Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1999 - 2000
Module Name:
Interface code with 61883 or 1394 class driver.
Last changed by: Author: Yee J. Wu
Kernel mode only
Revision History:
$Revision:: $ $Date:: $
#include "strmini.h"
#include "ksmedia.h"
#include "1394.h"
#include "61883.h"
#include "dbg.h"
#include "msdvfmt.h"
#include "msdvdef.h"
#include "MSDVUtil.h"
#include "MSDVGuts.h"
#include "XPrtDefs.h"
#include "EDevCtrl.h"
extern DV_FORMAT_INFO DVFormatInfoTable[]; extern const GUID KSEVENTSETID_Connection_Local;
// Simple function prototype
); NTSTATUS DVAttachWriteFrame( IN PSTREAMEX pStrmExt ); VOID DVFormatAttachFrame( IN KSPIN_DATAFLOW DataFlow, IN PSTREAMEX pStrmExt, IN PAV_61883_REQUEST pAVReq, IN PHW_STREAM_REQUEST_BLOCK pSrb, IN PSRB_DATA_PACKET pSrbDataPacket, IN ULONG ulSourceLength, // Packet length in bytes
IN ULONG ulFrameSize, IN PVOID pFrameBuffer ); VOID DVAttachFrameThread( IN PSTREAMEX pStrmExt ); VOID DVTerminateAttachFrameThread( IN PSTREAMEX pStrmExt );
#if DBG
ULONG cntInvSrcPkt = 0; #endif
#if 0 // Enable later
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, DVSRBRead)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, DVFormatAttachFrame)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, DVAttachFrameThread)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, DVTerminateAttachFrameThread)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, DVAttachWriteFrame)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, DVFormatAttachFrame)
ULONG DVReadFrameValidate( IN PCIP_VALIDATE_INFO pInfo ) /*++
Routine Description:
Used to detect the start of a DV frame. A DV frame is started with a header section.
0 verified 1: invallid
--*/ { if(pInfo->Packet) {
// Detect header 0 signature.
if( (pInfo->Packet[0] & DIF_BLK_ID0_SCT_MASK) == 0 && (pInfo->Packet[1] & DIF_BLK_ID1_DSEQ_MASK) == 0 && (pInfo->Packet[2] & DIF_BLK_ID2_DBN_MASK) == 0 ) {
// This can be used to detect dynamic format change if this function is called
// to check for data packets always. This may require setting this flag:
#if 0 // DBG
PSRB_DATA_PACKET pSrbDataPacket = pInfo->Context; PSTREAMEX pStrmExt = pSrbDataPacket->pStrmExt; PDVCR_EXTENSION pDevExt = pStrmExt->pDevExt;
if((pInfo->Packet[0] & DIF_HEADER_DSF) == 0) { // Indicate a 10 DIF sequences include in a video frame (525-60)/NTSC.
if( pDevExt->VideoFormatIndex == FMT_IDX_SD_DVCR_PAL || pDevExt->VideoFormatIndex == FMT_IDX_SDL_DVCR_PAL ) { // Dynamic format changes!!
TRACE(TL_STRM_ERROR|TL_CIP_WARNING,("Detect dynamic format change PAL -> NTSC!\n")); } } else { // Indicate a 12 DIF sequences include in a video frame (625-50)/PAL.
if( pDevExt->VideoFormatIndex == FMT_IDX_SD_DVCR_NTSC || pDevExt->VideoFormatIndex == FMT_IDX_SDL_DVCR_NTSC ) { // Dynamic format changes!!
TRACE(TL_STRM_ERROR|TL_CIP_WARNING,("Detect dynamic format change NTSC -> PAL!\n")); } } #endif
// Check TF1, TF2, and TF3: 1: not transmitted; 0:transmitted
// TF1:Audio; TF2:Video; TF3:Subcode; they all need to be 0 to be valid.
if( (pInfo->Packet[5] & DIF_HEADER_TFn) || (pInfo->Packet[6] & DIF_HEADER_TFn) || (pInfo->Packet[7] & DIF_HEADER_TFn) ) { TRACE(TL_STRM_ERROR|TL_CIP_WARNING,("\'%d inv src pkts; [%x %x %d %x], [%x %x %x %x]\n", cntInvSrcPkt, pInfo->Packet[0], pInfo->Packet[1], pInfo->Packet[2], pInfo->Packet[3], pInfo->Packet[4], pInfo->Packet[5], pInfo->Packet[6], pInfo->Packet[7] )); // Valid header but DIF block for this area is not transmitted.
// Some DV (such as DVCPro) may wait untill its "mecha and servo" to be stable to make these valid.
// This should happen if a graph is in run state before a tape is played (and stablized).
return 1; }
#if DBG
if(cntInvSrcPkt > 0) { TRACE(TL_CIP_TRACE,("\'%d inv src pkts; [%x %x %d %x] [%x %x %x %x]\n", cntInvSrcPkt, pInfo->Packet[0], pInfo->Packet[1], pInfo->Packet[2], pInfo->Packet[3], pInfo->Packet[4], pInfo->Packet[5], pInfo->Packet[6], pInfo->Packet[7] )); cntInvSrcPkt = 0; // Reset
} #endif
return 0; } else { #if DBG
// To detect invalid src pkt sequence;
// If it exceeded the number of source packet per frame, we need to know about it.
PSRB_DATA_PACKET pSrbDataPacket = pInfo->Context; PSTREAMEX pStrmExt = pSrbDataPacket->pStrmExt; PDVCR_EXTENSION pDevExt = pStrmExt->pDevExt;
if(++cntInvSrcPkt >= DVFormatInfoTable[pDevExt->VideoFormatIndex].ulSrcPackets) { TRACE(TL_CIP_TRACE,("(%d) Invalid SrcPkt >= max inv src pkt %d; ID0,1,2 = [%x %x %x]\n", cntInvSrcPkt, DVFormatInfoTable[pDevExt->VideoFormatIndex].ulSrcPackets, pInfo->Packet[0], pInfo->Packet[1], pInfo->Packet[2] ));
if(DVTraceMask & TL_CIP_TRACE) { ASSERT(cntInvSrcPkt < DVFormatInfoTable[pDevExt->VideoFormatIndex].ulSrcPackets); } cntInvSrcPkt = 0; // Reset
} else { TRACE(TL_CIP_INFO,("(%d) Invalid SrcPktSeq; ID0,1,2 = [%x,%x,%x]\n", cntInvSrcPkt, pInfo->Packet[0], pInfo->Packet[1], pInfo->Packet[2] )); } #endif
return 1; } } else { TRACE(TL_CIP_WARNING, ("\'Validate: invalid SrcPktSeq; Packet %x\n", pInfo->Packet)); return 1; } } // DVReadFrameValidate
#if DBG
LONGLONG PreviousPictureNumber; LONGLONG PreviousTime; CYCLE_TIME PreviousTimestamp; #endif
ULONG DVCompleteSrbRead( PCIP_NOTIFY_INFO pInfo ) /*++
Routine Description:
61883 has completed receiving data and callback to us to complete.
--*/ { PSRB_DATA_PACKET pSrbDataPacket; PHW_STREAM_REQUEST_BLOCK pSrb; PKSSTREAM_HEADER pStrmHeader; PDVCR_EXTENSION pDevExt; PSTREAMEX pStrmExt; LONGLONG LastPictureNumber; PUCHAR pFrameBuffer; KIRQL oldIrql; PKS_FRAME_INFO pFrameInfo; // For VidOnly pin only
#if DBG
PXMT_FRAME_STAT pXmtStat; #endif
// Callback and might be at the DISPATCH_LEVEL
// The caller might have acquired spinlock as well!
pSrbDataPacket = pInfo->Context;
if(!pSrbDataPacket) { ASSERT(pSrbDataPacket && "Context is NULL!"); return 1; }
pStrmExt = pSrbDataPacket->pStrmExt; KeAcquireSpinLock(pStrmExt->DataListLock, &oldIrql);
#if DBG
// Once it is completed by 61883, it becomes non-cancellable.
if(!pStrmExt->bIsochIsActive) { TRACE(TL_CIP_WARNING,("CompleteSrbRead: bIsochActive:%d; pSrbDataPacket:%x\n", pStrmExt->bIsochIsActive, pSrbDataPacket)); } #endif
pSrb = pSrbDataPacket->pSrb; ASSERT(pSrbDataPacket->pSrb); pDevExt = pStrmExt->pDevExt; pFrameBuffer = (PUCHAR) pSrbDataPacket->FrameBuffer; pStrmHeader = pSrb->CommandData.DataBufferArray; ASSERT(pStrmHeader->Size >= sizeof(KSSTREAM_HEADER));
// Check CIP_STATUS_* from 61883
// CIP_STATUS_CORRUPT_FRAME (0x00000001) // isoch header or cip header was incorrect
if(pSrbDataPacket->Frame->Status & CIP_STATUS_CORRUPT_FRAME) { TRACE(TL_STRM_WARNING|TL_CIP_TRACE,("\'CIP_STATUS_CORRUPT_FRAME\n")); pStrmHeader->OptionsFlags = 0; pSrb->Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; // Success but no data !
pStrmHeader->DataUsed = 0; pStrmExt->PictureNumber++; pStrmExt->FramesProcessed++; } else // CIP_STATUS_SUCCESS (0x00000000) // 0 so cannot do bitwise operation!!
// CIP_STATUS_FIRST_FRAME (0x00000002) // First attached frame to 61883
if(pSrbDataPacket->Frame->Status == CIP_STATUS_SUCCESS || (pSrbDataPacket->Frame->Status & CIP_STATUS_FIRST_FRAME)) {
// Only increment FramesProcessed if it is a valid frame;
pSrb->Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; pStrmHeader->OptionsFlags = KSSTREAM_HEADER_OPTIONSF_SPLICEPOINT; pStrmHeader->DataUsed = DVFormatInfoTable[pDevExt->VideoFormatIndex].ulFrameSize;
// Put in Timestamp info depending on clock provider
pStrmHeader->PresentationTime.Numerator = 1; pStrmHeader->PresentationTime.Denominator = 1;
if(pStrmExt->hMasterClock || pStrmExt->hClock) {
pStrmHeader->Duration = DVFormatInfoTable[pDevExt->VideoFormatIndex].ulAvgTimePerFrame;
pStrmHeader->OptionsFlags |= (KSSTREAM_HEADER_OPTIONSF_TIMEVALID | // pStrmHeader->PresentationTime.Time is valid
// Only if there is a clock, presentation time and drop frames information are set.
// Acoording to DDK:
// The PictureNumber member count represents the idealized count of the current picture,
// which is calculated in one of two ways:
// ("Other" clock) Measure the time since the stream was started and divide by the frame duration.
// (MasterClock) Add together the count of frames captured and the count of frame dropped.
// Other device (audio?) is the clock provider
if(pStrmExt->hClock) {
pStrmExt->TimeContext.HwDeviceExtension = (struct _HW_DEVICE_EXTENSION *) pDevExt; pStrmExt->TimeContext.HwStreamObject = pStrmExt->pStrmObject; pStrmExt->TimeContext.Function = TIME_GET_STREAM_TIME; pStrmExt->TimeContext.Time = 0; pStrmExt->TimeContext.SystemTime = 0;
StreamClassQueryMasterClockSync( pStrmExt->hClock, &(pStrmExt->TimeContext) );
pStrmHeader->PresentationTime.Time = pStrmExt->CurrentStreamTime = pStrmExt->TimeContext.Time;
// Calculate picture number and dropped frame;
// For NTSC, it could be 267 or 266 packet time per frame. Since integer calculation will round,
// we will add a packet time (TIME_PER_CYCLE = 125 us = 1250 100nsec) to that.This is only used for calculation.
LastPictureNumber = pStrmExt->PictureNumber; pStrmExt->PictureNumber = 1 + // Picture number start with 1.
(pStrmHeader->PresentationTime.Time + TIME_PER_CYCLE) * (LONGLONG) GET_AVG_TIME_PER_FRAME_DENOM(pStrmExt->pDevExt->VideoFormatIndex) / (LONGLONG) GET_AVG_TIME_PER_FRAME_NUM(pStrmExt->pDevExt->VideoFormatIndex);
// Detect discontinuity
if(pStrmExt->PictureNumber > LastPictureNumber+1) { pStrmHeader->OptionsFlags |= KSSTREAM_HEADER_OPTIONSF_DATADISCONTINUITY; // If there is a skipped frame, set the discontinuity flag
TRACE(TL_CIP_WARNING,("\'Discontinuity: LastPic#:%d; Pic#%d; PresTime:%d;\n", (DWORD) LastPictureNumber, (DWORD) pStrmExt->PictureNumber, (DWORD) pStrmHeader->PresentationTime.Time)); }
// Detect if picture number did not progress.
// This could be due to two frame being completely very close to each other.
if(pStrmExt->PictureNumber <= LastPictureNumber) { TRACE(TL_CIP_WARNING,("\'hClock:Same pic #:(%d->%d); tmPres:(%d->%d); (%d:%d:%d) -> (%d:%d:%d); AQD[%d:%d:%d]\n", (DWORD) PreviousPictureNumber, (DWORD) pStrmExt->PictureNumber, (DWORD) PreviousTime, (DWORD) pStrmHeader->PresentationTime.Time, PreviousTimestamp.CL_SecondCount, PreviousTimestamp.CL_CycleCount, PreviousTimestamp.CL_CycleOffset, pSrbDataPacket->Frame->Timestamp.CL_SecondCount, pSrbDataPacket->Frame->Timestamp.CL_CycleCount, pSrbDataPacket->Frame->Timestamp.CL_CycleOffset, pStrmExt->cntDataAttached, pStrmExt->cntSRBQueued, pStrmExt->cntDataDetached ));
pStrmExt->PictureNumber = LastPictureNumber + 1; // Picture number must progress !!!!
} #if DBG
PreviousPictureNumber = pStrmExt->PictureNumber; PreviousTime = pStrmHeader->PresentationTime.Time; PreviousTimestamp = pSrbDataPacket->Frame->Timestamp; #endif
pStrmExt->FramesDropped = pStrmExt->PictureNumber - pStrmExt->FramesProcessed;
// This subunit driver is a Master clock
} else if (pStrmExt->hMasterClock) { #ifdef NT51_61883
ULONG ulDeltaCycleCounts;
// No drop frame for PAUSE->RUN transition
if(pStrmExt->b1stNewFrameFromPauseState) {
pStrmHeader->OptionsFlags |= KSSTREAM_HEADER_OPTIONSF_DATADISCONTINUITY; pStrmExt->b1stNewFrameFromPauseState = FALSE;
} else { ULONG ulCycleCount16bits;
// Calculate skipped 1394 cycle from the returned CycleTime
VALIDATE_CYCLE_COUNTS(pSrbDataPacket->Frame->Timestamp); ulCycleCount16bits = CALCULATE_CYCLE_COUNTS(pSrbDataPacket->Frame->Timestamp); ulDeltaCycleCounts = CALCULATE_DELTA_CYCLE_COUNT(pStrmExt->CycleCount16bits, ulCycleCount16bits);
// Adjust to max allowable gap to the max elapsed time of the CycleTime returned by OHCI 1394.
if(ulDeltaCycleCounts > MAX_CYCLES) ulDeltaCycleCounts = MAX_CYCLES; // Wrap around
// There are two cases for drop frames:
// (1) Starve of buffer; or,
// (2) no data (blank tape or tape is not playing)
// For case (1), 61883 returns CIP_STATUS_FIRST_FRAME.
if(pSrbDataPacket->Frame->Status & CIP_STATUS_FIRST_FRAME) { // Use cycle count to calculate drop frame. We substract 1 from the MaxSrcPacket on purpose to avoid truncating.
// The max range is MAX_CYCLE (8 * 8000 = 64000 cycles)
// 64000 * 125 * 3 / 100100 = 239.76
// 64000 / 266 = 240
// 64000 / 267 = 239
if(ulDeltaCycleCounts >= (DVFormatInfoTable[pDevExt->VideoFormatIndex].ulMaxSrcPackets - 1)) { ULONG ulFrameElapsed = ulDeltaCycleCounts / (DVFormatInfoTable[pDevExt->VideoFormatIndex].ulMaxSrcPackets - 1); pStrmExt->FramesDropped += (ulFrameElapsed - 1); // There is a valid frame that is not dropped.
} TRACE(TL_STRM_WARNING|TL_CIP_WARNING,("CIP_STATUS_FIRST_FRAME: Drop:%d; Processed:%d\n", (DWORD) pStrmExt->FramesDropped, pStrmExt->FramesProcessed )); pStrmHeader->OptionsFlags |= KSSTREAM_HEADER_OPTIONSF_DATADISCONTINUITY;
} else { // Ignore all "drop frames" in the "no data" case
// pStrmExt->FramesDropped += 0;
} }
// If we are the clock provider, the stream time is based on sample number * AvgTimePerFrame
pStrmExt->PictureNumber = pStrmExt->FramesProcessed + pStrmExt->FramesDropped;
pStrmHeader->PresentationTime.Time = pStrmExt->CurrentStreamTime = pStrmExt->PictureNumber * (LONGLONG) GET_AVG_TIME_PER_FRAME_NUM(pStrmExt->pDevExt->VideoFormatIndex) / (LONGLONG) GET_AVG_TIME_PER_FRAME_DENOM(pStrmExt->pDevExt->VideoFormatIndex);
// Use to adjust the queried stream time
pStrmExt->LastSystemTime = GetSystemTime();
// Cache current CycleCount
pStrmExt->CycleCount16bits = CALCULATE_CYCLE_COUNTS(pSrbDataPacket->Frame->Timestamp);
#if DBG
// First frame or skipped frame
if(pStrmExt->PictureNumber <= 1 || pStrmExt->PictureNumber <= PreviousPictureNumber || ulDeltaCycleCounts > DVFormatInfoTable[pDevExt->VideoFormatIndex].ulMaxSrcPackets ) TRACE(TL_CIP_WARNING,("\'hMasterClock: Same pic #:(%d->%d); tmPres:(%d->%d); (%d:%d:%d) -> (%d:%d:%d); AQD[%d:%d:%d]\n", (DWORD) PreviousPictureNumber, (DWORD) pStrmExt->PictureNumber, (DWORD) PreviousTime, (DWORD) pStrmHeader->PresentationTime.Time, PreviousTimestamp.CL_SecondCount, PreviousTimestamp.CL_CycleCount, PreviousTimestamp.CL_CycleOffset, pSrbDataPacket->Frame->Timestamp.CL_SecondCount, pSrbDataPacket->Frame->Timestamp.CL_CycleCount, pSrbDataPacket->Frame->Timestamp.CL_CycleOffset, pStrmExt->cntDataAttached, pStrmExt->cntSRBQueued, pStrmExt->cntDataDetached ));
PreviousPictureNumber = pStrmExt->PictureNumber; PreviousTime = pStrmHeader->PresentationTime.Time; PreviousTimestamp = pSrbDataPacket->Frame->Timestamp; #endif
#else // NT51_61883
// This is the old way when 61883 was not returning the correct CycleTime.
pStrmHeader->PresentationTime.Time = pStrmExt->CurrentStreamTime; pStrmExt->LastSystemTime = GetSystemTime(); // Use to adjust the queried stream time
pStrmExt->CurrentStreamTime += DVFormatInfoTable[pDevExt->VideoFormatIndex].ulAvgTimePerFrame; #endif // NT51_61883
// no Clock so "free flowing!"
} else { pStrmHeader->PresentationTime.Time = 0; pStrmHeader->Duration = 0; // No clock so not valid.
pStrmExt->PictureNumber++; TRACE(TL_CIP_TRACE,("\'No clock: PicNum:%d\n", (DWORD) pStrmExt->PictureNumber)); } } else { // 61883 has not defined this new status at this time!
// Do not know what to do so we will complete it with 0 length for now.
pStrmHeader->OptionsFlags = 0; pSrb->Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; pStrmHeader->DataUsed = 0; pStrmExt->PictureNumber++; pStrmExt->FramesProcessed++; TRACE(TL_STRM_WARNING|TL_CIP_ERROR,("pSrbDataPacket:%x; unexpected Frame->Status %x\n", pSrbDataPacket, pSrbDataPacket->Frame->Status)); ASSERT(FALSE && "Unknown pSrbDataPacket->Frame->Status"); }
// For VidOnly which uses VideoInfoHeader and has
// an extended frame information (KS_FRAME_INFO) appended to KSSTREAM_HEADER
if( pDevExt->idxStreamNumber == 0 && (pStrmHeader->Size >= (sizeof(KSSTREAM_HEADER) + sizeof(PKS_FRAME_INFO))) ) { pFrameInfo = (PKS_FRAME_INFO) (pStrmHeader + 1); pFrameInfo->ExtendedHeaderSize = sizeof(KS_FRAME_INFO); pFrameInfo->PictureNumber = pStrmExt->PictureNumber; pFrameInfo->DropCount = pStrmExt->FramesDropped; pFrameInfo->dwFrameFlags = KS_VIDEO_FLAG_FRAME | // Complete frame
KS_VIDEO_FLAG_I_FRAME; // Every DV frame is an I frame
#if DBG
// Validate that the data is return in the right sequence
if(pSrbDataPacket->FrameNumber != pStrmExt->FramesProcessed) { TRACE(TL_STRM_WARNING|TL_CIP_ERROR,("\'pSrbDataPacket:%x; Status:%x; Out of Sequence %d != %d; (Dropped:%x)\n", pSrbDataPacket, pSrbDataPacket->Frame->Status, (DWORD) pSrbDataPacket->FrameNumber, (DWORD) pStrmExt->FramesProcessed, (DWORD) pStrmExt->FramesDropped )); }; #endif
#if DBG
// Collect transmit buffer statistics
if(pStrmExt->ulStatEntries < MAX_XMT_FRAMES_TRACED) { pXmtStat = pStrmExt->paXmtStat + pStrmExt->ulStatEntries; pXmtStat->StreamState = pStrmExt->StreamState;
pXmtStat->cntSRBReceived = (LONG) pStrmExt->cntSRBReceived; pXmtStat->cntSRBPending = (LONG) pStrmExt->cntSRBPending; pXmtStat->cntSRBQueued = (LONG) pStrmExt->cntSRBQueued; pXmtStat->cntDataAttached= pStrmExt->cntDataAttached;
pXmtStat->FrameSlot = (DWORD) pStrmExt->PictureNumber; pXmtStat->tmStreamTime = pStrmExt->CurrentStreamTime;
pXmtStat->DropCount = (DWORD) pStrmExt->FramesDropped;
pXmtStat->FrameNumber = (DWORD) pSrbDataPacket->FrameNumber; pXmtStat->OptionsFlags = pSrb->CommandData.DataBufferArray->OptionsFlags; pXmtStat->tmPresentation = pSrb->CommandData.DataBufferArray->PresentationTime.Time;
pXmtStat->tsTransmitted= pSrbDataPacket->Frame->Timestamp;
pStrmExt->ulStatEntries++; } #endif
// Mark completion is called.
// Attached->Completed or Completed->Attached.
if(IsStateSet(pSrbDataPacket->State, DE_IRP_ATTACHED_COMPLETED)) {
// Recycle it back to the detach list
RemoveEntryList(&pSrbDataPacket->ListEntry); pStrmExt->cntDataAttached--; ASSERT(pStrmExt->cntDataAttached >= 0); InsertTailList(&pStrmExt->DataDetachedListHead, &pSrbDataPacket->ListEntry); pStrmExt->cntDataDetached++;
#if DBG
// Detect if 61883 is starve. This cause discontinuity.
// This can happen for many valid reasons (slow system).
// An assert is added to detect other unknown reason.
if(pStrmExt->cntDataAttached == 0 && pStrmExt->StreamState == KSSTATE_RUN) { TRACE(TL_STRM_WARNING|TL_CIP_WARNING,("\n**** 61883 starved in RUN state (read); AQD[%d:%d:%d]\n\n", pStrmExt->cntDataAttached, pStrmExt->cntSRBQueued, pStrmExt->cntDataDetached )); // ASSERT(pStrmExt->cntDataAttached > 0 && "61883 is starve at RUN state!!");
} #endif
// Complete this Srb
StreamClassStreamNotification(StreamRequestComplete, pStrmExt->pStrmObject, pSrbDataPacket->pSrb ); pSrbDataPacket->State |= DE_IRP_SRB_COMPLETED; pSrbDataPacket->pSrb = NULL;
#if DBG
pStrmExt->cntSRBPending--; #endif
} else {
TRACE(TL_STRM_WARNING,("CompleteSrbRead: pSrbDataPacket:%x; Completed before attach.\n", pSrbDataPacket));
KeReleaseSpinLock(pStrmExt->DataListLock, oldIrql);
return 0; } // DVCompleteSrbRead
Routine Description:
Completion routine for attaching a frame for transmitting. Apply to attaching listen and talk frame.
--*/ { PHW_STREAM_REQUEST_BLOCK pSrb; PSTREAMEX pStrmExt; PLONG plSrbUseCount; // When this count is 0, it can be completed.
KIRQL oldIrql;
pStrmExt = pSrbDataPacket->pStrmExt; KeAcquireSpinLock(pStrmExt->DataListLock, &oldIrql);
pSrb = pSrbDataPacket->pSrb;
// This entry is be already attached before IoCallDriver.
// This is done this way because this buffer could be filled and
// completed before the attach completion routine (here) is called.
// If it is completed and callback is called,
// pSrbDataPacket->pSrb has been set to NULL.
// In the error case, pSrbDataPacket->pSrb should not be NULL.
if(!NT_SUCCESS(pIrp->IoStatus.Status)) { if(pSrbDataPacket->pSrb == NULL) { // PBinder told me that this cannot happen.
// A buffer is completed (pSRb set to NULL), and still return with an error!
ASSERT(pSrbDataPacket->pSrb); KeReleaseSpinLock(pStrmExt->DataListLock, oldIrql); return STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED; } pSrbDataPacket->State |= DE_IRP_ERROR;
plSrbUseCount = (PLONG) (pSrb->SRBExtension); (*plSrbUseCount) --; // -- for being remove from queue
ASSERT(*plSrbUseCount >= 0);
TRACE(TL_CIP_ERROR,("DVAttachFrameCR: pSrb:%x; pSrb->Status:%x; failed pIrp->Status %x; UseCnt:%d\n", pSrb, pSrb->Status, pIrp->IoStatus.Status, *plSrbUseCount)); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(pIrp->IoStatus.Status) && "DVAttachFrameCR"); // Complete this SRB only if the count is 0.
if(*plSrbUseCount == 0 && pSrb->Status != STATUS_CANCELLED) { pSrb->Status = pIrp->IoStatus.Status; pSrb->CommandData.DataBufferArray->DataUsed = 0;
// Complete SRB
StreamClassStreamNotification(StreamRequestComplete, pSrb->StreamObject, pSrbDataPacket->pSrb); pSrbDataPacket->State |= DE_IRP_SRB_COMPLETED; pSrbDataPacket->pSrb = NULL; #if DBG
pStrmExt->cntSRBPending--; #endif
// Recycle list
RemoveEntryList(&pSrbDataPacket->ListEntry); pStrmExt->cntDataAttached--; ASSERT(pStrmExt->cntDataAttached >= 0); InsertTailList(&pStrmExt->DataDetachedListHead, &pSrbDataPacket->ListEntry); pStrmExt->cntDataDetached++;
#if DBG
// Detect if 61883 is starve. This cause discontinuity.
// This can happen for many valid reasons (slow system).
// An assert is added to detect other unknown reason.
if(!pStrmExt->bEOStream && pStrmExt->cntDataAttached == 0 && pStrmExt->StreamState == KSSTATE_RUN) { TRACE(TL_STRM_WARNING|TL_CIP_WARNING,("\n**** 61883 starve in RUN state (AttachCR); AQD[%d:%d:%d]\n\n", pStrmExt->cntDataAttached, pStrmExt->cntSRBQueued, pStrmExt->cntDataDetached )); if (pStrmExt->pStrmInfo->DataFlow == KSPIN_DATAFLOW_IN) { // ASSERT(pStrmExt->cntDataAttached > 0 && "61883 is starve at RUN state!!");
} } #endif
KeReleaseSpinLock(pStrmExt->DataListLock, oldIrql); return STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED; }
// Mark attached buffer completed.
// Special case: Completed and then Attached.
if(IsStateSet(pSrbDataPacket->State, DE_IRP_CALLBACK_COMPLETED)) {
// Recycle it back to the detach list
RemoveEntryList(&pSrbDataPacket->ListEntry); pStrmExt->cntDataAttached--; ASSERT(pStrmExt->cntDataAttached >= 0); InsertTailList(&pStrmExt->DataDetachedListHead, &pSrbDataPacket->ListEntry); pStrmExt->cntDataDetached++;
#if DBG
// Detect if 61883 is starve. This cause discontinuity.
// This can happen for many valid reasons (slow system).
// An assert is added to detect other unknown reason.
if(!pStrmExt->bEOStream && pStrmExt->cntDataAttached == 0 && pStrmExt->StreamState == KSSTATE_RUN) { TRACE(TL_STRM_WARNING|TL_CIP_WARNING,("\n**** 61883 starve in RUN state (AttachCR); AQD[%d:%d:%d]\n\n", pStrmExt->cntDataAttached, pStrmExt->cntSRBQueued, pStrmExt->cntDataDetached )); if (pStrmExt->pStrmInfo->DataFlow == KSPIN_DATAFLOW_IN) { // ASSERT(pStrmExt->cntDataAttached > 0 && "61883 is starve at RUN state!!");
} } #endif
// Complete this Srb
StreamClassStreamNotification(StreamRequestComplete, pStrmExt->pStrmObject, pSrbDataPacket->pSrb); pSrbDataPacket->State |= DE_IRP_SRB_COMPLETED; pSrbDataPacket->pSrb = NULL;
#if DBG
pStrmExt->cntSRBPending--; #endif
TRACE(TL_STRM_WARNING,("AttachFrameCR: pSrbDataPacket:%x; completed before DttachFrameCR.\n", pSrbDataPacket)); }
KeReleaseSpinLock(pStrmExt->DataListLock, oldIrql);
TRACE(TL_CIP_INFO,("\'DVAttachFrameCR: pSrb:%x; AttachCnt:%d\n", pSrb, pStrmExt->cntDataAttached));
) /*++
Routine Description:
Called when an Read Data Srb request is received
--*/ { KIRQL oldIrql; NTSTATUS Status; PSRB_DATA_PACKET pSrbDataPacket; PAV_61883_REQUEST pAVReq; PLONG plSrbUseCount; PIO_STACK_LOCATION NextIrpStack; ULONG ulSrcPktLen; // Packet length in bytes
PVOID pFrameBuffer;
// Some validation
if(pStrmHeader->FrameExtent < ulFrameSize) { TRACE(TL_CIP_WARNING,("\'SRBRead: FrmExt %d < FrmSz %d\n", pStrmHeader->FrameExtent, ulFrameSize)); #ifdef SUPPORT_NEW_AVC
if(pStrmExt->bDV2DVConnect) { pSrb->Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; // Testing...
} else { #endif
ASSERT(pStrmHeader->FrameExtent >= ulFrameSize); pSrb->Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; #ifdef SUPPORT_NEW_AVC
} #endif
goto ExitReadStreamError; }
// Make sure that there is enough entry
KeAcquireSpinLock(pStrmExt->DataListLock, &oldIrql); if(IsListEmpty(&pStrmExt->DataDetachedListHead)) { //
// This can happen only if the upper layer send down more than what we preallocated.
// In this case, we will expand the list.
if(!(pSrbDataPacket = ExAllocatePool(NonPagedPool, sizeof(SRB_DATA_PACKET)))) { KeReleaseSpinLock(pStrmExt->DataListLock, oldIrql); pSrb->Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto ExitReadStreamError; } RtlZeroMemory(pSrbDataPacket, sizeof(SRB_DATA_PACKET)); if(!(pSrbDataPacket->Frame = ExAllocatePool(NonPagedPool, sizeof(CIP_FRAME)))) { KeReleaseSpinLock(pStrmExt->DataListLock, oldIrql); ExFreePool(pSrbDataPacket); pSrb->Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto ExitReadStreamError; } if(!(pSrbDataPacket->pIrp = IoAllocateIrp(pDevExt->pBusDeviceObject->StackSize, FALSE))) { KeReleaseSpinLock(pStrmExt->DataListLock, oldIrql); ExFreePool(pSrbDataPacket->Frame); pSrbDataPacket->Frame = 0; ExFreePool(pSrbDataPacket); pSrbDataPacket = 0; pSrb->Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto ExitReadStreamError; } InsertTailList(&pStrmExt->DataDetachedListHead, &pSrbDataPacket->ListEntry); pStrmExt->cntDataDetached++; TRACE(TL_CIP_WARNING,("\'Add one node to DetachList\n")); }
// Get a a nonpaged system-space virtual address for the buffer
// This could fail it there is not enough system resource (MDL).
#ifdef USE_WDM110 // Win2000
// Driver verifier flag to use this but if this is used, this driver will not load for Millen!!!
pFrameBuffer = MmGetSystemAddressForMdlSafe(pSrb->Irp->MdlAddress, NormalPagePriority); #else // Win9x
pFrameBuffer = MmGetSystemAddressForMdl (pSrb->Irp->MdlAddress); #endif
if(pFrameBuffer == NULL) { KeReleaseSpinLock(pStrmExt->DataListLock, oldIrql);
pSrb->Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; ASSERT(FALSE && "DVFormatAttachFrame() insufficient resource!"); goto ExitReadStreamError; }
pSrbDataPacket = (PSRB_DATA_PACKET) RemoveHeadList(&pStrmExt->DataDetachedListHead); pStrmExt->cntDataDetached--; plSrbUseCount = (PLONG) (pSrb->SRBExtension); (*plSrbUseCount) = 0; // Not in a queue so 0.
pAVReq = &pSrbDataPacket->AVReq;
ulSrcPktLen = \ (DVFormatInfoTable[pDevExt->VideoFormatIndex].DataBlockSize << 2) * \ (1 << DVFormatInfoTable[pDevExt->VideoFormatIndex].FractionNumber);
// Format an attach frame request
DVFormatAttachFrame( pStrmExt->pStrmInfo->DataFlow, pStrmExt, pAVReq, pSrb, pSrbDataPacket, ulSrcPktLen, ulFrameSize, pFrameBuffer );
// Completion callback can be called before the attach frame completion routine;
// Add this to the attached list now; if it ever failed, it will be removed in the completion routine.
InsertTailList(&pStrmExt->DataAttachedListHead, &pSrbDataPacket->ListEntry); pStrmExt->cntDataAttached++; (*plSrbUseCount) ++; // ++ for being in queue
ASSERT(*plSrbUseCount > 0);
KeReleaseSpinLock(pStrmExt->DataListLock, oldIrql);
NextIrpStack = IoGetNextIrpStackLocation(pSrbDataPacket->pIrp); NextIrpStack->MajorFunction = IRP_MJ_INTERNAL_DEVICE_CONTROL; NextIrpStack->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.IoControlCode = IOCTL_61883_CLASS; NextIrpStack->Parameters.Others.Argument1 = &pSrbDataPacket->AVReq;
IoSetCompletionRoutine( pSrbDataPacket->pIrp, DVAttachFrameCR, pSrbDataPacket, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE );
// Must set to _PENDING or MediaSample will return empty KSSTREAM_HEADER
pSrb->Status = STATUS_PENDING; pSrbDataPacket->pIrp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; // Initialize it
Status = IoCallDriver( pStrmExt->pDevExt->pBusDeviceObject, pSrbDataPacket->pIrp);
StreamClassStreamNotification( StreamRequestComplete, pSrb->StreamObject, pSrb ); #if DBG
pStrmExt->cntSRBPending--; #endif
ULONG DVCompleteSrbWrite( PCIP_NOTIFY_INFO pInfo ) /*++
Routine Description:
This fucntion is called when 61883 has completed transmitting a frame.
--*/ { PSRB_DATA_PACKET pSrbDataPacket ; PHW_STREAM_REQUEST_BLOCK pSrb; NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; PDVCR_EXTENSION pDevExt; PSTREAMEX pStrmExt; PLONG plSrbUseCount; // When this count is 0, it can be completed.
KIRQL oldIrql; #if DBG
LONG lCycleCountElapsed; PXMT_FRAME_STAT pXmtStat; #endif
// Callback and in DISPATCH_LEVEL
// Caller might have acquired SpinLock as well!
pSrbDataPacket = pInfo->Context;
if(!pSrbDataPacket) { ASSERT(pSrbDataPacket); return 1; }
pStrmExt = pSrbDataPacket->pStrmExt; ASSERT(pStrmExt);
KeAcquireSpinLock(pStrmExt->DataListLock, &oldIrql);
pSrb = pSrbDataPacket->pSrb;
pDevExt = pStrmExt->pDevExt; plSrbUseCount = (PLONG) pSrb->SRBExtension;
// Check return Status
if(!NT_SUCCESS(pSrbDataPacket->Frame->Status)) { TRACE(TL_CIP_ERROR,("\'DVCompleteSrbWrite: %d: Frame->Status %x\n", (DWORD) pSrbDataPacket->FrameNumber, pSrbDataPacket->Frame->Status)); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(pSrbDataPacket->Frame->Status)); pSrb->Status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } else { pSrb->Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; }
(*plSrbUseCount) --; // This count need to be 0 before the SRB is completed.
ASSERT(*plSrbUseCount >= 0);
#if DBG
if(pSrbDataPacket->StreamState == KSSTATE_PAUSE) { pStrmExt->lPrevCycleCount = pSrbDataPacket->Frame->Timestamp.CL_CycleCount; pStrmExt->lTotalCycleCount = 0; pStrmExt->lFramesAccumulatedRun = 0; pStrmExt->lFramesAccumulatedPaused++;
} else if(pSrbDataPacket->StreamState == KSSTATE_RUN) {
if((LONG) pSrbDataPacket->Frame->Timestamp.CL_CycleCount > pStrmExt->lPrevCycleCount) lCycleCountElapsed = pSrbDataPacket->Frame->Timestamp.CL_CycleCount - pStrmExt->lPrevCycleCount; else lCycleCountElapsed = pSrbDataPacket->Frame->Timestamp.CL_CycleCount + 8000 - pStrmExt->lPrevCycleCount;
if(lCycleCountElapsed <= (LONG) DVFormatInfoTable[pDevExt->VideoFormatIndex].ulSrcPackets) { TRACE(TL_CIP_WARNING, ("\'#### CycleCounts between frames %d <= expected %d + empty pkt?\n", lCycleCountElapsed, DVFormatInfoTable[pDevExt->VideoFormatIndex].ulSrcPackets )); }
pStrmExt->lTotalCycleCount += lCycleCountElapsed; pStrmExt->lFramesAccumulatedRun++;
TRACE(TL_CIP_TRACE,("\'%d) Attached:%d; pSrb:%x; FmSt:%x; CyTm:[SC:%d:CC:%d]; CyclElaps:%d; fps:%d/%d\n", (DWORD) pSrbDataPacket->FrameNumber, pStrmExt->cntDataAttached, pSrb, pSrbDataPacket->Frame->Status, pSrbDataPacket->Frame->Timestamp.CL_SecondCount, pSrbDataPacket->Frame->Timestamp.CL_CycleCount, lCycleCountElapsed, pStrmExt->lTotalCycleCount, (DWORD) pStrmExt->lFramesAccumulatedRun ));
pStrmExt->lPrevCycleCount = pSrbDataPacket->Frame->Timestamp.CL_CycleCount; } else { TRACE(TL_CIP_ERROR,("\'This data was attached at %d state ?????\n", pSrbDataPacket->StreamState)); }
TRACE(TL_CIP_INFO,("\'%d) FmSt %x; Cnt %d; CyTm:[%d:%d:%d]; PrevCyclCnt:%d\n", (DWORD) pSrbDataPacket->FrameNumber, pSrbDataPacket->Frame->Status, *plSrbUseCount, pSrbDataPacket->Frame->Timestamp.CL_SecondCount, pSrbDataPacket->Frame->Timestamp.CL_CycleCount, pSrbDataPacket->Frame->Timestamp.CL_CycleOffset, pStrmExt->lPrevCycleCount ));
TRACE(TL_CIP_INFO,("\'DVCompleteSrbWrite: Frm:%d; Attached:%d; cntUse:%d, Srb:%x; FrmSt:%x; CyclElaps:%d\n", (DWORD) pSrbDataPacket->FrameNumber, pStrmExt->cntDataAttached, *plSrbUseCount, pSrb, pSrbDataPacket->Frame->Status, lCycleCountElapsed ));
// Mark completion is called.
// Attached->Completed or Completed->Attached.
if(IsStateSet(pSrbDataPacket->State, DE_IRP_ATTACHED_COMPLETED)) {
// Recycle it back to the detach list
RemoveEntryList(&pSrbDataPacket->ListEntry); pStrmExt->cntDataAttached--; ASSERT(pStrmExt->cntDataAttached >= 0); InsertTailList(&pStrmExt->DataDetachedListHead, &pSrbDataPacket->ListEntry); pStrmExt->cntDataDetached++;
#if DBG
// Detect if 61883 is starve. This cause discontinuity.
// This can happen for many valid reasons (slow system).
// An assert is added to detect other unknown reason.
if(!pStrmExt->bEOStream && pStrmExt->cntDataAttached == 0 && pStrmExt->StreamState == KSSTATE_RUN) { TRACE(TL_STRM_WARNING|TL_CIP_WARNING,("\n**** 61883 starve in RUN state (write);AQD[%d:%d:%d]\n\n", pStrmExt->cntDataAttached, pStrmExt->cntSRBQueued, pStrmExt->cntDataDetached )); if (pStrmExt->pStrmInfo->DataFlow == KSPIN_DATAFLOW_IN) { // ASSERT(pStrmExt->cntDataAttached > 0 && "61883 is starve at RUN state!!");
} } #endif
// Complete this SRB only if the count is 0.
if(*plSrbUseCount == 0) {
TRACE(TL_CIP_TRACE,("\'------------ Srb:%x completing..----------------\n", pSrb)); // Frame that possibly made it to the device
pStrmExt->FramesProcessed++; pSrb->CommandData.DataBufferArray->DataUsed = DVFormatInfoTable[pDevExt->VideoFormatIndex].ulFrameSize;
StreamClassStreamNotification(StreamRequestComplete, pStrmExt->pStrmObject, pSrbDataPacket->pSrb ); pSrbDataPacket->State |= DE_IRP_SRB_COMPLETED; pSrbDataPacket->pSrb = NULL; #if DBG
pStrmExt->cntSRBPending--; #endif
} else {
TRACE(TL_STRM_WARNING,("CompleteSrbWrite: pSrbDataPacket:%x; Completed before attach.\n", pSrbDataPacket));
#if DBG
// Collect transmit buffer statistics
if((pStrmExt->lFramesAccumulatedPaused + pStrmExt->lFramesAccumulatedRun) <= MAX_XMT_FRAMES_TRACED) { pXmtStat = pStrmExt->paXmtStat + (pStrmExt->lFramesAccumulatedPaused + pStrmExt->lFramesAccumulatedRun - 1); pXmtStat->tsTransmitted = pSrbDataPacket->Frame->Timestamp; if(pSrbDataPacket->Frame->Timestamp.CL_CycleCount == 0) { TRACE(TL_CIP_WARNING,("\'PAUSE:%d; RUN:%d; %d:%d\n", pStrmExt->lFramesAccumulatedPaused, pStrmExt->lFramesAccumulatedRun, pSrbDataPacket->Frame->Timestamp.CL_SecondCount, pSrbDataPacket->Frame->Timestamp.CL_CycleCount)); } } #endif
// Signal that all SRBs have been attached and transmitted.
if(pStrmExt->bEOStream) { if(pStrmExt->cntDataAttached == 0 && pStrmExt->cntSRBQueued == 0) {
// Signal any pending clock events
DVSignalClockEvent(0, pStrmExt, 0, 0);
// No data request queued or pending; it is time to signal EOStream to
// trigger EC_COMPLETE.
StreamClassStreamNotification( SignalMultipleStreamEvents, pStrmExt->pStrmObject, (GUID *)&KSEVENTSETID_Connection_Local, KSEVENT_CONNECTION_ENDOFSTREAM );
TRACE(TL_CIP_WARNING,("\'*-*-* EOStream Signalled: pSrb:%x completed; AQD [%d:%d:%d]; Took %d msec;\n", pSrb, pStrmExt->cntDataAttached, pStrmExt->cntSRBQueued, pStrmExt->cntDataDetached, (DWORD) ((GetSystemTime() - pStrmExt->tmStreamStart)/(ULONGLONG) 10000))); } else { TRACE(TL_CIP_TRACE,("\' *EOStream: pSrb:%x completed; cntAttached:%d; cntSRBQ:%d\n", pSrb, (DWORD) pStrmExt->cntDataAttached, (DWORD) pStrmExt->cntSRBQueued)); } }
// If we are not in the ending situtation (EOS pr Stop state) and number of
// attach data request is below a threashold, we singal an event to the
// code that does "throttle" to quickly attach another frame.
if(!pStrmExt->bEOStream || (pStrmExt->bEOStream && pStrmExt->cntSRBQueued > 0)) {
if(pStrmExt->StreamState != KSSTATE_STOP && pStrmExt->cntDataAttached < NUM_BUF_ATTACHED_THEN_ISOCH) { KeSetEvent(&pStrmExt->hSrbArriveEvent, 0, FALSE); TRACE(TL_CIP_WARNING,("Threadshold:.AQD:[%d %d %d] < %d\n", pStrmExt->cntDataAttached, pStrmExt->cntSRBQueued, pStrmExt->cntDataDetached, NUM_BUF_ATTACHED_THEN_ISOCH )); } }
KeReleaseSpinLock(pStrmExt->DataListLock, oldIrql);
return 0; } // DVCompleteSrbWrite
NTSTATUS DVAttachWriteFrame( IN PSTREAMEX pStrmExt ) /*++
Routine Description:
Prepare and submit a frame to 61883 for transmit.
--*/ { KIRQL oldIrql; PSRB_DATA_PACKET pSrbDataPacket; PSRB_ENTRY pSrbEntry; #if DBG
ULONG SrbNumCache; // Cache the SRB number of tracking purpose
PXMT_FRAME_STAT pXmtStat; #endif
PHW_STREAM_REQUEST_BLOCK pSrb; PHW_STREAM_REQUEST_BLOCK pSrbNext; PVOID pFrameBuffer; PIO_STACK_LOCATION NextIrpStack; NTSTATUS Status; PLONG plSrbUseCount; // When this count is 0, it can be completed.
// Serialize setting state to STOP
if(pStrmExt->StreamState != KSSTATE_PAUSE && pStrmExt->StreamState != KSSTATE_RUN) {
TRACE(TL_CIP_WARNING,("\'DVAttachWriteFrame: StreamState:%d; no attach! Wait!\n", pStrmExt->StreamState)); Timeout.HighPart = -1; Timeout.LowPart = (ULONG)(-1 * DVFormatInfoTable[pStrmExt->pDevExt->VideoFormatIndex].ulAvgTimePerFrame); KeDelayExecutionThread(KernelMode, FALSE, &Timeout); return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
KeAcquireSpinLock(pStrmExt->DataListLock, &oldIrql);
if(IsListEmpty(&pStrmExt->SRBQueuedListHead) || IsListEmpty(&pStrmExt->DataDetachedListHead) ) { KeReleaseSpinLock(pStrmExt->DataListLock, oldIrql); #if DBG
if(!pStrmExt->bEOStream) { TRACE(TL_CIP_WARNING,("\'StrmSt:%d; DetachList or SrbQ empty: EOStream:%d; AQD [%d:%d:%d]; Wait one frame time.\n", pStrmExt->StreamState, pStrmExt->bEOStream, pStrmExt->cntDataAttached, pStrmExt->cntSRBQueued, pStrmExt->cntDataDetached )); } #endif
Timeout.HighPart = -1; Timeout.LowPart = (ULONG)(-1 * DVFormatInfoTable[pStrmExt->pDevExt->VideoFormatIndex].ulAvgTimePerFrame); KeDelayExecutionThread(KernelMode, FALSE, &Timeout); // SRB is queued so it is OK. We will process that later.
// This is usually cause by receiving more than what we pre-allocate.
// KSSTATE_PAUSE: "reuse" head of the SrbQ.
// KSSTATE_RUN: "remove" a Srb from the queue.
// Get NEXT(SrbQ) and determine if it needs to be removed.
pSrbEntry = (PSRB_ENTRY) pStrmExt->SRBQueuedListHead.Flink; pSrb = pSrbEntry->pSrb; plSrbUseCount = (PLONG) pSrb->SRBExtension; ASSERT(*plSrbUseCount >= 0); #if DBG
SrbNumCache = pSrbEntry->SrbNum; #endif
// Get a a nonpaged system-space virtual address for the buffer
// This could fail it there is not enough system resource (MDL).
#ifdef USE_WDM110 // Win2000
// Driver verifier flag to use this but if this is used, this driver will not load for Millen!!!
pFrameBuffer = MmGetSystemAddressForMdlSafe(pSrb->Irp->MdlAddress, NormalPagePriority); #else
pFrameBuffer = MmGetSystemAddressForMdl (pSrb->Irp->MdlAddress); #endif
if(pFrameBuffer == NULL) { KeReleaseSpinLock(pStrmExt->DataListLock, oldIrql); ASSERT(FALSE && "Insufficient MDL\n"); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; }
// Only in RUN state, the stream time in the Srb is considered and Srbs in the SrbQ will be dequeued.
if(pStrmExt->StreamState == KSSTATE_RUN) {
// Presentation time is honor only if we are the master clock.
if(pStrmExt->hMasterClock) {
LONGLONG tmExpectedFrame;
if( pStrmExt->pDevExt->VideoFormatIndex == FMT_IDX_SD_DVCR_PAL || pStrmExt->pDevExt->VideoFormatIndex == FMT_IDX_SDL_DVCR_PAL ) tmExpectedFrame = pStrmExt->PictureNumber * (LONGLONG) FRAME_TIME_PAL; else { tmExpectedFrame = (pStrmExt->PictureNumber * (LONGLONG) 1000 * (LONGLONG) 1001 ) / (LONGLONG) 3; // trouble NTSC!
// Adjustment for rounding
if((pStrmExt->PictureNumber % 3) == 1) tmExpectedFrame++; }
// Use to adjust the querued stream time.
pStrmExt->LastSystemTime = GetSystemTime();
// There are three situations about the NEXT(SrbQ) comparing with tmExpectedFrame:
// 1. Early; 2. OnTime; 3.Late
// tmExpectedFrame
// |
// 3>------------2>-----------------1>---------------
// 3.Late | 2.On Time | 1.Early
// | x | x |
// where "x" is the allowable latency (for calculation rounding)
// Note: allow TIME_PER_CYCLE latency
/*Early*/ /*N+1/++*/ if((tmExpectedFrame + ALLOWABLE_TIMING_LATENCY) <= pSrb->CommandData.DataBufferArray->PresentationTime.Time) { // FUTURE: if a frame arrive sooner than expected, do not remove SrbQ;
// instead, repeat until passing its "scheduled departure".
// Remove NEXT(SrbQ) only if bEOStream
if(pStrmExt->bEOStream) { TRACE(TL_CIP_TRACE,("\'EOStream=== Srb:%x; (SrbNum:%d ?= PicNum:%d) cntSrbQ:%d; Attach:%d ===\n", pSrb, pSrbEntry->SrbNum, (DWORD) pStrmExt->PictureNumber, (DWORD) pStrmExt->cntSRBQueued, (DWORD) pStrmExt->cntDataAttached)); RemoveEntryList(&pSrbEntry->ListEntry); pStrmExt->cntSRBQueued--; (*plSrbUseCount)--; ExFreePool(pSrbEntry); pSrbEntry = NULL; // Removed so free it!
} TRACE(TL_CIP_TRACE,("\'** Repeat: pSrb:%x; RefCnt:%d; cntSrbQ:%d; PicNum:%d; Drp:%d; PresTime:%d >= CurTime:%d\n", pSrb, *plSrbUseCount, pStrmExt->cntSRBQueued, (DWORD) pStrmExt->PictureNumber, (DWORD) pStrmExt->FramesDropped, (DWORD) (pSrb->CommandData.DataBufferArray->PresentationTime.Time/10000), (DWORD) tmExpectedFrame/10000));
/*OnTime*/ } else /* N */ if((tmExpectedFrame - ALLOWABLE_TIMING_LATENCY) <= pSrb->CommandData.DataBufferArray->PresentationTime.Time) { // ON-TIME: may exactly matching or due to integer calculation, within one frame time.
// Dequeue if there are more than one Srb in the queue.
#if DBG
// Detect if a pSrb is used more than once
if((*plSrbUseCount) > 1) { TRACE(TL_CIP_TRACE,("\'* Go: pSrb:%x; RefCnt:%d; cntSrbQ:%d; PicNum:%d; Drp:%d; PresTime:%d >= CurTime:%d\n", pSrb, *plSrbUseCount, pStrmExt->cntSRBQueued, (DWORD) pStrmExt->PictureNumber, (DWORD) pStrmExt->FramesDropped, (DWORD) (pSrb->CommandData.DataBufferArray->PresentationTime.Time/10000), (DWORD) tmExpectedFrame/10000)); } #endif
if(pStrmExt->bEOStream) { // Remove NEXT(SrbQ) only if there are more than one SRB or bEOStream
TRACE(TL_CIP_TRACE,("\'EOStream=== Srb:%x; (SrbNum:%d ?= PicNum:%d) cntSrbQ:%d; Attach:%d ===\n", pSrb, pSrbEntry->SrbNum, (DWORD) pStrmExt->PictureNumber, (DWORD) pStrmExt->cntSRBQueued, (DWORD) pStrmExt->cntDataAttached)); RemoveEntryList(&pSrbEntry->ListEntry); pStrmExt->cntSRBQueued--; (*plSrbUseCount)--; ExFreePool(pSrbEntry); pSrbEntry = NULL; // Removed so free it!
// Remove SRB if more than one SRBs in Q and there is not a discontinuity, or end of stream.
} else if(pStrmExt->cntSRBQueued > 1) { LONGLONG tmExpectedNextFrame = tmExpectedFrame + DVFormatInfoTable[pStrmExt->pDevExt->VideoFormatIndex].ulAvgTimePerFrame;
pSrbNext = ((SRB_ENTRY *) (pSrbEntry->ListEntry.Flink))->pSrb;
// Next SRB has the next presentation time
// May add this check as well: (but check Presentation time is more reliable)
// pSrb->CommandData.DataBufferArray->OptionsFlags & KSSTREAM_HEADER_OPTIONSF_DATADISCONTINUITY
/* N,N+1 */ if((tmExpectedNextFrame + ALLOWABLE_TIMING_LATENCY) > pSrbNext->CommandData.DataBufferArray->PresentationTime.Time) {
TRACE(TL_CIP_TRACE,("\'=== Srb:%x; (SrbNum:%d ?= PicNum:%d) cntSrbQ:%d; Attach:%d ===\n", pSrb, pSrbEntry->SrbNum, (DWORD) pStrmExt->PictureNumber, (DWORD) pStrmExt->cntSRBQueued, (DWORD) pStrmExt->cntDataAttached)); RemoveEntryList(&pSrbEntry->ListEntry); pStrmExt->cntSRBQueued--; (*plSrbUseCount)--; ExFreePool(pSrbEntry); pSrbEntry = NULL; // Removed so free it!
/* N, N+2/++ */ } else { TRACE(TL_CIP_TRACE,("\'=== GO(Stale=TRUE) Srb:%x; (SrbNum:%d ?= PicNum:%d) Attach:%d ==\n", pSrb, pSrbEntry->SrbNum, (DWORD) pStrmExt->PictureNumber, (DWORD) pStrmExt->cntDataAttached)); // Mark this stale and be remove as soon as another is attached.
} } else { TRACE(TL_CIP_TRACE,("\'=== GO(Stale=TRUE) Srb:%x; (SrbNum:%d ?= PicNum:%d) Attach:%d ==\n", pSrb, pSrbEntry->SrbNum, (DWORD) pStrmExt->PictureNumber, (DWORD) pStrmExt->cntDataAttached)); // Mark this stale and be remove as soon as another is attached.
pSrbEntry->bStale = TRUE; }
// CLOCK: tick when a frame is transmitted.
// LATE: this is dropped until there is only one Srb in the SrbQ.
// WORKITEM: we may need to implement IQualityManagement to inform application to read ahead.
/*Late*/ } /*N-1*/ else {
if(pStrmExt->cntSRBQueued > 1) {
pSrbNext = ((SRB_ENTRY *) (pSrbEntry->ListEntry.Flink))->pSrb;
// Next SRB has the next presentation time; it can be:
// Current time is N
// Current frame is late (N-1 or N-2..) and we have more than one Srb in the queue;
// check next frame:
// (N?)
// N-2, N-1, N late more than one frame; (Next frame is also late; dequeu and not transmit; "catch up" case.)
// N-1, N late one frame; (Next frame is on time; dequeu this frame) <-- Normal case
// N-1, N+1 late one frame, but next frame is not N+1; (Next frame is early; *current frame will be repeated*)
// May add this check this as well: (but check Presentation time is more reliable)
// pSrb->CommandData.DataBufferArray->OptionsFlags & KSSTREAM_HEADER_OPTIONSF_DATADISCONTINUITY
// ******************************************************************************************************
// If next frame is earlier than current stream time, "repeat" current stale frame; else we need to "catch up"!
// ******************************************************************************************************
/* N-1++, N */ if((tmExpectedFrame + ALLOWABLE_TIMING_LATENCY) > pSrbNext->CommandData.DataBufferArray->PresentationTime.Time) {
TRACE(TL_CIP_TRACE,("\'*** Stale(not Sent): pSrb:%x; RefCnt:%d; cntSrbQ:%d; cntAtt:%d; PicNum:%d; Drp:%d; PTm:%d < ExpTm:%d\n", pSrb, *plSrbUseCount, pStrmExt->cntSRBQueued, pStrmExt->cntDataAttached, (DWORD) pStrmExt->PictureNumber, (DWORD) pStrmExt->FramesDropped, (DWORD) (pSrb->CommandData.DataBufferArray->PresentationTime.Time/10000), (DWORD) (tmExpectedFrame/10000) ));
// Never been attached; remove late entry
RemoveEntryList(&pSrbEntry->ListEntry); pStrmExt->cntSRBQueued--; (*plSrbUseCount)--; ExFreePool(pSrbEntry); pSrbEntry = NULL; // Removed so free it!
if(*plSrbUseCount == 0) { // If no reference to is, complete this.
pSrb->Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; // It is not a failure but late; maybe other status to indicate "non-fatal" late status..
pSrb->CommandData.DataBufferArray->DataUsed = 0; StreamClassStreamNotification(StreamRequestComplete, pSrb->StreamObject, pSrb); #if DBG
pStrmExt->cntSRBPending--; #endif
} KeReleaseSpinLock(pStrmExt->DataListLock, oldIrql);
// Since SrbQ is not empty and this is a stale frame, call recursively to get to next frame.
// Only possible error is if there is not sufficient resource (esp MDL)
// then, we bail out by self terminating this thread.
if(STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES == DVAttachWriteFrame(pStrmExt)) { TRACE(TL_CIP_ERROR,("DVAttachWriteFrame: STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES\n")); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } else { return STATUS_SUCCESS; // SUCESS unless there is another status to indicate "non-fatal" late.
} /*N-2++, N-1++*/ } else { pSrbEntry->bStale = TRUE; } } else { // EOStream and is a stale stream, it is the last element in SrbQ.
// Remove it.
if(pStrmExt->bEOStream) { TRACE(TL_CIP_TRACE,("\'*** Stale(bEOStream): pSrb:%x; RefCnt:%d; cntSrbQ:%d; cntAtt:%d; PicNum:%d; Drp:%d; PTm:%d < ExpTm:%d\n", pSrb, *plSrbUseCount, pStrmExt->cntSRBQueued, pStrmExt->cntDataAttached, (DWORD) pStrmExt->PictureNumber, (DWORD) pStrmExt->FramesDropped, (DWORD) (pSrb->CommandData.DataBufferArray->PresentationTime.Time/10000), (DWORD) (tmExpectedFrame/10000) ));
RemoveEntryList(&pSrbEntry->ListEntry); pStrmExt->cntSRBQueued--; (*plSrbUseCount)--; ExFreePool(pSrbEntry); pSrbEntry = NULL; // Removed so free it!
if(*plSrbUseCount == 0) { // If no reference to is, complete this.
pSrb->Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; // It is not a failure but late; maybe other status to indicate "non-fatal" late status..
pSrb->CommandData.DataBufferArray->DataUsed = 0; StreamClassStreamNotification(StreamRequestComplete, pSrb->StreamObject, pSrb); #if DBG
pStrmExt->cntSRBPending--; #endif
} KeReleaseSpinLock(pStrmExt->DataListLock, oldIrql);
// Update current stream time
pStrmExt->CurrentStreamTime = tmExpectedFrame;
return STATUS_SUCCESS; // SUCESS unless there is another status to indicate "non-fatal" late.
TRACE(TL_CIP_TRACE,("\'*** Stale(Sent): pSrb:%x; RefCnt:%d; cntSrbQ:%d; cntAtt:%d; PicNum:%d; Drp:%d; PTm:%d < ExpTm:%d\n", pSrb, *plSrbUseCount, pStrmExt->cntSRBQueued, pStrmExt->cntDataAttached, (DWORD) pStrmExt->PictureNumber, (DWORD) pStrmExt->FramesDropped, (DWORD) (pSrb->CommandData.DataBufferArray->PresentationTime.Time/10000), (DWORD) (tmExpectedFrame/10000) ));
// If this is stale and this is the only frame in SrbQ, Xmt it
// If late, this frame is always drop.
pStrmExt->FramesDropped++; }
// Update current stream time
pStrmExt->CurrentStreamTime = tmExpectedFrame;
} // if(pStrmExt->hMasterClock)
else { // Not the master clock, no "pacing" so always dequeu (SrbQ) and transmit
// as long as there is one Srb in the queue.
if(pStrmExt->cntSRBQueued > 1 || pStrmExt->bEOStream) { RemoveEntryList(&pSrbEntry->ListEntry); pStrmExt->cntSRBQueued--; (*plSrbUseCount)--; ExFreePool(pSrbEntry); pSrbEntry = NULL; // Removed so free it!
} TRACE(TL_CIP_TRACE,("\'* GO: (NoClock) pSrb:%x; RefCnt:%d; cntSrbQ:%d; PicNum:%d;\n", pSrb, *plSrbUseCount, pStrmExt->cntSRBQueued, (DWORD) pStrmExt->PictureNumber)); } // if(pStrmExt->hMasterClock)
// pStrmExt->FramesProcessed is updated when a frame has been transmitted in the notify routine.
pStrmExt->PictureNumber++; // After tmExpectedFrame is calculated; Another frame to be attached
if(pStrmExt->hMasterClock) { #ifdef SUPPORT_QUALITY_CONTROL
// +: late; -: early
pStrmExt->KSQuality.DeltaTime = pStrmExt->CurrentStreamTime - pSrb->CommandData.DataBufferArray->PresentationTime.Time; // Percentage * 10 of frame transmitted
pStrmExt->KSQuality.Proportion = (ULONG) ((pStrmExt->PictureNumber - pStrmExt->FramesDropped) * 1000 / pStrmExt->PictureNumber); pStrmExt->KSQuality.Context = /* NOT USED */ 0; #define MIN_ATTACH_BUFFER 3
// This is where we may want to signal that we are near Famine!!
if (pStrmExt->KSQuality.DeltaTime > (DV_NUM_OF_XMT_BUFFERS - MIN_ATTACH_BUFFER) * DVFormatInfoTable[pStrmExt->pDevExt->VideoFormatIndex].ulAvgTimePerFrame) { TRACE(TL_CIP_TRACE,("\'QualityControl: pic#%d; drop:%d; Prop:%d; DeltaTime:%d (Srb.tmPres:%d, tmStream:%d)\n", (DWORD) pStrmExt->PictureNumber, (DWORD) pStrmExt->FramesDropped, pStrmExt->KSQuality.Proportion, (DWORD) pStrmExt->KSQuality.DeltaTime/10000, (DWORD) pSrb->CommandData.DataBufferArray->PresentationTime.Time/10000, (DWORD) pStrmExt->CurrentStreamTime/10000 )); } #endif
#if DBG
// Collect transmit buffer statistics
if(pStrmExt->ulStatEntries < MAX_XMT_FRAMES_TRACED) { pXmtStat = pStrmExt->paXmtStat + pStrmExt->ulStatEntries; pXmtStat->StreamState = pStrmExt->StreamState;
pXmtStat->cntSRBReceived = (LONG) pStrmExt->cntSRBReceived; pXmtStat->cntSRBPending = (LONG) pStrmExt->cntSRBPending; pXmtStat->cntSRBQueued = (LONG) pStrmExt->cntSRBQueued; pXmtStat->cntDataAttached= pStrmExt->cntDataAttached;
pXmtStat->FrameSlot = (DWORD) pStrmExt->PictureNumber; pXmtStat->tmStreamTime = pStrmExt->CurrentStreamTime;
pXmtStat->DropCount = (DWORD) pStrmExt->FramesDropped;
pXmtStat->FrameNumber = SrbNumCache; pXmtStat->OptionsFlags = pSrb->CommandData.DataBufferArray->OptionsFlags; pXmtStat->tmPresentation = pSrb->CommandData.DataBufferArray->PresentationTime.Time;
// get the actual CyclTime when the frame is transmitted in the completion routine.
pStrmExt->ulStatEntries++; } #endif
// pSrbEntry could have been freed; if it has not and useCnt>1, then it could be a repeat frame.
if(pSrbEntry && (*plSrbUseCount) > 1) { // Set it only once
if(!pSrbEntry->bAudioMute) pSrbEntry->bAudioMute = DVMuteDVFrame(pStrmExt->pDevExt, pFrameBuffer, TRUE); } #endif
// Get a data packet node as the context and list node
pSrbDataPacket = (PSRB_DATA_PACKET) RemoveHeadList(&pStrmExt->DataDetachedListHead); pStrmExt->cntDataDetached--; ulSrcPktLen = \ (DVFormatInfoTable[pStrmExt->pDevExt->VideoFormatIndex].DataBlockSize << 2) * \ (1 << DVFormatInfoTable[pStrmExt->pDevExt->VideoFormatIndex].FractionNumber);
// Format an attach frame request
DVFormatAttachFrame( pStrmExt->pStrmInfo->DataFlow, pStrmExt, &pSrbDataPacket->AVReq, pSrb, pSrbDataPacket, ulSrcPktLen, DVFormatInfoTable[pStrmExt->pDevExt->VideoFormatIndex].ulFrameSize, pFrameBuffer );
TRACE(TL_CIP_INFO,("\'------ New>> UseCnt:%d; pAVReq:%x; Srb:%x; DtaPkt:%x; AQD [%d:%d:%d]\n", *plSrbUseCount, &pSrbDataPacket->AVReq, pSrb, pSrbDataPacket, pStrmExt->cntDataAttached, pStrmExt->cntSRBQueued, pStrmExt->cntDataDetached )); // Add this to the attached list
InsertTailList(&pStrmExt->DataAttachedListHead, &pSrbDataPacket->ListEntry); pStrmExt->cntDataAttached++; (*plSrbUseCount) ++; // ++ for being in queue
ASSERT(*plSrbUseCount > 0);
KeReleaseSpinLock(pStrmExt->DataListLock, oldIrql);
NextIrpStack = IoGetNextIrpStackLocation(pSrbDataPacket->pIrp); NextIrpStack->MajorFunction = IRP_MJ_INTERNAL_DEVICE_CONTROL; NextIrpStack->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.IoControlCode = IOCTL_61883_CLASS; NextIrpStack->Parameters.Others.Argument1 = &pSrbDataPacket->AVReq;
IoSetCompletionRoutine( pSrbDataPacket->pIrp, DVAttachFrameCR, pSrbDataPacket, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE );
pSrbDataPacket->pIrp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; // Initialize it to something
Status = IoCallDriver( pStrmExt->pDevExt->pBusDeviceObject, pSrbDataPacket->pIrp);
if(!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { // put the resource back!
TRACE(TL_CIP_ERROR,("DVAttachWriteFrame: Failed to attach; St:%x\n", Status)); ASSERT(FALSE && "Failed to attach a Xmt frame."); }
// This is our throttle that regulate data attach to DV:
// This function is called by the attach thread which is running in an infinite loop.
// This function need to utilize the buffer that it receive and its repeat mechanism to
// regulate the incoming buffer from client and outgoing buffer attach to 1394 stadck for transmit.
// One way is to wait while there is certain number of frame already attach.
KeAcquireSpinLock(pStrmExt->DataListLock, &oldIrql); if(!pStrmExt->bEOStream && // Need to keep NUM_BUF_ATTACHED_THEN_ISOCH buffer attached at all time to keep 61883 isoch xmt going.
(pStrmExt->StreamState == KSSTATE_RUN && pStrmExt->cntDataAttached > NUM_BUF_ATTACHED_THEN_ISOCH || pStrmExt->StreamState == KSSTATE_PAUSE && pStrmExt->cntDataAttached >= NUM_BUF_ATTACHED_THEN_ISOCH ) ) { NTSTATUS StatusDelay = STATUS_SUCCESS; #if DBG
ULONGLONG tmStart = GetSystemTime(); TRACE(TL_CIP_TRACE,("\'[Pic# %d]; SrbNum:%d; Dropped:%d; pSrb:%x; StrmSt:%d; EOS:%d; AQD:[%d;%d;%d]; ", (DWORD) pStrmExt->PictureNumber, SrbNumCache, (DWORD) pStrmExt->FramesDropped, pSrb, pStrmExt->StreamState, pStrmExt->bEOStream, pStrmExt->cntDataAttached, pStrmExt->cntSRBQueued, pStrmExt->cntDataDetached)); #endif
Timeout.HighPart = -1; Timeout.LowPart = (ULONG)(-1 * DVFormatInfoTable[pStrmExt->pDevExt->VideoFormatIndex].ulAvgTimePerFrame * \ (pStrmExt->StreamState == KSSTATE_PAUSE ? 1 : (pStrmExt->cntDataAttached - NUM_BUF_ATTACHED_THEN_ISOCH))) ;
// Wait the full time until we are very low in SrbQ or Attached buffers.
if(pStrmExt->cntSRBQueued <= 1 && pStrmExt->cntDataAttached <= NUM_BUF_ATTACHED_THEN_ISOCH) {
KeReleaseSpinLock(pStrmExt->DataListLock, oldIrql); // Guard against pStrmExt->cntSRBQueued
// Down to one frame so we will wait for an event and will be signalled
// when a new frame has arrived, or
// when number of attach buffer is below the minimum.
StatusDelay = KeWaitForSingleObject( &pStrmExt->hSrbArriveEvent, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, &Timeout );
// Important: If signalled, reset it else (timeout),
// we are still behind so next time we will not wait!
if(StatusDelay == STATUS_SUCCESS) KeClearEvent(&pStrmExt->hSrbArriveEvent); } else { KeReleaseSpinLock(pStrmExt->DataListLock, oldIrql); // Wait for frame(s) to be delivered; this is our throttle..
// The timeout period can be one or up to
// (pStrmExt->cntDataAttached - NUM_BUF_ATTACHED_THEN_ISOCH) frames
KeDelayExecutionThread(KernelMode, FALSE, &Timeout); }
#if DBG
TRACE(TL_CIP_TRACE,("\'Wait(ST:%x) %d nsec!\n", StatusDelay, (DWORD) ((GetSystemTime() - tmStart)/10))); #endif
} else { KeReleaseSpinLock(pStrmExt->DataListLock, oldIrql); }
return Status; }
VOID DVFormatAttachFrame( IN KSPIN_DATAFLOW DataFlow, IN PSTREAMEX pStrmExt, IN PAV_61883_REQUEST pAVReq, IN PHW_STREAM_REQUEST_BLOCK pSrb, IN PSRB_DATA_PACKET pSrbDataPacket, IN ULONG ulSourceLength, // Packet length in bytes
IN ULONG ulFrameSize, // Buffer size; may contain one or multiple source packets
IN PVOID pFrameBuffer ) /*++
Routine Description:
Format an attach frame request.
--*/ {
// Setup PSRB_DATA_PACKET, except its Frame structure (PCIP_APP_FRAME)
pSrbDataPacket->State = DE_PREPARED; // Initial state of a resued DataEntry (start over!)
pSrbDataPacket->pSrb = pSrb; pSrbDataPacket->StreamState = pStrmExt->StreamState; // StreamState when this buffer is attached.
pSrbDataPacket->pStrmExt = pStrmExt; pSrbDataPacket->FrameBuffer = pFrameBuffer;
ASSERT(pSrbDataPacket->FrameBuffer != NULL);
pSrbDataPacket->Frame->pNext = NULL; pSrbDataPacket->Frame->Status = 0; pSrbDataPacket->Frame->Packet = (PUCHAR) pFrameBuffer;
if(DataFlow == KSPIN_DATAFLOW_OUT) { pSrbDataPacket->FrameNumber = pStrmExt->cntSRBReceived; #ifdef NT51_61883
// This is needed since we have an old 61883.h in Lab06 (according to include path, anyway).
// Remove this when 61883.h is updated.
// Set CIP_USE_SOURCE_HEADER_TIMESTAMP to get 25 bit CycleTime from source packet header (13CycleCount:12CycleOffset)
// Do not set this to get 16 bit CycleTime from isoch packet (3 SecondCount:13CycleCount)
pSrbDataPacket->Frame->Flags = CIP_VALIDATE_FIRST_SOURCE // Verify the start of a DV frame
pSrbDataPacket->Frame->Flags = 0; #endif
pSrbDataPacket->Frame->pfnValidate = DVReadFrameValidate; // use to validate the 1st source packet
pSrbDataPacket->Frame->ValidateContext = pSrbDataPacket; pSrbDataPacket->Frame->pfnNotify = DVCompleteSrbRead; } else { pSrbDataPacket->FrameNumber = pStrmExt->FramesProcessed; pSrbDataPacket->Frame->Flags = CIP_DV_STYLE_SYT; pSrbDataPacket->Frame->pfnValidate = NULL; pSrbDataPacket->Frame->ValidateContext = NULL; pSrbDataPacket->Frame->pfnNotify = DVCompleteSrbWrite; } pSrbDataPacket->Frame->NotifyContext = pSrbDataPacket;
// Av61883_AttachFrames
RtlZeroMemory(pAVReq, sizeof(AV_61883_REQUEST)); INIT_61883_HEADER(pAVReq, Av61883_AttachFrame); pAVReq->AttachFrame.hConnect = pStrmExt->hConnect; pAVReq->AttachFrame.FrameLength = ulFrameSize; pAVReq->AttachFrame.SourceLength = ulSourceLength; pAVReq->AttachFrame.Frame = pSrbDataPacket->Frame;
ASSERT(pStrmExt->hConnect); ASSERT(pSrbDataPacket->Frame); }
VOID DVAttachFrameThread( IN PSTREAMEX pStrmExt ) /*++
Routine Description:
This is a system thread to attach frame for transmit.
pDevExt = pStrmExt->pDevExt;
// Pump up the priority since we are dealing with real time data
KeSetPriorityThread(KeGetCurrentThread(), #if 1
while (!pStrmExt->bTerminateThread) {
// Halt this thread operation if other critical service
// is requested.
if( !pStrmExt->bTerminateThread && (pStrmExt->lNeedService > 0) ) { // not fullly awake/powered.
NTSTATUS StatusWait;
TRACE(TL_CIP_WARNING,("\'Request stop thread for other service: lNeedService:%d; pStrmExt:%x; AQD[%d,%d,%d]\n", pStrmExt->lNeedService, pStrmExt, pStrmExt->cntDataAttached, pStrmExt->cntSRBQueued, pStrmExt->cntDataDetached ));
InterlockedDecrement(&pStrmExt->lNeedService); // One reuqest serviced.
// Indicate that thread is about to stop. Signal it so other operation can begin.
KeSetEvent(&pStrmExt->hStopThreadEvent, 0 ,FALSE);
TRACE(TL_CIP_WARNING,("\'>>>> Enter WFSO(hRunThreadEvent)\n")); StatusWait = KeWaitForSingleObject( &pStrmExt->hRunThreadEvent, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, 0 ); TRACE(TL_CIP_WARNING,("\'<<<< Exit WFSO(hRunThreadEvent); lNeedService:%d\n", pStrmExt->lNeedService)); ASSERT(pStrmExt->lNeedService == 0); }
// Halt attach operation if
// not in either PAUSE or RUN state ( i.e. in STOP state)
// Device is removed
// in the process of being cancelled.
if( !pStrmExt->bTerminateThread && pStrmExt->StreamState != KSSTATE_PAUSE && pStrmExt->StreamState != KSSTATE_RUN || pStrmExt->pDevExt->bDevRemoved || pStrmExt->lCancelStateWorkItem > 0 ) { NTSTATUS StatusWait;
TRACE(TL_CIP_WARNING,("\'Enter WFSO(hSrbArriveEvent): StrmState:%d; bDevRemoved:%d\n", pStrmExt->StreamState, pStrmExt->pDevExt->bDevRemoved));
StatusWait = // Can only return STATUS_SUCCESS (signal) or STATUS_TIMEOUT
KeWaitForSingleObject( &pStrmExt->hSrbArriveEvent, // Signal with arrival of the first frame
Executive, KernelMode, // Cannot return STATUS_USER_APC
FALSE, // Cannot be alerted STATUS_ALERTED
// Reset notification event (or it will stay signalled).
KeClearEvent(&pStrmExt->hSrbArriveEvent); TRACE(TL_CIP_WARNING,("\'Exit WFSO(hSrbArriveEvent): StrmState:%d; bDevRemoved:%d\n", pStrmExt->StreamState, pStrmExt->pDevExt->bDevRemoved));
// Simulate preroll at the RUN state
// We do this only when we are the clock provider to avoid dropping frame
// This timed WFSO is necessary if application send us only one frame while in RUN state.
#define PREROLL_WAITTIME 2000000
if( !pStrmExt->bTerminateThread && pStrmExt->hMasterClock ) { LARGE_INTEGER DueTime; DueTime = RtlConvertLongToLargeInteger(-((LONG) PREROLL_WAITTIME));
TRACE(TL_CIP_WARNING,("\'Enter WFSO(hPreRollEvent)\n")); StatusWait = // Can only return STATUS_SUCCESS (signal) or STATUS_TIMEOUT
KeWaitForSingleObject( &pStrmExt->hPreRollEvent, Executive, KernelMode, // Cannot return STATUS_USER_APC
FALSE, // Cannot be alerted STATUS_ALERTED
&DueTime ); // hPreRollEvent is a ont shot event; no need to reset it; let it stay signalled.
TRACE(TL_CIP_WARNING,("\'Exit WFSO(hPreRollEvent); waited %d msec; waitStatus:%x\n", (DWORD) ((GetSystemTime() - pStrmExt->tmStreamStart)/10000), StatusWait )); } #endif
#if DBG
if( !pStrmExt->bTerminateThread && !pStrmExt->bEOStream && pStrmExt->FramesProcessed > 0 && pStrmExt->cntDataAttached < NUM_BUF_ATTACHED_THEN_ISOCH ) {
TRACE(TL_CIP_TRACE,("\'AttachBuf is low!! SrbRcv:%d;Pic#:%d;Prc:%d;;Drop:%d;Cncl:%d; AQD [%d:%d:%d]\n", (DWORD) pStrmExt->cntSRBReceived, (DWORD) pStrmExt->PictureNumber, (DWORD) pStrmExt->FramesProcessed, (DWORD) pStrmExt->FramesDropped, (DWORD) pStrmExt->cntSRBCancelled, pStrmExt->cntDataAttached, pStrmExt->cntSRBQueued, pStrmExt->cntDataDetached )); } #endif
// Attach another frame for transmit
// Only possible error is if there is not sufficient resource (esp MDL)
// Then, we bail out by self terminating this thread.
if( !pStrmExt->pDevExt->bDevRemoved && !pStrmExt->bTerminateThread ) { if(STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES == \ DVAttachWriteFrame(pStrmExt)) { TRACE(TL_CIP_ERROR,("STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES while attaching write frame.\n")); pStrmExt->bTerminateThread = TRUE; } }
// Start Isoch_Talk once we have enough buffers attached.
// It is possible that streaming state is set to RUN before we have enough attach buffer
// start streaming. So we need to kick start here.
if( !pStrmExt->bTerminateThread && !pStrmExt->pDevExt->bDevRemoved && pStrmExt->pDevExt->PowerState == PowerDeviceD0 // Need to be PoweredON
&& pStrmExt->lCancelStateWorkItem == 0 // No pending cancel work item
&& !pStrmExt->bIsochIsActive && (pStrmExt->StreamState == KSSTATE_PAUSE || pStrmExt->StreamState == KSSTATE_RUN) && pStrmExt->cntDataAttached >= NUM_BUF_ATTACHED_THEN_ISOCH ) {
Status = DVStreamingStart( pStrmExt->pStrmInfo->DataFlow, pStrmExt, pStrmExt->pDevExt ); } }
TRACE(TL_STRM_WARNING,("\'*** ThreadTerminating... AQD [%d:%d:%d]\n", pStrmExt->cntDataAttached, pStrmExt->cntSRBQueued, pStrmExt->cntDataDetached ));
KeAcquireSpinLock(&pStrmExt->pDevExt->AVCCmdLock, &OldIrql); if(pStrmExt->lNeedService) { TRACE(TL_STRM_WARNING,("Thread is exiting but lNeedService:%x != 0!\n", pStrmExt->lNeedService)); KeSetEvent(&pStrmExt->hStopThreadEvent, 0 ,FALSE); InterlockedDecrement(&pStrmExt->lNeedService); ASSERT(pStrmExt->lNeedService == 0); } KeReleaseSpinLock(&pStrmExt->pDevExt->AVCCmdLock, OldIrql);
KeSetEvent(&pStrmExt->hThreadEndEvent, 0, FALSE); // Signal it
Status = PsTerminateSystemThread(STATUS_SUCCESS); // Must be called at PASSIVE_LEVEL
// End of this thread!
VOID DVTerminateAttachFrameThread( IN PSTREAMEX pStrmExt ) /*++
Routine Description:
To terminate the system thread. It waits for an event that is triggered right before PsTerminateSystemThread() is called.
--*/ {
TRACE(TL_CIP_WARNING,("\'DVTerminateAttachFrameThread enter\n"));
// Wake up the DataReady thread and terminate it if not already done so.
ASSERT(pStrmExt->bIsochIsActive == FALSE && "Terminate therad while IsochActive!");
// This function can be called from either CloseStrean or SurpriseRemoval;
// When a DV is surprise removal, this function may get called from both functions.
// Assuming StreamClass is serializing these two functions, no need to serialize it locally.
if(pStrmExt->bTerminateThread) { TRACE(TL_CIP_ERROR,("DVTerminateAttachFrameThread: Thread already terminated. Was surprise removed?\n")); return; }
// ****** Terminate thread ******
pStrmExt->bTerminateThread = TRUE; // ******
// With bTerminate thread set, let the thread run and terminate.
KeSetEvent(&pStrmExt->hRunThreadEvent, 0 ,FALSE);
// WFSO while in STOP state; signal so it can be terminated.
KeSetEvent(&pStrmExt->hSrbArriveEvent, 0, FALSE); #ifdef SUPPORT_PREROLL_AT_RUN_STATE
// Signal it in case that it is still in WFSO.
KeSetEvent(&pStrmExt->hPreRollEvent, 0, FALSE); #endif
KeWaitForSingleObject( &pStrmExt->hThreadEndEvent, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL );
TRACE(TL_CIP_WARNING,("\'Thread terminated!\n"));
ObDereferenceObject( &pStrmExt->pAttachFrameThreadObject );
TRACE(TL_CIP_WARNING,("\'ObDereferenceObject done!\n")); }