// AdptvCntr.cpp -- ADaPTiVe CoNTaineR class implementation
// (c) Copyright Schlumberger Technology Corp., unpublished work, created
// 1999. This computer program includes Confidential, Proprietary
// Information and is a Trade Secret of Schlumberger Technology Corp. All
// use, disclosure, and/or reproduction is prohibited unless authorized
// in writing. All Rights Reserved.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "NoWarning.h"
#include "ForceLib.h"
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <scuOsExc.h>
#include <cciPriKey.h>
#include "RsaKey.h"
#include "CSpec.h"
#include "HAdptvCntr.h"
#include "Secured.h"
#include "ACntrFinder.h"
#include <scarderr.h>
#include <assert.h>
using namespace std; using namespace cci;
/////////////////////////// LOCAL/HELPER /////////////////////////////////
namespace { // Predicate helper functor (function object) returning true iff
// the container object's name matches the pattern.
class ContainerMatcher : public unary_function<string, bool> { public: explicit ContainerMatcher(string const &rsPattern) : m_sPattern(rsPattern) {}
bool operator()(CContainer &rcntr) const { return CSpec::Equiv(m_sPattern, rcntr->Name()); }
private: string const m_sPattern; };
CContainer FindOnCard(HCardContext &rhcardctx, string const &rsContainer) { Secured<HCardContext> shcardctx(rhcardctx);
vector<CContainer> vcContainers(shcardctx->Card()->EnumContainers());
vector<CContainer>::const_iterator ci(find_if(vcContainers.begin(), vcContainers.end(), ContainerMatcher(rsContainer)));
CContainer hcntr; if (vcContainers.end() != ci) hcntr = *ci;
return hcntr; }
} // namespace
/////////////////////////// PUBLIC /////////////////////////////////
// Types
// C'tors/D'tors
// Operators
// Operations
void AdaptiveContainer::ClearCache() { m_hcntr = 0; }
// Access
CContainer AdaptiveContainer::TheCContainer() { if (!m_hcntr) { RefreshContainer(); if (!m_hcntr) { Discard(*m_hacKey); throw scu::OsException(NTE_BAD_KEYSET); } }
return m_hcntr; }
HCardContext AdaptiveContainer::CardContext(bool bReconnect) { if(bReconnect) { if(m_fValidContext) { try { //Verify that the card context is good
Retained<HCardContext>(m_hacKey->CardContext()); } catch(scu::OsException const &rExc) { ReconnectOnError(rExc, Retained<HCardContext>(0)); } } else { scu::OsException Exc(SCARD_W_REMOVED_CARD); ReconnectOnError(Exc, Retained<HCardContext>(0)); } } return m_hacKey->CardContext(); }
AdaptiveContainer::EnrolleeType AdaptiveContainer::Find(AdaptiveContainerKey const &rKey) { // Take a lazy approach to finding the container. If it wasn't
// first found in the registry but exists on the card, then make
// an instance.
EnrolleeType enrollee = AdaptiveContainerRegistrar::Find(rKey); if (!enrollee) { // See if it exists on the card
CContainer hcntr(FindOnCard(rKey.CardContext(), rKey.ContainerName())); if (hcntr) enrollee = Instance(rKey); }
return enrollee; }
string AdaptiveContainer::Name() const { return m_hacKey->ContainerName(); }
void AdaptiveContainer::NullifyCard() { Guarded<Lockable *> guard(&AdaptiveContainerRegistrar::Registry()); // serialize registry access
AdaptiveContainerKey aKey(*m_hacKey); m_hacKey->ClearCardContext(); Enroll(*m_hacKey, this); Discard(aKey); Expire(); }
// Predicates
// Static Variables
/////////////////////////// PROTECTED /////////////////////////////////
// C'tors/D'tors
AdaptiveContainer::AdaptiveContainer(AdaptiveContainerKey const &rKey) : Lockable(), Securable(), AdaptiveContainerRegistrar(rKey), m_hacKey(HAdaptiveContainerKey(new AdaptiveContainerKey(rKey))), m_stkRetainedCardContexts(), m_stkSecuredCardContexts(), m_fValidContext(false) { Secured<HCardContext> shcardctx(m_hacKey->CardContext());
// Create the container if it doesn't exist on the card.
if (!m_hcntr) { // To make native Windows (pure CAPI) environment more robust,
// test that there is enough room for a private key before
// creating the container.
CCard hcard(shcardctx->Card()); if (!hcard->IsPKCS11Enabled()) { CPrivateKey hprikey(hcard);
CPrivateKeyBlob prikb;
// Divide by 2 since the key info is divided in the structures.
prikb.bPLen = prikb.bQLen = prikb.bInvQLen = prikb.bKsecModQLen = prikb.bKsecModPLen = InOctets(KeyLimits<RsaKey>::cMaxStrength) / 2;
// Now test there is a key slot available by trying to
// allocate a key slot on the card. If there isn't enough
// space or some other failure occurs, then try to delete
// the new key (ignoring any exception that occurs during
// the delete), then throw the original exception.
try { hprikey->Value(prikb); // actually alloc's
// key slot
catch (...) { try { hprikey->Delete(); // cleanup after
// test
} catch (...) { }
throw; // throw original error
} // There's key space available, so delete the test key.
hprikey->Delete(); hprikey = 0; }
m_hcntr = CContainer(hcard); m_hcntr->Name(rKey.ContainerName());
} }
AdaptiveContainer::~AdaptiveContainer() {}
// Operators
// Operations
void AdaptiveContainer::ClearCardContext() { m_hacKey->ClearCardContext(); }
void AdaptiveContainer::DiscardHook() { Expire(); RemoveReference(); }
AdaptiveContainer::EnrolleeType AdaptiveContainer::DoInstantiation(AdaptiveContainerKey const &rKey) { return new AdaptiveContainer(rKey); }
void AdaptiveContainer::EnrollHook() { AddReference(); m_fValidContext = true; }
// Access
// Predicates
bool AdaptiveContainer::KeepEnrolled() { bool fKeep = true; try { RefreshContainer(); }
catch (...) { fKeep = false; }
return fKeep; }
void AdaptiveContainer::ReconnectOnError(scu::OsException const &rExc, Retained<HCardContext> &rhcardctx) { rhcardctx = Retained<HCardContext>(0); if ((rExc.Cause() == SCARD_W_REMOVED_CARD || rExc.Cause() == ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE || rExc.Cause() == SCARD_E_SERVICE_STOPPED || rExc.Cause() == SCARD_E_NO_SERVICE || rExc.Cause() == SCARD_E_READER_UNAVAILABLE) && m_hacKey) { //Handle the case of card removed by trying to
//determine if the card has been re-inserted in
//any of the available readers. If so, reconnect
// Declared here to remain in scope for CntrFinder
// destructor in case of an exception...some anomaly that's as
// yet unexplained.
CString sEmptyWinTitle; try { //Find, adapt, and enroll it properly
//First, discard the old card context before acquiring
//a new one. This is essential in order to avoid
//resource mgr hangup.
Guarded<Lockable *> guard(&AdaptiveContainerRegistrar::Registry()); // serialize registry access
std::string sContainerName(m_hacKey->ContainerName()); RemoveEnrollee(*m_hacKey); Expire(); ContainerFinder CntrFinder(CardFinder::DialogDisplayMode::ddmNever, 0,//window handle
sEmptyWinTitle); //Don't know the reader where the card may be in.
//Use a non fully qualified name to look for the card.
CSpec cspec(string(), sContainerName); HContainer hcntr = CntrFinder.Find(cspec); m_hcntr = hcntr->TheCContainer(); m_hacKey = CntrFinder.MakeAdaptiveContainerKey(); m_fValidContext = true; InsertEnrollee(*m_hacKey, this); rhcardctx = Retained<HCardContext>(m_hacKey->CardContext()); } catch(...) { //Didn't work. Apparently the card is gone
//permanently for the duration of this session.
//Cleanup and raise the original exception...
Expire(); rExc.Raise(); } } else { //Cannot handle this exception. Let the system handle it
rExc.Raise(); } }
// Static Variables
/////////////////////////// PRIVATE /////////////////////////////////
// C'tors/D'tors
// Operators
// Operations
void AdaptiveContainer::Abandon() { // Simplifying assumptions: (1) Abandon is only called by the
// Secured destructor, (2) once the object is constructed, Secure
// and Abandon are the only routines that access
// m_stkSecuredCardContexts, and (3) Abandon is called by a thread
// within the scope of a Retain (e.g. using Retained) which the
// Secured class enforces. Because of (1) and (2), an underflow
// check on m_stkSecuredCardContexts is not necessary since Secure
// will have already been called. Because of (3), protection
// against race conditions accessing m_stkSecuredCardContexts
// isn't necessary since Retain acts as a lock.
m_stkSecuredCardContexts.pop_front(); }
void AdaptiveContainer::Expire() { // allow the resources to be released so that other resources can
// be acquired that may have a dependency (e.g. releasing the
// container's card context so that another card context can be
// acquired later on the same reader without the RM blocking).
m_fValidContext = false; m_hacKey->ClearCardContext(); ClearCache(); } void AdaptiveContainer::RefreshContainer() { if(m_hacKey->CardContext()) { try { m_hcntr = FindOnCard(m_hacKey->CardContext(), m_hacKey->ContainerName()); } catch(scu::OsException const &rExc) { ReconnectOnError(rExc, Retained<HCardContext>(0)); } } else { scu::OsException Exc(SCARD_W_REMOVED_CARD); ReconnectOnError(Exc, Retained<HCardContext>(0)); } }
void AdaptiveContainer::Relinquish() { // Simplifying assumptions: (1) Relinquish is only called by the
// Retained destructor and (2) once the object is constructed,
// Retain and Relinquish are the only routines that access the
// m_stkRetainedCardContexts. Because of (1) and (2), an
// underflow check on m_stkRetainedCardContexts is not necessary
// since Retain will have already been called.
// Note: Retained<HCardContext> acts as a lock protecting against
// race conditions updating m_stkRetainedCardContexts.
Retained<HCardContext> hrcc(m_stkRetainedCardContexts.front());
m_stkRetainedCardContexts.pop_front(); }
void AdaptiveContainer::Retain() { // Simplifying assumptions: (1) Retain is only called by the
// Retained constructor and (2) once the object is constructed,
// Retain and Relinquish are the only routines that access the
// m_stkRetainedCardContexts. Because of (1) and (2), an
// underflow check on m_stkRetainedCardContexts is not necessary
// since Retain will have already been called.
Retained<HCardContext> rhcardctx; try { rhcardctx = Retained<HCardContext>(m_hacKey->CardContext()); } catch(scu::OsException const &rExc) { ReconnectOnError(rExc, rhcardctx); }
m_stkRetainedCardContexts.push_front(rhcardctx); }
void AdaptiveContainer::Secure() { // Simplifying assumptions: (1) Secure is always called by a
// thread within the scope of a Retain (e.g. using Retained). The
// Secured template enforces this allowing Retain to act as a lock
// to prevent race conditions updating
// m_stkSecuredCardContexts. (2) Once the object is constructed,
// Secure and Abandon are the only routines that access
// m_stkSecuredCardContexts.
m_stkSecuredCardContexts.push_front(Secured<HCardContext>(m_hacKey->CardContext())); }
// Access
// Predicates
// Static Variables