Copyright (c) 1993-1995, Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.
Module Name:
This is the public include file for some of the functions used by User Manager and Server Manager.
Congpa You 02-Dec-1993 Created.
Revision History:
#ifndef _NWSUTIL_H_
#define _NWSUTIL_H_
#include <crypt.h>
#include <fpnwname.h>
/** Function Prototypes **/
NTSTATUS GetNcpSecretKey( CHAR *pchNWSecretKey );
NTSTATUS GetRemoteNcpSecretKey ( PUNICODE_STRING SystemName, CHAR *pchNWSecretKey );
BOOL IsNetWareInstalled( VOID );
ULONG MapRidToObjectId( DWORD dwRid, LPWSTR pszUserName, BOOL fNTAS, BOOL fBuiltin );
ULONG SwapObjectId( ULONG ulObjectId ) ;
NTSTATUS InstallNetWare( LPWSTR lpNcpSecretKey );
VOID Shuffle( UCHAR *achObjectId, UCHAR *szUpperPassword, int iPasswordLen, UCHAR *achOutputBuffer );
//Encryption function
NTSTATUS ReturnNetwareForm (const char * pszSecretValue, DWORD dwUserId, const WCHAR * pchNWPassword, UCHAR * pchEncryptedNWPassword);
#endif // _NWSUTIL_H_