MqGetContext( handle_t hBind, PCONTEXT_HANDLE *pphContext ) { RPC_STATUS Status = RPC_S_OK; HANDLE hToken = 0; HANDLE hThread = 0; MqTempQueueList *pqList;
// First, check to see if the MQ runtime DLL has been loaded. If not,
// then load it and resolve the entry for the function to delete queues.
if (!g_hMqDll) { g_hMqDll = LoadLibrary(MQRT_DLL_NAME); if (g_hMqDll) { g_pMqDeleteQueue = (MQ_DELETE_QUEUE_FN)GetProcAddress(g_hMqDll,MQ_DELETE_FN_NAME); if (!g_pMqDeleteQueue) { Status = GetLastError(); FreeLibrary(g_hMqDll); g_hMqDll = 0; return Status; } } else { // The LoadLibrary() call failed.
Status = GetLastError(); *pphContext = NULL; return Status; } }
// Ok, create a context for this connection. Also, grab the
// client's security token for later use when deleting the
// queue.
*pphContext = pqList = (MqTempQueueList*)I_RpcAllocate(sizeof(MqTempQueueList)); if (!*pphContext) { Status = RPC_S_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } else { ZeroMemory( pqList, sizeof(MqTempQueueList) );
Status = RpcImpersonateClient(hBind); if (RPC_S_OK == Status) { if ( (hThread=GetCurrentThread()) && (OpenThreadToken(hThread,TOKEN_IMPERSONATE,FALSE,&hToken)) ) { pqList->hToken = hToken; } else { Status = GetLastError(); }
if (hThread) { CloseHandle(hThread); }
Status = RpcRevertToSelf(); } else { // If the impersonation failed, then plow ahead anyway. We
// can still keep the list of queues and "maybe" delete them.
Status = RPC_S_OK; } }
#ifdef DBG
DbgPrint("MqGetContext(): hToken: 0x%x\n",hToken); #endif
return Status; }
// MqRegisterQueue()
// Register the specified queue as a temporary queue that will
// need to be deleted by the context rundown routine when the
// client exits. The registration is actually done by the MQ RPC
// client and server transport DLLs.
unsigned long MqRegisterQueue( PCONTEXT_HANDLE phContext, wchar_t *pwsQFormat ) { RPC_STATUS Status = RPC_S_OK; MqTempQueue *pTempQueue; MqTempQueueList *pqList = (MqTempQueueList*)phContext;
pTempQueue = (MqTempQueue*)I_RpcAllocate(sizeof(MqTempQueue)); if (!pTempQueue) { return RPC_S_OUT_OF_MEMORY; }
ASSERT(pwsQFormat); ASSERT(wcslen(pwsQFormat) < MAX_FORMAT_LEN);
// Ok, put the queue on the list to delete.
pTempQueue->pNext = pqList->pQueues; pqList->pQueues = pTempQueue;
return Status; }
// MqDeregisterQueue()
// Remove the specified message queue from the list of queues to
// be deleted by the context rundown routine. This would be done
// if a queue (which is initially temporary) was turned into a
// permanent queue.
unsigned long MqDeregisterQueue( PCONTEXT_HANDLE phContext, wchar_t *pwsQFormat ) { RPC_STATUS Status = RPC_S_OK; MqTempQueueList *pqList = (MqTempQueueList*)phContext; MqTempQueue *pTempQueue; MqTempQueue *pTempToFree;
if (!pqList) { return RPC_X_SS_IN_NULL_CONTEXT; }
pTempQueue = pqList->pQueues; if (!lstrcmpiW(pTempQueue->wsQFormat,pwsQFormat)) { pqList->pQueues = pTempQueue->pNext; I_RpcFree(pTempQueue); return RPC_S_OK; }
while (pTempQueue->pNext) { if (!lstrcmpiW(pTempQueue->pNext->wsQFormat,pwsQFormat)) { pTempToFree = pTempQueue->pNext; pTempQueue->pNext = pTempQueue->pNext->pNext; I_RpcFree(pTempToFree); break; } }
return Status; }
// MqFreeContext()
// Called to remove all of the queues registered for automatic
// deletion and to close and free the context handle.
unsigned long MqFreeContext( PCONTEXT_HANDLE *pphContext, long fFreeContext ) { RPC_STATUS Status = RPC_S_OK; HRESULT hr; BOOL fImpersonate = FALSE; MqTempQueueList *pqList = (MqTempQueueList*)*pphContext; MqTempQueue *pTemp; MqTempQueue *pToFree;
// First, impersonate the client who registered these queues
// to delete.
if (pqList->hToken) { fImpersonate = SetThreadToken(NULL,pqList->hToken); #ifdef DBG
if (!fImpersonate) { Status = GetLastError(); } #endif
// Run through the list of queues deleting each one as
// we go.
pTemp = pqList->pQueues; while (pTemp) { pToFree = pTemp; pTemp = pTemp->pNext;
hr = g_pMqDeleteQueue(pToFree->wsQFormat); #ifdef FALSE
DbgPrint("Delete Queue: %S (hr: 0x%x)\n", pToFree->wsQFormat, hr ); #endif
I_RpcFree(pToFree); }
// Stop the impersonation:
if (fImpersonate) { if (!SetThreadToken(NULL,NULL)) { Status = GetLastError(); } }
// Do we need to free up the context?
if (pqList->hToken) { if (!CloseHandle(pqList->hToken)) { Status = GetLastError(); #ifdef DBG
DbgPrint("MqFreeContext(): CloseHandle() Failed: Status: %d (0x%x)\n",Status,Status); #endif
} }
if (fFreeContext) { I_RpcFree(pqList); *pphContext = NULL; } else { pqList->hToken = 0; pqList->pQueues = NULL; }
return Status; }
// PCONTEX_HANDLE_rundown()
// This is the context rundown routine. It will delete all of the
// Falcon message queues that are currently associated with the
// specified context handle.
Status = MqFreeContext(&phContext,FALSE); }
// StartMqManagement()
// Called in dcomss\warpper\start.cxx by RPCSS to initialize the
// MQ Management interface.
extern "C" DWORD StartMqManagement() { RPC_STATUS Status;
Status = RpcServerRegisterIf(MqMgr_ServerIfHandle,0,0);
return Status; }