Copyright (c) 1996-1997 Microsoft Corporation. Copyright (c) 1996-1997 Cirrus Logic, Inc.,
Module Name:
C A L L B A C K . C
This routine contains various callback routines. e.g.,
- Gamma correction information from the following NT 4.0 registry. Registry subdirectory : System\CurrentControlSet\Services\cirrus\Device0 Keys : "G Gamma", and "G Contrast"
- Callback routines for the DDC and Non-DDC monitors.
- IBM specific callback routine to get rid of 1024x768x16bpp 85Hz. Registry subdirectory : System\CurrentControlSet\Services\cirrus\Device0 Keys : "OemModeOff"
Kernel mode only
Notes: * * chu01 12-16-96 : Color correction start coding. * chu02 03-26-97 : Get rid of 1024x768x16bpp ( Mode 0x74 ) 85H for IBM only. * * --*/
//#include <ntddk.h>
#include <dderror.h>
#include <devioctl.h>
#include <miniport.h> // I added
#include "clmini.h"
#include <ntddvdeo.h>
#include <video.h>
#include "cirrus.h"
extern UCHAR EDIDBuffer[] ;
VP_STATUS VgaGetGammaFactor( PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION HwDeviceExtension, PGAMMA_VALUE value, ULONG ValueLength, PULONG OutputSize );
VP_STATUS VgaGetContrastFactor( PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION HwDeviceExtension, PCONTRAST_VALUE value, ULONG ValueLength, PULONG OutputSize );
VP_STATUS GetGammaKeyInfoFromReg( PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION HwDeviceExtension ) ;
VP_STATUS GetContrastKeyInfoFromReg( PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION HwDeviceExtension ) ;
VP_STATUS GetGammaCorrectInfoCallBack ( PVOID HwDeviceExtension, PVOID Context, PWSTR ValueName, PVOID ValueData, ULONG ValueLength ) ;
VP_STATUS CirrusDDC2BRegistryCallback( PVOID HwDeviceExtension, PVOID Context, PWSTR ValueName, PVOID ValueData, ULONG ValueLength );
VP_STATUS CirrusNonDDCRegistryCallback( PVOID HwDeviceExtension, PVOID Context, PWSTR ValueName, PVOID ValueData, ULONG ValueLength );
BOOLEAN IOCallback( PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION HwDeviceExtension ) ;
VP_STATUS CirrusGetDeviceDataCallback( PVOID HwDeviceExtension, PVOID Context, VIDEO_DEVICE_DATA_TYPE DeviceDataType, PVOID Identifier, ULONG IdentifierLength, PVOID ConfigurationData, ULONG ConfigurationDataLength, PVOID ComponentInformation, ULONG ComponentInformationLength );
// chu02
VP_STATUS GetOemModeOffInfoCallBack ( PVOID HwDeviceExtension, PVOID Context, PWSTR ValueName, PVOID ValueData, ULONG ValueLength );
#if defined(ALLOC_PRAGMA)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,GetGammaKeyInfoFromReg)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,GetContrastKeyInfoFromReg)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,GetGammaCorrectInfoCallBack)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,VgaGetGammaFactor)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,VgaGetContrastFactor)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,CirrusDDC2BRegistryCallback)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,CirrusNonDDCRegistryCallback)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,CirrusGetDeviceDataCallback)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,GetOemModeOffInfoCallBack) // chu02
UCHAR GammaInfo[4] ; UCHAR ModesExclude[4] ; // chu02
OEMMODE_EXCLUDE ModeExclude = { 0, 0, 1 } ; // chu02
// Function: Get Gamma factor
// Input:
// None
// Output:
// NO_ERROR: successful; otherwise: fail
VP_STATUS VgaGetGammaFactor( PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION HwDeviceExtension, PGAMMA_VALUE value, ULONG ValueLength, PULONG OutputSize ) {
VP_STATUS status ; int i ;
VideoDebugPrint((2, "VgaGetGammaFactor\n")) ;
if ( ValueLength < (*OutputSize = sizeof(PGAMMA_VALUE)) ) return ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER;
status = GetGammaKeyInfoFromReg(HwDeviceExtension) ;
if (status == NO_ERROR) { for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) value->value[i] = GammaInfo[i] ; } else if (status == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) { //
// If no subkey exists, we assign the default value. Otherwise the
// system would fail.
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) value->value[i] = 0x7f ; status = NO_ERROR ; }
VideoDebugPrint((1, "Gamma value = %lx\n", *value)) ;
return status ;
} // VgaGetGammaFactor
// Function: Get Contrast factor
// Input:
// None
// Output:
// NO_ERROR: successful; otherwise: fail
VP_STATUS VgaGetContrastFactor( PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION HwDeviceExtension, PCONTRAST_VALUE value, ULONG ValueLength, PULONG OutputSize ) {
VP_STATUS status ; int i ;
VideoDebugPrint((2, "VgaGetContrastFactor\n")) ;
if ( ValueLength < (*OutputSize = sizeof(PCONTRAST_VALUE)) ) {
status = GetContrastKeyInfoFromReg(HwDeviceExtension) ;
if (status == NO_ERROR) { for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) value->value[i] = GammaInfo[i] ; } else if (status == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) { //
// If no subkey exists, we assign the default value. Otherwise the
// system would fail.
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) value->value[i] = 0x80 ; status = NO_ERROR ; }
VideoDebugPrint((1, "Contrast value = %lx\n", *value)) ; return status ;
} // VgaGetContrastFactor
// Function: Get Gamma Key information from data registry.
// Input:
// None
// Output:
// NO_ERROR: successful; otherwise: fail
VP_STATUS GetGammaKeyInfoFromReg( PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION HwDeviceExtension ) {
VP_STATUS status ;
VideoDebugPrint((2, "GetGammaKeyInfoFromReg\n")) ;
status = VideoPortGetRegistryParameters(HwDeviceExtension, L"G Gamma", FALSE, GetGammaCorrectInfoCallBack, NULL) ; if (status != NO_ERROR) { VideoDebugPrint((1, "Fail to access Gamma key info from registry\n")); }
return status ;
} // GetGammaKeyInfoFromReg
// Function: Get Contrast Key information from data registry.
// Input:
// None
// Output:
// NO_ERROR: successful; otherwise: fail
VP_STATUS GetContrastKeyInfoFromReg( PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION HwDeviceExtension ) { VP_STATUS status ; VideoDebugPrint((2, "GetContrastKeyInfoFromReg\n")) ;
status = VideoPortGetRegistryParameters(HwDeviceExtension, L"G Contrast", FALSE, GetGammaCorrectInfoCallBack, NULL) ; if (status != NO_ERROR) { VideoDebugPrint((1, "Fail to access Contrast key info from registry\n")); } return status ;
} // GetContrastKeyInfoFromReg
// Function: Get Gamma coorrection information from data registry.
// Input:
// None
// Output:
// NO_ERROR: successful ; otherwise: fail
VP_STATUS GetGammaCorrectInfoCallBack ( PVOID HwDeviceExtension, PVOID Context, PWSTR ValueName, PVOID ValueData, ULONG ValueLength ) /*++
Routine Description: This routine get the desired info from data registry.
Arguments: HwDeviceExtension - Supplies a pointer to the miniport's device extension. Context - Context value passed to the get registry paramters routine. ValueName - Name of the value requested. ValueData - Pointer to the requested data. ValueLength - Length of the requested data.
Return Value: returns NO_ERROR if the paramter was TRUE. returns ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER otherwise.
{ VideoDebugPrint((2, "GetGammaCorrectInfoCallBack\n"));
if (ValueLength == 0x04) { VideoPortMoveMemory (GammaInfo, ValueData, ValueLength) ; return NO_ERROR ; } else { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ; }
} // GetGammaCorrectInfoCallBack
// Function:
// Input:
// None
// Output:
// NO_ERROR: successful ; otherwise: fail
VP_STATUS CirrusDDC2BRegistryCallback( PVOID HwDeviceExtension, PVOID Context, PWSTR ValueName, PVOID ValueData, ULONG ValueLength )
Routine Description:
This routine determines if the alternate register set was requested via the registry.
HwDeviceExtension - Supplies a pointer to the miniport's device extension.
Context - Context value passed to the get registry paramters routine.
ValueName - Name of the value requested.
ValueData - Pointer to the requested data.
ValueLength - Length of the requested data.
Return Value:
returns NO_ERROR if the paramter was TRUE. returns ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER otherwise.
PULONG pManuID = (PULONG)&EDIDBuffer[8];
if (ValueLength && ((*((PULONG)ValueData)) == *pManuID)) {
return NO_ERROR;
} else {
} // CirrusDDC2BRegistryCallback
// Function:
// CirrusNonDDCRegistryCallback
// Input:
// None
// Output:
// NO_ERROR: successful ; otherwise: fail
VP_STATUS CirrusNonDDCRegistryCallback( PVOID HwDeviceExtension, PVOID Context, PWSTR ValueName, PVOID ValueData, ULONG ValueLength )
Routine Description:
This routine determines if the alternate register set was requested via the registry.
HwDeviceExtension - Supplies a pointer to the miniport's device extension.
Context - Context value passed to the get registry paramters routine.
ValueName - Name of the value requested.
ValueData - Pointer to the requested data.
ValueLength - Length of the requested data.
Return Value:
returns NO_ERROR if the paramter was TRUE. returns ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER otherwise.
if(ValueLength && ValueLength == 128 ) { VideoPortMoveMemory(EDIDBuffer, ValueData, ValueLength); return NO_ERROR; } else return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
} // CirrusNonDDCRegistryCallback
// Function:
// Perform an IO operation during display enable.
// Input:
// HwDeviceExtension - Pointer to the miniport driver's device extension.
// Output:
// The routine always returns TRUE.
BOOLEAN IOCallback( PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION HwDeviceExtension ) { ULONG InputStatusReg;
// Figure out if color/mono switchable registers are at 3BX or 3DX.
if (VideoPortReadPortUchar (HwDeviceExtension->IOAddress + MISC_OUTPUT_REG_READ_PORT) & 0x01) InputStatusReg = INPUT_STATUS_1_COLOR; else InputStatusReg = INPUT_STATUS_1_MONO;
// Guarantee that the display is in display mode
while (0x1 & VideoPortReadPortUchar(HwDeviceExtension->IOAddress + InputStatusReg));
// Perform the IO operation
VideoPortWritePortUchar(HwDeviceExtension->IOAddress + HwDeviceExtension->DEPort, HwDeviceExtension->DEValue);
return TRUE;
} // IOCallback
// chu02
// Function: Get rid of one mode, specific to IBM only
// - 1024x768x16bpp, 85Hz ( mode 0x74 )
// Input:
// None
// Output:
// NO_ERROR: successful ; otherwise: fail
VP_STATUS GetOemModeOffInfoCallBack ( PVOID HwDeviceExtension, PVOID Context, PWSTR ValueName, PVOID ValueData, ULONG ValueLength ) /*++
Routine Description: This routine get the desired info from data registry.
Arguments: HwDeviceExtension - Supplies a pointer to the miniport's device extension. Context - Context value passed to the get registry paramters routine. ValueName - Name of the value requested. ValueData - Pointer to the requested data. ValueLength - Length of the requested data.
Return Value: returns NO_ERROR if the paramter was TRUE. returns ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER otherwise.
{ VideoDebugPrint((2, "GetOemModeOffInfoCallBack\n"));
if (ValueLength == 0x04) { VideoPortMoveMemory (ModesExclude, ValueData, ValueLength) ; ModeExclude.refresh = (UCHAR)ModesExclude[0] ; ModeExclude.mode = (UCHAR)ModesExclude[1] ; return NO_ERROR ; } else { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ; }
} // GetOemModeOffInfoCallBack
// Function:
// Callback routine for the VideoPortGetDeviceData function.
// Input:
// HwDeviceExtension - Pointer to the miniport drivers device extension.
// Context - Context value passed to the VideoPortGetDeviceData function.
// DeviceDataType - The type of data that was requested in
// VideoPortGetDeviceData.
// Identifier - Pointer to a string that contains the name of the device,
// as setup by the ROM or ntdetect.
// IdentifierLength - Length of the Identifier string.
// ConfigurationData - Pointer to the configuration data for the device or
// BUS.
// ConfigurationDataLength - Length of the data in the configurationData
// field.
// ComponentInformation - Undefined.
// ComponentInformationLength - Undefined.
// Output:
// Returns NO_ERROR if the function completed properly.
// Returns ERROR_DEV_NOT_EXIST if we did not find the device.
// Returns ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER otherwise.
VP_STATUS CirrusGetDeviceDataCallback( PVOID HwDeviceExtension, PVOID Context, VIDEO_DEVICE_DATA_TYPE DeviceDataType, PVOID Identifier, ULONG IdentifierLength, PVOID ConfigurationData, ULONG ConfigurationDataLength, PVOID ComponentInformation, ULONG ComponentInformationLength )
Routine Description:
HwDeviceExtension - Pointer to the miniport drivers device extension.
Context - Context value passed to the VideoPortGetDeviceData function.
DeviceDataType - The type of data that was requested in VideoPortGetDeviceData.
Identifier - Pointer to a string that contains the name of the device, as setup by the ROM or ntdetect.
IdentifierLength - Length of the Identifier string.
ConfigurationData - Pointer to the configuration data for the device or BUS.
ConfigurationDataLength - Length of the data in the configurationData field.
ComponentInformation - Undefined.
ComponentInformationLength - Undefined.
Return Value:
Returns NO_ERROR if the function completed properly. Returns ERROR_DEV_NOT_EXIST if we did not find the device. Returns ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER otherwise.
{ PWCHAR identifier = Identifier; PVIDEO_PORT_CONFIG_INFO ConfigInfo = (PVIDEO_PORT_CONFIG_INFO) Context; PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION hwDeviceExtension = HwDeviceExtension;
switch (DeviceDataType) {
case VpMachineData:
// The caller assumes no-error mean that this machine was found, and
// then memory mapped IO will be disabled.
// All other machine types must return an error.
if (VideoPortCompareMemory(L"TRICORDES", Identifier, sizeof(L"TRICORDES")) == sizeof(L"TRICORDES")) { return NO_ERROR; }
VideoDebugPrint((2, "Cirrus: callback has bad device type\n")); }
} // CirrusGetDeviceDataCallback