** ** ** COPYRIGHT (C) 2000, 2001 MKNET CORPORATION ** ** DEVELOPED FOR THE MK7100-BASED VFIR PCI CONTROLLER. ** ** ** *****************************************************************************/
Module Name: MKINIT.C
Routines: ClaimAdapter SetupIrIoMapping SetupAdapterInfo AllocAdapterMemory ReleaseAdapterMemory FreeAdapterObject SetupTransmitQueues SetupReceiveQueues InitializeMK7 InitializeAdapter StartAdapter MK7ResetComplete ResetTransmitQueues ResetReceiveQueues
Comments: Various one-time inits. This involves a combo of inits to the NDIS env and the MK7100 hw.
#include "precomp.h"
#include "protot.h"
#pragma hdrstop
// Procedure: [ClaimAdapter]
// Description: Locate a MK7-based adapter and assign (claim) the adapter
// hardware. This routine also stores the slot, base IO Address, and IRQ.
// Arguments:
// Adapter - ptr to Adapter object instance.
// Returns:
// NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS - If an adapter is successfully found and claimed
// NDIS_STATUS_FAILURE- If an adapter is not found/claimed
DBGLOG("=> ClaimAdapter", 0);
// "Bus" is not used??
Bus = (ULONG) Adapter->BusNumber;
if (Adapter->MKBusType != PCIBUS) { //Not supported - ISA, EISA or MicroChannel
DBGLOG("<= ClaimAdapter (ERR - 1", 0); return (NDIS_STATUS_FAILURE); }
NumPciBoardsFound = FindAndSetupPciDevice(Adapter, WrapperConfigurationContext, VendorID, DeviceID, &PciCardsFound);
if(NumPciBoardsFound) {
#if DBG
DBGSTR(("\n\n Found the following adapters\n"));
for(i=0; i < NumPciBoardsFound; i++) { DBGSTR(("slot=%x, io=%x, irq=%x \n", PciCardsFound.PciSlotInfo[i].SlotNumber, PciCardsFound.PciSlotInfo[i].BaseIo, PciCardsFound.PciSlotInfo[i].Irq)); } #endif
} else { DBGSTR(("our PCI board was not found!!!!!!\n")); MKLogError(Adapter, EVENT_16, NDIS_ERROR_CODE_ADAPTER_NOT_FOUND, 0);
DBGLOG("<= ClaimAdapter (ERR - 2", 0); return (NDIS_STATUS_FAILURE); }
i = 0; // only one adapter in the system
// NOTE: i == the index into PciCardsFound that we want to use.
// Store our allocated resources in Adapter struct
Adapter->MKSlot = PciCardsFound.PciSlotInfo[i].SlotNumber; Adapter->MKInterrupt = PciCardsFound.PciSlotInfo[i].Irq; Adapter->MKBaseIo = PciCardsFound.PciSlotInfo[i].BaseIo;
DBGLOG("<= ClaimAdapter", 0);
// Procedure: [SetupIrIoMapping]
// Description: This sets up our assigned PCI I/O space w/ NDIS.
// Arguments:
// Adapter - ptr to Adapter object instance
// Returns:
DBGFUNC("SetupIrIoMapping"); DBGLOG("=> SetupIrIoMapping", 0);
Adapter->MappedIoRange = Adapter->MKBaseSize;
Status = NdisMRegisterIoPortRange( (PVOID *) &Adapter->MappedIoBase, Adapter->MK7AdapterHandle, (UINT) Adapter->MKBaseIo, Adapter->MappedIoRange);
DBGSTR(("SetupPciRegs: io=%x, size=%x, stat=%x\n", Adapter->MKBaseIo, Adapter->MappedIoRange, Status));
if (Status != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { DBGSTR(("ERROR: NdisMRegisterIoPortRange failed (Status = 0x%x)\n", Status)); DBGLOG("<= SetupIrIoMapping (ERR)", 0); return (Status); } DBGLOG("<= SetupIrIoMapping", 0); return (Status); }
// Procedure: [SetupAdapterInfo]
// Description: Sets up the various adapter fields in the specified Adapter
// object.
// Arguments:
// Adapter - ptr to Adapter object instance
// Returns:
// NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS - If an adapter's IO mapping was setup correctly
// not NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS- If an adapter's IO space could not be registered
NDIS_STATUS SetupAdapterInfo(PMK7_ADAPTER Adapter) { NDIS_STATUS Status;
DBGFUNC("SetupAdapterInfo"); DBGLOG("=> SetupAdapterInfo", 0);
// Setup the IR Registers I/O mapping
Status = SetupIrIoMapping(Adapter);
Adapter->InterruptMode = NdisInterruptLevelSensitive; // Adapter->InterruptMode = NdisInterruptLatched;
DBGLOG("<= SetupAdapterInfo", 0); return (Status); }
// Procedure: [AllocAdapterMemory]
// Description: Allocte and setup memory (control structures, shared memory
// data buffers, ring buffers, etc.) for the MK7. Additional setups
// may also be done later on, e.g., TX/RX CB lists, buffer lists, etc.
// Arguments:
// Adapter - the adapter structure to allocate for.
// Returns:
// NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS - If the shared memory structures were setup
// not NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS- If not enough memory or map registers could be
// allocated
NDIS_STATUS AllocAdapterMemory(PMK7_ADAPTER Adapter) { NDIS_STATUS Status; ULONG alignedphys;
DBGFUNC("AllocAdapterMemory"); DBGLOG("=> SetupAdapterMemory", 0);
Adapter->MaxPhysicalMappings = MK7_MAXIMUM_PACKET_SIZE_ESC;
// We allocate several chunks of memory. They fall into 2 categories:
// cached and non-cached. Memory that is shared w/ the hw is non-cached
// for reason of simplicity. Cached memory is used for our internal
// sw runtime operations.
// The following is done:
// 1. Allocate RRDs and TRDs from non-cached memory. This is the
// Ring descriptors for the hw. (The base address of this is
// set in the Phoenix's Base Address Reg.)
// 2. RX memory --
// I. Alloc cached memory for RCBs and RPDs.
// II. Alloc non-cached for RX DMA data buffers (these are
// mapped to RX packet->buffers).
// 3. TX memory --
// I. Alloc cached for TCBs.
// II. Alloc non-cached for TX DMA data buffers.
// Since we use shared memory (NdisMAllocateSharedMemory), we have to
// call NdisMAllocateMapRegisters even though we don't use such
// mapping. So just ask for 1 map reg.
Adapter->NumMapRegisters = 1; Status = NdisMAllocateMapRegisters( Adapter->MK7AdapterHandle, 0, FALSE, Adapter->NumMapRegisters, Adapter->MaxPhysicalMappings );
if (Status != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { Adapter->NumMapRegisters = 0;
MKLogError(Adapter, EVENT_11, NDIS_ERROR_CODE_OUT_OF_RESOURCES, 0); DBGSTR(("NdisMAllocateMapRegister Failed - %x\n", Status)); DBGLOG("<= SetupAdapterMemory: (ERR - NdisMAllocateMapRegister)", 0); return(Status); }
// RRDs & TRDs (RX/TX Ring Descriptors)
// Allocate shared memory for the Phoenix Ring buffers. Each TRD and
// RRD has a max count (we may not use all). This contiguous space
// holds both the RRDs and TRDs. The 1st 64 entries are RRDs followed
// immediately by 64 TRDs. Hence, the 1st TRD is always a max ring count
// (64x8=512 bytes) from the 1st RRD. We always allocate the max for
// simplicity. Allocate enough extras to align on 1k boundary.
Adapter->RxTxUnCachedSize = 1024 + ( (sizeof(RRD) + sizeof(TRD)) * MAX_RING_SIZE ); NdisMAllocateSharedMemory(Adapter->MK7AdapterHandle, Adapter->RxTxUnCachedSize, FALSE, // non-cached
(PVOID) &Adapter->RxTxUnCached, &Adapter->RxTxUnCachedPhys); if (Adapter->RxTxUnCached == NULL) { Adapter->pRrd = Adapter->pTrd = NULL;
MKLogError(Adapter, EVENT_12, NDIS_ERROR_CODE_OUT_OF_RESOURCES, 0); DBGSTR(("ERROR: Failed alloc for RRDs & TRDs\n")); DBGLOG("<= SetupAdapterMemory: (ERR - RRD/TRD mem)", Adapter->RxTxUnCachedSize); return (NDIS_STATUS_FAILURE); } // Align to 1K boundary.
// NOTE: We don't modify RxTxUnCached. We need it for release later.
alignedphys = NdisGetPhysicalAddressLow(Adapter->RxTxUnCachedPhys); alignedphys += 0x000003FF; alignedphys &= (~0x000003FF); Adapter->pRrdTrdPhysAligned = alignedphys; Adapter->pRrdTrd = Adapter->RxTxUnCached + (alignedphys - NdisGetPhysicalAddressLow(Adapter->RxTxUnCachedPhys));
Adapter->pRrd = Adapter->pRrdTrd; Adapter->pRrdPhys = Adapter->pRrdTrdPhysAligned; // TRDs are right after RRDs (see Phoenix doc)
Adapter->pTrd = Adapter->pRrd + (sizeof(RRD) * MAX_RING_SIZE); Adapter->pTrdPhys = Adapter->pRrdPhys + (sizeof(RRD) * MAX_RING_SIZE);
// Allocate RX memory
// 1. Cacheable control structures (RCBs, RPDs),
// 2. Non-cacheable DMA buffers.
// RCBs and RPDs (cached)
Adapter->RecvCachedSize = ( Adapter->NumRcb * sizeof(RCB) + Adapter->NumRpd * sizeof(RPD) ); Status = ALLOC_SYS_MEM(&Adapter->RecvCached, Adapter->RecvCachedSize); if (Status != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { Adapter->RecvCached = (PUCHAR) 0;
MKLogError(Adapter, EVENT_13, NDIS_ERROR_CODE_OUT_OF_RESOURCES, 0); DBGSTR(("ERROR: Failed allocate %d bytes for RecvCached mem\n", Adapter->RecvCachedSize)); DBGLOG("<= SetupAdapterMemory: (ERR - RCB/RPD mem)", Adapter->RecvCachedSize); return (Status); } DBGSTR(("Allocated %08x %8d bytes for RecvCached mem\n", Adapter->RecvCached, Adapter->RecvCachedSize)); NdisZeroMemory((PVOID) Adapter->RecvCached, Adapter->RecvCachedSize);
// RX data buffers (non-cached)
// Alignment!?
Adapter->RecvUnCachedSize = (Adapter->NumRpd * RPD_BUFFER_SIZE); NdisMAllocateSharedMemory( Adapter->MK7AdapterHandle, Adapter->RecvUnCachedSize, FALSE, // non-cached
(PVOID) &Adapter->RecvUnCached, &Adapter->RecvUnCachedPhys ); if (Adapter->RecvUnCached == NULL) { MKLogError(Adapter, EVENT_14, NDIS_ERROR_CODE_OUT_OF_RESOURCES, 0); DBGSTR(("ERROR: Failed allocate %d bytes for RecvUnCached mem\n", Adapter->RecvUnCachedSize)); DBGLOG("<= SetupAdapterMemory: (ERR - RPD buff mem)", Adapter->RecvUnCachedSize); return (NDIS_STATUS_FAILURE); } DBGSTR(("Allocated %08x %8d bytes for RecvUnCached mem\n", Adapter->RecvUnCached, Adapter->RecvUnCachedSize)); NdisZeroMemory((PVOID) Adapter->RecvUnCached, Adapter->RecvUnCachedSize);
// Allocate TX memory
// 1. Cacheable control structure (TCBs),
// 2. Non-cacheable DMA buffers (coalesce).
// TCBs (cached)
Adapter->XmitCachedSize = (Adapter->NumTcb * sizeof(TCB)); Status = ALLOC_SYS_MEM(&Adapter->XmitCached, Adapter->XmitCachedSize); if (Status != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { Adapter->XmitCached = (PUCHAR) 0;
MKLogError(Adapter, EVENT_13, NDIS_ERROR_CODE_OUT_OF_RESOURCES, 0); DBGSTR(("ERROR: Failed allocate %d bytes for XmitCached mem\n", Adapter->XmitCachedSize)); DBGLOG("<= SetupAdapterMemory: (ERR - TCB mem)", Adapter->XmitCachedSize); return (Status); } DBGSTR(("Allocated %08x %8d bytes for XmitCached mem\n", Adapter->XmitCached, Adapter->XmitCachedSize)); NdisZeroMemory((PVOID) Adapter->XmitCached, Adapter->XmitCachedSize);
// TX coalesce data buffers (non-cached)
Adapter->XmitUnCachedSize = ((Adapter->NumTcb + 1) * COALESCE_BUFFER_SIZE);
// Do we need to paragraph align this memory?
NdisMAllocateSharedMemory( Adapter->MK7AdapterHandle, Adapter->XmitUnCachedSize, FALSE, (PVOID) &Adapter->XmitUnCached, &Adapter->XmitUnCachedPhys);
if (Adapter->XmitUnCached == NULL) { MKLogError(Adapter, EVENT_15, NDIS_ERROR_CODE_OUT_OF_RESOURCES, 0); DBGSTR(("ERROR: Failed allocate %d bytes for XmitUnCached mem\n", Adapter->XmitUnCachedSize)); DBGLOG("<= SetupAdapterMemory: (ERR - TX buff mem)", (ULONG)0); return (NDIS_STATUS_FAILURE); } DBGSTR(("Allocated %08x %8d bytes for XmitUnCached mem\n", Adapter->XmitUnCached, Adapter->XmitUnCachedSize)); // initialize this recently allocated area to zeros
NdisZeroMemory((PVOID) Adapter->XmitUnCached, Adapter->XmitUnCachedSize);
DBGLOG("<= SetupAdapterMemory", 0); return (NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS); }
// Procedure: [ReleaseAdapterMemory]
// Description: This is the reverse of AllocAdapterMemory(). We deallocate the
// shared memory data structures for the Adapter structure. This includes
// the both the cached and uncached memory allocations. We also free any
// allocated map registers in this routine.
// Arguments:
// Adapter - Ptr to the Adapter structure
// Returns: (none)
VOID ReleaseAdapterMemory(PMK7_ADAPTER Adapter) { UINT i; PRCB rcb; PRPD rpd;
DBGFUNC("ReleaseAdapterMemory"); DBGLOG("=> ReleaseAdapterMemory", 0);
// Release RX memory
// Packet and buffer descriptors and pools
if (Adapter->ReceivePacketPool) { DBGLOG("Freeing Packet Pool resources\n", 0);
rcb = Adapter->pRcb; for (i=0; i<Adapter->NumRcb; i++) { NdisFreeBuffer(rcb->rpd->ReceiveBuffer); NdisFreePacket(rcb->rpd->ReceivePacket); rcb++; }
rpd = (PRPD) QueuePopHead(&Adapter->FreeRpdList); while (rpd != (PRPD)NULL) { NdisFreeBuffer(rpd->ReceiveBuffer); NdisFreePacket(rpd->ReceivePacket); rpd = (PRPD) QueuePopHead(&Adapter->FreeRpdList); }
NdisFreeBufferPool(Adapter->ReceiveBufferPool); NdisFreePacketPool(Adapter->ReceivePacketPool); }
// RCBs (cacheable)
if (Adapter->RecvCached) { DBGLOG("Freeing %d bytes RecvCached\n", Adapter->RecvCachedSize); NdisFreeMemory((PVOID) Adapter->RecvCached, Adapter->RecvCachedSize, 0); Adapter->RecvCached = (PUCHAR) 0; }
// RX shared data buffer memory (non-cacheable)
if (Adapter->RecvUnCached) { DBGLOG("Freeing %d bytes RecvUnCached\n", Adapter->RecvUnCachedSize);
NdisMFreeSharedMemory( Adapter->MK7AdapterHandle, Adapter->RecvUnCachedSize, FALSE, (PVOID) Adapter->RecvUnCached, Adapter->RecvUnCachedPhys); Adapter->RecvUnCached = (PUCHAR) 0; }
// Release TX memory
// TCBs (cacheable)
if (Adapter->XmitCached) { DBGLOG("Freeing %d bytes XmitCached\n", Adapter->XmitCachedSize); NdisFreeMemory((PVOID) Adapter->XmitCached, Adapter->XmitCachedSize, 0); Adapter->XmitCached = (PUCHAR) 0; }
// TX shared data buffer memory (non-cacheable)
if (Adapter->XmitUnCached) { DBGLOG("Freeing %d bytes XmitUnCached\n", Adapter->XmitUnCachedSize);
// Now free the shared memory that was used for the command blocks and
// transmit buffers.
NdisMFreeSharedMemory( Adapter->MK7AdapterHandle, Adapter->XmitUnCachedSize, FALSE, (PVOID) Adapter->XmitUnCached, Adapter->XmitUnCachedPhys ); Adapter->XmitUnCached = (PUCHAR) 0; }
// RRDs/TRDs (Ring) & Reg Map (non-cacheable)
// If this is a miniport driver we must free our allocated map registers
if (Adapter->NumMapRegisters) { NdisMFreeMapRegisters(Adapter->MK7AdapterHandle); }
// Now the TRDs & RRDs
if (Adapter->RxTxUnCached) { NdisMFreeSharedMemory( Adapter->MK7AdapterHandle, Adapter->RxTxUnCachedSize, FALSE, (PVOID) Adapter->RxTxUnCached, Adapter->RxTxUnCachedPhys ); }
DBGLOG("<= ReleaseAdapterMemory", 0); }
// Procedure: [FreeAdapterObject]
// Description: Free all allocated resources for the adapter.
// Arguments:
// Adapter - ptr to Adapter object instance
// Returns: (none)
VOID FreeAdapterObject(PMK7_ADAPTER Adapter) { DBGFUNC("FreeAdapterObject");
// The reverse of AllocAdapterMemory().
// Delete any IO mappings that we have registered
if (Adapter->MappedIoBase) { NdisMDeregisterIoPortRange( Adapter->MK7AdapterHandle, (UINT) Adapter->MKBaseIo, Adapter->MappedIoRange, (PVOID) Adapter->MappedIoBase); }
// free the adapter object itself
FREE_SYS_MEM(Adapter, sizeof(MK7_ADAPTER)); }
// Procedure: [SetupTransmitQueues]
// Description: Setup TRBs, TRDs and TX data buffs at INIT time. This routine
// may also be called at RESET time.
// Arguments:
// Adapter - ptr to Adapter object instance
// DebugPrint - A boolean value that will be TRUE if this routine is to
// write all of transmit queue debug info to the debug terminal.
// Returns: (none)
VOID SetupTransmitQueues(PMK7_ADAPTER Adapter, BOOLEAN DebugPrint) { UINT i; PTCB tcb; PTRD trd; PUCHAR databuff; ULONG databuffphys;
DBGLOG("=> SetupTransmitQueues", 0);
Adapter->nextAvailTcbIdx = 0; Adapter->nextReturnTcbIdx = 0;
Adapter->pTcb = (PTCB)Adapter->XmitCached;
tcb = Adapter->pTcb; // TCB
trd = (PTRD)Adapter->pTrd; // TRD
databuff = Adapter->XmitUnCached; databuffphys = NdisGetPhysicalAddressLow(Adapter->XmitUnCachedPhys);// shared data buffer
// Pair up a TCB w/ a TRD, and init ownership of TRDs to the driver.
// Setup the physical buffer to the Ring descriptor (TRD).
for (i=0; i<Adapter->NumTcb; i++) { tcb->trd = trd; tcb->buff = databuff; tcb->buffphy = databuffphys;
LOGTXPHY(databuffphys); // for debug
trd->count = 0; trd->status = 0; trd->addr = (UINT)databuffphys; GrantTrdToDrv(trd);
Adapter->pTcbArray[i] = tcb;
tcb++; trd++; databuff += COALESCE_BUFFER_SIZE; databuffphys += COALESCE_BUFFER_SIZE; }
// Initialize the Transmit queueing pointers to NULL
Adapter->FirstTxQueue = (PNDIS_PACKET) NULL; Adapter->LastTxQueue = (PNDIS_PACKET) NULL; Adapter->NumPacketsQueued = 0;
DBGLOG("<= SetupTransmitQueues", 0); }
// Procedure: [SetupReceiveQueues]
// Description: Setup all rx-related descriptors, buffers, etc. using memory
// allocated during init. Also setup our buffers for NDIS 5 and multiple
// receive indications through a packet array.
// Arguments:
// Adapter - ptr to Adapter object instance
// Returns: (none)
VOID SetupReceiveQueues(PMK7_ADAPTER Adapter) { UINT i; PRCB rcb; PRRD rrd; PRPD rpd; PUCHAR databuff; ULONG databuffphys; PRPD *TempPtr; NDIS_STATUS status;
DBGLOG("=> SetupReceiveQueues", 0);
Adapter->nextRxRcbIdx = 0;
// 4.0.1 BOC
Adapter->UsedRpdCount = 0; Adapter->rcbPendRpdCnt = 0; // April 8, 2001.
// 4.0.1 EOC
Adapter->pRcb = (PRCB)Adapter->RecvCached;
// Our driver does not currently use async allocs. However, it's
// still true that we have only one buffer per rx packet.
NdisAllocatePacketPool(&status, &Adapter->ReceivePacketPool, Adapter->NumRpd, NUM_BYTES_PROTOCOL_RESERVED_SECTION); ASSERT(status == NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS);
NdisAllocateBufferPool(&status, &Adapter->ReceiveBufferPool, Adapter->NumRpd); ASSERT(status == NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS);
// Pair up a RCB w/ a RRD
rcb = Adapter->pRcb; rrd = (PRRD)Adapter->pRrd; for (i=0; i<Adapter->NumRcb; i++) { rcb->rrd = rrd;
rrd->count = 0; GrantRrdToHw(rrd);
Adapter->pRcbArray[i] = rcb;
rcb++; rrd++; }
// Now set up the RPDs and the data buffers. The RPDs come right
// after the RCBs in RecvCached memory. Put the RPDs on FreeRpdList.
// Map the databuff to NDIS Packet/Buffer.
// "Adapter->pRcb + Adapter->NumRcb" will skip over (NumRcb * sizeof(RCB))
// bytes to get to RPDs because pRcb is ptr to RCB.
rpd = (PRPD) (Adapter->pRcb + Adapter->NumRcb); databuff = Adapter->RecvUnCached; databuffphys = NdisGetPhysicalAddressLow(Adapter->RecvUnCachedPhys); for (i=0; i<Adapter->NumRpd; i++) {
rpd->databuff = databuff; rpd->databuffphys = databuffphys;
NdisAllocatePacket(&status, &rpd->ReceivePacket, Adapter->ReceivePacketPool); ASSERT(status== NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS);
// Set the medium-specific header size in OOB data block.
NdisAllocateBuffer(&status, &rpd->ReceiveBuffer, Adapter->ReceiveBufferPool, (PVOID)databuff, MK7_MAXIMUM_PACKET_SIZE); ASSERT(status == NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS);
NdisChainBufferAtFront(rpd->ReceivePacket, rpd->ReceiveBuffer);
QueuePutTail(&Adapter->FreeRpdList, &rpd->link);
TempPtr = (PRPD *)&rpd->ReceivePacket->MiniportReserved; *TempPtr = rpd;
rpd++; databuff += RPD_BUFFER_SIZE; databuffphys += RPD_BUFFER_SIZE; }
// Assign a RPB to each RCB, and setup the related RRD's data ptr.
rcb = Adapter->pRcb; rrd = rcb->rrd; for (i=0; i<Adapter->NumRcb; i++) { rpd = (PRPD) QueuePopHead(&Adapter->FreeRpdList); rcb->rpd = rpd; rrd->addr = rpd->databuffphys; rcb++; rrd = rcb->rrd; } }
// Procedure: [InitializeMK7] (RYM-IRDA)
// Description: Init the Phoenix core to SIR mode.
// Arguments:
// Adapter - ptr to Adapter object instance
// Returns:
BOOLEAN InitializeMK7(PMK7_ADAPTER Adapter) { ULONG phyaddr; MK7REG mk7reg;
// Setup Ring Base Address & Ring Size. Need to shift down/right
// 10 bits first.
phyaddr = (Adapter->pRrdTrdPhysAligned >> 10); MK7Reg_Write(Adapter, R_RBAL, (USHORT)phyaddr); MK7Reg_Write(Adapter, R_RBAU, (USHORT)(phyaddr >> 16));
// RX & TX ring sizes
// Now need to do this for RX & TX separately.
mk7reg = 0;
switch(Adapter->NumRcb) { case 4: mk7reg = RINGSIZE_RX4; break; case 8: mk7reg = RINGSIZE_RX8; break; case 16: mk7reg = RINGSIZE_RX16; break; case 32: mk7reg = RINGSIZE_RX32; break; case 64: mk7reg = RINGSIZE_RX64; break; }
switch(Adapter->NumTcb) { case 4: mk7reg |= RINGSIZE_TX4; break; case 8: mk7reg |= RINGSIZE_TX8; break; case 16: mk7reg |= RINGSIZE_TX16; break; case 32: mk7reg |= RINGSIZE_TX32; break; case 64: mk7reg |= RINGSIZE_TX64; break; }
MK7Reg_Write(Adapter, R_RSIZ, mk7reg);
// The following is based on Phoenix's Programming Model
// for SIR mode.
// Step 1: clear IRENALBE
// This is the only writeable bit in this reg so just write it.
MK7Reg_Write(Adapter, R_ENAB, ~B_ENAB_IRENABLE);
// Step 3:
// IRCONFIG0 - We init in SIR w/ filter, RX, etc.
#if DBG
if (Adapter->LB == LOOPBACK_HW) { DBGLOG(" Loopback HW", 0);
// MK7Reg_Write(Adapter, R_CFG0, 0x5C40); // HW loopback: ENTX, ENRX, + below
MK7Reg_Write(Adapter, R_CFG0, 0xDC40); // HW loopback: ENTX, ENRX, + below
} else { #endif
// We need to clear EN_MEMSCHD in IRCONFIG0 to reset the TX/RX
// indexes to 0. Eveytime we init we need to do this. Actually we
// just set eveything to zero since we're in ~B_ENAB_IRENABLE mode
// anyway & we do the real setup right away below.
MK7Reg_Write(Adapter, R_CFG0, 0x0000); if (Adapter->Wireless) { // WIRELESS: ..., no invert TX
MK7Reg_Write(Adapter, R_CFG0, 0x0E18); } else { // WIRED: ENRX, DMA, small pkts, SIR, SIR RX filter, invert TX
MK7Reg_Write(Adapter, R_CFG0, 0x0E1A); } #if DBG
} #endif
// Step 4:
// Infrared Phy Reg - Baude Rate & Pulse width
mk7reg = HW_SIR_SPEED_9600; MK7Reg_Write(Adapter, R_CFG2, mk7reg);
// Setup CFG3 - 48Mhz, etc.
//MK7Reg_Write(Adapter, R_CFG3, 0xF606);
// We want to set the following:
// Bit 1 - 1 for 1 RCV pin (for all speeds)
// 2/3 - 48MHz
// 8 - 0 to disable interrupt
// 9 - 0 for SIR
// 11 - 0 for burst mode
MK7Reg_Write(Adapter, R_CFG3, 0xF406);
// Set SEL0/1 for power level control for the 8102. This
// should not affect the 8100.
// IMPORTANT: The FIRSL bit in this register is the same
// as the FIRSL bit in CFG3!
MK7Reg_Write(Adapter, R_GANA, 0x0000);
// More one-time inits are done later when we startup the controller
// (see StartMK7()).
return (TRUE); }
// Procedure: [InitializeAdapter]
// Description:
// Arguments:
// Adapter - ptr to Adapter object instance
// Returns:
// TRUE - If the adapter was initialized
// FALSE - If the adapter failed initialization
BOOLEAN InitializeAdapter(PMK7_ADAPTER Adapter) { UINT i;
for (i=0; i<NUM_BAUDRATES; i++) { if (supportedBaudRateTable[i].bitsPerSec <= Adapter->MaxConnSpeed) { Adapter->AllowedSpeedMask |= supportedBaudRateTable[i].ndisCode; } }
Adapter->supportedSpeedsMask = ALL_IRDA_SPEEDS; Adapter->linkSpeedInfo = &supportedBaudRateTable[BAUDRATE_9600]; Adapter->CurrentSpeed = DEFAULT_BAUD_RATE; // 9600
//Adapter->extraBOFsRequired = MAX_EXTRA_SIR_BOFS; Now configurable
Adapter->writePending = FALSE;
// Set both TRUE to allow Windows to let us know when it wants an update.
Adapter->mediaBusy = TRUE; // Adapter->haveIndicatedMediaBusy = TRUE; // 1.0.0
NdisMInitializeTimer(&Adapter->MinTurnaroundTxTimer, Adapter->MK7AdapterHandle, (PNDIS_TIMER_FUNCTION)MinTurnaroundTxTimeout, (PVOID)Adapter);
// 1.0.0
NdisMInitializeTimer(&Adapter->MK7AsyncResetTimer, Adapter->MK7AdapterHandle, (PNDIS_TIMER_FUNCTION) MK7ResetComplete, (PVOID) Adapter);
return (InitializeMK7(Adapter)); }
// Procedure: [StartMK7]
// Description: All inits are done. Now we can enable the MK7 to
// be able to do RXs and TXs.
VOID StartMK7(PMK7_ADAPTER Adapter) { MK7REG mk7reg;
// The following is based on Phoenix's Programming Model
// for SIR mode.
// Step 5: IR_ENABLE
// Now finish where InitializeMK7() left off. This completes
// the one-time init of the MK7 core.
MK7Reg_Write(Adapter, R_ENAB, B_ENAB_IRENABLE);
MK7Reg_Read(Adapter, R_ENAB, &mk7reg);
// ASSERT(mk7reg == 0x8FFF);
// Still need to do the 1st Prompt. This will be done later
// when we call MK7EnableInterrupt().
// Procedure: [StartAdapter]
// Description: All inits are done. Now we can enable the adapter to
// be able to do RXs and TXs.
VOID StartAdapter(PMK7_ADAPTER Adapter) { StartMK7(Adapter); }
// Procedure; [MKResetComplete]
// Description: This function is called by a timer indicating our
// reset is done (by way of .5 seconds expiring)
// Arguements: NDIS_HANDLE MiniportAdapterContext
// Return: nothing, but sets NdisMResetComplete and enables ints.
VOID MK7ResetComplete(PVOID sysspiff1, NDIS_HANDLE MiniportAdapterContext, PVOID sysspiff2, PVOID sysspiff3) { PMK7_ADAPTER Adapter; MK7REG mk7reg;
// DEBUGFUNC("MKResetComplete");
// INITSTR(("\n"));
Adapter = PMK7_ADAPTER_FROM_CONTEXT_HANDLE(MiniportAdapterContext);
// NdisAcquireSpinLock(&Adapter->Lock); 4.0.1
MK7Reg_Read(Adapter, R_INTS, &Adapter->recentInt); Adapter->recentInt = 0; MK7SwitchToRXMode(Adapter);
NdisMResetComplete(Adapter->MK7AdapterHandle, (NDIS_STATUS) NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS, TRUE);
Adapter->hardwareStatus = NdisHardwareStatusReady;
Adapter->ResetInProgress = FALSE;
// NdisReleaseSpinLock(&Adapter->Lock); // 4.0.1
// Procedure: [ResetTransmitQueues]
// Description: Setup TRBs, TRDs and TX data buffs at INIT time. And Reset
// TCB/RCB Index to zero in both hardware and software
// Arguments:
// Adapter - ptr to Adapter object instance
// DebugPrint - A boolean value that will be TRUE if this routine is to
// write all of transmit queue debug info to the debug terminal.
// Returns: (none)
VOID ResetTransmitQueues(PMK7_ADAPTER Adapter, BOOLEAN DebugPrint) { UINT i; PTCB tcb; PTRD trd; PUCHAR databuff; ULONG databuffphys; MK7REG mk7reg;
DBGLOG("=> SetupTransmitQueues", 0);
Adapter->nextAvailTcbIdx = 0; Adapter->nextReturnTcbIdx = 0;
MK7Reg_Read(Adapter, R_CFG0, &mk7reg); mk7reg &= 0xfbff; MK7Reg_Write(Adapter, R_CFG0, mk7reg); mk7reg |= 0x0400; MK7Reg_Write(Adapter, R_CFG0, mk7reg);
Adapter->pTcb = (PTCB)Adapter->XmitCached;
tcb = Adapter->pTcb; // TCB
trd = (PTRD)Adapter->pTrd; // TRD
databuff = Adapter->XmitUnCached; databuffphys = NdisGetPhysicalAddressLow(Adapter->XmitUnCachedPhys);// shared data buffer
// Pair up a TCB w/ a TRD, and init ownership of TRDs to the driver.
// Setup the physical buffer to the Ring descriptor (TRD).
for (i=0; i<Adapter->NumTcb; i++) { tcb->trd = trd; tcb->buff = databuff; tcb->buffphy = databuffphys;
trd->count = 0; trd->status = 0; trd->addr = (UINT)databuffphys; GrantTrdToDrv(trd);
Adapter->pTcbArray[i] = tcb;
tcb++; trd++; databuff += COALESCE_BUFFER_SIZE; databuffphys += COALESCE_BUFFER_SIZE; }
// Initialize the Transmit queueing pointers to NULL
Adapter->FirstTxQueue = (PNDIS_PACKET) NULL; Adapter->LastTxQueue = (PNDIS_PACKET) NULL; Adapter->NumPacketsQueued = 0;
DBGLOG("<= SetupTransmitQueues", 0); } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Procedure: [ResetReceiveQueues]
// Description: Reset all the rrd's Ownership to HW
// and byte_counts to zero. All other
// setting (such as rpd) will remain
// same. We do not reset all, because
// some data buffers may still hold by
// by the upper protocol layers.
// Arguments:
// Adapter - ptr to Adapter object instance
// Returns: (none)
VOID ResetReceiveQueues(PMK7_ADAPTER Adapter) { UINT i; PRCB rcb; PRRD rrd;
DBGLOG("=> SetupReceiveQueues", 0);
Adapter->nextRxRcbIdx = 0;
Adapter->pRcb = (PRCB)Adapter->RecvCached;
// Pair up a RCB w/ a RRD
rcb = Adapter->pRcb; rrd = (PRRD)Adapter->pRrd; for (i=0; i<Adapter->NumRcb; i++) { rcb->rrd = rrd;
rrd->count = 0; GrantRrdToHw(rrd);
Adapter->pRcbArray[i] = rcb;
rcb++; rrd++; } }