OLE SERVER DEMO Obj.c This file contains object methods and various object-related support functions. (c) Copyright Microsoft Corp. 1990 - 1992 All Rights Reserved */
Important Note:
No method should ever dispatch a DDE message or allow a DDE message to be dispatched. Therefore, no method should ever enter a message dispatch loop. Also, a method should not show a dialog or message box, because the processing of the dialog box messages will allow DDE messages to be dispatched. */
#include <windows.h>
#include <ole.h>
#include "srvrdemo.h"
// Static functions.
static HBITMAP GetBitmap (LPOBJ lpobj); static HANDLE GetLink (LPOBJ lpobj); static HANDLE GetMetafilePict (LPOBJ lpobj); static HANDLE GetEnhMetafile (LPOBJ lpobj); static HANDLE GetNative (LPOBJ lpobj); static INT GetObjNum (LPOBJ lpobj); static HANDLE GetText (LPOBJ lpobj); static VOID DrawObj (HDC hdc, LPOBJ lpobj, RECT rc, INT dctype);
/* CreateNewObj
* ------------ * * BOOL fDoc_Changed - The new value for the global variable fDocChanged. * When initializing a new document, we need to create * a new object without the creation counting as a * change to the document. * * RETURNS: A pointer to the new object * * * CUSTOMIZATION: Re-implement * Some applications (like Server Demo) have a finite number of * fixed, distinct, non-overlapping objects. Other applications * allow the user to create an object from any section of the * document. For example, the user might select a portion of * a bitmap from a paint program, or a few lines of text from * a word processor. This latter type of application probably * will not have a function like CreateNewObj. * */ LPOBJ CreateNewObj (BOOL fDoc_Changed) { HANDLE hObj = NULL; LPOBJ lpobj = NULL; // index into an array of flags indicating if that object number is used.
INT ifObj = 0;
if ((hObj = LocalAlloc (LMEM_MOVEABLE|LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof (OBJ))) == NULL) return NULL;
if ((lpobj = (LPOBJ) LocalLock (hObj)) == NULL) { LocalFree (hObj); return NULL; }
// Fill the fields in the object structure.
// Find an unused number.
for (ifObj=1; ifObj <= cfObjNums; ifObj++) { if (docMain.rgfObjNums[ifObj]==FALSE) { docMain.rgfObjNums[ifObj]=TRUE; break; } }
if (ifObj==cfObjNums+1) { // Cannot create any more objects.
MessageBeep(0); return NULL; }
wsprintf (lpobj->native.szName, "Object %d", ifObj);
lpobj->aName = GlobalAddAtom (lpobj->native.szName); lpobj->hObj = hObj; lpobj->oleobject.lpvtbl = &objvtbl; lpobj->native.idmColor = IDM_RED; // Default color
lpobj->native.version = version; lpobj->native.nWidth = OBJECT_WIDTH; // Default size
lpobj->native.nHeight = OBJECT_HEIGHT; SetHiMetricFields (lpobj);
// Place object in a location corrsponding to its number, for aesthetics.
lpobj->native.nX = (ifObj - 1) * 20; lpobj->native.nY = (ifObj - 1) * 20;
if (!CreateWindow ( "ObjClass", "Obj", WS_BORDER | WS_THICKFRAME | WS_CHILD | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_VISIBLE, lpobj->native.nX, lpobj->native.nY, lpobj->native.nWidth, lpobj->native.nHeight, hwndMain, NULL, hInst, (LPSTR) lpobj )) return FALSE;
fDocChanged = fDoc_Changed;
return lpobj; }
/* CutOrCopyObj
* ------------ * * Put data onto clipboard in all the formats supported. If the * fOpIsCopy is TRUE, the operation is COPY, otherwise it is CUT. * This is important, because we cannot put the Object Link format * onto the clipboard if the object was cut from the document (there is * no longer anything to link to). * * BOOL fOpIsCopy - TRUE if the operation is COPY; FALSE if CUT * * CUSTOMIZATION: None * * */ VOID CutOrCopyObj (BOOL fOpIsCopy) { LPOBJ lpobj; HANDLE hData; // UINT hBit;
if (OpenClipboard (hwndMain)) { EmptyClipboard ();
lpobj = SelectedObject();
if ((hData = GetNative (lpobj)) != NULL) SetClipboardData(cfNative, hData);
if ((hData = GetLink(lpobj)) != NULL) SetClipboardData(cfOwnerLink, hData);
if (fOpIsCopy && docMain.doctype == doctypeFromFile) { // Can create a link if object exists in a file.
if ((hData = GetLink(lpobj)) != NULL) SetClipboardData(cfObjectLink, hData); }
if ((hData = GetEnhMetafile(lpobj)) != NULL) { SetClipboardData(CF_ENHMETAFILE, hData); GlobalFree(hData); }
if ((hData = GetBitmap(lpobj)) != NULL) { // SetClipboardData(CF_BITMAP, GetBitmap(lpobj));
SetClipboardData(CF_BITMAP, hData); DeleteObject(hData); }
CloseClipboard (); } }
/* DestroyObj
* ---------- * * Revoke an object, and free all memory that had been allocated for it. * * HWND hwnd - The object's window * * CUSTOMIZATION: Re-implement, making sure you free all the memory that * had been allocated for the OBJ structure and each of its * fields. * */ VOID DestroyObj (HWND hwnd) { LPOBJ lpobj = HwndToLpobj (hwnd);
if(lpobj->aName) { GlobalDeleteAtom (lpobj->aName); lpobj->aName = '\0'; }
if (lpobj->hpal) DeleteObject (lpobj->hpal); // Allow the object's number to be reused.
docMain.rgfObjNums [GetObjNum(lpobj)] = FALSE;
// Free the memory that had been allocated for the object structure itself.
LocalUnlock (lpobj->hObj); LocalFree (lpobj->hObj); }
/* DrawObj
* ------- * * This function draws an object onto the screen, into a metafile, or into * a bitmap. * The object will always look the same. * * HDC hdc - The device context to render the object into * LPOBJ lpobj - The object to render * RECT rc - The rectangle bounds of the object * DCTYPE dctype - The type of device context. * * CUSTOMIZATION: Server Demo specific * */ static VOID DrawObj (HDC hdc, LPOBJ lpobj, RECT rc, INT dctype) { HPEN hpen; HPEN hpenOld; HPALETTE hpalOld = NULL;
if (dctype == dctypeMetafile) { SetWindowOrgEx (hdc, 0, 0, NULL); // Paint entire object into the given rectangle.
SetWindowExtEx (hdc, rc.right, rc.bottom, NULL); } if (lpobj->hpal) { hpalOld = SelectPalette (hdc, lpobj->hpal, TRUE); RealizePalette (hdc); }
// Select brush of the color specified in the native data.
SelectObject (hdc, hbrColor [lpobj->native.idmColor - IDM_RED] );
hpen = CreatePen (PS_SOLID, /* Width */ (rc.bottom-rc.top) / 10, /* Gray */ 0x00808080); hpenOld = SelectObject (hdc, hpen);
// Draw rectangle with the gray pen and fill it in with the selected brush.
Rectangle(hdc, rc.left, rc.top, rc.right, rc.bottom);
// Print name of object inside rectangle.
SetBkMode (hdc, TRANSPARENT); SetTextAlign (hdc, TA_BASELINE | TA_CENTER); TextOut (hdc, rc.right/2, (rc.top+rc.bottom)/2, lpobj->native.szName, lstrlen (lpobj->native.szName));
// Restore original objects
SelectObject (hdc, (dctype == dctypeMetafile || dctype == dctypeEnhMetafile) ? GetStockObject (BLACK_PEN) : hpenOld); if (hpalOld) { SelectPalette (hdc, (dctype == dctypeMetafile || dctype == dctypeEnhMetafile) ? GetStockObject (DEFAULT_PALETTE) : hpalOld, TRUE); }
DeleteObject (hpen); }
/* GetBitmap
* --------- * * Return a handle to an object's picture data in bitmap format. * * LPOBJ lpobj - The object * * RETURNS: A handle to the object's picture data * * CUSTOMIZATION: Re-implement * */ static HBITMAP GetBitmap (LPOBJ lpobj) { HDC hdcObj; HDC hdcMem; RECT rc; HBITMAP hbitmap; HBITMAP hbitmapOld;
hdcObj = GetDC (lpobj->hwnd); // Create a memory device context.
hdcMem = CreateCompatibleDC (hdcObj); GetClientRect (lpobj->hwnd, (LPRECT)&rc); // Create new bitmap object based on the bitmap of the OLE object.
hbitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap (hdcObj, rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom - rc.top); // Select new bitmap as the bitmap object for the memory device context.
hbitmapOld = SelectObject (hdcMem, hbitmap);
// Paint directly into the memory dc using the new bitmap object.
DrawObj (hdcMem, lpobj, rc, dctypeBitmap);
// Restore old bitmap object.
hbitmap = SelectObject (hdcMem, hbitmapOld); DeleteDC (hdcMem); ReleaseDC (lpobj->hwnd, hdcObj);
// convert width and height to HIMETRIC units
rc.right = rc.right - rc.left; rc.bottom = rc.bottom - rc.top; DeviceToHiMetric ( (LPPOINT) &rc.right ); // Set the 1/10 of HIMETRIC units for the bitmap
SetBitmapDimensionEx (hbitmap, (DWORD) (rc.right/10), (DWORD) (rc.bottom/10), NULL);
// if (OpenClipboard (hwndMain))
// {
// // EmptyClipboard ();
// SetClipboardData(CF_BITMAP, hbitmap);
// CloseClipboard();
// }
return hbitmap; }
/* GetLink
* ------- * * Return a handle to an object's object or owner link data. * Link information is in the form of three zero-separated strings, * terminated with two zero bytes: CLASSNAME\0DOCNAME\0OBJNAME\0\0 * * LPOBJ lpobj - The object * * RETURNS: A handle to the object's link data * * CUSTOMIZATION: Re-implement * */ static HANDLE GetLink (LPOBJ lpobj) {
CHAR sz[cchFilenameMax]; LPSTR lpszLink = NULL; HANDLE hLink = NULL; INT cchLen; INT i;
// First make the class name.
lstrcpy (sz, szClassName); cchLen = lstrlen (sz) + 1;
// Then the document name.
cchLen += GlobalGetAtomName (docMain.aName, (LPSTR)sz + cchLen, cchFilenameMax - cchLen) + 1;
// Then the object name.
lstrcpy (sz + cchLen, lpobj->native.szName); cchLen += lstrlen (lpobj->native.szName) + 1;
// Add a second null to the end.
sz[cchLen++] = 0;
hLink = GlobalAlloc (GMEM_DDESHARE | GMEM_ZEROINIT, cchLen); if (hLink == NULL) return NULL; if ((lpszLink = GlobalLock (hLink)) == NULL) { GlobalFree (hLink); return NULL; }
for (i=0; i < cchLen; i++) lpszLink[i] = sz[i];
GlobalUnlock (hLink);
return hLink; }
/* GetMetafilePict
* --------------- * * Return a handle to an object's picture data in metafile format. * * LPOBJ lpobj - The object * * RETURNS: A handle to the object's data in metafile format. * * CUSTOMIZATION: Re-implement * */ static HANDLE GetMetafilePict (LPOBJ lpobj) {
hdc = CreateMetaFile(NULL);
GetClientRect (lpobj->hwnd, (LPRECT)&rc);
// Paint directly into the metafile.
DrawObj (hdc, lpobj, rc, dctypeMetafile);
// Get handle to the metafile.
if ((hMF = CloseMetaFile (hdc)) == NULL) return NULL;
if(!(hpict = GlobalAlloc (GMEM_DDESHARE, sizeof (METAFILEPICT)))) { DeleteMetaFile (hMF); return NULL; }
if ((lppict = (LPMETAFILEPICT)GlobalLock (hpict)) == NULL) { DeleteMetaFile (hMF); GlobalFree (hpict); return NULL; }
rc.right = rc.right - rc.left; rc.bottom = rc.bottom - rc.top; DeviceToHiMetric ( (LPPOINT) &rc.right);
lppict->mm = MM_ANISOTROPIC; lppict->hMF = hMF; lppict->xExt = rc.right; lppict->yExt = rc.bottom; GlobalUnlock (hpict); return hpict; }
/* GetEnhMetafile
* --------------- * * Return a handle to an object's picture data in metafile format. * * LPOBJ lpobj - The object * * RETURNS: A handle to the object's data in metafile format. * * CUSTOMIZATION: Re-implement * */ static HANDLE GetEnhMetafile (LPOBJ lpobj) {
GetClientRect (lpobj->hwnd, (LPRECT)&rc);
rc.right -= rc.left; rc.bottom -= rc.top; rc.left = rc.top = 0; DeviceToHiMetric ( (LPPOINT) &rc.right ); hdc = CreateEnhMetaFile ( NULL, NULL, &rc, NULL ); //* this is necessary because
//* we need to draw the object
//* in device coordinates that are
//* the same physical size as the HIMETRIC
//* logical space used in CreateEnhMetaFile.
//* In this case we have scaled the HIMETRIC
//* units down in order to use the logical
//* pixel ratio (which is recommended UI)
//* so we therefore have to convert the
//* scaled HIMETRIC units back to Device.
hdc2 = GetDC(NULL);
SetMapMode(hdc2, MM_HIMETRIC); LPtoDP (hdc2, (LPPOINT)&rc.right, 1); if (rc.bottom < 0) rc.bottom *= -1;
DrawObj (hdc, lpobj, rc, dctypeMetafile);
if ((hemf = (HANDLE)CloseEnhMetaFile (hdc)) == NULL) return NULL;
return hemf; }
/* GetNative
* --------- * * Return a handle to an object's native data. * * LPOBJ lpobj - The object whose native data is to be retrieved. * * RETURNS: a handle to the object's native data. * * CUSTOMIZATION: The line "*lpnative = lpobj->native;" will change to * whatever code is necessary to copy an object's native data. * */ static HANDLE GetNative (LPOBJ lpobj) { LPNATIVE lpnative = NULL; HANDLE hNative = NULL;
hNative = GlobalAlloc (GMEM_DDESHARE | GMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof (NATIVE)); if (hNative == NULL) return NULL; if ((lpnative = (LPNATIVE) GlobalLock (hNative)) == NULL) { GlobalFree (hNative); return NULL; }
// Copy the native data.
*lpnative = lpobj->native;
GlobalUnlock (hNative); return hNative; }
/* GetObjNum
* --------- * * LPSTR lpobj - The object whose number is desired * * RETURNS: The number of the object, i.e., the numerical portion of its name. * * CUSTOMIZATION: Server Demo specific */ static INT GetObjNum (LPOBJ lpobj) { LPSTR lpsz; INT n=0;
lpsz = lpobj->native.szName + 7; while (*lpsz && *lpsz>='0' && *lpsz<='9') n = 10*n + *lpsz++ - '0'; return n; }
/* GetText
* ------- * * Return a handle to an object's data in text form. * This function simply returns the name of the object. * * LPOBJ lpobj - The object * * RETURNS: A handle to the object's text. * * CUSTOMIZATION: Re-implement, if your application supports CF_TEXT as a * presentation format. * */ static HANDLE GetText (LPOBJ lpobj) { HANDLE hText = NULL; LPSTR lpszText = NULL;
if(!(hText = GlobalAlloc (GMEM_DDESHARE, sizeof (lpobj->native.szName)))) return NULL;
if (!(lpszText = GlobalLock (hText))) return NULL;
lstrcpy (lpszText, lpobj->native.szName);
GlobalUnlock (hText);
return hText; }
/* ObjDoVerb OBJECT "DoVerb" METHOD
* --------- * * This method is called by the client, through the library, to either * PLAY, or EDIT the object. PLAY is implemented as a beep, and * EDIT will bring up the server and show the object for editing. * * LPOLEOBJECT lpoleobject - The OLE object * WORD wVerb - The verb acting on the object: PLAY or EDIT * BOOL fShow - Should the object be shown? * BOOL fTakeFocus - Should the object window get the focus? * * RETURNS: OLE_OK * * CUSTOMIZATION: Add any more verbs your application supports. * Implement verbPlay if your application supports it. * */ OLESTATUS APIENTRY ObjDoVerb (LPOLEOBJECT lpoleobject, UINT wVerb, BOOL fShow, BOOL fTakeFocus) { switch (wVerb) { case verbPlay: { // The application can do whatever is appropriate for the object.
INT i; for (i=0; i<25;i++) MessageBeep (0); return OLE_OK; }
case verbEdit: if (fShow) return objvtbl.Show (lpoleobject, fTakeFocus); else return OLE_OK; default: // Unknown verb.
return OLE_ERROR_DOVERB; } }
/* ObjEnumFormats OBJECT "EnumFormats" METHOD
* --------------- * * This method is used to enumerate all supported clipboard formats. * Terminate by returning NULL. * * LPOLEOBJECT lpoleobject - The OLE object * OLECLIPFORMAT cfFormat - The 'current' clipboard format * * RETURNS: The 'next' clipboard format which is supported. * * CUSTOMIZATION: Verify that the list of formats this function * returns matches the list of formats your application * supports. * */ OLECLIPFORMAT APIENTRY ObjEnumFormats (LPOLEOBJECT lpoleobject, OLECLIPFORMAT cfFormat) { if (cfFormat == 0) return cfNative;
if (cfFormat == cfNative) return cfOwnerLink;
if (cfFormat == cfOwnerLink) return CF_ENHMETAFILE;
if (cfFormat == CF_METAFILEPICT) return CF_BITMAP;
if (cfFormat == CF_BITMAP) return cfObjectLink;
if (cfFormat == cfObjectLink) return 0;
return 0; }
/* ObjGetData OBJECT "GetData" METHOD
* ----------- * * Return the data requested for the specified object in the specified format. * * LPOLEOBJECT lpoleobject - The OLE object * WORD cfFormat - The data type requested in standard * clipboard format * LPHANDLE lphandle - Pointer to handle to memory where data * will be stored * * RETURNS: OLE_OK if successful * OLE_ERROR_MEMORY if there was an error getting the data. * OLE_ERROR_FORMAT if the requested format is unknown. * * * CUSTOMIZATION: Add any additional formats your application supports, and * remove any formats it does not support. * */ OLESTATUS APIENTRY ObjGetData (LPOLEOBJECT lpoleobject, OLECLIPFORMAT cfFormat, LPHANDLE lphandle) {
LPOBJ lpobj;
lpobj = (LPOBJ) lpoleobject;
if (cfFormat == cfNative) { if (!(*lphandle = GetNative (lpobj))) return OLE_ERROR_MEMORY; // The client has requested the data in native format, therefore
// the data in the client and server are in sync.
fDocChanged = FALSE; return OLE_OK; }
if (cfFormat == CF_ENHMETAFILE) { if (!(*lphandle = GetEnhMetafile (lpobj))) return OLE_ERROR_MEMORY; return OLE_OK; }
if (cfFormat == CF_METAFILEPICT) { if (!(*lphandle = GetMetafilePict (lpobj))) return OLE_ERROR_MEMORY; return OLE_OK; }
if (cfFormat == CF_BITMAP) { if (!(*lphandle = (HANDLE)GetBitmap (lpobj))) return OLE_ERROR_MEMORY; return OLE_OK; }
if (cfFormat == CF_TEXT) { if (!(*lphandle = GetText (lpobj))) return OLE_ERROR_MEMORY; return OLE_OK; }
if (cfFormat == cfObjectLink) { if (!(*lphandle = GetLink (lpobj))) return OLE_ERROR_MEMORY; return OLE_OK; }
if (cfFormat == cfOwnerLink) { if (!(*lphandle = GetLink (lpobj))) return OLE_ERROR_MEMORY; return OLE_OK; }
/* ObjQueryProtocol OBJECT "QueryProtocol" METHOD
* ---------------- * * LPOLEOBJECT lpoleobject - The OLE object * OLE_LPCSTR lpszProtocol - The protocol name, either "StdFileEditing" * or "StdExecute" * * RETURNS: If lpszProtocol is supported, return a pointer to an OLEOBJECT * structure with an appropriate method table for that protocol. * Otherwise, return NULL. * * CUSTOMIZATION: Allow any additional protocols your application supports. * * */ LPVOID APIENTRY ObjQueryProtocol (LPOLEOBJECT lpoleobject, OLE_LPCSTR lpszProtocol) { return lstrcmp (lpszProtocol, "StdFileEditing") ? NULL : lpoleobject ; }
/* ObjRelease OBJECT "Release" METHOD
* ----------- * * The server application should not destroy data when the library calls the * ReleaseObj method. * The library calls the ReleaseObj method when no clients are connected * to the object. * * LPOLEOBJECT lpoleobject - The OLE object * * RETURNS: OLE_OK * * CUSTOMIZATION: Re-implement. Do whatever needs to be done, if anything, * when no clients are connected to an object. * */ OLESTATUS APIENTRY ObjRelease (LPOLEOBJECT lpoleobject) { INT i; /* No client is connected to the object so break all assocaiations
between clients and the object. */ for (i=0; i < clpoleclient; i++) ((LPOBJ)lpoleobject)->lpoleclient[i] = NULL; return OLE_OK; }
/* ObjSetBounds OBJECT "SetBounds" METHOD
* ------------ * * This method is called to set new bounds for an object. * The bounds are in HIMETRIC units. * A call to this method is ignored for linked objects because the size of * a linked object depends only on the source file. * * LPOLEOBJECT lpoleobject - The OLE object * OLE_CONST RECT FAR* lprect - The new bounds * * RETURNS: OLE_OK * * CUSTOMIZATION: Re-implement * How an object is sized is application-specific. (Server Demo * uses MoveWindow.) * */ OLESTATUS APIENTRY ObjSetBounds (LPOLEOBJECT lpoleobj, OLE_CONST RECT FAR * lprect) { if (docMain.doctype == doctypeEmbedded) { RECT rect = *lprect; LPOBJ lpobj = (LPOBJ) lpoleobj; // the units are in HIMETRIC
rect.right = rect.right - rect.left; rect.bottom = rect.top - rect.bottom; HiMetricToDevice ( (LPPOINT) &rect.right); MoveWindow (lpobj->hwnd, lpobj->native.nX, lpobj->native.nY, rect.right + 2 * GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXFRAME), rect.bottom + 2 * GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYFRAME), TRUE); } return OLE_OK; }
/* ObjSetColorScheme OBJECT "SetColorScheme" METHOD
* ----------------- * * The client calls this method to suggest a color scheme (palette) for * the server to use for the object. * * LPOLEOBJECT lpoleobject - The OLE object * OLE_CONST LOGPALETTE FAR * lppal - Suggested palette * * RETURNS: OLE_ERROR_PALETTE if CreatePalette fails, * OLE_OK otherwise * * * CUSTOMIZATION: If your application supports color schemes, then this * function is a good example of how to create and store * a palette. * */ OLESTATUS APIENTRY ObjSetColorScheme (LPOLEOBJECT lpoleobject, OLE_CONST LOGPALETTE FAR *lppal) { HPALETTE hpal = CreatePalette (lppal); LPOBJ lpobj = (LPOBJ) lpoleobject;
if (hpal==NULL) return OLE_ERROR_PALETTE;
if (lpobj->hpal) DeleteObject (lpobj->hpal); lpobj->hpal = hpal; return OLE_OK; }
/* ObjSetData OBJECT "SetData" METHOD
* ---------- * * This method is used to store data into the object in the specified * format. This will be called with Native format after an embedded * object has been opened by the Edit method. * * LPOLEOBJECT lpoleobject - The OLE object * WORD cfFormat - Data type, i.e., clipboard format * HANDLE hdata - Handle to the data. * * RETURNS: OLE_OK if the data was stored properly * OLE_ERROR_FORMAT if format was not cfNative. * OLE_ERROR_MEMORY if memory could not be locked. * * CUSTOMIZATION: The large then-clause will need to be re-implemented for * your application. You may wish to support additional * formats besides cfNative. * */ OLESTATUS APIENTRY ObjSetData (LPOLEOBJECT lpoleobject, OLECLIPFORMAT cfFormat, HANDLE hdata) { LPNATIVE lpnative; LPOBJ lpobj;
lpobj = (LPOBJ)lpoleobject;
if (cfFormat != cfNative) { return OLE_ERROR_FORMAT; }
lpnative = (LPNATIVE) GlobalLock (hdata);
if (lpnative) { lpobj->native = *lpnative; if (lpobj->aName) GlobalDeleteAtom (lpobj->aName); lpobj->aName = GlobalAddAtom (lpnative->szName); // CreateNewObj made an "Object 1" but we may be changing its number.
docMain.rgfObjNums[1] = FALSE; docMain.rgfObjNums [GetObjNum(lpobj)] = TRUE;
MoveWindow (lpobj->hwnd, 0, 0, // lpobj->native.nWidth + 2 * GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXFRAME),
// lpobj->native.nHeight+ 2 * GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYFRAME),
lpobj->native.nWidth, lpobj->native.nHeight,
FALSE); GlobalUnlock (hdata); } // Server is responsible for deleting the data.
GlobalFree(hdata); return lpnative ? OLE_OK : OLE_ERROR_MEMORY; }
/* ObjSetTargetDevice OBJECT "SetTargetDevice" METHOD
* ------------------- * * This method is used to indicate the device type that an object * will be rendered on. It is the server's responsibility to free hdata. * * LPOLEOBJECT lpoleobject - The OLE object * HANDLE hdata - Handle to memory containing * a StdTargetDevice structure * * RETURNS: OLE_OK * * CUSTOMIZATION: Implement. Server Demo currently does not do anything. * */ OLESTATUS APIENTRY ObjSetTargetDevice (LPOLEOBJECT lpoleobject, HANDLE hdata) { if (hdata == NULL) { // Rendering for the screen is requested.
} else { LPSTR lpstd = (LPSTR) GlobalLock (hdata); // lpstd points to a StdTargetDevice structure.
// Use it to do whatever is appropriate to generate the best results
// on the specified target device.
GlobalUnlock (hdata); // Server is responsible for freeing the data.
GlobalFree (hdata); } return OLE_OK; }
/* ObjShow OBJECT "Show" METHOD
* -------- * * This method is used to display the object. * The server application should be activated and brought to the top. * Also, in a REAL server application, the object should be scrolled * into view. The object should be selected. * * LPOLEOBJECT lpoleobject - Pointer to the OLE object * BOOL fTakeFocus - Should server window get the focus? * * RETURNS: OLE_OK * * * CUSTOMIZATION: In your application, the document should be scrolled * to bring the object into view. Server Demo brings the * object to the front, in case it is a linked object inside a * document with other objects obscuring it. * */ OLESTATUS APIENTRY ObjShow (LPOLEOBJECT lpoleobject, BOOL fTakeFocus) { LPOBJ lpobj; HWND hwndOldFocus;
hwndOldFocus = GetFocus(); lpobj = (LPOBJ) lpoleobject; if (fTakeFocus) SetForegroundWindow (lpobj->hwnd);
ShowWindow(hwndMain, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
SetFocus (fTakeFocus ? lpobj->hwnd : hwndOldFocus); return OLE_OK; }
/* PaintObj
* --------- * * This function is called by the WM_PAINT message to paint an object * on the screen. * * HWND hwnd - The object window in which to paint the object * * CUSTOMIZATION: Server Demo specific * */ VOID PaintObj (HWND hwnd) { LPOBJ lpobj; RECT rc; HDC hdc; PAINTSTRUCT paintstruct;
BeginPaint (hwnd, &paintstruct); hdc = GetDC (hwnd);
lpobj = HwndToLpobj (hwnd); GetClientRect (hwnd, (LPRECT) &rc);
DrawObj (hdc, lpobj, rc, dctypeScreen);
ReleaseDC (hwnd, hdc); EndPaint (hwnd, &paintstruct); }
/* RevokeObj
* --------- * * Call OleRevokeObject because the user has destroyed the object. * * LPOBJ lpobj - The object which has been destroyed * * * CUSTOMIZATION: You will only need to call OleRevokeObject once if there * is only one LPOLECLIENT in your OBJ structure, which there * should be. * */ VOID RevokeObj (LPOBJ lpobj) { INT i;
for (i=0; i< clpoleclient; i++) { if (lpobj->lpoleclient[i]) OleRevokeObject (lpobj->lpoleclient[i]); else /* if lpobj->lpoleclient[i]==NULL then there are no more non-NULLs
in the array. */ break; } }
/* SendObjMsg
* ---------- * * This function sends a message to a specific object. * * LPOBJ lpobj - The object * WORD wMessage - The message to send * * CUSTOMIZATION: You will only need to call CallBack once if there * is only one LPOLECLIENT in your OBJ structure, which there * should be. * */ VOID SendObjMsg (LPOBJ lpobj, WORD wMessage) { INT i; for (i=0; i < clpoleclient; i++) { if (lpobj->lpoleclient[i]) { // Call the object's Callback function.
lpobj->lpoleclient[i]->lpvtbl->CallBack (lpobj->lpoleclient[i], wMessage, (LPOLEOBJECT) lpobj); } else break; } }
/* SizeObj
* ------- * * Change the size of an object. * * HWND hwnd - The object's window * RECT rect - The requested new size in device units * BOOL fMove - Should the object be moved? (or just resized?) * * CUSTOMIZATION: Server Demo specific * */ VOID SizeObj (HWND hwnd, RECT rect, BOOL fMove) { LPOBJ lpobj;
lpobj = HwndToLpobj (hwnd); if (fMove) { lpobj->native.nX = rect.left; lpobj->native.nY = rect.top; } lpobj->native.nWidth = rect.right - rect.left; lpobj->native.nHeight = rect.bottom - rect.top ; SetHiMetricFields (lpobj); InvalidateRect (hwnd, (LPRECT)NULL, TRUE); fDocChanged = TRUE; if (docMain.doctype == doctypeFromFile) { // If object is linked, update it in client now.
SendObjMsg (lpobj, OLE_CHANGED); } }