Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module provides support routines to map DosxxxMessage APIs to the FormatMessage syntax and semantics.
Dan Hinsley (DanHi) 24-Sept-1991
Contains NT specific code.
Revision History:
#define ERROR_MR_UN_ACC_MSGF 318
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <lmcons.h>
#include <lmerr.h>
#include <tstring.h>
#include "netascii.h"
#include "netcmds.h"
// Local function declarations
BOOL FileIsConsole( HANDLE fp );
VOID MyWriteConsole( HANDLE fp, LPWSTR lpBuffer, DWORD cchBuffer );
// 100 is plenty since FormatMessage only takes 99 & old DosGetMessage 9.
#define MAX_INSERT_STRINGS (100)
DWORD DosGetMessageW( IN LPTSTR *InsertionStrings, IN DWORD NumberofStrings, OUT LPTSTR Buffer, IN DWORD BufferLength, IN DWORD MessageId, IN LPTSTR FileName, OUT PDWORD pMessageLength ) /*++
Routine Description:
This maps the OS/2 DosGetMessage API to the NT FormatMessage API.
InsertionStrings - Pointer to an array of strings that will be used to replace the %n's in the message.
NumberofStrings - The number of insertion strings.
Buffer - The buffer to put the message into.
BufferLength - The length of the supplied buffer in characters.
MessageId - The message number to retrieve.
FileName - The name of the message file to get the message from.
pMessageLength - A pointer to return the length of the returned message.
Return Value:
--*/ {
static HANDLE lpSource = NULL ; static TCHAR CurrentMsgFile[MAX_PATH] = {0,} ;
// init clear the output string
Status = NERR_Success; if (BufferLength) Buffer[0] = NULLC ;
// make sure we are not over loaded & allocate
// memory for the Unicode buffer
// See if they want to get the message from the system message file.
if (! STRCMP(FileName, OS2MSG_FILENAME)) { dwFlags |= FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM; } else { //
// They want it from a separate message file. Get a handle to DLL
// If its for the same file as before, dont reload.
if (!(lpSource && !STRCMP(CurrentMsgFile, FileName))) { if (lpSource) { FreeLibrary(lpSource) ; } STRCPY(CurrentMsgFile, FileName) ; lpSource = LoadLibrary(FileName);
if (!lpSource) { return ERROR_MR_UN_ACC_MSGF; } } dwFlags |= FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE; }
// If they just want to get the message back for later formatting,
// ignore the insert strings.
if (NumberofStrings == 0) { dwFlags |= FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS; }
// call the Unicode version
*pMessageLength = FormatMessageW(dwFlags, lpSource, MessageId, 0, // LanguageId defaulted
Buffer, BufferLength, (va_list *) InsertionStrings);
// If it failed get the return code and map it to an OS/2 equivalent
if (*pMessageLength == 0) { Buffer[0] = 0 ; Status = GetLastError(); if (Status == ERROR_MR_MID_NOT_FOUND) { //
// get the message number in Unicode
ultow(MessageId, NumberString, 16);
// re-setup to get it from the system. use the not found message
// setup insert strings
InsertionStrings[0] = NumberString ; InsertionStrings[1] = FileName ;
// recall the API
*pMessageLength = FormatMessageW(dwFlags, lpSource, MessageId, 0, // LanguageId defaulted
Buffer, BufferLength, (va_list *) InsertionStrings); InsertionStrings[1] = NULL ;
// revert to original error
// note: NumberString don't need to be freed
// since if used, they would be in the InsertionStrings which is whacked
return Status; }
DWORD DosInsMessageW( IN LPTSTR *InsertionStrings, IN DWORD NumberofStrings, IN OUT LPTSTR InputMessage, IN DWORD InputMessageLength, OUT LPTSTR Buffer, IN DWORD BufferLength, OUT PDWORD pMessageLength ) /*++
Routine Description:
This maps the OS/2 DosInsMessage API to the NT FormatMessage API.
InsertionStrings - Pointer to an array of strings that will be used to replace the %n's in the message.
NumberofStrings - The number of insertion strings.
InputMessage - A message with %n's to replace
InputMessageLength - The length in bytes of the input message.
Buffer - The buffer to put the message into.
BufferLength - The length of the supplied buffer in characters.
pMessageLength - A pointer to return the length of the returned message.
Return Value:
--*/ {
// init clear the output string
Status = NERR_Success; if (BufferLength) Buffer[0] = NULLC ;
// make sure we are not over loaded & allocate
// memory for the Unicode buffer
// This api always supplies the string to format
// I don't know why they would call this api if they didn't have strings
// to insert, but it is valid syntax.
if (NumberofStrings == 0) { dwFlags |= FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS; }
*pMessageLength = (WORD) FormatMessageW(dwFlags, InputMessage, 0, // ignored
0, // LanguageId defaulted
Buffer, BufferLength, (va_list *)InsertionStrings);
// If it failed get the return code and map it to an OS/2 equivalent
if (*pMessageLength == 0) { Status = GetLastError(); goto ExitPoint ; }
ExitPoint: return Status; }
VOID DosPutMessageW( HANDLE fp, LPWSTR pch, BOOL fPrintNL ) { MyWriteConsole(fp, pch, wcslen(pch));
// If there's a newline at the end of the string,
// print another one for formatting.
if (fPrintNL) { while (*pch && *pch != NEWLINE) { pch++; }
if (*pch == NEWLINE) { MyWriteConsole(fp, L"\r\n", 2); } } }
* PrintDependingOnLength() * * Prints out a string given to it padded to be as long as iLength. checks * the positions of the cursor in the console window. if printing the string * would go past the end of the window buffer, outputs a newline and tabs * first unless the cursor is at the start of a line. * * Args: * iLength - size of the string to be outputted. string will be padded * if necessary * * OutputString - string to output * * Returns: * returns the same value as iLength on success, -1 on failure */ int PrintDependingOnLength( IN int iLength, IN LPTSTR OutputString ) { CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO ThisConsole; HANDLE hStdOut; //
// save off iLength
int iReturn = iLength; //
// Get the dimensions of the current window
hStdOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
if (hStdOut != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { //
//init this to INT_MAX - if we aren't able to get the console screen buffer
//info, then we are probably being piped to a text file (or somewhere else)
//and can assume that there is no "SpaceLeft" constraint
int iSpaceLeft = INT_MAX;
if (GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hStdOut, &ThisConsole)) { //
//see how much space is left in the console buffer, if we were able to
//get the console info
iSpaceLeft = ThisConsole.dwSize.X - ThisConsole.dwCursorPosition.X; } //
// Print out string. if we will have to handle a wrapping
// column and we aren't at the beginning of a line, print a newline
// and tabs first for formatting.
if ((iLength > iSpaceLeft) && (ThisConsole.dwCursorPosition.X)) { WriteToCon(TEXT("\n\t\t")); } WriteToCon(TEXT("%Fws"), PaddedString(iLength, OutputString, NULL)); } else { iReturn = -1; } return iReturn; } /***
* FindColumnWidthAndPrintHeader() * * figures out what the correct width should be given a longest * string and a ID for a fixed header string. result will always * be whichever is longer. Once that width is figured, the function * will output the header specified by HEADER_ID * * Args: * iStringLength - integer which specifies the longest string length found * in a set of strings that is going to be outputted to the console in a column * (think the "share name" column when you do a net view <machinename>. * since the arrays of strings used by net.exe tend to vary in type, this function * assumes that you have alredy gone through and figured out which string is longest * * HEADER_ID - ID of the fixed string that will be the column header for * that set of strings. We will figure out whichever one is longest and return * that value (+ an optional TAB_DISTANCE) * * TAB_DISTANCE - distance that should the function should pad the string by * when it outputs the header (Usually 2 for it to look decent) * * Returns: * 0 or greater - success * * -1 - failure - dwHeaderID was 0, or the ID lookup failed */ int FindColumnWidthAndPrintHeader( int iStringLength, const DWORD HEADER_ID, const int TAB_DISTANCE ) { DWORD dwErr; WCHAR MsgBuffer[LITTLE_BUF_SIZE]; DWORD dwMsgLen = sizeof(MsgBuffer) / sizeof(WCHAR); int iResultLength = -1;
// First, we need the the string specified by HEADER_ID and its length
dwErr = DosGetMessageW(IStrings, 0, MsgBuffer, LITTLE_BUF_SIZE, HEADER_ID, MESSAGE_FILENAME, &dwMsgLen); if (!dwErr) { //
// Figure out which is longer - the string to
// display, or the column header
iResultLength = max((int) SizeOfHalfWidthString(MsgBuffer), iStringLength); //
// Add the tab length we were given
iResultLength += TAB_DISTANCE;
iResultLength = PrintDependingOnLength( iResultLength, MsgBuffer ); }
return iResultLength; }
BOOL FileIsConsole( HANDLE fp ) { unsigned htype;
htype = GetFileType(fp); htype &= ~FILE_TYPE_REMOTE; return htype == FILE_TYPE_CHAR; }
VOID MyWriteConsole( HANDLE fp, LPWSTR lpBuffer, DWORD cchBuffer ) { //
// Jump through hoops for output because:
// 1. printf() family chokes on international output (stops
// printing when it hits an unrecognized character)
// 2. WriteConsole() works great on international output but
// fails if the handle has been redirected (i.e., when the
// output is piped to a file)
// 3. WriteFile() works great when output is piped to a file
// but only knows about bytes, so Unicode characters are
// printed as two Ansi characters.
if (FileIsConsole(fp)) { WriteConsole(fp, lpBuffer, cchBuffer, &cchBuffer, NULL); } else { LPSTR lpAnsiBuffer = (LPSTR) LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, cchBuffer * sizeof(WCHAR));
if (lpAnsiBuffer != NULL) { cchBuffer = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_OEMCP, 0, lpBuffer, cchBuffer, lpAnsiBuffer, cchBuffer * sizeof(WCHAR), NULL, NULL);
if (cchBuffer != 0) { WriteFile(fp, lpAnsiBuffer, cchBuffer, &cchBuffer, NULL); }
LocalFree(lpAnsiBuffer); } } }