* Module Name: ddraw64.c * * Implements all the common DirectDraw components for the * ATI MACH 64/32/32 Memory mapped driver. * * Copyright (c) 1995-1996 Microsoft Corporation \**************************************************************************/
#include "precomp.h"
extern BOOL DrvGetDirectDrawInfo32I( DHPDEV dhpdev,DD_HALINFO* pHalInfo,DWORD* pdwNumHeaps,VIDEOMEMORY* pvmList, DWORD* pdwNumFourCC,DWORD* pdwFourCC); extern BOOL DrvGetDirectDrawInfo32M( DHPDEV dhpdev,DD_HALINFO* pHalInfo,DWORD* pdwNumHeaps,VIDEOMEMORY* pvmList, DWORD* pdwNumFourCC,DWORD* pdwFourCC); extern BOOL DrvGetDirectDrawInfo64( DHPDEV dhpdev,DD_HALINFO* pHalInfo,DWORD* pdwNumHeaps,VIDEOMEMORY* pvmList, DWORD* pdwNumFourCC,DWORD* pdwFourCC);
extern VOID vGetDisplayDuration32I(PDEV* ppdev); extern DWORD DdBlt32I(PDD_BLTDATA lpBlt); extern DWORD DdFlip32I(PDD_FLIPDATA lpFlip); extern DWORD DdLock32I(PDD_LOCKDATA lpLock); extern DWORD DdGetBltStatus32I(PDD_GETBLTSTATUSDATA lpGetBltStatus); extern DWORD DdGetFlipStatus32I(PDD_GETFLIPSTATUSDATA lpGetFlipStatus); extern DWORD DdWaitForVerticalBlank32I(PDD_WAITFORVERTICALBLANKDATA lpWaitForVerticalBlank); extern DWORD DdGetScanLine32I(PDD_GETSCANLINEDATA lpGetScanLine);
extern VOID vGetDisplayDuration32M(PDEV* ppdev); extern DWORD DdBlt32M(PDD_BLTDATA lpBlt); extern DWORD DdFlip32M(PDD_FLIPDATA lpFlip); extern DWORD DdLock32M(PDD_LOCKDATA lpLock); extern DWORD DdGetBltStatus32M(PDD_GETBLTSTATUSDATA lpGetBltStatus); extern DWORD DdGetFlipStatus32M(PDD_GETFLIPSTATUSDATA lpGetFlipStatus); extern DWORD DdWaitForVerticalBlank32M(PDD_WAITFORVERTICALBLANKDATA lpWaitForVerticalBlank); extern DWORD DdGetScanLine32M(PDD_GETSCANLINEDATA lpGetScanLine);
extern VOID vGetDisplayDuration64(PDEV* ppdev); extern DWORD DdBlt64(PDD_BLTDATA lpBlt); extern DWORD DdFlip64(PDD_FLIPDATA lpFlip); extern DWORD DdLock64(PDD_LOCKDATA lpLock); extern DWORD DdGetBltStatus64(PDD_GETBLTSTATUSDATA lpGetBltStatus); extern DWORD DdGetFlipStatus64(PDD_GETFLIPSTATUSDATA lpGetFlipStatus); extern DWORD DdWaitForVerticalBlank64(PDD_WAITFORVERTICALBLANKDATA lpWaitForVerticalBlank); extern DWORD DdGetScanLine64(PDD_GETSCANLINEDATA lpGetScanLine);
* DWORD DdMapMemory * * This is a new DDI call specific to Windows NT that is used to map * or unmap all the application modifiable portions of the frame buffer * into the specified process's address space. * \**************************************************************************/
DWORD DdMapMemory( PDD_MAPMEMORYDATA lpMapMemory) { PDEV* ppdev; VIDEO_SHARE_MEMORY ShareMemory; VIDEO_SHARE_MEMORY_INFORMATION ShareMemoryInformation; DWORD ReturnedDataLength;
ppdev = (PDEV*) lpMapMemory->lpDD->dhpdev;
if (lpMapMemory->bMap) { ShareMemory.ProcessHandle = lpMapMemory->hProcess;
// 'RequestedVirtualAddress' isn't actually used for the SHARE IOCTL:
ShareMemory.RequestedVirtualAddress = 0;
// We map in starting at the top of the frame buffer:
ShareMemory.ViewOffset = 0;
// We map down to the end of the frame buffer.
// Note: There is a 64k granularity on the mapping (meaning that
// we have to round up to 64k).
// Note: If there is any portion of the frame buffer that must
// not be modified by an application, that portion of memory
// MUST NOT be mapped in by this call. This would include
// any data that, if modified by a malicious application,
// would cause the driver to crash. This could include, for
// example, any DSP code that is kept in off-screen memory.
ShareMemory.ViewSize = ROUND_UP_TO_64K(ppdev->cyMemory * ppdev->lDelta);
DISPDBG((10, "Share memory size %x %d",ShareMemory.ViewSize,ShareMemory.ViewSize));
if (EngDeviceIoControl(ppdev->hDriver, IOCTL_VIDEO_SHARE_VIDEO_MEMORY, &ShareMemory, sizeof(VIDEO_SHARE_MEMORY), &ShareMemoryInformation, sizeof(VIDEO_SHARE_MEMORY_INFORMATION), &ReturnedDataLength)) { DISPDBG((10, "Failed IOCTL_VIDEO_SHARE_MEMORY"));
lpMapMemory->ddRVal = DDERR_GENERIC; return(DDHAL_DRIVER_HANDLED); }
lpMapMemory->fpProcess =(FLATPTR)ShareMemoryInformation.VirtualAddress; } else { ShareMemory.ProcessHandle = lpMapMemory->hProcess; ShareMemory.ViewOffset = 0; ShareMemory.ViewSize = 0; ShareMemory.RequestedVirtualAddress = (VOID*) lpMapMemory->fpProcess;
if (EngDeviceIoControl(ppdev->hDriver, IOCTL_VIDEO_UNSHARE_VIDEO_MEMORY, &ShareMemory, sizeof(VIDEO_SHARE_MEMORY), NULL, 0, &ReturnedDataLength)) { RIP("Failed IOCTL_VIDEO_UNSHARE_MEMORY"); } }
lpMapMemory->ddRVal = DD_OK; return(DDHAL_DRIVER_HANDLED); } /******************************Public*Routine******************************\
* BOOL DrvGetDirectDrawInfo * * Will be called before DrvEnableDirectDraw is called. * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL DrvGetDirectDrawInfo( DHPDEV dhpdev, DD_HALINFO* pHalInfo, DWORD* pdwNumHeaps, VIDEOMEMORY* pvmList, // Will be NULL on first call
DWORD* pdwNumFourCC, DWORD* pdwFourCC) // Will be NULL on first call
{ PDEV* ppdev;
ppdev = (PDEV*) dhpdev;
// if no APERATURE then we are a MACH8 and have no DDraw support
if (ppdev->iAperture == APERTURE_NONE) { return FALSE; }
// we can't use DirectDraw on a banked device because of a conflict
// over who owns the bank registers between VideoPortMapBankedMemory
// and the display driver
if (!(ppdev->flCaps & CAPS_LINEAR_FRAMEBUFFER)) { return FALSE; }
if (ppdev->iMachType == MACH_MM_32) { // Can do memory-mapped IO:
return(DrvGetDirectDrawInfo32M(dhpdev,pHalInfo,pdwNumHeaps,pvmList,pdwNumFourCC,pdwFourCC)); } else if (ppdev->iMachType == MACH_IO_32) { return(DrvGetDirectDrawInfo32I(dhpdev,pHalInfo,pdwNumHeaps,pvmList,pdwNumFourCC,pdwFourCC)); } else { // MACH 64
return(DrvGetDirectDrawInfo64(dhpdev,pHalInfo,pdwNumHeaps,pvmList,pdwNumFourCC,pdwFourCC)); }
* BOOL DrvEnableDirectDraw * * This function is called by GDI to enable DirectDraw when a DirectDraw * program is started and DirectDraw is not already active. * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL DrvEnableDirectDraw( DHPDEV dhpdev, DD_CALLBACKS* pCallBacks, DD_SURFACECALLBACKS* pSurfaceCallBacks, DD_PALETTECALLBACKS* pPaletteCallBacks) { PDEV* ppdev;
ppdev = (PDEV*) dhpdev;
if (ppdev->iMachType == MACH_MM_32) { pSurfaceCallBacks->Blt = DdBlt32M; pSurfaceCallBacks->Flip = DdFlip32M; pSurfaceCallBacks->Lock = DdLock32M; pSurfaceCallBacks->GetBltStatus = DdGetBltStatus32M; pSurfaceCallBacks->GetFlipStatus = DdGetFlipStatus32M; if (ppdev->iBitmapFormat >= BMF_24BPP) { pSurfaceCallBacks->dwFlags = DDHAL_SURFCB32_LOCK; } else { pSurfaceCallBacks->dwFlags = DDHAL_SURFCB32_BLT | DDHAL_SURFCB32_FLIP | DDHAL_SURFCB32_LOCK | DDHAL_SURFCB32_GETBLTSTATUS | DDHAL_SURFCB32_GETFLIPSTATUS; }
pCallBacks->WaitForVerticalBlank = DdWaitForVerticalBlank32M; pCallBacks->GetScanLine = DdGetScanLine32M; pCallBacks->MapMemory = DdMapMemory; pCallBacks->dwFlags = DDHAL_CB32_WAITFORVERTICALBLANK | DDHAL_CB32_GETSCANLINE | DDHAL_CB32_MAPMEMORY; } else if (ppdev->iMachType == MACH_IO_32 ) { pSurfaceCallBacks->Blt = DdBlt32I; pSurfaceCallBacks->Flip = DdFlip32I; pSurfaceCallBacks->Lock = DdLock32I; pSurfaceCallBacks->GetBltStatus = DdGetBltStatus32I; pSurfaceCallBacks->GetFlipStatus = DdGetFlipStatus32I; if (ppdev->iBitmapFormat >= BMF_24BPP) { pSurfaceCallBacks->dwFlags = DDHAL_SURFCB32_LOCK; } else { pSurfaceCallBacks->dwFlags = DDHAL_SURFCB32_BLT | DDHAL_SURFCB32_FLIP | DDHAL_SURFCB32_LOCK | DDHAL_SURFCB32_GETBLTSTATUS | DDHAL_SURFCB32_GETFLIPSTATUS; }
pCallBacks->WaitForVerticalBlank = DdWaitForVerticalBlank32I; pCallBacks->GetScanLine = DdGetScanLine32I; pCallBacks->MapMemory = DdMapMemory; pCallBacks->dwFlags = DDHAL_CB32_WAITFORVERTICALBLANK | DDHAL_CB32_GETSCANLINE | DDHAL_CB32_MAPMEMORY; } else { // MACH 64
pSurfaceCallBacks->Blt = DdBlt64; pSurfaceCallBacks->Flip = DdFlip64; pSurfaceCallBacks->Lock = DdLock64; pSurfaceCallBacks->GetBltStatus = DdGetBltStatus64; pSurfaceCallBacks->GetFlipStatus = DdGetFlipStatus64; if (ppdev->iBitmapFormat >= BMF_24BPP) { pSurfaceCallBacks->dwFlags = DDHAL_SURFCB32_LOCK; } else { pSurfaceCallBacks->dwFlags = DDHAL_SURFCB32_BLT | DDHAL_SURFCB32_FLIP | DDHAL_SURFCB32_LOCK | DDHAL_SURFCB32_GETBLTSTATUS | DDHAL_SURFCB32_GETFLIPSTATUS; }
pCallBacks->WaitForVerticalBlank = DdWaitForVerticalBlank64; pCallBacks->GetScanLine = DdGetScanLine64; pCallBacks->MapMemory = DdMapMemory; pCallBacks->dwFlags = DDHAL_CB32_WAITFORVERTICALBLANK | DDHAL_CB32_GETSCANLINE | DDHAL_CB32_MAPMEMORY; }
// Note that we don't call 'vGetDisplayDuration' here, for a couple of
// reasons:
// o Because the system is already running, it would be disconcerting
// to pause the graphics for a good portion of a second just to read
// the refresh rate;
// o More importantly, we may not be in graphics mode right now.
// For both reasons, we always measure the refresh rate when we switch
// to a new mode.
return(TRUE); }
* BOOL DrvDisableDirectDraw * * This function is called by GDI when the last active DirectDraw program * is quit and DirectDraw will no longer be active. * \**************************************************************************/
VOID DrvDisableDirectDraw( DHPDEV dhpdev) { PDEV* ppdev;
ppdev = (PDEV*) dhpdev;
// DirectDraw is done with the display, so we can go back to using
// all of off-screen memory ourselves:
pohFree(ppdev, ppdev->pohDirectDraw); ppdev->pohDirectDraw = NULL; }
* VOID vAssertModeDirectDraw * * This function is called by enable.c when entering or leaving the * DOS full-screen character mode. * \**************************************************************************/
VOID vAssertModeDirectDraw( PDEV* ppdev, BOOL bEnabled) { }
* BOOL bEnableDirectDraw * * This function is called by enable.c when the mode is first initialized, * right after the miniport does the mode-set. * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL bEnableDirectDraw( PDEV* ppdev) { // if no APERATURE then we are a MACH8 and have no DDraw support
if (ppdev->iAperture != APERTURE_NONE) { // Accurately measure the refresh rate for later:
ppdev->bPassVBlank=TRUE; if (ppdev->iMachType == MACH_MM_32) { // Can do memory-mapped IO:
vGetDisplayDuration32M(ppdev); } else if (ppdev->iMachType == MACH_IO_32 ) { vGetDisplayDuration32I(ppdev); } else { // MACH 64
// we have a problem with VBLANK on high speed multiprocessors machines on GX-F
// so right now will test the VBlank routine; if OK report FLIP capabilities, otherwise no.
int j; LONGLONG Counter[2], Freq;
for (j = 0; j < 10; j++) { EngQueryPerformanceCounter(&Counter[0]); while (IN_VBLANK_64( ppdev->pjMmBase)) { EngQueryPerformanceCounter(&Counter[1]); if( (ULONG)(Counter[1]-Counter[0]) >= (ULONG)Freq ) // if we are here more than 1 sec
{ // we are stuck inside the VBlank routine
ppdev->bPassVBlank=FALSE; goto ExitVBlankTest; } }
EngQueryPerformanceCounter(&Counter[0]); while (!(IN_VBLANK_64( ppdev->pjMmBase))) { EngQueryPerformanceCounter(&Counter[1]); if( (ULONG)(Counter[1]-Counter[0]) >= (ULONG)Freq) // if we are here more than 1 sec
{ // we are stuck inside the VBlank routine
ppdev->bPassVBlank=FALSE; goto ExitVBlankTest; } } } ExitVBlankTest: vGetDisplayDuration64(ppdev); } }
return(TRUE); }
* VOID vDisableDirectDraw * * This function is called by enable.c when the driver is shutting down. * \**************************************************************************/
VOID vDisableDirectDraw( PDEV* ppdev) { }