/****************************** Module Header ******************************\
* Module Name: winutil.c * * Copyright (c) 1991, Microsoft Corporation * * Implements windows specific utility functions * * History: * 12-09-91 Davidc Created. \***************************************************************************/
#include "msgina.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <wchar.h>
// Define this if you want a verbose commentary from these routines
// #define VERBOSE_UTILS
#define VerbosePrint(s) WLPrint(s)
#define VerbosePrint(s)
#define LRM 0x200E // UNICODE Left-to-right mark control character
#define RLM 0x200F // UNICODE Left-to-right mark control character
* SetupSystemMenu * * Purpose : Does any manipulation required for a dialog system menu. * Should be called during WM_INITDIALOG processing for a dialog * * History: * 12-09-91 Davidc Created. \***************************************************************************/ VOID SetupSystemMenu( HWND hDlg ) { // Remove the Close item from the system menu if we don't
// have a CANCEL button
if (GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDCANCEL) == NULL) {
HMENU hMenu = GetSystemMenu(hDlg, FALSE);
if (hMenu) { DeleteMenu(hMenu, SC_CLOSE, MF_BYCOMMAND); } }
* CentreWindow * * Purpose : Positions a window so that it is centred in its parent * * History: * 12-09-91 Davidc Created. \***************************************************************************/ VOID CentreWindow( HWND hwnd ) { RECT rect; LONG dx, dy; LONG dxParent, dyParent; LONG Style;
// Get window rect
GetWindowRect(hwnd, &rect);
dx = rect.right - rect.left; dy = rect.bottom - rect.top;
// Get parent rect
Style = GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE); if ((Style & WS_CHILD) == 0) {
// Return the desktop windows size (size of main screen)
dxParent = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN); dyParent = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN); } else { HWND hwndParent; RECT rectParent;
hwndParent = GetParent(hwnd); if (hwndParent == NULL) { hwndParent = GetDesktopWindow(); }
GetWindowRect(hwndParent, &rectParent);
dxParent = rectParent.right - rectParent.left; dyParent = rectParent.bottom - rectParent.top; }
// Centre the child in the parent
rect.left = (dxParent - dx) / 2; rect.top = (dyParent - dy) / 3;
// Move the child into position
SetWindowPos(hwnd, HWND_TOP, rect.left, rect.top, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE);
SetForegroundWindow(hwnd); }
* SetPasswordFocus * * Sets the focus window in a dialog to the first empty control in * the list IDD_LOGON_DOMAIN, IDD_NEW_PASSWORD * This routine would normally be called during WM_INITDIALOG processing. * * Returns FALSE if the focus was set, otherwise TRUE - this value can * be used as the return value to the WM_INITDIALOG message. * * History: * 12-09-91 Davidc Created. \***************************************************************************/ BOOL SetPasswordFocus( HWND hDlg ) { int ids[] = { IDD_LOGON_NAME, IDD_LOGON_DOMAIN, IDD_LOGON_PASSWORD, IDD_UNLOCK_PASSWORD, IDD_CHANGEPWD_OLD, IDD_CHANGEPWD_NEW, IDD_CHANGEPWD_CONFIRM, }; SHORT Index; HWND hwndFocus = NULL;
// Set focus to first enabled, visible, empty field
for (Index = 0; Index < sizeof(ids)/sizeof(*ids); Index ++) {
int idControl = ids[Index]; HWND hwndControl;
hwndControl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, idControl); if (hwndControl != NULL) {
if ( (GetWindowTextLength(hwndControl) == 0) && ((GetWindowLong(hwndControl, GWL_STYLE) & (WS_VISIBLE | WS_DISABLED)) == WS_VISIBLE)) {
hwndFocus = hwndControl; break; } } }
if (hwndFocus != NULL) { SetFocus(hwndFocus); }
return(hwndFocus == NULL); }
// Globals used to store cursor handles for SetupCursor
static HCURSOR hCursorArrow = NULL; static HCURSOR hCursorWait = NULL;
* SetupCursor * * Sets the cursor to an hourglass if fWait = TRUE, otherwise sets it * to an arrow. * * History: * 12-09-91 Davidc Created. \***************************************************************************/ VOID SetupCursor( BOOL fWait ) { if (hCursorArrow == NULL) { hCursorArrow = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); } if (hCursorWait == NULL) { hCursorWait = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_WAIT); }
SetCursor(fWait ? hCursorWait : hCursorArrow); }
FUNCTION: TimeFieldsToSystemTime
PURPOSE: Converts a TIME_FIELDS structure into a SYSTEMTIME structure
RETURNS : nothing
History: 05-15-93 RobertRe Created. ****************************************************************************/
VOID TimeFieldsToSystemTime( IN PTIME_FIELDS TimeFields, OUT LPSYSTEMTIME SystemTime ) { SystemTime->wYear = TimeFields->Year ; SystemTime->wMonth = TimeFields->Month ; SystemTime->wDayOfWeek = TimeFields->Weekday ; SystemTime->wDay = TimeFields->Day ; SystemTime->wHour = TimeFields->Hour ; SystemTime->wMinute = TimeFields->Minute ; SystemTime->wSecond = TimeFields->Second ; SystemTime->wMilliseconds = TimeFields->Milliseconds;
return; }
FUNCTION: FormatTime
PURPOSE: Converts a system time into a readable string(in local time). if flags contains FT_TIME the time appears in the string if flags contains FT_DATE the date appears in the string. if both values appear, the string contains date then time.
RETURNS : TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
****************************************************************************/ BOOL FormatTime( IN PTIME Time, IN OUT PWCHAR Buffer, IN ULONG BufferLength, IN USHORT Flags ) { NTSTATUS Status; TIME_FIELDS TimeFields; TIME LocalTime; SYSTEMTIME SystemTime; DWORD dwDateFlags = DATE_SHORTDATE;
// Terminate the string in case they didn't pass any flags
if (BufferLength > 0) { Buffer[0] = 0; }
// Convert the system time to local time
Status = RtlSystemTimeToLocalTime(Time, &LocalTime); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { WLPrint(("Failed to convert system time to local time, status = 0x%lx", Status)); return(FALSE); }
// Split the time into its components
RtlTimeToTimeFields(&LocalTime, &TimeFields);
TimeFieldsToSystemTime( &TimeFields, &SystemTime );
// Format the string
if (Flags & FT_LTR) dwDateFlags |= DATE_LTRREADING; else if(Flags & FT_RTL) dwDateFlags |= DATE_RTLREADING;
if (Flags & FT_DATE) {
int Length; WCHAR DateString[256];
Length = GetDateFormatW(GetUserDefaultLCID(), dwDateFlags, &SystemTime, NULL, DateString, 256 );
Length = _snwprintf( Buffer, BufferLength, TEXT("%s"), DateString );
Buffer += Length; BufferLength -= Length; }
if (Flags & FT_TIME) {
int Length; WCHAR TimeString[256];
if (Flags & FT_DATE) { if (BufferLength > 0) { *Buffer++ = TEXT(' '); BufferLength --; }
// [msadek]; need to insert strong a Unicode control character to simulate
// a strong run in the opposite base direction to enforce
// correct display of concatinated string in all cases.
if((BufferLength > 0) && (Flags & FT_RTL)) { *Buffer++ = LRM; // simulate an opposite run
*Buffer++ = RLM; // force RTL display of the time part.
*Buffer = 0; // in case GetTimeFormat doesn't add anything
BufferLength -= 2; } else if((BufferLength > 0) && (Flags & FT_LTR)) { *Buffer++ = RLM; // simulate an opposite run
*Buffer++ = LRM; // force LTR display of the time part.
*Buffer = 0; // in case GetTimeFormat doesn't add anything
BufferLength -= 2; }
Length = GetTimeFormatW(GetUserDefaultLCID(), 0, &SystemTime, NULL, TimeString, 256 );
_snwprintf(Buffer, BufferLength, TEXT("%s"), TimeString );
return(TRUE); }
* DuplicateUnicodeString * * Purpose : Allocates space for new string then copies new into old. * The new string is always 0 terminated * The new string should be free using RtlFreeUnicodeString() * * Returns : TRUE on success, FALSE on failure * * History: * 11-04-92 Davidc Created. * 05-29-98 DSheldon Modified so that no uni->ansi->uni translation occurs \***************************************************************************/
BOOL DuplicateUnicodeString( PUNICODE_STRING OutString, PUNICODE_STRING InString ) { *OutString = *InString ;
OutString->Buffer = RtlAllocateHeap( RtlProcessHeap(), 0, InString->Length + sizeof(WCHAR) ); if ( OutString->Buffer ) { RtlCopyMemory( OutString->Buffer, InString->Buffer, InString->Length );
OutString->Buffer[ OutString->Length / sizeof( WCHAR ) ] = L'\0'; OutString->MaximumLength = OutString->Length + sizeof( WCHAR ); }
return (OutString->Buffer != NULL); }
* UnicodeStringToString * * Purpose : Converts a unicode string to it's local format and allocates * space for it. The returned NULL terminated string can be freed * using Free() * * Returns : Pointer to NULL terminated string or NULL on failure. * * History: * 11-04-92 Davidc Created. \***************************************************************************/ LPTSTR UnicodeStringToString( PUNICODE_STRING UnicodeString ) { LPTSTR String; ULONG BytesRequired = sizeof(TCHAR)*(UnicodeString->Length + 1);
String = Alloc(BytesRequired); if (String != NULL) {
if (UnicodeString->Length && UnicodeString->Buffer ) { lstrcpy(String, UnicodeString->Buffer); } else { Free(String); String = 0; } }
return(String); }
* FUNCTION: OpenIniFileUserMapping * * PURPOSE: Forces the ini file mapping apis to reference the current user's * registry. * * RETURNS: TRUE on success, FALSE on failure * * HISTORY: * * 24-Aug-92 Davidc Created. * \***************************************************************************/
BOOL OpenIniFileUserMapping( PGLOBALS pGlobals ) { BOOL Result; HANDLE ImpersonationHandle;
// Impersonate the user
ImpersonationHandle = ImpersonateUser(&pGlobals->UserProcessData, NULL);
if (ImpersonationHandle == NULL) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "OpenIniFileUserMapping failed to impersonate user")); return(FALSE); }
Result = OpenProfileUserMapping();
if (!Result) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "OpenProfileUserMapping failed, error = %d", GetLastError())); }
// Revert to being 'ourself'
if (!StopImpersonating(ImpersonationHandle)) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "OpenIniFileUserMapping failed to revert to self")); }
return(Result); }
* FUNCTION: CloseIniFileUserMapping * * PURPOSE: Closes the ini file mapping to the user's registry such * that future use of the ini apis will fail if they reference * the user's registry. * * RETURNS: Nothing * * HISTORY: * * 24-Aug-92 Davidc Created. * \***************************************************************************/
VOID CloseIniFileUserMapping( PGLOBALS pGlobals ) { BOOL Result;
Result = CloseProfileUserMapping();
if (!Result) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "CloseProfileUserMapping failed, error = %d", GetLastError())); }
* FUNCTION: AllocAndGetDlgItemText * * PURPOSE: Allocates memory for and returns pointer to a copy of the text * in the specified dialog control. * The returned string should be freed using Free() * * RETURNS: Pointer to copy of dlg item text, or NULL on failure. * * HISTORY: * * 9-Sep-92 Davidc Created. * \***************************************************************************/
LPTSTR AllocAndGetDlgItemText( HWND hDlg, int iItem ) { HWND hwnd; LPTSTR String; LONG Length; LONG BytesRequired; LONG LengthCopied;
// Go find the window handle of the control
hwnd = GetDlgItem(hDlg, iItem); if (hwnd == NULL) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "AllocAndGetDlgItemText : Couldn't find control %d in dialog 0x%lx", iItem, hDlg)); ASSERT(hwnd != NULL); return(NULL); }
// Get the length of the control's text
Length = (LONG)SendMessage(hwnd, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0); if (Length < 0) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "AllocAndGetDlgItemText : Dialog control text length < 0 (%d)", Length)); ASSERT(Length >= 0); return(NULL); }
// Calculate the bytes required for the string.
// The length doesn't include the terminator
Length ++; // Add one for terminator
BytesRequired = Length * sizeof(TCHAR);
String = (LPTSTR)Alloc(BytesRequired); if (String == NULL) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "AllocAndGetDlgItemText : Failed to allocate %d bytes for dialog control text", BytesRequired)); return(NULL); }
// Fill in the allocated block with the text
LengthCopied = (LONG)SendMessage(hwnd, WM_GETTEXT, Length, (LPARAM)String); if (LengthCopied != (Length - 1)) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "AllocAndGetDlgItemText : WM_GETTEXT for %d chars only copied %d chars", Length-1, LengthCopied)); ASSERT(LengthCopied == (Length - 1)); Free(String); return(NULL); }
String[Length - 1] = TEXT('\0'); return(String); }
* FUNCTION: AllocAndGetPrivateProfileString * * PURPOSE: Allocates memory for and returns pointer to a copy of the * specified profile string * The returned string should be freed using Free() * * RETURNS: Pointer to copy of profile string or NULL on failure. * * HISTORY: * * 12-Nov-92 Davidc Created. * \***************************************************************************/
LPTSTR AllocAndGetPrivateProfileString( LPCTSTR lpAppName, LPCTSTR lpKeyName, LPCTSTR lpDefault, LPCTSTR lpFileName ) { LPTSTR String; LPTSTR NewString ; LONG LengthAllocated; LONG LengthCopied;
// Pick a random buffer length, if it's not big enough reallocate
// it and try again until it is.
String = Alloc(LengthAllocated * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (String == NULL) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "AllocAndGetPrivateProfileString : Failed to allocate %d bytes for string", LengthAllocated * sizeof(TCHAR))); return(NULL); }
while (TRUE) {
LengthCopied = GetPrivateProfileString( lpAppName, lpKeyName, lpDefault, String, LengthAllocated, lpFileName ); //
// If the returned value is our passed size - 1 (weird way for error)
// then our buffer is too small. Make it bigger and start over again.
if (LengthCopied == (LengthAllocated - 1)) {
VerbosePrint(("AllocAndGetPrivateProfileString: Failed with buffer length = %d, reallocating and retrying", LengthAllocated));
LengthAllocated *= 2; NewString = ReAlloc(String, LengthAllocated * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (NewString == NULL) { Free( String ); String = NULL ; DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "AllocAndGetPrivateProfileString : Failed to reallocate %d bytes for string", LengthAllocated * sizeof(TCHAR))); break; }
String = NewString ;
// Go back and try to read it again
} else {
// Success!
break; }
return(String); }
* FUNCTION: WritePrivateProfileInt * * PURPOSE: Writes out an integer to a profile file * * RETURNS: TRUE on success, FALSE on failure * * HISTORY: * * 12-Nov-92 Davidc Created. * \***************************************************************************/
BOOL WritePrivateProfileInt( LPCTSTR lpAppName, LPCTSTR lpKeyName, UINT Value, LPCTSTR lpFileName ) { NTSTATUS Status; TCHAR String[30]; UNICODE_STRING UniString;
UniString.MaximumLength = 30; UniString.Buffer = String;
Status = RtlIntegerToUnicodeString(Value,10,&UniString);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return(FALSE); }
return (WritePrivateProfileString(lpAppName, lpKeyName, UniString.Buffer, lpFileName));
* FUNCTION: AllocAndExpandEnvironmentStrings * * PURPOSE: Allocates memory for and returns pointer to buffer containing * the passed string expanded to include environment strings * The returned buffer should be freed using Free() * * RETURNS: Pointer to expanded string or NULL on failure. * * HISTORY: * * 21-Dec-92 Davidc Created. * \***************************************************************************/
LPTSTR AllocAndExpandEnvironmentStrings( LPCTSTR lpszSrc ) { LPTSTR String; LONG LengthAllocated; LONG LengthCopied;
// Pick a random buffer length, if it's not big enough reallocate
// it and try again until it is.
LengthAllocated = lstrlen(lpszSrc) + TYPICAL_STRING_LENGTH;
String = Alloc(LengthAllocated * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (String == NULL) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "AllocAndExpandEnvironmentStrings : Failed to allocate %d bytes for string", LengthAllocated * sizeof(TCHAR))); return(NULL); }
while (TRUE) {
LengthCopied = ExpandEnvironmentStrings( lpszSrc, String, LengthAllocated ); if (LengthCopied == 0) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "AllocAndExpandEnvironmentStrings : ExpandEnvironmentStrings failed, error = %d", GetLastError())); Free(String); String = NULL; break; }
// If the buffer was too small, make it bigger and try again
if (LengthCopied > LengthAllocated) {
VerbosePrint(("AllocAndExpandEnvironmentStrings: Failed with buffer length = %d, reallocating to %d and retrying (retry should succeed)", LengthAllocated, LengthCopied));
String = ReAlloc(String, LengthCopied * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (String == NULL) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "AllocAndExpandEnvironmentStrings : Failed to reallocate %d bytes for string", LengthAllocated * sizeof(TCHAR))); break; }
// Go back and try to expand the string again
} else {
// Success!
break; }
return(String); }
* FUNCTION: AllocAndRegEnumKey * * PURPOSE: Allocates memory for and returns pointer to buffer containing * the next registry sub-key name under the specified key * The returned buffer should be freed using Free() * * RETURNS: Pointer to sub-key name or NULL on failure. The reason for the * error can be obtains using GetLastError() * * HISTORY: * * 21-Dec-92 Davidc Created. * \***************************************************************************/
LPTSTR AllocAndRegEnumKey( HKEY hKey, DWORD iSubKey ) { LPTSTR String; LONG LengthAllocated;
// Pick a random buffer length, if it's not big enough reallocate
// it and try again until it is.
String = Alloc(LengthAllocated * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (String == NULL) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "AllocAndRegEnumKey : Failed to allocate %d bytes for string", LengthAllocated * sizeof(TCHAR))); return(NULL); }
while (TRUE) {
DWORD Error = RegEnumKey(hKey, iSubKey, String, LengthAllocated); if (Error == ERROR_SUCCESS) { break; }
if (Error != ERROR_MORE_DATA) {
if (Error != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "AllocAndRegEnumKey : RegEnumKey failed, error = %d", Error)); }
Free(String); String = NULL; SetLastError(Error); break; }
// The buffer was too small, make it bigger and try again
VerbosePrint(("AllocAndRegEnumKey: Failed with buffer length = %d, reallocating and retrying", LengthAllocated));
LengthAllocated *= 2; String = ReAlloc(String, LengthAllocated * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (String == NULL) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "AllocAndRegEnumKey : Failed to reallocate %d bytes for string", LengthAllocated * sizeof(TCHAR))); break; } }
return(String); }
* FUNCTION: AllocAndRegQueryValueEx * * PURPOSE: Version of RegQueryValueEx that returns value in allocated buffer. * The returned buffer should be freed using Free() * * RETURNS: Pointer to key value or NULL on failure. The reason for the * error can be obtains using GetLastError() * * HISTORY: * * 15-Jan-93 Davidc Created. * \***************************************************************************/
LPTSTR AllocAndRegQueryValueEx( HKEY hKey, LPTSTR lpValueName, LPDWORD lpReserved, LPDWORD lpType ) { LPTSTR String; DWORD BytesAllocated;
// Pick a random buffer length, if it's not big enough reallocate
// it and try again until it is.
BytesAllocated = TYPICAL_STRING_LENGTH * sizeof(TCHAR);
String = Alloc(BytesAllocated); if (String == NULL) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "AllocAndRegQueryValueEx : Failed to allocate %d bytes for string", BytesAllocated)); return(NULL); }
while (TRUE) {
DWORD Error; DWORD BytesReturned = BytesAllocated;
Error = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, lpValueName, lpReserved, lpType, (LPBYTE)String, &BytesReturned); if (Error == ERROR_SUCCESS) { break; }
if (Error != ERROR_MORE_DATA) {
DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "AllocAndRegQueryValueEx : RegQueryValueEx failed, error = %d", Error)); Free(String); String = NULL; SetLastError(Error); break; }
// The buffer was too small, make it bigger and try again
VerbosePrint(("AllocAndRegQueryValueEx: Failed with buffer length = %d bytes, reallocating and retrying", BytesAllocated));
BytesAllocated *= 2; String = ReAlloc(String, BytesAllocated); if (String == NULL) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "AllocAndRegQueryValueEx : Failed to reallocate %d bytes for string", BytesAllocated)); break; } }
return(String); }
* FUNCTION: ReadWinlogonBoolValue * * PURPOSE: Determines the correct BOOL value for the requested * value name by first looking up the machine preference * and then checking for policy * * RETURNS: TRUE or FALSE * * HISTORY: * * EricFlo 10-14-98 Created * \***************************************************************************/
BOOL ReadWinlogonBoolValue (LPTSTR lpValueName, BOOL bDefault) { BOOL bResult; HKEY hKey; DWORD dwSize, dwType;
// Get the machine preference first
bResult = GetProfileInt(APPLICATION_NAME, lpValueName, bDefault);
// Check for a machine policy
dwSize = sizeof(bResult); RegQueryValueEx(hKey, lpValueName, 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&bResult, &dwSize);
RegCloseKey (hKey); }
return bResult; }
* HandleComboBoxOK * * Deals with UI requirements when OK is selected in a dialog when the * focus is on or in a combo-box. * * This routine should be called from a dialog proc that contains a * combo-box when a WM_COMMAND, IDOK is received. * * Returns TRUE if the message was dealt with and the caller should ignore it, * FALSE if this routine did nothing with it and the caller should process it * normally. * * History: * 24-Sep-92 Davidc Created. \***************************************************************************/ BOOL HandleComboBoxOK( HWND hDlg, int ComboBoxId ) { HWND hwndFocus = GetFocus(); HWND hwndCB = GetDlgItem(hDlg, ComboBoxId);
// Hitting enter on a combo-box with the list showing should simply
// hide the list.
// We check for focus window being a child of the combo-box to
// handle non-list style combo-boxes which have the focus on
// the child edit control.
if ((hwndFocus == hwndCB) || IsChild(hwndCB, hwndFocus)) {
if (SendMessage(hwndCB, CB_GETDROPPEDSTATE, 0, 0)) {
// Make the list-box disappear and we're done.
SendMessage(hwndCB, CB_SHOWDROPDOWN, (WPARAM)FALSE, 0); return(TRUE); } }
// We didn't do anything
return(FALSE); }
* FUNCTION: EncodeMultiSzW * * PURPOSE: Converts a multi-sz string and encodes it to look like * a single string. * * We replace the terminators between strings * with the TERMINATOR_REPLACEMENT character. We replace * existing occurrences of the replacement character with * two of them. * * RETURNS: Pointer to encoded string or NULL on failure. * The returned buffer should be freed using Free() * * HISTORY: * * 01-12-93 Davidc Created. * \***************************************************************************/
LPWSTR EncodeMultiSzW( IN LPWSTR MultiSz ) { DWORD Length; DWORD NewLength; LPWSTR NewBuffer; LPWSTR p, q; DWORD ExtraCharacters;
// First calculate the length of the new string (with replacements)
p = MultiSz; ExtraCharacters = 0;
while (*p) { while (*p) { if (*p == TERMINATOR_REPLACEMENT) { ExtraCharacters ++; } p ++; } p ++; }
Length = (DWORD)(p - MultiSz); // p points at 'second' (final) null terminator
NewLength = Length + ExtraCharacters;
// Allocate space for the new string
NewBuffer = Alloc((NewLength + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (NewBuffer == NULL) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "EncodeMultiSz: failed to allocate space for %d bytes", (NewLength + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR))); return(NULL); }
// Copy the string into the new buffer making replacements as we go
p = MultiSz; q = NewBuffer;
while (*p) { while (*p) {
*q = *p;
p ++; q ++; }
p ++; q ++; }
ASSERT((DWORD)(q - NewBuffer) == NewLength);
// Add terminator
*q = 0;
return(NewBuffer); }
* TimeoutMessageBox * * Same as a normal message box, but times out if there is no user input * for the specified number of seconds * For convenience, this api takes string resource ids rather than string * pointers as input. The resources are loaded from the .exe module * * 12-05-91 Davidc Created. \***************************************************************************/
INT_PTR TimeoutMessageBox( HWND hwnd, PGLOBALS pGlobals, UINT IdText, UINT IdCaption, UINT wType, TIMEOUT Timeout ) { TCHAR CaptionBuffer[MAX_STRING_BYTES]; PTCHAR Caption = CaptionBuffer; TCHAR Text[MAX_STRING_BYTES];
LoadString(hDllInstance, IdText, Text, MAX_STRING_LENGTH);
if (IdCaption != 0) { LoadString(hDllInstance, IdCaption, Caption, MAX_STRING_LENGTH); } else { Caption = NULL; }
return TimeoutMessageBoxlpstr(hwnd, pGlobals, Text, Caption, wType, Timeout); }
* TimeoutMessageBoxlpstr * * Same as a normal message box, but times out if there is no user input * for the specified number of seconds * * 12-05-91 Davidc Created. \***************************************************************************/
INT_PTR TimeoutMessageBoxlpstr( HWND hwnd, PGLOBALS pGlobals, LPTSTR Text, LPTSTR Caption, UINT wType, TIMEOUT Timeout ) { INT_PTR DlgResult; BOOL fStatusHostHidden;
fStatusHostHidden = _Shell_LogonStatus_IsHidden(); _Shell_LogonStatus_Hide();
// Set up input timeout
pWlxFuncs->WlxSetTimeout(pGlobals->hGlobalWlx, Timeout);
DlgResult = pWlxFuncs->WlxMessageBox( pGlobals->hGlobalWlx, hwnd, Text, Caption, wType);
if (!fStatusHostHidden) { _Shell_LogonStatus_Show(); }
return(DlgResult); }
PWSTR DupString(PWSTR pszString) { DWORD cbString; PWSTR pszNewString;
cbString = (DWORD) (wcslen(pszString) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); pszNewString = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, cbString); if (pszNewString) { CopyMemory(pszNewString, pszString, cbString); } return(pszNewString); }
PWSTR DupUnicodeString(PUNICODE_STRING pString) { PWSTR pszNewString;
if (pString->Length) { pszNewString = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED | LMEM_ZEROINIT, pString->Length + sizeof(WCHAR)); if (pszNewString) { CopyMemory(pszNewString, pString->Buffer, pString->Length); } } else
pszNewString = NULL;
return(pszNewString); }
* FUNCTION: EnableDomainForUPN * * PURPOSE: Enables or disables the domain text box based on whether or not * a UPN-style name is typed into the username box. * * RETURNS: none * * HISTORY: * * 04-17-1998 dsheldon created * \***************************************************************************/ void EnableDomainForUPN(HWND hwndUsername, HWND hwndDomain) { BOOL fEnable;
// Get the string the user is typing
TCHAR* pszLogonName; int cchBuffer = (int)SendMessage(hwndUsername, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0) + 1;
pszLogonName = (TCHAR*) Alloc(cchBuffer * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (pszLogonName != NULL) { SendMessage(hwndUsername, WM_GETTEXT, (WPARAM) cchBuffer, (LPARAM) pszLogonName);
// Disable the domain combo if the user is using a
// UPN (if there is a "@") - ie [email protected]
fEnable = (NULL == wcschr(pszLogonName, TEXT('@')));
EnableWindow(hwndDomain, fEnable);
Free(pszLogonName); } }
// TRUE if we must always hide the domain box (local logon, UPN, smartcard only)
// FALSE if this policy isn't set or is set to 0x0
BOOL ForceNoDomainUI() { DWORD dwPolicyVal = 0; HKEY hkey; if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, WINLOGON_KEY, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hkey)) { DWORD cbData = sizeof (dwPolicyVal); DWORD dwType;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegQueryValueEx(hkey, NODOMAINCOMBO, 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &dwPolicyVal, &cbData)) { dwPolicyVal = 0; }
RegCloseKey(hkey); }
return (0 != dwPolicyVal); }
DWORD GetReasonSelection(HWND hwndCombo) { DWORD dwResult; PREASON pReason; int iItem = ComboBox_GetCurSel(hwndCombo);
if (iItem != (int) CB_ERR) { pReason = (PREASON) ComboBox_GetItemData(hwndCombo, iItem); dwResult = pReason->dwCode; } else { dwResult = SHTDN_REASON_UNKNOWN; }
return dwResult; }
VOID SetReasonDescription(HWND hwndCombo, HWND hwndStatic) { PREASON pReason; int iItem = ComboBox_GetCurSel(hwndCombo);
if (iItem != CB_ERR) { pReason = (PREASON) ComboBox_GetItemData(hwndCombo, iItem); SetWindowText(hwndStatic, pReason->szDesc); } }