Copyright (c) 1991-1992 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains the worker routines for the NetWksta APIs implemented in the Workstation service.
Rita Wong (ritaw) 20-Feb-1991
Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <lmuse.h> // NetUseDel
// //
// Local structure definitions //
// //
// //
// Local function prototypes //
// //
VOID CompleteAsyncBrowserIoControl( IN PVOID ApcContext, IN PIO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock, IN ULONG Reserved );
VOID BecomeBackupCompletion ( IN PVOID Ctx );
VOID ChangeBrowserRole ( IN PVOID Ctx );
NET_API_STATUS PostWaitForNewMasterName( PNETWORK Network, LPWSTR MasterName OPTIONAL );
VOID NewMasterCompletionRoutine( IN PVOID Ctx );
NET_API_STATUS BrRetrieveInterimServerList( IN PNETWORK Network, IN ULONG ServerType );
// //
// Global function prototypes //
// //
NET_API_STATUS BrBecomeBackup( IN PNETWORK Network ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function performs all the operations needed to make a browser server a backup browser server when starting the browser from scratch.
Network - Network to become backup browser for
Return Value:
Status - The status of the operation.
--*/ { NET_API_STATUS Status;
// Checkpoint the service controller - this gives us 30 seconds/transport
// before the service controller gets unhappy.
(void) BrGiveInstallHints( SERVICE_START_PENDING );
if (!LOCK_NETWORK(Network)) { return NERR_InternalError; }
// We want to ignore any failures from becoming a backup browser.
// We do this because we will fail to become a backup on a disconnected
// (or connected) RAS link, and if we failed this routine, we would
// fail to start at all.
// We will handle failure to become a backup in a "reasonable manner"
// inside BecomeBackup.
BecomeBackup(Network, NULL);
return NERR_Success;
NET_API_STATUS BecomeBackup( IN PNETWORK Network, IN PVOID Context ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function performs all the operations needed to make a browser server a backup browser server
Return Value:
Status - The status of the operation.
--*/ { NET_API_STATUS Status = NERR_Success; PUNICODE_STRING MasterName = Context;
BrPrint(( BR_BACKUP, "%ws: %ws: BecomeBackup called\n", Network->DomainInfo->DomUnicodeDomainName, Network->NetworkName.Buffer));
if (Network->TimeStoppedBackup != 0 && (BrCurrentSystemTime() - Network->TimeStoppedBackup) <= (BrInfo.BackupBrowserRecoveryTime / 1000)) {
// We stopped being a backup too recently for us to restart being
// a backup again, so just return a generic error.
// Before we return, make sure we're not a backup in the eyes of
// the browser.
BrPrint(( BR_BACKUP, "%ws: %ws: can't BecomeBackup since we were backup recently.\n", Network->DomainInfo->DomUnicodeDomainName, Network->NetworkName.Buffer)); BrStopBackup(Network);
// If we know the name of the master, then we must have become a backup
// after being a potential, in which case we already have a
// becomemaster request outstanding.
if (MasterName == NULL) {
// Post a BecomeMaster request for each server. This will complete
// when the machine becomes the master browser server (ie. it wins an
// election).
// Please note that we only post it if the machine is a backup -
// if it's a potential master, then the become master will have
// already been posted.
Status = PostBecomeMaster(Network);
if (Status != NERR_Success) {
return(Status); }
// Find out the name of the master on each network. This will force an
// election if necessary. Please note that we must post the BecomeMaster
// IoControl first to allow us to handle an election.
// We unlock the network, because this may cause us to become promoted
// to a master.
BrPrint(( BR_BACKUP, "%ws: %ws: FindMaster called from BecomeBackup\n", Network->DomainInfo->DomUnicodeDomainName, Network->NetworkName.Buffer));
Status = GetMasterServerNames(Network);
if (Status != NERR_Success) {
// Re-lock the network structure so we will return with the
// network locked.
if (!LOCK_NETWORK(Network)) { return NERR_InternalError; }
// We couldn't find who the master is. Stop being a backup now.
BrPrint(( BR_BACKUP, "%ws: %ws: can't BecomeBackup since we can't find master.\n", Network->DomainInfo->DomUnicodeDomainName, Network->NetworkName.Buffer));
// If we're a master now, we should return success. We've not
// become a backup, but it wasn't an error.
// ERROR_MORE_DATA is the mapping for
// STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED which is returned when this
// situation happens.
if ((Status == ERROR_MORE_DATA) || (Network->Role & ROLE_MASTER)) { Status = NERR_Success; }
return(Status); }
if (!LOCK_NETWORK(Network)) { return NERR_InternalError; }
// We managed to become a master. We want to return right away.
if (Network->Role & ROLE_MASTER) {
return NERR_Success; }
#ifdef notdef
// ?? For now, we'll always PostForRoleChange on all transports regardless
// of role.
// We not only need to do it here. But we need to do it when we become
// the master so we can find out when we loose an election.
// We're now a backup, we need to issue an API that will complete if the
// browse master doesn't like us (and thus forces us to shutdown).
PostWaitForRoleChange ( Network ); #endif // notdef
PostWaitForNewMasterName(Network, Network->UncMasterBrowserName );
// Unlock the network structure before calling BackupBrowserTimerRoutine.
// Run the timer that causes the browser to download a new browse list
// from the master. This will seed our server and domain lists to
// guarantee that any clients have a reasonable list. It will also
// restart the timer to announce later on.
Status = BackupBrowserTimerRoutine(Network);
if (!LOCK_NETWORK(Network)) { return NERR_InternalError; }
if (Status == NERR_Success) {
// Might not be since we dropped the lock.
// ASSERT (Network->Role & ROLE_BACKUP);
// We're now a backup server, announce ourselves as such.
Status = BrUpdateNetworkAnnouncementBits(Network, 0);
if (Status != NERR_Success) {
BrPrint(( BR_CRITICAL, "%ws: %ws: Unable to become backup: %ld\n", Network->DomainInfo->DomUnicodeDomainName, Network->NetworkName.Buffer, Status));
if (Network->Role & ROLE_BACKUP) {
// We were unable to become a backup.
// We need to back out and become a potential browser now.
BrPrint(( BR_BACKUP, "%ws: %ws: can't BecomeBackup since we can't update announce bits.\n", Network->DomainInfo->DomUnicodeDomainName, Network->NetworkName.Buffer)); BrStopBackup(Network);
// Make sure that we're going to become a potential browser
// (we might not if we're an advanced server).
} }
return Status;
return Status; }
NET_API_STATUS BrBecomePotentialBrowser ( IN PVOID TimerContext ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is called when a machine has stopped being a backup browser.
It runs after a reasonable timeout period has elapsed, and marks the machine as a potential browser.
Return Value:
Status - The status of the operation.
{ IN PNETWORK Network = TimerContext; NET_API_STATUS Status;
// Prevent the network from being deleted while we're in this timer routine.
if ( BrReferenceNetwork( Network ) == NULL ) { return NERR_InternalError; }
// Mark this guy as a potential browser.
try {
if (!LOCK_NETWORK(Network)) { try_return(Status = NERR_InternalError ); }
BrPrint(( BR_BACKUP, "%ws: %ws: BrBecomePotentialBrowser called\n", Network->DomainInfo->DomUnicodeDomainName, Network->NetworkName.Buffer));
// Reset that we've stopped being a backup, since it's been long
// enough.
Network->TimeStoppedBackup = 0;
if (BrInfo.MaintainServerList == 0) { Network->Role |= ROLE_POTENTIAL_BACKUP;
Status = BrUpdateNetworkAnnouncementBits(Network, 0);
if (Status != NERR_Success) { BrPrint(( BR_BACKUP, "%ws: %ws: Unable to reset backup announcement bits: %ld\n", Network->DomainInfo->DomUnicodeDomainName, Network->NetworkName.Buffer, Status)); try_return(Status); } } else {
// If we're configured to be a backup browser, then we want to
// become a backup once again.
BecomeBackup(Network, NULL); }
Status = NO_ERROR; try_exit:NOTHING; } finally { UNLOCK_NETWORK(Network); BrDereferenceNetwork( Network ); }
return Status; }
NET_API_STATUS BrStopBackup ( IN PNETWORK Network ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is called to stop a machine from being a backup browser.
It is typically called after some form of error has occurred while running as a browser to make sure that we aren't telling anyone that we're a backup browser.
We are also called when we receive a "reset state" tickle packet.
Network - The network being shut down.
Return Value:
Status - The status of the operation.
--*/ { NET_API_STATUS Status;
// This guy is shutting down - set his role to 0 and announce.
if (!LOCK_NETWORK(Network)) { return NERR_InternalError; }
try {
BrPrint(( BR_BACKUP, "%ws: %ws: BrStopBackup called\n", Network->DomainInfo->DomUnicodeDomainName, Network->NetworkName.Buffer));
Status = BrUpdateNetworkAnnouncementBits( Network, 0 );
if (Status != NERR_Success) { BrPrint(( BR_CRITICAL, "%ws: %ws: Unable to clear backup announcement bits: %ld\n", Network->DomainInfo->DomUnicodeDomainName, Network->NetworkName.Buffer, Status)); try_return(Status); }
Status = BrCancelTimer(&Network->BackupBrowserTimer);
if (Status != NERR_Success) { BrPrint(( BR_CRITICAL, "%ws: %ws: Unable to clear backup browser timer: %ld\n", Network->DomainInfo->DomUnicodeDomainName, Network->NetworkName.Buffer, Status)); try_return(Status); }
if (Network->BackupDomainList != NULL) {
Network->BackupDomainList = NULL;
Network->TotalBackupDomainListEntries = 0; }
if (Network->BackupServerList != NULL) { NetApiBufferFree(Network->BackupServerList);
Network->BackupServerList = NULL;
Network->TotalBackupServerListEntries = 0; }
// After our recovery time, we can become a potential browser again.
Status = BrSetTimer(&Network->BackupBrowserTimer, BrInfo.BackupBrowserRecoveryTime, BrBecomePotentialBrowser, Network);
if (Status != NERR_Success) { BrPrint(( BR_CRITICAL, "%ws: %ws: Unable to clear backup browser timer: %ld\n", Network->DomainInfo->DomUnicodeDomainName, Network->NetworkName.Buffer, Status)); try_return(Status); }
try_exit:NOTHING; } finally { //
// Remember when we were asked to stop being a backup browser.
Network->TimeStoppedBackup = BrCurrentSystemTime();
return Status;
NET_API_STATUS BackupBrowserTimerRoutine ( IN PVOID TimerContext ) { IN PNETWORK Network = TimerContext; NET_API_STATUS Status; PVOID ServerList = NULL; BOOLEAN NetworkLocked = FALSE;
if ( BrInfo.PseudoServerLevel == BROWSER_PSEUDO ) { //
// No-op for Pseudo server
BrFreeNetworkTables(Network); return NERR_Success; } #endif
// Prevent the network from being deleted while we're in this timer routine.
if ( BrReferenceNetwork( Network ) == NULL ) { return NERR_InternalError; }
try {
if (!LOCK_NETWORK(Network)) { try_return(Status = NERR_InternalError ); }
NetworkLocked = TRUE;
ASSERT (Network->LockCount == 1);
ASSERT ( NetpIsUncComputerNameValid( Network->UncMasterBrowserName ) );
BrPrint(( BR_BACKUP, "%ws: %ws: BackupBrowserTimerRoutine called\n", Network->DomainInfo->DomUnicodeDomainName, Network->NetworkName.Buffer));
// Make sure there's a become master oustanding.
// We managed to become a master by the time we locked the structure.
// We want to return right away.
if (Network->Role & ROLE_MASTER) { try_return(Status = NERR_Success); }
Status = BrRetrieveInterimServerList(Network, SV_TYPE_ALL);
// Bail out if we didn't get any new servers.
if (Status != NERR_Success && Status != ERROR_MORE_DATA) {
// Try again after an appropriate error delay.
try_return(Status); }
// Now do everything that we did above for the server list for the
// list of domains.
Status = BrRetrieveInterimServerList(Network, SV_TYPE_DOMAIN_ENUM);
// We successfully updated the server and domain lists for this
// server. Now age all the cached domain entries out of the cache.
if (Status == NERR_Success || Status == ERROR_MORE_DATA) { BrAgeResponseCache(Network); }
try_exit:NOTHING; } finally { NET_API_STATUS NetStatus;
if (!NetworkLocked) { if (!LOCK_NETWORK(Network)) { Status = NERR_InternalError; goto finally_exit; }
NetworkLocked = TRUE; }
// If the API succeeded, Mark that we're a backup and
// reset the timer.
if (Status == NERR_Success || Status == ERROR_MORE_DATA ) {
if ((Network->Role & ROLE_BACKUP) == 0) {
// If we weren't a backup, we are one now.
Network->Role |= ROLE_BACKUP;
Status = BrUpdateNetworkAnnouncementBits(Network, 0);
Network->NumberOfFailedBackupTimers = 0;
Network->TimeStoppedBackup = 0;
// Restart the timer for this domain.
NetStatus = BrSetTimer(&Network->BackupBrowserTimer, BrInfo.BackupPeriodicity*1000, BackupBrowserTimerRoutine, Network);
if (NetStatus != NERR_Success) { BrPrint(( BR_CRITICAL, "%ws: %ws: Unable to restart browser backup timer: %lx\n", Network->DomainInfo->DomUnicodeDomainName, Network->NetworkName.Buffer, Status)); }
} else {
// We failed to retrieve a backup list, remember the failure and
// decide if it's been too many failures. If not, just log
// the error, if it has, stop being a backup browser.
Network->NumberOfFailedBackupTimers += 1;
if (Network->NumberOfFailedBackupTimers >= BACKUP_ERROR_FAILURE) { LPWSTR SubStrings[1];
SubStrings[0] = Network->NetworkName.Buffer;
// This guy can't be a backup any more, bail out now.
BrLogEvent(EVENT_BROWSER_BACKUP_STOPPED, Status, 1, SubStrings);
BrPrint(( BR_BACKUP, "%ws: %ws: BackupBrowserTimerRoutine retrieve backup list so stop being backup.\n", Network->DomainInfo->DomUnicodeDomainName, Network->NetworkName.Buffer)); BrStopBackup(Network); } else { //
// Restart the timer for this domain.
NetStatus = BrSetTimer(&Network->BackupBrowserTimer, BACKUP_ERROR_PERIODICITY*1000, BackupBrowserTimerRoutine, Network);
if (NetStatus != NERR_Success) { BrPrint(( BR_CRITICAL, "%ws: %ws: Unable to restart browser backup timer: %lx\n", Network->DomainInfo->DomUnicodeDomainName, Network->NetworkName.Buffer, Status)); }
if (NetworkLocked) { UNLOCK_NETWORK(Network); }
BrDereferenceNetwork( Network ); finally_exit:; }
return Status;
NET_API_STATUS BrRetrieveInterimServerList( IN PNETWORK Network, IN ULONG ServerType ) { ULONG EntriesInList; ULONG TotalEntriesInList; ULONG RetryCount = 2; TCHAR ServerName[UNCLEN+1]; WCHAR ShareName[UNCLEN+1+LM20_NNLEN]; LPTSTR TransportName; BOOLEAN NetworkLocked = TRUE; NET_API_STATUS Status; PVOID Buffer = NULL; ULONG ModifiedServerType = ServerType; LPTSTR ModifiedTransportName;
ASSERT (Network->LockCount == 1);
if ( BrInfo.PseudoServerLevel == BROWSER_PSEUDO ) { //
// No-op for Pseudo black hole server.
return NERR_Success; } #endif
wcscpy(ServerName, Network->UncMasterBrowserName );
BrPrint(( BR_BACKUP, "%ws: %ws: BrRetrieveInterimServerList: UNC servername is %ws\n", Network->DomainInfo->DomUnicodeDomainName, Network->NetworkName.Buffer, ServerName));
try {
TransportName = Network->NetworkName.Buffer; ModifiedTransportName = TransportName; //
// If this is direct host IPX,
// we remote the API over the Netbios IPX transport since
// the NT redir doesn't support direct host IPX.
if ( (Network->Flags & NETWORK_IPX) && Network->AlternateNetwork != NULL) {
// Use the alternate transport
ModifiedTransportName = Network->AlternateNetwork->NetworkName.Buffer;
// Tell the server to use it's alternate transport.
if ( ServerType == SV_TYPE_ALL ) { ModifiedServerType = SV_TYPE_ALTERNATE_XPORT; } else { ModifiedServerType |= SV_TYPE_ALTERNATE_XPORT; }
while (RetryCount--) {
// If we are promoted to master and fail to become the master,
// we will still be marked as being the master in our network
// structure, thus we should bail out of the loop in order
// to prevent us from looping back on ourselves.
if (STRICMP(&ServerName[2], Network->DomainInfo->DomUnicodeComputerName) == 0) {
if (NetworkLocked) { UNLOCK_NETWORK(Network);
NetworkLocked = FALSE;
// We were unable to find the master. Attempt to find out who
// the master is. If there is none, this will force an
// election.
BrPrint(( BR_BACKUP, "%ws: %ws: FindMaster called from BrRetrieveInterimServerList\n", Network->DomainInfo->DomUnicodeDomainName, Network->NetworkName.Buffer));
Status = GetMasterServerNames(Network);
if (Status != NERR_Success) { try_return(Status); }
ASSERT (!NetworkLocked);
if (!LOCK_NETWORK(Network)) { try_return(Status = NERR_InternalError); }
NetworkLocked = TRUE;
break; }
// If we somehow became the master, we don't want to try to
// retrieve the list from ourselves either.
if (Network->Role & ROLE_MASTER) { try_return(Status = NERR_Success); }
ASSERT (Network->LockCount == 1);
if (NetworkLocked) { UNLOCK_NETWORK(Network);
NetworkLocked = FALSE;
EntriesInList = 0;
Status = RxNetServerEnum(ServerName, // Server name
ModifiedTransportName, // Transport name
101, // Level
(LPBYTE *)&Buffer, // Buffer
0xffffffff, // Prefered Max Length
&EntriesInList, // EntriesRead
&TotalEntriesInList, // TotalEntries
ModifiedServerType, // Server type
NULL, // Domain (use default)
NULL // Resume key
// If the redir is being possesive of some other transport,
// urge it to behave.
BrPrint(( BR_BACKUP, "%ws: %ws: Failed to retrieve %s list from server %ws: Connection is active (Try NetUseDel)\n", Network->DomainInfo->DomUnicodeDomainName, TransportName, (ServerType == SV_TYPE_ALL ? "server" : "domain"), ServerName ));
// Delete the IPC$ share.
Status = NetUseDel( NULL, ShareName, USE_FORCE );
if ( Status != NO_ERROR ) {
BrPrint(( BR_BACKUP, "%ws: %ws: Failed to retrieve %s list from server %ws: NetUseDel failed: %ld\n", Network->DomainInfo->DomUnicodeDomainName, TransportName, (ServerType == SV_TYPE_ALL ? "server" : "domain"), ServerName, Status));
// That worked so try it again.
} else {
EntriesInList = 0;
Status = RxNetServerEnum(ServerName, // Server name
ModifiedTransportName, // Transport name
101, // Level
(LPBYTE *)&Buffer, // Buffer
0xffffffff, // Prefered Max Length
&EntriesInList, // EntriesRead
&TotalEntriesInList, // TotalEntries
ModifiedServerType, // Server type
NULL, // Domain (use default)
NULL // Resume key
); }
if (Status != NERR_Success && Status != ERROR_MORE_DATA) { LPWSTR SubStrings[2];
SubStrings[0] = ServerName; SubStrings[1] = TransportName;
BrPrint(( BR_BACKUP, "%ws: %ws: Failed to retrieve %s list from server %ws: %ld\n", Network->DomainInfo->DomUnicodeDomainName, TransportName, (ServerType == SV_TYPE_ALL ? "server" : "domain"), ServerName, Status)); } else { BrPrint(( BR_BACKUP, "%ws: %ws: Retrieved %s list from server %ws: E:%ld, T:%ld\n", Network->DomainInfo->DomUnicodeDomainName, TransportName, (ServerType == SV_TYPE_ALL ? "server" : "domain"), ServerName, EntriesInList, TotalEntriesInList)); }
// If we succeeded in retrieving the list, but we only got
// a really small number of either servers or domains,
// we want to turn this into a failure.
if (Status == NERR_Success) { if (((ServerType == SV_TYPE_DOMAIN_ENUM) && (EntriesInList < BROWSER_MINIMUM_DOMAIN_NUMBER)) || ((ServerType == SV_TYPE_ALL) && (EntriesInList < BROWSER_MINIMUM_SERVER_NUMBER))) {
if ((Status == NERR_Success) || (Status == ERROR_MORE_DATA)) {
ASSERT (!NetworkLocked);
if (!LOCK_NETWORK(Network)) { Status = NERR_InternalError;
if ((EntriesInList != 0) && (Buffer != NULL)) { NetApiBufferFree(Buffer); Buffer = NULL; }
break; }
NetworkLocked = TRUE;
ASSERT (Network->LockCount == 1);
#if DBG
BrUpdateDebugInformation((ServerType == SV_TYPE_DOMAIN_ENUM ? L"LastDomainListRead" : L"LastServerListRead"), L"BrowserServerName", TransportName, ServerName, 0); #endif
// We've retrieved a new list from the browse master, save
// the new list away in the "appropriate" spot.
// Of course, we free up the old buffer before we do this..
if (ServerType == SV_TYPE_DOMAIN_ENUM) { if (Network->BackupDomainList != NULL) { NetApiBufferFree(Network->BackupDomainList); }
Network->BackupDomainList = Buffer;
Network->TotalBackupDomainListEntries = EntriesInList; } else { if (Network->BackupServerList != NULL) { NetApiBufferFree(Network->BackupServerList); }
Network->BackupServerList = Buffer;
Network->TotalBackupServerListEntries = EntriesInList; }
break; } else { NET_API_STATUS GetMasterNameStatus;
if ((EntriesInList != 0) && (Buffer != NULL)) { NetApiBufferFree(Buffer); Buffer = NULL; }
BrPrint(( BR_BACKUP, "%ws: %ws: Unable to contact browser server %ws: %lx\n", Network->DomainInfo->DomUnicodeDomainName, TransportName, ServerName, Status));
if (NetworkLocked) {
// We were unable to find the master. Attempt to find out who
// the master is. If there is none, this will force an
// election.
ASSERT (Network->LockCount == 1);
NetworkLocked = FALSE; }
BrPrint(( BR_BACKUP, "%ws: %ws: FindMaster called from BrRetrieveInterimServerList for failure\n", Network->DomainInfo->DomUnicodeDomainName, Network->NetworkName.Buffer));
GetMasterNameStatus = GetMasterServerNames(Network);
// We were able to find out who the master is.
// Retry and retrieve the server/domain list.
if (GetMasterNameStatus == NERR_Success) {
ASSERT (!NetworkLocked);
if (!LOCK_NETWORK(Network)) { try_return(Status = NERR_InternalError); }
NetworkLocked = TRUE;
ASSERT (Network->LockCount == 1);
// We managed to become a master. We want to return right away.
if (Network->Role & ROLE_MASTER) {
try_return(Status = NERR_InternalError); }
wcscpy(ServerName, Network->UncMasterBrowserName );
ASSERT ( NetpIsUncComputerNameValid( ServerName ) );
ASSERT (STRICMP(&ServerName[2], Network->DomainInfo->DomUnicodeComputerName) != 0);
BrPrint(( BR_BACKUP, "%ws: %ws: New master name is %ws\n", Network->DomainInfo->DomUnicodeDomainName, Network->NetworkName.Buffer, ServerName));
} else { try_return(Status); } } } try_exit:NOTHING; } finally { if (!NetworkLocked) { if (!LOCK_NETWORK(Network)) { Status = NERR_InternalError; }
ASSERT (Network->LockCount == 1);
} }
return Status; }
NET_API_STATUS PostBecomeBackup( PNETWORK Network ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function is the worker routine called to actually issue a BecomeBackup FsControl to the bowser driver on all the bound transports. It will complete when the machine becomes a backup browser server.
Please note that this might never complete.
Return Value:
Status - The status of the operation.
--*/ { NET_API_STATUS Status;
if (!LOCK_NETWORK(Network)) { return NERR_InternalError; }
Status = BrIssueAsyncBrowserIoControl(Network, IOCTL_LMDR_BECOME_BACKUP, BecomeBackupCompletion, NULL ); UNLOCK_NETWORK(Network);
return Status; }
VOID BecomeBackupCompletion ( IN PVOID Ctx ) { NET_API_STATUS Status; PBROWSERASYNCCONTEXT Context = Ctx; PNETWORK Network = Context->Network;
if (NT_SUCCESS(Context->IoStatusBlock.Status)) {
// Ensure the network wasn't deleted from under us.
if ( BrReferenceNetwork( Network ) != NULL ) {
if (LOCK_NETWORK(Network)) {
BrPrint(( BR_BACKUP, "%ws: %ws: BecomeBackupCompletion. We are now a backup server\n", Network->DomainInfo->DomUnicodeDomainName, Network->NetworkName.Buffer ));
Status = BecomeBackup(Context->Network, NULL);
BrDereferenceNetwork( Network ); }
VOID BrBrowseTableInsertRoutine( IN PINTERIM_SERVER_LIST InterimTable, IN PINTERIM_ELEMENT InterimElement ) { //
// We need to miss 3 retrievals of the browse list for us to toss the
// server.
InterimElement->Periodicity = BrInfo.BackupPeriodicity * 3;
if (InterimElement->TimeLastSeen != 0xffffffff) { InterimElement->TimeLastSeen = BrCurrentSystemTime(); } }
VOID BrBrowseTableDeleteRoutine( IN PINTERIM_SERVER_LIST InterimTable, IN PINTERIM_ELEMENT InterimElement ) { // BrPrint(( BR_CRITICAL, "Deleting element for server %ws\n", InterimElement->Name));
VOID BrBrowseTableUpdateRoutine( IN PINTERIM_SERVER_LIST InterimTable, IN PINTERIM_ELEMENT InterimElement ) { if (InterimElement->TimeLastSeen != 0xffffffff) { InterimElement->TimeLastSeen = BrCurrentSystemTime(); } }
BOOLEAN BrBrowseTableAgeRoutine( IN PINTERIM_SERVER_LIST InterimTable, IN PINTERIM_ELEMENT InterimElement ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is called when we are scanning an interim server list trying to age the elements in the list. It returns TRUE if the entry is too old.
PINTERIM_SERVER_LIST InterimTable - A pointer to the interim server list. PINTERIM_ELEMENT InterimElement - A pointer to the element to check.
Return Value:
TRUE if the element should be deleted.
{ if (InterimElement->TimeLastSeen == 0xffffffff) { return FALSE; }
if ((InterimElement->TimeLastSeen + InterimElement->Periodicity) < BrCurrentSystemTime()) { // BrPrint(( BR_CRITICAL, "Aging out element for server %ws\n", InterimElement->Name));
return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } }
VOID BrDomainTableInsertRoutine( IN PINTERIM_SERVER_LIST InterimTable, IN PINTERIM_ELEMENT InterimElement ) { InterimElement->Periodicity = BrInfo.BackupPeriodicity * 3; InterimElement->TimeLastSeen = BrCurrentSystemTime();
VOID BrDomainTableDeleteRoutine( IN PINTERIM_SERVER_LIST InterimTable, IN PINTERIM_ELEMENT InterimElement ) { // BrPrint(( BR_CRITICAL, "Deleting element for domain %ws\n", InterimElement->Name));
VOID BrDomainTableUpdateRoutine( IN PINTERIM_SERVER_LIST InterimTable, IN PINTERIM_ELEMENT InterimElement ) { InterimElement->TimeLastSeen = BrCurrentSystemTime(); }
BOOLEAN BrDomainTableAgeRoutine( IN PINTERIM_SERVER_LIST InterimTable, IN PINTERIM_ELEMENT InterimElement ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is called when we are scanning an interim server list trying to age the elements in the list. It returns TRUE if the entry is too old.
PINTERIM_SERVER_LIST InterimTable - A pointer to the interim server list. PINTERIM_ELEMENT InterimElement - A pointer to the element to check.
Return Value:
TRUE if the element should be deleted.
{ if ((InterimElement->TimeLastSeen + InterimElement->Periodicity) < BrCurrentSystemTime()) { // BrPrint(( BR_CRITICAL, "Aging out element for domain %ws\n", InterimElement->Name));
return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } }
NET_API_STATUS PostWaitForRoleChange ( PNETWORK Network ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function is the worker routine called to actually issue a WaitForRoleChange FsControl to the bowser driver on all the bound transports. It will complete when the machine becomes a backup browser server.
Please note that this might never complete.
Return Value:
Status - The status of the operation.
--*/ { NET_API_STATUS Status;
if (!LOCK_NETWORK(Network)) { return NERR_InternalError; }
Status = BrIssueAsyncBrowserIoControl(Network, IOCTL_LMDR_CHANGE_ROLE, ChangeBrowserRole, NULL ); UNLOCK_NETWORK(Network);
return Status; }
VOID ChangeBrowserRole ( IN PVOID Ctx ) { PBROWSERASYNCCONTEXT Context = Ctx; PNETWORK Network = Context->Network;
if (NT_SUCCESS(Context->IoStatusBlock.Status)) { PWSTR MasterName = NULL; PLMDR_REQUEST_PACKET Packet = Context->RequestPacket;
// Ensure the network wasn't deleted from under us.
if ( BrReferenceNetwork( Network ) != NULL ) {
if (LOCK_NETWORK(Network)) {
if (Packet->Parameters.ChangeRole.RoleModification & RESET_STATE_CLEAR_ALL) { BrPrint(( BR_MASTER, "%ws: %ws: Reset state request to clear all\n", Network->DomainInfo->DomUnicodeDomainName, Network->NetworkName.Buffer ));
if (Network->Role & ROLE_MASTER) { BrStopMaster(Network); }
// Stop being a backup as well.
if ((Network->Role & ROLE_MASTER) && (Packet->Parameters.ChangeRole.RoleModification & RESET_STATE_STOP_MASTER)) {
BrPrint(( BR_MASTER, "%ws: %ws: Reset state request to stop master\n", Network->DomainInfo->DomUnicodeDomainName, Network->NetworkName.Buffer ));
// If we are configured to be a backup, then become a backup
// again.
if (BrInfo.MaintainServerList == 1) { BecomeBackup(Network, NULL); } }
// Make sure there's a become master oustanding.
BrDereferenceNetwork( Network ); } }
NET_API_STATUS PostWaitForNewMasterName( PNETWORK Network, LPWSTR MasterName OPTIONAL ) { //
// Can't wait for new master on direct host IPC
if (Network->Flags & NETWORK_IPX) { return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
return BrIssueAsyncBrowserIoControl( Network, IOCTL_LMDR_NEW_MASTER_NAME, NewMasterCompletionRoutine, MasterName );
VOID NewMasterCompletionRoutine( IN PVOID Ctx ) { PBROWSERASYNCCONTEXT Context = Ctx; PNETWORK Network = Context->Network; BOOLEAN NetLocked = FALSE; BOOLEAN NetReferenced = FALSE;
try { UNICODE_STRING NewMasterName;
// Ensure the network wasn't deleted from under us.
if ( BrReferenceNetwork( Network ) == NULL ) { try_return(NOTHING); } NetReferenced = TRUE;
BrPrint(( BR_MASTER, "%ws: %ws: NewMasterCompletionRoutine: Got master changed\n", Network->DomainInfo->DomUnicodeDomainName, Network->NetworkName.Buffer ));
if (!LOCK_NETWORK(Network)){ try_return(NOTHING); } NetLocked = TRUE;
// The request failed for some other reason - just return immediately.
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Context->IoStatusBlock.Status)) {
// Remove new master name & put in transport
if ( Network->Role & ROLE_MASTER ) {
BrPrint(( BR_BACKUP, "%ws: %ws: NewMasterCompletionRoutin: New:%ws Old %ws\n", Network->DomainInfo->DomUnicodeDomainName, Network->NetworkName.Buffer, Context->RequestPacket->Parameters.GetMasterName.Name, Network->UncMasterBrowserName ));
// Copy the master browser name into the network structure
wcsncpy( Network->UncMasterBrowserName, Context->RequestPacket->Parameters.GetMasterName.Name, UNCLEN+1 );
Network->UncMasterBrowserName[UNCLEN] = L'\0';
ASSERT ( NetpIsUncComputerNameValid ( Network->UncMasterBrowserName ) );
PostWaitForNewMasterName( Network, Network->UncMasterBrowserName );
try_exit:NOTHING; } finally {
if (NetLocked) { UNLOCK_NETWORK(Network); }
if ( NetReferenced ) { BrDereferenceNetwork( Network ); }
return; }
// Pseudo Server
// Phase out black hole Helper routines
VOID BrFreeNetworkTables( IN PNETWORK Network ) /*++
Routine Description:
Free network tables
Network to operate upon
Return Value: None.
Remarks: Acquire & release network locks --*/ {
BOOL NetLocked = FALSE;
// Prevent the network from being deleted while we're in this timer routine.
if ( BrReferenceNetwork( Network ) == NULL ) { return; }
// lock network
if (!LOCK_NETWORK(Network)) { try_return(NOTHING); } NetLocked = TRUE;
// Delete tables
if (Network->BackupServerList != NULL) { MIDL_user_free(Network->BackupServerList); Network->BackupServerList = NULL; Network->TotalBackupServerListEntries = 0; }
if (Network->BackupDomainList != NULL) { MIDL_user_free(Network->BackupDomainList); Network->BackupDomainList = NULL; Network->TotalBackupDomainListEntries = 0; }
try_exit:NOTHING; } finally {
// Release network
if (NetLocked) { UNLOCK_NETWORK(Network); }
BrDereferenceNetwork( Network ); } } #endif