Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name: supertip.cpp
Abstract: This module contains the code to invoke SuperTIP.
Author: Michael Tsang (MikeTs) 11-Jul-2000
Environment: User mode
Revision History: --*/
#include "pch.h"
#include <cpl.h>
#include <shellapi.h>
static const TCHAR tstrClassName[] = TEXT("SuperTIPWndClass"); UINT guimsgTaskbarCreated = 0; UINT guimsgTrayCallback = 0; HICON ghSuperTIPIcon = NULL; HMENU ghmenuTray = NULL; HMENU ghmenuTrayPopup = NULL; TCHAR gtszSuperTIPTitle[64] = {0}; TCHAR gtszBalloonTip[256] = {0};
@func unsigned | SuperTIPThread | SuperTIP thread.
@parm IN PVOID | param | Points to the thread structure.
@rvalue Always returns 0. --*/
unsigned __stdcall SuperTIPThread( IN PVOID param ) { TRACEPROC("SuperTIPThread", 2) WNDCLASSEX wc; BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; HRESULT hr;
TRACEENTER(("(pThread=%p)\n", param)); TRACEASSERT(ghwndSuperTIP == NULL);
guimsgTaskbarCreated = RegisterWindowMessage(TEXT("TaskbarCreated")); guimsgTrayCallback = RegisterWindowMessage( TEXT("{D0061156-D460-4230-AF87-9E7658AB987D}")); TRACEINFO(1, ("TaskbarCreateMsg=%x, TrayCallbackMsg=%x\n", guimsgTaskbarCreated, guimsgTrayCallback));
LoadString(ghMod, IDS_SUPERTIP_TITLE, gtszSuperTIPTitle, ARRAYSIZE(gtszSuperTIPTitle)); LoadString(ghMod, IDS_BALLOON_TEXT, gtszBalloonTip, ARRAYSIZE(gtszBalloonTip)); ghSuperTIPIcon = (HICON)LoadImage(ghMod, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_SUPERTIP), IMAGE_ICON, 16, 16, 0); TRACEASSERT(ghSuperTIPIcon != NULL);
memset(&wc, 0, sizeof(wc)); wc.cbSize = sizeof(wc); wc.lpfnWndProc = SuperTIPWndProc; wc.hInstance = ghMod; wc.lpszClassName = tstrClassName; RegisterClassEx(&wc);
// Protect the majority of this thread in a try/except block to catch any
// faults in the SuperTip object. If there is a fault, this thread will
// be destroyed and then recreated.
__try { while (fSuccess && !(gdwfTabSrv & TSF_TERMINATE)) { if (SwitchThreadToInputDesktop((PTSTHREAD)param)) { BOOL fImpersonate;
fImpersonate = ImpersonateCurrentUser(); CoInitialize(NULL); hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_SuperTip, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_ISuperTip, (LPVOID *)&gpISuperTip); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_TellMe, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_TellMe, (LPVOID *)&gpITellMe); if (FAILED(hr)) { TABSRVERR(("CoCreateInstance on ITellMe failed (hr=%x)\n", hr)); }
ghwndSuperTIP = CreateWindow(tstrClassName, tstrClassName, WS_POPUP, CW_USEDEFAULT, 0, CW_USEDEFAULT, 0, NULL, NULL, ghMod, 0);
if (ghwndSuperTIP != NULL) { BOOL rc; MSG msg;
PostMessage(ghwndSuperTIP, WM_SUPERTIP_INIT, 0, 0);
// Pump messages for our window until it is destroyed.
((PTSTHREAD)param)->pvSDTParam = ghwndSuperTIP; while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } ((PTSTHREAD)param)->pvSDTParam = ghwndSuperTIP = NULL; gdwfTabSrv &= ~TSF_TRAYICON_CREATED; } else { TABSRVERR(("Failed to create SuperTIP window.\n")); fSuccess = FALSE; }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { gpITellMe->Release(); gpITellMe = NULL; } gpISuperTip->Release(); gpISuperTip = NULL; } else { TABSRVERR(("Failed to create SuperTIP COM instance (hr=%x).\n", hr)); fSuccess = FALSE; }
CoUninitialize(); if (fImpersonate) { RevertToSelf(); } } else { TABSRVERR(("Failed to set current desktop.\n")); fSuccess = FALSE; } } } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { TABSRVERR(("Exception in SuperTIP thread (%X).\n", _exception_code())); }
DestroyIcon(ghSuperTIPIcon); ghSuperTIPIcon = NULL;
TRACEEXIT(("=0\n")); return 0; } //SuperTIPThread
@func LRESULT | SuperTIPWndProc | SuperTIP window proc.
@parm IN HWND | hwnd | Window handle. @parm IN UINT | uiMsg | Window message. @parm IN WPARAM | wParam | Param 1. @parm IN LPARAM | lParam | Param 2.
@rvalue Return code is message specific. --*/
LRESULT CALLBACK SuperTIPWndProc( IN HWND hwnd, IN UINT uiMsg, IN WPARAM wParam, IN LPARAM lParam ) { TRACEPROC("SuperTIPWndProc", 5) LRESULT rc = 0;
TRACEENTER(("(hwnd=%x,Msg=%s,wParam=%x,lParam=%x)\n", hwnd, LookupName(uiMsg, WMMsgNames), wParam, lParam));
if ((guimsgTaskbarCreated != 0) && (uiMsg == guimsgTaskbarCreated)) { TRACEINFO(1, ("Taskbar created...\n"));
// If whistler fixes the shell bug, we can restore this code.
gdwfTabSrv |= TSF_TASKBAR_CREATED; if (!CreateTrayIcon(hwnd, guimsgTrayCallback, ghSuperTIPIcon, gtszSuperTIPTitle)) { TABSRVERR(("OnTaskbarCreated: failed to create tray icon.\n")); } } else if ((guimsgTrayCallback != 0) && (uiMsg == guimsgTrayCallback)) { switch (lParam) { case WM_LBUTTONUP: { int iDefaultCmd = GetMenuDefaultItem(ghmenuTrayPopup, FALSE, 0);
// Perform default action.
if (iDefaultCmd != -1) { PostMessage(hwnd, WM_COMMAND, iDefaultCmd, 0); } break; }
case WM_RBUTTONUP: { TCHAR tszMenuText[128]; POINT pt;
// Do popup menu.
TRACEASSERT(ghmenuTrayPopup != NULL); LoadString(ghMod, gdwfTabSrv & TSF_SUPERTIP_OPENED? IDS_HIDE_SUPERTIP: IDS_SHOW_SUPERTIP, tszMenuText, ARRAYSIZE(tszMenuText)); ModifyMenu(ghmenuTrayPopup, IDM_OPEN, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_STRING, IDM_OPEN, tszMenuText);
GetCursorPos(&pt); //
// It is necessary to set focus on this window in order to
// popup the menu.
SetForegroundWindow(hwnd); TrackPopupMenu(ghmenuTrayPopup, TPM_NONOTIFY | TPM_RIGHTBUTTON, pt.x, pt.y, 0, hwnd, NULL); break; } } } else { HRESULT hr;
switch (uiMsg) { case WM_SUPERTIP_INIT: hr = gpISuperTip->Activate(); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = gpISuperTip->SetNotifyHWND(hwnd, WM_SUPERTIP_NOTIFY, 0); if (FAILED(hr)) { TABSRVERR(("Failed to set notify hwnd (hr=%x)\n", hr)); }
// If we are not on the Winlogon desktop, wait for the
// shell's tray notification window to be created so
// our tray icon can be added. Keep checking the
// Winlogon desktop flag in case the user switches
// desktops while this loop is still waiting for the
// tray window.
for (i = 0; (i < 30) && !(SuperTIPThread->dwfThread & THREADF_DESKTOP_WINLOGON); i++) { if (FindWindow(TEXT("Shell_TrayWnd"), NULL)) { break; } Sleep(500); } //
// At this point we're either on the Winlogon desktop or
// we're ready to create our tray icon.
if (SuperTIPThread->dwfThread & THREADF_DESKTOP_WINLOGON) { POINT pt;
pt.x = gcxPrimary; pt.y = gcyPrimary; gpISuperTip->Show(TIP_SHOW_KBDONLY, pt); gdwfTabSrv |= TSF_SUPERTIP_OPENED; } else { if (i > 1) { TRACEINFO(1, ("Shell_TrayWnd loop count: %d\n", i)); }
ghmenuTray = LoadMenu(ghMod, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_TRAYMENU)); TRACEASSERT(ghmenuTray != NULL); ghmenuTrayPopup = GetSubMenu(ghmenuTray, 0); TRACEASSERT(ghmenuTrayPopup != NULL); SetMenuDefaultItem(ghmenuTrayPopup, IDM_OPEN, FALSE);
if (!CreateTrayIcon(hwnd, guimsgTrayCallback, ghSuperTIPIcon, gtszSuperTIPTitle)) { TABSRVERR(("OnCreate: failed to create tray icon.\n")); } } } else { TABSRVERR(("Failed to activate SuperTIP (hr=%d)\n", hr)); rc = -1; } break;
case WM_CLOSE: ghwndSuperTIPInk = NULL; guimsgSuperTIPInk = 0; gdwfTabSrv &= ~(TSF_SUPERTIP_OPENED | TSF_SUPERTIP_SENDINK); if (gdwfTabSrv & TSF_TRAYICON_CREATED) { if (!DestroyTrayIcon(hwnd, guimsgTrayCallback, ghSuperTIPIcon)) { TABSRVERR(("failed to destroy tray icon.\n")); } }
if (ghmenuTray != NULL) { DestroyMenu(ghmenuTray); ghmenuTray = ghmenuTrayPopup = NULL; } gpISuperTip->Deactivate(); DestroyWindow(hwnd); PostQuitMessage(0); break;
case WM_DISPLAYCHANGE: UpdateRotation(); break;
case WM_SETTINGCHANGE: if ((wParam == SPI_SETKEYBOARDDELAY) || (wParam == SPI_SETKEYBOARDSPEED)) { UpdateButtonRepeatRate(); } break;
case WM_SUPERTIP_NOTIFY: if (wParam == 0) { gdwfTabSrv &= ~TSF_SUPERTIP_OPENED; if (!(gdwfTabSrv & TSF_SUPERTIP_MINIMIZED_BEFORE)) { gdwfTabSrv |= TSF_SUPERTIP_MINIMIZED_BEFORE; if (gdwfTabSrv & TSF_TRAYICON_CREATED) { if (!SetBalloonToolTip(hwnd, guimsgTrayCallback, gtszSuperTIPTitle, gtszBalloonTip, TIMEOUT_BALLOON_TIP, NIIF_INFO)) { TABSRVERR(("failed to popup balloon tip.\n")); } } } } else if (wParam >= WM_USER) { ghwndSuperTIPInk = (HWND)lParam; guimsgSuperTIPInk = (UINT)wParam; } break;
case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDM_OPEN: { if (gpITellMe != NULL) { HWND hwndTarget;
__try { if (SUCCEEDED( gpITellMe->GetLastValidFocusHWnd(&hwndTarget))) { SetForegroundWindow(hwndTarget); } } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { TABSRVERR(("Exception in TellMe::GetLastValidFocusHWnd (%X).\n", _exception_code())); } }
POINT pt = {0, 0}; HRESULT hr = gpISuperTip->Show(TIP_SHOW_TOGGLE, pt); gdwfTabSrv ^= TSF_SUPERTIP_OPENED; break; }
#ifdef DEBUG
hmod = LoadLibrary(TEXT("tabletpc.cpl")); if (hmod != NULL) { pfnCplApplet = (APPLET_PROC)GetProcAddress( hmod, TEXT("CPlApplet")); if (pfnCplApplet != NULL) { pfnCplApplet(hwnd, CPL_DBLCLK, 0, 0); } else { TABSRVERR(("Failed to get entry point of control panel (err=%d)\n", GetLastError())); } FreeLibrary(hmod); hmod = NULL; } else { TABSRVERR(("Failed to load control panel (err=%d)\n", GetLastError())); } break; } #endif
DEVMODE DevMode; LONG rcDisplay;
// To circumvent the dynamic mode tablet problem,
// we need to enumerate the display modes table to
// force the SMI driver to load a mode table that
// supports portrait modes.
memset(&DevMode, 0, sizeof(DevMode)); DevMode.dmSize = sizeof(DevMode); DevMode.dmPelsWidth = gcyPrimary; DevMode.dmPelsHeight = gcxPrimary; DevMode.dmFields = DM_PELSWIDTH | DM_PELSHEIGHT; if (DevMode.dmPelsWidth < DevMode.dmPelsHeight) { //
// We are switching to Portrait mode,
// make sure our color depth is 16-bit.
DevMode.dmBitsPerPel = 16; DevMode.dmFields |= DM_BITSPERPEL; } rcDisplay = ChangeDisplaySettings(&DevMode, CDS_UPDATEREGISTRY); if (rcDisplay < 0) { TABSRVERR(("Failed to toggle rotation (rc=%d)\n", rcDisplay)); //BUGBUG: make this LoadString
MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("Failed to toggle rotation"), TEXT(MODNAME), MB_OK); } #endif
//#if 0
typedef BOOL (__stdcall *PFNSETROTATION)(DWORD); HMODULE hmod = LoadLibrary(TEXT("tabletpc.cpl")); PFNSETROTATION pfnSetRotation; LRESULT lrc;
if (hmod != NULL) { pfnSetRotation = (PFNSETROTATION)GetProcAddress( hmod, TEXT("SetRotation")); if (pfnSetRotation != NULL) { if (pfnSetRotation( (gdwfTabSrv & TSF_PORTRAIT_MODE)? 0: RT_CLOCKWISE)) { //
// Sometimes the system miss sending
// WM_DISPLAYCHANGE, so we will do it
// here just in case.
UpdateRotation(); } } else { TABSRVERR(("Failed to get entry point of SetRotation (err=%d)\n", GetLastError())); } FreeLibrary(hmod); } else { TABSRVERR(("Failed to load control panel (err=%d)\n", GetLastError())); } //#endif
break; }
default: rc = DefWindowProc(hwnd, uiMsg, wParam, lParam); } break;
case WM_GESTURE: { POINT pt;
// Unpack x and y. Sign extend if necessary.
pt.x = (LONG)((SHORT)(lParam & 0xffff)); pt.y = (LONG)((SHORT)(lParam >> 16));
switch (wParam) { case PopupSuperTIP: TRACEINFO(1, ("Popup SuperTIP\n")); gpISuperTip->Show(TIP_SHOW_GESTURE, pt); gdwfTabSrv |= TSF_SUPERTIP_OPENED; break;
case PopupMIP: TRACEINFO(1, ("Popup MIP\n")); gpISuperTip->ShowMIP(TIP_SHOW_GESTURE, pt); break; } break; }
default: rc = DefWindowProc(hwnd, uiMsg, wParam, lParam); } }
TRACEEXIT(("=%x\n", rc)); return rc; } //SuperTIPWndProc
#if 0
@func VOID | EnumDisplayModes | Enumerate display modes to force SMI driver to dynamically load a mode table that supports Portrait modes.
@parm None.
@rvalue None. --*/
VOID EnumDisplayModes( VOID ) { TRACEPROC("EnumDisplayModes", 3) DWORD i; DEVMODE DevMode;
for (i = 0; EnumDisplaySettings(NULL, i, &DevMode); ++i) { //
// Don't have to do anything.
TRACEEXIT(("!\n")); return; } //EnumDisplayModes
@func VOID | UpdateRotation | Update the rotation info.
@parm None.
@rvalue None. --*/
VOID UpdateRotation( VOID ) { TRACEPROC("UpdateRotation", 3)
// Display mode has changed, better recompute everything related
// to screen.
glVirtualDesktopLeft = glVirtualDesktopRight = glVirtualDesktopTop = glVirtualDesktopBottom = 0; EnumDisplayMonitors(NULL, NULL, MonitorEnumProc, 0); gcxPrimary = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN); gcyPrimary = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN); gcxScreen = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVIRTUALSCREEN); gcyScreen = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYVIRTUALSCREEN); if (gcxPrimary > gcyPrimary) { gdwfTabSrv &= ~TSF_PORTRAIT_MODE; } else { gdwfTabSrv |= TSF_PORTRAIT_MODE; } glLongOffset = ((NUM_PIXELS_LONG - max(gcxPrimary, gcyPrimary))*(MAX_NORMALIZED_X + 1))/ (2*NUM_PIXELS_LONG); glShortOffset = ((NUM_PIXELS_SHORT - min(gcxPrimary, gcyPrimary))*(MAX_NORMALIZED_Y + 1))/ (2*NUM_PIXELS_SHORT);
TRACEEXIT(("!\n")); return; } //UpdateRotation
@func BOOL | MonitorEnumProc | The callback function for EnumDisplayMonitors.
@parm IN HMONITOR | hMon | Handle to display monitor. @parm IN HDC | hdcMon | Handle to monitor DC. @parm IN LPRECT | lprcMon | Monitor intersection rectangle. @parm IN LPARAM | dwData | Unused.
@rvalue Always return TRUE to continue enumeration. --*/
BOOL CALLBACK MonitorEnumProc( IN HMONITOR hMon, IN HDC hdcMon, IN LPRECT lprcMon, IN LPARAM dwData ) { TRACEPROC("MonitorEnumProc", 3)
TRACEENTER(("(hMon=%x,hdcMon=%x,MonLeft=%d,MonRight=%d,MonTop=%d,MonBottom=%d,dwData=%x)\n", hMon, hdcMon, lprcMon->left, lprcMon->right, lprcMon->top, lprcMon->bottom, dwData));
if (lprcMon->left < glVirtualDesktopLeft) { glVirtualDesktopLeft = lprcMon->left; }
if (lprcMon->right - 1 > glVirtualDesktopRight) { glVirtualDesktopRight = lprcMon->right - 1; }
if (lprcMon->top < glVirtualDesktopTop) { glVirtualDesktopTop = lprcMon->top; }
if (lprcMon->bottom - 1> glVirtualDesktopBottom) { glVirtualDesktopBottom = lprcMon->bottom - 1; }
TRACEEXIT(("=1\n")); return TRUE; } //MonitorEnumProc
@func BOOL | CreateTrayIcon | Create the tray icon.
@parm IN HWND | hwnd | Window handle that the tray can send message to. @parm IN UINT | umsgTray | Message ID that the tray used to send messages. @parm IN HICON | hIcon | Icon handle. @parm IN LPCTSTR | ptszTip | Points to the Tip string.
@rvalue SUCCESS | Returns TRUE. @rvalue FAILURE | Returns FALSE. --*/
BOOL CreateTrayIcon( IN HWND hwnd, IN UINT umsgTray, IN HICON hIcon, IN LPCTSTR ptszTip ) { TRACEPROC("CreateTrayIcon", 2) BOOL rc; NOTIFYICONDATA nid;
TRACEENTER(("(hwnd=%x,msgTray=%x,hIcon=%x,Tip=%s)\n", hwnd, umsgTray, hIcon, ptszTip)); TRACEASSERT(hIcon != NULL); TRACEASSERT(ptszTip != NULL);
memset(&nid, 0, sizeof(nid)); nid.cbSize = sizeof(nid); nid.hWnd = hwnd; nid.uCallbackMessage = umsgTray; nid.hIcon = hIcon; lstrcpyn(nid.szTip, ptszTip, ARRAYSIZE(nid.szTip)); nid.uFlags = NIF_ICON | NIF_MESSAGE | NIF_TIP; rc = Shell_NotifyIcon(NIM_ADD, &nid); if (rc == TRUE) { gdwfTabSrv |= TSF_TRAYICON_CREATED; }
TRACEEXIT(("=%x\n", rc)); return rc; } //CreateTrayIcon
@func BOOL | DestroyTrayIcon | Destroy the tray icon.
@parm IN HWND | hwnd | Window handle that the tray can send message to. @parm IN UINT | umsgTray | Message ID that the tray used to send messages. @parm IN HICON | hIcon | Icon handle. @parm IN LPCTSTR | ptszTip | Points to the Tip string.
@rvalue SUCCESS | Returns TRUE. @rvalue FAILURE | Returns FALSE. --*/
BOOL DestroyTrayIcon( IN HWND hwnd, IN UINT umsgTray, IN HICON hIcon ) { TRACEPROC("DestroyTrayIcon", 2) BOOL rc; NOTIFYICONDATA nid;
TRACEENTER(("(hwnd=%x,msgTray=%x,hIcon=%x)\n", hwnd, umsgTray, hIcon)); TRACEASSERT(hIcon != NULL); TRACEASSERT(gdwfTabSrv & TSF_TRAYICON_CREATED);
memset(&nid, 0, sizeof(nid)); nid.cbSize = sizeof(nid); nid.hWnd = hwnd; nid.uCallbackMessage = umsgTray; nid.hIcon = hIcon; nid.uFlags = NIF_ICON | NIF_MESSAGE; rc = Shell_NotifyIcon(NIM_DELETE, &nid); if (rc == TRUE) { gdwfTabSrv &= ~TSF_TRAYICON_CREATED; }
TRACEEXIT(("=%x\n", rc)); return rc; } //DestroyTrayIcon
@func BOOL | SetBalloonToolTip | Set Balloon Tool Tip on tray icon
@parm IN HWND | hwnd | Window handle that the tray can send message to. @parm IN UINT | umsgTray | Message ID that the tray used to send messages. @parm IN LPCTSTR | ptszTitle | Points to the Tip title string. @parm IN LPCTSTR | ptszTip | Points to the Tip text string. @parm IN UINT | uTimeout | Specify how long the balloon tip stays up.
@rvalue SUCCESS | Returns TRUE. @rvalue FAILURE | Returns FALSE. --*/
BOOL SetBalloonToolTip( IN HWND hwnd, IN UINT umsgTray, IN LPCTSTR ptszTitle, IN LPCTSTR ptszTip, IN UINT uTimeout, IN DWORD dwInfoFlags ) { TRACEPROC("SetBalloonToolTip", 2) BOOL rc; NOTIFYICONDATA nid;
TRACEENTER(("(hwnd=%x,TrayMsg=%x,Title=%s,Tip=%s,Timeout=%d,InfoFlags=%x)\n", hwnd, umsgTray, ptszTitle, ptszTip, uTimeout, dwInfoFlags)); TRACEASSERT(gdwfTabSrv & TSF_TRAYICON_CREATED);
memset(&nid, 0, sizeof(nid)); nid.cbSize = sizeof(nid); nid.hWnd = hwnd; nid.uFlags = NIF_INFO; nid.uCallbackMessage = umsgTray; nid.uTimeout = uTimeout; lstrcpyn(nid.szInfo, ptszTip, ARRAYSIZE(nid.szInfo)); lstrcpyn(nid.szInfoTitle, ptszTitle, ARRAYSIZE(nid.szInfoTitle)); nid.dwInfoFlags = dwInfoFlags; rc = Shell_NotifyIcon(NIM_MODIFY, &nid);
TRACEEXIT(("=%x\n", rc)); return rc; } //SetBalloonToolTip