Copyright (c) 1991-1992 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains support routines for the NT server service.
David Treadwell (davidtr) 10-Jan-1991
Revision History:
#include "srvsvcp.h"
#include "ssreg.h"
#include <lmerr.h>
#include <lmsname.h>
#include <netlibnt.h>
#include <tstr.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ntddnfs.h>
#define MRXSMB_DEVICE_NAME TEXT("\\Device\\LanmanRedirector")
Routine Description:
This routine allocates a serer request packet so that an API can communicate with the kernel-mode server. Any general initialization in performed here.
Return Value:
PSERVER_REQUEST_PACKET - a pointer to the allocated SRP.
srp = MIDL_user_allocate( sizeof(SERVER_REQUEST_PACKET) ); if ( srp != NULL ) { RtlZeroMemory( srp, sizeof(SERVER_REQUEST_PACKET) ); }
return srp;
} // SsAllocateSrp
#if DBG
VOID SsAssert( IN PVOID FailedAssertion, IN PVOID FileName, IN ULONG LineNumber ) { BOOL ok; CHAR choice[16]; DWORD bytes; DWORD error;
SsPrintf( "\nAssertion failed: %s\n at line %ld of %s\n", FailedAssertion, LineNumber, FileName ); do { HANDLE hStdIn = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
SsPrintf( "Break or Ignore [bi]? " );
if (hStdIn && (hStdIn != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)) { bytes = sizeof(choice); ok = ReadFile( hStdIn, &choice, bytes, &bytes, NULL ); } else { // default to "break"
ok = TRUE; choice[0] = TEXT('B'); }
if ( ok ) { if ( toupper(choice[0]) == 'I' ) { break; } if ( toupper(choice[0]) == 'B' ) { DbgUserBreakPoint( ); } } else { error = GetLastError( ); } } while ( TRUE );
} // SsAssert
VOID SsCloseServer ( VOID )
Routine Description:
This routine closes the server file system device, if it has been opened.
Return Value:
{ //
// Close the server device, if it has been opened.
if ( SsData.SsServerDeviceHandle != NULL ) { NtClose( SsData.SsServerDeviceHandle ); SsData.SsServerDeviceHandle = NULL; }
} // SsCloseServer
VOID SsControlCHandler ( IN ULONG CtrlType )
Routine Description:
Captures and ignores a kill signal. Without this, any ^C pressed in the window that started the server service will result in this process being killed, and then the server can't function properly.
Return Value:
{ CtrlType;
} // SsControlCHandler
Routine Description:
Frees an SRP allocated by SsAllocateSrp.
Srp - a pointer to the SRP to free.
Return Value:
{ MIDL_user_free( Srp );
} // SsFreeSrp
VOID SsLogEvent( IN DWORD MessageId, IN DWORD NumberOfSubStrings, IN LPWSTR *SubStrings, IN DWORD ErrorCode ) { HANDLE logHandle; DWORD dataSize = 0; LPVOID rawData = NULL; USHORT eventType = EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE;
logHandle = RegisterEventSource( NULL, SERVER_DISPLAY_NAME );
if ( logHandle == NULL ) { SS_PRINT(( "SRVSVC: RegisterEventSource failed: %lu\n", GetLastError() )); return; }
if ( ErrorCode != NERR_Success ) {
// An error code was specified.
dataSize = sizeof(ErrorCode); rawData = (LPVOID)&ErrorCode;
// If the message is is only a warning, then set the event type as such.
// This is doc'd in netevent.h.
if ((ULONG)(MessageId & 0xC0000000) == (ULONG) 0x80000000 ) {
// Log the error.
if ( !ReportEventW( logHandle, eventType, 0, // event category
MessageId, NULL, // user SID
(WORD)NumberOfSubStrings, dataSize, SubStrings, rawData ) ) { SS_PRINT(( "SRVSVC: ReportEvent failed: %lu\n", GetLastError() )); }
if ( !DeregisterEventSource( logHandle ) ) { SS_PRINT(( "SRVSVC: DeregisterEventSource failed: %lu\n", GetLastError() )); }
} // SsLogEvent
NET_API_STATUS SsOpenServer ()
Routine Description:
This routine opens the server file system device, allowing the server service to send FS controls to it.
Return Value:
NET_API_STATUS - results of operation.
{ NTSTATUS status; UNICODE_STRING unicodeServerName; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES objectAttributes; IO_STATUS_BLOCK ioStatusBlock;
// Open the server device.
RtlInitUnicodeString( &unicodeServerName, SERVER_DEVICE_NAME );
InitializeObjectAttributes( &objectAttributes, &unicodeServerName, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL );
// Opening the server with desired access = SYNCHRONIZE and open
// options = FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_NONALERT means that we don't have
// to worry about waiting for the NtFsControlFile to complete--this
// makes all IO system calls that use this handle synchronous.
status = NtOpenFile( &SsData.SsServerDeviceHandle, FILE_ALL_ACCESS & ~SYNCHRONIZE, &objectAttributes, &ioStatusBlock, 0, 0 );
if ( NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { status = ioStatusBlock.Status; }
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { IF_DEBUG(INITIALIZATION_ERRORS) { SS_PRINT(( "SsOpenServer: NtOpenFile (server device object) " "failed: %X\n", status )); } return NetpNtStatusToApiStatus( status ); }
// We're now ready to talk to the server.
return NO_ERROR;
} // SsOpenServer
#if DBG
VOID SsPrintf ( char *Format, ... )
{ va_list arglist; char OutputBuffer[1024]; ULONG length; HANDLE hStdOut;
va_start( arglist, Format );
vsprintf( OutputBuffer, Format, arglist );
va_end( arglist );
length = strlen( OutputBuffer );
hStdOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); if (hStdOut && (hStdOut != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)) { WriteFile(hStdOut, (LPVOID )OutputBuffer, length, &length, NULL ); }
} // SsPrintf
NET_API_STATUS SsServerFsControlGetInfo ( IN ULONG ServerControlCode, IN PSERVER_REQUEST_PACKET Srp, IN OUT PVOID *OutputBuffer, IN ULONG PreferredMaximumLength )
Routine Description:
This routine sends an SRP to the server for an API that retrieves information from the server and takes a PreferredMaximumLength parameter.
ServerControlCode - the FSCTL code for the operation.
Srp - a pointer to the SRP for the operation.
OutputBuffer - a pointer to receive a pointer to the buffer allocated by this routine to hold the output information.
PreferredMaximumLength - the PreferredMaximumLength parameter.
Return Value:
NET_API_STATUS - results of operation.
{ NET_API_STATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; ULONG resumeHandle = Srp->Parameters.Get.ResumeHandle; ULONG BufLen = min( INITIAL_BUFFER_SIZE, PreferredMaximumLength ); ULONG i;
*OutputBuffer = NULL;
// Normally, we should only go through this loop at most 2 times. But
// if the amount of data the server needs to return is growing, then
// we might be forced to run through it a couple of more times. '5'
// is an arbitrary number just to ensure we don't get stuck.
for( i=0; i < 5; i++ ) {
if( *OutputBuffer ) { MIDL_user_free( *OutputBuffer ); }
*OutputBuffer = MIDL_user_allocate( BufLen );
if( *OutputBuffer == NULL ) { status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; }
// Make the request of the server.
Srp->Parameters.Get.ResumeHandle = resumeHandle;
status = SsServerFsControl( ServerControlCode, Srp, *OutputBuffer, BufLen );
// If we were successful, or we got an error other than our buffer
// being too small, break out.
if ( status != ERROR_MORE_DATA && status != NERR_BufTooSmall ) { break; }
// We've been told that our buffer isn't big enough. But if we've hit
// the caller's PreferredMaximumLength, break out.
if( BufLen >= PreferredMaximumLength ) { break; }
// Let's try again. EXTRA_ALLOCATION is here to cover the case where the
// amount of space required grows between the previous FsControl call and
// the next one.
BufLen = min( Srp->Parameters.Get.TotalBytesNeeded + EXTRA_ALLOCATION, PreferredMaximumLength );
if ( *OutputBuffer && Srp->Parameters.Get.EntriesRead == 0 ) { MIDL_user_free( *OutputBuffer ); *OutputBuffer = NULL; }
return status;
} // SsServerFsControlGetInfo
Routine Description:
This routine sends an FSCTL to the server using the previously opened server handle
ServerControlCode - the FSCTL code to send to the server.
Srp - a pointer to the SRP for the operation.
Buffer - a pointer to the buffer to pass to the server as the "OutputBuffer" parameter of NtFsControlFile.
BufferLength - the size of this buffer.
Return Value:
NET_API_STATUS - results of the operation.
{ NTSTATUS status; NET_API_STATUS error; IO_STATUS_BLOCK ioStatusBlock; PSERVER_REQUEST_PACKET sendSrp; ULONG sendSrpLength; PWCH name1Buffer, name2Buffer; HANDLE eventHandle;
if( SsData.SsServerDeviceHandle == NULL ) { DbgPrint( "SRVSVC: SsData.SsServerDeviceHandle == NULL\n" ); return ERROR_BAD_NET_RESP; }
// If a name was specified, we must capture the SRP along with the
// name in order to avoid sending embedded input pointers.
if ( Srp != NULL ) {
name1Buffer = Srp->Name1.Buffer; name2Buffer = Srp->Name2.Buffer;
if ( Srp->Name1.Buffer != NULL || Srp->Name2.Buffer != NULL ) {
PCHAR nextStringLocation;
// Allocate enough space to hold the SRP + name.
sendSrpLength = sizeof(SERVER_REQUEST_PACKET);
if ( Srp->Name1.Buffer != NULL ) { sendSrpLength += Srp->Name1.MaximumLength; }
if ( Srp->Name2.Buffer != NULL ) { sendSrpLength += Srp->Name2.MaximumLength; }
sendSrp = MIDL_user_allocate( sendSrpLength );
if ( sendSrp == NULL ) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
// Copy over the SRP.
RtlCopyMemory( sendSrp, Srp, sizeof(SERVER_REQUEST_PACKET) );
// Set up the names in the new SRP.
nextStringLocation = (PCHAR)( sendSrp + 1 );
if ( Srp->Name1.Buffer != NULL ) {
sendSrp->Name1.Length = Srp->Name1.Length; sendSrp->Name1.MaximumLength = Srp->Name1.MaximumLength; sendSrp->Name1.Buffer = (PWCH)nextStringLocation;
RtlCopyMemory( sendSrp->Name1.Buffer, Srp->Name1.Buffer, Srp->Name1.MaximumLength );
nextStringLocation += Srp->Name1.MaximumLength;
POINTER_TO_OFFSET( sendSrp->Name1.Buffer, sendSrp ); }
if ( Srp->Name2.Buffer != NULL ) {
sendSrp->Name2.Length = Srp->Name2.Length; sendSrp->Name2.MaximumLength = Srp->Name2.MaximumLength; sendSrp->Name2.Buffer = (PWCH)nextStringLocation;
RtlCopyMemory( sendSrp->Name2.Buffer, Srp->Name2.Buffer, Srp->Name2.MaximumLength );
POINTER_TO_OFFSET( sendSrp->Name2.Buffer, sendSrp ); }
} else {
// There was no name in the SRP, so just send the SRP that was
// passed in.
sendSrp = Srp; sendSrpLength = sizeof(SERVER_REQUEST_PACKET); }
} else {
// This request has no SRP.
sendSrp = NULL; sendSrpLength = 0;
// Create an event to synchronize with the driver
status = NtCreateEvent( &eventHandle, FILE_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, NotificationEvent, FALSE );
// Send the request to the server FSD.
if( NT_SUCCESS( status ) ) {
status = NtFsControlFile( SsData.SsServerDeviceHandle, eventHandle, NULL, NULL, &ioStatusBlock, ServerControlCode, sendSrp, sendSrpLength, Buffer, BufferLength );
if( status == STATUS_PENDING ) { NtWaitForSingleObject( eventHandle, FALSE, NULL ); }
NtClose( eventHandle ); }
// If an error code was set in the SRP, use it. Otherwise, if
// an error was returned or set in the IO status block, use that.
if ( (sendSrp != NULL) && (sendSrp->ErrorCode != NO_ERROR) ) { error = sendSrp->ErrorCode; IF_DEBUG(API_ERRORS) { SS_PRINT(( "SsServerFsControl: (1) API call %lx to srv failed, " "err = %ld\n", ServerControlCode, error )); } } else { if ( NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { status = ioStatusBlock.Status; } if ( status == STATUS_SERVER_HAS_OPEN_HANDLES ) { error = ERROR_SERVER_HAS_OPEN_HANDLES; } else { error = NetpNtStatusToApiStatus( status ); } if ( error != NO_ERROR ) { IF_DEBUG(API_ERRORS) { SS_PRINT(( "SsServerFsControl: (2) API call %lx to srv " "failed, err = %ld, status = %X\n", ServerControlCode, error, status )); } } }
// If a separate buffer was allocated to capture the name, copy
// over the new SRP and free it.
if ( sendSrp != Srp ) { RtlCopyMemory( Srp, sendSrp, sizeof(SERVER_REQUEST_PACKET) ); Srp->Name1.Buffer = name1Buffer; Srp->Name2.Buffer = name2Buffer; MIDL_user_free( sendSrp ); }
return error;
} // SsServerFsControl
DWORD SsGetServerType ( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Return the ServiceBits of all the services implemented by this service.
Enter with SsData.SsServerInfoResource locked.
Return Value:
SV_TYPE service bits.
--*/ { DWORD serviceBits;
serviceBits = SV_TYPE_SERVER | SV_TYPE_NT | SsData.ServiceBits;
if( SsData.IsDfsRoot ) { serviceBits |= SV_TYPE_DFS; }
if ( SsData.ServerInfo599.sv599_timesource ) { serviceBits |= SV_TYPE_TIME_SOURCE; }
if ( SsData.ServerInfo598.sv598_producttype == NtProductServer ) { serviceBits |= SV_TYPE_SERVER_NT; }
if ( SsData.NumberOfPrintShares != 0 ) { serviceBits |= SV_TYPE_PRINTQ_SERVER; }
return serviceBits;
VOID SsSetExportedServerType ( IN PNAME_LIST_ENTRY service OPTIONAL, IN BOOL ExternalBitsAlreadyChanged, IN BOOL UpdateImmediately ) { DWORD serviceBits; DWORD newServiceBits; BOOL changed = ExternalBitsAlreadyChanged;
// The value returned in the sv102_type field is an amalgam of the
// following:
// 1) The internal server type bits SV_TYPE_SERVER (always set),
// SV_TYPE_NT (always set), SV_TYPE_TIME_SOURCE (set if the
// parameter TimeSource is TRUE), and SV_TYPE_PRINTQ_SERVER (set
// if there are any print shares).
// 2) SV_TYPE_DFS if this machine is the root of a DFS tree
// 3) The bits set by the service controller calling I_NetServerSetServiceBits.
// SV_TYPE_TIME_SOURCE is a pseudo internal bit. It can be set
// internally or it can be set by the w32time service.
// 4) The logical OR of all per-transport server type bits set by
// the Browser calling I_NetServerSetServiceBits.
(VOID)RtlAcquireResourceExclusive( &SsData.SsServerInfoResource, TRUE );
serviceBits = SsGetServerType();
if( ARGUMENT_PRESENT( service ) ) { //
// Change the bits for the passed-in NAME_LIST_ENTRY only
newServiceBits = service->ServiceBits; newServiceBits &= ~(SV_TYPE_SERVER_NT | SV_TYPE_PRINTQ_SERVER | SV_TYPE_DFS); newServiceBits |= serviceBits;
if( service->ServiceBits != newServiceBits ) { service->ServiceBits |= newServiceBits; changed = TRUE; }
} else { //
// Change the bits for each NAME_LIST_ENTRY
for ( service = SsData.SsServerNameList; service != NULL; service = service->Next ) {
newServiceBits = service->ServiceBits; newServiceBits &= ~(SV_TYPE_SERVER_NT | SV_TYPE_PRINTQ_SERVER | SV_TYPE_DFS ); newServiceBits |= serviceBits;
if( service->ServiceBits != newServiceBits ) { service->ServiceBits |= newServiceBits; changed = TRUE; } } }
RtlReleaseResource( &SsData.SsServerInfoResource );
if ( changed && UpdateImmediately ) { if( SsData.SsStatusChangedEvent ) { if ( !SetEvent( SsData.SsStatusChangedEvent ) ) { SS_PRINT(( "SsSetExportedServerType: SetEvent failed: %ld\n", GetLastError( ) )); } } }
} // SsSetExportedServerType
NET_API_STATUS SsSetField ( IN PFIELD_DESCRIPTOR Field, IN PVOID Value, IN BOOLEAN WriteToRegistry, OUT BOOLEAN *AnnouncementInformationChanged OPTIONAL ) { PCHAR structure;
// *** We do not initialize *AnnouncementInformationChanged to
// FALSE! We leave it alone, unless interesting information is
// changed, in which case we set it to TRUE. This is to allow a
// caller to initialize it itself, then call this function
// multiple times, with the resulting value in the parameter
// being TRUE if at least one of the calls changed an
// interesting parameter.
// Determine the structure that will be set.
if ( Field->Level / 100 == 5 ) { if ( Field->Level != 598 ) { structure = (PCHAR)&SsData.ServerInfo599; } else { structure = (PCHAR)&SsData.ServerInfo598; } } else { structure = (PCHAR)&SsData.ServerInfo102; }
// Set the value in the field based on the field type.
switch ( Field->FieldType ) {
BOOLEAN value = *(PBOOLEAN)Value; PBOOLEAN valueLocation;
// BOOLEANs may only be TRUE (1) or FALSE (0).
if ( value != TRUE && value != FALSE ) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
valueLocation = (PBOOLEAN)( structure + Field->FieldOffset );
// If we're turning off Hidden (i.e., making the server public),
// indicate that an announcment-related parameter has changed.
// This will cause an announcement to be sent immediately.
if ( (Field->FieldOffset == FIELD_OFFSET( SERVER_INFO_102, sv102_hidden )) && (value && !(*valueLocation)) && (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(AnnouncementInformationChanged)) ) { *AnnouncementInformationChanged = TRUE; }
*valueLocation = value;
break; }
DWORD value = *(PDWORD)Value; PDWORD valueLocation;
// Make sure that the specified value is in the range of
// legal values for the Field.
if ( value > Field->MaximumValue || value < Field->MinimumValue ) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
valueLocation = (PDWORD)( structure + Field->FieldOffset ); *valueLocation = value;
break; }
LPWCH value = *(LPWCH *)Value; LPWSTR valueLocation; ULONG maxLength;
// We are setting the name, comment, or userpath for the server.
// Use the field offset to determine which.
if ( Field->FieldOffset == FIELD_OFFSET( SERVER_INFO_102, sv102_name ) ) { valueLocation = SsData.ServerNameBuffer; maxLength = sizeof( SsData.SsServerTransportAddress ); } else if ( Field->FieldOffset == FIELD_OFFSET( SERVER_INFO_102, sv102_comment ) ) { valueLocation = SsData.ServerCommentBuffer; maxLength = MAXCOMMENTSZ; } else if ( Field->FieldOffset == FIELD_OFFSET( SERVER_INFO_102, sv102_userpath ) ) { valueLocation = SsData.UserPathBuffer; maxLength = MAX_PATH; } else if ( Field->FieldOffset == FIELD_OFFSET( SERVER_INFO_599, sv599_domain ) ) { valueLocation = SsData.DomainNameBuffer; maxLength = DNLEN; } else { SS_ASSERT( FALSE ); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// If the string is too long, return an error.
if ( (value != NULL) && (STRLEN(value) > maxLength) ) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// If we're changing the server comment, indicate that an
// announcment-related parameter has changed. This will cause
// an announcement to be sent immediately.
if ( (Field->FieldOffset == FIELD_OFFSET( SERVER_INFO_102, sv102_comment )) && ( ((value == NULL) && (*valueLocation != '\0')) || ((value != NULL) && (wcscmp(value,valueLocation) != 0)) ) && (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(AnnouncementInformationChanged)) ) { *AnnouncementInformationChanged = TRUE; }
// If the input is NULL, make the string zero length.
if ( value == NULL ) {
*valueLocation = '\0'; *(valueLocation+1) = '\0';
} else {
wcscpy( valueLocation, value );
break; }
} // end switch
// The change worked. If requested, add the parameter to the
// registry, thus effecting a sticky change. Don't write it
// to the registry if this is xxx_comment or xxx_disc since
// we already write out their more well known aliases
// srvcomment and autodisconnect. Changes here should also be
// made to SetStickyParameters().
if ( WriteToRegistry && (_wcsicmp( Field->FieldName, DISC_VALUE_NAME ) != 0) && (_wcsicmp( Field->FieldName, COMMENT_VALUE_NAME ) != 0) ) {
SsAddParameterToRegistry( Field, Value ); }
return NO_ERROR;
} // SsSetField
UINT SsGetDriveType ( IN LPWSTR path ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine calls GetDriveType, attempting to eliminate the DRIVE_NO_ROOT_DIR type
A path
Return Value:
The drive type
--*/ { UINT driveType = GetDriveType( path );
if( driveType == DRIVE_NO_ROOT_DIR ) {
if( path[0] != UNICODE_NULL && path[1] == L':' ) {
WCHAR shortPath[ 4 ];
shortPath[0] = path[0]; shortPath[1] = L':'; shortPath[2] = L'\\'; shortPath[3] = L'\0';
driveType = GetDriveType( shortPath );
} else {
ULONG len = wcslen( path ); LPWSTR pathWithSlash = MIDL_user_allocate( (len + 2) * sizeof( *path ) );
if( pathWithSlash != NULL ) { RtlCopyMemory( pathWithSlash, path, len * sizeof( *path ) ); pathWithSlash[ len ] = L'\\'; pathWithSlash[ len+1 ] = L'\0'; driveType = GetDriveType( pathWithSlash ); MIDL_user_free( pathWithSlash ); } } }
return driveType; }
VOID SsNotifyRdrOfGuid( LPGUID Guid ) { NTSTATUS status; HANDLE hMrxSmbHandle; UNICODE_STRING unicodeServerName; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES objectAttributes; IO_STATUS_BLOCK ioStatusBlock;
// Open the server device.
RtlInitUnicodeString( &unicodeServerName, MRXSMB_DEVICE_NAME );
InitializeObjectAttributes( &objectAttributes, &unicodeServerName, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL );
// Opening the server with desired access = SYNCHRONIZE and open
// options = FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_NONALERT means that we don't have
// to worry about waiting for the NtFsControlFile to complete--this
// makes all IO system calls that use this handle synchronous.
status = NtOpenFile( &hMrxSmbHandle, FILE_ALL_ACCESS & ~SYNCHRONIZE, &objectAttributes, &ioStatusBlock, 0, 0 );
if ( NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { status = NtFsControlFile( hMrxSmbHandle, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ioStatusBlock, FSCTL_LMR_SET_SERVER_GUID, Guid, sizeof(GUID), NULL, 0 );
NtClose( hMrxSmbHandle ); } }