Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
C_Dlg implementation Author:
990518 dane Created. 990721 dane Added _THIS_MODULE_ for logging macros. georgema 000310 updated
Environment: Win98, Win2000
Revision History:
#pragma comment(user, "Compiled on " __DATE__ " at " __TIME__)
#pragma comment(compiler)
// Include files
#include "Dlg.h"
// Static initialization
static const char _THIS_FILE_[ ] = __FILE__;
// Static member initialization
LPCTSTR C_Dlg::SZ_HWND_PROP = _T("hwnd");
// C_Dlg
// Constructor.
// parameters:
// hwndParent parent window for the dialog (may be NULL)
// hInstance instance handle of the parent window (may be NULL)
// lIDD dialog template id
// pfnDlgProc pointer to the function that will process messages for
// the dialog. if it is NULL, the default dialog proc
// will be used.
// returns:
// Nothing.
C_Dlg::C_Dlg( HWND hwndParent, HINSTANCE hInstance, LONG lIDD, DLGPROC pfnDlgProc // = NULL
) : m_hwndParent(hwndParent), m_hInstance(hInstance), m_lIDD(lIDD), m_pfnDlgProc(pfnDlgProc), m_hwnd(NULL) {
ASSERT(NULL != SZ_HWND_PROP); if (NULL == m_pfnDlgProc) { // Use the default dialog proc
m_pfnDlgProc = (DLGPROC) C_Dlg::DlgProc; } } // C_Dlg::C_Dlg
// ~C_Dlg
// Destructor.
// parameters:
// None.
// returns:
// Nothing.
C_Dlg::~C_Dlg( ) { OnShutdown(); } // C_Dlg::~C_Dlg
void C_Dlg::CenterWindow() { RECT rectWorkArea; RECT rectWindow; DWORD FreeWidth, Width, FreeHeight, Height;
if (! SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETWORKAREA, 0, &rectWorkArea, 0)) { return; }
GetWindowRect(m_hwnd, &rectWindow);
Height = (rectWorkArea.bottom - rectWorkArea.top);
Width = (rectWorkArea.right - rectWorkArea.left);
FreeHeight = Height - (rectWindow.bottom - rectWindow.top);
FreeWidth = Width - (rectWindow.right - rectWindow.left);
DWORD dxOffset = FreeWidth / 2; DWORD dyOffset = FreeHeight / 2;
MoveWindow(m_hwnd, dxOffset, dyOffset, (rectWindow.right - rectWindow.left), (rectWindow.bottom - rectWindow.top), TRUE );
return; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// DoModal
// Display the dialog box modally and wait for it to be closed.
// parameters:
// lparam user-defined data that will be passed to the dialog
// proc as the lparam of the WM_INITDIALOG message.
// returns:
// User-defined result code returned by EndDialog( ).
INT_PTR C_Dlg::DoModal( LPARAM lparam // = NULL
) {
INT_PTR nResult = DialogBoxParam(m_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(m_lIDD), m_hwndParent, m_pfnDlgProc, lparam ); if (-1 == nResult) { DWORD dwErr = GetLastError( ); }
return nResult;
} // C_Dlg::DoModal
// DlgProc
// Window procedure for wizard pages. All messages are routed here, then
// dispatched to the appropriate C_Dlg object.
// parameters:
// hwndDlg window handle of the page for which the message is
// intended
// uMessage the message
// wparam message-specific data
// lparam message-specific data
// returns:
// TRUE if the message was processed
// FALSE otherwise
BOOL CALLBACK C_Dlg::DlgProc( HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMessage, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam ) {
CHECK_MESSAGE(hwndDlg, uMessage, wparam, lparam);
// Get the pointer to the C_Dlg object corresponding to the hwndDlg
C_Dlg* pDlg = NULL;
if (WM_INITDIALOG == uMessage) { // For WM_INITDIALOG, the pointer to the dialog object will be in
// the lparam.
pDlg = (C_Dlg*) lparam; } else { // For all other messages, it will be attached to the HWND
HRESULT hr = C_Dlg::DlgFromHwnd(hwndDlg, &pDlg); if (FAILED(hr)) { return FALSE; } ASSERT(NULL != pDlg); }
// Let the page route application-specific messages
if (WM_APP <= uMessage) { return pDlg->OnAppMessage(uMessage, wparam, lparam); }
// Route Windows messages to appropriate handler
switch (uMessage) { case WM_INITDIALOG: return pDlg->OnInitDialog(hwndDlg, (HWND)wparam ); case WM_HELP: return pDlg->OnHelpInfo(lparam); case WM_CONTEXTMENU: return pDlg->OnContextMenu(wparam,lparam); case WM_COMMAND: return pDlg->OnCommand(HIWORD(wparam), LOWORD(wparam), (HWND)lparam); case WM_NOTIFY: return RouteNotificationMessage(pDlg, (NMHDR*)lparam); break;
case WM_DESTROY: return pDlg->OnDestroyDialog(); break; default: // Message was not processed
return FALSE; } // switch (uMessage)
} // C_Dlg::DlgProc
// RouteNotificationMessage
// Routes notification messages from wizard buttons to the appropriate page
// and handler.
// parameters:
// hwndDlg window handle of page to which message is to be sent
// pnmhdr pointer to the NMHDR structure containing info about
// the particular notification
// returns:
// TRUE if the message is processed
// FALSE otherwise
BOOL C_Dlg::RouteNotificationMessage( C_Dlg* pDlg, NMHDR* pnmhdr ) {
if (NULL == pDlg) { //FIX220699
return FALSE; //return E_INVALIDARG;
// If any specific notifications are to be handled, switch on pnmhdr->code.
return pDlg->OnNotify(pnmhdr);
} // C_Dlg::RouteNotificationMessage
// LinkHwnd
// Store the pointer to this object in a window handle property. This
// provides a way to get to the object when all that is known is the HWND.
// Particularly useful in window procedures.
// parameters:
// None.
// returns:
// TRUE if the operation is successful
// FALSE otherwise
BOOL C_Dlg::LinkHwnd( ) {
ASSERT(IsWindow(m_hwnd)); if (! IsWindow(m_hwnd)) { return FALSE; }
return SetProp(m_hwnd, SZ_HWND_PROP, (HANDLE)this);
} // C_Dlg::LinkHwnd
// UnlinkHwnd
// Remove the pointer to the associated object from a window handle. The
// pointer must have been set with LinkHwnd( ).
// parameters:
// None.
// returns:
// TRUE if the window handle is removed and it is a pointer to
// this object
// FALSE otherwise
BOOL C_Dlg::UnlinkHwnd( ) {
ASSERT(IsWindow(m_hwnd)); if (! IsWindow(m_hwnd)) { return FALSE; }
C_Dlg* pDlg = (C_Dlg*)RemoveProp(m_hwnd, SZ_HWND_PROP);
ASSERT(this == pDlg); return (this == pDlg);
} // C_Dlg::UnlinkHwnd
// DlgFromHwnd
// Retrieves the pointer to the associated object from a window handle. The
// pointer was stored in a property by LinkHwnd( ).
// parameters:
// hwnd the window handle containing the pointer
// ppDlg pointer to a buffer that will receive the pointer to
// the C_Dlg object
// returns:
// S_OK if the operation is successful
// E_INVALIDARG if hwnd is not a valid window or ppDlg is NULL
// E_POINTER if the retrieved pointer is NULL
HRESULT C_Dlg::DlgFromHwnd( HWND hwnd, C_Dlg** ppDlg ) {
if (! ::IsWindow(hwnd)) { return (E_INVALIDARG); }
ASSERT(NULL != ppDlg); if (NULL == ppDlg) { return (E_INVALIDARG); }
*ppDlg = (C_Dlg*) GetProp(hwnd, SZ_HWND_PROP);
if (NULL == *ppDlg) { return (E_POINTER); }
return (S_OK);
} // C_Dlg::DlgFromHwnd
///// End of file: Dlg.cpp ////////////////////////////////////////////////