******************************************************************************** * * VXDCLNT.C * * * VXDCLNT - Sample Ring-0 HID device mapper for Memphis * * Copyright 1997 Microsoft Corp. * * (ep) * ******************************************************************************** */
#define INITGUID
#include "vxdclnt.h"
deviceContext *firstDevice = NULL, *lastDevice = NULL; VMM_SEMAPHORE shutdownSemaphore = (VMM_SEMAPHORE)NULL; BOOL ShutDown = FALSE;
* Import function pointers */ t_pHidP_GetUsageValue pHidP_GetUsageValue = NULL; t_pHidP_GetScaledUsageValue pHidP_GetScaledUsageValue = NULL; t_pHidP_SetUsages pHidP_SetUsages = NULL; t_pHidP_GetUsages pHidP_GetUsages = NULL; t_pHidP_MaxUsageListLength pHidP_MaxUsageListLength = NULL; t_pIoGetDeviceClassAssociations pIoGetDeviceClassAssociations = NULL; t_pHidP_GetCaps pHidP_GetCaps = NULL; t_pHidP_GetValueCaps pHidP_GetValueCaps = NULL;
#ifdef DEBUG
UINT dbgOpt = 0; #endif
* GetImportFunctionPtrs * * Set global pointers to imported functions from HIDPARSE and NTKERN. */ BOOL GetImportFunctionPtrs() { static BOOL haveAllPtrs = FALSE;
if (!haveAllPtrs){ pHidP_GetUsageValue = (t_pHidP_GetUsageValue) _PELDR_GetProcAddress((struct HPEMODULE__ *)"hidparse.sys", "HidP_GetUsageValue", NULL); pHidP_GetScaledUsageValue = (t_pHidP_GetScaledUsageValue) _PELDR_GetProcAddress((struct HPEMODULE__ *)"hidparse.sys", "HidP_GetScaledUsageValue", NULL); pHidP_GetUsages = (t_pHidP_GetUsages) _PELDR_GetProcAddress((struct HPEMODULE__ *)"hidparse.sys", "HidP_GetUsages", NULL); pHidP_SetUsages = (t_pHidP_SetUsages) _PELDR_GetProcAddress((struct HPEMODULE__ *)"hidparse.sys", "HidP_SetUsages", NULL); pHidP_MaxUsageListLength = (t_pHidP_MaxUsageListLength) _PELDR_GetProcAddress((struct HPEMODULE__ *)"hidparse.sys", "HidP_MaxUsageListLength", NULL); pIoGetDeviceClassAssociations = (t_pIoGetDeviceClassAssociations) _PELDR_GetProcAddress((struct HPEMODULE__ *)"ntpnp.sys", "IoGetDeviceClassAssociations", NULL); pHidP_GetCaps = (t_pHidP_GetCaps) _PELDR_GetProcAddress((struct HPEMODULE__ *)"hidparse.sys", "HidP_GetCaps", NULL); pHidP_GetValueCaps = (t_pHidP_GetValueCaps) _PELDR_GetProcAddress((struct HPEMODULE__ *)"hidparse.sys", "HidP_GetValueCaps", NULL);
if ( pHidP_GetUsageValue && pHidP_GetScaledUsageValue && pHidP_GetUsages && pHidP_SetUsages && pHidP_MaxUsageListLength && pIoGetDeviceClassAssociations && pHidP_GetCaps && pHidP_GetValueCaps){
haveAllPtrs = TRUE; } }
return haveAllPtrs; }
* WStrLen * */ ULONG WStrLen(PWCHAR str) { ULONG result = 0; while (*str++){ result++; } return result; }
* NewDevice * * */ deviceContext *NewDevice( HANDLE devHandle, PHIDP_CAPS caps, PHIDP_PREPARSED_DATA desc, UINT descSize, PWCHAR deviceFileName) { deviceContext *newDevice;
newDevice = (deviceContext *)_HeapAllocate(sizeof(deviceContext), 0); if (newDevice){ NTSTATUS ntstat; ULONG valueCapsLen;
DBGOUT(("Allocated new device @ %xh ", (UINT)newDevice));
RtlZeroMemory(newDevice, sizeof(deviceContext));
newDevice->devHandle = devHandle; newDevice->readPending = FALSE; newDevice->next = NULL;
RtlCopyMemory( (PVOID)&newDevice->deviceFileName, (PVOID)deviceFileName, (WStrLen(deviceFileName)*sizeof(WCHAR))+sizeof(UNICODE_NULL)); RtlCopyMemory((PVOID)&newDevice->hidCapabilities, (PVOID)caps, sizeof(HIDP_CAPS)); ExInitializeWorkItem(&newDevice->workItemRead, WorkItemCallback_Read, newDevice); ExInitializeWorkItem(&newDevice->workItemWrite, WorkItemCallback_Write, newDevice);
* Allocate space for the device descriptor. */ newDevice->hidDescriptor = (PHIDP_PREPARSED_DATA)_HeapAllocate(descSize, 0); if (newDevice->hidDescriptor){ RtlCopyMemory((PVOID)newDevice->hidDescriptor, (PVOID)desc, descSize); } else { DBGERR(("_HeapAllocate for HID descriptor failed in NewDevice()")); goto _deviceInitError; }
newDevice->writeReportQueueSemaphore = Create_Semaphore(0); if (!newDevice->writeReportQueueSemaphore){ goto _deviceInitError; }
* Allocate space for the device report. */ newDevice->report = (PUCHAR)_HeapAllocate(newDevice->hidCapabilities.InputReportByteLength, 0); if (!newDevice->report){ DBGERR(("_HeapAllocate for report buffer failed in NewDevice()")); goto _deviceInitError; }
* Figure out the length of the buttons value * and allocate a buffer for reading the buttons. */ newDevice->buttonListLength = pHidP_MaxUsageListLength(HidP_Input, HID_USAGE_PAGE_BUTTON, newDevice->hidDescriptor); DBGOUT(("Button values list length = %d.", newDevice->buttonListLength)); if (newDevice->buttonListLength){ newDevice->buttonValues = (PUSAGE) _HeapAllocate(newDevice->buttonListLength * sizeof (USAGE), 0); if (newDevice->buttonValues){ RtlZeroMemory(newDevice->buttonValues, newDevice->buttonListLength); } else { DBGERR(("HeapAlloc failed for button values buffer")); goto _deviceInitError; } }
* Allocate the array of value-caps. */ valueCapsLen = caps->NumberInputValueCaps; if (valueCapsLen){ newDevice->valueCaps = (PHIDP_VALUE_CAPS)_HeapAllocate(valueCapsLen*sizeof(HIDP_VALUE_CAPS), 0); if (!newDevice->valueCaps){ DBGERR(("HeapAlloc failed for value caps")); goto _deviceInitError; }
ntstat = pHidP_GetValueCaps(HidP_Input, newDevice->valueCaps, &valueCapsLen, desc); if (NT_SUCCESS(ntstat)){ /*
* Read valueCaps structure for information about the types of * values returned by the device. */
} else { DBGERR(("HidP_GetValueCaps failed with %xh", ntstat)); goto _deviceInitError; } } else { DBGERR(("value caps length = 0!")); goto _deviceInitError; } } else { DBGERR(("_HeapAllocate failed in NewDevice()")); goto _deviceInitError; }
return newDevice;
_deviceInitError: if (newDevice){ if (newDevice->hidDescriptor){ _HeapFree(newDevice->hidDescriptor, 0); } if (newDevice->report){ _HeapFree(newDevice->report, 0); } if (newDevice->buttonValues){ _HeapFree(newDevice->buttonValues, 0); } if (newDevice->valueCaps){ _HeapFree(newDevice->valueCaps, 0); } _HeapFree(newDevice, 0); } return NULL;
* EnqueueDevice * */ VOID EnqueueDevice(deviceContext *device) { if (lastDevice){ lastDevice->next = device; lastDevice = device; } else { firstDevice = lastDevice = device; } device->next = NULL; }
* DequeueDevice * */ VOID DequeueDevice(deviceContext *device) { deviceContext *prevDevice, *thisDevice;
thisDevice = firstDevice; prevDevice = NULL; while (thisDevice){ if (thisDevice == device){ if (prevDevice){ prevDevice->next = thisDevice->next; if (!thisDevice->next){ lastDevice = prevDevice; } } else { if (thisDevice->next){ firstDevice = thisDevice->next; } else { firstDevice = lastDevice = NULL; } }
thisDevice->next = NULL; break; } else { prevDevice = thisDevice; thisDevice = thisDevice->next; } } }
* DestroyDevice * * Destroy the device context. * This function assumes the device context has already been dequeued * from the global list headed by firstDevice. * */ VOID DestroyDevice(deviceContext *device) { DBGOUT(("==> DestroyDevice()"));
* Modify the device's internal workItem to do a close instead of a read. * Then queue the work item so that NtClose is called on a worker thread. */ ExInitializeWorkItem(&device->workItemClose, WorkItemCallback_Close, device); _NtKernQueueWorkItem(&device->workItemClose, DelayedWorkQueue);
DBGOUT(("<== DestroyDevice()")); }
* WorkItemCallback_Close * */ VOID WorkItemCallback_Close(PVOID context) { deviceContext *device = (deviceContext *)context;
DBGOUT(("==> WorkItemCallback_Close()"));
if (device->hidDescriptor){ _HeapFree(device->hidDescriptor, 0); } if (device->report){ _HeapFree(device->report, 0); } if (device->buttonValues){ _HeapFree(device->buttonValues, 0); } if (device->valueCaps){ _HeapFree(device->valueCaps, 0); } if (device->writeReportQueueSemaphore){ Destroy_Semaphore(device->writeReportQueueSemaphore); }
_HeapFree(device, 0);
DBGOUT(("<== WorkItemCallback_Close()")); }
* TryDestroyAll * * Destroy all devices which don't have a pending read. */ VOID TryDestroyAll() { deviceContext *thisDevice;
DBGOUT(("=> TryDestroyAll()"));
thisDevice = firstDevice; while (thisDevice){ deviceContext *nextDevice = thisDevice->next; // hold the next ptr in case we dequeue
if (!thisDevice->readPending){ /*
* No read pending on this device; we can shut it down. */ DequeueDevice(thisDevice); DestroyDevice(thisDevice); }
thisDevice = nextDevice; }
if (!firstDevice){ /*
* All reads are complete and all devices have been destroyed. * If a shutdown is suspended, shutdown now. */ if (shutdownSemaphore){ Signal_Semaphore_No_Switch(shutdownSemaphore); } }
DBGOUT(("<= TryDestroyAll()"));
* HandleShutdown * * */ VOID _cdecl HandleShutdown(VOID) { /*
* Just set a flag. Wait for read completion to close the device handles. */ DBGOUT(("==> HandleShutdown")); TryDestroyAll();
if (firstDevice && !ShutDown){
* There are still reads pending. * Wait for all reads to complete before returning. */
ShutDown = TRUE;
shutdownSemaphore = Create_Semaphore(0); if (shutdownSemaphore){ Wait_Semaphore(shutdownSemaphore, 0); Destroy_Semaphore(shutdownSemaphore); } }
DBGOUT(("<== HandleShutdown")); }
* HandleNewDevice * */ VOID _cdecl HandleNewDevice(VOID) { DBGOUT(("==> HandleNewDevice"));
* See if there are any new device devices to connect. */ ConnectNTDeviceDrivers();
DBGOUT(("<== HandleNewDevice")); }
* DeviceHasBeenOpened * * BUGBUG - there's got to be a better way of checking for this. * */ BOOL DeviceHasBeenOpened(PWCHAR deviceFileName, UINT nameWChars) { deviceContext *device; UINT nameLen = (nameWChars*sizeof(WCHAR))+sizeof(UNICODE_NULL);
for (device = firstDevice; device; device = device->next){ if (memcmp(deviceFileName, device->deviceFileName, nameLen) == 0){ return TRUE; } }
return FALSE; }
* ConnectNTDeviceDrivers * * */ VOID ConnectNTDeviceDrivers() { WORK_QUEUE_ITEM *workItemOpen;
workItemOpen = _HeapAllocate(sizeof(WORK_QUEUE_ITEM), 0); if (workItemOpen){
* Initialize the workItem and * pass the workItem itself as the context so that it can be freed later. */ ExInitializeWorkItem(workItemOpen, WorkItemCallback_Open, workItemOpen);
DBGOUT(("==> ConnectNTDeviceDrivers() - queueing work item to call ")); /*
* Queue a work item to do the open; this way we'll be on a worker thread * instead of (possibly) the NTKERN thread when we call NtCreateFile(). * This prevents a contention bug. */ _NtKernQueueWorkItem(workItemOpen, DelayedWorkQueue); }
DBGOUT(("<== ConnectNTDeviceDrivers()"));
* WorkItemCallback_Open * * Do the actual work of opening the device. * */ VOID WorkItemCallback_Open(PVOID context) { IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock; NTSTATUS ntStatus; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES Obja; UNICODE_STRING FileName; PWSTR symbolicLinkList = NULL; PWSTR symbolicLink;
DBGOUT(("==> WorkItemCallback_Open()"));
* The context is just the workItem itself, which can now be freed. */ ASSERT(context); _HeapFree(context, 0);
* Get pointers to all our import functions at once. */ if (!GetImportFunctionPtrs()){ DBGERR(("ERROR: Failed to get import functions.")); return; }
* Get a multi-string (separated by unicode NULL characters) * of symbolic link names to the input-class devices. */ ntStatus = pIoGetDeviceClassAssociations( (EXTERN_C GUID *)&GUID_CLASS_INPUT, NULL, 0, (PWSTR *)&symbolicLinkList); if (NT_ERROR(ntStatus) || !symbolicLinkList) { DBGERR(("pIoGetDeviceClassAssociations failed")); return; }
* Go through all the device paths */ symbolicLink = symbolicLinkList; while ((WCHAR)*symbolicLink){ HANDLE deviceHandle; ULONG fileNameWChars; PWCHAR fileName; deviceContext *newDevice = NULL;
* Get a pointer to to the next device name and step the multi-string pointer. */ fileName = symbolicLink; fileNameWChars = WStrLen(fileName); symbolicLink += fileNameWChars+1;
* Make sure we don't already have this device open. * This can happen because we check for new device on every PNP_NEW_DEVNODE msg. */ if (DeviceHasBeenOpened(fileName, fileNameWChars)){ DBGOUT(("This device is already open, skipping ...")); } else { FileName.Buffer = fileName; FileName.Length = fileNameWChars*sizeof(WCHAR); FileName.MaximumLength = FileName.Length + sizeof(UNICODE_NULL);
* Initialize an object-attribute structure with this filename. */ InitializeObjectAttributes(&Obja, &FileName, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL);
* Try to open the device. */ DBGOUT(("Opening HID Device : (unicode name @%xh, %xh wchars)", (UINT)fileName, (UINT)fileNameWChars));
DBGOUT(("Opened some device (handle=%xh), calling _NtKernDeviceIoControl", (UINT)deviceHandle));
ntStatus = _NtKernDeviceIoControl( deviceHandle, NULL, NULL, NULL, &IoStatusBlock, IOCTL_HID_GET_COLLECTION_INFORMATION, NULL, 0, &hidColInfo, sizeof(HID_COLLECTION_INFORMATION)); if (NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)){ PHIDP_PREPARSED_DATA phidDescriptor;
phidDescriptor = (PHIDP_PREPARSED_DATA)_HeapAllocate(hidColInfo.DescriptorSize, 0);
if (phidDescriptor){
ntStatus = _NtKernDeviceIoControl( deviceHandle, NULL, NULL, NULL, &IoStatusBlock, IOCTL_HID_GET_COLLECTION_DESCRIPTOR, NULL, 0, phidDescriptor, hidColInfo.DescriptorSize); if (NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)){ HIDP_CAPS hidCaps;
ntStatus = pHidP_GetCaps(phidDescriptor, (PHIDP_CAPS)&hidCaps);
if (NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)){
DBGOUT(("Opened HID device successfully, report size is %d.", (UINT)hidCaps.InputReportByteLength));
* <<COMPLETE>> * * Check hidCaps.UsagePage and hidCaps.Usage to verify that this is a device * that you want to drive. */
if (hidCaps.InputReportByteLength == 0){ DBGERR(("ERROR: Report size is zero!")); } else {
* Take all the information we have for this device and bundle * it into a context. */ newDevice = NewDevice(deviceHandle, (PHIDP_CAPS)&hidCaps, phidDescriptor, hidColInfo.DescriptorSize, fileName); if (newDevice){ /*
* Add this device to our global list. */ EnqueueDevice(newDevice);
* Then start the first async read in the device device. */ DispatchNtReadFile(newDevice); } else { DBGERR(("NewDevice() failed")); } } } else { DBGERR(("pHidP_GetCaps failed")); } } else { DBGERR(("_NtKernDeviceIoControl (#2) failed")); }
_HeapFree(phidDescriptor, 0); } else { DBGERR(("HeapAlloc failed")); } } else { DBGERR(("_NtKernDeviceIoControl failed")); }
if (!newDevice){ DBGERR(("Device init failed -- calling _NtKernClose() on device handle")); _NtKernClose(deviceHandle); }
} else { DBGERR(("_NtKernCreateFile failed to open this Device (ntStatus=%xh)", (UINT)ntStatus)); } } }
// BUGBUG ExFreePool(symbolicLinkList);
DBGOUT(("<== WorkItemCallback_Open()")); }