Copyright (c) 1990-1998 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
Module Name:
The initialization and hardware-dependent portions of the Intel i8042 port driver which are specific to the auxiliary (PS/2 mouse) device.
Kernel mode only.
NOTES: (Future/outstanding issues)
- Powerfail not implemented.
- Consolidate duplicate code, where possible and appropriate.
Revision History:
#include "stdarg.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "i8042prt.h"
#include "i8042log.h"
// Use the alloc_text pragma to specify the driver initialization routines
// (they can be paged out).
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, I8xMouseConfiguration)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, I8xMouseServiceParameters)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, I8xInitializeMouse)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, I8xGetBytePolledIterated)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, I8xTransmitByteSequence)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, I8xFindWheelMouse)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, I8xQueryNumberOfMouseButtons)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, MouseCopyWheelIDs)
// These will be locked down right before the mouse interrupt is enabled if a
// mouse is present
#pragma alloc_text(PAGEMOUC, I8042MouseInterruptService)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGEMOUC, I8xQueueCurrentMouseInput)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGEMOUC, I8xVerifyMousePnPID)
static const UCHAR PnpDetectCommands[] = { 20, 40, 60, ONE_PAST_FINAL_SAMPLE };
static const UCHAR WheelEnableCommands[] = { 200, 100, 80, ONE_PAST_FINAL_SAMPLE };
static const UCHAR FiveButtonEnableCommands[] = { 200, 200, 80, ONE_PAST_FINAL_SAMPLE };
#define BUTTONS_4_5 (BUTTON_4 | BUTTON_5)
#define _TRANSITION_DOWN(previous, current, button) \
((!(previous & button)) && (current & button))
#define _TRANSITION_UP(previous, current, button) \
((previous & button) && (!(current & button)))
BOOLEAN I8042MouseInterruptService( IN PKINTERRUPT Interrupt, IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine performs the actual work. It either processes a mouse packet or the results from a write to the device.
CallIsrContext - Contains the interrupt object and device object. Return Value:
TRUE if the interrupt was truly ours --*/ { PPORT_MOUSE_EXTENSION deviceExtension; LARGE_INTEGER tickDelta, newTick; UCHAR previousButtons; UCHAR previousSignAndOverflow; UCHAR byte, statusByte, lastByte; UCHAR resendCommand, nextCommand, altCommand; BOOLEAN bSendCommand, ret = TRUE; static PWCHAR currentIdChar;
#define TRANSITION_UP(button) _TRANSITION_UP(previousButtons, byte, button)
#define TRANSITION_DOWN(button) _TRANSITION_DOWN(previousButtons, byte, button)
IsrPrint(DBG_MOUISR_TRACE, ("%s\n", pEnter));
deviceExtension = (PPORT_MOUSE_EXTENSION) DeviceObject->DeviceExtension;
if (deviceExtension->PowerState != PowerDeviceD0) { return FALSE; }
// Verify that this device really interrupted. Check the status
// register. The Output Buffer Full bit should be set, and the
// Auxiliary Device Output Buffer Full bit should be set.
statusByte = I8X_GET_STATUS_BYTE(Globals.ControllerData->DeviceRegisters[CommandPort]); if ((statusByte & BUFFER_FULL) != BUFFER_FULL) { //
// Stall and then try again. The Olivetti MIPS machine
// sometimes gets a mouse interrupt before the status
// register is set.
KeStallExecutionProcessor(10); statusByte = I8X_GET_STATUS_BYTE(Globals.ControllerData->DeviceRegisters[CommandPort]); if ((statusByte & BUFFER_FULL) != BUFFER_FULL) {
// Not our interrupt.
IsrPrint(DBG_MOUISR_ERROR | DBG_MOUISR_INFO, ("not our interrupt!\n" ));
return FALSE; } }
// Read the byte from the i8042 data port.
I8xGetByteAsynchronous( (CCHAR) MouseDeviceType, &byte );
IsrPrint(DBG_MOUISR_BYTE, ("byte 0x%x\n", byte));
if (deviceExtension->InputResetSubState == QueueingMouseReset) {
RECORD_ISR_STATE(deviceExtension, byte, deviceExtension->LastByteReceived, newTick);
return TRUE; }
if (deviceExtension->InputState == MouseResetting && byte == FAILURE) { RECORD_ISR_STATE(deviceExtension, byte, deviceExtension->LastByteReceived, newTick); deviceExtension->LastByteReceived = byte; ret = TRUE; goto IsrResetMouse; }
if (deviceExtension->IsrHookCallback) { BOOLEAN cont= FALSE;
ret = (*deviceExtension->IsrHookCallback)( deviceExtension->HookContext, &deviceExtension->CurrentInput, &deviceExtension->CurrentOutput, statusByte, &byte, &cont, &deviceExtension->InputState, &deviceExtension->InputResetSubState );
if (!cont) { return ret; } }
// Watch the data stream for a reset completion (0xaa) followed by the
// device id
// this pattern can appear as part of a normal data packet as well. This
// code assumes that sending an enable to an already enabled mouse will:
// * not hang the mouse
// * abort the current packet and return an ACK.
if (deviceExtension->LastByteReceived == MOUSE_COMPLETE && (byte == 0x00 || byte == 0x03)) {
IsrPrint(DBG_MOUISR_RESETTING, ("received id %2d\n", byte));
RECORD_ISR_STATE(deviceExtension, byte, deviceExtension->LastByteReceived, newTick);
if (InterlockedCompareExchangePointer(&deviceExtension->ResetIrp, NULL, NULL) == NULL) { //
// user unplugged and plugged in the mouse...queue a reset packet
// so the programming of the mouse in the ISR does not conflict with
// any other writes to the i8042prt controller
IsrPrint(DBG_MOUISR_RESETTING, ("user initiated reset...queueing\n")); goto IsrResetMouseOnly; }
// Tell the 8042 port to fetch the device ID of the aux device
// We do this async so that we don't spin at IRQ1!!!
// This is part of the substate system for handling a (possible)
// mouse reset.
deviceExtension->InputState = MouseResetting; deviceExtension->InputResetSubState = ExpectingGetDeviceIdACK;
// We don't want to execute any more of the ISR code, so lets just
// do a few things and then return now
deviceExtension->LastByteReceived = byte; deviceExtension->ResendCount = 0;
// Done
return TRUE; }
if (deviceExtension->InputState == MouseIdle && deviceExtension->CurrentOutput.State != Idle && DeviceObject->CurrentIrp != NULL) { if (byte == RESEND) {
// If the timer count is zero, don't process the interrupt
// further. The timeout routine will complete this request.
if (Globals.ControllerData->TimerCount == 0) { return FALSE; } //
// Reset the timeout value to indicate no timeout.
Globals.ControllerData->TimerCount = I8042_ASYNC_NO_TIMEOUT; if (deviceExtension->ResendCount < Globals.ControllerData->Configuration.ResendIterations) { //
// retard the byte count to resend the last byte
deviceExtension->CurrentOutput.CurrentByte -= 1; deviceExtension->ResendCount += 1; I8xInitiateIo(DeviceObject); } else { deviceExtension->CurrentOutput.State = Idle; KeInsertQueueDpc(&deviceExtension->RetriesExceededDpc, DeviceObject, NULL );
return TRUE; } } else if (byte == ACKNOWLEDGE) { //
// The keyboard controller has acknowledged a previous send.
// If there are more bytes to send for the current packet, initiate
// the next send operation. Otherwise, queue the completion DPC.
// If the timer count is zero, don't process the interrupt
// further. The timeout routine will complete this request.
if (Globals.ControllerData->TimerCount == 0) { return FALSE; } //
// Reset the timeout value to indicate no timeout.
Globals.ControllerData->TimerCount = I8042_ASYNC_NO_TIMEOUT; //
// Reset resend count.
deviceExtension->ResendCount = 0; if (deviceExtension->CurrentOutput.CurrentByte < deviceExtension->CurrentOutput.ByteCount) { //
// We've successfully sent the first byte of a 2-byte
// command sequence. Initiate a send of the second byte.
IsrPrint(DBG_MOUISR_STATE, ("now initiate send of byte #%d\n", deviceExtension->CurrentOutput.CurrentByte )); I8xInitiateIo(DeviceObject); } else { //
// We've successfully sent all bytes in the command sequence.
// Reset the current state and queue the completion DPC.
IsrPrint(DBG_MOUISR_STATE, ("all bytes have been sent\n" )); deviceExtension->CurrentOutput.State = Idle; ASSERT(DeviceObject->CurrentIrp != NULL);
IoRequestDpc( DeviceObject, DeviceObject->CurrentIrp, IntToPtr(IsrDpcCauseMouseWriteComplete) ); }
// No matter what, we are done processing for now
return TRUE; } else { //
// do what here, eh?
} }
// Remember what the last byte we got was
lastByte = deviceExtension->LastByteReceived; deviceExtension->LastByteReceived = byte;
// Take the appropriate action, depending on the current state.
// When the state is Idle, we expect to receive mouse button
// data. When the state is XMovement, we expect to receive mouse
// motion in the X direction data. When the state is YMovement,
// we expect to receive mouse motion in the Y direction data. Once
// the Y motion data has been received, the data is queued to the
// mouse InputData queue, the mouse ISR DPC is requested, and the
// state returns to Idle.
tickDelta.QuadPart = newTick.QuadPart - deviceExtension->PreviousTick.QuadPart;
if ((deviceExtension->InputState != MouseIdle) && (deviceExtension->InputState != MouseExpectingACK) && (deviceExtension->InputState != MouseResetting) && ((tickDelta.LowPart >= deviceExtension->SynchTickCount) || (tickDelta.HighPart != 0))) {
// It has been a long time since we got a byte of
// the data packet. Assume that we are now receiving
// the first byte of a new packet, and discard any
// partially received packet.
// N.B. We assume that SynchTickCount is ULONG, and avoid
// a LARGE_INTEGER compare with tickDelta...
IsrPrint(DBG_MOUISR_STATE, ("State was %d, synching\n", deviceExtension->InputState ));
// The device misbehaved. Lets play it safe and reset the device.
// Note: this code is meant to handle cases where some intermediate
// (switch) box resets the mouse and doesn't tell us about it.
// This avoid problems with trying to detect this code since there
// isn't a fool proof way to do it
goto IsrResetMouse; }
deviceExtension->PreviousTick = newTick;
switch(deviceExtension->InputState) {
// The mouse interrupted with a status byte. The status byte
// contains information on the mouse button state along with
// the sign and overflow bits for the (yet-to-be-received)
// X and Y motion bytes.
case MouseIdle: {
IsrPrint(DBG_MOUISR_STATE, ("mouse status byte\n"));
// This is a sanity check test. It is required because some people
// in industry persist in their notion that you can reset a mouse
// device any time you want and not let the OS know anything about
// it. This results in our nice little wheel mouse (which is a
// 4 byte packet engine) suddenly only dumping 3 byte packets.
if (WHEEL_PRESENT() && (byte & 0xC8) != 8 ) { // Guaranteed True for Megallan
// We are getting a bad packet for the idle state. The best bet
// is to issue a mouse reset request and hope we can recover.
goto IsrResetMouse; }
// Update CurrentInput with button transition data.
// I.e., set a button up/down bit in the Buttons field if
// the state of a given button has changed since we
// received the last packet.
previousButtons = deviceExtension->PreviousButtons;
// This clears both ButtonFlags and ButtonData
deviceExtension->CurrentInput.Buttons = 0; deviceExtension->CurrentInput.Flags = 0x0;
if (TRANSITION_DOWN(LEFT_BUTTON)) { deviceExtension->CurrentInput.ButtonFlags |= MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON_DOWN; } else if (TRANSITION_UP(LEFT_BUTTON)) { deviceExtension->CurrentInput.ButtonFlags |= MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON_UP; } if (TRANSITION_DOWN(RIGHT_BUTTON)) { deviceExtension->CurrentInput.ButtonFlags |= MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON_DOWN; } else if (TRANSITION_UP(RIGHT_BUTTON)) { deviceExtension->CurrentInput.ButtonFlags |= MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON_UP; } if (TRANSITION_DOWN(MIDDLE_BUTTON)) { deviceExtension->CurrentInput.ButtonFlags |= MOUSE_MIDDLE_BUTTON_DOWN; } else if (TRANSITION_UP(MIDDLE_BUTTON)) { deviceExtension->CurrentInput.ButtonFlags |= MOUSE_MIDDLE_BUTTON_UP; }
// Save the button state for comparison the next time around.
// (previousButtons will never have 4/5 set if a 5 button mouse is
// not present, but checking to see if a 5 button mouse is present
// is just as expensive as the additional & and | so just do it with
// out regard to the 5 button mouse's presence
deviceExtension->PreviousButtons = (byte & RML_BUTTONS) | (previousButtons & BUTTONS_4_5);
// Save the sign and overflow information from the current byte.
deviceExtension->CurrentSignAndOverflow = (UCHAR) (byte & MOUSE_SIGN_OVERFLOW_MASK);
// Update to the next state.
deviceExtension->InputState = XMovement;
break; }
// The mouse interrupted with the X motion byte. Apply
// the sign and overflow bits from the mouse status byte received
// previously. Attempt to correct for bogus changes in sign
// that occur with large, rapid mouse movements.
case XMovement: {
IsrPrint(DBG_MOUISR_STATE, ("mouse LastX byte\n"));
// Update CurrentInput with the X motion data.
if (deviceExtension->CurrentSignAndOverflow & X_OVERFLOW) {
// Handle overflow in the X direction. If the previous
// mouse movement overflowed too, ensure that the current
// overflow is in the same direction (i.e., that the sign
// is the same as it was for the previous event). We do this
// to correct for hardware problems -- it should not be possible
// to overflow in one direction and then immediately overflow
// in the opposite direction.
previousSignAndOverflow = deviceExtension->PreviousSignAndOverflow; if (previousSignAndOverflow & X_OVERFLOW) { if ((previousSignAndOverflow & X_DATA_SIGN) != (deviceExtension->CurrentSignAndOverflow & X_DATA_SIGN)) { deviceExtension->CurrentSignAndOverflow ^= X_DATA_SIGN; } }
if (deviceExtension->CurrentSignAndOverflow & X_DATA_SIGN) deviceExtension->CurrentInput.LastX = (LONG) MOUSE_MAXIMUM_NEGATIVE_DELTA; else deviceExtension->CurrentInput.LastX = (LONG) MOUSE_MAXIMUM_POSITIVE_DELTA;
} else {
// No overflow. Just store the data, correcting for the
// sign if necessary.
deviceExtension->CurrentInput.LastX = (ULONG) byte; if (deviceExtension->CurrentSignAndOverflow & X_DATA_SIGN) deviceExtension->CurrentInput.LastX |= MOUSE_MAXIMUM_NEGATIVE_DELTA; }
// Update to the next state.
deviceExtension->InputState = YMovement;
break; }
// The mouse interrupted with the Y motion byte. Apply
// the sign and overflow bits from the mouse status byte received
// previously. [Attempt to correct for bogus changes in sign
// that occur with large, rapid mouse movements.] Write the
// data to the mouse InputData queue, and queue the mouse ISR DPC
// to complete the interrupt processing.
case YMovement: {
IsrPrint(DBG_MOUISR_STATE, ("mouse LastY byte\n"));
// Update CurrentInput with the Y motion data.
if (deviceExtension->CurrentSignAndOverflow & Y_OVERFLOW) {
// Handle overflow in the Y direction. If the previous
// mouse movement overflowed too, ensure that the current
// overflow is in the same direction (i.e., that the sign
// is the same as it was for the previous event). We do this
// to correct for hardware problems -- it should not be possible
// to overflow in one direction and then immediately overflow
// in the opposite direction.
previousSignAndOverflow = deviceExtension->PreviousSignAndOverflow; if (previousSignAndOverflow & Y_OVERFLOW) { if ((previousSignAndOverflow & Y_DATA_SIGN) != (deviceExtension->CurrentSignAndOverflow & Y_DATA_SIGN)) { deviceExtension->CurrentSignAndOverflow ^= Y_DATA_SIGN; } }
if (deviceExtension->CurrentSignAndOverflow & Y_DATA_SIGN) deviceExtension->CurrentInput.LastY = (LONG) MOUSE_MAXIMUM_POSITIVE_DELTA; else deviceExtension->CurrentInput.LastY = (LONG) MOUSE_MAXIMUM_NEGATIVE_DELTA;
} else {
// No overflow. Just store the data, correcting for the
// sign if necessary.
deviceExtension->CurrentInput.LastY = (ULONG) byte; if (deviceExtension->CurrentSignAndOverflow & Y_DATA_SIGN) deviceExtension->CurrentInput.LastY |= MOUSE_MAXIMUM_NEGATIVE_DELTA;
// Negate the LastY value (the hardware reports positive
// motion in the direction that we consider negative).
deviceExtension->CurrentInput.LastY = -deviceExtension->CurrentInput.LastY;
// Update our notion of the previous sign and overflow bits for
// the start of the next mouse input sequence.
deviceExtension->PreviousSignAndOverflow = deviceExtension->CurrentSignAndOverflow;
// Choose the next state. The WheelMouse has an extra byte of data
// for us
if (WHEEL_PRESENT()) { deviceExtension->InputState = ZMovement; } else { I8xQueueCurrentMouseInput(DeviceObject); deviceExtension->InputState = MouseIdle; } break; }
case ZMovement: {
IsrPrint(DBG_MOUISR_STATE, ("mouse LastZ byte\n"));
// This code is here to handle the cases were mouse resets were
// not notified to the OS. Uncomment this if you *really* want it,
// but remember that it could possibly reset the mouse when it
// shouldn't have...
#if 0
if ( (byte & 0xf8) != 0 && (byte & 0xf8) != 0xf8 ) {
// for some reason, the byte was not sign extanded,
// or has a value > 7, which we assume cannot be
// possible giving our equipment. So the packet
// *must* be bogus...
// No longer the case with 5 button mice
goto IsrResetMouse; } #endif
// Check to see if we got any z data
// If there were any changes in the button state, ignore the
// z data
if (FIVE_PRESENT()) { //
// Wheel info first, value returned should be
// -120 * the value reported
if (byte & 0x0F) {
// sign extend to the upper 4 bits if necessary
if (byte & 0x08) { deviceExtension->CurrentInput.ButtonData = (-120) * ((CHAR)((byte & 0xF) | 0xF0)); } else { deviceExtension->CurrentInput.ButtonData = (-120) * ((CHAR) byte & 0xF); }
deviceExtension->CurrentInput.ButtonFlags |= MOUSE_WHEEL; }
previousButtons = deviceExtension->PreviousButtons;
// extra buttons
if (TRANSITION_DOWN(BUTTON_4)) { deviceExtension->CurrentInput.ButtonFlags |= MOUSE_BUTTON_4_DOWN; } else if (TRANSITION_UP(BUTTON_4)) { deviceExtension->CurrentInput.ButtonFlags |= MOUSE_BUTTON_4_UP; } if (TRANSITION_DOWN(BUTTON_5)) { deviceExtension->CurrentInput.ButtonFlags |= MOUSE_BUTTON_5_DOWN; } else if (TRANSITION_UP(BUTTON_5)) { deviceExtension->CurrentInput.ButtonFlags |= MOUSE_BUTTON_5_UP; }
// record btns 4 & 5 w/out losing btns 1-3
deviceExtension->PreviousButtons = (byte & BUTTONS_4_5) | (previousButtons & RML_BUTTONS); } else if (byte) { deviceExtension->CurrentInput.ButtonData = (-120) * ((CHAR) byte);
deviceExtension->CurrentInput.ButtonFlags |= MOUSE_WHEEL; } //
// Pack the data on to the class driver
// Reset the state
deviceExtension->InputState = MouseIdle;
break; }
case MouseExpectingACK: {
RECORD_ISR_STATE(deviceExtension, byte, lastByte, newTick);
// This is a special case. We hit this on one of the very
// first mouse interrupts following the IoConnectInterrupt.
// The interrupt is caused when we enable mouse transmissions
// via I8xMouseEnableTransmission() -- the hardware returns
// an ACK. Just toss this byte away, and set the input state
// to coincide with the start of a new mouse data packet.
IsrPrint(DBG_MOUISR_BYTE, ("...should be from I8xMouseEnableTransmission\n")); IsrPrint(DBG_MOUISR_BYTE, (pDumpExpectingAck, (ULONG) ACKNOWLEDGE, (ULONG) byte ));
if (byte == (UCHAR) ACKNOWLEDGE) {
deviceExtension->InputState = MouseIdle; deviceExtension->EnableMouse.Enabled = FALSE;
} else if (byte == (UCHAR) RESEND) {
// Resend the "Enable Mouse Transmission" sequence.
// NOTE: This is a workaround for the Olivetti MIPS machine,
// which sends a resend response if a key is held down
// while we're attempting the I8xMouseEnableTransmission.
break; }
case MouseResetting: {
IsrPrint(DBG_MOUISR_RESETTING, ("state (%d) substate (%2d)\n", deviceExtension->InputState, deviceExtension->InputResetSubState )); //
// We enter the reset substate machine
SwitchOnInputResetSubState: bSendCommand = TRUE; altCommand = (UCHAR) 0x00; RECORD_ISR_STATE(deviceExtension, byte, lastByte, newTick); switch (deviceExtension->InputResetSubState) {
case StartPnPIdDetection: ASSERT(byte == (UCHAR) ACKNOWLEDGE); nextCommand = SET_MOUSE_SAMPLING_RATE;
deviceExtension->InputResetSubState = ExpectingLoopSetSamplingRateACK; deviceExtension->SampleRatesIndex = 0; deviceExtension->SampleRates = (PUCHAR) PnpDetectCommands; deviceExtension->PostSamplesState = ExpectingPnpId; break;
case EnableWheel: bSendCommand = FALSE; altCommand = SET_MOUSE_SAMPLING_RATE;
deviceExtension->InputResetSubState = ExpectingLoopSetSamplingRateACK; deviceExtension->SampleRatesIndex = 0; deviceExtension->SampleRates = (PUCHAR) WheelEnableCommands;
// After enabling the wheel, we shall get the device ID because
// some kinds of wheel mice require the get id right after the
// wheel enabling sequence
deviceExtension->PostSamplesState = PostEnableWheelState; break;
case PostEnableWheelState: //
// Some wheel mice require a get device ID after turning on the
// wheel for the wheel to be truly turned on
bSendCommand = FALSE; altCommand = GET_DEVICE_ID;
deviceExtension->InputResetSubState = ExpectingGetDeviceIdDetectACK; break;
case ExpectingGetDeviceIdDetectACK: IsrPrint(DBG_MOUISR_ACK, (pDumpExpectingAck, (ULONG) ACKNOWLEDGE, (ULONG) byte ));
if (byte == (UCHAR) ACKNOWLEDGE) { bSendCommand = FALSE; deviceExtension->InputResetSubState = ExpectingGetDeviceIdDetectValue; } else if (byte == (UCHAR) RESEND) { //
// NOTE: This is a workaround for the Olivetti MIPS machine,
// which sends a resend response if a key is held down
// while we're attempting the I8xMouseEnableTransmission.
resendCommand = GET_DEVICE_ID; } else { //
// Log the error
KeInsertQueueDpc(&deviceExtension->ErrorLogDpc, (PIRP) NULL, LongToPtr(I8042_GET_DEVICE_ID_FAILED) );
// We didn't get an ACK on this? Boggle. Okay, let's
// reset the mouse (probably AGAIN) and try to figure
// things out one more time
goto IsrResetMouse; } break;
case ExpectingGetDeviceIdDetectValue: //
// In theory, we can check the mouse ID here and only send the
// 5 button enable sequence if the mouse ID is the wheel mouse
// ID....BUT there are filter drivers which trap the ISR and
// depend on the mouse ID always showing up in the
// ExpectingGetDeviceId2Value state
deviceExtension->InputResetSubState = Enable5Buttons; goto SwitchOnInputResetSubState; // break;
case Enable5Buttons: bSendCommand = FALSE; altCommand = SET_MOUSE_SAMPLING_RATE;
deviceExtension->InputResetSubState = ExpectingLoopSetSamplingRateACK; deviceExtension->SampleRatesIndex = 0; deviceExtension->SampleRates = (PUCHAR) FiveButtonEnableCommands; deviceExtension->PostSamplesState = PostWheelDetectState; break;
// This state (ExpectingReset) and the next one (Expecting
// ResetId) are only called if we have to issue a reset
// from within the substate machine.
case ExpectingReset: //
// This case handles 3 cases
// 1) The ack resulting from writing a MOUSE_RESET (0xFF)
// 2) A resend resulting from writing the reset
// 3) The reset character following the the ack
// If the byte is neither of these 3, then just let it go
if (byte == ACKNOWLEDGE) { //
// The ack for the reset, the 0xAA will come immediately
// after this. We can handle it in the same state
bSendCommand = FALSE; break; } else if (byte == RESEND) {
bSendCommand = FALSE; if (deviceExtension->ResendCount++ < MOUSE_RESET_RESENDS_MAX &&
deviceExtension->ResetMouse.IsrResetState == IsrResetNormal) {
IsrPrint(DBG_MOUISR_RESETTING, ("resending from isr\n"));
// Fix for old Digital machines (both x86 and alpha)
// that can't handle resets to close together
KeStallExecutionProcessor( deviceExtension->MouseResetStallTime ); //
// We send an alt command instead of the normal
// resetCommand so that we can maintain our own count
// here (we want the reset resend max to be larger than
// the std resend max)
altCommand = MOUSE_RESET; }
break; } else if (byte != MOUSE_COMPLETE) { //
// Check to see if we got a reset character (0xAA). If
// not, then we will *ignore* it. Note that this means
// that if we dropped this char, then we could infinite
// loop in this routine.
break; }
// Now check to see how many times we have gone
// through this routine without exiting the
// MouseResetting SubState
if (deviceExtension->ResetCount >= MOUSE_RESETS_MAX) { //
// This will queue a reset DPC which will see that too many
// resets have been sent and will clean up the counters and
// and start the next Irp in the StartIO queue
goto IsrResetMouse; }
// Because of the test for mouse resets at the start of
// the ISR, the following code should really have no
// effect
deviceExtension->InputResetSubState = ExpectingResetId;
// This state is special in that its just here as a place
// holder because we have a detection routine at the start
// of the ISR that automically puts us into
// ExpectingGetDeviceIdACK.
// For completeness though, we
// issue a bugcheck here since we can't normally get into
// this state
// We ignore this state entirely. As far as I can tell, we get
// into this state when the controller requests a resend (which
// is honored) and then sends the 0xFA, 0xAA in reverse order,
// which the state machine handles, but hits this assert
case ExpectingResetId: //
// Next state
deviceExtension->InputResetSubState = ExpectingGetDeviceIdACK;
if (byte == WHEELMOUSE_ID_BYTE) {
// Start a enable command to the device. We *really* don't
// expect to be here.
bSendCommand = FALSE; altCommand = GET_DEVICE_ID;
} else { #if 0
// Log that we are in a bad state
KeInsertQueueDpc(&deviceExtension->ErrorLogDpc, (PIRP) NULL, (PVOID) (ULONG) I8042_INVALID_ISR_STATE_MOU );
// For sake of completeness
deviceExtension->InputResetSubState = ExpectingReset;
} break;
case ExpectingGetDeviceIdACK:
IsrPrint(DBG_MOUISR_ACK, (pDumpExpectingIdAck, (ULONG) ACKNOWLEDGE, (ULONG) byte ));
if (byte == (UCHAR) ACKNOWLEDGE) {
deviceExtension->InputResetSubState = ExpectingGetDeviceIdValue;
bSendCommand = FALSE;
} else if (byte == (UCHAR) RESEND) {
// Resend the "Get Mouse ID Transmission" sequence.
// NOTE: This is a workaround for the Olivetti MIPS machine,
// which sends a resend response if a key is held down
// while we're attempting the I8xMouseEnableTransmission.
resendCommand = GET_DEVICE_ID; } else {
// If we got here, then we don't know what's going
// on with the device... The best bet is to send down
// a mouse reset command...
goto IsrResetMouse; }
case ExpectingGetDeviceIdValue:
IsrPrint(DBG_MOUISR_RESETTING, ("id from get device id is %2d\n" , (ULONG) byte ));
// Got the device ID from the mouse and compare it with what we
// expect to see. If the ID byte is still wheel or five button
// then we STILL cannot consider this to be data from the mouse
// that has mirrored a reset. There are two reasons why we can't
// consider this real data:
// 1) Switch boxes cache the device ID and returned the cached
// ID upon a reset
// 2) Some mice, once put in the 4 byte packet mode, will return
// the wheel or 5 button ID byte even if they have been reset
// Furthermore, we cannot check to see if extension->ResetIrp
// exists because this does not cover the case where the mouse
// was unplugged / replugged in.
// This is a pit of despair. No matter how crafty we try to be,
// we will never get this right! Perhaps we can turn on this
// check via a reg flag. The MS hardware folks have
// respectfully requested this many, many times and we have
// tried to accomodate them, but we always get bitten by the fix
// in the end.
// (byte != WHEELMOUSE_ID_BYTE) && byte != (FIVEBUTTON_ID_BYTE)) {
if (1) { //
// Log an error/warning message so that we can track these
// problems down in the field
#if 0
KeInsertQueueDpc(&deviceExtension->ErrorLogDpc, (PIRP) NULL, (PVOID)(ULONG) (WHEEL_PRESENT() ? I8042_UNEXPECTED_WHEEL_MOUSE_RESET : I8042_UNEXPECTED_MOUSE_RESET) ); #endif
bSendCommand = FALSE; if (deviceExtension->NumberOfButtonsOverride != 0) { //
// skip button detection and set the res
altCommand = POST_BUTTONDETECT_COMMAND; deviceExtension->InputResetSubState = POST_BUTTONDETECT_COMMAND_SUBSTATE; } else { altCommand = SET_MOUSE_RESOLUTION; deviceExtension->InputResetSubState = ExpectingSetResolutionACK; } } else {
// We have a wheel mouse present here... Log something so that
// we know that we got here.
KeInsertQueueDpc(&deviceExtension->ErrorLogDpc, (PIRP) NULL, LongToPtr(I8042_BOGUS_MOUSE_RESET) );
// Lets go back to the idle state
deviceExtension->InputState = MouseIdle;
// Reset the number of possible mouse resets
deviceExtension->ResetCount = 0;
} break;
case ExpectingSetResolutionACK: IsrPrint(DBG_MOUISR_ACK, (pDumpExpectingIdAck, (ULONG) ACKNOWLEDGE, (ULONG) byte ));
if (byte == (UCHAR) ACKNOWLEDGE) {
// Set the resolution to 0x00
nextCommand = 0x00;
deviceExtension->InputResetSubState = ExpectingSetResolutionValueACK;
} else if (byte == (UCHAR) RESEND) {
// NOTE: This is a workaround for the Olivetti MIPS machine,
// which sends a resend response if a key is held down
// while we're attempting the I8xMouseEnableTransmission.
} else {
// Log the error
KeInsertQueueDpc(&deviceExtension->ErrorLogDpc, (PIRP) NULL, LongToPtr(I8042_SET_RESOLUTION_FAILED) );
bSendCommand = FALSE; altCommand = GET_DEVICE_ID;
// Best possible next state
deviceExtension->InputResetSubState = ExpectingGetDeviceId2ACK;
} break;
case ExpectingSetResolutionValueACK: IsrPrint(DBG_MOUISR_ACK, (pDumpExpectingIdAck, (ULONG) ACKNOWLEDGE, (ULONG) byte ));
if (byte == (UCHAR) ACKNOWLEDGE) {
nextCommand = SET_MOUSE_SCALING_1TO1;
deviceExtension->InputResetSubState = ExpectingSetScaling1to1ACK; } else if (byte == (UCHAR) RESEND) {
// NOTE: This is a workaround for the Olivetti MIPS machine,
// which sends a resend response if a key is held down
// while we're attempting the I8xMouseEnableTransmission.
resendCommand = 0x00; } else {
// Log the error
KeInsertQueueDpc(&deviceExtension->ErrorLogDpc, (PIRP) NULL, LongToPtr(I8042_SET_SAMPLE_RATE_FAILED) );
// Probably not a wheel mouse .. jump to the GetDeviceID2
// code
bSendCommand = FALSE; altCommand = GET_DEVICE_ID;
// Best possible next state
deviceExtension->InputResetSubState = ExpectingGetDeviceId2ACK;
} break;
case ExpectingSetScaling1to1ACK: case ExpectingSetScaling1to1ACK2: case ExpectingSetScaling1to1ACK3: IsrPrint(DBG_MOUISR_ACK, (pDumpExpectingIdAck, (ULONG) ACKNOWLEDGE, (ULONG) byte ));
if (byte == (UCHAR) ACKNOWLEDGE) {
if (deviceExtension->InputResetSubState == ExpectingSetScaling1to1ACK3) {
// Read the status of the mouse (a 3 byte stream)
nextCommand = READ_MOUSE_STATUS;
deviceExtension->InputResetSubState = ExpectingReadMouseStatusACK; } else { deviceExtension->InputResetSubState++; nextCommand = SET_MOUSE_SCALING_1TO1; }
} else if (byte == (UCHAR) RESEND) {
// NOTE: This is a workaround for the Olivetti MIPS machine,
// which sends a resend response if a key is held down
// while we're attempting the I8xMouseEnableTransmission.
resendCommand = SET_MOUSE_SCALING_1TO1;
} else {
// Log the error
KeInsertQueueDpc(&deviceExtension->ErrorLogDpc, (PIRP) NULL, LongToPtr(I8042_ERROR_DURING_BUTTONS_DETECT) );
bSendCommand = FALSE; altCommand = GET_DEVICE_ID;
// Best possible next state
deviceExtension->InputResetSubState = ExpectingGetDeviceId2ACK;
} break;
case ExpectingReadMouseStatusACK: IsrPrint(DBG_MOUISR_ACK, (pDumpExpectingIdAck, (ULONG) ACKNOWLEDGE, (ULONG) byte ));
if (byte == (UCHAR) ACKNOWLEDGE) {
// Get ready for the 3 bytes
deviceExtension->InputResetSubState = ExpectingReadMouseStatusByte1;
bSendCommand = FALSE;
} else if (byte == (UCHAR) RESEND) {
// NOTE: This is a workaround for the Olivetti MIPS machine,
// which sends a resend response if a key is held down
// while we're attempting the I8xMouseEnableTransmission.
resendCommand = READ_MOUSE_STATUS;
} else {
// Log the error
KeInsertQueueDpc(&deviceExtension->ErrorLogDpc, (PIRP) NULL, LongToPtr(I8042_ERROR_DURING_BUTTONS_DETECT) );
// Probably not a wheel mouse .. jump to the GetDeviceID2
// code
bSendCommand = FALSE; altCommand = GET_DEVICE_ID;
// Best possible next state
deviceExtension->InputResetSubState = ExpectingGetDeviceId2ACK;
} break;
case ExpectingReadMouseStatusByte1: IsrPrint(DBG_MOUISR_PNPID, (pDumpExpecting, (ULONG) 0x00, (ULONG) byte ));
bSendCommand = FALSE; deviceExtension->InputResetSubState = ExpectingReadMouseStatusByte2; break;
case ExpectingReadMouseStatusByte2: IsrPrint(DBG_MOUISR_PNPID, (pDumpExpecting, (ULONG) 0x00, (ULONG) byte ));
bSendCommand = FALSE; deviceExtension->InputResetSubState = ExpectingReadMouseStatusByte3;
// This will be the number of buttons
if (byte == 2 || byte == 3) { deviceExtension->MouseAttributes.NumberOfButtons = byte; } else { deviceExtension->MouseAttributes.NumberOfButtons = MOUSE_NUMBER_OF_BUTTONS; } break;
case ExpectingReadMouseStatusByte3: IsrPrint(DBG_MOUISR_PNPID, (pDumpExpecting, (ULONG) 0x00, (ULONG) byte ));
deviceExtension->InputResetSubState = POST_BUTTONDETECT_COMMAND_SUBSTATE;
case ExpectingSetResolutionDefaultACK:
IsrPrint(DBG_MOUISR_ACK, (pDumpExpectingAck, (ULONG) ACKNOWLEDGE, (ULONG) byte ));
if (byte == (UCHAR) ACKNOWLEDGE) { //
// Set the mouse refresh to the default
nextCommand = deviceExtension->Resolution;
deviceExtension->InputResetSubState = ExpectingSetResolutionDefaultValueACK;
} else if (byte == (UCHAR) RESEND) { //
// NOTE: This is a workaround for the Olivetti MIPS machine,
// which sends a resend response if a key is held down
// while we're attempting the I8xMouseEnableTransmission.
} else { //
// Log the error
KeInsertQueueDpc(&deviceExtension->ErrorLogDpc, (PIRP) NULL, LongToPtr(I8042_SET_RESOLUTION_FAILED) );
// We didn't get an ACK on this? Boggle. Okay, let's
// reset the mouse (probably AGAIN) and try to figure
// things out one more time
goto IsrResetMouse; }
break; case ExpectingSetResolutionDefaultValueACK:
IsrPrint(DBG_MOUISR_ACK, (pDumpExpectingAck, (ULONG) ACKNOWLEDGE, (ULONG) byte ));
if (byte == (UCHAR) ACKNOWLEDGE) { //
// Are we allowed to detect wether or not a wheel mouse
// is present?
if (deviceExtension->EnableWheelDetection == 2) { //
// Begin the sequence to activate the mouse wheel
deviceExtension->InputResetSubState = EnableWheel; goto SwitchOnInputResetSubState;
} else if (deviceExtension->EnableWheelDetection == 1) { //
// Begin the PNP id detection sequence
deviceExtension->InputResetSubState = StartPnPIdDetection; goto SwitchOnInputResetSubState; } else { //
// Begin the sequence to set the default refresh
// rate
deviceExtension->InputResetSubState = POST_WHEEL_DETECT_COMMAND_SUBSTATE; } } else if (byte == (UCHAR) RESEND) { //
// NOTE: This is a workaround for the Olivetti MIPS machine,
// which sends a resend response if a key is held down
// while we're attempting the I8xMouseEnableTransmission.
deviceExtension->InputResetSubState = ExpectingSetResolutionDefaultACK;
} else { //
// Log the error
KeInsertQueueDpc(&deviceExtension->ErrorLogDpc, (PIRP) NULL, LongToPtr(I8042_SET_RESOLUTION_FAILED) );
// We didn't get an ACK on this? Boggle. Okay, let's
// reset the mouse (probably AGAIN) and try to figure
// things out one more time
goto IsrResetMouse; } break;
case ExpectingLoopSetSamplingRateACK:
IsrPrint(DBG_MOUISR_ACK, (pDumpExpectingAck, (ULONG) ACKNOWLEDGE, (ULONG) byte ));
if (byte == (UCHAR) ACKNOWLEDGE) { //
// Set the new sampling rate value
nextCommand = deviceExtension->SampleRates[ deviceExtension->SampleRatesIndex];
deviceExtension->InputResetSubState = ExpectingLoopSetSamplingRateValueACK;
} else if (byte == (UCHAR) RESEND) { //
// The state stays the same, just resend the command
resendCommand = SET_MOUSE_SAMPLING_RATE; } else {
// Log the error
KeInsertQueueDpc(&deviceExtension->ErrorLogDpc, (PIRP) NULL, LongToPtr(I8042_SET_SAMPLE_RATE_FAILED) );
// Probably not a wheel mouse .. jump to the GetDeviceID2
// code
bSendCommand = FALSE; altCommand = GET_DEVICE_ID;
// Best possible next state
deviceExtension->InputResetSubState = ExpectingGetDeviceId2ACK;
case ExpectingLoopSetSamplingRateValueACK: IsrPrint(DBG_MOUISR_ACK, (pDumpExpectingAck, (ULONG) ACKNOWLEDGE, (ULONG) byte )); IsrPrint(DBG_MOUISR_ACK, ("(%2d)\n", deviceExtension->SampleRates[ deviceExtension->SampleRatesIndex] ));
if (byte == (UCHAR) ACKNOWLEDGE) { if (deviceExtension->SampleRates[ ++deviceExtension->SampleRatesIndex] == ONE_PAST_FINAL_SAMPLE) { deviceExtension->InputResetSubState = deviceExtension->PostSamplesState;
goto SwitchOnInputResetSubState; } else { nextCommand = SET_MOUSE_SAMPLING_RATE;
deviceExtension->InputResetSubState = ExpectingLoopSetSamplingRateACK; }
} else if (byte == (UCHAR) RESEND) { //
// The state stays the same, just resend the command
resendCommand = deviceExtension->SampleRates[ deviceExtension->SampleRatesIndex]; } else {
// Log the error
KeInsertQueueDpc(&deviceExtension->ErrorLogDpc, (PIRP) NULL, LongToPtr(I8042_SET_SAMPLE_RATE_FAILED) );
// Probably not a wheel mouse .. jump to the GetDeviceID2
// code
bSendCommand = FALSE; altCommand = GET_DEVICE_ID;
// Best possible next state
deviceExtension->InputResetSubState = ExpectingGetDeviceId2ACK;
} break;
case ExpectingPnpId: //
// Don't do anything but advance the state, the PnP ID will
// be "pushed" to the ISR
deviceExtension->InputResetSubState = ExpectingPnpIdByte1; currentIdChar = deviceExtension->PnPID; RtlZeroMemory(deviceExtension->PnPID, MOUSE_PNPID_LENGTH * sizeof(WCHAR) ); bSendCommand = FALSE;
case ExpectingPnpIdByte2: //
// Check to see if this an older MS mouse that gives back its ID
// in make AND BREAK codes (ugh!). If so, then just eat the
// remaining 6 (+6) bytes
if (deviceExtension->PnPID[0] == L'P' && byte == 0x99) { deviceExtension->InputResetSubState = ExpectingLegacyPnpIdByte2_Make; bSendCommand = FALSE; break; }
case ExpectingPnpIdByte1: case ExpectingPnpIdByte3: case ExpectingPnpIdByte4: case ExpectingPnpIdByte5: case ExpectingPnpIdByte6: case ExpectingPnpIdByte7:
IsrPrint(DBG_MOUISR_PNPID, ("ExpectingPnpIdByte%1d (0x%2x)\n", (ULONG) deviceExtension->InputResetSubState - ExpectingPnpIdByte1 + 1, (ULONG) byte ));
if (byte < ScanCodeToUCharCount) { *currentIdChar = (WCHAR) ScanCodeToUChar[byte]; } else { *currentIdChar = L'?'; } currentIdChar++;
bSendCommand = FALSE; if (deviceExtension->InputResetSubState == ExpectingPnpIdByte7) { if (I8xVerifyMousePnPID(deviceExtension, deviceExtension->PnPID)) { //
// We are know know for sure that we have a wheel
// mouse on this system. However, we will update
// our date structures after the enable has gone
// through since that simplifies things a great deal
deviceExtension->InputResetSubState = EnableWheel; goto SwitchOnInputResetSubState; } else { //
// Oops, not our device, so lets stop the sequence
// now by sending it a GET_DEVICE_ID
altCommand = GET_DEVICE_ID;
// Best possible next state
deviceExtension->InputResetSubState = ExpectingGetDeviceId2ACK;
} } else { ASSERT(deviceExtension->InputResetSubState >= ExpectingPnpIdByte1); ASSERT(deviceExtension->InputResetSubState < ExpectingPnpIdByte7);
deviceExtension->InputResetSubState++; } break;
case ExpectingLegacyPnpIdByte2_Make: case ExpectingLegacyPnpIdByte2_Break: case ExpectingLegacyPnpIdByte3_Make: case ExpectingLegacyPnpIdByte3_Break: case ExpectingLegacyPnpIdByte4_Make: case ExpectingLegacyPnpIdByte4_Break: case ExpectingLegacyPnpIdByte5_Make: case ExpectingLegacyPnpIdByte5_Break: case ExpectingLegacyPnpIdByte6_Make: case ExpectingLegacyPnpIdByte6_Break: case ExpectingLegacyPnpIdByte7_Make: //
// Just eat the byte
deviceExtension->InputResetSubState++; bSendCommand = FALSE; break;
case ExpectingLegacyPnpIdByte7_Break:
// Best possible next state
bSendCommand = FALSE;
altCommand = GET_DEVICE_ID; deviceExtension->InputResetSubState = ExpectingGetDeviceId2ACK; break; case PostWheelDetectState: bSendCommand = FALSE; altCommand = POST_WHEEL_DETECT_COMMAND;
// Best possible next state
deviceExtension->InputResetSubState = POST_WHEEL_DETECT_COMMAND_SUBSTATE; break;
case ExpectingGetDeviceId2ACK:
IsrPrint(DBG_MOUISR_ACK, (pDumpExpectingAck, (ULONG) ACKNOWLEDGE, (ULONG) byte ));
if (byte == (UCHAR) ACKNOWLEDGE) {
deviceExtension->InputResetSubState = ExpectingGetDeviceId2Value;
bSendCommand = FALSE;
} else if (byte == (UCHAR) RESEND) {
// NOTE: This is a workaround for the Olivetti MIPS machine,
// which sends a resend response if a key is held down
// while we're attempting the I8xMouseEnableTransmission.
resendCommand = GET_DEVICE_ID;
} else {
// Log the error
KeInsertQueueDpc(&deviceExtension->ErrorLogDpc, (PIRP) NULL, LongToPtr(I8042_GET_DEVICE_ID_FAILED) );
// We didn't get an ACK on this? Boggle. Okay, let's
// reset the mouse (probably AGAIN) and try to figure
// things out one more time
goto IsrResetMouse; } break;
case ExpectingGetDeviceId2Value: IsrPrint(DBG_MOUISR_PNPID, ("got a device ID of %2d\n", (ULONG) byte ));
// Mouse Present, but no wheel
deviceExtension->MouseAttributes.MouseIdentifier = MOUSE_I8042_HARDWARE;
if (deviceExtension->NumberOfButtonsOverride != 0) { deviceExtension->MouseAttributes.NumberOfButtons = deviceExtension->NumberOfButtonsOverride; } else { //
// Number of buttons is determined in the
// ExpectingReadMouseStatusByte2 case
// Number of buttons determined in
; }
// Update the HardwarePresent to show a Z mouse is
// operational and set the appropraite mouse type flags
deviceExtension->MouseAttributes.MouseIdentifier = WHEELMOUSE_I8042_HARDWARE;
deviceExtension->MouseAttributes.NumberOfButtons = 3; break;
// Update the HardwarePresent to show a 5 button wheel mouse
// is operational and set the appropraite mouse type flags
deviceExtension->MouseAttributes.NumberOfButtons = 5; break;
default: //
// Make sure to log the problem
KeInsertQueueDpc(&deviceExtension->ErrorLogDpc, (PIRP) NULL, LongToPtr(I8042_MOU_RESET_RESPONSE_FAILED) );
Print(DBG_MOUISR_RESETTING, ("clearing mouse (no response)\n")); CLEAR_MOUSE_PRESENT();
deviceExtension->MouseAttributes.NumberOfButtons = 0; deviceExtension->MouseAttributes.MouseIdentifier = 0;
// Set up the state machine as best we can
goto IsrResetMouse; }
// Send down the command to set a new sampling rate
bSendCommand = FALSE; altCommand = SET_MOUSE_SAMPLING_RATE;
// This is our next state
deviceExtension->InputResetSubState = ExpectingSetSamplingRateACK;
case ExpectingSetSamplingRateACK:
IsrPrint(DBG_MOUISR_ACK, (pDumpExpectingAck, (ULONG) ACKNOWLEDGE, (ULONG) byte ));
if (byte == (UCHAR) ACKNOWLEDGE) { //
// Set the mouse refresh rate to its final value
nextCommand = (UCHAR) deviceExtension->MouseAttributes.SampleRate;
deviceExtension->InputResetSubState = ExpectingSetSamplingRateValueACK;
} else if (byte == (UCHAR) RESEND) { //
// NOTE: This is a workaround for the Olivetti MIPS machine,
// which sends a resend response if a key is held down
// while we're attempting the I8xMouseEnableTransmission.
resendCommand = SET_MOUSE_SAMPLING_RATE; } else { //
// Log the error
KeInsertQueueDpc(&deviceExtension->ErrorLogDpc, (PIRP) NULL, LongToPtr(I8042_SET_SAMPLE_RATE_FAILED) );
// We didn't get an ACK on this? Boggle. Okay, let's
// reset the mouse (probably AGAIN) and try to figure
// things out one more time
goto IsrResetMouse; } break;
case ExpectingSetSamplingRateValueACK:
IsrPrint(DBG_MOUISR_ACK, (pDumpExpectingAck, (ULONG) ACKNOWLEDGE, (ULONG) byte ));
if (byte == (UCHAR) ACKNOWLEDGE) { //
// Let's set the resolution once more to be sure.
// We go back to expecting an ACK
deviceExtension->InputResetSubState = ExpectingFinalResolutionACK; } else if (byte == (UCHAR) RESEND) { //
// NOTE: This is a workaround for the Olivetti MIPS machine,
// which sends a resend response if a key is held down
// while we're attempting the I8xMouseEnableTransmission.
deviceExtension->InputResetSubState = ExpectingSetSamplingRateACK; } else { //
// Log the error
KeInsertQueueDpc(&deviceExtension->ErrorLogDpc, (PIRP) NULL, LongToPtr(I8042_SET_SAMPLE_RATE_FAILED) );
// We didn't get an ACK on this? Boggle. Okay, let's
// reset the mouse (probably AGAIN) and try to figure
// things out one more time
goto IsrResetMouse; } break;
case ExpectingFinalResolutionACK:
IsrPrint(DBG_MOUISR_ACK, (pDumpExpectingAck, (ULONG) ACKNOWLEDGE, (ULONG) byte ));
if (byte == (UCHAR) ACKNOWLEDGE) { //
// Set the mouse refresh rate to its final value
nextCommand = (UCHAR) deviceExtension->Resolution;
deviceExtension->InputResetSubState = ExpectingFinalResolutionValueACK;
} else if (byte == (UCHAR) RESEND) { //
// NOTE: This is a workaround for the Olivetti MIPS machine,
// which sends a resend response if a key is held down
// while we're attempting the I8xMouseEnableTransmission.
resendCommand = SET_MOUSE_RESOLUTION; } else { //
// Log the error
KeInsertQueueDpc(&deviceExtension->ErrorLogDpc, (PIRP) NULL, LongToPtr(I8042_SET_RESOLUTION_FAILED) );
// We didn't get an ACK on this? Boggle. Okay, let's
// reset the mouse (probably AGAIN) and try to figure
// things out one more time
goto IsrResetMouse; } break;
case ExpectingFinalResolutionValueACK:
IsrPrint(DBG_MOUISR_ACK, (pDumpExpectingAck, (ULONG) ACKNOWLEDGE, (ULONG) byte ));
if (byte == (UCHAR) ACKNOWLEDGE) { //
// Finally! Enable the mouse and we are done
// We go back to expecting an ACK
deviceExtension->InputResetSubState = ExpectingEnableACK; } else if (byte == (UCHAR) RESEND) { //
// NOTE: This is a workaround for the Olivetti MIPS machine,
// which sends a resend response if a key is held down
// while we're attempting the I8xMouseEnableTransmission.
deviceExtension->InputResetSubState = ExpectingFinalResolutionACK; } else { //
// Log the error
KeInsertQueueDpc(&deviceExtension->ErrorLogDpc, (PIRP) NULL, LongToPtr(I8042_SET_RESOLUTION_FAILED) );
// We didn't get an ACK on this? Boggle. Okay, let's
// reset the mouse (probably AGAIN) and try to figure
// things out one more time
goto IsrResetMouse; } break; case ExpectingEnableACK:
IsrPrint(DBG_MOUISR_ACK, (pDumpExpectingAck, (ULONG) ACKNOWLEDGE, (ULONG) byte ));
if (byte == (UCHAR) ACKNOWLEDGE) { //
// Done and reset the number of possible mouse resets
deviceExtension->InputState = MouseIdle; I8X_MOUSE_INIT_COUNTERS(deviceExtension);
deviceExtension->CurrentInput.Flags |= MOUSE_ATTRIBUTES_CHANGED; I8xQueueCurrentMouseInput(DeviceObject);
ASSERT(DeviceObject->CurrentIrp == deviceExtension->ResetIrp);
ASSERT(deviceExtension->ResetIrp != NULL); ASSERT(DeviceObject->CurrentIrp != NULL);
// CurrentIrp is == deviceExtension->ResetIrp
IoRequestDpc(DeviceObject, // DeviceObject->CurrentIrp,
deviceExtension->ResetIrp, IntToPtr(IsrDpcCauseMouseResetComplete) ); } else if (byte == (UCHAR) RESEND) {
// Resend the "Enable Mouse Transmission" sequence.
// NOTE: This is a workaround for the Olivetti MIPS machine,
// which sends a resend response if a key is held down
// while we're attempting the I8xMouseEnableTransmission.
resendCommand = ENABLE_MOUSE_TRANSMISSION; } else {
// We could not understand if we were able to reenable the
// mouse... Best bet here is to also reset the mouse.
// Log the error
KeInsertQueueDpc(&deviceExtension->ErrorLogDpc, (PIRP) NULL, LongToPtr(I8042_ENABLE_FAILED) );
goto IsrResetMouse; } break;
case MouseResetFailed: //
// We have failed to reset the mouse, just ignore all further
// data. The ResetSubState will be reset if / when the user
// tries to reset the mouse via a plug in
return TRUE;
// This is our bad state
IsrPrint(DBG_MOUISR_ERROR | DBG_MOUISR_STATE, (" INVALID RESET SUBSTATE %d\n", deviceExtension->InputResetSubState ));
// Queue a DPC to log an internal driver error.
KeInsertQueueDpc( &deviceExtension->ErrorLogDpc, (PIRP) NULL, LongToPtr(I8042_INVALID_ISR_STATE_MOU) );
} // switch (deviceExtension->MouseExtension.InputResetSubState)
break; }
default: {
// This is our bad state
IsrPrint(DBG_MOUISR_ERROR | DBG_MOUISR_STATE, (" INVALID STATE %d\n", deviceExtension->InputState ));
// Queue a DPC to log an internal driver error.
KeInsertQueueDpc( &deviceExtension->ErrorLogDpc, (PIRP) NULL, LongToPtr(I8042_INVALID_ISR_STATE_MOU) );
ASSERT(FALSE); break; }
if (deviceExtension->InputState == MouseResetting) { if (bSendCommand) { if (byte == (UCHAR) ACKNOWLEDGE) { I8X_WRITE_CMD_TO_MOUSE(); I8X_MOUSE_COMMAND( nextCommand ); RECORD_ISR_STATE_COMMAND(deviceExtension, nextCommand); } else if (byte == (UCHAR) RESEND) { if (deviceExtension->ResendCount++ < MOUSE_RESENDS_MAX) { I8X_WRITE_CMD_TO_MOUSE(); I8X_MOUSE_COMMAND( resendCommand ); RECORD_ISR_STATE_COMMAND(deviceExtension, resendCommand); } else { //
// Got too many resends, try a (possible) reset
deviceExtension->ResendCount = 0; goto IsrResetMouse; } } } else if (altCommand) { I8X_WRITE_CMD_TO_MOUSE(); I8X_MOUSE_COMMAND( altCommand ); RECORD_ISR_STATE_COMMAND(deviceExtension, altCommand); }
if (byte != (UCHAR) RESEND) { deviceExtension->ResendCount = 0; } }
IsrPrint(DBG_MOUISR_TRACE, ("exit\n"));
return TRUE;
IsrResetMouse: //
// About 1/2 of the errors in the resetting state machine are caused by
// trying to see if the wheel on the mouse exists...just try to enable it
// from now on....
if (deviceExtension->EnableWheelDetection == 1) { deviceExtension->EnableWheelDetection = 2; }
IsrResetMouseOnly: deviceExtension->InputResetSubState = QueueingMouseReset; KeInsertQueueDpc(&deviceExtension->MouseIsrResetDpc, 0, NULL );
return ret; #undef TRANSITION_UP
NTSTATUS I8xInitializeMouse( IN PPORT_MOUSE_EXTENSION MouseExtension ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine initializes the i8042 mouse hardware. It is called only at initialization, and does not synchronize access to the hardware.
DeviceObject - Pointer to the device object.
Return Value:
Returns status.
{ #define DUMP_COUNT 4
NTSTATUS errorCode = STATUS_SUCCESS; NTSTATUS status; PPORT_MOUSE_EXTENSION deviceExtension; PDEVICE_OBJECT deviceObject; PIO_ERROR_LOG_PACKET errorLogEntry; UCHAR byte; UCHAR numButtons; ULONG dumpData[DUMP_COUNT]; ULONG dumpCount = 0; ULONG i; ULONG uniqueErrorValue; LARGE_INTEGER li, startOfSpin, nextQuery, difference, tenSeconds; BOOLEAN okToLogError;
Print(DBG_SS_TRACE, ("I8xInitializeMouse enter\n"));
// Initialize this array
for (i = 0; i < DUMP_COUNT; i++) { dumpData[i] = 0; }
// Get the device extension.
deviceExtension = MouseExtension; deviceObject = deviceExtension->Self; okToLogError = TRUE;
// Reset the mouse. Send a Write To Auxiliary Device command to the
// 8042 controller. Then send the Reset Mouse command to the mouse
// through the 8042 data register. Expect to get back an ACK, followed
// by a completion code and the ID code (0x00).
status = I8xPutBytePolled( (CCHAR) DataPort, WAIT_FOR_ACKNOWLEDGE, (CCHAR) MouseDeviceType, (UCHAR) MOUSE_RESET );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { Print(DBG_SS_ERROR, ("%s failed mouse reset, status 0x%x\n", pFncInitializeMouse, status ));
// Only log this error if the user wants to see it
okToLogError = Globals.ReportResetErrors;
// Set up error log info.
// Use NO_MOU_DEVICE instead of I8042_MOU_RESET_COMMAND_FAILED because
// it is a clearer message.
errorCode = I8042_NO_MOU_DEVICE; uniqueErrorValue = I8042_ERROR_VALUE_BASE + 415; dumpData[0] = KBDMOU_COULD_NOT_SEND_PARAM; dumpData[1] = DataPort; dumpData[2] = I8042_WRITE_TO_AUXILIARY_DEVICE; dumpData[3] = MOUSE_RESET; dumpCount = 4;
deviceExtension->ResendCount = 0; I8X_MOUSE_INIT_COUNTERS(deviceExtension);
// Get the mouse reset responses. The first response should be a
// MOUSE_COMPLETE. The second response should be the mouse ID.
// Note that it is usually necessary to stall a long time to get the
// mouse reset/self-test to work.
li.QuadPart = -100;
tenSeconds.QuadPart = 10*10*1000*1000; KeQueryTickCount(&startOfSpin);
while (1) { status = I8xGetBytePolled( (CCHAR) ControllerDeviceType, &byte );
if (NT_SUCCESS(status) && (byte == (UCHAR) MOUSE_COMPLETE)) { //
// The reset completed successfully.
break; } else { //
// Stall, and then try again to get a response from
// the reset.
if (status == STATUS_IO_TIMEOUT) { //
// Stall, and then try again to get a response from
// the reset.
KeDelayExecutionThread(KernelMode, FALSE, &li);
difference.QuadPart = nextQuery.QuadPart - startOfSpin.QuadPart;
ASSERT(KeQueryTimeIncrement() <= MAXLONG); if (difference.QuadPart*KeQueryTimeIncrement() >= tenSeconds.QuadPart) {
break; } } else { break; } } }
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { Print(DBG_SS_ERROR, ("%s failed reset response 1, status 0x%x, byte 0x%x\n", pFncInitializeMouse, status, byte ));
// Set up error log info.
errorCode = I8042_MOU_RESET_RESPONSE_FAILED; uniqueErrorValue = I8042_ERROR_VALUE_BASE + 420; dumpData[0] = KBDMOU_INCORRECT_RESPONSE; dumpData[1] = ControllerDeviceType; dumpData[2] = MOUSE_COMPLETE; dumpData[3] = byte; dumpCount = 4;
goto I8xInitializeMouseExit; }
status = I8xGetBytePolled( (CCHAR) ControllerDeviceType, &byte );
if ((!NT_SUCCESS(status)) || (byte != MOUSE_ID_BYTE)) {
Print(DBG_SS_ERROR, ("%s failed reset response 2, status 0x%x, byte 0x%x\n", pFncInitializeMouse, status, byte ));
// Set up error log info.
errorCode = I8042_MOU_RESET_RESPONSE_FAILED; uniqueErrorValue = I8042_ERROR_VALUE_BASE + 425; dumpData[0] = KBDMOU_INCORRECT_RESPONSE; dumpData[1] = ControllerDeviceType; dumpData[2] = MOUSE_ID_BYTE; dumpData[3] = byte; dumpCount = 4;
goto I8xInitializeMouseExit; }
// If we are going to initialize the mouse via the interrupt (the default),
// then quit here
if (!deviceExtension->InitializePolled) { Print(DBG_SS_NOISE, ("Initializing via the interrupt\n")); return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
Print(DBG_SS_NOISE, ("Initializing polled\n"));
deviceExtension->EnableMouse.FirstTime = TRUE; deviceExtension->EnableMouse.Enabled = TRUE; deviceExtension->EnableMouse.Count = 0;
// Check to see if this is a wheel mouse
// Try to detect the number of mouse buttons.
status = I8xQueryNumberOfMouseButtons(&numButtons);
Print(DBG_SS_INFO, ("num buttons returned (%d), num butons in attrib (%d)\n" "\t(if 0, then no logitech detection support)\n", numButtons, deviceExtension->MouseAttributes.NumberOfButtons ));
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { Print(DBG_SS_ERROR, ("%s: failed to get buttons, status 0x%x\n", pFncInitializeMouse, status ));
// Set up error log info.
errorCode = I8042_ERROR_DURING_BUTTONS_DETECT; uniqueErrorValue = I8042_ERROR_VALUE_BASE + 426; dumpData[0] = KBDMOU_COULD_NOT_SEND_PARAM; dumpData[1] = DataPort; dumpData[2] = I8042_WRITE_TO_AUXILIARY_DEVICE; dumpCount = 3;
goto I8xInitializeMouseExit;
} else if (numButtons) {
deviceExtension->MouseAttributes.NumberOfButtons = numButtons;
// If there is a 5 button mouse, report it.
// If there is a wheel, hardcode the number of buttons to three
if (FIVE_PRESENT()) { deviceExtension->MouseAttributes.NumberOfButtons = 5; } else if (WHEEL_PRESENT()) { deviceExtension->MouseAttributes.NumberOfButtons = 3; }
// Set mouse sampling rate. Send a Write To Auxiliary Device command
// to the 8042 controller. Then send the Set Mouse Sampling Rate
// command to the mouse through the 8042 data register,
// followed by its parameter.
status = I8xPutBytePolled( (CCHAR) DataPort, WAIT_FOR_ACKNOWLEDGE, (CCHAR) MouseDeviceType, (UCHAR) SET_MOUSE_SAMPLING_RATE );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
Print(DBG_SS_ERROR, ("%s: failed write set sample rate, status 0x%x\n", pFncInitializeMouse, status ));
// Set up error log info.
errorCode = I8042_SET_SAMPLE_RATE_FAILED; uniqueErrorValue = I8042_ERROR_VALUE_BASE + 435; dumpData[0] = KBDMOU_COULD_NOT_SEND_PARAM; dumpData[1] = DataPort; dumpData[2] = I8042_WRITE_TO_AUXILIARY_DEVICE; dumpData[3] = SET_MOUSE_SAMPLING_RATE; dumpCount = 4;
goto I8xInitializeMouseExit;
status = I8xPutBytePolled( (CCHAR) DataPort, WAIT_FOR_ACKNOWLEDGE, (CCHAR) MouseDeviceType, (UCHAR) deviceExtension->MouseAttributes.SampleRate );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
Print(DBG_SS_ERROR, ("%s: failed write sample rate, status 0x%x\n", pFncInitializeMouse, status ));
// Set up error log info.
errorCode = I8042_SET_SAMPLE_RATE_FAILED; uniqueErrorValue = I8042_ERROR_VALUE_BASE + 445; dumpData[0] = KBDMOU_COULD_NOT_SEND_PARAM; dumpData[1] = DataPort; dumpData[2] = I8042_WRITE_TO_AUXILIARY_DEVICE; dumpData[3] = deviceExtension->MouseAttributes.SampleRate; dumpCount = 4;
goto I8xInitializeMouseExit;
// Set the mouse resolution. Send a Write To Auxiliary Device command
// to the 8042 controller. Then send the Set Mouse Resolution
// command to the mouse through the 8042 data register,
// followed by its parameter.
status = I8xPutBytePolled( (CCHAR) DataPort, WAIT_FOR_ACKNOWLEDGE, (CCHAR) MouseDeviceType, (UCHAR) SET_MOUSE_RESOLUTION );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
Print(DBG_SS_ERROR, ("%s: failed write set resolution, status 0x%x\n", pFncInitializeMouse, status ));
// Set up error log info.
errorCode = I8042_SET_RESOLUTION_FAILED; uniqueErrorValue = I8042_ERROR_VALUE_BASE + 455; dumpData[0] = KBDMOU_COULD_NOT_SEND_PARAM; dumpData[1] = DataPort; dumpData[2] = I8042_WRITE_TO_AUXILIARY_DEVICE; dumpData[3] = SET_MOUSE_RESOLUTION; dumpCount = 4;
goto I8xInitializeMouseExit;
status = I8xPutBytePolled( (CCHAR) DataPort, WAIT_FOR_ACKNOWLEDGE, (CCHAR) MouseDeviceType, (UCHAR) deviceExtension->Resolution );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
Print(DBG_SS_ERROR, ("%s: failed set mouse resolution, status 0x%x\n", pFncInitializeMouse, status ));
// Set up error log info.
errorCode = I8042_SET_RESOLUTION_FAILED; uniqueErrorValue = I8042_ERROR_VALUE_BASE + 465; dumpData[0] = KBDMOU_COULD_NOT_SEND_PARAM; dumpData[1] = DataPort; dumpData[2] = I8042_WRITE_TO_AUXILIARY_DEVICE; dumpData[3] = deviceExtension->Resolution; dumpCount = 4;
goto I8xInitializeMouseExit;
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { //
// The mouse initialization failed. Log an error.
if (errorCode != STATUS_SUCCESS && okToLogError) { I8xLogError(deviceObject, errorCode, uniqueErrorValue, status, dumpData, dumpCount ); } }
// Initialize current mouse input packet state.
deviceExtension->PreviousSignAndOverflow = 0; deviceExtension->InputState = MouseExpectingACK; deviceExtension->InputResetSubState = 0; deviceExtension->LastByteReceived = 0;
Print(DBG_SS_TRACE, ("%s, %s\n", pFncInitializeMouse, pExit ));
return status; }
NTSTATUS I8xMouseConfiguration( IN PPORT_MOUSE_EXTENSION MouseExtension, IN PCM_RESOURCE_LIST ResourceList ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine retrieves the configuration information for the mouse.
MouseExtension - Mouse extension ResourceList - Translated resource list give to us via the start IRP Return Value:
STATUS_SUCCESS if all the resources required are presented --*/ { NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
ULONG count, i;
KINTERRUPT_MODE defaultInterruptMode; BOOLEAN defaultInterruptShare;
if (!ResourceList) { Print(DBG_SS_INFO | DBG_SS_ERROR, ("mouse with no resources\n")); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; }
fullResDesc = ResourceList->List; if (!fullResDesc) { //
// this should never happen
SET_HW_FLAGS(MOUSE_HARDWARE_PRESENT); configuration = &Globals.ControllerData->Configuration;
partialResList = &fullResDesc->PartialResourceList; currentResDesc = firstResDesc = partialResList->PartialDescriptors; count = partialResList->Count; configuration->FloatingSave = I8042_FLOATING_SAVE; configuration->BusNumber = fullResDesc->BusNumber; configuration->InterfaceType = fullResDesc->InterfaceType;
if (configuration->InterfaceType == MicroChannel) { defaultInterruptShare = TRUE; defaultInterruptMode = LevelSensitive; } else { defaultInterruptShare = I8042_INTERRUPT_SHARE; defaultInterruptMode = I8042_INTERRUPT_MODE; } //
// NOTE: not all of the resources associated with the i8042 may be given at
// this time. From empirical tests, the mouse is only associated with its
// interrupt, while the keyboard will receive the ports along with its
// interrupt
for (i = 0; i < count; i++, currentResDesc++) { switch (currentResDesc->Type) { case CmResourceTypeMemory: Globals.RegistersMapped = TRUE;
case CmResourceTypePort: //
// Copy the port information. We will sort the port list
// into ascending order based on the starting port address
// later (note that we *know* there are a max of two port
// ranges for the i8042).
#if 0
if (currentResDesc->Flags == CM_RESOURCE_PORT_MEMORY) { Globals.RegistersMapped = TRUE; } #endif
Print(DBG_SS_NOISE, ("io flags are 0x%x\n", currentResDesc->Flags));
if (configuration->PortListCount < MaximumPortCount) { configuration->PortList[configuration->PortListCount] = *currentResDesc; configuration->PortList[configuration->PortListCount].ShareDisposition = I8042_REGISTER_SHARE ? CmResourceShareShared: CmResourceShareDriverExclusive; configuration->PortListCount += 1; } else { Print(DBG_SS_INFO | DBG_SS_ERROR, ("Mouse::PortListCount already at max (%d)", configuration->PortListCount )); }
case CmResourceTypeInterrupt: //
// Copy the interrupt information.
MouseExtension->InterruptDescriptor = *currentResDesc; MouseExtension->InterruptDescriptor.ShareDisposition = defaultInterruptShare ? CmResourceShareShared : CmResourceShareDeviceExclusive;
default: Print(DBG_ALWAYS, ("resource type 0x%x unhandled...\n", (LONG) currentResDesc->Type )); break;
} }
MouseExtension->MouseAttributes.MouseIdentifier = MOUSE_I8042_HARDWARE;
// If no interrupt configuration information was found, use the
// mouse driver defaults.
if (!(MouseExtension->InterruptDescriptor.Type & CmResourceTypeInterrupt)) {
Print(DBG_SS_INFO | DBG_SS_ERROR, ("Using default mouse interrupt config\n" ));
MouseExtension->InterruptDescriptor.Type = CmResourceTypeInterrupt; MouseExtension->InterruptDescriptor.ShareDisposition = defaultInterruptShare ? CmResourceShareShared : CmResourceShareDeviceExclusive; MouseExtension->InterruptDescriptor.Flags = (defaultInterruptMode == Latched) ? CM_RESOURCE_INTERRUPT_LATCHED : CM_RESOURCE_INTERRUPT_LEVEL_SENSITIVE; MouseExtension->InterruptDescriptor.u.Interrupt.Level = MOUSE_IRQL; MouseExtension->InterruptDescriptor.u.Interrupt.Vector = MOUSE_VECTOR;
// MouseExtension->ReportInterrupt = TRUE;
Print(DBG_SS_INFO, ("Mouse interrupt config --\n" "%s, %s, Irq = 0x%x\n", MouseExtension->InterruptDescriptor.ShareDisposition == CmResourceShareShared? "Sharable" : "NonSharable", MouseExtension->InterruptDescriptor.Flags == CM_RESOURCE_INTERRUPT_LATCHED? "Latched" : "Level Sensitive", MouseExtension->InterruptDescriptor.u.Interrupt.Vector ));
if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { SET_HW_FLAGS(MOUSE_HARDWARE_INITIALIZED); } return status; }
NTSTATUS I8xQueryNumberOfMouseButtons( OUT PUCHAR NumberOfMouseButtons )
Routine Description:
This implements logitech's method for detecting the number of mouse buttons. If anything doesn't go as expected then 0 is returned.
Calling this routine will set the mouse resolution to something really low. The mouse resolution should be reset after this call.
DeviceObject - Supplies the device object.
NumberOfMouseButtons - Returns the number of mouse buttons or 0 if the device did not support this type of mouse button detection.
Return Value:
An NTSTATUS code indicating success or failure.
{ NTSTATUS status; UCHAR byte; UCHAR buttons; ULONG i;
// First we need to send down a set resolution command
status = I8xPutBytePolled( (CCHAR) DataPort, WAIT_FOR_ACKNOWLEDGE, (CCHAR) MouseDeviceType, (UCHAR) SET_MOUSE_RESOLUTION ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
return status;
// This is another part of the data packet to get the info we want
status = I8xPutBytePolled( (CCHAR) DataPort, WAIT_FOR_ACKNOWLEDGE, (CCHAR) MouseDeviceType, (UCHAR) 0x00 );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
return status;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
status = I8xPutBytePolled( (CCHAR) DataPort, WAIT_FOR_ACKNOWLEDGE, (CCHAR) MouseDeviceType, (UCHAR) SET_MOUSE_SCALING_1TO1 ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
return status;
status = I8xPutBytePolled( (CCHAR) DataPort, WAIT_FOR_ACKNOWLEDGE, (CCHAR) MouseDeviceType, (UCHAR) READ_MOUSE_STATUS ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
return status;
status = I8xGetBytePolled((CCHAR) ControllerDeviceType, &byte); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { return status; } Print(DBG_SS_NOISE, ("Query Buttons, 1st byte: 0x%2x\n", byte));
status = I8xGetBytePolled((CCHAR) ControllerDeviceType, &buttons); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { return status; } Print(DBG_SS_NOISE, ("Query Buttons, 2nd byte: 0x%2x\n", buttons));
status = I8xGetBytePolled((CCHAR) ControllerDeviceType, &byte); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { return status; } Print(DBG_SS_NOISE, ("Query Buttons, 3rd byte: 0x%2x\n", byte));
if (buttons == 2 || buttons == 3) { *NumberOfMouseButtons = buttons; Print(DBG_SS_NOISE, ("Query Buttons found %2x", *NumberOfMouseButtons)); } else { *NumberOfMouseButtons = 0; Print(DBG_SS_NOISE, ("Query Buttons -- not supported\n")); }
return status; }
NTSTATUS I8xMouseEnableTransmission( IN PPORT_MOUSE_EXTENSION MouseExtension )
Routine Description:
This routine sends an Enable command to the mouse hardware, causing the mouse to begin transmissions. It is called at initialization time, but only after the interrupt has been connected. This is necessary so the driver can keep its notion of the mouse input data state in sync with the hardware (i.e., for this type of mouse there is no way to differentiate the first byte of a packet; if the user is randomly moving the mouse during boot/initialization, the first mouse interrupt we receive following IoConnectInterrupt could be for a byte that is not the start of a packet, and we have no way to know that).
DeviceObject - Pointer to the device object.
Return Value:
Returns status.
{ #define DUMP_COUNT 4
Print(DBG_SS_TRACE, ("%s: %s\n", pFncMouseEnable, pEnter ));
// Initialize the dump structure
for (i = 0; i < DUMP_COUNT; i++) {
dumpData[i] = 0;
if (MouseExtension->EnableMouse.FirstTime) { // 5 seconds
li.QuadPart = -5 * 10 // from 100 ns to us
* 1000 // us to ms
* 1000; // ms to s
MouseExtension->EnableMouse.FirstTime = FALSE;
KeSetTimerEx( &MouseExtension->EnableMouse.Timer, li, 5 * 1000, // ms to s
&MouseExtension->EnableMouse.Dpc ); } //
// Re-enable the mouse at the mouse hardware, so that it can transmit
// data packets in continuous mode. Note that this is not the same
// as enabling the mouse device at the 8042 controller. The mouse
// hardware is sent an Enable command here, because it was
// Disabled as a result of the mouse reset command performed
// in I8xInitializeMouse().
// Note that we don't wait for an ACKNOWLEDGE back. The
// ACKNOWLEDGE back will actually cause a mouse interrupt, which
// then gets handled in the mouse ISR.
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
Print(DBG_SS_ERROR, ("%s: " "failed write enable transmission, status 0x%x\n", pFncMouseEnable, status ));
// Set up error log info.
errorCode = I8042_MOU_ENABLE_XMIT; uniqueErrorValue = I8042_ERROR_VALUE_BASE + 475; dumpData[0] = KBDMOU_COULD_NOT_SEND_PARAM; dumpData[1] = DataPort; dumpData[2] = I8042_WRITE_TO_AUXILIARY_DEVICE; dumpData[3] = ENABLE_MOUSE_TRANSMISSION; dumpCount = 4;
goto I8xEnableMouseTransmissionExit; }
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
// The mouse initialization failed. Log an error.
if (errorCode != STATUS_SUCCESS) {
errorLogEntry = (PIO_ERROR_LOG_PACKET) IoAllocateErrorLogEntry( MouseExtension->Self, (UCHAR) (sizeof(IO_ERROR_LOG_PACKET) + (dumpCount * sizeof(ULONG))) );
if (errorLogEntry != NULL) {
errorLogEntry->ErrorCode = errorCode; errorLogEntry->DumpDataSize = (USHORT) dumpCount * sizeof(ULONG); errorLogEntry->SequenceNumber = 0; errorLogEntry->MajorFunctionCode = 0; errorLogEntry->IoControlCode = 0; errorLogEntry->RetryCount = 0; errorLogEntry->UniqueErrorValue = uniqueErrorValue; errorLogEntry->FinalStatus = status; for (i = 0; i < dumpCount; i++) {
errorLogEntry->DumpData[i] = dumpData[i];
} IoWriteErrorLogEntry(errorLogEntry);
// Initialize current mouse input packet state
MouseExtension->PreviousSignAndOverflow = 0; MouseExtension->InputState = MouseExpectingACK;
Print(DBG_SS_TRACE, ("I8xMouseEnableTransmission (0x%x)\n", status));
return status; }
NTSTATUS I8xTransmitByteSequence( PUCHAR Bytes, ULONG* UniqueErrorValue, ULONG* ErrorCode, ULONG* DumpData, ULONG* DumpCount ) { NTSTATUS status; ULONG byteCount;
status = STATUS_SUCCESS; byteCount = 0;
// Begin sending commands to the mouse
while (Bytes[byteCount] != 0) { status = I8xPutBytePolled( (CCHAR) DataPort, WAIT_FOR_ACKNOWLEDGE, (CCHAR) MouseDeviceType, Bytes[byteCount] );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { Print(DBG_SS_ERROR, ("%s, failed write set sample rate #%d, status 0x%x\n", pFncFindWheelMouse, byteCount, status ));
// Set up error log info
*ErrorCode = I8042_SET_SAMPLE_RATE_FAILED; *DumpCount = 4; DumpData[0] = KBDMOU_COULD_NOT_SEND_PARAM; DumpData[1] = DataPort; DumpData[2] = I8042_WRITE_TO_AUXILIARY_DEVICE; DumpData[3] = Bytes[byteCount]; break; }
// Next command
byteCount++; (*UniqueErrorValue) += 5; KeStallExecutionProcessor(50); } // while
return status; }
NTSTATUS I8xGetBytePolledIterated( IN CCHAR DeviceType, OUT PUCHAR Byte, ULONG Attempts ) { NTSTATUS status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; ULONG i;
// Try to get a single character
for(i = 0; i < Attempts; i++) { status = I8xGetBytePolled( (CCHAR) ControllerDeviceType, Byte );
if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { //
// Read was successfull. We got a byte.
break; }
// If the read timed out, stall and retry.
// If some other error occured handle it outside the loop
if (status == STATUS_IO_TIMEOUT) { KeStallExecutionProcessor(50); } else { break; } }
return status; }
Routine Description:
There are two methods of finding a wheel mouse on a system. The first method, is to send down the request to get the PNP id of the device and compare it with the known id for a wheel mouse. The method is useful since some machines hang on the second detection mechanism, even if no mouse is present on the system.
The second method, which also enables a wheel mouse is set the sampling rate to 200hz, then 100hz, then 80hz, and then read the device id. An ID of 3 indicates a zoom mouse.
If the registry entry "EnableWheelDetection" is 0 then this routine will just return STATUS_NO_SUCH_DEVICE. If the registry entry is 1 (the default), then the first and second detection mechanisms will be used. If the registry entry is 2, then only the second detection mechanism will be used.
DeviceObject - Pointer to the device object
Return Value:
Returns status
As a side effect the sample rate is left at 80Hz and if a wheelmouse is attached it is in the wheel mode where packets are different.
{ #define DUMP_COUNT 4
}; ULONG dumpCount = 0; ULONG dumpData[DUMP_COUNT]; ULONG i; ULONG idCount; ULONG uniqueErrorValue = I8042_ERROR_VALUE_BASE + 480; WCHAR mouseID[MOUSE_PNPID_LENGTH]; PWCHAR currentChar;
// Let the world know that we have entered this routine
Print(DBG_SS_TRACE, ("%s, %s\n", pFncFindWheelMouse, pEnter ));
if (MouseExtension->EnableWheelDetection == 0) {
Print(DBG_SS_INFO | DBG_SS_NOISE, ("%s: Detection disabled in registry\n", pFncFindWheelMouse )); return STATUS_NO_SUCH_DEVICE; }
// Initialize some variables
for(i = 0; i < DUMP_COUNT; i++) { dumpData[i] = 0; }
// If the MouseInterruptObject exists, then we have gone through initialization
// at least once and know about the mouse attached
if (MouseExtension->InterruptObject) { if (WHEEL_PRESENT()) { //
// Skip detection and go straight to turning on the wheel
goto InitializeWheel; } else { //
// No wheel mouse present, no need to detect it a second time
// What is the point of this here???
// First check to see if we will try the 'better' method of detection
if (MouseExtension->EnableWheelDetection == 1) {
status = I8xTransmitByteSequence( pnpCommands, &uniqueErrorValue, &errorCode, dumpData, &dumpCount );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { goto I8xFindWheelMouseExit; }
// Zero out the string that will ID the mouse
RtlZeroMemory(mouseID, MOUSE_PNPID_LENGTH * sizeof(WCHAR) );
currentChar = mouseID;
// We should start to see the PNP string come back our way
// (MOUSE_PNPID_LENGTH includes the NULL in its length)
for (idCount = 0; idCount < MOUSE_PNPID_LENGTH-1; idCount++) { status = I8xGetBytePolledIterated( (CCHAR) ControllerDeviceType, &byte, 5 );
// if the operation wasn't successful or the characters don't
// match, than try to flush the buffers
if (byte < ScanCodeToUCharCount) { *currentChar = ScanCodeToUChar[byte]; if (*currentChar) { currentChar++; } }
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { // || byte != pnpID[idCount]) {
// Couldn't get a byte
do { //
// Wait a little bit
KeStallExecutionProcessor( 50 );
// Get a byte if there is one
status = I8xGetBytePolled( (CCHAR) ControllerDeviceType, &byte ); } while (status != STATUS_IO_TIMEOUT);
// We are done here
return STATUS_NO_SUCH_DEVICE; } // if
} // for
Print(DBG_SS_INFO, ("found a pnp id of %ws\n", mouseID)); if (!I8xVerifyMousePnPID(MouseExtension, mouseID)) { return STATUS_NO_SUCH_DEVICE; } } else if (MouseExtension->EnableWheelDetection != 2) { //
// We got a bogus id. Let's just assume that they meant to disable
// the little detection routine
Print(DBG_SS_INFO | DBG_SS_NOISE, ("%s: Detection disabled in registry\n", pFncFindWheelMouse ));
// Done
} // if
// Start the second detection routine, which will also enable the
// device if present
InitializeWheel: status = I8xTransmitByteSequence( enableCommands, &uniqueErrorValue, &errorCode, dumpData, &dumpCount );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { goto I8xFindWheelMouseExit; }
// Get the mouse ID
status = I8xGetBytePolledIterated( (CCHAR) ControllerDeviceType, &byte, 5 );
// Check to see what we got
if ((!NT_SUCCESS(status)) || ((byte != MOUSE_ID_BYTE) && (byte != WHEELMOUSE_ID_BYTE))) { Print(DBG_SS_ERROR, ("%s, failed ID, status 0x%x, byte 0x%x\n", pFncFindWheelMouse, status, byte ));
// Set up error log info
errorCode = I8042_MOU_RESET_RESPONSE_FAILED; dumpData[0] = KBDMOU_INCORRECT_RESPONSE; dumpData[1] = ControllerDeviceType; dumpData[2] = MOUSE_ID_BYTE; dumpData[3] = byte; dumpCount = 4; goto I8xFindWheelMouseExit; } else if (byte == WHEELMOUSE_ID_BYTE) { //
// Update the HardwarePresent to show a Z mouse is operational,
// and set the appropriate mouse type flags
MouseExtension->MouseAttributes.MouseIdentifier = WHEELMOUSE_I8042_HARDWARE;
status = I8xTransmitByteSequence( enable5Commands, &uniqueErrorValue, &errorCode, dumpData, &dumpCount );
if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { status = I8xGetBytePolledIterated( (CCHAR) ControllerDeviceType, &byte, 5 );
if (NT_SUCCESS(status) && byte == FIVEBUTTON_ID_BYTE) { //
// Update the HardwarePresent to show a Z mouse with 2 extra buttons is operational,
// and set the appropriate mouse type flags
MouseExtension->MouseAttributes.MouseIdentifier = WHEELMOUSE_I8042_HARDWARE; } } } else { SET_HW_FLAGS(MOUSE_HARDWARE_PRESENT);
Print(DBG_SS_INFO, ("%s, Mouse attached - running in mouse mode.\n", pFncFindWheelMouse )); }
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
// The mouse initialization failed. Log an error.
if(errorCode != STATUS_SUCCESS) {
errorLogEntry = (PIO_ERROR_LOG_PACKET) IoAllocateErrorLogEntry( MouseExtension->Self, (UCHAR) (sizeof(IO_ERROR_LOG_PACKET) + (dumpCount * sizeof(ULONG))) );
if(errorLogEntry != NULL) {
errorLogEntry->ErrorCode = errorCode; errorLogEntry->DumpDataSize = (USHORT) dumpCount * sizeof(ULONG); errorLogEntry->SequenceNumber = 0; errorLogEntry->MajorFunctionCode = 0; errorLogEntry->IoControlCode = 0; errorLogEntry->RetryCount = 0; errorLogEntry->UniqueErrorValue = uniqueErrorValue; errorLogEntry->FinalStatus = status; for(i = 0; i < dumpCount; i++) {
errorLogEntry->DumpData[i] = dumpData[i];
} IoWriteErrorLogEntry(errorLogEntry);
Print(DBG_SS_TRACE, ("FindWheel mouse (0x%x)\n", status));
return status; }
VOID I8xFinishResetRequest( PPORT_MOUSE_EXTENSION MouseExtension, BOOLEAN Failed, BOOLEAN RaiseIrql, BOOLEAN CancelTimer ) { PIRP irp; KIRQL oldIrql;
irp = (PIRP) InterlockedExchangePointer(&MouseExtension->ResetIrp, NULL );
if (CancelTimer) { //
// We must cancel our watchdog timer so that it doesn't try to reset the
// mouse at a later time
KeCancelTimer(&MouseExtension->ResetMouse.Timer); }
Print(DBG_IOCTL_INFO | DBG_SS_INFO, ("Finished with mouse reset irp %p\n", irp));
// Raise to dispatch because KeInsertQueueDpc, IoFreeController, and
// IoStartNextPacket all require to be at this irql.
if (RaiseIrql) { KeRaiseIrql(DISPATCH_LEVEL, &oldIrql); }
// Let people know that the reset failed
if (Failed && Globals.ReportResetErrors) { KeInsertQueueDpc(&MouseExtension->ErrorLogDpc, (PIRP) NULL, LongToPtr(I8042_MOU_RESET_RESPONSE_FAILED) ); }
// NOTE: To prevent the reset detection code from
// restarting us all over again (which don't want
// otherwise we would not be here, we need to fool
// the detection into thinking that the last character
MouseExtension->LastByteReceived = 0;
// Oops. Oh well, the mouse hasn't been able to reset
// in all these tries, so lets consider it dead.
// However, just in case the user yanks it out and
// plugs in a new one, we should reset our count
// back down to zero so that we will actually try to
// activate the thing when he plugs it back in there....but we don't do
// this here. If we see the reset sequence in the ISR, we will reset
// the counts there.
//MouseExtension->ResendCount = 0;
// I8X_MOUSE_INIT_COUNTERS(MouseExtension);
// Make sure the next packet is started, regardless if the reset IRP
// was present or not
IoFreeController(Globals.ControllerData->ControllerObject); IoStartNextPacket(MouseExtension->Self, FALSE);
if (RaiseIrql) { KeLowerIrql(oldIrql); }
if (irp != NULL) { IoFreeIrp(irp); IoReleaseRemoveLock(&MouseExtension->RemoveLock, irp); } }
VOID I8xResetMouseFailed( PPORT_MOUSE_EXTENSION MouseExtension ) /*++
Routine Description:
The resetting of the mouse failed after repeated tries to get it working. Free the irp and start the next packet in our start io reoutine. Arguments:
MouseExtension - Mouse extension Return Value:
None. --*/ { PIRP irp; KIRQL oldIrql;
Print(DBG_SS_ERROR | DBG_SS_INFO, ("mouse reset failed\n"));
// Mark the failed reset in the device extension
MouseExtension->ResetMouse.IsrResetState = MouseResetFailed;
I8xFinishResetRequest(MouseExtension, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE); }
NTSTATUS I8xResetMouse( PPORT_MOUSE_EXTENSION MouseExtension ) /*++
Routine Description:
Sends the reset command to the mouse (through the start i/o routine if it doesn't exist yet) if we haven't reached our reset limit. Otherwise, gives up and calls I8xResetMouseFailed. Arguments:
MouseExtension - Mouse extension Return Value:
STATUS_SUCCESS if successful --*/ { PDEVICE_OBJECT self; PIO_STACK_LOCATION stack; PIRP pResetIrp, pIrp; NTSTATUS status;
Print(DBG_SS_NOISE, ("reset count = %d\n", (LONG) MouseExtension->ResetCount));
self = MouseExtension->Self; status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
MouseExtension->ResetCount++; MouseExtension->FailedCompleteResetCount++;
if (MouseExtension->ResetCount >= MOUSE_RESETS_MAX || MouseExtension->FailedCompleteResetCount >= MOUSE_RESETS_MAX) { Print(DBG_SS_ERROR, ("Resetting mouse failed!\n")); I8xResetMouseFailed(MouseExtension); return STATUS_DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED; }
#if 0
if (MouseExtension->LastByteReceived == 0xFC && MouseExtension->InputState == MouseResetting) { I8xDrainOutputBuffer( Globals.ControllerData->DeviceRegisters[DataPort], Globals.ControllerData->DeviceRegisters[CommandPort] ); } #endif
// Insert a "fake" request into the StartIO queue for the reset. This way,
// the reset of the mouse can be serialized with all of the other kb IOCTLS
// that come down during start or return from a low power state
pResetIrp = IoAllocateIrp(self->StackSize, FALSE); if (pResetIrp == NULL) { return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; }
pIrp = (PIRP) InterlockedCompareExchangePointer(&MouseExtension->ResetIrp, pResetIrp, NULL);
// Check to see if we had a pending reset request. If there was,
// pIrp != NULL and we should just write the reset to the device now.
if (pIrp == NULL) { stack = IoGetNextIrpStackLocation(pResetIrp); stack->MajorFunction = IRP_MJ_INTERNAL_DEVICE_CONTROL; stack->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.IoControlCode = IOCTL_INTERNAL_MOUSE_RESET; IoSetNextIrpStackLocation(pResetIrp);
status = IoAcquireRemoveLock(&MouseExtension->RemoveLock, pResetIrp);
if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { Print(DBG_SS_INFO, ("IoStarting reset irp %p\n", pResetIrp)); IoStartPacket(self, pResetIrp, (PULONG) NULL, NULL); } else { pIrp = (PIRP) InterlockedExchangePointer(&MouseExtension->ResetIrp, NULL);
Print(DBG_SS_INFO, ("Failed acquire on reset irp %p\n", pIrp));
if (pIrp != NULL) { ASSERT(pIrp == pResetIrp); IoFreeIrp(pIrp); pIrp = NULL; } } } else { //
// Free the irp we just allocated
IoFreeIrp(pResetIrp); pResetIrp = NULL;
// The Reset Irp exists, just send another reset
I8xSendResetCommand(MouseExtension); }
return status; }
VOID I8xSendResetCommand ( PPORT_MOUSE_EXTENSION MouseExtension ) /*++
Routine Description:
Writes the actual reset to the mouse and kicks off the watch dog timer. Arguments:
MouseExtension - Mouse extension Return Value:
None. --*/ { LARGE_INTEGER li = RtlConvertLongToLargeInteger(-MOUSE_RESET_TIMEOUT);
MouseExtension->ResetMouse.IsrResetState = IsrResetNormal;
// Delay for 1 second
KeSetTimer(&MouseExtension->ResetMouse.Timer, li, &MouseExtension->ResetMouse.Dpc );
MouseExtension->PreviousSignAndOverflow = 0; MouseExtension->InputState = MouseResetting; MouseExtension->InputResetSubState = ExpectingReset; MouseExtension->LastByteReceived = 0;
// The watch dog timer bases its time computations on this value, set it to
// now so that all the times computed are relative to the last time we sent
// a reset and not x seconds ago when we last received an interrupt from the
// mouse
I8xPutBytePolled((CCHAR) DataPort, NO_WAIT_FOR_ACKNOWLEDGE, (CCHAR) MouseDeviceType, (UCHAR) MOUSE_RESET ); }
VOID I8xQueueCurrentMouseInput( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject )
Routine Description:
This routine queues the current input data to be processed by a DPC outside the ISR
DeviceObject - Pointer to the device object
Return Value:
--*/ { PPORT_MOUSE_EXTENSION deviceExtension; UCHAR buttonsDelta; UCHAR previousButtons;
deviceExtension = (PPORT_MOUSE_EXTENSION) DeviceObject->DeviceExtension;
// If the mouse is enabled, add the data to the InputData queue
// and queue the ISR DPC. One might wonder why we bother to
// do all this processing of the mouse packet, only to toss it
// away (i.e., not queue it) at this point. The answer is that
// this mouse provides no data to allow the driver to determine
// when the first byte of a packet is received -- if the driver
// doesn't process all interrupts from the start, there is no
// way to keep MouseExtension.InputState in synch with hardware
// reality.
if (deviceExtension->EnableCount) {
if (!I8xWriteDataToMouseQueue( deviceExtension, &deviceExtension->CurrentInput )) {
// InputData queue overflowed.
// Queue a DPC to log an overrun error.
IsrPrint(DBG_MOUISR_ERROR, ("I8042MouseInterruptService: queue overflow\n" ));
if (deviceExtension->OkayToLogOverflow) {
KeInsertQueueDpc( &deviceExtension->ErrorLogDpc, (PIRP) NULL, LongToPtr(I8042_MOU_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) ); deviceExtension->OkayToLogOverflow = FALSE;
} else if (deviceExtension->DpcInterlockMouse >= 0) {
// The ISR DPC is already executing. Tell the ISR DPC it has
// more work to do by incrementing DpcInterlockMouse.
deviceExtension->DpcInterlockMouse += 1;
} else {
// Queue the ISR DPC.
KeInsertQueueDpc( &deviceExtension->MouseIsrDpc, (PIRP) NULL, // DeviceObject->CurrentIrp,
NULL ); }
return; }
VOID MouseCopyWheelIDs( OUT PUNICODE_STRING Destination, IN PUNICODE_STRING Source ) /*++
Routine Description:
Copies the multisz specified in Source into Destinatio along with the default IDs already known. Destination is in non paged pool while Source is paged. Argument:
Destination - Will receive new copied string Source - String read from the registry Return Value:
--*/ { PWSTR str = NULL; ULONG length;
ASSERT(Destination->Buffer == NULL);
RtlZeroMemory(Destination, sizeof(*Destination));
// Check to see the Source string is not just an empty multi SZ
if (Source->MaximumLength > (sizeof(L'\0') * 2)) { Destination->Buffer = (WCHAR*) ExAllocatePool(NonPagedPool, Source->MaximumLength * sizeof(WCHAR));
if (Destination->Buffer != NULL) { RtlCopyMemory(Destination->Buffer, Source->Buffer, Source->MaximumLength * sizeof(WCHAR));
Destination->Length = Destination->MaximumLength = Source->MaximumLength;
// Make sure each string is in upper case
str = Destination->Buffer; while (*str != L'\0') { Print(DBG_SS_NOISE, ("wheel id: %ws\n", str)); _wcsupr(str); str += wcslen(str) + 1; } } } }
VOID I8xMouseServiceParameters( IN PUNICODE_STRING RegistryPath, IN PPORT_MOUSE_EXTENSION MouseExtension ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine retrieves this driver's service parameters information from the registry. Overrides these values if they are present in the devnode.
RegistryPath - Pointer to the null-terminated Unicode name of the registry path for this driver.
MouseExtension - Mouse extension Return Value:
--*/ { NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; PRTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_TABLE parameters = NULL; HANDLE keyHandle; UNICODE_STRING parametersPath; PWSTR path = NULL; ULONG defaultDataQueueSize = DATA_QUEUE_SIZE, defaultSynchPacket100ns = MOUSE_SYNCH_PACKET_100NS, defaultEnableWheelDetection = 1, defaultMouseResolution = MOUSE_RESOLUTION, defaultNumberOfButtons = 0, defaultSampleRate = MOUSE_SAMPLE_RATE, defaultWheelDetectionTimeout = WHEEL_DETECTION_TIMEOUT, defaultInitializePolled = I8X_INIT_POLLED_DEFAULT, enableWheelDetection = 1, mouseResolution = MOUSE_RESOLUTION, numberOfButtons = MOUSE_NUMBER_OF_BUTTONS, sampleRate = MOUSE_SAMPLE_RATE, initializePolled = I8X_INIT_POLLED_DEFAULT, i = 0; ULONG defaultStallTime = 1000; LARGE_INTEGER largeDetectionTimeout; USHORT queries = 10;
WCHAR szDefaultIDs[] = { L"\0" }; UNICODE_STRING IDs;
ULONG defaultHistoryLength = 100, defaultRecordHistoryFlags = 0x0;
queries += 2; #endif
parametersPath.Buffer = NULL;
// Registry path is already null-terminated, so just use it.
path = RegistryPath->Buffer;
if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
// Allocate the Rtl query table.
parameters = ExAllocatePool( PagedPool, sizeof(RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_TABLE) * (queries + 1) );
if (!parameters) {
Print(DBG_SS_ERROR, ("%s: couldn't allocate table for Rtl query to %ws for %ws\n", pFncServiceParameters, pwParameters, path )); status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL;
} else {
RtlZeroMemory( parameters, sizeof(RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_TABLE) * (queries + 1) );
// Form a path to this driver's Parameters subkey.
RtlInitUnicodeString( ¶metersPath, NULL ); parametersPath.MaximumLength = RegistryPath->Length + (wcslen(pwParameters) * sizeof(WCHAR) ) + sizeof(UNICODE_NULL);
parametersPath.Buffer = ExAllocatePool( PagedPool, parametersPath.MaximumLength );
if (!parametersPath.Buffer) {
Print(DBG_SS_ERROR, ("%s: Couldn't allocate string for path to %ws for %ws\n", pFncServiceParameters, pwParameters, path )); status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL;
} } }
if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
// Form the parameters path.
RtlZeroMemory( parametersPath.Buffer, parametersPath.MaximumLength ); RtlAppendUnicodeToString( ¶metersPath, path ); RtlAppendUnicodeToString( ¶metersPath, pwParameters );
// Gather all of the "user specified" information from
// the registry.
parameters[i].Flags = RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_DIRECT; parameters[i].Name = pwMouseDataQueueSize; parameters[i].EntryContext = &MouseExtension->MouseAttributes.InputDataQueueLength; parameters[i].DefaultType = REG_DWORD; parameters[i].DefaultData = &defaultDataQueueSize; parameters[i].DefaultLength = sizeof(ULONG);
parameters[++i].Flags = RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_DIRECT; parameters[i].Name = pwNumberOfButtons; parameters[i].EntryContext = &numberOfButtons; parameters[i].DefaultType = REG_DWORD; parameters[i].DefaultData = &defaultNumberOfButtons; parameters[i].DefaultLength = sizeof(ULONG);
parameters[++i].Flags = RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_DIRECT; parameters[i].Name = pwSampleRate; parameters[i].EntryContext = &sampleRate; parameters[i].DefaultType = REG_DWORD; parameters[i].DefaultData = &defaultSampleRate; parameters[i].DefaultLength = sizeof(ULONG);
parameters[++i].Flags = RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_DIRECT; parameters[i].Name = pwMouseResolution; parameters[i].EntryContext = &mouseResolution; parameters[i].DefaultType = REG_DWORD; parameters[i].DefaultData = &defaultMouseResolution; parameters[i].DefaultLength = sizeof(ULONG);
parameters[++i].Flags = RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_DIRECT; parameters[i].Name = pwMouseSynchIn100ns; parameters[i].EntryContext = &MouseExtension->SynchTickCount; parameters[i].DefaultType = REG_DWORD;
parameters[i].DefaultData = &defaultSynchPacket100ns; parameters[i].DefaultLength = sizeof(ULONG);
parameters[++i].Flags = RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_DIRECT; parameters[i].Name = pwEnableWheelDetection; parameters[i].EntryContext = &enableWheelDetection; parameters[i].DefaultType = REG_DWORD; parameters[i].DefaultData = &defaultEnableWheelDetection; parameters[i].DefaultLength = sizeof(ULONG);
parameters[++i].Flags = RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_DIRECT; parameters[i].Name = L"MouseInitializePolled"; parameters[i].EntryContext = &initializePolled; parameters[i].DefaultType = REG_DWORD; parameters[i].DefaultData = &defaultInitializePolled; parameters[i].DefaultLength = sizeof(ULONG);
parameters[++i].Flags = RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_DIRECT; parameters[i].Name = L"MouseResendStallTime"; parameters[i].EntryContext = &MouseExtension->MouseResetStallTime; parameters[i].DefaultType = REG_DWORD; parameters[i].DefaultData = &defaultStallTime; parameters[i].DefaultLength = sizeof(ULONG);
parameters[++i].Flags = RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_DIRECT; parameters[i].Name = L"RecordMouseIsrFlags"; parameters[i].EntryContext = &MouseExtension->RecordHistoryFlags; parameters[i].DefaultType = REG_DWORD; parameters[i].DefaultData = &defaultRecordHistoryFlags; parameters[i].DefaultLength = sizeof(ULONG);
parameters[++i].Flags = RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_DIRECT; parameters[i].Name = L"RecordMouseIsrLength"; parameters[i].EntryContext = &MouseExtension->RecordHistoryCount; parameters[i].DefaultType = REG_DWORD; parameters[i].DefaultData = &defaultHistoryLength; parameters[i].DefaultLength = sizeof(ULONG); #endif
status = RtlQueryRegistryValues( RTL_REGISTRY_ABSOLUTE | RTL_REGISTRY_OPTIONAL, parametersPath.Buffer, parameters, NULL, NULL );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { Print(DBG_SS_INFO, ("mou RtlQueryRegistryValues failed (0x%x)\n", status )); } }
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
// Go ahead and assign driver defaults.
MouseExtension->MouseAttributes.InputDataQueueLength = defaultDataQueueSize; MouseExtension->EnableWheelDetection = (UCHAR) defaultEnableWheelDetection; MouseExtension->SynchTickCount = defaultSynchPacket100ns; }
Print(DBG_SS_NOISE, ("results from services key:\n" "\tmouse queue length = %d\n" "\tnumber of buttons = %d\n" "\tsample rate = %d\n" "\tresolution = %d\n" "\tsynch tick count = %d\n" "\twheel detection = %d\n" "\tdetection timeout = %d\n" "\tintiailize polled = %d\n" "\treset stall time = %d\n", MouseExtension->MouseAttributes.InputDataQueueLength, numberOfButtons, sampleRate, mouseResolution, MouseExtension->SynchTickCount, enableWheelDetection, MouseExtension->WheelDetectionTimeout, initializePolled, MouseExtension->MouseResetStallTime ));
status = IoOpenDeviceRegistryKey(MouseExtension->PDO, PLUGPLAY_REGKEY_DEVICE, STANDARD_RIGHTS_READ, &keyHandle );
if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { ULONG prevInputDataQueueLength, prevNumberOfButtons, prevSampleRate, prevMouseResolution, prevSynchPacket100ns, prevEnableWheelDetection, prevWheelDetectionTimeout, prevInitializePolled;
RtlInitUnicodeString(&IDs, NULL);
// If the value is not present in devnode, then the default is the value
// read in from the Services\i8042prt\Parameters key
prevInputDataQueueLength = MouseExtension->MouseAttributes.InputDataQueueLength; prevNumberOfButtons = numberOfButtons; prevSampleRate = sampleRate; prevMouseResolution = mouseResolution; prevSynchPacket100ns = MouseExtension->SynchTickCount; prevEnableWheelDetection = enableWheelDetection; prevWheelDetectionTimeout = MouseExtension->WheelDetectionTimeout; prevInitializePolled = initializePolled;
i = 0;
// Gather all of the "user specified" information from
// the registry (this time from the devnode)
parameters[i].Flags = RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_DIRECT; parameters[i].Name = pwMouseDataQueueSize; parameters[i].EntryContext = &MouseExtension->MouseAttributes.InputDataQueueLength; parameters[i].DefaultType = REG_DWORD; parameters[i].DefaultData = &prevInputDataQueueLength; parameters[i].DefaultLength = sizeof(ULONG);
parameters[++i].Flags = RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_DIRECT; parameters[i].Name = pwNumberOfButtons; parameters[i].EntryContext = &numberOfButtons; parameters[i].DefaultType = REG_DWORD; parameters[i].DefaultData = &prevNumberOfButtons; parameters[i].DefaultLength = sizeof(ULONG);
parameters[++i].Flags = RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_DIRECT; parameters[i].Name = pwSampleRate; parameters[i].EntryContext = &sampleRate; parameters[i].DefaultType = REG_DWORD; parameters[i].DefaultData = &prevSampleRate; parameters[i].DefaultLength = sizeof(ULONG);
parameters[++i].Flags = RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_DIRECT; parameters[i].Name = pwMouseResolution; parameters[i].EntryContext = &mouseResolution; parameters[i].DefaultType = REG_DWORD; parameters[i].DefaultData = &prevMouseResolution; parameters[i].DefaultLength = sizeof(ULONG);
parameters[++i].Flags = RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_DIRECT; parameters[i].Name = pwMouseSynchIn100ns; parameters[i].EntryContext = &MouseExtension->SynchTickCount; parameters[i].DefaultType = REG_DWORD; parameters[i].DefaultData = &prevSynchPacket100ns; parameters[i].DefaultLength = sizeof(ULONG);
parameters[++i].Flags = RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_DIRECT; parameters[i].Name = pwEnableWheelDetection; parameters[i].EntryContext = &enableWheelDetection; parameters[i].DefaultType = REG_DWORD; parameters[i].DefaultData = &prevEnableWheelDetection; parameters[i].DefaultLength = sizeof(ULONG);
parameters[++i].Flags = RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_DIRECT; parameters[i].Name = L"MouseInitializePolled"; parameters[i].EntryContext = &initializePolled; parameters[i].DefaultType = REG_DWORD; parameters[i].DefaultData = &prevInitializePolled; parameters[i].DefaultLength = sizeof(ULONG);
parameters[++i].Flags = RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_DIRECT | RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_NOEXPAND; parameters[i].Name = L"WheelDetectIDs"; parameters[i].EntryContext = &IDs; parameters[i].DefaultType = REG_MULTI_SZ; parameters[i].DefaultData = szDefaultIDs; parameters[i].DefaultLength = sizeof(szDefaultIDs);
parameters[++i].Flags = RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_DIRECT; parameters[i].Name = L"WheelDetectionTimeout"; parameters[i].EntryContext = &MouseExtension->WheelDetectionTimeout; parameters[i].DefaultType = REG_DWORD; parameters[i].DefaultData = &defaultWheelDetectionTimeout; parameters[i].DefaultLength = sizeof(ULONG);
status = RtlQueryRegistryValues( RTL_REGISTRY_HANDLE, (PWSTR) keyHandle, parameters, NULL, NULL );
if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
Print(DBG_SS_NOISE, ("results from devnode key:\n" "\tmouse queue length = %d\n" "\tnumber of buttons = %d\n" "\tsample rate = %d\n" "\tresolution = %d\n" "\tsynch tick count = %d\n" "\twheel detection = %d\n" "\tinitialize polled = %d\n" "\tdetection timeout = %d\n", MouseExtension->MouseAttributes.InputDataQueueLength, numberOfButtons, sampleRate, mouseResolution, MouseExtension->SynchTickCount, enableWheelDetection, initializePolled, MouseExtension->WheelDetectionTimeout )); } else { Print(DBG_SS_INFO | DBG_SS_ERROR, ("mou RtlQueryRegistryValues (via handle) failed with (0x%x)\n", status )); }
ZwClose(keyHandle); } else { Print(DBG_SS_INFO | DBG_SS_ERROR, ("mou, opening devnode handle failed (0x%x)\n", status )); }
// Needs to be in NonPagedPool so it can be access during the ISR
MouseCopyWheelIDs(&MouseExtension->WheelDetectionIDs, &IDs); RtlFreeUnicodeString(&IDs);
Print(DBG_SS_NOISE, ("I8xMouseServiceParameters results..\n"));
if (MouseExtension->MouseAttributes.InputDataQueueLength == 0) {
Print(DBG_SS_INFO | DBG_SS_ERROR, ("\toverriding %ws = 0x%x\n", pwMouseDataQueueSize, MouseExtension->MouseAttributes.InputDataQueueLength ));
MouseExtension->MouseAttributes.InputDataQueueLength = defaultDataQueueSize; } MouseExtension->MouseAttributes.InputDataQueueLength *= sizeof(MOUSE_INPUT_DATA);
MouseExtension->InitializePolled = (UCHAR) initializePolled;
switch (enableWheelDetection) { case 2: case 1: MouseExtension->EnableWheelDetection = (UCHAR) enableWheelDetection; break; default: MouseExtension->EnableWheelDetection = 0; } Print(DBG_SS_NOISE, (pDumpHex, pwEnableWheelDetection, MouseExtension->EnableWheelDetection ));
Print(DBG_SS_NOISE, (pDumpHex, pwMouseDataQueueSize, MouseExtension->MouseAttributes.InputDataQueueLength ));
if (numberOfButtons == 0) { MouseExtension->NumberOfButtonsOverride = 0; MouseExtension->MouseAttributes.NumberOfButtons = MOUSE_NUMBER_OF_BUTTONS; } else { MouseExtension->NumberOfButtonsOverride = (UCHAR) numberOfButtons; MouseExtension->MouseAttributes.NumberOfButtons = (USHORT) numberOfButtons; }
Print(DBG_SS_NOISE, (pDumpDecimal, pwNumberOfButtons, MouseExtension->MouseAttributes.NumberOfButtons ));
MouseExtension->MouseAttributes.SampleRate = (USHORT) sampleRate; Print(DBG_SS_NOISE, (pDumpDecimal, pwSampleRate, MouseExtension->MouseAttributes.SampleRate ));
MouseExtension->Resolution = (UCHAR) mouseResolution; Print(DBG_SS_NOISE, (pDumpDecimal, pwMouseResolution, mouseResolution ));
Print(DBG_SS_NOISE, (pDumpDecimal, L"MouseResetStallTime", MouseExtension->MouseResetStallTime ));
if (MouseExtension->WheelDetectionTimeout > 4000) { MouseExtension->WheelDetectionTimeout = WHEEL_DETECTION_TIMEOUT; } //
// Convert ms to 100 ns units
// 1000 => ms to us
// 10 => us to 100 ns
largeDetectionTimeout.QuadPart = MouseExtension->WheelDetectionTimeout * 1000 * 10; largeDetectionTimeout.QuadPart /= KeQueryTimeIncrement(); MouseExtension->WheelDetectionTimeout = largeDetectionTimeout.LowPart; Print(DBG_SS_NOISE, (pDumpDecimal, L"WheelDetectionTimeout", MouseExtension->WheelDetectionTimeout ));
if (MouseExtension->SynchTickCount == 0) {
Print(DBG_SS_ERROR | DBG_SS_INFO, ("\toverriding %ws\n", pwMouseSynchIn100ns ));
MouseExtension->SynchTickCount = defaultSynchPacket100ns;
// Convert SynchTickCount to be the number of interval timer
// interrupts that occur during the time specified by MouseSynchIn100ns.
// Note that KeQueryTimeIncrement returns the number of 100ns units that
// are added to the system time each time the interval clock interrupts.
MouseExtension->SynchTickCount /= KeQueryTimeIncrement();
Print(DBG_SS_NOISE, (pDumpHex, pwMouseSynchIn100ns, MouseExtension->SynchTickCount ));
// Free the allocated memory before returning.
if (parametersPath.Buffer) ExFreePool(parametersPath.Buffer);
if (parameters) ExFreePool(parameters); }