#include "NWCOMPAT.hxx"
#pragma hdrstop
// Function: NWApiGetProperty
// Synopsis:
HRESULT NWApiGetProperty( BSTR bstrObjectName, LPSTR lpszPropertyName, NWOBJ_TYPE dwOT_ID, NWCONN_HANDLE hConn, LPP_RPLY_SGMT_LST lppReplySegment, LPDWORD pdwNumSegment ) { CHAR szObjectName[OBJ_NAME_SIZE + 1]; CHAR szPropertyName[OBJ_NAME_SIZE + 1]; NWFLAGS pucMoreFlag = 0; NWFLAGS pucPropFlag = 0; unsigned char ucSegment = 1; LP_RPLY_SGMT_LST lpHeadReplySegment = NULL; LP_RPLY_SGMT_LST lpTempReplySegment = NULL; HRESULT hr = S_OK; NWCCODE ccode = 0;
// lppReplySegment is assumed to be NULL.
ADsAssert((*lppReplySegment) == NULL);
// Convert BSTR into an ANSI representation required by NW APIs. "0" is
// passed to UnicodeToAnsiString when the length of the string is unknown.
UnicodeToAnsiString( bstrObjectName, szObjectName, 0 );
// Initialize first node of the list and set up temp traversal pointer.
INIT_RPLY_SGMT(lpTempReplySegment); lpHeadReplySegment = lpTempReplySegment;
// Read & dump property values into linked-list.
strcpy(szPropertyName, lpszPropertyName);
do {
ccode = NWReadPropertyValue( hConn, szObjectName, dwOT_ID, szPropertyName, ucSegment, (pnuint8) lpTempReplySegment->Segment, &pucMoreFlag, &pucPropFlag ); hr = HRESULT_FROM_NWCCODE(ccode); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
if (pucMoreFlag) {
INIT_RPLY_SGMT(lpTempReplySegment->lpNext); lpTempReplySegment = lpTempReplySegment->lpNext;
ucSegment++; }
} while(pucMoreFlag);
// Return the resulting linked-list.
*lppReplySegment = lpHeadReplySegment; *pdwNumSegment = ucSegment;
error: RRETURN(hr); }
// Function: NWApiGetFileServerVersionInfo
// Synopsis:
HRESULT NWApiGetFileServerVersionInfo( NWCONN_HANDLE hConn, NW_VERSION_INFO *pVersionInfo ) { NWCCODE ccode = SUCCESSFUL; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
ccode = NWGetFileServerVersionInfo( hConn, (VERSION_INFO *) pVersionInfo ); hr = HRESULT_FROM_NWCCODE(ccode);
RRETURN(hr); }
// Function: NWApiIsObjectInSet
// Synopsis:
HRESULT NWApiIsObjectInSet( NWCONN_HANDLE hConn, LPWSTR lpszObjectName, NWOBJ_TYPE wObjType, LPSTR lpszPropertyName, LPSTR lpszMemberName, NWOBJ_TYPE wMemberType ) { CHAR szAnsiObjectName[OBJ_NAME_SIZE + 1]; CHAR szPropertyName[OBJ_NAME_SIZE + 1]; CHAR szMemberName[OBJ_NAME_SIZE + 1]; HRESULT hr = S_OK; NWCCODE ccode = SUCCESSFUL;
// Convert BSTR into an ANSI representation required by NW APIs. "0" is
// passed to UnicodeToAnsiString when the length of the string is unknown.
UnicodeToAnsiString( lpszObjectName, szAnsiObjectName, 0 );
strcpy(szPropertyName, lpszPropertyName); strcpy(szMemberName, lpszMemberName);
// Call NWIsObjectInSet.
ccode = NWIsObjectInSet( hConn, szAnsiObjectName, wObjType, szPropertyName, szMemberName, wMemberType ); hr = HRESULT_FROM_NWCCODE(ccode);
RRETURN(hr); }
// Function: NWApiGetObjectID
// Synopsis:
HRESULT NWApiGetObjectID( NWCONN_HANDLE hConn, LPWSTR lpszObjectName, NWOBJ_TYPE wObjType, NWOBJ_ID *pObjectID ) { CHAR szAnsiObjectName[OBJ_NAME_SIZE + 1]; HRESULT hr = S_OK; NWCCODE ccode = SUCCESSFUL;
// Convert BSTR into an ANSI representation required by NW APIs. "0" is
// passed to UnicodeToAnsiString when the length of the string is unknown.
UnicodeToAnsiString( lpszObjectName, szAnsiObjectName, 0 );
// Get Object's ID.
ccode = NWGetObjectID( hConn, szAnsiObjectName, wObjType, pObjectID ); hr = HRESULT_FROM_NWCCODE(ccode);
RRETURN(hr); }
// Function: NWApiGroupGetMembers
// Synopsis:
HRESULT NWApiGroupGetMembers( NWCONN_HANDLE hConn, LPWSTR szGroupName, LPBYTE *lppBuffer ) { DWORD dwNumSegment = 0; HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD i; LP_RPLY_SGMT_LST lpTemp = NULL; LP_RPLY_SGMT_LST lpReplySegment = NULL;
// Assert
ADsAssert(*lppBuffer == NULL);
hr = NWApiGetProperty( szGroupName, NW_PROP_GROUP_MEMBERS, OT_USER_GROUP, hConn, &lpReplySegment, &dwNumSegment ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
// Pack returned linked list into buffer.
*lppBuffer = (LPBYTE) AllocADsMem( dwNumSegment * REPLY_VALUE_SIZE ); if (!(*lppBuffer)) { RRETURN(E_OUTOFMEMORY); }
lpTemp = lpReplySegment;
for (i = 0; i < dwNumSegment; i++) { memcpy( *lppBuffer + i * REPLY_VALUE_SIZE, lpTemp->Segment, REPLY_VALUE_SIZE ); lpTemp = lpTemp->lpNext; }
// Clean up.
lpTemp = NULL;
if (lpReplySegment) { DELETE_LIST(lpReplySegment); }
RRETURN(hr); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: NWApiAddGroupMember
// Synopsis:
HRESULT NWApiAddGroupMember( NWCONN_HANDLE hConn, LPWSTR pszGroupName, LPWSTR pszMemberName ) { CHAR szGroupName[OBJ_NAME_SIZE + 1]; CHAR szMemberName[OBJ_NAME_SIZE + 1]; HRESULT hr = S_OK; NWCCODE ccode = SUCCESSFUL;
// Convert BSTR into an ANSI representation required by NWC APIs. "0" is
// passed to UnicodeToAnsiString when the length of the string is unknown.
UnicodeToAnsiString( pszGroupName, szGroupName, 0 );
UnicodeToAnsiString( pszMemberName, szMemberName, 0 );
// Modify GROUP_MEMBERS property of the group to include the new member.
ccode = NWAddObjectToSet( hConn, szGroupName, OT_USER_GROUP, "GROUP_MEMBERS", szMemberName, OT_USER ); hr = HRESULT_FROM_NWCCODE(ccode); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
// Modify GROUPS_I'M_IN property of the new member to reflect its included
// in the new group.
ccode = NWAddObjectToSet( hConn, szMemberName, OT_USER, "GROUPS_I'M_IN", szGroupName, OT_USER_GROUP ); hr = HRESULT_FROM_NWCCODE(ccode); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
// Modify SECURITY_EQUALS property of the new member to equate its security
// to that of the new group it just joined.
ccode = NWAddObjectToSet( hConn, szMemberName, OT_USER, "SECURITY_EQUALS", szGroupName, OT_USER_GROUP ); hr = HRESULT_FROM_NWCCODE(ccode); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
error: RRETURN(hr); }
// Function: NWApiRemoveGroupMember
// Synopsis:
HRESULT NWApiRemoveGroupMember( NWCONN_HANDLE hConn, LPWSTR pszGroupName, LPWSTR pszMemberName ) { CHAR szGroupName[OBJ_NAME_SIZE + 1]; CHAR szMemberName[OBJ_NAME_SIZE + 1]; HRESULT hr = S_OK; NWCCODE ccode = SUCCESSFUL;
// Convert BSTR into an ANSI representation required by NW APIs. "0" is
// passed to UnicodeToAnsiString when the length of the string is unknown.
UnicodeToAnsiString( pszGroupName, szGroupName, 0 );
UnicodeToAnsiString( pszMemberName, szMemberName, 0 );
// Modify SECURITY_EQUALS property of the removed member to break its
// security tie with the group it joined.
ccode = NWDeleteObjectFromSet( hConn, szMemberName, OT_USER, "SECURITY_EQUALS", szGroupName, OT_USER_GROUP ); hr = HRESULT_FROM_NWCCODE(ccode); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
// Modify GROUPS_I'M_IN property of the new member to reflect it is not
// included in the group anymore.
ccode = NWDeleteObjectFromSet( hConn, szMemberName, OT_USER, "GROUPS_I'M_IN", szGroupName, OT_USER_GROUP ); hr = HRESULT_FROM_NWCCODE(ccode); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
// Modify GROUP_MEMBERS property of the group to remove the member.
ccode = NWDeleteObjectFromSet( hConn, szGroupName, OT_USER_GROUP, "GROUP_MEMBERS", szMemberName, OT_USER ); hr = HRESULT_FROM_NWCCODE(ccode); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
error: RRETURN(hr);
} //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: NWApiGetLOGIN_CONTROL
// Synopsis:
hr = NWApiGetProperty( lpszUserName, NW_PROP_LOGIN_CONTROL, OT_USER, hConn, &lpReplySegment, &dwNumSegment ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
*lpLoginCtrlStruct = *((LPLC_STRUCTURE) lpReplySegment->Segment);
if (lpReplySegment) { DELETE_LIST(lpReplySegment); }
RRETURN(hr); }
// Function: NWApiSetDefaultAcctExpDate
// Synopsis: This function looks at the local time and returns a default value
// for an account expiration date in a variant date.
HRESULT NWApiSetDefaultAcctExpDate( DOUBLE * pdTime, SYSTEMTIME SysTime ) { DOUBLE vTime; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// According to SysCon, the default account expiration date is the first day
// of the following month.
if (SysTime.wMonth == 12) { SysTime.wMonth = 1; } else { SysTime.wMonth++; }
SysTime.wDay = 1;
// Subtract 1980 from wYear for NWApiMakeVariantTime.
SysTime.wYear -= 1980;
hr = NWApiMakeVariantTime( &vTime, SysTime.wDay, SysTime.wMonth, SysTime.wYear, 0,0,0 ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
*pdTime = vTime;
RRETURN(hr); }
// Function: NWApiUserAsSupervisor
// Synopsis: This functions turns the user into one of the supervisors if TRUE
// is passed. User's supervisor privilege is removed otherwise.
HRESULT NWApiUserAsSupervisor( NWCONN_HANDLE hConn, LPWSTR lpszUserName, BOOL fSupervisor ) { CHAR szUserName[OBJ_NAME_SIZE + 1]; HRESULT hr = S_OK; NWCCODE ccode = SUCCESSFUL;
// Convert BSTR into an ANSI representation required by NWC APIs. "0" is
// passed to UnicodeToAnsiString when the length of the string is unknown.
UnicodeToAnsiString( lpszUserName, szUserName, 0 );
// Make it a supervisor.
if (fSupervisor == TRUE) { ccode = NWAddObjectToSet( hConn, szUserName, OT_USER, "SECURITY_EQUALS", "SUPERVISOR", OT_USER ); }
// Remove supervisor privilege.
else { ccode = NWDeleteObjectFromSet( hConn, szUserName, OT_USER, "SECURITY_EQUALS", "SUPERVISOR", OT_USER ); }
RRETURN(hr); }
// Function: NWApiGetVolumeNumber
// Synopsis:
HRESULT NWApiGetVolumeNumber( NWCONN_HANDLE hConn, LPWSTR lpszVolumeName, NWVOL_NUM *pVolumeNumber ) { CHAR szVolumeName[OBJ_NAME_SIZE + 1]; HRESULT hr = S_OK; NWCCODE ccode = SUCCESSFUL;
// Convert BSTR into an ANSI representation required by NWC APIs. "0" is
// passed to UnicodeToAnsiString when the length of the string is unknown.
UnicodeToAnsiString( lpszVolumeName, szVolumeName, 0 );
// there can't be a volume longer than VOL_NAME_SIZE. Check because client
// may AV otherwise.
if (wcslen(lpszVolumeName) > VOL_NAME_SIZE) { // Don't bother trying
// Get Volume's number.
ccode = NWGetVolumeNumber( hConn, szVolumeName, pVolumeNumber ); hr = HRESULT_FROM_NWCCODE(ccode);
// Return.
RRETURN(hr); }
// Function: NWApiGetVolumeName
// Synopsis:
HRESULT NWApiGetVolumeName( NWCONN_HANDLE hConn, NWVOL_NUM bVolNum, LPWSTR *lppszVolName ) { CHAR szVolumeName[OBJ_NAME_SIZE + 1]; HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPWSTR lpszTemp = NULL; NWCCODE ccode = SUCCESSFUL;
// Get Volume's name.
ccode = NWGetVolumeName( hConn, bVolNum, szVolumeName ); hr = HRESULT_FROM_NWCCODE(ccode); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
// Convert result into Unicode.
lpszTemp = AllocateUnicodeString(szVolumeName); if (!lpszTemp) { RRETURN(S_FALSE); }
*lppszVolName = AllocADsStr(lpszTemp); if (!(*lppszVolName)) { RRETURN(S_FALSE); }
// Return.
*lppszVolName = NULL;
RRETURN(hr); }
// Function: NWApiEnumJobs
// Synopsis:
HRESULT NWApiEnumJobs( HANDLE hPrinter, DWORD dwFirstJob, DWORD dwNoJobs, DWORD dwLevel, LPBYTE *lplpbJobs, DWORD *pcbBuf, LPDWORD lpdwReturned ) { BOOL fStatus = TRUE; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
fStatus = WinNTEnumJobs( hPrinter, dwFirstJob, dwNoJobs, dwLevel, lplpbJobs, pcbBuf, lpdwReturned );
if (fStatus == FALSE) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); }
RRETURN(hr); }
// Function: NWApiGetPrinter
// Synopsis:
HRESULT NWApiGetPrinter( HANDLE hPrinter, DWORD dwLevel, LPBYTE *lplpbPrinters ) { BOOL fStatus = TRUE; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
fStatus = WinNTGetPrinter( hPrinter, dwLevel, lplpbPrinters );
if (fStatus == FALSE) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); }
RRETURN(hr); }
// Function: NWApiUncFromADsPath
// Synopsis:
HRESULT NWApiUncFromADsPath( LPWSTR lpszADsPath, LPWSTR lpszUncName ) { HRESULT hr; POBJECTINFO pObjectInfo = NULL;
hr = BuildObjectInfo(lpszADsPath, &pObjectInfo );
wsprintf( lpszUncName, L"\\\\%s\\%s", pObjectInfo->ComponentArray[0], pObjectInfo->ComponentArray[1] );
error: if(pObjectInfo){ FreeObjectInfo(pObjectInfo); } RRETURN(hr); }
// Function: NWApiMakeUserInfo
// Synopsis: This function is very provider specific.
HRESULT NWApiMakeUserInfo( LPWSTR lpszBinderyName, LPWSTR lpszUserName, LPWSTR lpszPassword, CCredentials &Credentials, // of the user doing the MakeUserInfo
hr = NWApiGetBinderyHandle( &NwUserInfo.hConn, lpszBinderyName, Credentials ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
hr = ADsAllocString(lpszBinderyName, &NwUserInfo.lpszBinderyName); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
hr = ADsAllocString(lpszUserName, &NwUserInfo.lpszUserName); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
if (lpszPassword) {
hr = ADsAllocString(lpszPassword, &NwUserInfo.lpszPassword); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); }
// Return.
*pNwUserInfo = NwUserInfo; RRETURN(hr);
error: if (NwUserInfo.lpszBinderyName) ADsFreeString(NwUserInfo.lpszBinderyName);
if (NwUserInfo.lpszUserName) ADsFreeString(NwUserInfo.lpszUserName);
if (NwUserInfo.lpszPassword) ADsFreeString(NwUserInfo.lpszPassword);
RRETURN(hr); }
// Function: NWApiFreeUserInfo
// Synopsis: This function is very provider specific.
HRESULT NWApiFreeUserInfo( PNW_USER_INFO pNwUserInfo ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (pNwUserInfo->lpszBinderyName) { ADsFreeString(pNwUserInfo->lpszBinderyName); pNwUserInfo->lpszBinderyName = NULL ; }
if (pNwUserInfo->lpszUserName) { ADsFreeString(pNwUserInfo->lpszUserName); pNwUserInfo->lpszUserName = NULL; }
if (pNwUserInfo->lpszPassword) { ADsFreeString(pNwUserInfo->lpszPassword); pNwUserInfo->lpszPassword = NULL; }
if (pNwUserInfo->hConn) { hr = NWApiReleaseBinderyHandle( pNwUserInfo->hConn ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); } error: RRETURN(hr); }
// Function: NWApiCreateUser
// Synopsis:
HRESULT NWApiCreateUser( PNW_USER_INFO pNwUserInfo ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HRESULT hrTemp = S_OK; NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; NWCCODE ccode = SUCCESSFUL; NWCONN_HANDLE hConn = NULL; NWOBJ_ID UserObjectID; UCHAR ChallengeKey[8]; UCHAR NewKeyedPassword[17]; UCHAR ValidationKey[8]; WCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH];
// "Create Bindery Object" - user object. This user object is going to be
// static, with access equals to logged read, supervisor write.
hr = NWApiCreateBinderyObject( pNwUserInfo->hConn, pNwUserInfo->lpszUserName, OT_USER, BF_STATIC, BS_LOGGED_READ | BS_SUPER_WRITE ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
// Add user password.
hr = NWApiSetUserPassword( pNwUserInfo, &UserObjectID, NULL // no old passwd - this is a SET
// Create necessary bindery property to facilitate the addition of this user
// to the group EVERYONE.
hr = NWApiCreateProperty( pNwUserInfo->hConn, pNwUserInfo->lpszUserName, OT_USER, "GROUPS_I'M_IN", BF_SET ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
hr = NWApiCreateProperty( pNwUserInfo->hConn, pNwUserInfo->lpszUserName, OT_USER, "SECURITY_EQUALS", BF_SET ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
// Add this user to the group EVERYONE.
wcscpy(szTemp, L"EVERYONE");
hr = NWApiAddGroupMember( pNwUserInfo->hConn, szTemp, pNwUserInfo->lpszUserName ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
// Create mail directory and login files.
hr = NWApiCreateMailDirectory( pNwUserInfo, UserObjectID ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
// Create LOGIN_CONTROL & ACCOUNT_BALANCE property for the user. Values
// from USER_DEFAULTS are used as default.
hr = NWApiSetLoginCtrlAndAcctBalance( pNwUserInfo ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
RRETURN(hr); }
// Function: NWApiDeleteUser
// Synopsis:
HRESULT NWApiDeleteUser( POBJECTINFO pObjectInfo, CCredentials &Credentials ) { BOOL err = TRUE; DWORD dwErr = 0; HRESULT hr = S_OK; NWCONN_HANDLE hConn = NULL; NWOBJ_ID ObjectID; WCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH];
// Open a handle to the bindery.
hr = NWApiGetBinderyHandle( &hConn, pObjectInfo->ComponentArray[0], Credentials ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
// Get the user's ObjectID which is needed to compose the path name of LOGIN
// and LOGIN.OS2.
hr = NWApiGetObjectID( hConn, pObjectInfo->ComponentArray[1], OT_USER, &ObjectID ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
// Delete SYS:MAIL\<JOBID>\LOGIN. If the file is not found, that's OK, as
// long as it is not there.
wsprintf( szPath, L"\\\\%s\\SYS\\MAIL\\%X\\LOGIN", pObjectInfo->ComponentArray[0], dwSWAP(ObjectID) );
err = DeleteFile(szPath);
// Remove any error checking for the cleanup of
// files. If they do exist, and we do clean them up
// great. But otherwise Win95 chokes on us.
// Delete SYS:MAIL\<JOBID>\LOGIN.OS2. If the file is not found, that's OK,
// as long as it is not there.
wsprintf( szPath, L"\\\\%s\\SYS\\MAIL\\%X\\LOGIN.OS2", pObjectInfo->ComponentArray[0], dwSWAP(ObjectID) );
err = DeleteFile(szPath);
// Remove any error checking for the cleanup of
// files. If they do exist, and we do clean them up
// great. But otherwise Win95 chokes on us.
// Delete SYS:MAIL\<JOBID>.
wsprintf( szPath, L"\\\\%s\\SYS\\MAIL\\%X", pObjectInfo->ComponentArray[0], dwSWAP(ObjectID) );
err = RemoveDirectory(szPath);
// Remove any error checking for the cleanup of
// files. If they do exist, and we do clean them up
// great. But otherwise Win95 chokes on us.
// Delete the user object.
hr = NWApiDeleteBinderyObject( hConn, pObjectInfo->ComponentArray[1], OT_USER ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
RRETURN(hr); }
// Function: NWApiCreateBinderyObject
// Synopsis: This function create the specified object in the specified NetWare
// bindery. It returns S_OK if the object alread exist.
HRESULT NWApiCreateBinderyObject( NWCONN_HANDLE hConn, LPWSTR lpszObjectName, NWOBJ_TYPE wObjType, NWFLAGS ucObjectFlags, NWFLAGS usObjSecurity ) { CHAR szAnsiObjectName[OBJ_NAME_SIZE + 1]; HRESULT hr = S_OK; NWCCODE ccode = SUCCESSFUL;
// Convert BSTR into an ANSI representation required by NWC APIs. "0" is
// passed to UnicodeToAnsiString when the length of the string is unknown.
UnicodeToAnsiString( lpszObjectName, szAnsiObjectName, 0 );
// Create a Static object with LOGGED_READ & SUPERVISOR_WRITE.
ccode = NWCreateObject( hConn, szAnsiObjectName, wObjType, BF_STATIC, BS_LOGGED_READ | BS_SUPER_WRITE ); //
// If an error occured, check if it is OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS. If it is,
// treat it as no error.
if (ccode) { if (ccode == OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS) { ccode = SUCCESSFUL; } }
// Return.
// Function: NWApiDeleteBinderyObject
// Synopsis:
HRESULT NWApiDeleteBinderyObject( NWCONN_HANDLE hConn, LPWSTR lpszObjectName, NWOBJ_TYPE wObjType ) { CHAR szAnsiObjectName[OBJ_NAME_SIZE + 1]; HRESULT hr = S_OK; NWCCODE ccode = SUCCESSFUL;
// Convert BSTR into an ANSI representation required by NWC APIs. "0" is
// passed to UnicodeToAnsiString when the length of the string is unknown.
UnicodeToAnsiString( lpszObjectName, szAnsiObjectName, 0 );
// Delete the object from the bindery.
ccode = NWDeleteObject( hConn, szAnsiObjectName, wObjType ); //
// Return.
// Function: NWApiRenameObject
// Synopsis:
HRESULT NWApiRenameObject( POBJECTINFO pObjectInfoSource, POBJECTINFO pObjectInfoTarget, NWOBJ_TYPE wObjType, CCredentials &Credentials ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; NWCCODE ccode = SUCCESSFUL;
CHAR szAnsiSourceName[OBJ_NAME_SIZE + 1]; CHAR szAnsiTargetName[OBJ_NAME_SIZE + 1];
// Open a handle to the bindery.
hr = NWApiGetBinderyHandle( &hConn, pObjectInfoSource->ComponentArray[0], Credentials ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
// Convert BSTR into an ANSI representation required by NWC APIs. "0" is
// passed to UnicodeToAnsiString when the length of the string is unknown.
UnicodeToAnsiString( pObjectInfoSource->ComponentArray[1], szAnsiSourceName, 0 );
UnicodeToAnsiString( pObjectInfoTarget->ComponentArray[1], szAnsiTargetName, 0 );
// Rename the object
ccode = NWRenameObject( hConn, szAnsiSourceName, szAnsiTargetName, wObjType); hr = HRESULT_FROM_NWCCODE(ccode);
error: NWApiReleaseBinderyHandle(hConn); RRETURN(hr); }
// Function: NWApiSetUserPassword
// Synopsis:
HRESULT NWApiSetUserPassword( PNW_USER_INFO pNwUserInfo, DWORD *pdwUserObjID, LPWSTR pszOldPassword ) { CHAR szAnsiUserName[OBJ_NAME_SIZE + 1]; CHAR szAnsiPassword[NW_MAX_PASSWORD_LEN + 1]; CHAR szAnsiOldPassword[NW_MAX_PASSWORD_LEN + 1]; WCHAR szOldPasswordCopy[NW_MAX_PASSWORD_LEN + 1]; HRESULT hr = S_OK; NWCCODE ccode=0; if ( !pNwUserInfo || !(pNwUserInfo->lpszUserName) || !(pNwUserInfo->lpszPassword) ) {
// Convert UNICODE into ANSI representation required by NW APIs. "0" is
// passed to UnicodeToAnsiString when the length of the string is unknown.
UnicodeToAnsiString( pNwUserInfo->lpszUserName, szAnsiUserName, 0 );
_wcsupr(pNwUserInfo->lpszPassword) ; UnicodeToAnsiString( pNwUserInfo->lpszPassword, szAnsiPassword, 0 );
if (pszOldPassword) { wcscpy(szOldPasswordCopy, pszOldPassword); _wcsupr(szOldPasswordCopy) ; UnicodeToAnsiString( szOldPasswordCopy, szAnsiOldPassword, 0 ); } else {
szAnsiOldPassword[0] = 0 ; }
ccode = NWChangeObjectPassword( pNwUserInfo->hConn, szAnsiUserName, OT_USER, szAnsiOldPassword, szAnsiPassword ); CHECK_AND_SET_EXTENDED_ERROR(ccode, hr);
NWGetObjectID( pNwUserInfo->hConn, szAnsiUserName, OT_USER, pdwUserObjID ); hr = HRESULT_FROM_NWCCODE(ccode);
RRETURN(hr); }
// Function: NWApiCreateMailDirectory
// Synopsis:
HRESULT NWApiCreateMailDirectory( PNW_USER_INFO pNwUserInfo, NWOBJ_ID UserObjID ) { DWORD err = 0; BYTE szPath[(MAX_PATH + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)]; CHAR szUserObjID[255]; NWCCODE ccode = 0; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// Make path.
_ltoa( dwSWAP(UserObjID), szUserObjID, 16 );
strcpy((char *) szPath, "SYS:\\MAIL\\"); strcat((char *) szPath, szUserObjID);
// Create a directory with Maximum rights mask.
ccode = NWCreateDirectory( pNwUserInfo->hConn, 0, (char *) szPath, 0xFF );
if (ccode == NWE_HARD_FAILURE) { //
// The directory already exists, OK
ccode = 0; }
if ( !ccode ) { //
// Add a trustee with all rights except PARENTAL right.
ccode = NWAddTrustee( pNwUserInfo->hConn, 0, (char *) szPath, UserObjID, 0xDF ); // BUGBUG - 0xDF is used in SysCon, but don't
// know why.
// Create a Login file.
if ( !ccode ) { HANDLE hFile;
wsprintfW( (LPWSTR) szPath, L"\\\\%ws\\SYS\\MAIL\\%X\\LOGIN", pNwUserInfo->lpszBinderyName, dwSWAP(UserObjID) );
if ( hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { err = GetLastError(); }
if ( !err ) CloseHandle( hFile );
// Create a Login.os2 file.
wsprintfW( (LPWSTR) szPath, L"\\\\%ws\\SYS\\MAIL\\%X\\LOGIN.OS2", pNwUserInfo->lpszBinderyName, dwSWAP(UserObjID) );
if ( hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { err = GetLastError(); }
if ( !err ) CloseHandle( hFile ); } }
// BUGBUG: Does 255 means path already exists?
// Or ignore the error?
// if ( err == 255 ) // 0xC00100FF
// err = NO_ERROR;
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(err);
RRETURN(hr); }
// Function: NWApiSetLoginCtrlAndAcctBalance
// Synopsis:
HRESULT NWApiSetLoginCtrlAndAcctBalance( PNW_USER_INFO pNwUserInfo ) { ACCT_BALANCE AccountBalance; DWORD dwNumSegment; HRESULT hr = S_OK; int i = 0; LC_STRUCTURE LoginCtrl; LP_RPLY_SGMT_LST lpReplySegment = NULL; LP_RPLY_SGMT_LST lpTemp = NULL; USER_DEFAULT UserDefault; WCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH];
// Get Supervisor's USER_DEFAULTS.
wcscpy(szTemp, NW_PROP_SUPERVISORW);
hr = NWApiGetProperty( szTemp, NW_PROP_USER_DEFAULTS, OT_USER, pNwUserInfo->hConn, &lpReplySegment, &dwNumSegment ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
UserDefault = *((LPUSER_DEFAULT) lpReplySegment->Segment);
// Put default values into LoginCtrl.
LoginCtrl.byAccountExpires[0] = UserDefault.byAccountExpiresYear; LoginCtrl.byAccountExpires[1] = UserDefault.byAccountExpiresMonth; LoginCtrl.byAccountExpires[2] = UserDefault.byAccountExpiresDay; LoginCtrl.byAccountDisabled = 0; LoginCtrl.byPasswordExpires[0] = 85; LoginCtrl.byPasswordExpires[1] = 01; LoginCtrl.byPasswordExpires[2] = 01; LoginCtrl.byGraceLogins = UserDefault.byGraceLoginReset; LoginCtrl.wPasswordInterval = UserDefault.wPasswordInterval; LoginCtrl.byGraceLoginReset = UserDefault.byGraceLoginReset; LoginCtrl.byMinPasswordLength = UserDefault.byMinPasswordLength; LoginCtrl.wMaxConnections = UserDefault.wMaxConnections; LoginCtrl.byRestrictions = UserDefault.byRestrictions; LoginCtrl.byUnused = 0; LoginCtrl.lMaxDiskBlocks = UserDefault.lMaxDiskBlocks; LoginCtrl.wBadLogins = 0; LoginCtrl.lNextResetTime = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 42; i++) { LoginCtrl.byLoginTimes[i] = UserDefault.byLoginTimes[i]; }
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { LoginCtrl.byLastLogin[i] = 0; }
for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { LoginCtrl.byBadLoginAddr[i] = 0; }
LoginCtrl.byGraceLogins = LoginCtrl.byGraceLoginReset;
// Put default values into AccountBalance.
AccountBalance.lBalance = UserDefault.lBalance; AccountBalance.lCreditLimit = UserDefault.lCreditLimit;
// Write LOGIN_CONTROL property.
hr = NWApiWriteProperty( pNwUserInfo->hConn, pNwUserInfo->lpszUserName, OT_USER, NW_PROP_LOGIN_CONTROL, (LPBYTE) &LoginCtrl ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
// Write ACCOUNT_BALANCE property.
hr = NWApiWriteProperty( pNwUserInfo->hConn, pNwUserInfo->lpszUserName, OT_USER, NW_PROP_ACCOUNT_BALANCE, (LPBYTE) &AccountBalance ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
if (lpReplySegment) { DELETE_LIST(lpReplySegment); }
RRETURN(hr); }
// Function: NWApiCreateGroup
// Synopsis:
HRESULT NWApiCreateGroup( POBJECTINFO pObjectInfo, CCredentials &Credentials ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; NWCONN_HANDLE hConn = NULL;
// Open a handle to the bindery.
hr = NWApiGetBinderyHandle( &hConn, pObjectInfo->ComponentArray[0], Credentials ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
// Create a group bindery object.
hr = NWApiCreateBinderyObject( hConn, pObjectInfo->ComponentArray[1], OT_USER_GROUP, BF_STATIC, BS_LOGGED_READ | BS_SUPER_WRITE ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
// Create GROUP_MEMBERS property.
hr = NWApiCreateProperty( hConn, pObjectInfo->ComponentArray[1], OT_USER_GROUP, NW_PROP_GROUP_MEMBERS, BF_SET ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
RRETURN(hr); }
// Function: NWApiDeleteGroup
// Synopsis:
HRESULT NWApiDeleteGroup( POBJECTINFO pObjectInfo, CCredentials &Credentials ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; NWCONN_HANDLE hConn = NULL;
// Open a handle to the bindery.
hr = NWApiGetBinderyHandle( &hConn, pObjectInfo->ComponentArray[0], Credentials ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
// Delete the group object.
hr = NWApiDeleteBinderyObject( hConn, pObjectInfo->ComponentArray[1], OT_USER_GROUP ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
RRETURN(hr); }
// Function: NWApiCreatePrinter
// Synopsis:
HRESULT NWApiCreatePrinter( POBJECTINFO pObjectInfo, CCredentials &Credentials ) { CHAR szQueueName[OBJ_NAME_SIZE + 1]; CHAR szBuff1[OBJ_NAME_SIZE + 1]; CHAR szBuff2[OBJ_NAME_SIZE + 1]; HRESULT hr = S_OK; NWCCODE ccode = SUCCESSFUL; NWCONN_HANDLE hConn = NULL; WCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH];
// Convert BSTR into an ANSI representation required by NWC APIs. "0" is
// passed to UnicodeToAnsiString when the length of the string is unknown.
UnicodeToAnsiString( pObjectInfo->ComponentArray[1], szQueueName, 0 );
strcpy(szBuff1, NW_PROP_Q_OPERATORS); strcpy(szBuff2, NW_PROP_SUPERVISOR);
// Open a handle to the bindery.
hr = NWApiGetBinderyHandle( &hConn, pObjectInfo->ComponentArray[0], Credentials ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
// Create a print queue object.
hr = NWApiCreatePrintQueue( hConn, pObjectInfo->ComponentArray[1] ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
// Change property security.
ccode = NWChangePropertySecurity( hConn, szQueueName, OT_PRINT_QUEUE, szBuff1, BS_LOGGED_READ | BS_SUPER_WRITE ); hr = HRESULT_FROM_NWCCODE(ccode); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
ccode = NWAddObjectToSet( hConn, szQueueName, OT_PRINT_QUEUE, szBuff1, szBuff2, OT_USER ); hr = HRESULT_FROM_NWCCODE(ccode); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
strcpy(szBuff1, NW_PROP_Q_USERS); strcpy(szBuff2, NW_PROP_EVERYONE);
ccode = NWAddObjectToSet( hConn, szQueueName, OT_PRINT_QUEUE, szBuff1, szBuff2, OT_USER_GROUP ); hr = HRESULT_FROM_NWCCODE(ccode); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
// Return.
RRETURN(hr); }
// Function: NWApiDeleteGroup
// Synopsis:
HRESULT NWApiDeletePrinter( POBJECTINFO pObjectInfo, CCredentials &Credentials ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; NWCONN_HANDLE hConn = NULL; NWOBJ_ID dwQueueID = 0;
// Open a handle to the bindery.
hr = NWApiGetBinderyHandle( &hConn, pObjectInfo->ComponentArray[0], Credentials ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
// Get Queue ID.
hr = NWApiDestroyPrintQueue( hConn, pObjectInfo->ComponentArray[1] ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
RRETURN(hr); }
// Function: NWApiCreatePrintQueue
// Synopsis:
HRESULT NWApiCreatePrintQueue( NWCONN_HANDLE hConn, LPWSTR lpszQueueName ) { CHAR szQueueName[OBJ_NAME_SIZE + 1]; CHAR szPrinterPath[OBJ_NAME_SIZE + 1]; DWORD dwQueueID = 0; HRESULT hr = S_OK; NWCCODE ccode = SUCCESSFUL;
// Convert BSTR into an ANSI representation required by NW APIs. "0" is
// passed to UnicodeToAnsiString when the length of the string is unknown.
UnicodeToAnsiString( lpszQueueName, szQueueName, 0 );
strcpy(szPrinterPath, NW_PRINTER_PATH);
// Create a print queue object.
ccode = NWCreateQueue( hConn, szQueueName, OT_PRINT_QUEUE, NULL, szPrinterPath, &dwQueueID ); hr = HRESULT_FROM_NWCCODE(ccode);
// Return.
RRETURN(hr); }
// Function: NWApiDestroyPrintQueue
// Synopsis:
HRESULT NWApiDestroyPrintQueue( NWCONN_HANDLE hConn, LPWSTR lpszQueueName ) { DWORD dwQueueID = 0; HRESULT hr = S_OK; NWCCODE ccode = SUCCESSFUL;
// Get Queue ID.
hr = NWApiGetObjectID( hConn, lpszQueueName, OT_PRINT_QUEUE, &dwQueueID ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
// Destroy print queue.
ccode = NWDestroyQueue( hConn, dwSWAP(dwQueueID) ); hr = HRESULT_FROM_NWCCODE(ccode);
// Return.
RRETURN(hr); }
// Function: NWApiMapNtStatusToDosError
// Synopsis: This function maps the ntstatus that was returned from the NetWare
// redirector to window errors. Similar to RtlNtStatusToDosError
// except that the special handling is done to ntstatus with netware
// facility codes.
// Argument: NtStatus - The ntstatus returned from NetWare rdr
// Return Value: WinError
DWORD NWApiMapNtStatusToDosError( IN NTSTATUS NtStatus ) { if ( (HIWORD( NtStatus) & FACILITY_NWRDR ) == FACILITY_NWRDR ) { if ( NtStatus == NWRDR_PASSWORD_HAS_EXPIRED ) return ERROR_PASSWORD_EXPIRED; else return NETWARE_GENERAL_ERROR; } else if ( HIWORD( NtStatus) == 0xC001 ) { return LOWORD( NtStatus ) + NETWARE_ERROR_BASE; }
return RtlNtStatusToDosError( NtStatus ); }
// Function: NWApiConvertToAddressFormat
// Synopsis: Convert an IPX address obtain from NWApiGetProperty into the
// format specified in spec.
HRESULT NWApiConvertToAddressFormat( LP_RPLY_SGMT_LST lpReplySegment, LPWSTR *lppszAddresses ) { int i = 0; LPBYTE lpBuffer = NULL; LPWSTR lpszTemp = NULL; WORD wSegment[NET_ADDRESS_WORD_SIZE];
// Put values from szReply into the wSegment array
lpBuffer = (LPBYTE) lpReplySegment->Segment;
for (i = 0; i < NET_ADDRESS_WORD_SIZE; i++) {
wSegment[i] = NWApiReverseWORD(*((LPWORD)lpBuffer + i)); }
// Put address together in the format described in spec.
lpszTemp = (LPWSTR) AllocADsMem((NET_ADDRESS_NUM_CHAR+1)*sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!lpszTemp) { RRETURN(E_OUTOFMEMORY); }
wsprintf( lpszTemp, L"%s:%04X%04X.%04X%04X%04X.%04X", bstrAddressTypeString, wSegment[0], wSegment[1], wSegment[2], wSegment[3], wSegment[4], wSegment[5] );
// Return.
*lppszAddresses = lpszTemp;
// Function: NWApiMakeSYSTEMTIME
// Synopsis: This function creates a SYSTEMTIME.
WORD wMonth, // Month = 1..12
WORD wYear, // Year = (19XX or 20XX) - 1980, ie. 2019 -> 39
WORD wSecond, // Second = 0..30, Second divided by 2
WORD wMinute, // Minute = 0..59
WORD wHour // Hour = 0..23
) { BOOL fBool = TRUE; WORD wDOSDate = 0; WORD wDOSTime = 0; FILETIME FileTime; SYSTEMTIME SystemTime;
// Fix up parameters.
// If wDay and wMonth are 0, turn them into one.
if (wDay == 0) { wDay++; }
if (wMonth == 0) { wMonth++; }
// Shift data to correct bit as required by the DOS date & time format.
wMonth = wMonth << 5; wYear = wYear << 9; wMinute = wMinute << 5; wHour = wHour << 11;
// Put them in DOS format.
wDOSDate = wYear | wMonth | wDay; wDOSTime = wHour | wMinute | wSecond;
// Convert into FileTime.
fBool = DosDateTimeToFileTime( wDOSDate, wDOSTime, &FileTime );
if (fBool == TRUE) { //
// Convert into SYSTEMTIME
fBool = FileTimeToSystemTime(&FileTime, &SystemTime); }
// Return.
if (fBool == TRUE) {
*pTime = SystemTime;
RRETURN(S_OK); } else { RRETURN(E_FAIL); } }
// Function: NWApiMakeVariantTime
// Synopsis: This function creates a double precision variant time.
HRESULT NWApiMakeVariantTime( DOUBLE * pdTime, WORD wDay, // Day = 1..31
WORD wMonth, // Month = 1..12
WORD wYear, // Year = (19XX or 20XX) - 1980, ie. 2019 -> 39
WORD wSecond, // Second = 0..30, Second divided by 2
WORD wMinute, // Minute = 0..59
WORD wHour // Hour = 0..23
) { BOOL fBool = TRUE; DOUBLE vTime = 0; WORD wDOSDate = 0; WORD wDOSTime = 0;
// Fix up parameters.
// If wDay and wMonth are 0, turn them into one.
if (wDay == 0) { wDay++; }
if (wMonth == 0) { wMonth++; }
// Shift data to correct bit as required by the DOS date & time format.
wMonth = wMonth << 5; wYear = wYear << 9; wMinute = wMinute << 5; wHour = wHour << 11;
// Put them in DOS format.
wDOSDate = wYear | wMonth | wDay; wDOSTime = wHour | wMinute | wSecond;
// Convert into VariantTime.
fBool = DosDateTimeToVariantTime( wDOSDate, wDOSTime, &vTime );
// Return.
if (fBool == TRUE) {
*pdTime = vTime;
RRETURN(S_OK); } else { RRETURN(E_FAIL); } }
// Function: NWApiBreakVariantTime
// Synopsis: This function interprets a double precision variant time and
// returns the day, month and year individually.
HRESULT NWApiBreakVariantTime( DOUBLE daDate, PWORD pwDay, PWORD pwMonth, PWORD pwYear ) { BOOL fBool; DOUBLE vTime; WORD wDOSDate = 0; WORD wDOSTime = 0; WORD wDay = 0; WORD wMonth = 0; WORD wYear = 0;
// Convert variant time into DOS format.
fBool = VariantTimeToDosDateTime( daDate, &wDOSDate, &wDOSTime ); if (fBool == FALSE) { goto error; }
// Year: bits 9-15, add 80 to wYear because 80 was subtracted from it to
// call VariantTimeToDosDateTime.
wYear = wDOSDate >> 9; wYear += 80;
// Month: bits 5-8.
wMonth = (wDOSDate >> 5) - (wYear << 4);
// Day: bits 0-4.
wDay = wDOSDate - (wMonth << 5) - (wYear << 9);
// Return.
*pwDay = wDay; *pwMonth = wMonth; *pwYear = wYear;
// Function: NWApiReverseWORD
// Synopsis: This function reverse a WORD.
LPBYTE lpbTemp = (LPBYTE) &wWORD; BYTE bTemp;
bTemp = *lpbTemp; *lpbTemp = *(lpbTemp + 1); *(lpbTemp + 1) = bTemp;
return(*((LPWORD) lpbTemp)); }
// Function: NWApiUserGetGroups
// Synopsis:
HRESULT NWApiUserGetGroups( NWCONN_HANDLE hConn, LPWSTR szUserName, LPBYTE *lppBuffer ) { DWORD dwNumSegment = 0; HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD i; LP_RPLY_SGMT_LST lpTemp = NULL; LP_RPLY_SGMT_LST lpReplySegment = NULL;
// Assert
ADsAssert(*lppBuffer == NULL);
hr = NWApiGetProperty( szUserName, NW_PROP_USER_GROUPS, OT_USER, hConn, &lpReplySegment, &dwNumSegment ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
// Pack returned linked list into buffer.
*lppBuffer = (LPBYTE) AllocADsMem( dwNumSegment * REPLY_VALUE_SIZE ); if (!(*lppBuffer)) { RRETURN(E_OUTOFMEMORY); }
lpTemp = lpReplySegment;
for (i = 0; i < dwNumSegment; i++) { memcpy( *lppBuffer + i * REPLY_VALUE_SIZE, lpTemp->Segment, REPLY_VALUE_SIZE ); lpTemp = lpTemp->lpNext; }
// Clean up.
lpTemp = NULL;
if (lpReplySegment) { DELETE_LIST(lpReplySegment); }
RRETURN(hr); }