Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name: gesture.cpp
Abstract: This module contains the code to invoke SuperTIP.
Author: Michael Tsang (MikeTs) 11-Jul-2000
Environment: User mode
Revision History: --*/
#include "pch.h"
static const int BUFFERSIZE = 200; // The maximum number of points to collect while pen is up
typedef struct RecogRec { POINT pt; DWORD dwTime; } RECOGREC, *PRECOGREC;
RECOGREC coords[BUFFERSIZE] = {0}; //circular buffer
int index = 0; //current buffer insertion point
int startIndex = 0; //starting index. Only the points
// between startIndex and index are
// valid.
inline void resetBuffer() {index = startIndex = 0;}
@func int | RecognizeGesture | Do gesture recognition.
@parm IN LONG | x | X position. @parm IN LONG | y | Y position. @parm IN WORD | wButtons | Buttons state. @parm IN DWORD | dwTime | Time stamp. @parm IN BOOL | fLowLevelMouse | TRUE if called by LowLevelMouseProc.
@rvalue SUCCESS | Returns gesture recognized. @rvalue FAILURE | Returns NO_GESTURE. --*/
int RecognizeGesture( IN LONG x, IN LONG y, IN WORD wButtons, IN DWORD dwTime, IN BOOL fLowLevelMouse ) { TRACEPROC("RecognizeGesture", 5) int gesture = NO_GESTURE; static LONG xLast = 0; static LONG yLast = 0; static WORD wLastButtons = 0; static DWORD dwTimeLast = 0; int cxScreen = fLowLevelMouse? gcxScreen: gcxPrimary, cyScreen = fLowLevelMouse? gcyScreen: gcyPrimary;
TRACEENTER(("(x=%d,y=%d,Buttons=%x,Time=%d,fLowLevelMouse=%x)\n", x, y, wButtons,dwTime, fLowLevelMouse));
// Scale the coordinate system from 64K back to screen coordinates.
x = (x*cxScreen) >> 16; y = (y*cyScreen) >> 16;
// After converting back to screen coordinates, we need to coalesce
// the previous point if they are identical.
if ((x != xLast) || (y != yLast) || (wButtons != wLastButtons) || (dwTime - dwTimeLast > (DWORD)gConfig.GestureSettings.iStopTime)) { xLast = x; yLast = y; wLastButtons = wButtons; dwTimeLast = dwTime;
if (wButtons == 0) { POINT pt;
pt.x = x; pt.y = y; gesture = Recognize(pt, dwTime); if (gesture == NO_GESTURE) { AddItem(pt, dwTime); } else { resetBuffer(); NotifyClient(GestureEvent, gesture, 0); DoGestureAction(gConfig.GestureSettings.GestureMap[gesture], x + glVirtualDesktopLeft, y + glVirtualDesktopTop); } } else { resetBuffer(); } }
TRACEEXIT(("=%d\n", gesture)); return gesture; } //RecognizeGesture
@func int | Recognize | Recognize the gesture.
@parm IN POINT& | pt | Current point. @parm IN DWORD | dwTime | Time.
@rvalue None. --*/
int Recognize( IN POINT& pt, IN DWORD dwTime ) { TRACEPROC("Recognize", 5) int gesture = NO_GESTURE;
TRACEENTER(("(x=%d,y=%d,Time=%d)\n", pt.x, pt.y, dwTime));
if (penStopped(pt, dwTime, index, startIndex)) { bool beenOut = false; int numPoints = 0; int numOutPoints = 0; int xmin = 1000; //bounding box for points outside the test circle.
int xmax = -1000; int ymin = 1000; int ymax = -1000; int curIndex = (index > 0)? index - 1: BUFFERSIZE - 1; DWORD delt;
while ((curIndex != startIndex) && ((delt = dwTime - coords[curIndex].dwTime) < (DWORD)gConfig.GestureSettings.iMaxTimeToInspect)) { //go backwards through the buffer
numPoints++; if (dist(pt, curIndex) >= gConfig.GestureSettings.iRadius) { //
// Outside the test circle. Accumulate the bounding box
// of points.
numOutPoints++; beenOut = true;
// Positive if coord is east of point
int relx = coords[curIndex].pt.x - pt.x; // Positive if coord is south of point
int rely = coords[curIndex].pt.y - pt.y;
// Possibly expand the bounding box
if (relx < xmin) xmin = relx; if (relx > xmax) xmax = relx; if (rely < ymin) ymin = rely; if (rely > ymax) ymax = rely; } else { //
// Inside the test circle
gesture = NO_GESTURE; if (beenOut) { //
// Check points and return something
if ((numOutPoints >= gConfig.GestureSettings.iMinOutPts) && checkEarlierPoints(pt, coords[curIndex].dwTime, curIndex, startIndex)) { int bW = xmax - xmin; int bH = ymax - ymin; if (bW >= bH) { //
// horizontal spike
if (bW > bH*gConfig.GestureSettings.iAspectRatio) { //
// bbox must be wide enough
gesture = (xmin > 0)? RIGHT_SPIKE: LEFT_SPIKE; } } else { //
// vertical spike
if (bH > bW*gConfig.GestureSettings.iAspectRatio) { //
// bbox must be tall enough
gesture = (ymin < 0)? UP_SPIKE: DOWN_SPIKE; } } } break; } } curIndex = (curIndex > 0)? curIndex - 1: BUFFERSIZE - 1; } }
TRACEEXIT(("=%d\n", gesture)); return gesture; } //Recognize
@func void | AddItem | Add an item to the recognize buffer.
@parm IN LONG | x | X position. @parm IN LONG | y | Y position. @parm IN DWORD | dwTime | Time.
@rvalue None. --*/
void AddItem( IN POINT& pt, IN DWORD dwTime ) { TRACEPROC("AddItem", 5)
TRACEENTER(("(x=%d,y=%d,Time=%d)\n", pt.x, pt.y, dwTime));
coords[index].pt = pt; coords[index].dwTime = dwTime; index++; if (index >= BUFFERSIZE) { //
// End of circular buffer, wrap around.
index = 0; }
if (index == startIndex) { //
// The entire buffer is full of valid points.
startIndex++; if (startIndex >= BUFFERSIZE) { startIndex = 0; } }
TRACEEXIT(("!\n")); return; } //AddItem
@func bool | penStopped | The pen is considered stopped if all the points within the previous STOPTIME ms are within the STOPDIST pixel circle centered on given point. If the buffer is less than STOPTIME ms long, returns false.
@parm IN POINT & | pt | The given point. @parm IN DWORD | dwTime | Time. @parm IN int | ci | current index. @parm IN int | li | limiting index.
@rvalue SUCCESS | Returns TRUE (pen has stopped). @rvalue FAILURE | Returns FALSE. --*/
bool penStopped( IN POINT& pt, IN DWORD dwTime, IN int ci, IN int li ) { TRACEPROC("penStopped", 5) bool rc = false;
TRACEENTER(("(x=%d,y=%d,time=%d,ci=%d,li=%d\n", pt.x, pt.y, dwTime, ci, li));
ci = (ci > 0)? ci - 1: BUFFERSIZE - 1; while (ci != li) { if (dist(pt, ci) > gConfig.GestureSettings.iStopDist) { break; }
if ((dwTime - coords[ci].dwTime) >= (DWORD)gConfig.GestureSettings.iStopTime) { rc = true; break; }
ci = (ci > 0)? ci - 1: BUFFERSIZE - 1; }
TRACEEXIT(("=%x\n", rc)); return rc; } //penStopped
@func bool | checkEarlierPoints | Called when we have a candidate stroke, and the pen has just left the target circle and the point at coords[index] for the first time. Inspects up to pointsToExamine earlier points. They must all be there, must all be within the target circle (bigRadius), and they must all have occurred within checkTime of the time the pen left the target circle for the first time. This helps to filter out "overshoot" events where the pen passes through the target circle quickly, then returns to the final touchdown point.
@parm IN POINT & | pt | The given point. @parm IN DWORD | dwTime | Time. @parm IN int | ci | current index. @parm IN int | li | limiting index.
@rvalue SUCCESS | Returns TRUE (pen has stopped). @rvalue FAILURE | Returns FALSE. --*/
bool checkEarlierPoints( IN POINT& pt, IN DWORD dwTime, IN int ci, IN int li ) { TRACEPROC("checkEarlierPoints", 5) bool rc = true; int numPoints = 0;
TRACEENTER(("(x=%d,y=%d,time=%d,ci=%d,li=%d\n", pt.x, pt.y, dwTime, ci, li));
ci = (ci > 0)? ci - 1: BUFFERSIZE - 1; while ((ci != li) && (numPoints < gConfig.GestureSettings.iPointsToExamine)) { if (dist(pt, ci) >= gConfig.GestureSettings.iRadius) { rc = false; break; }
if ((dwTime - coords[ci].dwTime) >= (DWORD)gConfig.GestureSettings.iCheckTime) { break; }
numPoints++; ci = (ci > 0)? ci - 1: BUFFERSIZE - 1; }
if ((ci == li) && (numPoints < gConfig.GestureSettings.iPointsToExamine)) { rc = false; }
TRACEEXIT(("=%x\n", rc)); return rc; } //checkEarlierPoints
@func int | dist | Calculates the squared distance between the given pt and the point at coords[index].
@parm IN POINT & | pt | The given point. @parm IN int index | index into the recog buffer.
@rvalue Returns the squared distance calculated. --*/
int dist( IN POINT& pt, IN int index ) { TRACEPROC("dist", 5) int dx, dy, d;
TRACEENTER(("(x=%d,y=%d,index=%d)\n", pt.x, pt.y, index));
dx = pt.x - coords[index].pt.x; dy = pt.y - coords[index].pt.y; d = dx*dx + dy*dy;
TRACEEXIT(("=%d\n", d)); return d; } //dist
@func VOID | DoGestureAction | Do the gesture action.
@parm IN GESTURE_ACTION | Action | Gesture action to be performed. @parm IN LONG | x | x coordinate of gesture end-point. @parm IN LONG | y | y coordinate of gesture end-point.
@rvalue None. --*/
VOID DoGestureAction( IN GESTURE_ACTION Action, IN LONG x, IN LONG y ) { TRACEPROC("DoGestureAction", 2)
TRACEENTER(("(Action=%d,x=%d,y=%d)\n", Action, x, y));
switch (Action) { case PopupSuperTIP: case PopupMIP: if (ghwndSuperTIP != NULL) { PostMessage(ghwndSuperTIP, WM_GESTURE, (WPARAM)Action, MAKELONG(WORD(x), WORD(y))); } break;
case SendHotkey: SetEvent(ghHotkeyEvent); break; }
TRACEEXIT(("!\n")); return; } //DoGestureAction