#include "mpio.h"
NTSTATUS MPIOInitiateFailOver( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PVOID FailingPath, IN ULONG ErrorMask ) { PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension = DeviceObject->DeviceExtension; PMPDISK_EXTENSION diskExtension = deviceExtension->TypeExtension; PDSM_ENTRY dsm = &diskExtension->DsmInfo; PREAL_DEV_INFO targetInfo; PVOID newPath = NULL; NTSTATUS status; WCHAR buffer[64];
MPDebugPrint((0, "InitiateFailOver: Invalidating %x\n", FailingPath)); //
// Initiate the fail-over.
status = dsm->InvalidatePath(dsm->DsmContext, ErrorMask, FailingPath, &newPath);
MPDebugPrint((0, "InitiateFailOver: New Path (%x)\n", newPath));
// TODO - Put in real Path identiifiers.
swprintf(buffer,L"Path (%x) Failed Over to (%x)", FailingPath, newPath); MPIOFireEvent(DeviceObject, L"MPIO WrkerThrd", buffer, MPIO_WARNING); //
// If successful, go into DEGRADED
if ((status == STATUS_SUCCESS) && newPath) {
// Ensure that newPath actually is found in one of the TargetInfo
// structures that make up this mpdisk.
targetInfo = MPIOGetTargetInfo(diskExtension, newPath, NULL);
if (targetInfo == NULL) { MPDebugPrint((0, "MPIOInitiateFailOver: No match for path (%x)\n", newPath)); DbgBreakPoint(); return STATUS_NO_SUCH_DEVICE; } ASSERT(newPath == targetInfo->PathId);
// Verify that this path/device combo. is ready.
status = dsm->PathVerify(dsm->DsmContext, targetInfo->DsmID, targetInfo->PathId); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { MPDebugPrint((0, "MPIOInitiateFailOver: PathVerify failed (%x)\n", status)); //
// Log.
return status; }
// Ensure the new path is active.
// Invalidate path should have done everything to assure that
// the new device(s) are ready.
targetInfo->PathActive = dsm->IsPathActive(dsm->DsmContext, newPath); ASSERT(targetInfo->PathActive); //
// Set CurrentPath to this new one.
diskExtension->CurrentPath = newPath;
// Update all that are using this path, that it has changed.
MPIOSetNewPath(diskExtension->ControlObject, newPath); } else { if (newPath == NULL) { MPDebugPrint((0, "MPIOInitiateFailOver: DSM returned NULL path\n")); }
if (status != STATUS_SUCCESS) {
// LOG
MPDebugPrint((0, "MPIOInitiateFailOver: DSM returned (%x)\n", status)); }
// Set the path to NULL. The callback will key off this and the bad status.
diskExtension->CurrentPath = NULL; DbgBreakPoint(); } return status; }
VOID MPIORecoveryThread( IN PVOID Context ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is the thread proc that is started upon creation of an mpdisk. When signaled, it will initiate the fail-over, insure that the new path is ready, then call-back the mpdisk to indicate success or failure of the operation. Arguments:
Context - Info needed to handle the fail-over.
Return Value:
--*/ { PMPIO_THREAD_CONTEXT context = Context; PDEVICE_OBJECT deviceObject = context->DeviceObject; PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension = deviceObject->DeviceExtension; PMPDISK_EXTENSION diskExtension = deviceExtension->TypeExtension; PKEVENT event = context->Event; PVOID failingPath; MPIO_CALLBACK RequestComplete; PMPIO_REQUEST_INFO requestInfo; PLIST_ENTRY entry; NTSTATUS status; ULONG i;
KeSetPriorityThread(KeGetCurrentThread(), LOW_REALTIME_PRIORITY);
while (TRUE) { //
// Wait on the event.
KeWaitForSingleObject(event, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL);
// Yank the packet.
entry = ExInterlockedRemoveHeadList(&diskExtension->WorkList, &diskExtension->WorkListLock); ASSERT(entry);
// Get the actual work item.
requestInfo = CONTAINING_RECORD(entry, MPIO_REQUEST_INFO, ListEntry);
// Get the call-back proc.
RequestComplete = requestInfo->RequestComplete; //
// Determine the operation.
if (requestInfo->Operation == INITIATE_FAILOVER) {
// Get the device that indicated the failure.
failingPath = requestInfo->OperationSpecificInfo;
// Asking for a fail-over. Call the handler.
status = MPIOInitiateFailOver(deviceObject, failingPath, requestInfo->ErrorMask);
} else if (requestInfo->Operation == SHUTDOWN) {
// Being signaled to die.
ExFreePool(requestInfo); goto terminateThread;
} else if (requestInfo->Operation == FORCE_RESCAN) { PFLTR_ENTRY fltrEntry; fltrEntry = (PFLTR_ENTRY)(requestInfo->OperationSpecificInfo); MPIOForceRescan(fltrEntry->FilterObject);
// Indicate that the rescan is complete.
fltrEntry->Flags &= ~FLTR_FLAGS_RESCANNING;
} else if (requestInfo->Operation == PATH_REMOVAL) {
PDSM_ENTRY dsm = &diskExtension->DsmInfo;
MPDebugPrint((0, "RecoveryThread: Removing Path (%x)\n", requestInfo->OperationSpecificInfo));
// Call the dsm to clean up. All of the devices have been
// removed, and any pending actions have been completed, so
// it's safe to do this now.
dsm->RemovePath(dsm->DsmContext, requestInfo->OperationSpecificInfo); } else if (requestInfo->Operation == DEVICE_REMOVAL) { PMPIO_DEVICE_REMOVAL deviceRemoval = requestInfo->OperationSpecificInfo;
MPDebugPrint((0, "RecoveryThread: Removing Device (%x) DsmID (%x)\n", deviceRemoval->TargetInfo, deviceRemoval->TargetInfo->DsmID)); //
// Invoke the remove routine.
status = MPIORemoveDeviceAsync(deviceRemoval->DeviceObject, deviceRemoval->TargetInfo);
// Free this allocation.
ExFreePool(deviceRemoval); } else { MPDebugPrint((0, "MPIORecoveryThread: Invalid operation (%x) in (%x)\n", requestInfo->Operation, requestInfo)); ASSERT(FALSE); } if (RequestComplete) {
// Invoke the call-back routine to indicate
// completion.
RequestComplete(deviceObject, requestInfo->Operation, status);
if (requestInfo->Operation == INITIATE_FAILOVER) {
// Force a rescan on the disks adapters.
for (i = 0; i < diskExtension->TargetInfoCount; i++ ) { MPIOForceRescan(diskExtension->TargetInfo[i].DevFilter); } } }
// Dispose of the work item.
ExFreePool(requestInfo); } terminateThread: PsTerminateSystemThread(STATUS_SUCCESS); }