Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module implements the routines for the Authz audit queue.
Jeff Hamblin - May 2000
User mode only.
Revision History:
Created - May 2000
The Authz Audit Queue Algorithm
The following are used in the queueing algorithm:
hAuthzAuditQueueLowEvent - event that is signalled when threads are free to place audits on the queue (queue is below high water mark). Note that this is an auto reset event: when the event is signalled, exactly one waiting thread is scheduled to run and the event then returns to a nonsignalled state.
bAuthzAuditQueueHighEvent - boolean indicating that audits may not be added (queue is over high water mark).
hAuthzAuditAddedEvent - event that is signalled when the queue is empty and an audit get placed on the queue. The dequeueing thread runs when this is signalled.
hAuthzAuditQueueEmptyEvent - signals when the queue is empty. AuthzAuditQueue - doubly linked list. This is the audit queue.
AuthzAuditQueueLength - The current number of audits in the queue.
hAuthzAuditThread - the dequeueing thread. AuthzAuditQueueLock - critical section locking the queue and related variables.
Assume that the Resource Manager wishes to monitor the queue length and has specified High and Low water marks to control the growth of the queue. If the queue length reaches the High water mark, then all queueing threads will be blocked until the dequeueing thread has reduced the queue length to the Low water mark.
Here is the flow of code for a thread attempting to log an audit (via AuthziLogAuditEvent()) when the Resource Manager is monitoring the queue length:
if QueueLength > .75 * HighWater # this is heuristic to save unnecessary wait until the LowEvent is signalled # kernel transitions enter queue critical section { insert audit on queue QueueLength ++ signal AuditAddedEvent # notifying the dequeue thread if (QueueLength >= HighWater) { bHigh = TRUE } } leave critical section ...[code overhead, execute cleanup code in AuthziLogAuditEvent ...] enter queue critical section { if (!bHigh) { if (QueueLength <= HighWater) { signal LowEvent #allow other threads to run } } ASSERT(FALSE); } leave critical section Here is the algorithm for the dequeueing thread:
while (TRUE) { wait for AuditAdded event while (QueueLength > 0) { enter queue critical section { remove audit from head of list QueueLength-- if (bHigh) { if (QueueLength <= LowWater) { bHigh = FALSE signal LowEvent # tell threads it is okay to queue } } } release critical section Send to LSA } enter critical section { if (QueueLength == 0) { reset AuditAdded event # make myself wait } } release critical section }
#include "pch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <authzp.h>
#include <authzi.h>
LONG AuthzpAuditsEnqueued = 0; LONG AuthzpAuditsDequeued = 0; #endif
Routine Description
This enqueues an audit without regard to any queue size limits. It does minimal event management. Arguments
pQueue - Pointer to the queue to place the audit on. pAudit - Pointer to the audit to enqueue. Return Value
Boolean, TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Extended information available with GetLastError(). --*/
{ BOOL b = TRUE;
RtlEnterCriticalSection(&pQueue->AuthzAuditQueueLock); InsertTailList(&pQueue->AuthzAuditQueue, &pAudit->list); pQueue->AuthzAuditQueueLength++; #ifdef AUTHZ_AUDIT_COUNTER
InterlockedIncrement(&AuthzpAuditsEnqueued); #endif
// Only set the AuditAdded event if the length goes from 0 to 1. This
// saves us redundant kernel transitions.
if (pQueue->AuthzAuditQueueLength == 1) { b = SetEvent(pQueue->hAuthzAuditAddedEvent); if (!b) { ASSERT(L"AUTHZ: SetEvent on hAuthzAuditAddedEvent handle failed." && FALSE); goto Cleanup; } b = ResetEvent(pQueue->hAuthzAuditQueueEmptyEvent); if (!b) { ASSERT(L"AUTHZ: ResetEvent on hAuthzAuditQueueEmptyEvent handle failed." && FALSE); goto Cleanup; } }
RtlLeaveCriticalSection(&pQueue->AuthzAuditQueueLock); return b; }
Routine Description
This enqueues an audit and sets appropriate events for queue size monitoring. Arguments
pQueue - pointer to the queue to place audit on. pAudit - pointer to the audit to queue. Return Value
Boolean, TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Extended information available with GetLastError(). --*/
{ BOOL b = TRUE;
RtlEnterCriticalSection(&pQueue->AuthzAuditQueueLock); InsertTailList(&pQueue->AuthzAuditQueue, &pAudit->list); pQueue->AuthzAuditQueueLength++; #ifdef AUTHZ_AUDIT_COUNTER
InterlockedIncrement(&AuthzpAuditsEnqueued); #endif
// Only set the AuditAdded event if the length goes from 0 to 1. This
// saves us redundant kernel transitions.
if (pQueue->AuthzAuditQueueLength == 1) { b = SetEvent(pQueue->hAuthzAuditAddedEvent); if (!b) { ASSERT(L"AUTHZ: SetEvent on hAuthzAuditAddedEvent handle failed." && FALSE); goto Cleanup; }
b = ResetEvent(pQueue->hAuthzAuditQueueEmptyEvent); if (!b) { ASSERT(L"AUTHZ: ResetEvent on hAuthzAuditQueueEmptyEvent handle failed." && FALSE); goto Cleanup; } }
if (pQueue->AuthzAuditQueueLength >= pQueue->dwAuditQueueHigh) { #ifdef AUTHZ_DEBUG_QUEUE
wprintf(L"___Setting HIGH water mark ON\n"); fflush(stdout); #endif
pQueue->bAuthzAuditQueueHighEvent = TRUE; }
RtlLeaveCriticalSection(&pQueue->AuthzAuditQueueLock); return b; }
ULONG AuthzpDeQueueThreadWorker( LPVOID lpParameter )
Routine Description
This is the function run by the dequeueing thread. It pulls audits from the queue and sends them to LSA. Arguments
lpParameter - generic thread parameter. The actual parameter passed in is of type PAUTHZI_AUDIT_QUEUE. Return Value
None. --*/
while (pQueue->bWorker) {
// The thread waits until there are audits in the queue.
dwError = WaitForSingleObject( pQueue->hAuthzAuditAddedEvent, INFINITE );
// If the wait does not succeed either something is very wrong or the hAuthzAuditAddedEvent
// was closed, indicating that the RM is freeing its hRMAuditInfo. The thread should exit.
if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 != dwError) { ASSERT(L"WaitForSingleObject on hAuthzAuditAddedEvent failed." && FALSE); }
// The thread remains active while there are audits in the queue.
while (pQueue->AuthzAuditQueueLength > 0) { RtlEnterCriticalSection(&pQueue->AuthzAuditQueueLock); pAuditEntry = (PAUTHZ_AUDIT_QUEUE_ENTRY) (pQueue->AuthzAuditQueue).Flink; RemoveEntryList(&pAuditEntry->list); pQueue->AuthzAuditQueueLength--;
InterlockedIncrement(&AuthzpAuditsDequeued); #endif
if (FLAG_ON(pQueue->Flags, AUTHZ_MONITOR_AUDIT_QUEUE_SIZE)) { if (TRUE == pQueue->bAuthzAuditQueueHighEvent) { if (pQueue->AuthzAuditQueueLength <= pQueue->dwAuditQueueLow) { //
// If the High flag is on and the length is now reduced to the low water mark, then
// set appropriate events.
pQueue->bAuthzAuditQueueHighEvent = FALSE; b = SetEvent(pQueue->hAuthzAuditQueueLowEvent); if (!b) { ASSERT(L"SetEvent on hAuthzAuditQueueLowEvent failed." && FALSE); } #ifdef AUTHZ_DEBUG_QUEUE
wprintf(L"** _____ TURNING HIGH WATER OFF _____\n"); fflush(stdout); #endif
} } } RtlLeaveCriticalSection(&pQueue->AuthzAuditQueueLock);
b = AuthzpSendAuditToLsa( (AUDIT_HANDLE)(pAuditEntry->pAAETO->hAudit), pAuditEntry->Flags, pAuditEntry->pAuditParams, pAuditEntry->pReserved );
if (!b) { DbgPrint("Error in AuthzpSendAuditToLsa() :: Error = %d = 0x%x\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError()); DbgPrint("Context = 0x%x\n", pAuditEntry->pAAETO->hAudit); DbgPrint("Flags = 0x%x\n", pAuditEntry->Flags); DbgPrint("Params = 0x%x\n", pAuditEntry->pAuditParams); ASSERT(FALSE); } #endif
b = AuthzpDereferenceAuditEventType((AUTHZ_AUDIT_EVENT_TYPE_HANDLE)pAuditEntry->pAAETO); if (!b) { ASSERT(FALSE && L"Deref AuditEventType failed."); } AuthzpFree(pAuditEntry->pAuditParams); AuthzpFree(pAuditEntry); }
RtlEnterCriticalSection(&pQueue->AuthzAuditQueueLock); if (0 == pQueue->AuthzAuditQueueLength) { b = ResetEvent(pQueue->hAuthzAuditAddedEvent); if (!b) { ASSERT(L"ResetEvent on hAuthzAuditAddedEvent failed." && FALSE); } b = SetEvent(pQueue->hAuthzAuditQueueEmptyEvent); if (!b) { ASSERT(L"SetEvent on hAuthzAuditQueueEmptyEvent failed." && FALSE); } } RtlLeaveCriticalSection(&pQueue->AuthzAuditQueueLock); } return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
Routine Description
This is called from AuthzpGenerateAudit as a wrapper around LSA and AuthziLogAuditEvent functionality. It places the appropriate audit information on a queue for sending to LSA.
AuditTypeFlag - mask to specify success | failure audit generation. Only one bit at a time.
pAuthzClientContext - pointer to Authz context representing the client.
pAuditEvent - Object specific audit info will be passed in this structure.
pRM - Resource manager that generates the audit.
LocalTypeList - Internal object type list structure.
pRequest - specifies the desired access mask, principal self sid, the object type list structure (if any).
pReply - The reply structure to return the results.
Return Value
TRUE if successful, FALSE if not. Extended information available with GetLastError().
BOOL b; AUDIT_PARAMS AuditParams = {0}; AUDIT_PARAM ParamArray[SE_MAX_AUDIT_PARAMETERS] = {0}; PAUTHZI_AUDIT_EVENT pCapturedAuditEvent = NULL; UCHAR pBuffer[AUTHZ_BUFFER_CAPTURE_MAX] = {0}; AUDIT_OBJECT_TYPE FixedObjectTypeToAudit = {0}; AUDIT_OBJECT_TYPES ObjectTypeListAudit = {0}; PAUDIT_OBJECT_TYPE ObjectTypesToAudit = NULL; USHORT ObjectTypeAuditCount = 0; LONG i = 0; LONG j = 0; DWORD APF_AuditTypeFlag = 0; ACCESS_MASK MaskToAudit = 0; //
// Capture pAuditEvent, as we may change the pAuditParams member and would like to
// avoid the inevitable race that would follow.
if (AUTHZ_BUFFER_CAPTURE_MAX >= pAuditEvent->dwSize) { pCapturedAuditEvent = (PAUTHZI_AUDIT_EVENT) pBuffer; RtlCopyMemory( pCapturedAuditEvent, pAuditEvent, pAuditEvent->dwSize ); } else { pCapturedAuditEvent = AuthzpAlloc(pAuditEvent->dwSize); if (AUTHZ_ALLOCATION_FAILED(pCapturedAuditEvent)) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); b = FALSE; goto Cleanup; }
RtlCopyMemory( pCapturedAuditEvent, pAuditEvent, pAuditEvent->dwSize );
// Make sure only one valid bit is on in the AuditTypeFlag. If a RM needs to generate
// both success and failure audits, then two separate calls should be made.
// Set the APF_AuditTypeFlag. LSA has its own flags for audit success
// and audit failure. Authz must map the Authz flag to the LSA APF equivalent.
if (FLAG_ON(AuditTypeFlag, AUTHZ_OBJECT_SUCCESS_AUDIT)) { APF_AuditTypeFlag = APF_AuditSuccess; //
// Test if the RM specifically disabled success audits
if (FLAG_ON(pCapturedAuditEvent->Flags, AUTHZ_NO_SUCCESS_AUDIT)) { b = TRUE; goto Cleanup; } } else if (FLAG_ON(AuditTypeFlag, AUTHZ_OBJECT_FAILURE_AUDIT)) { APF_AuditTypeFlag = APF_AuditFailure; //
// Test if the RM specifically disabled failure audits
if (FLAG_ON(pCapturedAuditEvent->Flags, AUTHZ_NO_FAILURE_AUDIT)) { b = TRUE; goto Cleanup; } } else { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); b = FALSE; goto Cleanup; }
// Set the AUTHZ_AUDIT_QUEUE_HANDLE and AUTHZ_AUDIT_EVENT_TYPE_HANDLE of the AuditEvent if they are not yet set.
if (NULL == pCapturedAuditEvent->hAET) { if (FLAG_ON(pCapturedAuditEvent->Flags, AUTHZ_DS_CATEGORY_FLAG)) { pCapturedAuditEvent->hAET = pRM->hAETDS; } else { pCapturedAuditEvent->hAET = pRM->hAET; } }
if (NULL == pAuditEvent->hAuditQueue) { pCapturedAuditEvent->hAuditQueue = pRM->hAuditQueue; InterlockedCompareExchangePointer( &pAuditEvent->hAuditQueue, pRM->hAuditQueue, NULL ); } //
// Decide what access bits we should audit
MaskToAudit = (APF_AuditTypeFlag == APF_AuditSuccess) ? pReply->GrantedAccessMask[0] : pRequest->DesiredAccess;
// If the RM gives us an AUDIT_PARAMS structure to marshall, then we don't
// need to generate our own.
if (AUTHZ_NON_NULL_PTR(pCapturedAuditEvent->pAuditParams)) { //
// Capture the AuditParams so that we can change the User SID without racing.
RtlCopyMemory( &AuditParams, pCapturedAuditEvent->pAuditParams, sizeof(AUDIT_PARAMS) );
ASSERT(pCapturedAuditEvent->pAuditParams->Count <= SE_MAX_AUDIT_PARAMETERS);
RtlCopyMemory( &ParamArray, pCapturedAuditEvent->pAuditParams->Parameters, sizeof(AUDIT_PARAM) * pCapturedAuditEvent->pAuditParams->Count );
AuditParams.Parameters = ParamArray;
// Replace the SID in the AUDIT_PARAMS with the SID of the current Client Context.
if (AUTHZ_NON_NULL_PTR(pAuthzClientContext->Sids[0].Sid)) { AuditParams.Parameters[0].Data0 = (ULONG_PTR) pAuthzClientContext->Sids[0].Sid; }
AuditParams.Flags = APF_AuditTypeFlag;
pCapturedAuditEvent->pAuditParams = &AuditParams;
b = AuthziLogAuditEvent( 0, (AUTHZ_AUDIT_EVENT_HANDLE)pCapturedAuditEvent, 0 );
goto Cleanup; }
// The caller has not given us an audit to generate. We will create one, provided that
// the AuditID specifies the generic object access (SE_AUDITID_OBJECT_OPERATION)
if ((NULL != pCapturedAuditEvent->hAET) && (((PAUTHZ_AUDIT_EVENT_TYPE_OLD)pCapturedAuditEvent->hAET)->u.Legacy.AuditId != SE_AUDITID_OBJECT_OPERATION)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); b = FALSE; goto Cleanup; }
// Create the generic object access audit. There are two codepaths
// that initialize the AuditParams structure. The first path is taken if
// there is no ObjectTypeList. The second path is taken if there is an
// ObjectTypeList.
AuditParams.Parameters = ParamArray; pCapturedAuditEvent->pAuditParams = &AuditParams;
// Check if there is an ObjectTypeList.
if (AUTHZ_NON_NULL_PTR(pRequest->ObjectTypeList)) {
// If the length of the structure is 1 then the caller only wants access
// at the root of the tree.
if (1 == pReply->ResultListLength) {
// Caller only wants access at ObjectTypeList root, so only one ObjectType to
// audit. For efficiency simply use the stack variable.
ObjectTypesToAudit = &FixedObjectTypeToAudit; ObjectTypeAuditCount = 1; FixedObjectTypeToAudit.AccessMask = pReply->GrantedAccessMask[0];
RtlCopyMemory( &FixedObjectTypeToAudit.ObjectType, &LocalTypeList[0].ObjectType, sizeof(GUID) ); } else {
// The caller wants more than access at ObjectTypeList root. He wants the
// whole thing.
// Determine how many GUIDs the client has access to which should be audited
for (ObjectTypeAuditCount = 0, i = 0; i < (LONG) pReply->ResultListLength; i++) { if (FLAG_ON(LocalTypeList[i].Flags, AuditTypeFlag)) { ObjectTypeAuditCount++; } }
// Allocate appropriate storage space for GUID list
ObjectTypesToAudit = AuthzpAlloc(sizeof(AUDIT_OBJECT_TYPE) * ObjectTypeAuditCount);
if (AUTHZ_ALLOCATION_FAILED(ObjectTypesToAudit)) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); b = FALSE; goto Cleanup; }
RtlZeroMemory( ObjectTypesToAudit, sizeof(AUDIT_OBJECT_TYPE) * ObjectTypeAuditCount );
for (i = 0, j = -1; i < ObjectTypeAuditCount; i++) {
// One counter tracks position in the alloc'ed array of ObjectTypesToAudit.
// The other counter picks out the indices in the pReply and LocalTypeList
// structures that need to be audited for success.
// find the next GUID to audit in pReply that client was granted access to.
do { j++; } while (!FLAG_ON(LocalTypeList[j].Flags, AuditTypeFlag));
// In the success audit, the AccessMask records the actual
// granted bits.
ObjectTypesToAudit[i].AccessMask = pReply->GrantedAccessMask[j]; ObjectTypesToAudit[i].Level = LocalTypeList[j].Level; ObjectTypesToAudit[i].Flags = 0;
RtlCopyMemory( &ObjectTypesToAudit[i].ObjectType, &LocalTypeList[j].ObjectType, sizeof(GUID) ); }
ObjectTypeListAudit.Count = ObjectTypeAuditCount; ObjectTypeListAudit.pObjectTypes = ObjectTypesToAudit; ObjectTypeListAudit.Flags = 0;
b = AuthziInitializeAuditParamsWithRM( APF_AuditTypeFlag, (AUTHZ_RESOURCE_MANAGER_HANDLE)pRM, 9, &AuditParams, APT_String, pCapturedAuditEvent->szOperationType, APT_String, pCapturedAuditEvent->szObjectType, APT_String, pCapturedAuditEvent->szObjectName, APT_String, L"-", APT_LogonId | AP_PrimaryLogonId, APT_LogonId, pAuthzClientContext->AuthenticationId, APT_Ulong | AP_AccessMask, MaskToAudit, 1, APT_ObjectTypeList, &ObjectTypeListAudit, 1, APT_String, pCapturedAuditEvent->szAdditionalInfo );
if (!b) { #ifdef AUTHZ_DEBUG_QUEUE
DbgPrint("AuthzInitializeAuditParams failed %d\n", GetLastError()); #endif
goto Cleanup; } } // matches "if (AUTHZ_NON_NULL_PTR(pRequest->ObjectTypeList))"
else { b = AuthziInitializeAuditParamsWithRM( APF_AuditTypeFlag, (AUTHZ_RESOURCE_MANAGER_HANDLE)pRM, 9, &AuditParams, APT_String, pCapturedAuditEvent->szOperationType, APT_String, pCapturedAuditEvent->szObjectType, APT_String, pCapturedAuditEvent->szObjectName, APT_String, L"-", APT_LogonId | AP_PrimaryLogonId, APT_LogonId, pAuthzClientContext->AuthenticationId, APT_Ulong | AP_AccessMask, MaskToAudit, 1, APT_String, L"-", APT_String, pCapturedAuditEvent->szAdditionalInfo );
if (!b) { #ifdef AUTHZ_DEBUG_QUEUE
DbgPrint("AuthzInitializeAuditParams failed %d\n", GetLastError()); #endif
goto Cleanup; } }
// Replace the SID in the AUDIT_PARAMS with the SID of the current Client Context.
if (AUTHZ_NON_NULL_PTR(pAuthzClientContext->Sids[0].Sid)) { pCapturedAuditEvent->pAuditParams->Parameters[0].Data0 = (ULONG_PTR) pAuthzClientContext->Sids[0].Sid; }
// At this point, AuditParams is initialized for an audit. Send to the LSA.
b = AuthziLogAuditEvent( 0, (AUTHZ_AUDIT_EVENT_HANDLE)pCapturedAuditEvent, 0 );
if (!b) { goto Cleanup; }
if (ObjectTypesToAudit != &FixedObjectTypeToAudit) { AuthzpFreeNonNull(ObjectTypesToAudit); }
if (pCapturedAuditEvent != (PAUTHZI_AUDIT_EVENT)pBuffer) { AuthzpFreeNonNull(pCapturedAuditEvent); }
return b; }
BOOL AuthzpMarshallAuditParams( OUT PAUDIT_PARAMS * ppMarshalledAuditParams, IN PAUDIT_PARAMS pAuditParams )
Routine Description:
This routine will take an AUDIT_PARAMS structure and create a new structure that is suitable for sending to LSA. It will be allocated as a single chunk of memory.
ppMarshalledAuditParams - pointer to pointer that will receive the marshalled audit parameters. This memory is allocated within the routine. The dequeue thread frees this memory.
pAuditParams - Original, unmarshalled version of the AUDIT_PARAMS.
Return Value:
Boolean: TRUE if success, FALSE if failure. Extended information available with GetLastError().
{ DWORD i = 0; DWORD AuditParamsSize = 0; PAUDIT_PARAMS pMarshalledAuditParams = NULL; BOOL b = TRUE; PUCHAR Base = NULL; PUCHAR inData0 = NULL; *ppMarshalledAuditParams = NULL;
// Begin calculating the total size required for the marshalled version
// of pAuditParams.
AuditParamsSize = sizeof(AUDIT_PARAMS) + sizeof(AUDIT_PARAM) * pAuditParams->Count; AuditParamsSize = PtrAlignSize( AuditParamsSize );
// Determine how much memory each parameter requires.
for (i = 0; i < pAuditParams->Count; i++) { inData0 = (PUCHAR) pAuditParams->Parameters[i].Data0;
switch (pAuditParams->Parameters[i].Type) { case APT_String: {
// wcslen returns the number of characters, excluding the terminating NULL. Must check for NULL
// because the AdditionalInfo string is OPTIONAL.
if (AUTHZ_NON_NULL_PTR(inData0)) { AuditParamsSize += (DWORD)(sizeof(WCHAR) * wcslen((PWSTR) inData0) + sizeof(WCHAR)); AuditParamsSize = PtrAlignSize( AuditParamsSize ); } break; } case APT_Pointer: case APT_Ulong: case APT_LogonId: { break; } case APT_Sid: { AuditParamsSize += RtlLengthSid((PSID) inData0); AuditParamsSize = PtrAlignSize( AuditParamsSize ); break; } case APT_ObjectTypeList: { AUDIT_OBJECT_TYPES * aot = (AUDIT_OBJECT_TYPES *) inData0;
// Need space for AUDIT_OBJECT_TYPES structure, and the AUDIT_OBJECT_TYPE
// array that it contains.
AuditParamsSize += sizeof (AUDIT_OBJECT_TYPES); AuditParamsSize = PtrAlignSize( AuditParamsSize ); AuditParamsSize += sizeof(AUDIT_OBJECT_TYPE) * aot->Count; AuditParamsSize = PtrAlignSize( AuditParamsSize ); break; } default: { ASSERT(L"Invalid Authz audit parameter" && FALSE); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); b = FALSE; break; } }
if (!b) { goto Cleanup; } }
// Allocate space for the marshalled blob.
pMarshalledAuditParams = (PAUDIT_PARAMS) AuthzpAlloc(AuditParamsSize);
if (AUTHZ_ALLOCATION_FAILED(pMarshalledAuditParams)) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); b = FALSE; goto Cleanup; }
// Set the fields of the marshalled AUDIT_PARAMS
pMarshalledAuditParams->Count = pAuditParams->Count; pMarshalledAuditParams->Flags = pAuditParams->Flags; pMarshalledAuditParams->Length = pAuditParams->Length; pMarshalledAuditParams->Parameters = (AUDIT_PARAM *)((PUCHAR)pMarshalledAuditParams + sizeof(AUDIT_PARAMS));
// Base points to the beginning of the "data" section of the marshalled space,
// that is, Base is the area to copy member fields in and subsequently point at.
Base = (PUCHAR)pMarshalledAuditParams; Base += PtrAlignSize( sizeof(AUDIT_PARAMS) + sizeof(AUDIT_PARAM) * pAuditParams->Count );
ASSERT(Base > (PUCHAR)pMarshalledAuditParams); ASSERT(Base < (PUCHAR)((PUCHAR)pMarshalledAuditParams + AuditParamsSize));
// Move the Parameters array into the marshalled blob.
RtlCopyMemory( pMarshalledAuditParams->Parameters, pAuditParams->Parameters, sizeof(AUDIT_PARAM) * pAuditParams->Count );
for (i = 0; i < pMarshalledAuditParams->Count; i++) { inData0 = (PUCHAR) pAuditParams->Parameters[i].Data0;
switch (pMarshalledAuditParams->Parameters[i].Type) { case APT_String: { if (AUTHZ_NON_NULL_PTR(inData0)) { DWORD StringLength = (DWORD)(sizeof(WCHAR) * wcslen((PWSTR) inData0) + sizeof(WCHAR)); pMarshalledAuditParams->Parameters[i].Data0 = (ULONG_PTR) Base;
RtlCopyMemory( (PVOID) Base, (PWSTR) inData0, StringLength );
Base += PtrAlignSize( StringLength ); ASSERT(Base > (PUCHAR)pMarshalledAuditParams); ASSERT(Base <= (PUCHAR)((PUCHAR)pMarshalledAuditParams + AuditParamsSize)); } break; } case APT_Pointer: case APT_Ulong: case APT_LogonId: { break; } case APT_Sid: { DWORD SidLength = RtlLengthSid((PSID) inData0); pMarshalledAuditParams->Parameters[i].Data0 = (ULONG_PTR) Base;
RtlCopyMemory( (PVOID) Base, (PSID) inData0, SidLength ); Base += PtrAlignSize( SidLength ); ASSERT(Base > (PUCHAR)pMarshalledAuditParams); ASSERT(Base <= (PUCHAR)((PUCHAR)pMarshalledAuditParams + AuditParamsSize)); break; } case APT_ObjectTypeList: { AUDIT_OBJECT_TYPES *aot = (AUDIT_OBJECT_TYPES *) inData0; DWORD OTLength = sizeof(AUDIT_OBJECT_TYPE) * aot->Count; pMarshalledAuditParams->Parameters[i].Data0 = (ULONG_PTR) Base;
// Copy the AUDIT_OBJECT_TYPES structure
RtlCopyMemory( (PVOID) Base, aot, sizeof(AUDIT_OBJECT_TYPES) );
Base += PtrAlignSize( sizeof(AUDIT_OBJECT_TYPES) );
// Point the pObjectTypes field at the end of the copied blob.
((AUDIT_OBJECT_TYPES *)pMarshalledAuditParams->Parameters[i].Data0)->pObjectTypes = (AUDIT_OBJECT_TYPE *) Base;
// Copy the AUDIT_OBJECT_TYPE array (pObjectTypes)
RtlCopyMemory( (PVOID) Base, (AUDIT_OBJECT_TYPE *) aot->pObjectTypes, OTLength ); Base += PtrAlignSize( OTLength ); ASSERT(Base > (PUCHAR)pMarshalledAuditParams); ASSERT(Base <= (PUCHAR)((PUCHAR)pMarshalledAuditParams + AuditParamsSize)); break; } default: { ASSERT(L"Invalid Authz audit parameter" && FALSE); b = FALSE; SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); break; } }
if (!b) { goto Cleanup; } }
// Sanity check on the Base value. If this assertion passes, then I have
// not exceeded my allocated space.
ASSERT(Base == ((PUCHAR)pMarshalledAuditParams + AuditParamsSize));
Cleanup: if (b) { *ppMarshalledAuditParams = pMarshalledAuditParams; } else { AuthzpFreeNonNull(pMarshalledAuditParams); }
return b; }