Copyright (c) 1987-92 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
RxpTransactSmb (analogous to the LanMan 2.x transact routine) performs a transaction FSCTL to the redirector.
John Rogers (JohnRo) 01-Apr-1991 (NT version only)
Only runs under NT, although the interface is portable (Win/32). Requires ANSI C extensions: slash-slash comments, long external names.
Revision History:
various Original code (from LanMan 2.x). 01-Apr-91 JohnRo Converted code from LanMan (OS/2) to NT. 02-Apr-1991 JohnRo Moved NetpRdrFsControlTree to <netlibnt.h>. 17-Apr-1991 JohnRo Fixed memory leaks (especially with pipe name). Quiet debug output by default. Reduced recompile hits from header files. 03-May-1991 JohnRo Pass UNC server name for ease of use. Use Unicode transitional types. Use UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER() macro. 15-May-1991 JohnRo Use FORMAT_LPVOID instead of FORMAT_POINTER, for maximum portability. 22-May-1991 JohnRo Use correct string handling functions to allow UNICODE. Use NetpDbgReasonable(). 14-Jul-1991 JohnRo Don't do assert on server name. 17-Jul-1991 JohnRo Extracted RxpDebug.h from Rxp.h. 04-Oct-1991 JohnRo Generate NERR_BadTransactConfig when IPC$ isn't shared. Clarified a debug output message. Use TEXT() macro. 01-Nov-1991 JohnRo Don't let the new (paranoid) RxpFatalErrorCode() prevent debug output. 16-Jan-1992 JohnRo The redirector always expects UNICODE for the transact parm name. 31-Mar-1992 JohnRo Prevent too large size requests. 22-Sep-1992 JohnRo RAID 6739: Browser too slow when not logged into browsed domain.
// These must be included first:
#include <nt.h> // Needed by netlibnt.h.
#include <rxp.h> // RpcXlate's private header file.
// These may be included in any order:
#include <apiworke.h> // REM_APITXT, APIEXTR.
#include <lmerr.h> // NERR_ and ERROR_ equates.
#include <names.h> // NetpIsComputerNameValid().
#include <netdebug.h> // NetpAssert(), NetpKdPrint(()), FORMAT_ equates.
#include <netlib.h> // NetpMoveMemory(), etc.
#include <ntddnfs.h> // TRANSACTION_REQUEST, etc.
#include <prefix.h> // PREFIX_ equates.
#include <rxpdebug.h> // IF_DEBUG().
#include <tstring.h> // STRCAT(), STRCPY(), STRLEN().
#include <lmuse.h>
#ifdef CDEBUG
#include <apinums.h> // API_WServerGetInfo, etc.
#include <netlib.h> // NetpPackString().
#include <smbgtpt.h> // SmbGetUshort().
#include <server.h> // SERVER_INFO_100.
#endif // CDEBUG
#include <netlibnt.h> // NetpRdrFsControlTree().
Routine Description:
RxpTransactSmb takes the caller's parameters and builds a transaction SMB which is sent to a remote machine. This routine waits for the response to this SMB and returns the status from it.
UncServerName - Server name to transact with (including \\).
SendParmPtr - Pointer to send parameters.
SendParmLen - Length of send parameters.
SendDataPtr - Optional pointer to send data.
SendDataLen - Send data length.
RetParmPtr - Optional pointer to buffer for return parameters.
RetParmLen - Expected length of return parameters.
RetDataPtr - Optional pointer to buffer for return data.
RetDataLen - IN: Expected length of return data. OUT: Received length of return data.
NoPermissionRequired - TRUE if this is a no permission required API. (I.e. TRUE if the null session may be used.)
Return Value:
(various values as returned by the remote API, plus values which can be generated by this routine)
* Note 1: how the packet is build and sized. * * The paramater buffer for the transaction consists of the * transaction parameter structure, followed by the name of the * target pipe and the password, which is always NULL. The pipe * name and password are ASCIZ strings. * * We build the pipe by taking the canonicalized server name, and * appending the text REM_APITXT (see net/inc/apiworke.h). This text * contains the pipe suffix (\pipe\lanman) plus TWO nulls, one to * terminate the pipe name and one to terminate the (empty) password. * * So, the maximum buffer size is as shown below for the allocation * of ioctl_buf. UNCLEN is the max len of the canonicalized * UncServerName and includes the two leading slashes, but not any * terminating NUL. The terminating NUL, as well as the pipe suffix * and the emptry password, are accounted for in APIEXTR. * * Our actual size is the same, except substitute the length of the * canonicalized UncServerName for UNCLEN. This is how ParmRktLen is * calculated. * */
{ #ifndef CDEBUG
PLMR_TRANSACTION FsctlParms; // Parms to tell redir what to do.
DWORD FsctlParmSize; // Size of FsctlParms and strings.
LPTSTR TreeConnName; // LM-style server & share name.
#endif // ndef CDEBUG
// MOD 06/11/91 RLF
// Create DWORD variable to avoid indirection every time RetDataLen accessed
DWORD InputRetDataLen = *RetDataLen; //
// MOD 06/11/91 RLF
IF_DEBUG(TRANSACT) { NetpKdPrint(( PREFIX_NETAPI "RxpTransactSmb: entered, servername='" FORMAT_LPTSTR "'...\n", UncServerName)); NetpKdPrint(( PREFIX_NETAPI "RxpTransactSmb: SendParm at " FORMAT_LPVOID ", len=" FORMAT_DWORD " (partial):\n", (LPVOID) SendParmPtr, SendParmLen)); if (SendParmPtr != NULL) { NetpDbgHexDump(SendParmPtr, NetpDbgReasonable(SendParmLen)); } NetpKdPrint(( PREFIX_NETAPI "RxpTransactSmb: SendData at " FORMAT_LPVOID ", len=" FORMAT_DWORD " (partial):\n", (LPVOID) SendDataPtr, SendDataLen)); if (SendDataPtr != NULL) { NetpDbgHexDump(SendDataPtr, NetpDbgReasonable(SendDataLen)); } NetpKdPrint(( PREFIX_NETAPI "RxpTransactSmb: RetParmPtr at " FORMAT_LPVOID ", len=" FORMAT_DWORD ".\n", (LPVOID) RetParmPtr, RetParmLen));
NetpKdPrint(( PREFIX_NETAPI "RxpTransactSmb: (old) RetData at " FORMAT_LPVOID ", " "len=" FORMAT_DWORD " (partial):\n", (LPVOID) RetDataPtr, InputRetDataLen)); if (RetDataPtr != NULL) { NetpDbgHexDump(RetDataPtr, NetpDbgReasonable(InputRetDataLen)); } }
NetpAssert( SendParmLen <= MAX_TRANSACT_SEND_PARM_SIZE ); NetpAssert( SendDataLen <= MAX_TRANSACT_SEND_DATA_SIZE ); NetpAssert( RetParmLen <= MAX_TRANSACT_RET_PARM_SIZE ); NetpAssert( InputRetDataLen <= MAX_TRANSACT_RET_DATA_SIZE );
// Assumes that isremote(UncServerName) has already checked for
// a NULL and empty string.
if ((UncServerName == NULL) || (UncServerName[0] == 0)) { NetpBreakPoint(); return (NERR_InternalError); }
if (! NetpIsUncComputerNameValid(UncServerName)) { return (NERR_InvalidComputer); }
IF_DEBUG(TRANSACT) { NetpKdPrint(( PREFIX_NETAPI "RxpTransactSmb: pipe name is '" FORMAT_LPWSTR "'.\n", REM_APITXT)); }
#ifndef CDEBUG
// Build NT-style name for what we're connecting to. Note that there is
// NOT a pair of backslashes anywhere in this name.
{ DWORD NameSize =
// /Device/LanManRedirector /server /IPC$\0
( strlen(DD_NFS_DEVICE_NAME) + STRLEN(UncServerName)-1 + 6 ) * sizeof(TCHAR);
TreeConnName = NetpMemoryAllocate( NameSize ); }
if (TreeConnName == NULL) { return (ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); }
// Build the tree connect name.
(void) STRCPY(TreeConnName, UncServerName); // copy "\\server",
(void) STRCAT(TreeConnName, (LPTSTR) TEXT("\\IPC$")); // then "\share".
IF_DEBUG(TRANSACT) { NetpKdPrint(( PREFIX_NETAPI "RxpTransactSmb: TreeConnName is '" FORMAT_LPTSTR "'.\n", TreeConnName)); }
// Set FsctlParmSize and allocate fsctl structure.
FsctlParmSize = sizeof(LMR_TRANSACTION) + (APIEXTR); FsctlParms = NetpMemoryAllocate(FsctlParmSize); if (FsctlParms == NULL) { NetpMemoryFree(TreeConnName); return (ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); } IF_DEBUG(TRANSACT) { NetpKdPrint(( PREFIX_NETAPI "RxpTransactSmb: allocated " FORMAT_DWORD " bytes for fsctl parms at " FORMAT_LPVOID ".\n", FsctlParmSize, (LPVOID) FsctlParms)); }
FsctlParms->Type = TRANSACTION_REQUEST; FsctlParms->Size = FsctlParmSize; FsctlParms->Version = TRANSACTION_VERSION; FsctlParms->NameLength = APIEXTR-sizeof(WCHAR); FsctlParms->NameOffset = sizeof(LMR_TRANSACTION); NetpMoveMemory( NetpPointerPlusSomeBytes( FsctlParms, sizeof(LMR_TRANSACTION)), // dest
REM_APITXT, // src (always UNICODE)
APIEXTR-sizeof(WCHAR)); // len (don't copy null)
FsctlParms->ResponseExpected = TRUE; FsctlParms->Timeout = REM_API_TIMEOUT; // Timeout time in milliseconds.
FsctlParms->SetupWords = 0; FsctlParms->SetupOffset = 0; FsctlParms->MaxSetup = 0;
FsctlParms->ParmLength = SendParmLen; FsctlParms->ParmPtr = SendParmPtr; FsctlParms->MaxRetParmLength = RetParmLen; NetpAssert(SendParmPtr == RetParmPtr);
FsctlParms->DataLength = SendDataLen; FsctlParms->DataPtr = SendDataPtr;
FsctlParms->MaxRetDataLength = InputRetDataLen; FsctlParms->RetDataPtr = RetDataPtr;
// Do the FSCTL!
Status = NetpRdrFsControlTree( TreeConnName, // tree connect name
TransportName, // Transport name.
USE_IPC, // Connection type
FSCTL_LMR_TRANSACT, // fsctl function code
NULL, // security descriptor
FsctlParms, // input buffer
FsctlParmSize, // input buffer length
FsctlParms, // output buffer
FsctlParmSize, // output buffer length
if (Status == ERROR_BAD_NET_NAME) { Status = NERR_BadTransactConfig; } if (RxpFatalErrorCode(Status)) { IF_DEBUG(TRANSACT) { NetpKdPrint(( PREFIX_NETAPI "RxpTransactSmb: returning fatal status=" FORMAT_API_STATUS ".\n", Status)); } NetpMemoryFree(FsctlParms); NetpMemoryFree(TreeConnName); return (Status); }
// MOD 06/11/91 RLF
// Return the received data length in *RetDataLen
*RetDataLen = FsctlParms->MaxRetDataLength; NetpAssert( *RetDataLen <= MAX_TRANSACT_RET_DATA_SIZE ); //
// MOD 06/11/91 RLF
NetpMemoryFree(FsctlParms); NetpMemoryFree(TreeConnName);
#else // def CDEBUG
{ DWORD ApiNumber;
ApiNumber = (DWORD) SmbGetUshort((LPWORD) SendParmPtr); IF_DEBUG(TRANSACT) { NetpKdPrint(( PREFIX_NETAPI "RxpTransactSmb: pretending success for API " FORMAT_DWORD ".\n", ApiNumber)); } SmbPutUshort((LPWORD) RetParmPtr, (WORD) NERR_Success);
switch (ApiNumber) { case API_NetRemoteTOD : { UCHAR BogusTime[] = { 0xD0, 0xAE, 0xB2, 0x28, // 21-Aug-1991 (6:20PM)
0x44, 0x33, 0x22, 0x11, // msec (anything)
3, // hours
30, // minutes
15, // seconds
55, // hundredths of seconds
0xFF, 0xFF, // timezone (unknown)
0xA6, 0x00, // clock interval (60 Hz)
10, // day
1, // month
0xC7, 0x07, // year
4}; // weekday
NetpAssert(RetDataPtr != NULL); NetpAssert(InputRetDataLen != 0); NetpMoveMemory( RetDataPtr, // dest
BogusTime, // src (bogus)
InputRetDataLen); // len
break; } case API_WServerGetInfo : { LPVOID FixedDataEnd = NetpPointerPlusSomeBytes( RetDataPtr, sizeof(SERVER_INFO_100)); LPBYTE LastString = NetpPointerPlusSomeBytes( RetDataPtr, InputRetDataLen); LPSERVER_INFO_100 p = RetDataPtr;
NetpAssert(RetDataPtr != NULL); NetpAssert(InputRetDataLen != 0); p->sv100_name = (LPTSTR) TEXT("\\\\bogus\\name"); if (NetpPackString( & p->sv100_name, // in out
FixedDataEnd, // in
& LastString) == 0) { // in out
NetpBreakPoint(); return (NERR_InternalError); } break; } }
#endif // def CDEBUG
Status = (DWORD) SmbGetUshort((LPWORD) RetParmPtr);
IF_DEBUG(TRANSACT) { NetpKdPrint(( PREFIX_NETAPI "RxpTransactSmb: returning status=" FORMAT_API_STATUS ".\n", Status)); NetpKdPrint(( PREFIX_NETAPI "RxpTransactSmb: RetParm at " FORMAT_LPVOID ", len=" FORMAT_DWORD " (partial):\n", (LPVOID) RetParmPtr, RetParmLen)); if (RetParmPtr != NULL) { NetpDbgHexDump(RetParmPtr, NetpDbgReasonable(RetParmLen)); } NetpKdPrint(( PREFIX_NETAPI "RxpTransactSmb: (new) RetData at " FORMAT_LPVOID ", " "len=" FORMAT_DWORD " (partial):\n", (LPVOID) RetDataPtr, InputRetDataLen)); if (RetDataPtr != NULL) { NetpDbgHexDump(RetDataPtr, NetpDbgReasonable(InputRetDataLen)); } } return (Status);
} // RxpTransactSmb