* Module Name: pointer.c * * This module contains the hardware pointer support for the display * driver. * * Copyright (c) 1994-1995 Microsoft Corporation \**************************************************************************/
#include "precomp.h"
// This should match the miniport definition:
// Look-up table for masking the right edge of the given pointer bitmap:
BYTE gajMask[] = { 0x00, 0x80, 0xC0, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0xF8, 0xFc, 0xFE };
* VOID DrvMovePointer * * NOTE: Because we have set GCAPS_ASYNCMOVE, this call may occur at any * time, even while we're executing another drawing call! * * Consequently, we have to explicitly synchronize any shared * resources. In our case, since we touch the CRTC register here * and in the banking code, we synchronize access using a critical * section. * \**************************************************************************/
VOID DrvMovePointer( SURFOBJ* pso, LONG x, LONG y, RECTL* prcl) { VIDEO_POINTER_POSITION Position; PDEV* ppdev; DWORD returnedDataLength;
ppdev = (PDEV*) pso->dhpdev;
{ if (x != -1) { OH* poh;
poh = ((DSURF*) pso->dhsurf)->poh; x += poh->x; y += poh->y; } } #endif
if (x == -1) { ppdev->bPointerEnabled = FALSE; EngDeviceIoControl(ppdev->hDriver, IOCTL_VIDEO_DISABLE_POINTER, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &returnedDataLength); } else { Position.Column = (short) (x - ppdev->ptlHotSpot.x); Position.Row = (short) (y - ppdev->ptlHotSpot.y);
if (ppdev->PointerCapabilities.Flags & VIDEO_MODE_LOCAL_POINTER) { // This is rather dumb:
IO_CURSOR_X(ppdev, ppdev->pjIoBase, Position.Column + CURSOR_CX); IO_CURSOR_Y(ppdev, ppdev->pjIoBase, Position.Row + CURSOR_CY); } else { EngDeviceIoControl(ppdev->hDriver, IOCTL_VIDEO_SET_POINTER_POSITION, &Position, sizeof(VIDEO_POINTER_POSITION), NULL, 0, &returnedDataLength); }
// Don't forget to turn on the pointer, if it was off:
if (!ppdev->bPointerEnabled) { ppdev->bPointerEnabled = TRUE; EngDeviceIoControl(ppdev->hDriver, IOCTL_VIDEO_ENABLE_POINTER, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &returnedDataLength); } } }
* VOID DrvSetPointerShape * * Sets the new pointer shape. * \**************************************************************************/
ULONG DrvSetPointerShape( SURFOBJ* pso, SURFOBJ* psoMsk, SURFOBJ* psoColor, XLATEOBJ* pxlo, LONG xHot, LONG yHot, LONG x, LONG y, RECTL* prcl, FLONG fl) { VIDEO_POINTER_ATTRIBUTES* pPointerAttributes; PDEV* ppdev; ULONG cx; ULONG cy; LONG cjWhole; LONG cjDst; BYTE* pjSrc; BYTE* pjDst; LONG lSrcDelta; LONG lDstDelta; LONG i; DWORD returnedDataLength;
ppdev = (PDEV*) pso->dhpdev; pPointerAttributes = ppdev->pPointerAttributes;
if (pPointerAttributes == NULL) { // There are no hardware pointer capabilities:
return(SPS_DECLINE); }
cx = psoMsk->sizlBitmap.cx; cy = psoMsk->sizlBitmap.cy / 2;
if ((cx > ppdev->PointerCapabilities.MaxWidth) || (cy > ppdev->PointerCapabilities.MaxHeight) || (psoColor != NULL) || !(fl & SPS_CHANGE) || (cx & 0x7)) { goto HideAndDecline; }
{ if (x != -1) { OH* poh;
poh = ((DSURF*) pso->dhsurf)->poh; x += poh->x; y += poh->y; } } #endif
cjWhole = cx / 8;
cjDst = pPointerAttributes->WidthInBytes * pPointerAttributes->Height;
// Copy AND bits:
pjSrc = psoMsk->pvScan0; lSrcDelta = psoMsk->lDelta; pjDst = pPointerAttributes->Pixels; lDstDelta = pPointerAttributes->WidthInBytes;
memset(pjDst, -1, cjDst); // Pad unused AND bits
for (i = cy; i != 0; i--) { memcpy(pjDst, pjSrc, cjWhole);
pjSrc += lSrcDelta; pjDst += lDstDelta; }
// Copy XOR bits:
pjDst = pPointerAttributes->Pixels + ppdev->cjXorMaskStartOffset;
memset(pjDst, 0, cjDst); // Pad unused XOR bits
for (i = cy; i != 0; i--) { memcpy(pjDst, pjSrc, cjWhole);
pjSrc += lSrcDelta; pjDst += lDstDelta; }
// Initialize the pointer attributes:
ppdev->ptlHotSpot.x = xHot; ppdev->ptlHotSpot.y = yHot;
pPointerAttributes->Column = (short) (x - xHot); pPointerAttributes->Row = (short) (y - yHot); pPointerAttributes->Enable = (x != -1); pPointerAttributes->Flags = VIDEO_MODE_MONO_POINTER;
if (fl & SPS_ANIMATESTART) pPointerAttributes->Flags |= VIDEO_MODE_ANIMATE_START; else if (fl & SPS_ANIMATEUPDATE) pPointerAttributes->Flags |= VIDEO_MODE_ANIMATE_UPDATE;
if (ppdev->PointerCapabilities.Flags & VIDEO_MODE_LOCAL_POINTER) { // This is rather dumb:
IO_CURSOR_X(ppdev, ppdev->pjIoBase, pPointerAttributes->Column + CURSOR_CX); IO_CURSOR_Y(ppdev, ppdev->pjIoBase, pPointerAttributes->Row + CURSOR_CY); }
// Send the bits to the miniport:
ppdev->bPointerEnabled = pPointerAttributes->Enable; if (EngDeviceIoControl(ppdev->hDriver, IOCTL_VIDEO_SET_POINTER_ATTR, ppdev->pPointerAttributes, ppdev->cjPointerAttributes, NULL, 0, &returnedDataLength)) { goto HideAndDecline; }
DrvMovePointer(pso, -1, -1, NULL);
return(SPS_DECLINE); }
* VOID vDisablePointer * \**************************************************************************/
VOID vDisablePointer( PDEV* ppdev) { // Nothing to do, really
* VOID vAssertModePointer * \**************************************************************************/
VOID vAssertModePointer( PDEV* ppdev, BOOL bEnable) { // Nothing to do, really
* BOOL bEnablePointer * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL bEnablePointer( PDEV* ppdev) { return(TRUE); }
* BOOL bInitializePointer * * Initialize pointer during driver PDEV initialization -- early enough * so that we can affect what 'flGraphicsCaps' are passed back to GDI, * so that we can set GCAPS_ASYNCMOVE appropriately. * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL bInitializePointer( PDEV* ppdev) { VIDEO_POINTER_ATTRIBUTES* pPointerAttributes; LONG cjWidth; LONG cjMaxPointer; DWORD returnedDataLength;
if (!EngDeviceIoControl(ppdev->hDriver, IOCTL_VIDEO_QUERY_POINTER_CAPABILITIES, NULL, 0, &ppdev->PointerCapabilities, sizeof(ppdev->PointerCapabilities), &returnedDataLength)) { if (ppdev->PointerCapabilities.Flags & VIDEO_MODE_MONO_POINTER) { cjWidth = (ppdev->PointerCapabilities.MaxWidth + 7) / 8; cjMaxPointer = 2 * cjWidth * ppdev->PointerCapabilities.MaxHeight;
ppdev->cjXorMaskStartOffset = cjMaxPointer / 2; ppdev->cjPointerAttributes = sizeof(VIDEO_POINTER_ATTRIBUTES) + cjMaxPointer;
pPointerAttributes = (VIDEO_POINTER_ATTRIBUTES*) EngAllocMem(0, ppdev->cjPointerAttributes, ALLOC_TAG);
if (pPointerAttributes != NULL) { ppdev->pPointerAttributes = pPointerAttributes;
pPointerAttributes->WidthInBytes = cjWidth;
pPointerAttributes->Width = ppdev->PointerCapabilities.MaxWidth;
pPointerAttributes->Height = ppdev->PointerCapabilities.MaxHeight; } } }
// We were successful even if the miniport doesn't support a
// hardware pointer:
return(TRUE); }
* VOID vUnitializePointer * * Undoes bInitializePointer. * \**************************************************************************/
VOID vUninitializePointer( PDEV* ppdev) { EngFreeMem(ppdev->pPointerAttributes); }