// Module: DPMS.C
// Date: Aug 08, 1997
// Copyright (c) 1997 by ATI Technologies Inc.
/********************** PolyTron RCS Utilities
$Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 21 Aug 1997 15:01:36 $ $Author: MACIESOW $ $Log: V:\source\wnt\ms11\miniport\archive\dpms.c_v $ * * Rev 1.1 21 Aug 1997 15:01:36 MACIESOW * Initial revision.
End of PolyTron RCS section *****************/
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "dderror.h"
#include "miniport.h"
#include "ntddvdeo.h"
#include "video.h"
#include "stdtyp.h"
#include "amach1.h"
#include "amachcx.h"
#include "atimp.h"
#include "atint.h"
#include "dpms.h"
#include "init_m.h"
#include "init_cx.h"
// Allow miniport to be swapped out when not needed.
#if defined (ALLOC_PRAGMA)
#pragma alloc_text (PAGE_COM, SetMonitorPowerState)
#pragma alloc_text (PAGE_COM, GetMonitorPowerState)
VP_STATUS SetMonitorPowerState( PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION phwDeviceExtension, VIDEO_POWER_STATE VideoPowerState ) //
// Set the CRT output to the desired DPMS state under.
// phwDeviceExtension Points to hardware device extension structure.
// VideoPowerState Desired DPMS state.
// Status code, NO_ERROR = OK.
{ ASSERT(phwDeviceExtension != NULL);
VideoDebugPrint((DEBUG_DETAIL, "ATI.SYS SetMonitorPowerState: Setting power state to %lu\n", VideoPowerState));
if ((VideoPowerState != VideoPowerOn) && (VideoPowerState != VideoPowerStandBy) && (VideoPowerState != VideoPowerSuspend) && (VideoPowerState != VideoPowerOff)) { VideoDebugPrint((DEBUG_DETAIL, "ATI.SYS SetMonitorPowerState: Invalid VideoPowerState\n")); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// Different card families need different routines to set the power management state.
if (phwDeviceExtension->ModelNumber == MACH64_ULTRA) { VIDEO_X86_BIOS_ARGUMENTS Registers;
// Invoke the BIOS call to set the desired DPMS state. The BIOS call
// enumeration of DPMS states is in the same order as that in
// VIDEO_POWER_STATE, but it is zero-based instead of one-based.
VideoPortZeroMemory(&Registers, sizeof(VIDEO_X86_BIOS_ARGUMENTS)); Registers.Eax = BIOS_SET_DPMS; Registers.Ecx = VideoPowerState - 1; VideoPortInt10(phwDeviceExtension, &Registers);
return NO_ERROR; }
else if((phwDeviceExtension->ModelNumber == _8514_ULTRA) || (phwDeviceExtension->ModelNumber == GRAPHICS_ULTRA) || (phwDeviceExtension->ModelNumber == MACH32_ULTRA))
{ struct query_structure * pQuery = (struct query_structure *) phwDeviceExtension->CardInfo;
return SetPowerManagement_m(pQuery, VideoPowerState); } else { VideoDebugPrint((DEBUG_ERROR, "ATI.SYS SetMonitorPowerState: Invalid adapter type\n")); ASSERT(FALSE); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } // SetMonitorPowerState()
VP_STATUS GetMonitorPowerState( PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION phwDeviceExtension, PVIDEO_POWER_STATE pVideoPowerState ) //
// Retrieve the current CRT power state.
// phwDeviceExtension Points to hardware device extension structure.
// pVideoPowerStats Points to
// Error code on error.
// NO_ERROR = OK, current power management state in pVideoPowerState.
// NOTE:
// The enumerations VIDEO_DEVICE_POWER_MANAGEMENT (used by GetMonitorPowerState()) and VIDEO_POWER_MANAGEMENT
// (used by this IOCTL) have opposite orderings (VIDEO_POWER_MANAGEMENT values increase as power consumption
// decreases, while VIDEO_DEVICE_POWER_MANAGEMENT values increase as power consumption increases, and has
// a reserved value for "state unknown"), so we can't simply add a constant to translate between them.
{ VP_STATUS vpStatus;
ASSERT(phwDeviceExtension != NULL && pVideoPowerState != NULL);
// Different card families need different routines to retrieve the power management state.
if (phwDeviceExtension->ModelNumber == MACH64_ULTRA) *pVideoPowerState = GetPowerManagement_cx(phwDeviceExtension); else *pVideoPowerState = GetPowerManagement_m(phwDeviceExtension);
// VIDEO_POWER_STATE has 5 possible states and a
// reserved value to report that we can't read the state.
// Our cards support 3 levels of monitor power-down in
// addition to normal operation. Since the number of
// values which can be reported exceeds the number
// of states our cards can be in, we will never report
// one of the possible states (VPPowerDeviceD3).
switch (*pVideoPowerState) { case VideoPowerOn: VideoDebugPrint((DEBUG_DETAIL, "ATI.SYS GetMonitorPowerState: Currently set to DPMS ON\n")); vpStatus = NO_ERROR; break;
case VideoPowerStandBy:
VideoDebugPrint((DEBUG_DETAIL, "ATI.SYS GetMonitorPowerState: Currently set to DPMS STAND-BY\n")); vpStatus = NO_ERROR; break;
case VideoPowerSuspend:
VideoDebugPrint((DEBUG_DETAIL, "ATI.SYS GetMonitorPowerState: Currently set to DPMS SUSPEND\n")); vpStatus = NO_ERROR; break;
case VideoPowerOff:
VideoDebugPrint((DEBUG_DETAIL, "ATI.SYS GetMonitorPowerState: Currently set to DPMS OFF\n")); vpStatus = NO_ERROR; break;
VideoDebugPrint((DEBUG_ERROR, "ATI.SYS GetMonitorPowerState: Currently set to invalid DPMS state\n")); *pVideoPowerState = VideoPowerOn; vpStatus = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; }
return vpStatus; } // GetMonitorPowerState()