Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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  2. // Microsoft Developer Studio generated include file.
  3. // Used by filedep.rc
  4. //
  5. #define IDS_SNAPIN_DESC 1
  6. #define IDS_NODENAME 2
  7. #define IDS_FIRST_COL 3
  8. #define IDS_NAME 3
  9. #define IDS_TYPE 4
  10. #define IDS_LAST_COL 5
  11. #define IDS_SNAPIN_NAME 6
  12. #define IDS_FOLDER_TYPE 10
  13. #define IDS_FIRST_RSOP_COL 20
  14. #define IDS_PRECEDENCE 20
  15. #define IDS_REDIRECTEDPATH 21
  16. #define IDS_GROUP 22
  17. #define IDS_GPO 23
  19. #define IDS_EXCLUSIVE 25
  20. #define IDS_MOVE 26
  21. #define IDS_POLICYREMOVAL 27
  22. #define IDS_LAST_RSOP_COL 28
  23. #define IDS_FOLDER_TITLE 100
  24. #define IDS_FOLDERBROWSE_DESC 109
  25. #define IDS_MOVECONTENTS_TITLE 112
  27. #define IDS_INIFILE 114
  28. #define IDS_MYPICS_RELPATH 115
  29. #define IDS_PROGRAMS_RELPATH 116
  30. #define IDS_STARTUP_RELPATH 117
  31. #define IDS_REDIR_DESC 118
  32. #define IDS_TARGET_DESC 119
  33. #define IDS_SECGROUP_DESC 120
  34. #define IDS_COL_GROUP 121
  35. #define IDS_COL_PATH 122
  36. #define IDS_OBJPICK_ERROR 123
  37. #define IDS_SID_EVERYONE 124
  38. #define IDS_HELP_FILE 125
  39. #define IDS_DEFAULT_ERROR 200
  40. #define IDS_DEFAULT_ERROR_TITLE 201
  42. #define IDS_NOSECURITY_INFO 203
  43. #define IDS_INVALID_GROUPPATH 204
  44. #define IDS_SECGROUP_EXISTS 205
  45. #define IDS_SAVE_ERROR 206
  46. #define IDS_INVALID_PATH 207
  47. #define IDS_SECTIONLOAD_ERROR 208
  48. #define IDS_PATHTOOLONG_ERROR 209
  49. #define IDS_PATHNOTUNC_WARNING 210
  50. #define IDS_CHILD_REDIR_START 302
  51. #define IDS_FOLLOW_PARENT 302
  52. #define IDS_REDIR_START 303
  53. #define IDS_NETWORK 303
  54. #define IDS_SCALEABLE 304
  55. #define IDS_DONT_CARE 305
  56. #define IDS_REDIR_END 306
  57. #define IDS_CHILD_SELDESC_START 307
  58. #define IDS_FOLLOWPARENT_DESC 307
  59. #define IDS_SELDESC_START 308
  60. #define IDS_NETWORK_DESC 308
  61. #define IDS_SCALEABLE_DESC 309
  62. #define IDS_DONTCARE_DESC 310
  63. #define IDS_SELDESC_END 311
  64. #define IDI_FOLDER 400
  65. #define IDI_SNAPIN 401
  66. #define IDB_16x16 500
  67. #define IDB_32x32 501
  68. #define IDS_DIRS_START 602
  69. #define IDS_LEVEL1_DIRS_START 602
  70. #define IDS_APPDATA 602
  71. #define IDS_DESKTOP 603
  72. #define IDS_MYDOCS 604
  73. #define IDS_STARTMENU 605
  74. #define IDS_LEVEL1_DIRS_END 606
  75. #define IDS_LEVEL2_DIRS_START 606
  76. #define IDS_MYPICS 606
  77. #define IDS_PROGRAMS 607
  78. #define IDS_LEVEL2_DIRS_END 608
  79. #define IDS_LEVEL3_DIRS_START 608
  80. #define IDS_STARTUP 608
  81. #define IDS_LEVEL3_DIRS_END 609
  82. #define IDS_DIRS_END 609
  83. #define IDS_PREF_TITLE 700
  84. #define IDS_PREF_APPLYSECURITY 701
  85. #define IDS_PREF_MOVE 702
  87. #define IDS_HOMEDIR_PATH 801
  88. #define IDS_DESTTYPE_START 802
  89. #define IDS_PERUSER_PATH 802
  90. #define IDS_SMENU_DESTTYPE_START 803
  91. #define IDS_SPECIFIC_PATH 803
  92. #define IDS_USERPROFILE_PATH 804
  93. #define IDS_DESTTYPE_END 805
  94. #define IDS_SETTINGS 900
  95. #define IDS_SETTING_BASIC 901
  96. #define IDS_SETTING_MAXIMUM 902
  97. #define IDS_NO 903
  98. #define IDS_YES 904
  99. #define IDS_ONPOLICYREMOVAL 904
  100. #define IDS_LEAVE 905
  101. #define IDS_REDIRECT 906
  102. #define IDS_SAMPLE_USER 907
  103. #define IDS_SAMPLE_PATHDESC 908
  104. #define IDS_HOMEDIR_WARNING 909
  105. #define IDD_SECPATH 1007
  106. #define IDD_REDIRMETHOD 1010
  107. #define IDD_PATHCHOOSER 1011
  108. #define IDC_REDIR_ICON 5002
  109. #define IDC_REDIR_DESC 5003
  110. #define IDC_STORE_GROUP 5004
  111. #define IDC_REDIR_CHOICE 5032
  112. #define IDC_SEL_DESC 5034
  113. #define IDC_SETTING_TITLE 5035
  114. #define IDC_BTNADD 5037
  115. #define IDC_BTNEDIT 5038
  116. #define IDC_BTNREMOVE 5039
  117. #define IDC_LIST_ADVANCED 5040
  118. #define IDC_LIST_STRSIDS 5042
  119. #define IDC_SECPATH_DESC 5043
  120. #define IDC_SECPATH_ICON 5044
  121. #define IDC_SECPATH_SECGROUP 5045
  122. #define IDC_SECPATH_TARGET 5046
  123. #define IDC_EDIT_SECGROUP 5047
  124. #define IDC_BROWSE_SECGROUP 5048
  125. #define IDC_PREF_ICON 5055
  126. #define IDC_PREF_TITLE 5056
  127. #define IDC_PREF_MOVE 5057
  128. #define IDC_PREF_APPLYSECURITY 5058
  129. #define IDC_PREF_CHANGEMYPICS 5061
  130. #define IDC_PREF_LEAVEMYPICS 5062
  131. #define IDC_PREF_MYPICS_GROUP 5063
  132. #define IDC_PREF_ORPHAN 5064
  133. #define IDC_GROUP_ORPHAN 5065
  134. #define IDC_PREF_RELOCATE 5067
  135. #define IDC_SECPATH_PLACEHOLDER 5072
  136. #define IDC_PATHS_PLACEHOLDER 5073
  137. #define IDC_DESTTYPE 5074
  138. #define IDC_ROOT_DESC 5075
  139. #define IDC_ROOT_PATH 5076
  140. #define IDC_BROWSE 5077
  141. #define IDC_SAMPLE_PATH 5078
  142. #define IDC_GROUP 5079
  143. #define IDC_GPO 5080
  144. #define IDC_SETTING 5081
  145. #define IDC_PATH 5082
  146. #define IDD_REDIRECT 6001
  147. #define IDD_RSOP 6002
  148. // Next default values for new objects
  149. //
  150. #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED
  152. #define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE 1012
  153. #define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE 40001
  154. #define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE 5083
  155. #define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE 6002
  156. #endif
  157. #endif