//* Microsoft Windows **
//* Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1994 **
#include "admincfg.h"
#include "regstr.h"
BOOL InitSettingData(TABLEENTRY * pTableEntry,SETTINGDATA *pSettingData); HGLOBAL AllocateUser(CHAR * szName,DWORD dwType); VOID RemoveDeletedUser(USERHDR * pUserHdr);
USERHDR * pDeletedUserList = NULL; UINT nDeletedUserCount = 0;
NAME: AddUser
SYNOPSIS: Allocates a user and adds it to the list control.
********************************************************************/ HGLOBAL AddUser(HWND hwndList,CHAR * szName,DWORD dwType) { HGLOBAL hUser; LV_ITEM lvi; UINT uStrID=0;
if (!(hUser = AllocateUser(szName,dwType))) return NULL;
lvi.mask = LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_IMAGE | LVIF_STATE | LVIF_PARAM; lvi.iItem = 0; lvi.iSubItem = 0; lvi.state = 0; lvi.stateMask = LVIS_FOCUSED | LVIS_SELECTED; lvi.pszText = szName; lvi.cchTextMax = lstrlen(szName)+1; lvi.iImage = GetUserImageIndex(dwType); lvi.lParam = (LPARAM) hUser;
if (dwAppState & AS_POLICYFILE) { // if a "default user/default workstation" entry exists, init the new
// user/computer with that data
switch (dwType & UT_MASK) { case UT_USER: uStrID = IDS_DEFAULTUSER; break;
if (uStrID) { LV_FINDINFO lvfi; CHAR szDefaultName[USERNAMELEN+1]; int iSel=-1; HGLOBAL hDefaultUser; USERDATA * pUserData; BOOL fFound=FALSE;
lvfi.flags = LVFI_STRING | LVFI_NOCASE; lvfi.psz = szDefaultName;
while (!fFound && (iSel=ListView_FindItem(hwndUser,iSel,&lvfi)) >= 0) { hDefaultUser=(HGLOBAL) LongToHandle(ListView_GetItemParm(hwndUser,iSel)); if (hDefaultUser && (pUserData = (USERDATA *) GlobalLock(hDefaultUser))) { if ( (pUserData->hdr.dwType & UT_MASK) == dwType) fFound = TRUE; GlobalUnlock(hDefaultUser); } }
// copy default user data to new user
if (fFound) CopyUser(hDefaultUser,hUser);
} }
if (ListView_InsertItem(hwndList,&lvi) < 0) { FreeUser(hUser); return NULL; }
return hUser; }
NAME: AllocateUser
SYNOPSIS: Allocates memory for user information and initializes the data area
********************************************************************/ HGLOBAL AllocateUser(CHAR * szName,DWORD dwType) { HGLOBAL hMem; USERDATA * pUserData; DWORD dwNeeded; TABLEENTRY * pTableEntry;
dwNeeded = sizeof(USERDATA) + sizeof(SETTINGDATA) * ( (dwType & UT_USER) ? gClassList.nUserDataItems : gClassList.nMachineDataItems );
if (!(hMem=GlobalAlloc(GHND,dwNeeded))) return NULL;
if (!(pUserData = (USERDATA *) GlobalLock(hMem))) { GlobalFree(hMem); return NULL; }
// init the data structure
pUserData->dwSize = dwNeeded; pUserData->hdr.dwType = dwType; pUserData->nSettings = ( (dwType & UT_USER) ? gClassList.nUserDataItems : gClassList.nMachineDataItems ); lstrcpy(pUserData->hdr.szName,szName);
pTableEntry = ( ( dwType & UT_USER ) ? gClassList.pUserCategoryList : gClassList.pMachineCategoryList);
if (!InitSettingData(pTableEntry,pUserData->SettingData)) { GlobalUnlock(hMem); GlobalFree(hMem); return NULL; }
// remove this user from the deleted list, if it's on it
GlobalUnlock(hMem); return hMem; }
NAME: CloneUser
SYNOPSIS: Clones the specified user by allocating a duplicate buffer, copying the data to the 2nd buffer and storing a handle to the new buffer in the original. This is so the initial state of a user can be preserved so we can do non-destructive saves.
********************************************************************/ BOOL CloneUser(HGLOBAL hUser) { USERDATA * pUserData = (USERDATA *) GlobalLock(hUser); USERDATA * pUserDataClone; HGLOBAL hUserClone; if (!pUserData) return FALSE;
// free existing clone if there is one
if (pUserData->hClone) { GlobalFree(pUserData->hClone); pUserData->hClone = NULL; }
hUserClone = GlobalAlloc(GHND,pUserData->dwSize); if (!hUserClone || !(pUserDataClone = (USERDATA *) GlobalLock(hUserClone))) { if (hUserClone) GlobalFree(hUserClone); GlobalUnlock(hUser); return FALSE; }
// copy the user data to clone and save handle to clone in original user
memcpy (pUserDataClone,pUserData,pUserData->dwSize); pUserData->hClone = hUserClone;
GlobalUnlock(hUser); GlobalUnlock(hUserClone);
return TRUE; }
BOOL CopyUser(HGLOBAL hUserSrc,HGLOBAL hUserDst) { BOOL fRet=FALSE; USERDATA * pUserDataSrc = NULL,* pUserDataDst = NULL; HGLOBAL hCloneDst; USERHDR UserhdrDst;
if (!(pUserDataSrc = (USERDATA *) GlobalLock(hUserSrc)) || !(pUserDataDst = (USERDATA *) GlobalLock(hUserDst))) { goto cleanup; }
// save destination user header & clone handle.. don't want to overwrite
// this stuff
UserhdrDst = pUserDataDst->hdr; hCloneDst = pUserDataDst->hClone;
// resize buffer if necessary
if (pUserDataDst->dwSize != pUserDataSrc->dwSize) { if (!(pUserDataDst = (USERDATA *) ResizeBuffer((CHAR *) pUserDataDst, hUserDst,pUserDataSrc->dwSize,&pUserDataDst->dwSize))) { goto cleanup; } }
// copy src to dest
memcpy(pUserDataDst,pUserDataSrc,pUserDataSrc->dwSize); fRet = TRUE;
// put the destination user's old header & clone handle back in the
// user data
pUserDataDst->hClone = hCloneDst; pUserDataDst->hdr = UserhdrDst; cleanup: if (pUserDataSrc) GlobalUnlock(hUserSrc); if (pUserDataDst) GlobalUnlock(hUserDst);
return fRet; }
NAME: InitSettingData
SYNOPSIS: Walks a template tree and initializes user's data buffer according to template tree
NOTES: Sets checkboxes to "indeterminate", puts default text in data buffer, etc.
********************************************************************/ BOOL InitSettingData(TABLEENTRY * pTableEntry,SETTINGDATA *pSettingData) { while (pTableEntry) {
if (pTableEntry->pChild && !InitSettingData(pTableEntry->pChild,pSettingData)) return FALSE;
if (pTableEntry->dwType == ETYPE_POLICY) {
pSettingData[ ( (POLICY *) pTableEntry)->uDataIndex].dwType = pTableEntry->dwType;
pSettingData[ ( (POLICY *) pTableEntry)->uDataIndex].uData = (dwAppState & AS_POLICYFILE ? IMG_INDETERMINATE : IMG_UNCHECKED);
} else if ((pTableEntry->dwType & ETYPE_MASK) == ETYPE_SETTING) { SETTINGS * pSetting = (SETTINGS *) pTableEntry;
pSettingData[pSetting->uDataIndex].dwType = pTableEntry->dwType;
switch (pTableEntry->dwType & STYPE_MASK) { case STYPE_EDITTEXT: case STYPE_COMBOBOX: if (pSetting->dwFlags & DF_USEDEFAULT) { pSettingData[pSetting->uDataIndex].uData = INIT_WITH_DEFAULT; break;
case STYPE_CHECKBOX: pSettingData[pSetting->uDataIndex].uData = ( (pSetting->dwFlags & DF_USEDEFAULT) ? 1 : 0); break;
case STYPE_NUMERIC: pSettingData[pSetting->uDataIndex].uData = ( (pSetting->dwFlags & DF_USEDEFAULT) ? (((NUMERICINFO *) GETOBJECTDATAPTR(pSetting))) ->uDefValue : NO_VALUE); break;
case STYPE_DROPDOWNLIST: pSettingData[pSetting->uDataIndex].uData = ( (pSetting->dwFlags & DF_USEDEFAULT) ? (((DROPDOWNINFO *) GETOBJECTDATAPTR(pSetting))) ->uDefaultItemIndex : NO_VALUE);
} }
pTableEntry = pTableEntry->pNext; }
return TRUE; }
NAME: FreeUser
SYNOPSIS: Frees a user buffer. If it has a clone, frees the clone too.
********************************************************************/ BOOL FreeUser(HGLOBAL hUser) { USERDATA * pUserData;
// free user's clone if one exists
if (pUserData = (USERDATA *) GlobalLock(hUser)) { if (pUserData->hClone) { if (GlobalFlags(pUserData->hClone)) GlobalUnlock(pUserData->hClone); GlobalFree(pUserData->hClone); } GlobalUnlock(hUser); } if (GlobalFlags(hUser)) GlobalUnlock(hUser); GlobalFree(hUser);
return TRUE; }
BOOL RemoveAllUsers(HWND hwndList) { UINT nIndex,nCount = ListView_GetItemCount(hwndList);
for (nIndex=0;nIndex<nCount;nIndex++) RemoveUser(hwndList,0,FALSE);
FreeGroupPriorityList(); #endif
return TRUE; }
BOOL RemoveUser(HWND hwndList,UINT nIndex,BOOL fMarkDeleted) { HGLOBAL hUser;
hUser = (HGLOBAL) LongToHandle(ListView_GetItemParm(hwndList,nIndex)); if (!hUser) return FALSE;
if (fMarkDeleted) { USERHDR UserHdr;
if (!GetUserHeader(hUser,&UserHdr)) return FALSE; if (!AddDeletedUser(&UserHdr)) return FALSE; } FreeUser(hUser); ListView_DeleteItem(hwndList,nIndex);
return TRUE; }
BOOL SortUsers(VOID) {
return TRUE; }
BOOL AddDefaultUsers(HWND hwndList) { if (!AddUser(hwndList,LoadSz(IDS_DEFAULTUSER,szSmallBuf,sizeof(szSmallBuf)), UT_USER)) return FALSE; if (!AddUser(hwndList,LoadSz(IDS_DEFAULTCOMPUTER,szSmallBuf,sizeof(szSmallBuf)), UT_MACHINE)) return FALSE;
return TRUE; }
BOOL GetUserHeader(HGLOBAL hUser,USERHDR * pUserHdr) { USERDATA * pUserData;
if (!(pUserData = (USERDATA *) GlobalLock(hUser))) return FALSE;
*pUserHdr = pUserData->hdr;
return TRUE; }
UINT GetUserImageIndex(DWORD dwUserType) { return ( (dwUserType & UT_USER ? ( (dwUserType & UF_GROUP) ? IMG_USERS : IMG_USER) : (dwUserType & UF_GROUP) ? IMG_MACHINES : IMG_MACHINE ) ); }
// when a user is deleted from the main window, we can't just delete it from
// the file right away, so add the user to a list of people we've deleted.
// If/when the user saves, we'll commit the changes and delete them from the
// file.
BOOL AddDeletedUser(USERHDR * pUserHdr) { USERHDR * pTemp;
// alloc/realloc buffer to hold copy of the user header
if (!pDeletedUserList) { pDeletedUserList = (USERHDR *) GlobalAlloc(GPTR,sizeof(USERHDR)); if (!pDeletedUserList) return FALSE; // out of memory
} else { pTemp = (USERHDR *) GlobalReAlloc((HGLOBAL) pDeletedUserList, sizeof(USERHDR) * (nDeletedUserCount + 1),GMEM_ZEROINIT | GMEM_MOVEABLE); if (!pTemp) return FALSE; pDeletedUserList = pTemp; }
pDeletedUserList[nDeletedUserCount] = *pUserHdr; nDeletedUserCount++;
return TRUE; }
USERHDR * GetDeletedUser(UINT nIndex) { if (!pDeletedUserList || nIndex >= nDeletedUserCount) return NULL; return &pDeletedUserList[nIndex]; }
// when adding a user, check to see if it's on the deleted list
// and if so remove it. (ex: add "joe", remove "joe", add "joe".
// on 2nd add, have to remove "joe" from deleted list)
VOID RemoveDeletedUser(USERHDR * pUserHdr) { UINT nIndex;
for (nIndex=0;nIndex<nDeletedUserCount;nIndex++) { // got a match?
if (!lstrcmpi(pDeletedUserList[nIndex].szName, pUserHdr->szName) && (pDeletedUserList[nIndex].dwType == pUserHdr->dwType)) {
// move subsequent entries up one slot in the array
nDeletedUserCount --; while (nIndex<nDeletedUserCount) { pDeletedUserList[nIndex] = pDeletedUserList[nIndex+1]; nIndex++; } } } }
VOID ClearDeletedUserList(VOID) { if (pDeletedUserList) GlobalFree(pDeletedUserList);
pDeletedUserList = NULL; nDeletedUserCount = 0; }
// maps the localized default entries in resource ("default user",
// "default computer") to hard-coded non-localized name (".default").
// Other names are unchanged (szMappedName returned same as szUserName)
VOID MapUserName(CHAR * szUserName,CHAR * szMappedName) { if (!lstrcmpi(szUserName,LoadSz(IDS_DEFAULTUSER,szSmallBuf, sizeof(szSmallBuf))) || !lstrcmpi(szUserName,LoadSz(IDS_DEFAULTCOMPUTER,szSmallBuf, sizeof(szSmallBuf)))) { lstrcpy(szMappedName,szDEFAULTENTRY); } else lstrcpy(szMappedName,szUserName);
// unmaps the ".default" hard-coded entry to the localized text
// "default user" or "default computer"
VOID UnmapUserName(CHAR * szMappedName,CHAR * szUserName,BOOL fUser) {
if (!lstrcmpi(szMappedName,szDEFAULTENTRY)) { lstrcpy(szUserName,LoadSz( (fUser ? IDS_DEFAULTUSER : IDS_DEFAULTCOMPUTER),szSmallBuf,sizeof(szSmallBuf))); } else { lstrcpy(szUserName,szMappedName); } }