Copyright (c) 1991-1993 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains individual API handlers for the NetUser APIs.
SUPPORTED : NetUserAdd2, NetUserDel, NetUserEnum, NetUserEnum2, NetUserGetGroups, NetUserGetInfo, NetUserModalsGet, NetUserModalsSet, NetUserSetGroups, NetUserSetInfo2, NetUserSetInfo, NetUserPasswordSet2
UNSUPPORTED : NetUserValidate2.
Shanku Niyogi (w-shanku) 11-Feb-1991
Revision History:
// NetUser APIs are UNICODE only.
#ifndef UNICODE
#define UNICODE
#include "xactsrvp.h"
#include <crypt.h>
#include "changepw.h"
#include <loghours.h>
#include <netlibnt.h>
#include <names.h>
#include <prefix.h> // PREFIX_ equates.
// Declaration of descriptor strings.
STATIC const LPDESC Desc16_user_info_0 = REM16_user_info_0; STATIC const LPDESC Desc32_user_info_0 = REM32_user_info_0;
STATIC const LPDESC Desc16_user_info_1 = REM16_user_info_1; STATIC const LPDESC Desc32_user_info_1 = REM32_user_info_1; STATIC const LPDESC Desc32_user_info_1_NC = REM32_user_info_1_NOCRYPT; STATIC const LPDESC Desc32_user_info_1_OWF = REM32_user_info_1_OWF; STATIC const LPDESC Desc16_user_info_1_setinfo = REM16_user_info_1_setinfo; STATIC const LPDESC Desc32_user_info_1_setinfo = REM32_user_info_1_setinfo; STATIC const LPDESC Desc32_user_info_1_setinfo_NC = REM32_user_info_1_setinfo_NOCRYPT;
STATIC const LPDESC Desc16_user_info_2 = REM16_user_info_2; STATIC const LPDESC Desc32_user_info_2 = REM32_user_info_2; STATIC const LPDESC Desc32_user_info_2_NC = REM32_user_info_2_NOCRYPT; STATIC const LPDESC Desc16_user_info_2_setinfo = REM16_user_info_2_setinfo; STATIC const LPDESC Desc32_user_info_2_setinfo = REM32_user_info_2_setinfo; STATIC const LPDESC Desc32_user_info_2_setinfo_NC = REM32_user_info_2_setinfo_NOCRYPT;
STATIC const LPDESC Desc16_user_info_10 = REM16_user_info_10; STATIC const LPDESC Desc32_user_info_10 = REM32_user_info_10; STATIC const LPDESC Desc16_user_info_11 = REM16_user_info_11; STATIC const LPDESC Desc32_user_info_11 = REM32_user_info_11; STATIC const LPDESC Desc32_user_info_22 = REM32_user_info_22;
STATIC const LPDESC Desc16_user_group_info_0 = REM16_group_info_0; STATIC const LPDESC Desc32_user_group_info_0 = REM32_group_info_0; STATIC const LPDESC Desc16_user_group_info_0_set = REM16_group_users_info_0_set; STATIC const LPDESC Desc32_user_group_info_0_set = REM32_group_users_info_0_set;
STATIC const LPDESC Desc16_user_modals_info_0 = REM16_user_modals_info_0; STATIC const LPDESC Desc32_user_modals_info_0 = REM32_user_modals_info_0; STATIC const LPDESC Desc16_user_modals_info_0_setinfo = REM16_user_modals_info_0_setinfo; STATIC const LPDESC Desc32_user_modals_info_0_setinfo = REM32_user_modals_info_0_setinfo; STATIC const LPDESC Desc16_user_modals_info_1 = REM16_user_modals_info_1; STATIC const LPDESC Desc32_user_modals_info_1 = REM32_user_modals_info_1; STATIC const LPDESC Desc16_user_modals_info_1_setinfo = REM16_user_modals_info_1_setinfo; STATIC const LPDESC Desc32_user_modals_info_1_setinfo = REM32_user_modals_info_1_setinfo;
STATIC NET_API_STATUS XsGetMinPasswordLength( LPDWORD minPasswordLength ) { NET_API_STATUS apiStatus; LPUSER_MODALS_INFO_0 modals = NULL; HANDLE OpenedToken;
NetpAssert( minPasswordLength != NULL );
// Revert to Local System
(VOID)NtOpenThreadToken( NtCurrentThread(), MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, TRUE, &OpenedToken );
// Find out how long the password has to be.
apiStatus = NetUserModalsGet( NULL, // local (no server name)
0, // level
(LPBYTE *)&modals ); // alloc and set ptr
// Re-impersonate the client
(VOID)NtSetInformationThread( NtCurrentThread(), ThreadImpersonationToken, &OpenedToken, sizeof( OpenedToken ) );
if ( apiStatus != NO_ERROR ) { NetpKdPrint(( PREFIX_XACTSRV "XsGetMinPasswordLength: Problems getting modals: " FORMAT_API_STATUS ".\n", apiStatus )); return (apiStatus); } NetpAssert( modals != NULL );
*minPasswordLength = modals->usrmod0_min_passwd_len; (VOID) NetApiBufferFree( (LPVOID)modals ); return (NO_ERROR);
} // XsGetMinPasswordLength
STATIC NET_API_STATUS XsCheckAndReplacePassword ( IN DWORD Length )
Routine Description
This routine checks the current password's real length to make sure it is valid, and then generates a reasonably random replacement password long enough to satisfy the system's modal for minimum password length. This routine is used by Add and SetInfo handlers below.
Length - Real length of the current password.
Seed - A seed number.
TempPassword - Receives a pointer to a new temporary password. If this is not specified, the new password is not generated.
Return Value:
NET_API_STATUS - NERR_Success on successful completion, or some other error status.
{ NET_API_STATUS status; DWORD minPasswordLength;
// Find out how long the password has to be.
status = XsGetMinPasswordLength( &minPasswordLength );
if ( status != NERR_Success ) { NetpKdPrint(( PREFIX_XACTSRV "XsCheckAndReplacePassword: Problems getting min PW len: " FORMAT_API_STATUS ".\n", status )); return status; }
// Check length of current password.
if ( Length < minPasswordLength ) {
return NERR_PasswordTooShort; }
return NERR_Success;
NET_API_STATUS XsNameToRid( IN LPCTSTR Name, // may be user or group name.
IN SID_NAME_USE ExpectedType, OUT PULONG UserRid ) { NET_API_STATUS status; PSID_NAME_USE nameUse; NTSTATUS ntstatus; UNICODE_STRING unicodeName; PULONG tempRid; PSID accountsDomainId; SAM_HANDLE samConnectHandle; SAM_HANDLE samAccountsDomainHandle;
if( ARGUMENT_PRESENT( UserRid ) ) { *UserRid = 0; }
// Get a connection to SAM.
ntstatus = SamConnect( NULL, // no server name (local)
&samConnectHandle, // resulting SAM handle
SAM_SERVER_LOOKUP_DOMAIN, // desired access
NULL // no object attributes
); if ( !NT_SUCCESS( ntstatus ) ) { status = NetpNtStatusToApiStatus( ntstatus ); return status; }
// To open the accounts domain, we'll need the domain ID.
status = NetpGetLocalDomainId ( LOCAL_DOMAIN_TYPE_ACCOUNTS, // type we want.
&accountsDomainId ); if ( status != NO_ERROR ) { SamCloseHandle( samConnectHandle ); return status; }
// Open the accounts domain.
ntstatus = SamOpenDomain( samConnectHandle, DOMAIN_LOOKUP, accountsDomainId, &samAccountsDomainHandle ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS( ntstatus ) ) { LocalFree( accountsDomainId ); SamCloseHandle( samConnectHandle ); status = NetpNtStatusToApiStatus( ntstatus ); return status; }
// Get a RID for this user name.
RtlInitUnicodeString( &unicodeName, // dest (NT struct)
Name ); // src (null-terminated)
ntstatus = SamLookupNamesInDomain( samAccountsDomainHandle, // users live in accounts domain
(ULONG)1, // only want one name.
&unicodeName, // name (in NT struct)
&tempRid, // alloc and set RIDs.
&nameUse // alloc and set name types.
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( ntstatus ) ) { status = NetpNtStatusToApiStatus( ntstatus ); goto cleanup; }
*UserRid = *tempRid;
// Did type user wanted match the actual one?
if ( ExpectedType != *nameUse ) { status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else { status = NO_ERROR; }
// Free memory which SAM allocated for us.
ntstatus = SamFreeMemory( nameUse ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS( ntstatus ) ) { status = NetpNtStatusToApiStatus( ntstatus ); }
ntstatus = SamFreeMemory( tempRid ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS( ntstatus ) ) { status = NetpNtStatusToApiStatus( ntstatus ); }
LocalFree( accountsDomainId ); SamCloseHandle( samAccountsDomainHandle ); SamCloseHandle( samConnectHandle );
return status;
} // XsNameToRid
NET_API_STATUS XsSetMacPrimaryGroup( IN LPCTSTR UserName, IN LPCTSTR MacPrimaryField // field in "mGroup:junk" format.
) { NET_API_STATUS status; LPTSTR groupName = NULL; ULONG groupRid; USER_INFO_1051 userInfo;
// Extract the primary group name from the Mac field.
status = NetpGetPrimaryGroupFromMacField( MacPrimaryField, // name in "mGroup:" format.
&groupName // alloc and set ptr.
); if ( status != NO_ERROR ) { goto cleanup; }
// Make sure this user is a member of the group (add to group if needed).
// This will also check if the group and user exist.
status = NetGroupAddUser( NULL, // local (no server name)
groupName, // group to update
(LPTSTR)UserName // user name to add to group
); if ( (status != NO_ERROR) && (status != NERR_UserInGroup) ) { goto cleanup; }
// Convert the group name to a RID.
status = XsNameToRid( (LPCWSTR)groupName, SidTypeGroup, // expected type
&groupRid ); if ( status != NO_ERROR ) { goto cleanup; }
// Call NetUserSetInfo to set the primary group ID using the RID.
userInfo.usri1051_primary_group_id = (DWORD)groupRid;
status = NetUserSetInfo ( NULL, // local (no server name)
if ( groupName != NULL ) { NetpMemoryFree( groupName ); }
return status;
} // XsSetMacPrimaryGroup
Routine Description:
This routine handles a call to NetUserAdd. A remote NetUserAdd call from a 16-bit machine will translate to a NetUserAdd2 call, with a doubly encrypted password. We will call a special level of NetUserSetInfo to set this later, after the user has been added.
API_HANDLER_PARAMETERS - information about the API call. See XsTypes.h for details.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - STATUS_SUCCESS or reason for failure.
{ NET_API_STATUS status;
PXS_NET_USER_ADD_2 parameters = Parameters; LPVOID buffer = NULL; // Native parameters
LPBYTE stringLocation = NULL; // Conversion variables
DWORD bytesRequired = 0; DWORD bufferSize; LPBYTE nativeStructureDesc; LPUSER_INFO_1 user = NULL; DWORD parmError; DWORD level; BOOLEAN encryptionSupported = TRUE; PUSER_INFO_22 usri22; BYTE tempPwdBuffer[ENCRYPTED_PWLEN];
IF_DEBUG(USER) { NetpKdPrint(( "XsNetUserAdd2: header at %lx, params at %lx, " "level %ld\n", Header, parameters, SmbGetUshort( ¶meters->Level ) )); }
try { //
// Check if password is encrypted. We know for a fact that dos redirs
// don't support encryption
encryptionSupported = (BOOLEAN) ( SmbGetUshort( ¶meters->DataEncryption ) == TRUE ); level = SmbGetUshort( ¶meters->Level );
// Check for password length
status = XsCheckAndReplacePassword( (DWORD)( SmbGetUshort( ¶meters->PasswordLength )) );
if ( status != NERR_Success ) { IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) { NetpKdPrint(( "XsNetUserAdd2: XsCheckAndReplacePassword failed: " "%X\n", status )); } goto cleanup; }
// Use the requested level to determine the format of the 32-bit
// we need to pass to NetUserAdd. The format of the
// 16-bit structure is stored in the transaction block, and we
// got a pointer to it as a parameter.
switch ( level ) {
case 1: StructureDesc = Desc16_user_info_1; nativeStructureDesc = Desc32_user_info_1_OWF; break;
case 2: StructureDesc = Desc16_user_info_2; nativeStructureDesc = Desc32_user_info_22; break;
default: status = ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL; goto cleanup; }
// Figure out if there is enough room in the buffer for all the
// data required. If not, return NERR_BufTooSmall.
if ( !XsCheckBufferSize( SmbGetUshort( ¶meters->BufLen ), StructureDesc, FALSE // not in native format
)) {
IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) { NetpKdPrint(( "XsNetUserAdd2: Buffer too small.\n" )); } status = NERR_BufTooSmall; goto cleanup; }
// Find out how big a buffer we need to allocate to hold the native
// 32-bit version of the input data structure. Always allocate
// a level 22 buffer since we will always be making a level 22
// call to netuseradd.
bufferSize = XsBytesForConvertedStructure( (LPBYTE)XsSmbGetPointer( ¶meters->Buffer ), StructureDesc, Desc32_user_info_22, RapToNative, TRUE );
// Allocate enough memory to hold the converted native buffer.
buffer = NetpMemoryAllocate( bufferSize );
if ( buffer == NULL ) { IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) { NetpKdPrint(( "XsNetUserAdd2: failed to create buffer" )); } status = NERR_NoRoom; goto cleanup;
IF_DEBUG(USER) { NetpKdPrint(( "XsNetUserAdd2: buffer of %ld bytes at %lx\n", bufferSize, buffer )); }
// Convert the buffer from 16-bit to 32-bit.
stringLocation = (LPBYTE)buffer + bufferSize; bytesRequired = 0;
status = RapConvertSingleEntry( (LPBYTE)XsSmbGetPointer( ¶meters->Buffer ), StructureDesc, TRUE, buffer, buffer, nativeStructureDesc, FALSE, &stringLocation, &bytesRequired, Response, RapToNative );
if ( status != NERR_Success ) { IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) { NetpKdPrint(( "XsNetUserAdd: RapConvertSingleEntry failed: " "%X\n", status )); }
status = NERR_InternalError; goto cleanup; }
usri22 = buffer;
// If this is a level 1 call, then we did not fill up all the
// entries required for a level 22 call. Put the default values
// here.
if ( level == 1 ) {
// These are not used in a NetUserAdd.
// usri22->usri22_last_logon
// usri22->usri22_last_logoff
// usri22->usri22_units_per_week
// usri22->usri22_bad_pw_count
// usri22->usri22_num_logons
usri22->usri22_auth_flags = 0; usri22->usri22_full_name = NULL; usri22->usri22_usr_comment = NULL; usri22->usri22_parms = NULL; usri22->usri22_workstations = NULL; usri22->usri22_acct_expires = TIMEQ_FOREVER; usri22->usri22_max_storage = USER_MAXSTORAGE_UNLIMITED; usri22->usri22_logon_hours = NULL; usri22->usri22_logon_server = NULL; usri22->usri22_country_code = 0; usri22->usri22_code_page = 0;
} else if ( usri22->usri22_logon_hours != NULL ) {
// Call NetpRotateLogonHours to make sure we behave properly
// during DST.
if ( !NetpRotateLogonHours( usri22->usri22_logon_hours, usri22->usri22_units_per_week, TRUE ) ) {
status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto cleanup; }
// If the password is clear text, we need to convert it to an OWF
// password. This is to fix a LMUNIX bug which forgets to upper
// case the password it sends across. Converting it to OWF
// tells sam not to do upcasing.
// If the password is encrypted, then we get the owf by decrypting
// it with the session key.
RtlCopyMemory( tempPwdBuffer, usri22->usri22_password, ENCRYPTED_PWLEN );
if ( !encryptionSupported ) {
(VOID) RtlCalculateLmOwfPassword( (PLM_PASSWORD) tempPwdBuffer, (PLM_OWF_PASSWORD) usri22->usri22_password );
} else {
(VOID) RtlDecryptLmOwfPwdWithLmSesKey( (PENCRYPTED_LM_OWF_PASSWORD) tempPwdBuffer, (PLM_SESSION_KEY) Header->EncryptionKey, (PLM_OWF_PASSWORD) usri22->usri22_password );
// Make the local call.
status = NetUserAdd( NULL, 22, (LPBYTE) usri22, &parmError );
if ( !XsApiSuccess( status )) { IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) { NetpKdPrint(( "XsNetUserAdd2: NetUserAdd failed: %X\n", status )); if ( status == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ) { NetpKdPrint(( "XsNetUserAdd2: ParmError: %ld\n", parmError ));
} } goto cleanup; }
// If there was a Macintosh primary group field for this user, then
// set the primary group.
if ( NetpIsMacPrimaryGroupFieldValid( (LPCTSTR)usri22->usri22_parms ) ) { NET_API_STATUS status1; status1 = XsSetMacPrimaryGroup( (LPCTSTR)usri22->usri22_name, (LPCTSTR)usri22->usri22_parms ); if ( !XsApiSuccess( status1 )) { IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) { NetpKdPrint(( "XsNetUserAdd2: SetMacPrimaryGroup failed: %X\n", status1 )); } } }
// There is no real return information for this API.
cleanup: ; } except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { status = (WORD)RtlNtStatusToDosError( GetExceptionCode() ); }
Header->Status = (WORD)status;
NetpMemoryFree( buffer );
} // XsNetUserAdd2
Routine Description:
This routine handles a call to NetUserDel.
API_HANDLER_PARAMETERS - information about the API call. See XsTypes.h for details.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - STATUS_SUCCESS or reason for failure.
{ NET_API_STATUS status;
PXS_NET_USER_DEL parameters = Parameters; LPTSTR nativeUserName = NULL; // Native parameters
IF_DEBUG(USER) { NetpKdPrint(( "XsNetUserDel: header at %lx, params at %lx, name %s\n", Header, parameters, SmbGetUlong( ¶meters->UserName ))); }
try { //
// Translate parameters, check for errors.
XsConvertTextParameter( nativeUserName, (LPSTR)XsSmbGetPointer( ¶meters->UserName ) );
// Make the local call.
status = NetUserDel( NULL, nativeUserName );
if ( !XsApiSuccess( status )) { IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) { NetpKdPrint(( "XsNetUserDel: NetUserDel failed: %X\n", status )); } }
cleanup: ; } except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { Header->Status = (WORD)RtlNtStatusToDosError( GetExceptionCode() ); }
NetpMemoryFree( nativeUserName );
// Nothing to return.
Header->Status = (WORD)status;
Routine Description
This routine handles a call to NetUserEnum.
API_HANDLER_PARAMETERS - information about the API call. See XsTypes.h for details.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - STATUS_SUCCESS or reason for failure.
{ NET_API_STATUS status;
PXS_NET_USER_ENUM parameters = Parameters; LPVOID outBuffer = NULL; // Native parameters
DWORD entriesRead; DWORD totalEntries;
DWORD entriesFilled = 0; // Conversion variables
DWORD bytesRequired = 0; LPBYTE nativeStructureDesc;
IF_DEBUG(USER) { NetpKdPrint(( "XsNetUserEnum: header at %lx, params at %lx, " "level %ld, buf size %ld\n", Header, parameters, SmbGetUshort( ¶meters->Level ), SmbGetUshort( ¶meters->BufLen ))); }
try { //
// Check for errors.
if (( XsWordParamOutOfRange( parameters->Level, 0, 2 )) && SmbGetUshort( ¶meters->Level ) != 10 ) {
Header->Status = ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL; goto cleanup; }
// Make the local call.
status = NetUserEnum( NULL, (DWORD)SmbGetUshort( ¶meters->Level ), FILTER_NORMAL_ACCOUNT, (LPBYTE *)&outBuffer, XsNativeBufferSize( SmbGetUshort( ¶meters->BufLen )), &entriesRead, &totalEntries, NULL );
if ( !XsApiSuccess( status )) { IF_DEBUG(API_ERRORS) { NetpKdPrint(( "XsNetUserEnum: NetUserEnum failed: %X\n", status )); } Header->Status = (WORD)status; goto cleanup; }
IF_DEBUG(USER) { NetpKdPrint(( "XsNetUserEnum: received %ld entries at %lx\n", entriesRead, outBuffer )); }
// Use the requested level to determine the format of the
// data structure.
switch ( SmbGetUshort( ¶meters->Level ) ) {
case 0:
nativeStructureDesc = Desc32_user_info_0; StructureDesc = Desc16_user_info_0; break;
case 1:
nativeStructureDesc = Desc32_user_info_1; StructureDesc = Desc16_user_info_1; break;
case 2:
nativeStructureDesc = Desc32_user_info_2; StructureDesc = Desc16_user_info_2; break;
case 10:
nativeStructureDesc = Desc32_user_info_10; StructureDesc = Desc16_user_info_10; break;
// Do the actual conversion from the 32-bit structures to 16-bit
// structures.
XsFillEnumBuffer( outBuffer, entriesRead, nativeStructureDesc, (LPVOID)XsSmbGetPointer( ¶meters->Buffer ), (LPVOID)XsSmbGetPointer( ¶meters->Buffer ), SmbGetUshort( ¶meters->BufLen ), StructureDesc, NULL, // verify function
&bytesRequired, &entriesFilled, NULL );
IF_DEBUG(USER) { NetpKdPrint(( "32-bit data at %lx, 16-bit data at %lx, %ld BR," " Entries %ld of %ld\n", outBuffer, SmbGetUlong( ¶meters->Buffer ), bytesRequired, entriesFilled, totalEntries )); }
// If all the entries could not be filled, return ERROR_MORE_DATA,
// and return the buffer as is. Otherwise, the data needs to be
// packed so that we don't send too much useless data.
if ( entriesFilled < totalEntries ) {
Header->Status = ERROR_MORE_DATA;
} else {
Header->Converter = XsPackReturnData( (LPVOID)XsSmbGetPointer( ¶meters->Buffer ), SmbGetUshort( ¶meters->BufLen ), StructureDesc, entriesFilled );
// Set up the response parameters.
SmbPutUshort( ¶meters->EntriesRead, (WORD)entriesFilled ); SmbPutUshort( ¶meters->TotalAvail, (WORD)totalEntries );
cleanup: ; } except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { Header->Status = (WORD)RtlNtStatusToDosError( GetExceptionCode() ); }
NetApiBufferFree( outBuffer );
// Determine return buffer size.
XsSetDataCount( ¶meters->BufLen, StructureDesc, Header->Converter, entriesFilled, Header->Status );
} // XsNetUserEnum
Routine Description:
This routine handles a call to NetUserEnum. This version supports a resumable handle.
API_HANDLER_PARAMETERS - information about the API call. See XsTypes.h for details.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - STATUS_SUCCESS or reason for failure.
{ NET_API_STATUS status;
PXS_NET_USER_ENUM_2 parameters = Parameters; LPVOID outBuffer = NULL; // Native parameters
DWORD TotalEntriesToReturn = 0; LPDESC nativeStructureDesc; DWORD nativeBufferSize = 0xFFFFFFFF;
DWORD entriesRead = 0; DWORD PreviousEntriesRead; DWORD totalEntries; DWORD entriesFilled = 0; // Conversion variables
DWORD bytesRequired;
LPBYTE bufferBegin; DWORD bufferSize; DWORD totalEntriesRead= 0; DWORD resumeKey;
LPBYTE SavedBufferBegin; DWORD SavedBufferSize; DWORD SavedTotalEntriesRead; DWORD SavedResumeKey;
try { IF_DEBUG(USER) { NetpKdPrint(( "XsNetUserEnum2: header at %lx, params at %lx, " "level %ld, buf size %ld\n", Header, parameters, SmbGetUshort( ¶meters->Level ), SmbGetUshort( ¶meters->BufLen ))); }
// Copy input resume handle to output resume handle, and get a copy of it.
resumeKey = SmbGetUlong( ¶meters->ResumeIn ); SmbPutUlong( ¶meters->ResumeOut, resumeKey );
IF_DEBUG(USER) { NetpKdPrint(( "XsNetUserEnum2: resume key is %ld\n", resumeKey )); }
// Use the level to determine the descriptor string.
switch ( SmbGetUshort( ¶meters->Level ) ) {
case 0:
nativeStructureDesc = Desc32_user_info_0; StructureDesc = Desc16_user_info_0; break;
case 1:
nativeStructureDesc = Desc32_user_info_1; StructureDesc = Desc16_user_info_1; break;
case 2:
nativeStructureDesc = Desc32_user_info_2; StructureDesc = Desc16_user_info_2; break;
case 10:
nativeStructureDesc = Desc32_user_info_10; StructureDesc = Desc16_user_info_10; break;
// Unsupported levels, abort before any work.
Header->Status = ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL; goto cleanup; }
// NetUserEnum2 is a resumable API, so we cannot get more information
// from the native call than we can send back. The most efficient way
// to do this is in a loop...we use the 16-bit buffer size to determine
// a safe native buffer size, make the call, fill the entries, then
// take the amount of space remaining and determine a safe size again,
// and so on, until NetUserEnum returns either no entries or all entries
// read.
// Initialize important variables for loop.
bufferBegin = (LPBYTE)XsSmbGetPointer( ¶meters->Buffer ); bufferSize = (DWORD)SmbGetUshort( ¶meters->BufLen ); totalEntriesRead = 0;
for ( ; ; ) {
// Compute a safe size for the native buffer.
// It is better to underguess than overguess. NetUserEnum is relatively
// efficient (especially in the local case) at resuming an enumeration.
// It is relatively inefficient at returning detailed information about
// the enumerated users.
// If nativeBufferSize reaches 1 (or 0),
// NetUserEnum will typically enumerate a single user.
if ( nativeBufferSize > bufferSize/2 ) { nativeBufferSize = bufferSize/2; }
// Remember how many we read last time to ensure we make progress.
PreviousEntriesRead = entriesRead;
// Save away a copy of all the important variables.
// The NetUserEnum API can actually overshoot its PrefMaxLen. The
// values being saved are values known to not already have been overshot.
// We can restore these values later if needed.
SavedBufferBegin = bufferBegin; SavedBufferSize = bufferSize; SavedTotalEntriesRead = totalEntriesRead; SavedResumeKey = resumeKey;
// Make the local call.
status = NetUserEnum( NULL, (DWORD)SmbGetUshort( ¶meters->Level ), FILTER_NORMAL_ACCOUNT, (LPBYTE *)&outBuffer, nativeBufferSize, &entriesRead, &totalEntries, &resumeKey );
if ( !XsApiSuccess( status )) {
IF_DEBUG(API_ERRORS) { NetpKdPrint(( "XsNetUserEnum2: NetUserEnum failed: %X\n", status )); }
Header->Status = (WORD)status; goto cleanup; }
IF_DEBUG(USER) { NetpKdPrint(( "XsNetUserEnum2: received %ld entries out of %ld at %lx asking for %ld bytes.\n", entriesRead, totalEntries, outBuffer, nativeBufferSize ));
NetpKdPrint(( "XsNetUserEnum2: resume key is now %ld\n", resumeKey )); }
// Keep track of the total entries available.
if ( totalEntries > TotalEntriesToReturn ) { TotalEntriesToReturn = totalEntries; }
// Was NetUserEnum able to read at least one complete entry?
if ( entriesRead == 0 ) { break; }
// Do the actual conversion from the 32-bit structures to 16-bit
// structures.
XsFillEnumBuffer( outBuffer, entriesRead, nativeStructureDesc, bufferBegin, (LPBYTE)XsSmbGetPointer( ¶meters->Buffer ), bufferSize, StructureDesc, NULL, // verify function
&bytesRequired, &entriesFilled, NULL );
IF_DEBUG(USER) { NetpKdPrint(( "XsNetUserEnum2: 32-bit data at %lx, 16-bit data at %lx, %ld BR," " Entries %ld of %ld\n", outBuffer, SmbGetUlong( ¶meters->Buffer ), bytesRequired, entriesFilled, entriesRead )); }
// If NetUserEnum overshot PrefMaxLen,
// we can't simply return the collected data since we wouldn't
// know what to use as a ResumeHandle.
if ( entriesRead != entriesFilled ) {
// Restore the saved values.
bufferBegin = SavedBufferBegin; bufferSize = SavedBufferSize; totalEntriesRead = SavedTotalEntriesRead; resumeKey = SavedResumeKey;
// If we have ANY data to return to the caller,
// return the short list now rather than trying to outguess NetUserEnum
if ( totalEntriesRead != 0 ) { IF_DEBUG(USER) { NetpKdPrint(( "XsNetUserEnum2: couldn't pack data: return previous data\n" )); } break; }
// If we've already asked NetUserEnum for the smallest amount,
// just give up.
if ( nativeBufferSize == 1 || entriesRead == 1 ) {
status = NERR_BufTooSmall; IF_DEBUG(API_ERRORS) { NetpKdPrint(( "XsNetUserEnum2: NetUserEnum buffer too small: %X\n", status )); }
Header->Status = (WORD)status; goto cleanup; }
// Otherwise, trim it down and try again.
// If we've tried twice and gotten the same result,
// be really agressive.
if ( entriesRead == PreviousEntriesRead || entriesRead < 10 ) { nativeBufferSize = 1; } else { nativeBufferSize /= 2; }
// If NetUserEnum returned useful data,
// account for it.
} else { //
// Update count of entries read.
totalEntriesRead += entriesRead;
// Are there any more entries to read?
if ( entriesRead == totalEntries ) { break; }
// If we've made the nativeBufferSize so small we're barely making
// progress,
// just return what we have to the caller.
if ( entriesRead == 1 ) { break; }
// Calculate new buffer beginning and size.
bufferBegin += entriesRead * RapStructureSize( StructureDesc, Response, FALSE ); bufferSize -= bytesRequired;
// Don't hassle the last few bytes,
// we'll just overshoot anyway.
if ( bufferSize < 50 ) { break; } }
// Free last native buffer.
NetApiBufferFree( outBuffer ); outBuffer = NULL;
// Upon exit from the loop, totalEntriesRead has the number of entries
// read, TotalEntriesToReturn has the number available from NetUserEnum.
// Formulate return codes, etc. from these values.
if ( totalEntriesRead < TotalEntriesToReturn ) {
Header->Status = ERROR_MORE_DATA;
} else {
Header->Converter = XsPackReturnData( (LPVOID)XsSmbGetPointer( ¶meters->Buffer ), SmbGetUshort( ¶meters->BufLen ), StructureDesc, totalEntriesRead );
IF_DEBUG(USER) { NetpKdPrint(( "XsNetUserEnum2: returning %ld entries of %ld. Resume key is now %ld\n", totalEntriesRead, TotalEntriesToReturn, resumeKey )); }
// Set up the response parameters.
SmbPutUshort( ¶meters->EntriesRead, (WORD)totalEntriesRead ); SmbPutUshort( ¶meters->TotalAvail, (WORD)( TotalEntriesToReturn )); SmbPutUlong( ¶meters->ResumeOut, resumeKey );
cleanup: ; } except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { Header->Status = (WORD)RtlNtStatusToDosError( GetExceptionCode() ); }
NetApiBufferFree( outBuffer );
// Determine return buffer size.
XsSetDataCount( ¶meters->BufLen, StructureDesc, Header->Converter, totalEntriesRead, Header->Status );
} // XsNetUserEnum2
Routine Description:
This routine handles a call to NetUserGetGroups.
API_HANDLER_PARAMETERS - information about the API call. See XsTypes.h for details.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - STATUS_SUCCESS or reason for failure.
{ NET_API_STATUS status;
PXS_NET_USER_GET_GROUPS parameters = Parameters; LPTSTR nativeUserName = NULL; // Native parameters
LPVOID outBuffer= NULL; DWORD entriesRead; DWORD totalEntries;
DWORD entriesFilled = 0; // Conversion variables
DWORD bytesRequired = 0;
try { IF_DEBUG(USER) { NetpKdPrint(( "XsNetUserGetGroups: header at %lx, params at %lx, " "level %ld, buf size %ld\n", Header, parameters, SmbGetUshort( ¶meters->Level ), SmbGetUshort( ¶meters->BufLen ))); }
// Translate parameters, check for errors.
if ( SmbGetUshort( ¶meters->Level ) != 0 ) {
Header->Status = ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL; goto cleanup; }
XsConvertTextParameter( nativeUserName, (LPSTR)XsSmbGetPointer( ¶meters->UserName ) );
// Get the actual information from the local 32-bit call.
status = NetUserGetGroups( NULL, nativeUserName, (DWORD)SmbGetUshort( ¶meters->Level ), (LPBYTE *)&outBuffer, XsNativeBufferSize( SmbGetUshort( ¶meters->BufLen )), &entriesRead, &totalEntries );
if ( !XsApiSuccess( status )) { IF_DEBUG(API_ERRORS) { NetpKdPrint(( "XsNetUserGetGroups: NetUserGetGroups failed: %X\n", status )); } Header->Status = (WORD)status; goto cleanup; }
IF_DEBUG(USER) { NetpKdPrint(( "XsNetUserGetGroups: received %ld entries at %lx\n", entriesRead, outBuffer )); }
// Do the conversion from 32- to 16-bit data.
XsFillEnumBuffer( outBuffer, entriesRead, Desc32_user_group_info_0, (LPVOID)XsSmbGetPointer( ¶meters->Buffer ), (LPVOID)XsSmbGetPointer( ¶meters->Buffer ), SmbGetUshort( ¶meters->BufLen ), Desc16_user_group_info_0, NULL, // verify function
&bytesRequired, &entriesFilled, NULL );
IF_DEBUG(USER) { NetpKdPrint(( "32-bit data at %lx, 16-bit data at %lx, %ld BR," " Entries %ld of %ld\n", outBuffer, SmbGetUlong( ¶meters->Buffer ), bytesRequired, entriesFilled, totalEntries )); }
// If there is no room for one fixed structure, return NERR_BufTooSmall.
// If all the entries could not be filled, return ERROR_MORE_DATA,
// and return the buffer as is. GROUP_INFO_0 structures don't
// need to be packed, because they have no variable data.
if ( !XsCheckBufferSize( SmbGetUshort( ¶meters->BufLen ), Desc16_user_group_info_0, FALSE // not in native format
)) {
Header->Status = NERR_BufTooSmall;
} else if ( entriesFilled < totalEntries ) {
Header->Status = ERROR_MORE_DATA;
// Set up the response parameters.
SmbPutUshort( ¶meters->EntriesRead, (WORD)entriesFilled ); SmbPutUshort( ¶meters->TotalAvail, (WORD)totalEntries );
cleanup: ; } except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { Header->Status = (WORD)RtlNtStatusToDosError( GetExceptionCode() ); }
NetApiBufferFree( outBuffer ); NetpMemoryFree( nativeUserName );
// Determine return buffer size.
XsSetDataCount( ¶meters->BufLen, Desc16_user_group_info_0, Header->Converter, entriesFilled, Header->Status );
} // XsNetUserGetGroups
Routine Description:
This routine handles a call to NetUserGetInfo.
API_HANDLER_PARAMETERS - information about the API call. See XsTypes.h for details.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - STATUS_SUCCESS or reason for failure.
{ NET_API_STATUS status;
PXS_NET_USER_GET_INFO parameters = Parameters; LPTSTR nativeUserName = NULL; // Native parameters
LPVOID outBuffer = NULL;
LPBYTE stringLocation = NULL; // Conversion variables
DWORD bytesRequired = 0; LPBYTE nativeStructureDesc; DWORD level;
try { IF_DEBUG(USER) { NetpKdPrint(( "XsNetUserGetInfo: header at %lx, " "params at %lx, level %ld\n", Header, parameters, SmbGetUshort( ¶meters->Level ) )); }
// Translate parameters, check for errors.
level = SmbGetUshort( ¶meters->Level );
if ( XsWordParamOutOfRange( level, 0, 2 ) && XsWordParamOutOfRange( level, 10, 11 )) {
Header->Status = ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL; goto cleanup; }
XsConvertTextParameter( nativeUserName, (LPSTR)XsSmbGetPointer( ¶meters->UserName ) );
// Make the local call.
status = NetUserGetInfo( NULL, nativeUserName, level, (LPBYTE *)&outBuffer );
if ( !XsApiSuccess( status )) { IF_DEBUG(API_ERRORS) { NetpKdPrint(( "XsNetUserGetInfo: NetUserGetInfo failed: " "%X\n", status )); } Header->Status = (WORD)status; goto cleanup;
// Use the requested level to determine the format of the
// data structure.
switch ( level ) {
case 0:
nativeStructureDesc = Desc32_user_info_0; StructureDesc = Desc16_user_info_0; break;
case 1:
nativeStructureDesc = Desc32_user_info_1; StructureDesc = Desc16_user_info_1; break;
case 2:
{ PUSER_INFO_2 usri2 = outBuffer;
// Call NetpRotateLogonHours to make sure we behave properly
// during DST.
if ( usri2->usri2_logon_hours != NULL ) {
if ( !NetpRotateLogonHours( usri2->usri2_logon_hours, usri2->usri2_units_per_week, FALSE ) ) {
Header->Status = NERR_InternalError; goto cleanup; } }
// Truncate UserParms to 48 bytes
if (( usri2->usri2_parms != NULL ) && (wcslen(usri2->usri2_parms) > LM20_MAXCOMMENTSZ)) { *(usri2->usri2_parms + LM20_MAXCOMMENTSZ) = UNICODE_NULL; } nativeStructureDesc = Desc32_user_info_2; StructureDesc = Desc16_user_info_2; } break;
case 10:
nativeStructureDesc = Desc32_user_info_10; StructureDesc = Desc16_user_info_10; break;
case 11:
{ PUSER_INFO_11 usri11 = outBuffer;
// Call NetpRotateLogonHours to make sure we behave properly
// during DST.
if ( usri11->usri11_logon_hours != NULL ) { if ( !NetpRotateLogonHours( usri11->usri11_logon_hours, usri11->usri11_units_per_week, FALSE ) ) {
Header->Status = NERR_InternalError; goto cleanup; } }
// Truncate UserParms to 48 bytes
if (( usri11->usri11_parms != NULL ) && (wcslen(usri11->usri11_parms) > LM20_MAXCOMMENTSZ)) { *(usri11->usri11_parms + LM20_MAXCOMMENTSZ) = UNICODE_NULL; } nativeStructureDesc = Desc32_user_info_11; StructureDesc = Desc16_user_info_11; } break;
// Convert the structure returned by the 32-bit call to a 16-bit
// structure. The last possible location for variable data is
// calculated from buffer location and length.
stringLocation = (LPBYTE)( XsSmbGetPointer( ¶meters->Buffer ) + SmbGetUshort( ¶meters->BufLen ) );
status = RapConvertSingleEntry( outBuffer, nativeStructureDesc, FALSE, (LPBYTE)XsSmbGetPointer( ¶meters->Buffer ), (LPBYTE)XsSmbGetPointer( ¶meters->Buffer ), StructureDesc, TRUE, &stringLocation, &bytesRequired, Response, NativeToRap );
if ( status != NERR_Success ) { IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) { NetpKdPrint(( "XsNetUserGetInfo: RapConvertSingleEntry failed: " "%X\n", status )); }
Header->Status = NERR_InternalError; goto cleanup; }
IF_DEBUG(USER) { NetpKdPrint(( "32-bit data at %lx, 16-bit data at %lx, %ld BR\n", outBuffer, SmbGetUlong( ¶meters->Buffer ), bytesRequired )); }
// Determine return code based on the size of the buffer.
if ( !XsCheckBufferSize( SmbGetUshort( ¶meters->BufLen ), StructureDesc, FALSE // not in native format
)) {
IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) { NetpKdPrint(( "XsNetUserGetInfo: Buffer too small %ld s.b. %ld.\n", SmbGetUshort( ¶meters->BufLen ), RapStructureSize( StructureDesc, Response, FALSE ) )); } Header->Status = NERR_BufTooSmall;
} else if ( bytesRequired > (DWORD)SmbGetUshort( ¶meters-> BufLen )) {
IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) { NetpKdPrint(( "NetUserGetInfo: More data available.\n" )); } Header->Status = ERROR_MORE_DATA;
} else {
// Pack the response data.
Header->Converter = XsPackReturnData( (LPVOID)XsSmbGetPointer( ¶meters->Buffer ), SmbGetUshort( ¶meters->BufLen ), StructureDesc, 1 ); }
// Set up the response parameters.
SmbPutUshort( ¶meters->TotalAvail, (WORD)bytesRequired );
cleanup: ; } except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { Header->Status = (WORD)RtlNtStatusToDosError( GetExceptionCode() ); }
NetApiBufferFree( outBuffer ); NetpMemoryFree( nativeUserName );
// Determine return buffer size.
XsSetDataCount( ¶meters->BufLen, StructureDesc, Header->Converter, 1, Header->Status );
} // XsNetUserGetInfo
Routine Description:
This routine handles a call to NetUserModalsGet.
API_HANDLER_PARAMETERS - information about the API call. See XsTypes.h for details.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - STATUS_SUCCESS or reason for failure.
{ NET_API_STATUS status;
PXS_NET_USER_MODALS_GET parameters = Parameters; LPVOID outBuffer = NULL; // Native parameters
LPBYTE stringLocation = NULL; // Conversion variables
DWORD bytesRequired = 0; LPBYTE nativeStructureDesc;
try { IF_DEBUG(USER) { NetpKdPrint(( "XsNetUserModalsGet: header at %lx, " "params at %lx, level %ld\n", Header, parameters, SmbGetUshort( ¶meters->Level ) )); }
// Check for errors.
if ( XsWordParamOutOfRange( parameters->Level, 0, 1 )) {
Header->Status = ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL; goto cleanup; }
// Make the local call.
status = NetUserModalsGet( NULL, (DWORD)SmbGetUshort( ¶meters->Level ), (LPBYTE *)&outBuffer );
if ( !XsApiSuccess( status )) { IF_DEBUG(API_ERRORS) { NetpKdPrint(( "XsNetUserModalsGet: NetUserModalsGet failed: " "%X\n", status )); } Header->Status = (WORD)status; goto cleanup;
// Use the requested level to determine the format of the
// data structure.
switch ( SmbGetUshort( ¶meters->Level ) ) {
case 0:
nativeStructureDesc = Desc32_user_modals_info_0; StructureDesc = Desc16_user_modals_info_0; break;
case 1:
nativeStructureDesc = Desc32_user_modals_info_1; StructureDesc = Desc16_user_modals_info_1; break;
// Convert the structure returned by the 32-bit call to a 16-bit
// structure. The last possible location for variable data is
// calculated from buffer location and length.
stringLocation = (LPBYTE)( XsSmbGetPointer( ¶meters->Buffer ) + SmbGetUshort( ¶meters->BufLen ) );
status = RapConvertSingleEntry( outBuffer, nativeStructureDesc, FALSE, (LPBYTE)XsSmbGetPointer( ¶meters->Buffer ), (LPBYTE)XsSmbGetPointer( ¶meters->Buffer ), StructureDesc, TRUE, &stringLocation, &bytesRequired, Response, NativeToRap );
if ( status != NERR_Success ) { IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) { NetpKdPrint(( "XsNetUserModalsGet: RapConvertSingleEntry failed: " "%X\n", status )); }
Header->Status = NERR_InternalError; goto cleanup; }
IF_DEBUG(USER) { NetpKdPrint(( "32-bit data at %lx, 16-bit data at %lx, %ld BR\n", outBuffer, SmbGetUlong( ¶meters->Buffer ), bytesRequired )); }
// Determine return code based on the size of the buffer.
if ( !XsCheckBufferSize( SmbGetUshort( ¶meters->BufLen ), StructureDesc, FALSE // not in native format
)) {
IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) { NetpKdPrint(( "XsNetUserModalsGet: Buffer too small.\n" )); } Header->Status = NERR_BufTooSmall;
} else if ( bytesRequired > (DWORD)SmbGetUshort( ¶meters-> BufLen )) {
IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) { NetpKdPrint(( "NetUserModalsGet: More data available.\n" )); } Header->Status = ERROR_MORE_DATA;
} else {
// Pack the response data.
Header->Converter = XsPackReturnData( (LPVOID)XsSmbGetPointer( ¶meters->Buffer ), SmbGetUshort( ¶meters->BufLen ), StructureDesc, 1 ); }
// Set up the response parameters.
SmbPutUshort( ¶meters->TotalAvail, (WORD)bytesRequired );
cleanup: ; } except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { Header->Status = (WORD)RtlNtStatusToDosError( GetExceptionCode() ); }
NetApiBufferFree( outBuffer );
// Determine return buffer size.
XsSetDataCount( ¶meters->BufLen, StructureDesc, Header->Converter, 1, Header->Status );
} // XsNetUserModalsGet
Routine Description:
This routine handles a call to NetUserModalsSet.
API_HANDLER_PARAMETERS - information about the API call. See XsTypes.h for details.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - STATUS_SUCCESS or reason for failure.
{ NET_API_STATUS status;
PXS_NET_USER_MODALS_SET parameters = Parameters; DWORD nativeLevel; // Native parameters
LPVOID buffer = NULL;
LPDESC setInfoDesc; // Conversion variables
LPDESC nativeSetInfoDesc; LPDESC nativeStructureDesc;
try { //
// Check for errors.
if ( XsWordParamOutOfRange( parameters->Level, 0, 1 )) {
Header->Status = ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL; goto cleanup; }
// First of all, the 32-bit parmnum is a bit messed up. If the level
// is 2, the new parmnum is 5 plus the old parmnum.
nativeLevel = XsLevelFromParmNum( SmbGetUshort( ¶meters->Level ), SmbGetUshort( ¶meters->ParmNum ));
switch ( SmbGetUshort( ¶meters->Level )) {
case 0:
StructureDesc = Desc16_user_modals_info_0; nativeStructureDesc = Desc32_user_modals_info_0; setInfoDesc = Desc16_user_modals_info_0_setinfo; nativeSetInfoDesc = Desc32_user_modals_info_0_setinfo;
case 1:
StructureDesc = Desc16_user_modals_info_1; nativeStructureDesc = Desc32_user_modals_info_1; setInfoDesc = Desc16_user_modals_info_1_setinfo; nativeSetInfoDesc = Desc32_user_modals_info_1_setinfo; if ( nativeLevel != (DWORD)SmbGetUshort( ¶meters->Level )) { nativeLevel += 5; }
status = XsConvertSetInfoBuffer( (LPBYTE)XsSmbGetPointer( ¶meters->Buffer ), SmbGetUshort( ¶meters->BufLen ), SmbGetUshort( ¶meters->ParmNum ), TRUE, TRUE, StructureDesc, nativeStructureDesc, setInfoDesc, nativeSetInfoDesc, (LPBYTE *)&buffer, NULL );
if ( status != NERR_Success ) {
IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) { NetpKdPrint(( "XsNetUserModalsSet: Problem with conversion: %X\n", status )); } Header->Status = (WORD)status; goto cleanup;
// Make the local call.
status = NetUserModalsSet( NULL, nativeLevel, buffer, NULL );
if ( !XsApiSuccess( status )) { IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) { NetpKdPrint(( "XsNetUserModalsSet: NetUserModalsSet failed: %X\n", status )); } Header->Status = (WORD)status; goto cleanup; }
// No return information for this API.
cleanup: ; } except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { Header->Status = (WORD)RtlNtStatusToDosError( GetExceptionCode() ); }
// If there is a native 32-bit buffer, free it.
NetpMemoryFree( buffer );
} // XsNetUserModalsSet
Routine Description:
This routine handles a call to NetUserPasswordSet. This call is translated to NetUserPasswordSet2 when remotely called from a 16-bit machine.
API_HANDLER_PARAMETERS - information about the API call. See XsTypes.h for details.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - STATUS_SUCCESS or reason for failure.
{ NET_API_STATUS status;
PXS_NET_USER_PASSWORD_SET_2 parameters = Parameters; LPTSTR nativeUserName = NULL; // Native parameters
try { //
// Convert the username.
XsConvertTextParameter( nativeUserName, (LPSTR)XsSmbGetPointer( ¶meters->UserName ) );
RtlInitUnicodeString( &UserName, nativeUserName );
// Check the password length.
status = XsCheckAndReplacePassword( (DWORD)( SmbGetUshort( ¶meters->PasswordLength )) );
if ( status != NERR_Success ) { IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) { NetpKdPrint(( "XsNetUserPasswordSet2: XsCheckAndReplacePassword " "failed: %X\n", status )); } goto cleanup; }
status = XsChangePasswordSam( &UserName, parameters->OldPassword, parameters->NewPassword, (BOOLEAN)SmbGetUshort( ¶meters->DataEncryption ) );
// No return data.
cleanup: ; } except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { Header->Status = (WORD)RtlNtStatusToDosError( GetExceptionCode() ); }
NetpMemoryFree( nativeUserName ); Header->Status = (WORD)status;
} // XsNetUserPasswordSet2
Routine Description:
This routine handles a call to NetUserSetGroups.
API_HANDLER_PARAMETERS - information about the API call. See XsTypes.h for details.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - STATUS_SUCCESS or reason for failure.
{ NET_API_STATUS status;
PXS_NET_USER_SET_GROUPS parameters = Parameters; LPTSTR nativeUserName = NULL; // Native parameters
LPBYTE actualBuffer = NULL; DWORD groupCount;
LPBYTE stringLocation = NULL; // Conversion variables
LPVOID buffer = NULL; DWORD bytesRequired = 0; LPDESC longDescriptor = NULL; LPDESC longNativeDescriptor = NULL; DWORD bufferSize; DWORD i;
try { IF_DEBUG(USER) { NetpKdPrint(( "XsNetUserSetGroups: header at %lx, params at %lx," "level %ld\n", Header, parameters, SmbGetUshort( ¶meters->Level ) )); }
// Translate parameters, check for errors.
if ( SmbGetUshort( ¶meters->Level ) != 0 ) {
Header->Status = ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL; goto cleanup; }
StructureDesc = Desc16_user_group_info_0_set; AuxStructureDesc = Desc16_user_group_info_0;
XsConvertTextParameter( nativeUserName, (LPSTR)XsSmbGetPointer( ¶meters->UserName ) );
// Use the count of group_info_0 structures to form a long
// descriptor string which can be used to do all the conversion
// in one pass.
groupCount = (DWORD)SmbGetUshort( ¶meters->Entries );
longDescriptor = NetpMemoryAllocate( strlen( StructureDesc ) + strlen( AuxStructureDesc ) * groupCount + 1 ); longNativeDescriptor = NetpMemoryAllocate( strlen( Desc32_user_group_info_0_set ) + strlen( Desc32_user_group_info_0 ) * groupCount + 1 );
if (( longDescriptor == NULL ) || ( longNativeDescriptor == NULL )) { IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) { NetpKdPrint(( "XsNetUserSetGroups: failed to allocate memory" )); } Header->Status = NERR_NoRoom; goto cleanup; }
strcpy( longDescriptor, StructureDesc ); strcpy( longNativeDescriptor, Desc32_user_group_info_0_set ); for ( i = 0; i < groupCount; i++ ) { strcat( longDescriptor, AuxStructureDesc ); strcat( longNativeDescriptor, Desc32_user_group_info_0 ); }
// Figure out if there is enough room in the buffer for all this
// data. If not, return NERR_BufTooSmall.
if ( !XsCheckBufferSize( SmbGetUshort( ¶meters->BufLen ), longDescriptor, FALSE // not in native format
)) {
IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) { NetpKdPrint(( "XsNetUserSetGroups: Buffer too small.\n" )); } Header->Status = NERR_BufTooSmall; goto cleanup; }
// Find out how big a buffer we need to allocate to hold the native
// 32-bit version of the input data structure.
bufferSize = XsBytesForConvertedStructure( (LPBYTE)XsSmbGetPointer( ¶meters->Buffer ), longDescriptor, longNativeDescriptor, RapToNative, TRUE );
// Allocate enough memory to hold the converted native buffer.
buffer = NetpMemoryAllocate( bufferSize );
if ( buffer == NULL ) { IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) { NetpKdPrint(( "XsNetUserSetGroups: failed to create buffer" )); } Header->Status = NERR_NoRoom; goto cleanup; }
IF_DEBUG(USER) { NetpKdPrint(( "XsNetUserSetGroups: buffer of %ld bytes at %lx\n", bufferSize, buffer )); }
// Convert the buffer from 16-bit to 32-bit.
stringLocation = (LPBYTE)buffer + bufferSize; bytesRequired = 0;
status = RapConvertSingleEntry( (LPBYTE)XsSmbGetPointer( ¶meters->Buffer ), longDescriptor, TRUE, buffer, buffer, longNativeDescriptor, FALSE, &stringLocation, &bytesRequired, Response, RapToNative );
if ( status != NERR_Success ) { IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) { NetpKdPrint(( "XsNetUserSetGroups: RapConvertSingleEntry failed: " "%X\n", status )); }
Header->Status = NERR_InternalError; goto cleanup; }
// Check if we got all the entries. If not, we'll quit.
if ( RapAuxDataCount( buffer, Desc32_user_group_info_0_set, Both, TRUE ) != groupCount ) {
Header->Status = NERR_BufTooSmall; goto cleanup; }
// If there are no entries, there's no data. Otherwise, the data comes
// after an initial header structure.
if ( groupCount > 0 ) {
actualBuffer = (LPBYTE)buffer + RapStructureSize( Desc32_user_group_info_0_set, Both, TRUE );
} else {
actualBuffer = NULL; }
// Make the local call.
status = NetUserSetGroups( NULL, nativeUserName, (DWORD)SmbGetUshort( ¶meters->Level ), actualBuffer, (DWORD)groupCount );
if ( !XsApiSuccess( status )) { IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) { NetpKdPrint(( "XsNetUserSetGroups: NetUserSetGroups failed: %X\n", status )); } Header->Status = (WORD)status; goto cleanup; }
// There is no real return information for this API.
cleanup: ; } except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { Header->Status = (WORD)RtlNtStatusToDosError( GetExceptionCode() ); }
NetpMemoryFree( buffer ); NetpMemoryFree( longDescriptor ); NetpMemoryFree( longNativeDescriptor ); NetpMemoryFree( nativeUserName );
} // XsNetUserSetGroups
Routine Description:
This routine handles a call to NetUserSetInfo2. A remote NetUserGetInfo2 call from a 16-bit machine is translated to NetUserGetInfo2, with an encrypted password. This routine has to check for a password set and handle it properly, by using level 21 to set the password.
API_HANDLER_PARAMETERS - information about the API call. See XsTypes.h for details.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - STATUS_SUCCESS or reason for failure.
PXS_NET_USER_SET_INFO_2 parameters = Parameters; LPTSTR nativeUserName = NULL; // Native parameters
LPVOID buffer = NULL; WORD bufLen; DWORD level; BYTE newPassword[ENCRYPTED_PWLEN];
LPDESC setInfoDesc; // Conversion variables
LPVOID nativePasswordArea = NULL; // Points to Unicode or encrypted.
LPDESC nativeSetInfoDesc; LPDESC nativeStructureDesc; LPUSER_INFO_2 user = NULL; PUSER_16_INFO_1 user16 = NULL; USER_INFO_1020 usri1020; BOOLEAN changePassword = FALSE; BOOLEAN changeUserInfo = FALSE; BOOLEAN encryptionSupported = TRUE; WORD parmNum; PUSER_INFO_2 Susri2 = NULL;
// avoid warnings;
try { bufLen = SmbGetUshort( ¶meters->BufLen ); level = SmbGetUshort( ¶meters->Level ); parmNum = SmbGetUshort( ¶meters->ParmNum );
IF_DEBUG(USER) { NetpKdPrint(( "XsNetUserSetInfo2: header at " FORMAT_LPVOID ", " "params at " FORMAT_LPVOID ",\n " "level " FORMAT_DWORD ", parmnum " FORMAT_DWORD ", " "buflen " FORMAT_WORD_ONLY "\n", Header, parameters, level, parmNum, bufLen )); }
// Translate parameters
XsConvertTextParameter( nativeUserName, (LPSTR)XsSmbGetPointer( ¶meters->UserName ) );
// Check if password is encrypted. We know for a fact that dos redirs
// don't support encryption
encryptionSupported = (BOOLEAN) ( SmbGetUshort( ¶meters->DataEncryption ) == TRUE );
// Determine descriptor strings based on level.
switch ( level ) {
case 1:
StructureDesc = Desc16_user_info_1; setInfoDesc = Desc16_user_info_1_setinfo;
if ( encryptionSupported ) { nativeStructureDesc = Desc32_user_info_1; nativeSetInfoDesc = Desc32_user_info_1_setinfo; } else { nativeStructureDesc = Desc32_user_info_1_NC; nativeSetInfoDesc = Desc32_user_info_1_setinfo_NC; }
case 2:
StructureDesc = Desc16_user_info_2; setInfoDesc = Desc16_user_info_2_setinfo;
if ( encryptionSupported ) { nativeStructureDesc = Desc32_user_info_2; nativeSetInfoDesc = Desc32_user_info_2_setinfo; } else { nativeStructureDesc = Desc32_user_info_2_NC; nativeSetInfoDesc = Desc32_user_info_2_setinfo_NC; } break;
default: status = ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL; goto cleanup; }
if (parmNum != USER_PASSWORD_PARMNUM) { status = XsConvertSetInfoBuffer( (LPBYTE)XsSmbGetPointer( ¶meters->Buffer ), bufLen, parmNum, TRUE, // yes, convert strings
TRUE, // yes, meaningless input pointers
StructureDesc, nativeStructureDesc, setInfoDesc, nativeSetInfoDesc, (LPBYTE *)&buffer, NULL // don't need output buffer size
if ( status != NERR_Success ) {
IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) { NetpKdPrint(( "XsNetUserSetInfo2: Problem with conversion: " FORMAT_API_STATUS "\n", status )); } goto cleanup;
} else { XsConvertTextParameter( buffer, (LPSTR)XsSmbGetPointer( ¶meters->Buffer ) ); } NetpAssert( buffer != NULL );
// Check the password length. A value of -1 means caller wants us
// to compute the length; see XsNetUserSetInfo below.
if ( parmNum == PARMNUM_ALL || parmNum == USER_PASSWORD_PARMNUM) { WORD passwordLength = SmbGetUshort( ¶meters->PasswordLength );
if (parmNum == PARMNUM_ALL) { LPUSER_INFO_2 userInfo = (LPVOID) buffer; // Native structure.
nativePasswordArea = userInfo->usri2_password; // May be NULL.
} else { nativePasswordArea = buffer; // Entire native buffer.
if (nativePasswordArea == NULL) { status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto cleanup; } }
if (passwordLength == (WORD)(-1)) { if (parameters->DataEncryption) { parameters->PasswordLength = ENCRYPTED_PWLEN; } else if (nativePasswordArea != NULL) { // Unencrypted, count is number of chars, w/o null char.
parameters->PasswordLength = (USHORT)wcslen( nativePasswordArea ); } else { parameters->PasswordLength = 0; } }
status = XsCheckAndReplacePassword( (DWORD)( SmbGetUshort( ¶meters->PasswordLength )) );
if ( status != NERR_Success ) { IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) { NetpKdPrint(( "XsNetUserSetInfo2: XsCheckAndReplacePassword " "failed: " FORMAT_API_STATUS "\n", status )); } goto cleanup; }
// If necessary, do work with passwords. Also, translate the parmnum to
// an info level.
switch( parmNum ) {
// Get the encrypted password.
user16 = (PUSER_16_INFO_1)XsSmbGetPointer( ¶meters->Buffer );
RtlCopyMemory( newPassword, user16->usri1_password, ENCRYPTED_PWLEN );
user = (LPUSER_INFO_2)buffer; user->usri2_password = NULL;
if ( level == 2 && user->usri2_logon_hours != NULL ) {
// Call NetpRotateLogonHours to make sure we behave properly
// during DST.
if ( !NetpRotateLogonHours( user->usri2_logon_hours, user->usri2_units_per_week, TRUE ) ) {
status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto cleanup; } }
changePassword = TRUE; changeUserInfo = TRUE; break;
// We will use level 21 for changing passwords.
// Get the encrypted password.
RtlCopyMemory( newPassword, (PVOID)XsSmbGetPointer( ¶meters->Buffer ), ENCRYPTED_PWLEN );
changePassword = TRUE; break;
usri1020.usri1020_units_per_week = UNITS_PER_WEEK; usri1020.usri1020_logon_hours = (LPBYTE)XsSmbGetPointer( ¶meters->Buffer );
// Call NetpRotateLogonHours to make sure we behave properly
// during DST.
if ( !NetpRotateLogonHours( usri1020.usri1020_logon_hours, usri1020.usri1020_units_per_week, TRUE ) ) {
status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto cleanup; }
// Lack of break is intentional
changeUserInfo = TRUE; level = PARMNUM_BASE_INFOLEVEL + parmNum;
break; }
// Bug 114883
// Downlevel clients cannot set more than 48 wchars and if the server
// did have more than 48 wchars, we were truncating it! We merge the
// data that the client sent with what exists on the server
if ((buffer != NULL) && (changeUserInfo) && ((level == 2) || (parmNum == USER_PARMS_PARMNUM))) { PUSER_INFO_2 Cusri2 = NULL; PUSER_INFO_1013 Cusri1013 = NULL; LPWSTR UserParms = NULL;
// Get the pointer to the client's userparms
if (level == 2) { Cusri2 = buffer; UserParms = Cusri2->usri2_parms; } else { Cusri1013 = buffer; UserParms = Cusri1013->usri1013_parms; } //
// Make the local call.
status = NetUserGetInfo( NULL, nativeUserName, level, (LPBYTE *)&Susri2 );
if ( !XsApiSuccess( status )) { IF_DEBUG(API_ERRORS) { NetpKdPrint(( "XsNetUserGetInfo: NetUserGetInfo failed: " "%X\n", status )); } goto cleanup; }
// If the server userparms field is > 48, we want to do something special
if (( Susri2->usri2_parms != NULL ) && (wcslen(Susri2->usri2_parms) > LM20_MAXCOMMENTSZ)) { //
// We need to merge the returned bytes with the local ones
UINT Length = 0;
if ( UserParms != NULL ) { //
// Just to be safe, we never over-write more than 48 wchars.
Length = wcslen(UserParms);
if (Length > LM20_MAXCOMMENTSZ) { Length = LM20_MAXCOMMENTSZ; } }
// we copy the bytes that the client sent, but only upto
// 48 wchars.
RtlCopyMemory( Susri2->usri2_parms, UserParms, Length * sizeof(WCHAR));
// From Length to LM20_MAXCOMMENTSZ, we pad with blanks
while (Length < LM20_MAXCOMMENTSZ) { Susri2->usri2_parms[Length++] = L' '; }
// Save the merged user parms
if (level == 2 ) { Cusri2->usri2_parms = Susri2->usri2_parms; } else { Cusri1013->usri1013_parms = Susri2->usri2_parms; } } }
// Change user infos other than the password
if ( changeUserInfo ) {
status = NetUserSetInfo( NULL, nativeUserName, level, buffer, NULL );
if ( !XsApiSuccess( status )) { IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) { NetpKdPrint(( "XsNetUserSetInfo2: NetUserSetInfo failed: %X\n", status )); } goto cleanup; }
// If there was a Macintosh primary group field for this user, then
// set the primary group.
if ( (level == 2) && NetpIsMacPrimaryGroupFieldValid( (LPCTSTR)user->usri2_parms ) ) { NET_API_STATUS status1; status1 = XsSetMacPrimaryGroup( (LPCTSTR)nativeUserName, (LPCTSTR)user->usri2_parms ); if ( !XsApiSuccess( status1 )) { IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) { NetpKdPrint(( "XsNetUserSetInfo2: SetMacPrimaryGroup " "failed: %X\n", status1 )); } } } else if ( (level == USER_PARMS_INFOLEVEL) && NetpIsMacPrimaryGroupFieldValid( (LPCTSTR)((LPUSER_INFO_1013)buffer)->usri1013_parms ) ) { NET_API_STATUS status1; status1 = XsSetMacPrimaryGroup( (LPCTSTR)nativeUserName, (LPCTSTR)((LPUSER_INFO_1013)buffer)->usri1013_parms ); if ( !XsApiSuccess( status1 )) { IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) { NetpKdPrint(( "XsNetUserSetInfo2: SetMacPrimaryGroup " "failed: %X\n", status1 )); } } }
// If there is a pending password change, do it now.
if ( changePassword ) {
USER_INFO_21 user21;
if ( !encryptionSupported ) {
// Do not change password if user sent all blanks. Clear text
// passwords are only 14 bytes (LM20_PWLEN) long.
if ( RtlCompareMemory( newPassword, NULL_USERSETINFO_PASSWD, LM20_PWLEN ) == LM20_PWLEN ) {
status = NERR_Success; goto cleanup; }
// Change clear text password to OWF
(VOID) RtlCalculateLmOwfPassword( (PLM_PASSWORD) newPassword, (PLM_OWF_PASSWORD) user21.usri21_password );
} else {
// Decrypt doubly encrypted password with the encryption key
// provided creating an OWF encrypted password.
(VOID) RtlDecryptLmOwfPwdWithLmSesKey( (PENCRYPTED_LM_OWF_PASSWORD) newPassword, (PLM_SESSION_KEY) Header->EncryptionKey, (PLM_OWF_PASSWORD) user21.usri21_password );
// Generate the NULL Owf Password.
// Compare the Owf password the client sent and the Owf password
// for the NULL password. Do not change the password if this is
// the case.
if ( RtlCompareMemory( user21.usri21_password, NullOwfPassword, ENCRYPTED_PWLEN ) == ENCRYPTED_PWLEN ) {
status = NERR_Success; goto cleanup;
} }
status = NetUserSetInfo( NULL, nativeUserName, 21, (LPBYTE)&user21, NULL );
if ( !XsApiSuccess( status )) { IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) { NetpKdPrint(( "XsNetUserSetInfo2: NetUserSetInfo failed: " "%X\n", status )); } goto cleanup; }
// No return information for this API.
cleanup: ; } except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { status = (WORD)RtlNtStatusToDosError( GetExceptionCode() ); }
// If there is a native 32-bit buffer, free it.
if (Susri2) NetApiBufferFree( Susri2); Header->Status = (WORD)status; NetpMemoryFree( buffer ); NetpMemoryFree( nativeUserName );
} // XsNetUserSetInfo2
Routine Description:
This routine handles a call to NetUserSetInfo. Since this is a subset of the newer NetUserSetInfo2, we just convert into a call to that.
API_HANDLER_PARAMETERS - information about the API call. See XsTypes.h for details.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - STATUS_SUCCESS or reason for failure.
{ WORD dataEncryption; WORD bufLen; WORD level; NTSTATUS ntStatus; WORD parmNum; PXS_NET_USER_SET_INFO subsetParameters = Parameters; XS_NET_USER_SET_INFO_2 supersetParameters;
bufLen = SmbGetUshort( &subsetParameters->BufLen ); dataEncryption = SmbGetUshort( &subsetParameters->DataEncryption ); level = SmbGetUshort( &subsetParameters->Level ); parmNum = SmbGetUshort( &subsetParameters->ParmNum );
try { IF_DEBUG(USER) { NetpKdPrint(( "XsNetUserSetInfo: header at " FORMAT_LPVOID ", " "params at " FORMAT_LPVOID ",\n level " FORMAT_DWORD ", " "parmnum " FORMAT_DWORD ", buflen " FORMAT_LONG "\n", Header, subsetParameters, (DWORD) level, (DWORD) parmNum, (LONG) bufLen )); }
// Create parms for XsNetUserSetInfo2()...
supersetParameters.Buffer = subsetParameters->Buffer; supersetParameters.UserName = subsetParameters->UserName;
SmbPutUshort( &supersetParameters.Level, level ); SmbPutUshort( &supersetParameters.BufLen, bufLen ); SmbPutUshort( &supersetParameters.ParmNum, parmNum ); SmbPutUshort( &supersetParameters.DataEncryption, dataEncryption );
// Set info 2 will calc password length for us if we give it -1.
SmbPutUshort( &supersetParameters.PasswordLength, (WORD)(-1) );
// Invoke new version of API.
ntStatus = XsNetUserSetInfo2( Header, &supersetParameters, StructureDesc, AuxStructureDesc );
} except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { ntStatus = GetExceptionCode(); }
return (ntStatus);
} // XsNetUserSetInfo