// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1990 - 1999
// File: threads.hxx
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------
Microsoft OS/2 LAN Manager Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1990
-------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------
File: threads.hxx
This file provides a system independent threads package.
History: mikemon 05/24/90 File created. mikemon 10/15/90 Added the PauseExecution entry point. Kamen Moutafov (KamenM) Dec 99 - Feb 2000 - Support for cell debugging stuff
-------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#ifndef __THREADS__
#define __THREADS__
#include <interlck.hxx>
class CALL; class LRPC_CCALL; class SCALL;
typedef BOOL (*THREAD_PROC) ( void * Parameter );
class THREAD { friend void RpcpPurgeEEInfoFromThreadIfNecessary ( IN THREAD *ThisThread );
private: static const unsigned int CallDestroyedWithOutstandingLocks = 1; static const unsigned int CallCancelled = 2; static const unsigned int Yielded = 4;
LONG ProtectCount; #endif
public: BOOL fAsync; long CancelTimeout; private: HANDLE HandleToThread;
public: EVENT ThreadEvent; void * Context; void * SecurityContext; BCACHE_STATE BufferCache[4]; // write-on-multiple-threads section, buffered with unused (rarely used) variables
RPC_STATUS ExtendedStatus;
CellTag DebugCellTag; DebugThreadInfo *DebugCell;
private: THREAD_PROC SavedProcedure; void * SavedParameter; CALL * ActiveCall; #ifdef RPC_OLD_IO_PROTECTION
INTERLOCKED_INTEGER ReleaseCount; #endif
ExtendedErrorInfo *ThreadEEInfo;
void *NDRSlot;
// a cached LRPC call - essnetially the same that a LRPC_CALL constructor
// will give. This is never used in the non-server versions of the product
LRPC_CCALL *CachedLrpcCall;
CompositeFlags Flags;
void *LastSuccessfullyDestroyedContext;
// cached waiter blocks
// a pointer to the last cached waiter we have. It must
// never be equal to &CachedWaiter
SWMRWaiter *CachedWaiterPtr; // a buffer where we can cookup a waiter using the thread event
SWMRWaiter CachedWaiter;
ExtendedErrorInfo *CachedEEInfoBlock; ULONG ParametersOfCachedEEInfo; // how many parameters does the
// CachedEEInfoBlock has
void * ConnectionMutexHeld; #endif
// Construct a new thread which will execute the procedure specified, taking
// Param as the argument.
THREAD ( IN THREAD_PROC Procedure, IN void * Parameter, OUT RPC_STATUS * RpcStatus );
~THREAD ( );
void StartRoutine ( ) {(*SavedProcedure)(SavedParameter);}
void * ThreadHandle ( );
friend THREAD * ThreadSelf(); friend void * RpcpGetThreadContext(); friend void RpcpSetThreadContext(void * Context);
long InqProtectCount ( ); #endif
void CommonConstructor ( );
RPC_STATUS SetCancelTimeout ( IN long Timeout );
BOOL IsSyncCall ( ) {return !fAsync;}
BOOL IsIOPending();
void SetExtendedError ( IN RPC_STATUS Status ) { ExtendedStatus = Status; }
RPC_STATUS GetExtendedError ( ) { return ExtendedStatus; }
RPC_STATUS CancelCall ( IN BOOL fTimeoutValid = FALSE, IN long Timeout = 0 );
RPC_STATUS RegisterForCancels ( IN CALL *Call );
void UnregisterForCancels ( );
void YieldThread ( ) { LARGE_INTEGER TimeOut; PLARGE_INTEGER pTimeOut; NTSTATUS Status;
if (GetYieldedFlag() == 0) { SetYieldedFlag();
// Sleep for the smallest possible time
TimeOut.QuadPart = Int32x32To64( 1, -1 ); pTimeOut = &TimeOut;
do { Status = NtDelayExecution( (BOOLEAN)FALSE, pTimeOut ); } while (Status == STATUS_ALERTED); } }
void ResetYield() { ClearYieldedFlag(); }
void PurgeEEInfo ( void );
inline ExtendedErrorInfo * GetEEInfo ( void ) { return ThreadEEInfo; }
inline void SetEEInfo ( ExtendedErrorInfo *NewEEInfo ) { ThreadEEInfo = NewEEInfo; }
inline void * GetNDRSlot ( void ) { return NDRSlot; }
inline void SetNDRSlot ( void *NewNDRSlot ) { NDRSlot = NewNDRSlot; }
inline LRPC_CCALL * GetCachedLrpcCall ( void ) { return CachedLrpcCall; }
inline void SetCachedLrpcCall ( LRPC_CCALL *NewCall ) { CachedLrpcCall = NewCall; }
inline void * GetLastSuccessfullyDestroyedContext ( void ) { return LastSuccessfullyDestroyedContext; }
inline void SetLastSuccessfullyDestroyedContext ( void *NewLastSuccessfullyDestroyedContext ) { LastSuccessfullyDestroyedContext = NewLastSuccessfullyDestroyedContext; } void GetWaiterCache ( OUT SWMRWaiter **WaiterCache, IN SCALL *SCall, IN SWMRWaiterType WaiterType );
void FreeWaiterCache ( IN OUT SWMRWaiter **WaiterCache );
inline void SetCachedEEInfoBlock ( IN ExtendedErrorInfo *EEInfoBlock, IN ULONG NumberOfParamsInBlock ) { if (CachedEEInfoBlock == NULL) { CachedEEInfoBlock = EEInfoBlock; ParametersOfCachedEEInfo = NumberOfParamsInBlock; } else if (NumberOfParamsInBlock > ParametersOfCachedEEInfo) { // we have an incoming block larger than the cache - keep
// the larger and throw away the smaller
FreeEEInfoRecordShallow(CachedEEInfoBlock); CachedEEInfoBlock = EEInfoBlock; ParametersOfCachedEEInfo = NumberOfParamsInBlock; } else { FreeEEInfoRecordShallow(EEInfoBlock); } }
inline ExtendedErrorInfo * GetCachedEEInfoBlock ( IN ULONG NumberOfParamsInBlock ) { ExtendedErrorInfo *LocalEEInfo = NULL;
if (CachedEEInfoBlock && (NumberOfParamsInBlock <= ParametersOfCachedEEInfo)) { // N.B. Here we can get gradual degradation of the cached block
// as we take out a larger block, but we return a block whose
// size we think is only the number of used parameters. For example,
// if we have in the cache block with 4 parameters, and we take
// it out, and we use it on record with 2 parameters, we will
// return the block through SetCachedEEInfoBlock as a 2-parameter
// block. This means that the next time we need 4 parameters, we
// may go to the heap, even though we have a large enough block
// in the thread cache. That's ok. The way to avoid this is to keep
// the real size of the block in the eeinfo record, which is too
// big a waste of space and code. The current method handles the
// Exchange server too busy error, which is the main consumer of
// this cache
LocalEEInfo = CachedEEInfoBlock; CachedEEInfoBlock = NULL; ParametersOfCachedEEInfo = 0; } return LocalEEInfo; }
inline void SetDestroyedWithOutstandingLocksFlag ( void ) { Flags.SetFlagUnsafe(CallDestroyedWithOutstandingLocks); }
inline BOOL GetDestroyedWithOutstandingLocksFlag ( void ) { return Flags.GetFlag(CallDestroyedWithOutstandingLocks); }
inline void ClearDestroyedWithOutstandingLocksFlag ( void ) { Flags.ClearFlagUnsafe(CallDestroyedWithOutstandingLocks); }
inline void SetCallCancelledFlag ( void ) { Flags.SetFlagUnsafe(CallCancelled); }
inline BOOL GetCallCancelledFlag ( void ) { return Flags.GetFlag(CallCancelled); }
inline void ClearCallCancelledFlag ( void ) { Flags.ClearFlagUnsafe(CallCancelled); }
inline void SetYieldedFlag ( void ) { Flags.SetFlagUnsafe(Yielded); }
inline BOOL GetYieldedFlag ( void ) { return Flags.GetFlag(Yielded); }
inline void ClearYieldedFlag ( void ) { Flags.ClearFlagUnsafe(Yielded); }
inline BOOL THREAD::IsIOPending() { NTSTATUS Status; BOOL IsIoPending;
Status = NtQueryInformationThread( HandleToThread, ThreadIsIoPending, &IsIoPending, sizeof(IsIoPending), NULL );
return (NT_SUCCESS(Status) && IsIoPending); }
extern THREAD_IDENTIFIER GetThreadIdentifier ( );
extern void PauseExecution(unsigned long time);
// This class represents a dynamic link library. When it is constructed,
// the dll is loaded, and when it is destructed, the dll is unloaded.
// The only operation is obtaining the address of an entry point into
// the dll.
class DLL { private:
void * DllHandle;
DLL ( IN RPC_CHAR * DllName, OUT RPC_STATUS * Status );
~DLL ( );
void * GetEntryPoint ( IN char * Procedure ); };
extern int InitializeThreads ( );
extern void UninitializeThreads ( );
extern RPC_STATUS SetThreadStackSize ( IN unsigned long ThreadStackSize );
extern long ThreadGetRpcCancelTimeout( );
extern void ThreadSetRpcCancelTimeout( long Timeout );
RPC_STATUS RegisterForCancels( CALL * Call );
RPC_STATUS UnregisterForCancels( );
RPC_STATUS RpcpThreadCancel( void * ThreadHandle );
BOOL ThreadCancelsEnabled ( );
VOID RPC_ENTRY CancelAPCRoutine ( ULONG_PTR Timeout );
VOID RPC_ENTRY CancelExAPCRoutine ( ULONG_PTR Timeout );
RPC_STATUS RpcpGetThreadPointerFromHandle( void * ThreadHandle, THREAD * * pThread );
inline THREAD * RpcpGetThreadPointer( ) { return (THREAD *) NtCurrentTeb()->ReservedForNtRpc; }
inline void RpcpSetThreadPointer( THREAD * Thread ) { NtCurrentTeb()->ReservedForNtRpc = Thread; }
inline THREAD_IDENTIFIER GetThreadIdentifier ( ) { return(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueThread); }
#pragma optimize ("t", on)
inline void RpcpPurgeEEInfoFromThreadIfNecessary ( IN THREAD *ThisThread ) { if (ThisThread->ThreadEEInfo) ThisThread->PurgeEEInfo(); } #pragma optimize("", on)
inline void RpcpPurgeEEInfo ( void ) { THREAD *ThisThread = RpcpGetThreadPointer(); ASSERT(ThisThread);
RpcpPurgeEEInfoFromThreadIfNecessary(ThisThread); }
inline ExtendedErrorInfo * RpcpGetEEInfo ( void ) { THREAD *ThisThread = RpcpGetThreadPointer(); ASSERT(ThisThread);
return ThisThread->GetEEInfo(); }
inline void RpcpSetEEInfoForThread ( THREAD *ThisThread, ExtendedErrorInfo *EEInfo ) { ASSERT(ThisThread->GetEEInfo() == NULL); ThisThread->SetEEInfo(EEInfo); }
inline void RpcpSetEEInfo ( ExtendedErrorInfo *EEInfo ) { THREAD *ThisThread = RpcpGetThreadPointer(); ASSERT(ThisThread);
RpcpSetEEInfoForThread(ThisThread, EEInfo); }
inline void RpcpClearEEInfoForThread ( THREAD *ThisThread ) { ThisThread->SetEEInfo(NULL); }
inline void RpcpClearEEInfo ( void ) { THREAD *ThisThread = RpcpGetThreadPointer(); ASSERT(ThisThread);
RpcpClearEEInfoForThread(ThisThread); }
inline RPC_STATUS RpcpSetNDRSlot ( IN void *NewSlot ) { THREAD *ThisThread = ThreadSelf();
if (ThisThread == NULL) return RPC_S_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
return RPC_S_OK; }
inline void * RpcpGetNDRSlot ( void ) { THREAD *ThisThread = RpcpGetThreadPointer();
return ThisThread->GetNDRSlot(); }
THREAD * ThreadSelfHelper ( );
#pragma optimize ("t", on)
inline THREAD * ThreadSelf ( ) { RPC_STATUS Status; THREAD * Thread = RpcpGetThreadPointer();
if (Thread) { return Thread; }
return(ThreadSelfHelper()); } #pragma optimize("", on)
inline void * RpcpGetThreadContext ( ) { THREAD * Thread = ThreadSelf();
if (Thread == 0) { return(0); }
return(Thread->Context); }
inline void RpcpSetThreadContextWithThread ( IN THREAD *ThisThread, IN void * Context ) { ThisThread->Context = Context; ThisThread->fAsync = FALSE; }
inline void RpcpSetThreadContext ( IN void * Context ) { THREAD *Thread = RpcpGetThreadPointer(); RpcpSetThreadContextWithThread(Thread, Context); }
void SetExtendedError( IN RPC_STATUS Status );
#endif // __THREADS__