#include "common.h"
#include "rtinfo.h"
#include <rt.h>
#include "rtp.h"
//#define SPEW 1
extern volatile ULONG currentthread; extern volatile ULONG windowsthread;
// We need to make the Acquire and Release spinlock calls safe for
// real time threads. We do this by ALWAYS acquiring
// the spinlock. We have to acquire spinlocks now since real time threads
// can run when normal windows threads are running at raised irql.
volatile ULONG *pCurrentRtThread=&(volatile ULONG)currentthread; BOOL (*TransferControl)(WORD State, ULONG Data, BOOL (*DoTransfer)(PVOID), PVOID Context)=RtpTransferControl; VOID (*ForceAtomic)(VOID (*AtomicOperation)(PVOID), PVOID Context)=RtpForceAtomic;
BOOL True(PVOID Context) {
return TRUE;
#pragma warning( disable : 4035 )
// If value==*destination, then *destination=source and function returns
// true. Otherwise *destination is unchanged and function returns false.
ULONG __inline CompareExchange(ULONG *destination, ULONG source, ULONG value) {
ASSERT( destination!=NULL ); ASSERT( source!=value );
__asm { mov eax,value mov ecx,source mov edx,destination lock cmpxchg [edx],ecx mov eax,0 jnz done inc eax done: }
#pragma warning( default : 4035 )
To enable realtime threads to be switched out while they are holding spinlocks, I had to extend the significance and use of the KSPIN_LOCK variable.
Previous NT spinlock code only ever sets or clears the bottom bit of a spinlock. Previous 9x spinlock code never touched the spinlock at all, since 9x is a uniprocessor platform - spinlocks simply raised and lowered irql. That is no longer true. Spinlocks in the rt world do more than they ever did on either NT or 9x.
The bottom 2 bits (bits 0 and 1) mean the following
If bit 0 is set, the spinlock is claimed. This is compatible with existing NT usage. If bit 1 is set, the spinlock has a next in line claim.
The bottom 2 bits can transition between the following states:
00 -> 01 ; spinlock free -> spinlock claimed 01 -> 00 ; spinlock claimed -> spinlock free 01 -> 11 ; spinlock claimed -> spinlock claimed and next in line claimed 11 -> 10 ; spinlock claimed and next in line claimed -> spinlock not claimed and next in line claimed 10 -> 01 ; spinlock not claimed and next in line claimed -> spinlock claimed
The top 30 bits hold a realtime thread handle. They identify which realtime thread is either holding the lock or is next in line.
If bit 1 is set, then the top 30 bits identify the next in line thread otherwise the top 30 bits identify the current owner.
Normally we have the following state transitions:
00->01 followed by 01->00
That is the no contention for the lock case.
Otherwise we have the following sequence:
00->01, 01->11, 11->10, 10->01
after which we can have either 01->00 or 01->11
typedef struct { PKSPIN_LOCK SpinLock; ULONG YieldToThisThread; } YIELDINFO, *PYIELDINFO;
BOOL NextInLine(PVOID Context) {
return CompareExchange(YieldInfo->SpinLock, 3|*pCurrentRtThread, 1|(YieldInfo->YieldToThisThread&~(3)));
BOOL YieldToNextInLine(PVOID Context) {
return CompareExchange(YieldInfo->SpinLock, YieldInfo->YieldToThisThread&~(1), YieldInfo->YieldToThisThread);
YIELDINFO YieldInfo; ULONG SpinCount;
while (TRUE) {
if (CompareExchange(SpinLock, 1|*pCurrentRtThread, INITIALSPINLOCKVALUE) || CompareExchange(SpinLock, 1|*pCurrentRtThread, 2|*pCurrentRtThread)) { // We got the spinlock. We're outa here.
break; }
// If we get here, then someone else is holding the spinlock. We will
// try to queue up after them and ensure that we get it next.
YieldInfo.SpinLock=SpinLock; YieldInfo.YieldToThisThread=*(volatile ULONG *)SpinLock;
// Make sure the spinlock is not currently free.
if (YieldInfo.YieldToThisThread==INITIALSPINLOCKVALUE) { continue; }
// Make sure that someone is NOT trying to acquire a spinlock they already
// acquired.
if (((YieldInfo.YieldToThisThread^*pCurrentRtThread)&~(3))==0) { // Someone is trying to acquire a spinlock more than once.
#ifdef SPEW
if (!RtThread()) { DbgPrint("BugCheck 0xf: Acquiring already owned spinlock 0x%x.\n", SpinLock); } Break(); #endif
break; }
// Make sure the spinlock is not in an invalid state.
// ie: Make sure it has been initialized properly.
if ((YieldInfo.YieldToThisThread&(3))==0 || !(YieldInfo.YieldToThisThread&~(3))) { // Spinlock has either been trashed, or was not initialized properly.
#ifdef SPEW
if (!RtThread()) { DbgPrint("BugCheck 0x81: Invalid spinlock state 0x%x.\n", SpinLock); } Break(); #endif
break; }
if (TransferControl!=NULL) { // Try to claim the lock next - so that we will get
// Yielded to when the lock is released.
if ((*TransferControl)(BLOCKEDONSPINLOCK, YieldInfo.YieldToThisThread, NextInLine, &YieldInfo)) { // We successfully queued up to get control when the lock is released,
// and we updated our state atomically and transferred control up to the
// realtime executive. All with one nasty call.
// That means when control comes back, we should be able to get the spinlock
// on the next try.
// UNLESS this is the windows thread. In that case, we CAN come back
// so that interrupts can get serviced.
if (!RtThread()) { // Windows thread. We allow windows threads to get switched to even
// when they are blocked on a spinlock so that interrupts can be
// serviced.
while (*SpinLock!=(2|*pCurrentRtThread)) { // If we get here, then the spinlock is still held by the realtime
// thread, so we simply yield back again to it - now that interrupts
// have all been serviced.
if (SpinCount++>100) { Break(); } (*TransferControl)(BLOCKEDONSPINLOCK, YieldInfo.YieldToThisThread, True, NULL); } } if (*SpinLock!=(2|*pCurrentRtThread)) { // If the spinlock doesn't have above state at this point, something
// is horribly wrong.
Break(); } continue; } else {
// We failed to get in line behind the owner. So, see if the owner
// just released the lock.
if (!SpinCount++) { continue; } else {
//Break(); - TURN OFF FOR NOW - ADD a test based on whether windows
// or not.
// There must have been multiple threads queued up on this lock.
// Yield.
// OR the other possibility is that we yielded the spinlock to windows
// which is servicing interrupts before it marks the spinlock as ready
// to be queued up on - so we are stuck waiting for Windows to get around
// to the compare exchange where it claims the spinlock.
(*TransferControl)(SPINNINGONSPINLOCK, YieldInfo.YieldToThisThread, True, NULL); } } } else { // If we get here, then we are NOT running RT, and someone is trying to
// acquire a held spinlock. That is a fatal error.
// Break into debugger if present.
#ifdef SPEW
DbgPrint("BugCheck 0xf: Acquiring already owned spinlock 0x%x.\n", SpinLock); Break(); #endif
break; }
// Release the spinlock. Break if spinlock not owned.
if (!CompareExchange(SpinLock, INITIALSPINLOCKVALUE, 1|*pCurrentRtThread)) {
// If we get here, then someone queued up behind us and tried to acquire
// the lock while we were holding it - and they yielded their processor
// time to us, so we must yield back to them. The nice thing about this
// is that this yield happens before IRQL is lowered - so when this is the
// windows thread we do not have to wait for all of the DPCs and preemtible
// events to be processed before the realtime thread waiting on the lock
// gets to run. He runs as soon as we yield, and when control again
// comes around to us, we can then continue on and lower irql.
if (TransferControl!=NULL) {
YieldInfo.SpinLock=SpinLock; YieldInfo.YieldToThisThread=*SpinLock;
if ((YieldInfo.YieldToThisThread&3)!=3) { // It is an ERROR if we get here and both low order bits are not set
// in the spinlock.
#ifdef SPEW
if (!RtThread()) { DbgPrint("BugCheck 0x10: Releasing unowned spinlock 0x%x.\n", SpinLock); } Break(); #endif
return; }
// Try to release the lock to the thread queued up behind us and then
// transfer control to him and we're done. When he wakes up he will
// claim the lock and someone else can get in behind him if needed.
if ((*TransferControl)(YIELDAFTERSPINLOCKRELEASE, YieldInfo.YieldToThisThread, YieldToNextInLine, &YieldInfo)) { return; } else { // It is an ERROR to get here. We should never fail to release
// the thread blocked on us.
Break(); }
} else { // We get here if the realtime executive is not running, but we could
// not release the spinlock. That will only happen if either the spinlock
// was not owned, or InitialWindowsThread or pCurrentRtThread have
// been corrupted.
#ifdef SPEW
DbgPrint("BugCheck 0x10: Releasing unowned spinlock 0x%x.\n", SpinLock); Break(); #endif
KIRQL OldIrql;
//ASSERT( KeGetCurrentIrql() <= DISPATCH_LEVEL );
//KeRaiseIrql( DISPATCH_LEVEL, &OldIrql );
if (OldIrql>DISPATCH_LEVEL) { DbgPrint("Acquiring spinlock 0x%x with IRQL == %d.\n", SpinLock, (ULONG)OldIrql); Trap(); }
return ( OldIrql );
VOID FASTCALL RtKefAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel( IN PKSPIN_LOCK SpinLock) {
ASSERT( KeGetCurrentIrql() == DISPATCH_LEVEL );
KIRQL FASTCALL RtKeAcquireSpinLockRaiseToSynch( IN PKSPIN_LOCK SpinLock ) {
KIRQL OldIrql;
ASSERT( KeGetCurrentIrql() <= SYNCH_LEVEL );
KeRaiseIrql( SYNCH_LEVEL, &OldIrql );
return ( OldIrql );
VOID FASTCALL RtKfReleaseSpinLock( IN PKSPIN_LOCK SpinLock, IN KIRQL NewIrql ) {
KIRQL OldIrql;
// We better be at DISPATCH_LEVEL if we are releasing a spinlock.
if (OldIrql!=DISPATCH_LEVEL) { DbgPrint("Releasing spinlock 0x%x with IRQL == %d.\n", SpinLock, (ULONG)OldIrql); Trap(); }
// First release the spinlock.
// Set the new IRQL level.
//ASSERT( NewIrql >= 0 && NewIrql < 32 );
if ( !(NewIrql >= 0 && NewIrql < 32) ) { Trap(); }
// We only lower irql on non RT threads, since RT threads should always be running
// at DISPATCH_LEVEL anyway.
if (currentthread==windowsthread) {
KeLowerIrql( NewIrql );
VOID FASTCALL RtKefReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel ( IN PKSPIN_LOCK SpinLock ) {
// Release the spinlock.
ASSERT( KeGetCurrentIrql() == DISPATCH_LEVEL ); }