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  6. <TITLE>FPFilter
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  10. <FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE=5><H2>FPFilter
  11. </H2>
  12. </FONT><FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE=2>
  13. <P><span style="color:#FF0000;font-size:10pt;font-family:Arial">[This is preliminary
  14. documentation and subject to change.]</span></P>
  15. <H3>SUMMARY</H3></FONT><FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE=2><P>
  16. FPFilter is a sample disk filter driver that demonstrates how a disk
  17. failure prediction filter driver could be implemented. A failure prediction
  18. filter driver can predict when a disk may fail and notify the disk driver stack
  19. of this condition. The disk driver stack will then alert the operating system to the
  20. condition. A failure prediction filter driver can use proprietary hardware requests
  21. and/or software algorithms to predict disk failure.<p>
  23. SIZE=2><P>
  24. Follow these steps to WMI-enable a driver with the sample code:<p>
  25. 1.
  26. Determine the algorithm to use to predict disk failure.
  27. Add code for this in the <b>FpFilterDeviceControl</b> routine where it handles the
  28. IOCTL_STORAGE_FAILURE_PREDICTION I/O control (IOCTL). <o:p></o:p></span></p>
  29. 2.
  30. Disk drives that are implemented to the ATAPI SMART specification or the
  31. SCSI Informational Exceptions specification already have failure prediction support
  32. built into the disk driver stack. The filter driver can forward the IOCTL to
  33. the next device on its stack and examine the returned information to determine
  34. if the disk driver stack is reporting failure.<o:p></o:p></span></p>
  35. 3.
  36. Enter
  37. the checked or free build environment. Then, while in the Fpfilter sample
  38. directory, type <b>build</b>. A successful build produces the binary Fpfilter.sys.<o:p></o:p></span></p>
  39. 4.
  40. To install the failure
  41. prediction filter driver for a specific disk, first install the filter driver using the Add Hardware Wizard. This will install Fpfilter.inf.
  42. Then use the AddFilter tool to include the failure prediction filter driver as an
  43. upper filter on a specific physical disk.
  44. <H3>RESOURCES</H3></FONT><FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE=2><P>
  45. Please see the <i>Kernel-Mode Drivers</i> section of Microsoft&reg;&nbsp;Windows&reg;&nbsp;
  46. 2000 DDK documentation for more information.
  47. <H3>CODE TOUR</H3>
  48. <H4>File Manifest</H4>
  49. </FONT><U><PRE>File&#9;&#9;Description
  50. </U>
  51. Fpfilter.c&#9;Failure prediction filter driver code.
  52. Fpfilter.rc&#9;Resource file containing version information.
  53. Fpfilter.inf&#9;INF file used to install the filter driver service.
  54. Makefile&#9;Standard Microsoft&reg; Windows NT&reg;/Windows&reg;&nbsp;2000 makefile.
  55. Sources&#9; Sources for build.
  56. </FONT><P ALIGN="CENTER"><A HREF="#top"><FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE=2>Top of
  57. page</FONT></A><FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE=2> </P></FONT>
  60. <P></TD>
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  63. <FONT FACE="MS Sans Serif" SIZE=1><P>&copy; Microsoft Corporation 1999</FONT><FONT
  64. FACE="Verdana" SIZE=2> </P></FONT></BODY>