Copyright (c) 1991-1992 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains the initialization and termination code for the XACTSRV component of the server service.
David Treadwell (davidtr) 05-Jan-1991 Shanku Niyogi (w-shanku)
Revision History:
Chuck Lenzmeier (chuckl) 17-Jun-1992 Merged xactsrv.c into xsinit.c and moved from xssvc to srvsvc\server
// Includes.
#include "srvsvcp.h"
#include "xsdata.h"
#include <windows.h> // from sdk\inc
#include <xactsrv2.h> // from private\inc
#include <srvfsctl.h>
#include <xsconst.h> // from xactsrv
#undef DEBUG
#include <xsdebug.h>
extern CRITICAL_SECTION SpoolerMutex;
BOOLEAN XsUnloadPrintSpoolerFunctions( );
DWORD XsStartXactsrv ( VOID ) { NTSTATUS status; DWORD error; DWORD i; HANDLE threadHandle; DWORD threadId; HANDLE eventHandle; HANDLE serverHandle; ANSI_STRING ansiName; UNICODE_STRING unicodeName; IO_STATUS_BLOCK ioStatusBlock; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES objectAttributes; PORT_MESSAGE connectionRequest; REMOTE_PORT_VIEW clientView; BOOL waitForEvent;
// Set up variables so that we'll know how to shut down in case of
// an error.
serverHandle = NULL; eventHandle = NULL; waitForEvent = FALSE;
try { RtlInitializeResource( &SsData.LibraryResource ); InitializeCriticalSection( &SpoolerMutex ); } except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { return RtlNtStatusToDosError( GetExceptionCode() ); } SsData.LibraryResourceInitialized = TRUE;
// Create a event that will be set by the last thread to exit.
IF_DEBUG(INIT) { SS_PRINT(( "XsStartXactsrv: Creating termination event.\n" )); } SS_ASSERT( SsData.XsAllThreadsTerminatedEvent == NULL );
status = NtCreateEvent( &SsData.XsAllThreadsTerminatedEvent, EVENT_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, NotificationEvent, FALSE );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) { SS_PRINT(( "XsStartXactsrv: NtCreateEvent failed: %X\n", status )); }
SsData.XsAllThreadsTerminatedEvent = NULL; goto exit; }
// Open the server device. Note that we need this handle because
// the handle used by the main server service is synchronous. We
// need to to do the XACTSRV_CONNECT FSCTL asynchronously.
RtlInitUnicodeString( &unicodeName, XS_SERVER_DEVICE_NAME_W );
InitializeObjectAttributes( &objectAttributes, &unicodeName, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL );
status = NtOpenFile( &serverHandle, FILE_READ_DATA, // DesiredAccess
&objectAttributes, &ioStatusBlock, 0L, // ShareAccess
0L // OpenOptions
if ( NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { status = ioStatusBlock.Status; } if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) { SS_PRINT(( "XsStartXactsrv: NtOpenFile (server device object) " "failed: %X\n", status )); } goto exit; }
// Create the LPC port.
// !!! Right now this only tries a single port name. If, for some
// bizarre reason, somebody already has a port by this name,
// then this will fail. It might make sense to try different
// names if this fails.
// !!! We might want to make the port name somewhat random for
// slightly enhanced security.
RtlInitUnicodeString( &unicodeName, XS_PORT_NAME_W ); RtlInitAnsiString( &ansiName, XS_PORT_NAME_A );
InitializeObjectAttributes( &objectAttributes, &unicodeName, 0, NULL, NULL );
IF_DEBUG(LPC) { SS_PRINT(( "XsInitialize: creating port %Z\n", &ansiName )); }
SS_ASSERT( SsData.XsConnectionPortHandle == NULL );
status = NtCreatePort( &SsData.XsConnectionPortHandle, &objectAttributes, 0, XS_PORT_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH, XS_PORT_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH * 32 );
if ( ! NT_SUCCESS(status) ) {
IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) { if ( status == STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_COLLISION ) { SS_PRINT(( "XsStartXactsrv: The XACTSRV port already " "exists\n"));
} else { SS_PRINT(( "XsStartXactsrv: Failed to create port %Z: %X\n", &ansiName, status )); } }
SsData.XsConnectionPortHandle = NULL; goto exit; }
// Set up an event so that we'll know when IO completes, then send
// the FSCTL to the server indicating that it should now connect to
// us. We'll set up the port while the IO is outstanding, then wait
// on the event when the port setup is complete.
status = NtCreateEvent( &eventHandle, EVENT_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, // ObjectAttributes
NotificationEvent, FALSE );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) { SS_PRINT(( "XsStartXactsrv: NtCreateEvent failed: %X\n", status )); } goto exit; }
IF_DEBUG(LPC) { SS_PRINT(( "XsStartXactsrv: sending FSCTL_SRV_XACTSRV_CONNECT.\n" )); }
status = NtFsControlFile( serverHandle, eventHandle, NULL, // ApcRoutine
NULL, // ApcContext
&ioStatusBlock, FSCTL_SRV_XACTSRV_CONNECT, ansiName.Buffer, ansiName.Length, NULL, // OutputBuffer
0L // OutputBufferLength
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) { SS_PRINT(( "XsStartXactsrv: NtFsControlFile failed: %X\n", status )); } goto exit; }
waitForEvent = TRUE;
// Start listening for the server's connection to the port. Note
// that it is OK if the server happens to call NtConnectPort
// first--it will simply block until this call to NtListenPort
// occurs.
IF_DEBUG(LPC) { SS_PRINT(( "XsStartXactsrv: listening to port.\n" )); }
connectionRequest.u1.s1.TotalLength = sizeof(connectionRequest); connectionRequest.u1.s1.DataLength = (CSHORT)0; status = NtListenPort( SsData.XsConnectionPortHandle, &connectionRequest );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) { SS_PRINT(( "XsStartXactsrv: NtListenPort failed: %X\n", status )); } goto exit; }
// The server has initiated the connection. Accept the connection.
// !!! We probably need some security check here.
clientView.Length = sizeof(clientView); clientView.ViewSize = 0; clientView.ViewBase = 0;
IF_DEBUG(LPC) { SS_PRINT(( "XsStartXactsrv: Accepting connection to port.\n" )); }
SS_ASSERT( SsData.XsCommunicationPortHandle == NULL );
status = NtAcceptConnectPort( &SsData.XsCommunicationPortHandle, NULL, // PortContext
&connectionRequest, TRUE, // AcceptConnection
NULL, // ServerView
&clientView );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) { SS_PRINT(( "XsStartXactsrv: NtAcceptConnectPort failed: %X\n", status )); }
SsData.XsCommunicationPortHandle = NULL; goto exit; }
IF_DEBUG(LPC) { SS_PRINT(( "XsStartXactsrv: client view size: %ld, base: %lx\n", clientView.ViewSize, clientView.ViewBase )); }
// Complete the connection to the port, thereby releasing the server
// thread waiting in NtConnectPort.
IF_DEBUG(LPC) { SS_PRINT(( "XsStartXactsrv: Completing connection to port.\n" )); }
status = NtCompleteConnectPort( SsData.XsCommunicationPortHandle );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) { SS_PRINT(( "XsStartXactsrv: NtCompleteConnectPort failed: %X\n", status )); } goto exit; }
// Wait for the IO to complete, then close the event handle.
if ( waitForEvent ) {
NTSTATUS waitStatus;
SS_ASSERT( eventHandle != NULL );
waitStatus = NtWaitForSingleObject( eventHandle, FALSE, NULL );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(waitStatus) ) {
IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) { SS_PRINT(( "XsStartXactsrv: NtWaitForSingleObject failed: " "%X\n", waitStatus )); }
// If another error has already occurred, don't report this
// one.
if ( NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { status = waitStatus; } }
// Check the status in the IO status block. If it is bad, then
// there was some problem on the server side of the port setup.
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(ioStatusBlock.Status) ) { IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) { SS_PRINT(( "XsStartXactsrv: bad status in IO status block: " "%X\n", ioStatusBlock.Status )); }
// If another error has already occurred, don't report this
// one.
if ( NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { status = ioStatusBlock.Status; }
CloseHandle( eventHandle );
// Close the handle to the server.
if ( serverHandle != NULL ) { CloseHandle( serverHandle ); }
// If the above failed, return to caller now.
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { return RtlNtStatusToDosError( status ); }
// Start one API processing thread. It will spawn others if needed
threadHandle = CreateThread( NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)XsProcessApisWrapper, 0, 0, &threadId );
if ( threadHandle != 0 ) {
IF_DEBUG(THREADS) { SS_PRINT(( "XsStartXactsrv: Created thread %ld for " "processing APIs\n", SsData.XsThreads )); }
CloseHandle( threadHandle ); SsData.ApiThreadsStarted = TRUE;
} else {
// Thread creation failed. Return an error to the caller.
// It is the responsibility of the caller to call
// XsStopXactsrv to clean up.
error = GetLastError( ); return error;
// Initialization succeeded.
return NO_ERROR;
} // XsStartXactsrv
* This routine is called to stop the transaction processor once the * server driver has terminated. */ VOID XsStopXactsrv ( VOID ) { NTSTATUS status; static XACTSRV_REQUEST_MESSAGE requestMessage; LONG i; BOOL ok;
// Stop all the xs worker threads, and release resources
if ( SsData.XsConnectionPortHandle != NULL ) {
// Indicate that XACTSRV is terminating.
SsData.XsTerminating = TRUE;
IF_DEBUG(TERMINATION) { SS_PRINT(("XsStopXactsrv: queueing termination messages\n")); }
if( SsData.ApiThreadsStarted == TRUE ) {
// Queue a message to kill off the worker thereads
RtlZeroMemory( &requestMessage, sizeof( requestMessage )); requestMessage.PortMessage.u1.s1.DataLength = (USHORT)( sizeof(requestMessage) - sizeof(PORT_MESSAGE) ); requestMessage.PortMessage.u1.s1.TotalLength = sizeof(requestMessage); requestMessage.MessageType = XACTSRV_MESSAGE_WAKEUP; status = NtRequestPort( SsData.XsConnectionPortHandle, (PPORT_MESSAGE)&requestMessage );
IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) { if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { SS_PRINT(( "SrvXsDisconnect: NtRequestPort failed: %X\n", status )); } }
// The above will cause all worker threads to wake up then die.
ok = WaitForSingleObject( SsData.XsAllThreadsTerminatedEvent, (DWORD)-1 );
IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) { if ( !ok ) { SS_PRINT(( "XsStopXactsrv: WaitForSingleObject failed: " "%ld\n", GetLastError() )); } }
SsData.ApiThreadsStarted = FALSE; }
CloseHandle( SsData.XsConnectionPortHandle ); }
if( SsData.XsCommunicationPortHandle != NULL ) { CloseHandle( SsData.XsCommunicationPortHandle ); SsData.XsCommunicationPortHandle = NULL; }
// Unload the xactsrv libaray
if( SsData.XsXactsrvLibrary != NULL ) { PXS_API_TABLE_ENTRY entry = XsApiTable;
// Null out all of the entry points
for( entry = XsApiTable; entry < &XsApiTable[ XS_SIZE_OF_API_TABLE ]; entry++ ) {
entry->Handler = NULL; }
XsSetParameters = NULL; XsCaptureParameters = NULL; XsCheckSmbDescriptor = NULL;
FreeLibrary( SsData.XsXactsrvLibrary ); SsData.XsXactsrvLibrary = NULL; }
// Unload the license library
if( SsData.XsLicenseLibrary != NULL ) { SsData.SsLicenseRequest = NULL; SsData.SsFreeLicense = NULL; FreeLibrary( SsData.XsLicenseLibrary ); SsData.XsLicenseLibrary = NULL; }
if( SsData.LibraryResourceInitialized == TRUE ) { // Unload the spooler library if necessary
XsUnloadPrintSpoolerFunctions(); DeleteCriticalSection( &SpoolerMutex );
// Delete the library resource
RtlDeleteResource( &SsData.LibraryResource ); SsData.LibraryResourceInitialized = FALSE; }
// Close the termination event.
if ( SsData.XsAllThreadsTerminatedEvent != NULL ) { CloseHandle( SsData.XsAllThreadsTerminatedEvent ); SsData.XsAllThreadsTerminatedEvent = NULL; }
} // XsStopXactsrv
* This routine is called to dynamically load the transaction library for * downlevel clients. It fills in the entry points for the library */ BOOLEAN XsLoadXactLibrary( WORD FunctionNumber ) { PXS_API_TABLE_ENTRY entry = &XsApiTable[ FunctionNumber ];
if( SsData.XsXactsrvLibrary == NULL ) {
RtlAcquireResourceExclusive( &SsData.LibraryResource, TRUE );
if( SsData.XsXactsrvLibrary == NULL ) { SsData.XsXactsrvLibrary = LoadLibrary( L"xactsrv.dll" ); }
RtlReleaseResource( &SsData.LibraryResource );
if( SsData.XsXactsrvLibrary == NULL ) {
DbgPrint( "SRVSVC: Unable to load xactsrv.dll, error %u\n", GetLastError() );
return FALSE; } }
if( XsSetParameters == NULL && (XsSetParameters = (XS_SET_PARAMETERS_FUNCTION)GetProcAddress( SsData.XsXactsrvLibrary, "XsSetParameters" )) == NULL ) {
DbgPrint( "SRVSVC: XsSetParameters entry missing from xactsrv.dll, err %u\n", GetLastError() );
return FALSE; }
if( XsCaptureParameters == NULL && (XsCaptureParameters = (XS_CAPTURE_PARAMETERS_FUNCTION)GetProcAddress( SsData.XsXactsrvLibrary, "XsCaptureParameters" )) == NULL ) {
DbgPrint( "SRVSVC: XsCaptureParameters entry missing from xactsrv.dll, err %u\n", GetLastError() );
return FALSE; }
if( XsCheckSmbDescriptor == NULL && (XsCheckSmbDescriptor = (XS_CHECK_SMB_DESCRIPTOR_FUNCTION)GetProcAddress( SsData.XsXactsrvLibrary, "XsCheckSmbDescriptor" )) == NULL ) {
DbgPrint( "SRVSVC: XsCheckSmbDescriptor entry missing from xactsrv.dll, err %u\n", GetLastError() );
return FALSE; }
// Fetch the requested entry point
entry->Handler = (PXACTSRV_API_HANDLER)GetProcAddress( SsData.XsXactsrvLibrary, entry->HandlerName );
if( entry->Handler == NULL ) {
DbgPrint( "SRVSVC: %s entry missing from xactsrv.dll, err %u\n", entry->HandlerName, GetLastError() );
return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
BOOLEAN SsLoadLicenseLibrary() { if( SsData.XsLicenseLibrary == NULL ) {
RtlAcquireResourceExclusive( &SsData.LibraryResource, TRUE );
if( SsData.XsLicenseLibrary == NULL ) { SsData.XsLicenseLibrary = LoadLibrary( L"ntlsapi.dll" ); }
RtlReleaseResource( &SsData.LibraryResource );
if( SsData.XsLicenseLibrary == NULL ) { return FALSE; } }
SsData.SsLicenseRequest = (PNT_LICENSE_REQUEST_W)GetProcAddress( SsData.XsLicenseLibrary, "NtLicenseRequestW" ); SsData.SsFreeLicense = (PNT_LS_FREE_HANDLE)GetProcAddress( SsData.XsLicenseLibrary, "NtLSFreeHandle" );
return( SsData.SsLicenseRequest != NULL && SsData.SsFreeLicense != NULL ); }