Copyright (c) 1990-2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This is the NT Video port driver PnP enumeration support routines.
Bruce McQuistan (brucemc) Feb. 1997
kernel mode only
Revision History:
#include "videoprt.h"
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,pVideoPnPCapabilities)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,pVideoPnPResourceRequirements)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,pVideoPnPQueryId)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,VpAddPdo)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,pVideoPortEnumerateChildren)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,pVideoPortCleanUpChildList)
const WCHAR gcwstrDosDeviceName[] = L"\\DosDevices\\LCD";
NTSTATUS pVideoPnPCapabilities( IN PCHILD_PDO_EXTENSION PdoExtension, IN PDEVICE_CAPABILITIES Capabilities ) /*+
* Function: pVideoPnPCapabilities * Context: Called in the context of an IRP_MN_QUERY_CAPABILITIES minor function * and IRP_MJ_PNP major function. * * Arguments: PDEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension - a pointer to a * CHILD_DEVICE_EXTENSION. * * PDEVICE_CAPABILITIES Capabilities - a pointer to the * Parameters.DeviceCapabilities.Capabilities of the IrpStack. * * * Comments: This routine fills in some capabilities data needed by the * PnP device manager. * -*/ { BOOLEAN success ; DEVICE_POWER_STATE unused ; UCHAR count ;
// Make sure we're dealing with PDOs here.
if (!pVideoPortMapStoD(PdoExtension, PowerSystemSleeping1, &unused)) {
for (count = PowerSystemUnspecified; count < PowerSystemMaximum; count++) { Capabilities->DeviceState[count] = PdoExtension->DeviceMapping[count] ; }
// Check to make sure that the monitor will actually get turned off
// in sleep states.
if (Capabilities->DeviceState[PowerSystemSleeping1] == PowerDeviceD0) { Capabilities->DeviceState[PowerSystemSleeping1] = PowerDeviceD1 ; PdoExtension->DeviceMapping[PowerSystemSleeping1] = PowerDeviceD1 ; pVideoDebugPrint((0, "VideoPrt: QC - Override D0 for sleep on monitor.\n")) ; }
PdoExtension->IsMappingReady = TRUE ;
// Begin with basic capabilities for the PDO
Capabilities->LockSupported = FALSE; Capabilities->EjectSupported = FALSE; Capabilities->Removable = FALSE; Capabilities->DockDevice = FALSE;
// Set the Raw bit to TRUE only for monitor like objects, since we
// act as drivers for them.
Capabilities->RawDeviceOK = FALSE;
if (PdoExtension->VideoChildDescriptor->Type == Monitor) { Capabilities->RawDeviceOK = TRUE; Capabilities->EjectSupported = TRUE; Capabilities->Removable = TRUE; Capabilities->SurpriseRemovalOK = TRUE; Capabilities->SilentInstall = TRUE; }
// Out address field contains the ID returned during enumeration.
// This is key for ACPI devices in order for ACPI to install the
// filter properly.
Capabilities->Address = PdoExtension->VideoChildDescriptor->UId;
// We do not generate unique IDs for our devices because we maight have
// two video cards with monitors attached, for which the driver would
// end up returning the same ID.
Capabilities->UniqueID = FALSE;
// The following are totally BOGUS.
Capabilities->SystemWake = PowerSystemUnspecified; Capabilities->DeviceWake = PowerDeviceUnspecified;
Capabilities->D1Latency = 10; Capabilities->D2Latency = 10; Capabilities->D3Latency = 10;
NTSTATUS pVideoPnPResourceRequirements( IN PCHILD_PDO_EXTENSION PdoExtension, OUT PCM_RESOURCE_LIST * ResourceList ) /*+
* Function: pVideoPnPResourceRequirements * Context: Called in the context of an IRP_MN_QUERY_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS * minor function and IRP_MJ_PNP major function. * Arguments: PDEVICE_EXTENSION PdoExtension - a pointer to a CHILD_DEVICE_EXTENSION. * PCM_RESOURCE_LIST * ResourceList - a pointer to the IRPs * IoStatus.Information * * Comments: This routine tells the PnP device manager that the child * devices (monitors) don't need system resources. This may not * be the case for all child devices. * -*/ { PVIDEO_CHILD_DESCRIPTOR pChildDescriptor;
// Make sure we're dealing with PDOs here.
// Get the child descriptor allocated during Enumerate phase.
pChildDescriptor = PdoExtension->VideoChildDescriptor;
// If the descriptor is null, then there are serious problems.
switch (pChildDescriptor->Type) {
// Monitors don't need pci resources.
case Monitor:
*ResourceList = NULL; break; }
* Function: pGetACPIEdid * Return Value: * TRUE: Success * FALSE: Failure -*/ { UCHAR EDIDBuffer[sizeof(ACPI_EVAL_OUTPUT_BUFFER) + EDID_BUFFER_SIZE]; ULONG EdidVersion = 2; BOOLEAN bReturn = FALSE;
RtlZeroMemory(EDIDBuffer, sizeof(EDIDBuffer));
if (NT_SUCCESS (pVideoPortACPIIoctl(IoGetAttachedDevice(DeviceObject), (ULONG) ('CDD_'), &EdidVersion, NULL, sizeof(EDIDBuffer), (PACPI_EVAL_OUTPUT_BUFFER) EDIDBuffer) ) ) { ASSERT(((PACPI_EVAL_OUTPUT_BUFFER)EDIDBuffer)->Argument[0].Type == ACPI_METHOD_ARGUMENT_BUFFER); ASSERT(((PACPI_EVAL_OUTPUT_BUFFER)EDIDBuffer)->Argument[0].DataLength <= EDID_BUFFER_SIZE); bReturn = TRUE; } RtlCopyMemory(pEdid, ((PACPI_EVAL_OUTPUT_BUFFER)EDIDBuffer)->Argument[0].Data, EDID_BUFFER_SIZE); return bReturn; }
#define TOTAL_NAMES_SIZE 512
NTSTATUS pVideoPnPQueryId( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN BUS_QUERY_ID_TYPE BusQueryIdType, IN OUT PWSTR * BusQueryId ) /*+
* Function: pVideoPnPQueryId * Context: Called in the context of an IRP_MN_QUERY_ID minor function * and IRP_MJ_PNP major function. * Arguments: DeviceObject - a PDEVICE_OBJECT created when we enumerated * the child device. * BusQueryIdType - a BUS_QUERY_ID_TYPE passed in by the PnP * device Manager. * BusQueryId - a PWSTR * written to in some cases by this * routine. * * Comments: * -*/ { PUSHORT nameBuffer; LPWSTR deviceName; WCHAR buffer[64]; PCHILD_PDO_EXTENSION pDeviceExtension; PVIDEO_CHILD_DESCRIPTOR pChildDescriptor; PVOID pEdid; NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS;
// Allocate enought to hold a MULTI_SZ. This will be passed to the Io
// subsystem (via BusQueryId) who has the responsibility of freeing it.
nameBuffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool | POOL_COLD_ALLOCATION, TOTAL_NAMES_SIZE, VP_TAG);
if (!nameBuffer) { pVideoDebugPrint((0, "\t Can't allocate nameBuffer\n")); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; }
RtlZeroMemory(nameBuffer, TOTAL_NAMES_SIZE);
// Get the child descriptor allocated during Enumerate phase.
pDeviceExtension = (PCHILD_PDO_EXTENSION) DeviceObject->DeviceExtension; pChildDescriptor = pDeviceExtension->VideoChildDescriptor;
// If the descriptor is null, then there are serious problems.
// Setup pEdid.
pEdid = &(pChildDescriptor->Buffer);
// Switch on the type to set up the strings appropriately. This switch
// generates the UNICODE_STRING deviceName, used by HardwareID and
// DeviceID bus queries.
switch(pChildDescriptor->Type) {
case Monitor:
// Get the EDID if this is an ACPI device.
pChildDescriptor->ValidEDID = pVideoPortIsValidEDID(pEdid) ? GOOD_EDID : BAD_EDID;
if (pChildDescriptor->bACPIDevice == TRUE) { if (pChildDescriptor->ACPIDDCFlag & ACPIDDC_TESTED) { if (pChildDescriptor->ValidEDID != GOOD_EDID && (pChildDescriptor->ACPIDDCFlag & ACPIDDC_EXIST) ) { pGetACPIEdid(DeviceObject, pEdid); pChildDescriptor->ValidEDID = pVideoPortIsValidEDID(pEdid) ? GOOD_EDID : BAD_EDID; } } else { //
// If we found Miniport gets a right EDID, it's equivalent to that _DDC method doesn't exist
pChildDescriptor->ACPIDDCFlag = ACPIDDC_TESTED; if (pChildDescriptor->ValidEDID != GOOD_EDID && pGetACPIEdid(DeviceObject, pEdid)) { pChildDescriptor->ACPIDDCFlag |= ACPIDDC_EXIST; pChildDescriptor->ValidEDID = pVideoPortIsValidEDID(pEdid) ? GOOD_EDID : BAD_EDID; } } }
// If there's an EDID, decode it's OEM id. Otherwise, use
// default.
if (pChildDescriptor->ValidEDID == GOOD_EDID) {
pVideoDebugPrint((1, "\tNot a bogus edid\n"));
pVideoPortGetEDIDId(pEdid, buffer);
deviceName = buffer;
} else {
// Use the passed in default name.
deviceName = L"Default_Monitor"; }
case Other:
deviceName = (LPWSTR) pEdid; break;
pVideoDebugPrint((0, "\t Unsupported Type: %x\n", pChildDescriptor->Type)); ASSERT(FALSE); deviceName = L"Unknown_Video_Device";
break; }
pVideoDebugPrint((2, "\t The basic deviceName is %ws\n", deviceName));
// Craft a name dependent on what was passed in.
switch (BusQueryIdType) {
case BusQueryCompatibleIDs:
// Compatible ID used for INF matching.
pVideoDebugPrint((2, "\t BusQueryCompatibleIDs\n"));
if (pChildDescriptor->Type != Monitor) {
swprintf(nameBuffer, L"DISPLAY\\%ws", deviceName); pVideoDebugPrint((2, "\t BusQueryCompatibleIDs = %ws", nameBuffer));
} else {
// Put the default PNP id for monitors.
swprintf(nameBuffer, L"*PNP09FF"); pVideoDebugPrint((2, "\t BusQueryCompatibleIDs = %ws", nameBuffer)); }
case BusQueryHardwareIDs:
pVideoDebugPrint((2, "\t BusQueryHardwareIDs\n"));
// By this time, the keys should have been created, so write
// the data to the registry. In this case the data is a string
// that looks like '\Monitor\<string>' where string is either
// 'Default_Monitor' or a name extracted from the edid.
if (pChildDescriptor->Type == Monitor) {
// Write the DDC information in the DEVICE part of the
// registry (the part under ENUM\DISPLAY\*)
HANDLE hDeviceKey; NTSTATUS Status;
Status = IoOpenDeviceRegistryKey(DeviceObject, PLUGPLAY_REGKEY_DEVICE, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, &hDeviceKey);
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) {
RtlWriteRegistryValue(RTL_REGISTRY_HANDLE, hDeviceKey, (pChildDescriptor->ValidEDID == GOOD_EDID) ? L"EDID" : L"BAD_EDID", REG_BINARY, pEdid, EDID_BUFFER_SIZE);
ZwClose(hDeviceKey); }
swprintf(nameBuffer, L"Monitor\\%ws", deviceName);
} else {
swprintf(nameBuffer, L"DISPLAY\\%ws", deviceName); }
pVideoDebugPrint((2, "\t BusQueryHardwareIDs = %ws\n", nameBuffer));
case BusQueryDeviceID:
// Device ID (top part of the ID)
pVideoDebugPrint((2, "\t BusQueryDeviceID\n"));
swprintf(nameBuffer, L"DISPLAY\\%ws", deviceName);
pVideoDebugPrint((2, "\t BusQueryDeviceID = %ws", nameBuffer));
case BusQueryInstanceID:
// Instance ID (low part of the ID)
pVideoDebugPrint((2, "\t BusQueryInstanceID\n"));
swprintf(nameBuffer, L"%08x&%02x&%02x", pChildDescriptor->UId, pDeviceExtension->pFdoExtension->SystemIoBusNumber, pDeviceExtension->pFdoExtension->SlotNumber);
pVideoDebugPrint((2, "\t BusQueryInstanceID = %ws", nameBuffer));
pVideoDebugPrint((0, "\t Bad QueryIdType:%x\n", BusQueryIdType));
pVideoDebugPrint((2, "\t returning %ws\n", nameBuffer));
*BusQueryId = nameBuffer;
return ntStatus;
* Function: VpAddPdo * Context: Called after enumerating a device identified by the miniports * HwGetVideoChildDescriptor. * * Arguments: DeviceObject - a PDEVICE_OBJECT created when we * enumerated the device. * VideoChildDescriptor - a PVIDEO_CHILD_DESCRIPTOR allocated * when we enumerated the device. * Comments: This routine actually makes the call that creates the child * device object during enumeration. * * -*/
{ PFDO_EXTENSION fdoExtension = DeviceObject->DeviceExtension; PCHILD_PDO_EXTENSION pChildDeviceExtension = fdoExtension->ChildPdoList; PDEVICE_OBJECT pChildPdo; USHORT nameBuffer[STRING_LENGTH]; NTSTATUS ntStatus; NTSTATUS ntStatus2; UNICODE_STRING deviceName; POWER_STATE state; PVOID pEdid = VideoChildDescriptor->Buffer; UNICODE_STRING symbolicLinkName;
// Scan the old list to see if this is a duplicate. If a duplicate, mark it as
// VIDEO_ENUMERATED and return STATUS_SUCCESS, because we will want to count it.
// If no duplicates, pChildDeviceExtension will be NULL after exiting this loop
// and a DEVICE_OBJECT will be created for this device instance. Mark the new
while (pChildDeviceExtension) {
ChildDescriptor = pChildDeviceExtension->VideoChildDescriptor;
if (ChildDescriptor->UId == VideoChildDescriptor->UId) { if (ChildDescriptor->bACPIDevice == TRUE) { VideoChildDescriptor->ACPIDDCFlag = ChildDescriptor->ACPIDDCFlag;
// If it's non-monitor device, just ignore
if (VideoChildDescriptor->Type != Monitor) { bEqualEDID = TRUE; } //
// Check the device is active, since inactive CRT may return false EDID
else if (pCheckActiveMonitor(pChildDeviceExtension) == FALSE) { bEqualEDID = TRUE; } else { VideoChildDescriptor->ValidEDID = pVideoPortIsValidEDID(VideoChildDescriptor->Buffer) ? GOOD_EDID : BAD_EDID;
// For ACPI system, try to retrieve EDID again.
// At this moment, the handle of DeviceObject is still valid
if (VideoChildDescriptor->ValidEDID != GOOD_EDID && (ChildDescriptor->ACPIDDCFlag & ACPIDDC_EXIST)) { if (!pGetACPIEdid(pChildDeviceExtension->ChildDeviceObject, VideoChildDescriptor->Buffer)) { bEqualEDID = TRUE; } } if (!bEqualEDID) { VideoChildDescriptor->ValidEDID = pVideoPortIsValidEDID(VideoChildDescriptor->Buffer) ? GOOD_EDID : BAD_EDID;
if (VideoChildDescriptor->ValidEDID == ChildDescriptor->ValidEDID) { if (VideoChildDescriptor->ValidEDID != GOOD_EDID || memcmp(ChildDescriptor->Buffer, VideoChildDescriptor->Buffer, EDID_BUFFER_SIZE) == 0) { bEqualEDID = TRUE; } } } } } //
// For non-ACPI system, EDID has already contained VideoChildDescriptor
else { if (VideoChildDescriptor->Type != Monitor || ChildDescriptor->ValidEDID != GOOD_EDID || memcmp(ChildDescriptor->Buffer, VideoChildDescriptor->Buffer, EDID_BUFFER_SIZE) == 0) { bEqualEDID = TRUE; } } }
if (bEqualEDID) { pChildDeviceExtension->bIsEnumerated = TRUE; pVideoDebugPrint((1, "VpAddPdo: duplicate device:%x\n", VideoChildDescriptor->UId));
// Replace the old child descriptor with the new one. This will
// allow us to detect when and EDID changes, etc.
if (pChildDeviceExtension->VideoChildDescriptor->ValidEDID != NO_EDID) { RtlCopyMemory(VideoChildDescriptor, pChildDeviceExtension->VideoChildDescriptor, sizeof(VIDEO_CHILD_DESCRIPTOR) ); } ExFreePool(pChildDeviceExtension->VideoChildDescriptor); pChildDeviceExtension->VideoChildDescriptor = VideoChildDescriptor;
// Return STATUS_SUCCESS, because we want to count this as a member of the
// list (it's valid and in there already).
return STATUS_SUCCESS; } pChildDeviceExtension = pChildDeviceExtension->NextChild; }
ntStatus = pVideoPortCreateDeviceName(L"\\Device\\VideoPdo", VideoChildDevices++, &deviceName, nameBuffer);
if (NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) {
// Create the PDO for the child device.
// Notice that we allocate the device extension as the size of
// the FDO extension + the size of the miniports driver extension
// for this device
ntStatus = IoCreateDevice(DeviceObject->DriverObject, sizeof(CHILD_PDO_EXTENSION), &deviceName, FILE_DEVICE_UNKNOWN, 0, FALSE, //TRUE,
// If the DeviceObject wasn't created, we won't get called to process
// the QueryId IRP where VideoChildDescriptor gets freed, so do it
// here.
if (!NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) {
pVideoDebugPrint((0, "\t IoCreateDevice() failed with status %x\n", ntStatus)); pVideoDebugPrint((0, "\t IoCreateDevice() doesn't like path %ws\n", deviceName.Buffer)); ASSERT(0);
return ntStatus; }
// Create a symbolic link so that user can call us. This was added
// to support new ACPI backlight methods. We will not fail VpAddPdo
// if IoCreateSymbolicLink fails.
RtlInitUnicodeString(&symbolicLinkName, gcwstrDosDeviceName); ntStatus2 = IoCreateSymbolicLink(&symbolicLinkName, &deviceName);
// Mark this object as supporting buffered I/O so that the I/O system
// will only supply simple buffers in IRPs.
// Set and clear the two power fields to ensure we only get called
// as passive level to do power management operations.
// Initialize fields in the ChildDeviceExtension.
pChildDeviceExtension = pChildPdo->DeviceExtension;
pChildDeviceExtension->VideoChildDescriptor = VideoChildDescriptor; pChildDeviceExtension->ChildDeviceObject = pChildPdo; pChildDeviceExtension->pFdoExtension = fdoExtension; pChildDeviceExtension->Signature = VP_TAG; pChildDeviceExtension->ExtensionType = TypePdoExtension; pChildDeviceExtension->ChildUId = VideoChildDescriptor->UId; pChildDeviceExtension->bIsEnumerated = TRUE; pChildDeviceExtension->HwDeviceExtension = fdoExtension->HwDeviceExtension; pChildDeviceExtension->PowerOverride = FALSE;
KeInitializeMutex(&pChildDeviceExtension->SyncMutex, 0);
// Initialize the remove lock.
IoInitializeRemoveLock(&pChildDeviceExtension->RemoveLock, 0, 0, 256);
// Initialize Power stuff.
// Set the devices current power state.
// NOTE - we assume the device is on at this point in time ...
pChildDeviceExtension->DevicePowerState = PowerDeviceD0;
state.DeviceState = pChildDeviceExtension->DevicePowerState;
state = PoSetPowerState(pChildPdo, DevicePowerState, state);
// Insert into list
pChildDeviceExtension->NextChild = fdoExtension->ChildPdoList; fdoExtension->ChildPdoList = pChildDeviceExtension; }
return ntStatus; }
NTSTATUS pVideoPortEnumerateChildren( PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, PIRP Irp ) /*+
* Function: pVideoPortEnumerateChildren * Context: Called in the context of an IRP_MN_QUERY_DEVICE_RELATIONS * minor function and IRP_MJ_PNP major function. * Arguments: * PDEVICE_OBJECT deviceObject - Passed in by caller of VideoPortDispatch(). * PIRP pIrp - Passed in by caller of VideoPortDispatch(). * * Comments: This routine enumerates devices attached to the video card. If * it's called before the driver is initialized, it returns * STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES. Otherwise, it attempts to read * the edid from the device and refer to that via the * DEVICE_EXTENSION and create a DEVICE_OBJECT (PDO) for each * detected device. This sets up the IO subsystem for issuing * further PnP IRPs such as IRP_MN_QUERY_DEVICE_ID * * -*/
{ UCHAR outputBuffer[sizeof(ACPI_EVAL_OUTPUT_BUFFER) + 128]; PCHILD_PDO_EXTENSION pChildDeviceExtension; PFDO_EXTENSION fdoExtension = DeviceObject->DeviceExtension; ULONG moreChild; ULONG moreDevices = 1; ULONG Unused = 0; ULONG count = 0; PACPI_METHOD_ARGUMENT pAcpiArguments = NULL; VIDEO_CHILD_ENUM_INFO childEnumInfo; ULONG relationsSize; PDEVICE_RELATIONS deviceRelations = NULL; ULONG ulChildCount = 0; ULONG debugCount = 0; PDEVICE_OBJECT *pdo; NTSTATUS ntStatus;
// Make sure we are called with an FDO
if ((fdoExtension->AllowEarlyEnumeration == FALSE) && (fdoExtension->HwInitStatus != HwInitSucceeded)) { return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; }
// Mark all of the child devices as not being enumerated
for (pChildDeviceExtension = fdoExtension->ChildPdoList; pChildDeviceExtension != NULL; pChildDeviceExtension = pChildDeviceExtension->NextChild) { pChildDeviceExtension->bIsEnumerated = FALSE; }
// Let's call ACPI to determine if we have the IDs of the devices that
// need to be enumerated.
ntStatus = pVideoPortACPIIoctl(fdoExtension->AttachedDeviceObject, (ULONG) ('DOD_'), NULL, NULL, sizeof(outputBuffer), (PACPI_EVAL_OUTPUT_BUFFER) outputBuffer);
if (NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { count = ((PACPI_EVAL_OUTPUT_BUFFER)outputBuffer)->Count; pAcpiArguments = &(((PACPI_EVAL_OUTPUT_BUFFER)outputBuffer)->Argument[0]); }
childEnumInfo.Size = sizeof(VIDEO_CHILD_ENUM_INFO); childEnumInfo.ChildDescriptorSize = EDID_BUFFER_SIZE; childEnumInfo.ChildIndex = 0; childEnumInfo.ACPIHwId = 0; childEnumInfo.ChildHwDeviceExtension = NULL;
// Call the miniport to enumerate the children
// Keep calling for each ACPI device, and then call the driver if it
// has any more devices.
while (moreDevices) { PVIDEO_CHILD_DESCRIPTOR pVideoChildDescriptor;
// Allocate Space for the Child Descriptor
pVideoChildDescriptor = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool | POOL_COLD_ALLOCATION, sizeof(VIDEO_CHILD_DESCRIPTOR), VP_TAG);
if (!pVideoChildDescriptor) { break; }
RtlZeroMemory(pVideoChildDescriptor, sizeof(VIDEO_CHILD_DESCRIPTOR));
// On ACPI machine, the HwId contains the ID returned by ACPI
// Otherwise, the value is initialized to NULL and the miniport driver
// must fill it out
if (count) { ASSERT(pAcpiArguments->Type == 0); ASSERT(pAcpiArguments->DataLength == 4);
// The lower 16bit are HWID
childEnumInfo.ACPIHwId = pAcpiArguments->Argument & 0x0000FFFF; pVideoChildDescriptor->bACPIDevice = TRUE;
pAcpiArguments++; count--; } else { //
// Increment the child index for non-ACPI devices
childEnumInfo.ChildIndex++; childEnumInfo.ACPIHwId = 0; }
// For ACPI CRTs, Miniport should return EDID directly.
// So for CRT, the buffer is garanteed to be overwriten.
// We use this attibute to distinguish the CRT from LCD and TV.
if (pVideoChildDescriptor->bACPIDevice) { *((PULONG)pVideoChildDescriptor->Buffer) = NONEDID_SIGNATURE; }
moreChild = fdoExtension->HwGetVideoChildDescriptor( fdoExtension->HwDeviceExtension, &childEnumInfo, &(pVideoChildDescriptor->Type), (PUCHAR)(pVideoChildDescriptor->Buffer), &(pVideoChildDescriptor->UId), &Unused);
if (moreChild == ERROR_MORE_DATA || moreChild == VIDEO_ENUM_MORE_DEVICES) { //
// Perform the required functions on the returned type.
ntStatus = VpAddPdo(DeviceObject, pVideoChildDescriptor);
if (NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { ++ulChildCount; } else { moreChild = VIDEO_ENUM_INVALID_DEVICE; } }
// Stop enumerating the driver returns an error
// For ACPI devices, if miniports returns ERROR_MORE_DATA, stop enumeration.
// If it returns VIDEO_ENUM_MORE_DEVICE, continue on to Non-ACPI device.
// It is the responsibility of Miniport not to enumerate duplicated ACPI and Non-ACPI devices .
if (moreChild == ERROR_MORE_DATA && (pVideoChildDescriptor->bACPIDevice == TRUE) && (count == 0)) { moreDevices = 0; }
if ((moreChild != ERROR_MORE_DATA) && (moreChild != VIDEO_ENUM_MORE_DEVICES) && (moreChild != VIDEO_ENUM_INVALID_DEVICE) ) { moreDevices = 0; }
// Free the memory in case of error.
if ((moreChild != ERROR_MORE_DATA) && (moreChild != VIDEO_ENUM_MORE_DEVICES)) { ExFreePool(pVideoChildDescriptor); } }
// Now that we know how many devices we have, allocate the blob to be returned and
// fill it.
relationsSize = sizeof(DEVICE_RELATIONS) + (ulChildCount * sizeof(PDEVICE_OBJECT));
deviceRelations = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool | POOL_COLD_ALLOCATION, relationsSize, VP_TAG);
if (deviceRelations == NULL) {
RtlZeroMemory(deviceRelations, relationsSize);
// Walk our chain of children, and store them in the relations array.
pChildDeviceExtension = fdoExtension->ChildPdoList;
pdo = &(deviceRelations->Objects[0]);
while (pChildDeviceExtension) {
if (pChildDeviceExtension->bIsEnumerated) {
// Refcount the ChildDeviceObject.
ObReferenceObject(pChildDeviceExtension->ChildDeviceObject); *pdo++ = pChildDeviceExtension->ChildDeviceObject; ++debugCount; }
pChildDeviceExtension = pChildDeviceExtension->NextChild; }
if (debugCount != ulChildCount) { pVideoDebugPrint((0, "List management ERROR line %d\n", __LINE__)); ASSERT(FALSE); }
fdoExtension->ChildPdoNumber = ulChildCount; deviceRelations->Count = ulChildCount;
// Stuff that pDeviceRelations into the IRP and return SUCCESS.
Irp->IoStatus.Information = (ULONG_PTR) deviceRelations;
NTSTATUS pVideoPortCleanUpChildList( PFDO_EXTENSION FdoExtension, PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject ) /*+
* Function: pVideoPortCleanUpChildList * Context: Called in the context of an IRP_MN_REMOVE_DEVICE * minor function and IRP_MJ_PNP major function. * Arguments: * PFDO_EXTENSION FdoExtension - Device extension of the parent * PDEVICE_OBJECT deviceObject - Device object to be deleted * * Comments: This routine deletes a monitor device object when it is no * longer needed * It actually determines if the device is still present by * checking the enumerate flag in the device extension * We only do lazy deletion, that is delete the device objects * after reenumeration has shown the device not to be there * -*/ { PCHILD_PDO_EXTENSION PrevChild = NULL; PCHILD_PDO_EXTENSION pChildDeviceExtension = FdoExtension->ChildPdoList;
ASSERT(pChildDeviceExtension != NULL);
// Search the ChildPdoList for the device we are
// removing.
while (pChildDeviceExtension) { if (pChildDeviceExtension->ChildDeviceObject == DeviceObject) { break; }
PrevChild = pChildDeviceExtension; pChildDeviceExtension = pChildDeviceExtension->NextChild; }
if (pChildDeviceExtension) {
// If the device is still enumerated, do not delete it as it is
// too expensive for us to go check for device presence again.
if (pChildDeviceExtension->bIsEnumerated) { return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
// Remove the device from the list.
if (PrevChild == NULL) {
FdoExtension->ChildPdoList = pChildDeviceExtension->NextChild;
} else {
PrevChild->NextChild = pChildDeviceExtension->NextChild; }
// Free the memory associated with this child device and then delete it.
ExFreePool(pChildDeviceExtension->VideoChildDescriptor); IoDeleteDevice(DeviceObject); }
* Function: pVideoPortConvertAsciiToWchar * convert that Ascii into a LPWSTR which * is then placed in Buffer. * * * Arguments: UCHAR Ascii - Pointer to an ascii string. * * WCHAR Buffer[64] - Buffer used to convert from ascii to * WCHAR. * * Comments: If DeviceName is returned to some caller outside the videoprt, * then Buffer had better have the right lifetime. * -*/
VOID pVideoPortConvertAsciiToWChar( IN PUCHAR Ascii, OUT WCHAR Buffer[64] ) { ANSI_STRING ansiString; UNICODE_STRING us;
// Create a unicode string holding the ascii Name.
RtlInitAnsiString(&ansiString, Ascii);
// Attach a buffer to the UNICODE_STRING
us.Buffer = Buffer; us.Length = 0; us.MaximumLength = 64;
RtlZeroMemory(Buffer, sizeof(Buffer));
RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString(&us, &ansiString, FALSE);
NTSTATUS pVideoPortQueryDeviceText( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT ChildDeviceObject, IN DEVICE_TEXT_TYPE TextType, OUT PWSTR * ReturnValue ) /*+
* Function: * Context: Called in the context of an IRP_MN_QUERY_DEVICE_TEXT * minor function and IRP_MJ_PNP major function. * Arguments: * PDEVICE_OBJECT ChildDeviceObject - Passed in by caller * of pVideoPortPnpDispatch(). * * DEVICE_TEXT_TYPE TextType - Passed in by caller * of pVideoPortPnpDispatch(). * * PWSTR * ReturnValue - Created by caller of * this routine. -*/ { PCHILD_PDO_EXTENSION pdoExtension; PVIDEO_CHILD_DESCRIPTOR pChildDescriptor;
// Get the child descriptor allocated during Enumerate phase.
pdoExtension = (PCHILD_PDO_EXTENSION) ChildDeviceObject->DeviceExtension; ASSERT(IS_PDO(pdoExtension)); pChildDescriptor = pdoExtension->VideoChildDescriptor;
*ReturnValue = NULL;
switch (TextType) {
case DeviceTextDescription:
if (pChildDescriptor->Type == Monitor) { ULONG asciiStringLength = 0; UCHAR pTmp[64]; PWSTR tmpBuffer = (PWSTR)ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool | POOL_COLD_ALLOCATION, 128, VP_TAG);
if (!tmpBuffer) {
memset(pTmp, '0', 64);
if (pChildDescriptor->ValidEDID == GOOD_EDID) {
asciiStringLength = pVideoPortGetEdidOemID(&(pChildDescriptor->Buffer), pTmp);
ASSERT(asciiStringLength <= 64);
pVideoPortConvertAsciiToWChar(pTmp, tmpBuffer);
if (asciiStringLength) {
pVideoDebugPrint((2, "Ascii name:%s\n", pTmp)); pVideoDebugPrint((2, "WChar name:%ws\n", tmpBuffer)); }
*ReturnValue = tmpBuffer;
} else {
wcscpy(tmpBuffer, L"Monitor"); *ReturnValue = tmpBuffer; }
BOOLEAN pCheckDeviceRelations(PFDO_EXTENSION FdoExtension, BOOLEAN bNewMonitor) /*+
* Function: pCheckDeviceRelations * Arguments: * bNewMonitor New monitor has been plugged in * Return Value: * TRUE: Monitors had been changed, need to reenumarate * FALSE: No child device change -*/ { BOOLEAN bInvalidateRelation = FALSE; PCHILD_PDO_EXTENSION pChildDeviceExtension; UCHAR pEdid[EDID_BUFFER_SIZE + sizeof(ACPI_EVAL_OUTPUT_BUFFER)];
for (pChildDeviceExtension = FdoExtension->ChildPdoList; pChildDeviceExtension != NULL; pChildDeviceExtension = pChildDeviceExtension->NextChild ) { PVIDEO_CHILD_DESCRIPTOR VideoChildDescriptor = pChildDeviceExtension->VideoChildDescriptor; BOOLEAN ValidEDID, bEqualEDID = TRUE;
if (VideoChildDescriptor->bACPIDevice == TRUE) { //
// If it's non-monitor device, just ignore
if (VideoChildDescriptor->Type != Monitor) { continue; }
// For each output device, we are going to retrieve EDID when it's active.
if (bNewMonitor) { VideoChildDescriptor->bInvalidate = TRUE; } else if (VideoChildDescriptor->bInvalidate == FALSE) { continue; }
// Check the device is active, since inactive CRT may return false EDID
// If inactive, delay the EDID retieving until next hotkey switching
if (pCheckActiveMonitor(pChildDeviceExtension) == FALSE) { continue; }
VideoChildDescriptor->bInvalidate = FALSE;
// Get DDC from Miniport first
{ VIDEO_CHILD_ENUM_INFO childEnumInfo; VIDEO_CHILD_TYPE childType; ULONG UId, Unused, moreChild; childEnumInfo.Size = sizeof(VIDEO_CHILD_ENUM_INFO); childEnumInfo.ChildDescriptorSize = EDID_BUFFER_SIZE; childEnumInfo.ChildIndex = 0; childEnumInfo.ACPIHwId = VideoChildDescriptor->UId; childEnumInfo.ChildHwDeviceExtension = NULL;
moreChild = FdoExtension->HwGetVideoChildDescriptor( FdoExtension->HwDeviceExtension, &childEnumInfo, &childType, (PUCHAR)pEdid, &UId, &Unused); ASSERT (moreChild == ERROR_MORE_DATA || moreChild == VIDEO_ENUM_MORE_DEVICES);
ValidEDID = pVideoPortIsValidEDID(pEdid) ? GOOD_EDID : BAD_EDID; }
// For ACPI system, retrieve EDID again.
// At this moment, the handle of DeviceObject is still valid
if (ValidEDID != GOOD_EDID && VideoChildDescriptor->ACPIDDCFlag & ACPIDDC_EXIST) { if (!pGetACPIEdid(pChildDeviceExtension->ChildDeviceObject, pEdid)) { continue; } ValidEDID = pVideoPortIsValidEDID(pEdid) ? GOOD_EDID : BAD_EDID; }
if (VideoChildDescriptor->ValidEDID != ValidEDID) { bEqualEDID = FALSE; } else if (ValidEDID == GOOD_EDID) { if (memcmp(VideoChildDescriptor->Buffer, pEdid, EDID_BUFFER_SIZE) != 0) { bEqualEDID = FALSE; } }
if (!bEqualEDID) { bInvalidateRelation = TRUE; //
// Forcing UId to become a bad value will invalidate the device
VideoChildDescriptor->UId = 0xFFFF8086; } } }
return bInvalidateRelation; }
BOOLEAN pCheckActiveMonitor(PCHILD_PDO_EXTENSION pChildDeviceExtension) { ULONG UId, flag;
UId = pChildDeviceExtension->ChildUId; if (NT_SUCCESS (pVideoMiniDeviceIoControl(pChildDeviceExtension->ChildDeviceObject, IOCTL_VIDEO_GET_CHILD_STATE, &UId, sizeof(ULONG), &flag, sizeof(ULONG) ) ) ) { return ((flag & VIDEO_CHILD_ACTIVE) ? TRUE : FALSE); }
if (pChildDeviceExtension->VideoChildDescriptor->bACPIDevice == TRUE) { UCHAR outputBuffer[0x10 + sizeof(ACPI_EVAL_OUTPUT_BUFFER)];
if (NT_SUCCESS (pVideoPortACPIIoctl(IoGetAttachedDevice(pChildDeviceExtension->ChildDeviceObject), (ULONG) ('SCD_'), NULL, NULL, sizeof(outputBuffer), (PACPI_EVAL_OUTPUT_BUFFER)outputBuffer) ) ) { if ( ((PACPI_EVAL_OUTPUT_BUFFER)outputBuffer)->Argument[0].Argument & 0x02) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } else { return TRUE; } } else { //
// For Non-ACPI machines, if miniport doesn't handle IOCTL_VIDEO_GET_CHILD_STATE, we just assume all Monitors are active
return TRUE; } }