Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
32 bit version of mapping routines for NetWkstaGet/SetInfo API
Dan Hinsley (danhi) 06-Jun-1991
User Mode - Win32
Revision History:
24-Apr-1991 danhi Created
06-Jun-1991 Danhi Sweep to conform to NT coding style
15-Aug-1991 JohnRo Implement downlevel NetWksta APIs. (Moved DanHi's NetCmd/Map32/MWksta conversion stuff to NetLib.) Got rid of _DH hacks. Made some UNICODE changes.
16-Oct-1991 W-ShankN Added Unicode mapping layer. Cleaned up old excess baggage. --*/
#include <windef.h>
#include <winerror.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <tstring.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <excpt.h> // try, finally, etc.
#include <lm.h>
#include <mapsupp.h> // BUILD_LENGTH_ARRAY, NetpMoveStrings
#include <dlwksta.h>
#include "mwksta.h"
NET_API_STATUS NetpMakeWkstaLevelForNT( DWORD Level, PWKSTA_INFO_101 pLevel101, PWKSTA_USER_INFO_1 pLevelUser_1, PWKSTA_INFO_502 pLevel502, PWKSTA_INFO_0 * ppLevel0 );
DWORD MNetWkstaGetInfo( IN DWORD nLevel, LPVOID * ppbBuffer ) { NET_API_STATUS ReturnCode; LPWKSTA_INFO_502 pLevel502 = NULL; LPTSTR pLevel10; PWKSTA_INFO_101 pLevel101; PWKSTA_USER_INFO_1 pLevelUser_1;
// Get level 101 first, which will supply some of the
// other information we'll need then User_1, then 502.
ReturnCode = NetWkstaGetInfo(NULL, 101, (LPBYTE *) &pLevel101);
if (ReturnCode) { return ReturnCode; }
NetpAssert(pLevel101 != NULL) ; // since API succeeded
ReturnCode = NetWkstaUserGetInfo(NULL, 1, (LPBYTE *) &pLevelUser_1);
if (ReturnCode) { NetApiBufferFree(pLevel101); return ReturnCode; }
NetpAssert(pLevel101->wki101_platform_id == PLATFORM_ID_NT);
// This is to be able to call NetApiBufferFree no matter where I
// exit from. Note the indentation level is not incremented for
// the switch. No sense going too deep.
try { //
// It all depends on what info level they've asked for:
switch(nLevel) { case 0: case 1: { PWKSTA_INFO_0 pLevel0or1;
// This depends on the platform id being 300 400 500
ReturnCode = NetWkstaGetInfo(NULL, 502, (LPBYTE*) &pLevel502);
if (ReturnCode) { return ReturnCode; }
// Call the platform dependant worker function that builds
// the old structure.
ReturnCode = NetpMakeWkstaLevelForNT(nLevel, pLevel101, pLevelUser_1, pLevel502, &pLevel0or1); if (ReturnCode) { return ReturnCode; }
// Put the pointer to the new structure in the user's pointer.
*ppbBuffer = pLevel0or1;
break; }
case 10: { DWORD Level10_101_Length[2]; DWORD Level10_User_1_Length[3]; DWORD i; DWORD BytesRequired = 0; LPBYTE pFloor;
// Everything needed for a level 10 is in level 101/User_1
// This is pretty straightforward, let's just do it here.
// Initialize the Level10_xxx_Length array with the length of each
// string in the input buffers, and allocate the new buffer
// for WKSTA_INFO_10
BUILD_LENGTH_ARRAY(BytesRequired, 10, 101, Wksta) BUILD_LENGTH_ARRAY(BytesRequired, 10, User_1, Wksta)
// Allocate the new buffer which will be returned to the user.
ReturnCode = NetapipBufferAllocate(BytesRequired + sizeof(WKSTA_INFO_10), (LPVOID *) &pLevel10);
if (ReturnCode) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
// First get the floor to start moving strings in at.
pFloor = (LPBYTE) pLevel10 + BytesRequired + sizeof(WKSTA_INFO_10);
// Now move the variable length entries into the new buffer from
// the 101, 402 and User_1 data structures.
NetpMoveStrings((LPTSTR *)&pFloor, (LPTSTR) pLevel101, pLevel10, NetpWksta10_101, Level10_101_Length);
NetpMoveStrings((LPTSTR *)&pFloor, (LPTSTR) pLevelUser_1, pLevel10, NetpWksta10_User_1, Level10_User_1_Length);
// Now set the rest of the fields in the fixed length portion
// of the structure
((PWKSTA_INFO_10) pLevel10)->wki10_ver_major = pLevel101->wki101_ver_major; ((PWKSTA_INFO_10) pLevel10)->wki10_ver_minor = pLevel101->wki101_ver_minor;
// Put the pointer to the new structure in the user's pointer.
*ppbBuffer = pLevel10;
break; }
// Not a level I recognize
default: return ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL;
} // end of the switch statement
} // end of the try block
finally { //
// Free up the buffers returned by NetWkstaGetInfo
NetApiBufferFree((LPBYTE) pLevel101); NetApiBufferFree((LPBYTE) pLevelUser_1);
if (pLevel502) { NetApiBufferFree((LPBYTE) pLevel502); } }
return NERR_Success; }
NET_API_STATUS NetpMakeWkstaLevelForNT( IN DWORD Level, PWKSTA_INFO_101 pLevel101, PWKSTA_USER_INFO_1 pLevelUser_1, PWKSTA_INFO_502 pLevel502, OUT PWKSTA_INFO_0 * ppLevel0 ) {
DWORD BytesRequired = 0; DWORD ReturnCode; DWORD Level0_101_Length[3]; DWORD Level0_User_1_Length[2]; DWORD Level1_User_1_Length[2]; DWORD i; LPBYTE pFloor;
NetpAssert( (Level==0) || (Level==1) );
// Initialize the Level0_xxx_Length array with the length of each string
// in the buffers, and allocate the new buffer for WKSTA_INFO_0
BUILD_LENGTH_ARRAY(BytesRequired, 0, 101, Wksta) BUILD_LENGTH_ARRAY(BytesRequired, 0, User_1, Wksta)
// If this is for a level 1, allocate the additional space for the extra
// elements
if (Level == 1) { BUILD_LENGTH_ARRAY(BytesRequired, 1, User_1, Wksta) }
// Allocate the new buffer which will be returned to the user. Allocate
// space for a level 1 just in case that's what we're doing.
ReturnCode = NetapipBufferAllocate(BytesRequired + sizeof(WKSTA_INFO_1), (LPVOID *) ppLevel0); if (ReturnCode) { return(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); }
// First get the floor to start moving strings in at.
pFloor = (LPBYTE) *ppLevel0 + BytesRequired + sizeof(WKSTA_INFO_1);
// Now move the variable length entries into the new buffer from the
// 2 data structures.
NetpMoveStrings((LPTSTR*)&pFloor, (LPTSTR)pLevel101, (LPTSTR)*ppLevel0, NetpWksta0_101, Level0_101_Length);
NetpMoveStrings((LPTSTR*)&pFloor, (LPTSTR)pLevelUser_1, (LPTSTR)*ppLevel0, NetpWksta0_User_1, Level0_User_1_Length);
// Now set the rest of the fields in the fixed length portion
// of the structure. Most of these fields don't exist on NT, so
// I'll just say BIG!
(*ppLevel0)->wki0_ver_major = pLevel101->wki101_ver_major; (*ppLevel0)->wki0_ver_minor = pLevel101->wki101_ver_minor; (*ppLevel0)->wki0_charwait = pLevel502->wki502_char_wait; (*ppLevel0)->wki0_chartime = pLevel502->wki502_collection_time; (*ppLevel0)->wki0_charcount = pLevel502->wki502_maximum_collection_count; (*ppLevel0)->wki0_keepconn = pLevel502->wki502_keep_conn; (*ppLevel0)->wki0_keepsearch = (ULONG)-1; (*ppLevel0)->wki0_maxthreads = pLevel502->wki502_max_threads; (*ppLevel0)->wki0_maxcmds = pLevel502->wki502_max_cmds; (*ppLevel0)->wki0_numworkbuf = (ULONG)-1; (*ppLevel0)->wki0_sizworkbuf = (ULONG)-1; (*ppLevel0)->wki0_maxwrkcache = (ULONG)-1; (*ppLevel0)->wki0_sesstimeout = pLevel502->wki502_sess_timeout; (*ppLevel0)->wki0_sizerror = (ULONG)-1; (*ppLevel0)->wki0_numalerts = (ULONG)-1; (*ppLevel0)->wki0_numservices = (ULONG)-1; (*ppLevel0)->wki0_errlogsz = (ULONG)-1; (*ppLevel0)->wki0_printbuftime = (ULONG)-1; (*ppLevel0)->wki0_numcharbuf = (ULONG)-1; (*ppLevel0)->wki0_sizcharbuf = pLevel502->wki502_siz_char_buf; (*ppLevel0)->wki0_wrkheuristics = NULL; (*ppLevel0)->wki0_mailslots = (ULONG)-1;
// If we're building a level 1, do the incremental fields
if (Level == 1) { //
// Now finish up by moving in the level 1 stuff. This assumes that all
// the offsets into the level 0 and level 1 structures are the same
// except for the additional level 1 stuff
// First the strings
NetpMoveStrings((LPTSTR*)&pFloor, (LPTSTR)pLevelUser_1, (LPTSTR)*ppLevel0, NetpWksta1_User_1, Level1_User_1_Length);
// No fixed length data
return 0 ;