/********************************************************************/ /** Microsoft LAN Manager **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1987-1991 **/ /********************************************************************/
* Grammar.c - contains the functions to determine type of object * passed. Is used by the parser to check grammar. * * date who what * ??/??/??, ?????, initial code * 10/31/88, erichn, uses OS2.H instead of DOSCALLS * 05/02/89, erichn, NLS conversion * 06/08/89, erichn, canonicalization sweep * 06/23/89, erichn, replaced old NetI calls with new I_Net functions * 06/11/90, thomaspa, fixed IsValidAssign() to accept paths with * embedded spaces. * 02/20/91, danhi, change to use lm 16/32 mapping layer */
#include <os2.h>
#include <lmcons.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <lmaccess.h>
#include <lmserver.h>
#include <lmshare.h>
#include <icanon.h>
#include "netcmds.h"
#include "nettext.h"
/* prototypes of worker functions */
int is_other_resource(TCHAR *);
int IsAccessSetting(TCHAR *x) { TCHAR FAR * pos; TCHAR buf[sizeof(ACCESS_LETTERS)];
pos = _tcschr(x, COLON);
if (pos == NULL) return 0;
/* check if the first component is a user name. */ *pos = NULLC; if (I_NetNameValidate(NULL, x, NAMETYPE_USER, LM2X_COMPATIBLE)) { *pos = COLON; return 0; }
*pos++ = COLON;
/* if there is a letter that is not an access letter it can
only be TEXT('y') or TEXT('n'), which must be alone. */
_tcscpy(buf, pos); _tcsupr(buf); if ( _tcsspn(buf, TEXT(ACCESS_LETTERS)) != _tcslen(buf) ) return ( !_tcsicmp(buf, TEXT("Y")) || !_tcsicmp(buf, TEXT("N")) ); else return 1; }
int IsPathname ( TCHAR * x ) { ULONG type = 0;
if (I_NetPathType(NULL, x, &type, 0L)) return 0;
return (type == ITYPE_PATH_ABSD || type == ITYPE_PATH_ABSND || type == ITYPE_PATH_RELD || type == ITYPE_PATH_RELND ); }
int IsPathnameOrUNC ( TCHAR * x ) { ULONG type = 0;
if (I_NetPathType(NULL, x, &type, 0L)) return 0;
return (type == ITYPE_PATH_ABSD || type == ITYPE_PATH_ABSND || type == ITYPE_PATH_RELD || type == ITYPE_PATH_RELND || type == ITYPE_UNC); }
/* Access type resource only, does not include lpt, com etc... */
int IsResource ( TCHAR * x ) { ULONG type = 0;
if (I_NetPathType(NULL, x, &type, 0L)) return 0;
return (type == ITYPE_PATH_ABSD || type == ITYPE_PATH_ABSND || type == ITYPE_DEVICE_DISK || type == ITYPE_PATH_SYS_PIPE || type == ITYPE_PATH_SYS_COMM || type == ITYPE_PATH_SYS_PRINT || is_other_resource(x) );
int is_other_resource(TCHAR * x) { return (!_tcsicmp(x, TEXT("\\PIPE")) || !_tcsicmp(x, TEXT("\\PRINT")) || !_tcsicmp(x, TEXT("\\COMM"))); }
int IsNetname(TCHAR * x) { return (!I_NetNameValidate(NULL, x, NAMETYPE_SHARE, 0)); }
int IsComputerName(TCHAR *x) { ULONG type = 0;
if (I_NetPathType(NULL, x, &type, 0L)) return 0;
return ( type == ITYPE_UNC_COMPNAME ); }
int IsDomainName(TCHAR *x) { return (!I_NetNameValidate(NULL, x, NAMETYPE_DOMAIN, 0L) || !I_NetNameValidate(NULL, x, NAMETYPE_COMPUTER, 0L)); }
int IsComputerNameShare(TCHAR *x) { ULONG type; TCHAR FAR * ptr; if (I_NetPathType(NULL, x, &type, 0L)) return 0;
if (!(type & ITYPE_UNC)) return 0;
if (type == ITYPE_UNC_COMPNAME) return 0;
/* Find the slash separating the computername and the
* sharename. We know this is a UNC name, thus we can safely * skip 2 bytes for the leading backslashes. */ ptr = _tcspbrk(x+2, TEXT("\\/") ); if ( ptr == NULL ) return 0;
ptr +=1; /* point past slash TCHAR */
* Make sure there are no more slashes */ if( _tcspbrk(ptr, TEXT("\\/")) != NULL) return 0;
return 1;
int IsDeviceName(TCHAR *x) { ULONG type = 0; TCHAR FAR * pos;
if (I_NetPathType(NULL, x, &type, 0L)) return 0;
if (type & ITYPE_DEVICE) { if (type == ITYPE_DEVICE_DISK) return 1; if (pos = _tcschr(x, COLON)) *pos = NULLC; return 1; }
return 0; }
* IsMsgid -- determines if passed string is a valid message id. * msd id's are of the form yyyxxxx where * yyy is any string beginning with a non-numeric character OR null * xxxx is a string containing only numeric characters. */ int IsMsgid( LPTSTR x ) { if (IsNumber(x)) return TRUE; x+= NET_KEYWORD_SIZE; if (IsNumber(x)) return TRUE; return FALSE; }
int IsNumber( LPTSTR x ) { return (*x && (_tcslen(x) == _tcsspn(x, TEXT("0123456789")))); }
int IsShareAssignment( LPTSTR x ) { TCHAR * pos; int result;
/* WARNING: x ALWAYS should be a TCHAR * */ pos = _tcschr (x, '=');
if (pos == NULL) { return 0; }
*pos = NULLC;
result = (int) ( IsNetname(x) && IsValidAssign(pos+1) ); *pos = '='; return result; }
int IsValidAssign( LPTSTR name ) { TCHAR name_out[MAX_PATH]; ULONG types[64]; DWORD count; DWORD i; ULONG type = 0;
* First check if it is a path. Since a path may contain spaces, we * return successfully immediately. */
I_NetPathType(NULL, name, &type, 0L);
if ( type == ITYPE_PATH_ABSD || type == ITYPE_DEVICE_DISK ) { return 1; }
* Not an absolute path, so go about our normal business. */ if (I_NetListCanonicalize(NULL, /* server name, NULL means local */ name, /* list to canonicalize */ txt_LIST_DELIMITER_STR_UI, name_out, DIMENSION(name_out), &count, types, DIMENSION(types), (NAMETYPE_PATH | OUTLIST_TYPE_API) )) { return 0; }
if (count == 0) { return 0; }
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (types[i] != ITYPE_DEVICE_LPT && types[i] != ITYPE_DEVICE_COM && types[i] != ITYPE_DEVICE_NUL) { return 0; } }
return 1; }
int IsAnyShareAssign( LPTSTR x ) { TCHAR * pos; int result;
/* WARNNING: x ALWAYS should be a TCHAR * */ pos = _tcschr (x, '=');
if (pos == NULL) return 0;
*pos = NULLC;
result = (int) ( IsNetname(x) && IsAnyValidAssign(pos+1) ); *pos = '='; return result; }
int IsAnyValidAssign( LPTSTR name ) { TCHAR name_out[MAX_PATH]; ULONG types[64]; DWORD count;
if (I_NetListCanonicalize(NULL, /* server name, NULL means local */ name, /* list to canonicalize */ txt_LIST_DELIMITER_STR_UI, name_out, DIMENSION(name_out), &count, types, DIMENSION(types), (NAMETYPE_PATH | OUTLIST_TYPE_API) )) return 0;
if (count == 0) return 0;
return 1; }
#ifdef OS2
int IsAdminShare(TCHAR * x) { if ((_tcsicmp(x, TEXT("IPC$"))) && (_tcsicmp(x, ADMIN_DOLLAR))) return 0; else return 1; } #endif /* OS2 */
#ifdef OS2
* what we are looking for here is PRINT=xxxx */ int IsPrintDest(TCHAR *x) { TCHAR FAR * ptr;
if (!_tcsnicmp(x, TEXT("PRINT="), 6) && _tcslen(x) > 6) { x += 6; if (!IsDeviceName(x)) return 0; if (ptr = _tcschr(x,COLON)) *ptr = NULLC; return 1; }
return 0; } #endif /* OS2 */
* returns true is the arg is a valid username */ int IsUsername(TCHAR * x) { return !(I_NetNameValidate(NULL, x, NAMETYPE_USER, LM2X_COMPATIBLE)); }
* returns true is the arg is a valid username or a qualified username, * of form domain\user or a potential UPN */ int IsQualifiedUsername(TCHAR * x) { TCHAR *ptr, name[UNLEN + 1 + DNLEN + 1] ;
if (_tcschr(x, '@')) return 1;
// check for overflow
if (_tcslen(x) >= DIMENSION(name)) return 0 ;
// make copy
_tcscpy(name, x) ;
// do we have a domain\username format?
if (ptr = _tcschr(name, '\\')) { *ptr = NULLC ; ++ptr ; // this is DCS safe since we found single byte char
// if its a domain, check the username part
if (IsDomainName(name)) return IsUsername(ptr) ; // its not valid
return(0) ; }
// else just straight username
return IsUsername(x) ; }
int IsGroupname(TCHAR * x) { return !(I_NetNameValidate(NULL, x, NAMETYPE_GROUP, 0L)); }
int IsMsgname(TCHAR * x) { if (!_tcscmp(x, TEXT("*"))) return 1; return !(I_NetNameValidate(NULL, x, NAMETYPE_COMPUTER, LM2X_COMPATIBLE)); }
int IsPassword(TCHAR * x) { if (!_tcscmp(x, TEXT("*"))) return 1; return !(I_NetNameValidate(NULL, x, NAMETYPE_PASSWORD, 0L)); }
int IsWildCard(TCHAR * x) { if (x == NULL) return 0 ; return ( (!_tcscmp(x, TEXT("*"))) || (!_tcscmp(x, TEXT("?"))) ) ; }
int IsQuestionMark(TCHAR * x) { if (x == NULL) return 0 ; return (!_tcscmp(x, TEXT("?"))) ; }
#ifdef OS2
int IsSharePassword(TCHAR * x) { if (!_tcscmp(x, TEXT("*"))) return 1;
if (_tcslen(x) > SHPWLEN) return 0;
return !(I_NetNameValidate(NULL, x, NAMETYPE_PASSWORD, LM2X_COMPATIBLE)); } #endif /* OS2 */
int IsNtAliasname(TCHAR *name) { return !(I_NetNameValidate(NULL, name, NAMETYPE_GROUP, 0L)); }
#ifdef OS2
#ifdef IBM_ONLY
int IsAliasname(TCHAR * x) {
if ( _tcslen(x) > 8 ) return 0;
return !(I_NetNameValidate(NULL, x, NAMETYPE_SHARE, LM2X_COMPATIBLE));
} #endif /* IBM_ONLY */
#endif /* OS2 */