* Module Name: blt32.c * * This module contains the low-level blt functions that are specific to * 32bpp. * * Copyright (c) 1992-1996 Microsoft Corporation * Copyright (c) 1993-1996 Matrox Electronic Systems, Ltd. \**************************************************************************/
#include "precomp.h"
* VOID vMgaPatRealize24bpp * \**************************************************************************/
VOID vMgaPatRealize24bpp( PDEV* ppdev, RBRUSH* prb) { BYTE* pjBase; BRUSHENTRY* pbe; LONG iBrushCache; LONG i; ULONG* pulSrc;
pjBase = ppdev->pjBase;
// We have to allocate a new off-screen cache brush entry for
// the brush:
iBrushCache = ppdev->iBrushCache; pbe = &ppdev->pbe[iBrushCache];
iBrushCache++; if (iBrushCache >= ppdev->cBrushCache) iBrushCache = 0;
ppdev->iBrushCache = iBrushCache;
// Update our links:
pbe->prbVerify = prb; prb->apbe[IBOARD(ppdev)] = pbe;
CP_WRITE(pjBase, DWG_DWGCTL, (opcode_ILOAD + atype_RPL + blockm_OFF + bop_SRCCOPY + bltmod_BUCOL + pattern_OFF + transc_BG_OPAQUE + hcprs_SRC_24_BPP));
if (!(GET_CACHE_FLAGS(ppdev, SIGN_CACHE))) { CP_WRITE(pjBase, DWG_SGN, 0); }
// The SRC0 - SRC3 registers will be trashed by the blt:
ppdev->HopeFlags = SIGN_CACHE;
// Since our brushes are always interleaved, we want to send down
// 2 pels, skip 2 pels, send down 2 pels, etc. So we contrive to
// adjust the blt width and pitch to do that automatically for us:
CP_WRITE(pjBase, DWG_AR3, 0); // Source start address, not
// included in ARX_CACHE
CP_WRITE(pjBase, DWG_SHIFT, 0); CP_WRITE(pjBase, DWG_LEN, 8); // Transfering 8 scans
CP_WRITE(pjBase, DWG_AR0, 8); // Source width is 9
CP_WRITE(pjBase, DWG_AR5, 32); // Source pitch is 32
// I'm guessing that there was a hardware bug found with FXLEFT
// or FXRIGHT being 32 or greater, because the old code does a
// modulo 32 on 'x' for a reason:
CP_WRITE(pjBase, DWG_FXLEFT, pbe->ulLeft); CP_WRITE(pjBase, DWG_FXRIGHT, pbe->ulLeft + 15); CP_WRITE(pjBase, DWG_YDST, pbe->ulYDst); CP_START(pjBase, DWG_PITCH, 32 + ylin_LINEARIZE_NOT);
ASSERTDD(ppdev->iBitmapFormat == BMF_24BPP, "Expect 24bpp packed pattern. You may have to change RealizeBrush");
for (pulSrc = prb->aulPattern, i = 8; i != 0; i--, pulSrc += 6) { CP_WRITE_SRC(pjBase, *(pulSrc)); CP_WRITE_SRC(pjBase, *(pulSrc + 1)); CP_WRITE_SRC(pjBase, *(pulSrc + 2)); CP_WRITE_SRC(pjBase, *(pulSrc + 3)); CP_WRITE_SRC(pjBase, *(pulSrc + 4)); CP_WRITE_SRC(pjBase, *(pulSrc + 5));
// The pattern has to be 9 pixels wide, with an extra copy of
// the first pixel:
CP_WRITE_SRC(pjBase, *(pulSrc )); }
// Don't forget to restore the pitch:
CHECK_FIFO_SPACE(pjBase, 1); CP_WRITE(pjBase, DWG_PITCH, ppdev->cxMemory); }
* VOID vMgaFillPat24bpp * \**************************************************************************/
VOID vMgaFillPat24bpp( // Type FNFILL
PDEV* ppdev, LONG c, // Can't be zero
RECTL* prcl, // List of rectangles to be filled, in relative
// coordinates
ULONG rop4, // Rop4
RBRUSH_COLOR rbc, // rbc.prb points to brush realization structure
POINTL* pptlBrush) // Pattern alignment
{ BYTE* pjBase; BRUSHENTRY* pbe; LONG xOffset; LONG yOffset; CHAR cFifo; ULONG ulHwMix; LONG xLeft; LONG xRight; LONG yTop; LONG cx; LONG cy; LONG xBrush; LONG yBrush; ULONG ulLinear; LONG i;
ASSERTDD(!(rbc.prb->fl & RBRUSH_2COLOR), "Can't do 2 colour brushes here");
ASSERTDD((rbc.prb != NULL) && (rbc.prb->apbe[IBOARD(ppdev)] != NULL), "apbe[iBoard] should be initialized to &beUnrealizedBrush");
// We have to ensure that no other brush took our spot in off-screen
// memory, or we might have to realize the brush for the first time:
pbe = rbc.prb->apbe[IBOARD(ppdev)]; if (pbe->prbVerify != rbc.prb) { vMgaPatRealize24bpp(ppdev, rbc.prb); pbe = rbc.prb->apbe[IBOARD(ppdev)]; }
pjBase = ppdev->pjBase; xOffset = ppdev->xOffset; yOffset = ppdev->yOffset;
do { cFifo = GET_FIFO_SPACE(pjBase) - 4; } while (cFifo < 0);
if (rop4 == 0xf0f0) // PATCOPY
{ CP_WRITE(pjBase, DWG_DWGCTL, (opcode_BITBLT + atype_RPL + blockm_OFF + trans_0 + bltmod_BUCOL + pattern_ON + transc_BG_OPAQUE + bop_SRCCOPY)); } else { ulHwMix = (rop4 & 0x03) + ((rop4 & 0x30) >> 2);
CP_WRITE(pjBase, DWG_DWGCTL, (opcode_BITBLT + atype_RSTR + blockm_OFF + trans_0 + bltmod_BUCOL + pattern_ON + transc_BG_OPAQUE + (ulHwMix << 16))); }
if (!(GET_CACHE_FLAGS(ppdev, SIGN_CACHE))) { CP_WRITE(pjBase, DWG_SGN, 0); }
ppdev->HopeFlags = SIGN_CACHE;
CP_WRITE(pjBase, DWG_SHIFT, 0); CP_WRITE(pjBase, DWG_AR5, 32);
do { yTop = prcl->top; cy = prcl->bottom - yTop; xLeft = prcl->left; cx = prcl->right - xLeft - 1; // Note inclusiveness
xBrush = (xLeft - pptlBrush->x) & 7; yBrush = (yTop - pptlBrush->y) & 7; ulLinear = pbe->ulLinear + (yBrush << 5);
// Convert to absolute coordinates:
xLeft += xOffset; yTop += yOffset;
// Due to hardware limitations, we have to draw the rectangle
// in four or five passes. On each pass, a maximum of two columns
// of the brush can be drawn.
if (xLeft & 1) { // It seems to be a hardware limitation that our passes always
// to start on an even pixel when the width is more than one.
// As such, do an initial strip of width one to align to an even
// pixel:
cFifo -= 6; while (cFifo < 0) { cFifo = GET_FIFO_SPACE(pjBase) - 6; }
CP_WRITE(pjBase, DWG_LEN, cy); CP_WRITE(pjBase, DWG_YDST, yTop); CP_WRITE(pjBase, DWG_AR3, ulLinear + xBrush); CP_WRITE(pjBase, DWG_AR0, ulLinear + xBrush + 3); CP_WRITE(pjBase, DWG_FXLEFT, xLeft); CP_START(pjBase, DWG_FXRIGHT, xLeft);
xBrush = (xBrush + 1) & 7; xLeft++; cx--; if (cx < 0) // Recall inclusiveness
continue; }
i = 4; do { cFifo -= 6; while (cFifo < 0) { cFifo = GET_FIFO_SPACE(pjBase) - 6; }
CP_WRITE(pjBase, DWG_LEN, cy); CP_WRITE(pjBase, DWG_YDST, yTop); CP_WRITE(pjBase, DWG_AR3, ulLinear + xBrush); CP_WRITE(pjBase, DWG_AR0, ulLinear + xBrush + 3); CP_WRITE(pjBase, DWG_FXLEFT, xLeft);
xRight = xLeft + (cx & ~7); if (cx & 7) xRight++;
CP_START(pjBase, DWG_FXRIGHT, xRight);
if (--i == 0) break;
xBrush = (xBrush + 2) & 7; xLeft += 2; cx -= 2;
} while (cx >= 0);
} while (prcl++, --c != 0); }
* VOID vMgaGetBits24bpp * * Reads the bits from the screen at 24bpp \**************************************************************************/
VOID vMgaGetBits24bpp( PDEV* ppdev, // Current src pdev
SURFOBJ* psoDst, // Destination surface for the color bits
RECTL* prclDst, // Area to be modified within the dest surface,
// in absolute coordinates
POINTL* pptlSrc) // Upper left corner of source rectangle,
// in absolute coordinates
{ BYTE* pjBase; BYTE* pbScan0; BYTE* pbDestRect; LONG xSrc, ySrc, xTrg, yTrg, cxTrg, cyTrg, lDestDelta; ULONG temp, ulSSA, ulSSAIncrement, HstStatus, AbortCnt; LONG i, NbDWords; ULONG* pulDest; ULONG* locpulDest; ULONG* pDMAWindow;
pjBase = ppdev->pjBase;
AbortCnt = 1000;
// Calculate the size of the target rectangle, and pick up
// some convenient locals.
// Starting (x,y) and extents within the destination bitmap.
// If an extent is 0 or negative, we don't have anything to do.
cxTrg = prclDst->right - prclDst->left; cyTrg = prclDst->bottom - prclDst->top; xTrg = prclDst->left; yTrg = prclDst->top;
ASSERTDD(cxTrg > 0 && cyTrg > 0, "Shouldn't get empty extents");
// First scanline of the destination bitmap.
pbScan0 = (BYTE*) psoDst->pvScan0;
// Starting (x,y) on the screen.
xSrc = pptlSrc->x; ySrc = pptlSrc->y;
// Scan increment within the destination bitmap.
lDestDelta = psoDst->lDelta;
// Calculate the location of the destination rectangle.
pbDestRect = pbScan0 + (yTrg * lDestDelta); pbDestRect += 3*xTrg;
// Set the registers that can be set now for the operation.
// SIGN_CACHE=1 and cuts 1 register from the setup.
// SGN 0
// SHIFT 0
// AR0 sea: ySrc*pitch + xSrc + cxTrg - 1
// AR3 ssa: ySrc*pitch + xSrc
// AR5 Screen pitch
// FXRIGHT cxTrg - 1
// LEN cyTrg
if (!(GET_CACHE_FLAGS(ppdev, SIGN_CACHE))) { CP_WRITE(pjBase, DWG_SGN, 0); ppdev->HopeFlags |= SIGN_CACHE; }
CP_WRITE(pjBase, DWG_SHIFT, 0); CP_WRITE(pjBase, DWG_YDST, 0);
CP_WRITE(pjBase, DWG_FXLEFT, 0); CP_WRITE(pjBase, DWG_FXRIGHT, (cxTrg - 1));
CP_WRITE(pjBase, DWG_AR5, ppdev->cxMemory);
// The SRC0-3 registers are trashed by the blt.
ppdev->HopeFlags &= ~(ARX_CACHE | PATTERN_CACHE);
CP_WRITE(pjBase, DWG_DWGCTL, (opcode_IDUMP+atype_RPL+blockm_OFF+ bop_SRCCOPY+bltmod_BUCOL+pattern_OFF+ transc_BG_OPAQUE));
// We won't have a full-speed routine, because we must read 32 bits per
// pixel and either store only 24 bits (if the destination bitmap is
// 24bpp), or mask out the eight msb's and then store 32 bits (if the
// destination bitmap is 32bpp).
// Source Start Address of the first slice.
ulSSA = ySrc * ppdev->cxMemory + xSrc + ppdev->ulYDstOrg;
// Increment to get to the SSA of the next scanline.
ulSSAIncrement = ppdev->cxMemory;
// Number of full dwords to be read within the loop on each scan.
NbDWords = cxTrg - 1;
pDMAWindow = (ULONG*) (ppdev->pjBase + DMAWND);
locpulDest = (ULONG*) pbDestRect;
// No color translation while copying.
while (cyTrg-- > 0) { do { CHECK_FIFO_SPACE(pjBase, 3);
// This is where we'll start storing data.
pulDest = locpulDest;
// Complete the IDUMP setup.
CP_WRITE(pjBase, DWG_AR3, ulSSA); CP_WRITE(pjBase, DWG_AR0, ulSSA + cxTrg - 1);
// Turn the pseudoDMA on.
BLT_READ_ON(ppdev, pjBase);
CP_START(pjBase, DWG_LEN, 1);
// Make sure the setup is complete.
if (NbDWords) { // There is at least one dword left to be read.
// Copy a number of full dwords from the current scanline.
for (i = 0; i < NbDWords; i++) { temp = CP_READ_DMA(ppdev, pDMAWindow);
* ((UCHAR*)pulDest + 0) = (UCHAR) (temp); * ((UCHAR*)pulDest + 1) = (UCHAR) (temp >> 8); * ((UCHAR*)pulDest + 2) = (UCHAR) (temp >> 16); (UCHAR*)pulDest += 3; } }
// Check for the EngineBusy flag.
for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { HstStatus = CP_READ_STATUS(pjBase); } if (HstStatus &= (dwgengsts_MASK >> 16)) { // The drawing engine is still busy, while it should not be:
// there was a problem with this slice.
// Empty the DMA window.
do { CP_READ_DMA(ppdev, pDMAWindow);
// Check for the EngineBusy flag. If the engine is still
// busy, then we'll have to read another dword.
for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { temp = CP_READ_STATUS(pjBase); } } while (temp & (dwgengsts_MASK >> 16));
// The DMA window should now be empty.
// We cannot check the HST_STATUS two lower bytes anymore,
// so this is new.
if (--AbortCnt > 0) { // Signal we'll have to do this again.
HstStatus = 1; } else { // We tried hard enough, desist.
HstStatus = 0; } } // The last dword to be read should be available now.
temp = CP_READ_DMA(ppdev, pDMAWindow); * ((UCHAR*)pulDest + 0) = (UCHAR) (temp); * ((UCHAR*)pulDest + 1) = (UCHAR) (temp >> 8); * ((UCHAR*)pulDest + 2) = (UCHAR) (temp >> 16);
// Turn the pseudoDMA off.
BLT_READ_OFF(ppdev, pjBase);
// Redo the whole thing if there was a problem with this slice.
} while (HstStatus);
// We're done with the current scanline, deal with the next one.
(UCHAR*) locpulDest += lDestDelta; ulSSA += ulSSAIncrement; } }