* DRIVEARB.C * * * DRIVEARB.DLL - Shared Drive Aribiter for shared disks and libraries * - inter-machine sharing client * - inter-app sharing service * * Author: ErvinP * * (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation * */
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <wtypes.h>
#include <dlmhdr.h> // BUGBUG - get a common DLM header from Cluster team
#include <drivearb.h>
#include "internal.h"
* SHARED DATA Section * * Note: in order for global data items to be placed * in a non-default section, they must be * explicitly initialized! */ #pragma data_seg("DRIVEARB_SharedDataSection")
DWORD g_initializingGlobals = 0; DWORD g_numDrivesInFileMap = 0; #pragma data_seg()
#pragma comment(linker, "/section:DRIVEARB_SharedDataSection,rws")
* These are the process-local handles to the inter-process SHARED global: * mutex * fileMapping for the drives array * view pointer into that fileMapping */ HANDLE g_hSharedGlobalMutex = NULL; HANDLE g_allDrivesFileMap = NULL; driveContext *g_allDrivesViewPtr = NULL;
STDAPI_(BOOL) DllMain(HINSTANCE hinst, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved) { BOOL result = FALSE;
switch (dwReason){
* DllMain calls are synchronized on a per-process basis, * but not between processes, so we need some synchronization * here while creating our globalMutex handle. * Since we don't even have our global mutex yet, * use InterlockedIncrement on a shared-data counter here * to synchronize multiple DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH calls. */ while (InterlockedIncrement(&g_initializingGlobals) != 1){ InterlockedDecrement(&g_initializingGlobals); Sleep(1); }
* See if the global mutex is already allocated * for some other process by trying to open it. * If not, allocate it. */ g_hSharedGlobalMutex = OpenMutex(SYNCHRONIZE, FALSE, GLOBAL_MUTEX_NAME); if (!g_hSharedGlobalMutex){ g_hSharedGlobalMutex = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, GLOBAL_MUTEX_NAME); }
if (g_hSharedGlobalMutex){ result = InitDrivesFileMappingForProcess(); }
* Don't need to synchronize with other processes here * because we're only closing our process-local handles. */
if (g_hSharedGlobalMutex){ CloseHandle(g_hSharedGlobalMutex); g_hSharedGlobalMutex = NULL; }
result = TRUE; break;
case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH: case DLL_THREAD_DETACH: default: result = TRUE; break; }
return result; }
HANDLE __stdcall OpenDriveSession(LPSTR driveName, INVALIDATE_DRIVE_HANDLE_PROC invalidateHandleProc) { clientSessionContext *session;
if (lstrlen(driveName) > 0){
if (invalidateHandleProc){
session = NewClientSession(driveName); if (session){ BOOL ok;
WaitForSingleObject(g_hSharedGlobalMutex, INFINITE); ok = InitializeClientArbitration(session); if (ok){ session->driveViewPtr->sessionReferenceCount++; }
if (!ok){ FreeClientSession(session); session = NULL; } } else { ASSERT(session); } } else { ASSERT(invalidateHandleProc); session = NULL; } } else { ASSERT(lstrlen(driveName) > 0); session = NULL; }
return (HANDLE)session; }
VOID __stdcall CloseDriveSession(HANDLE hSession) { clientSessionContext *session = (clientSessionContext *)hSession;
if (session->sig == DRIVEARB_SIG){ // sanity check
WaitForSingleObject(g_hSharedGlobalMutex, INFINITE);
* Need to lock drive to make sure driveViewPtr is valid. */ if (LOCKDriveForSession(session)){
ASSERT(session->driveViewPtr->sessionReferenceCount > 0); session->driveViewPtr->sessionReferenceCount--;
UNLOCKDriveForSession(session); }
FreeClientSession(session); } else { ASSERT(session->sig == DRIVEARB_SIG); }
BOOL __stdcall AcquireDrive(HANDLE hDriveSession, DWORD flags) { clientSessionContext *session = (clientSessionContext *)hDriveSession; BOOL result = FALSE;
if (session->sig == DRIVEARB_SIG){ // sanity check
if (LOCKDriveForSession(session)){ driveContext *drive = session->driveViewPtr; BOOL gotAppOwnership = FALSE; BOOL unlockedAbort = FALSE;
* Attempt to get ownership of the drive * for this node synchronously. * This should not fail. * * BUGBUG - need to implement DRIVEARB_NOWAIT flag in arbiter, too */ BOOL gotNodeOwnership; gotNodeOwnership = AcquireNodeLevelOwnership(session); if (gotNodeOwnership){ drive->state = DRIVESTATE_AVAILABLE_LOCALLY; } else { ASSERT(gotNodeOwnership); } }
if (drive->state == DRIVESTATE_AVAILABLE_LOCALLY){ gotAppOwnership = TRUE; } else if (drive->state == DRIVESTATE_INUSE_LOCALLY){
* The drive is owned by the local node, * but some other app is using it. * Wait to get ownership by the calling app. */ while (TRUE){ BOOL availableNow;
* This is not possible now, but may become possible * if we implement some sort of fairness (such that * we may release node-level ownership in ReleaseDrive * even though local clients are waiting). */ availableNow = FALSE; } else if (drive->state == DRIVESTATE_AVAILABLE_LOCALLY){ availableNow = TRUE; } else if ((flags & DRIVEARB_REQUEST_READ) && drive->denyRead){ availableNow = FALSE; } else if ((flags & DRIVEARB_REQUEST_WRITE) && drive->denyWrite){ availableNow = FALSE; } else if ((drive->numCurrentReaders > 0) && !(flags & DRIVEARB_INTRANODE_SHARE_READ)){ availableNow = FALSE; } else if ((drive->numCurrentWriters > 0) && !(flags & DRIVEARB_INTRANODE_SHARE_WRITE)){ availableNow = FALSE; } else { availableNow = TRUE; }
if (availableNow){ gotAppOwnership = TRUE; break; } else if (flags & DRIVEARB_NOWAIT){ break; } else { /*
* We need to wait for the drive to become available. */ DWORD waitRes;
// DBGMSG("AcquireDrive waiting ...", (ULONG_PTR)session->sessionDriveEvent);
session->state = CLIENTSTATE_WAITING; drive->numWaitingSessions++;
* Unlock the drive while waiting for the event. */ UNLOCKDriveForSession(session);
waitRes = WaitForSingleObject(session->sessionDriveEvent, INFINITE);
// DBGMSG(" ... AcquireDrive done waiting.", waitRes);
if (waitRes == WAIT_FAILED){ DWORD errCode = GetLastError(); DBGMSG("WaitForSingleObject failed with:", errCode); }
if (LOCKDriveForSession(session)){ drive->numWaitingSessions--; } else { /*
* Couldn't re-lock, abort. * * BUGBUG - numWaitingSessions is wrong now, * but can't correct it because can't lock the drive */ unlockedAbort = TRUE; break; }
} }
if (gotAppOwnership){
if (flags & DRIVEARB_REQUEST_READ){ drive->numCurrentReaders++; } if (flags & DRIVEARB_REQUEST_WRITE){ drive->numCurrentWriters++; }
if (!(flags & DRIVEARB_INTRANODE_SHARE_READ)){ drive->denyRead = TRUE; } if (!(flags & DRIVEARB_INTRANODE_SHARE_WRITE)){ drive->denyWrite = TRUE; }
session->shareFlags = flags; session->state = CLIENTSTATE_ACTIVE;
result = TRUE; }
if (!unlockedAbort){ UNLOCKDriveForSession(session); } }
} else { ASSERT(session->sig == DRIVEARB_SIG); }
return result; }
VOID __stdcall ReleaseDrive(HANDLE hDriveSession) { clientSessionContext *session = (clientSessionContext *)hDriveSession;
// DBGMSG("> ReleaseDrive", 0);
if (session->sig == DRIVEARB_SIG){ // sanity check
driveContext *drive;
if (LOCKDriveForSession(session)){ BOOL eventSetOk;
drive = session->driveViewPtr;
if (session->shareFlags & DRIVEARB_REQUEST_READ){ ASSERT(drive->numCurrentReaders > 0); drive->numCurrentReaders--; } if (session->shareFlags & DRIVEARB_REQUEST_WRITE){ ASSERT(drive->numCurrentWriters > 0); drive->numCurrentWriters--; }
if (!(session->shareFlags & DRIVEARB_INTRANODE_SHARE_READ)){ ASSERT(drive->denyRead); drive->denyRead = FALSE; } if (!(session->shareFlags & DRIVEARB_INTRANODE_SHARE_WRITE)){ ASSERT(drive->denyWrite); drive->denyWrite = FALSE; }
session->state = CLIENTSTATE_INACTIVE;
* Only release the drive to other machines if there are * no clients waiting for it on this machine. * * BUGBUG - implement some fairness to apps on other nodes */ ASSERT(drive->state == DRIVESTATE_INUSE_LOCALLY); if (drive->numWaitingSessions == 0){ ReleaseNodeLevelOwnership(session); drive->state = DRIVESTATE_UNAVAILABLE_LOCALLY; } else { drive->state = DRIVESTATE_AVAILABLE_LOCALLY; }
// DBGMSG("ReleaseDrive setting event:", (ULONG_PTR)session->sessionDriveEvent);
eventSetOk = PulseEvent(session->sessionDriveEvent); if (!eventSetOk){ DWORD errCode = GetLastError(); DBGMSG("PulseEvent failed with:", errCode); } }
} else { ASSERT(session->sig == DRIVEARB_SIG); }
// DBGMSG("< ReleaseDrive", 0);