This file is automatically generated and should never be changed. All changes should be made to the NTFRSCON.int file.
Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This is the file that conatins the initialization values of the PERF_COUNTER_DEFINITION array which is initialized in the Open function of the REPLICACONN Object
User Mode Service
Revision History:
#include "..\PERFDLL\REPCONN.h"
// Initialize the RepConnInitData structure used in the Open function
ReplicaConnValues RepConnInitData[FRC_NUMOFCOUNTERS] = {
{ (PWCHAR)"Packets Sent in Bytes ", SIZEOF(ReplicaConnCounters, PacketsSentBytes ), OFFSET(ReplicaConnCounters, PacketsSentBytes ), PERF_COUNTER_BULK_COUNT , 0 },
{ (PWCHAR)"Fetch Blocks Sent in Bytes ", SIZEOF(ReplicaConnCounters, FetBSentBytes ), OFFSET(ReplicaConnCounters, FetBSentBytes ), PERF_COUNTER_BULK_COUNT , 0 },
{ (PWCHAR)"Fetch Blocks Received in Bytes ", SIZEOF(ReplicaConnCounters, FetBRcvdBytes ), OFFSET(ReplicaConnCounters, FetBRcvdBytes ), PERF_COUNTER_BULK_COUNT , 0 },
{ (PWCHAR)"Local Change Orders Sent ", SIZEOF(ReplicaConnCounters, LCOSent ), OFFSET(ReplicaConnCounters, LCOSent ), PERF_COUNTER_COUNTER , 0 },
{ (PWCHAR)"Local Change Orders Sent At Join ", SIZEOF(ReplicaConnCounters, LCOSentAtJoin ), OFFSET(ReplicaConnCounters, LCOSentAtJoin ), PERF_COUNTER_COUNTER , 0 },
{ (PWCHAR)"Remote Change Orders Sent ", SIZEOF(ReplicaConnCounters, RCOSent ), OFFSET(ReplicaConnCounters, RCOSent ), PERF_COUNTER_COUNTER , 0 },
{ (PWCHAR)"Remote Change Orders Received ", SIZEOF(ReplicaConnCounters, RCOReceived ), OFFSET(ReplicaConnCounters, RCOReceived ), PERF_COUNTER_COUNTER , 0 },
{ (PWCHAR)"Inbound Change Orders Dampened ", SIZEOF(ReplicaConnCounters, InCODampned ), OFFSET(ReplicaConnCounters, InCODampned ), PERF_COUNTER_COUNTER , 0 },
{ (PWCHAR)"Outbound Change Orders Dampened ", SIZEOF(ReplicaConnCounters, OutCODampned ), OFFSET(ReplicaConnCounters, OutCODampned ), PERF_COUNTER_COUNTER , 0 },
{ (PWCHAR)"Packets Sent ", SIZEOF(ReplicaConnCounters, PacketsSent ), OFFSET(ReplicaConnCounters, PacketsSent ), PERF_COUNTER_COUNTER , 0 },
{ (PWCHAR)"Packets Sent in Error ", SIZEOF(ReplicaConnCounters, PacketsSentError ), OFFSET(ReplicaConnCounters, PacketsSentError ), PERF_COUNTER_RAWCOUNT , 0 },
{ (PWCHAR)"Communication Timeouts ", SIZEOF(ReplicaConnCounters, CommTimeouts ), OFFSET(ReplicaConnCounters, CommTimeouts ), PERF_COUNTER_RAWCOUNT , 0 },
{ (PWCHAR)"Fetch Requests Sent ", SIZEOF(ReplicaConnCounters, FetRSent ), OFFSET(ReplicaConnCounters, FetRSent ), PERF_COUNTER_COUNTER , 0 },
{ (PWCHAR)"Fetch Requests Received ", SIZEOF(ReplicaConnCounters, FetRReceived ), OFFSET(ReplicaConnCounters, FetRReceived ), PERF_COUNTER_COUNTER , 0 },
{ (PWCHAR)"Fetch Blocks Sent ", SIZEOF(ReplicaConnCounters, FetBSent ), OFFSET(ReplicaConnCounters, FetBSent ), PERF_COUNTER_COUNTER , 0 },
{ (PWCHAR)"Fetch Blocks Received ", SIZEOF(ReplicaConnCounters, FetBRcvd ), OFFSET(ReplicaConnCounters, FetBRcvd ), PERF_COUNTER_COUNTER , 0 },
{ (PWCHAR)"Join Notifications Sent ", SIZEOF(ReplicaConnCounters, JoinNSent ), OFFSET(ReplicaConnCounters, JoinNSent ), PERF_COUNTER_COUNTER , 0 },
{ (PWCHAR)"Join Notifications Received ", SIZEOF(ReplicaConnCounters, JoinNRcvd ), OFFSET(ReplicaConnCounters, JoinNRcvd ), PERF_COUNTER_COUNTER , 0 },
{ (PWCHAR)"Joins ", SIZEOF(ReplicaConnCounters, Joins ), OFFSET(ReplicaConnCounters, Joins ), PERF_COUNTER_COUNTER , 0 },
{ (PWCHAR)"Unjoins ", SIZEOF(ReplicaConnCounters, Unjoins ), OFFSET(ReplicaConnCounters, Unjoins ), PERF_COUNTER_COUNTER , 0 },
{ (PWCHAR)"Bindings ", SIZEOF(ReplicaConnCounters, Bindings ), OFFSET(ReplicaConnCounters, Bindings ), PERF_COUNTER_COUNTER , 0 },
{ (PWCHAR)"Bindings in Error ", SIZEOF(ReplicaConnCounters, BindingsError ), OFFSET(ReplicaConnCounters, BindingsError ), PERF_COUNTER_RAWCOUNT , 0 },
{ (PWCHAR)"Authentications ", SIZEOF(ReplicaConnCounters, Authentications ), OFFSET(ReplicaConnCounters, Authentications ), PERF_COUNTER_COUNTER , 0 },
{ (PWCHAR)"Authentications in Error ", SIZEOF(ReplicaConnCounters, AuthenticationsError ), OFFSET(ReplicaConnCounters, AuthenticationsError ), PERF_COUNTER_RAWCOUNT , 0 }