#include <windows.h>
#include <dbghelp.h>
#include <ntsdexts.h>
#include <wdbgexts.h>
#include <ntverp.h>
#define private public
#define protected public
#include "uenv.h"
#include "reghash.h"
// forwards
BOOL ReadMemoryUserMode( HANDLE hProcess, const void* pAddress, void* pBuffer, DWORD dwSize, DWORD* pdwRead );
BOOL ReadMemoryKernelMode( HANDLE hProcess, const void* pAddress, void* pBuffer, DWORD dwSize, DWORD* pdwRead );
BOOL WriteMemoryUserMode( HANDLE hProcess, const void* pAddress, void* pBuffer, DWORD dwSize, DWORD* pdwRead );
BOOL WriteMemoryKernelMode( HANDLE hProcess, const void* pAddress, void* pBuffer, DWORD dwSize, DWORD* pdwRead );
// types
typedef BOOL (*UEnvReadMemory)( HANDLE, const void*, void*, DWORD, DWORD* ); typedef BOOL (*UEnvWriteMemory)( HANDLE, void*, void*, DWORD, DWORD* );
// globals
EXT_API_VERSION ApiVersion = { (VER_PRODUCTVERSION_W >> 8), (VER_PRODUCTVERSION_W & 0xff), EXT_API_VERSION_NUMBER, 0 }; WINDBG_EXTENSION_APIS ExtensionApis; USHORT SavedMajorVersion = 0; USHORT SavedMinorVersion = 0; BOOL fKernelDebug = FALSE; UEnvReadMemory ReadMemoryExt = ReadMemoryUserMode; UEnvReadMemory WriteMemoryExt = ReadMemoryUserMode;
// macros
#define ExtensionRoutinePrologue() if (!fKernelDebug) \
{ \ ExtensionApis = *lpExtensionApis; \ ReadMemoryExt = ReadMemoryUserMode; \ WriteMemoryExt = WriteMemoryUserMode; \ } \ ULONG_PTR dwAddr = GetExpression(lpArgumentString); \
#define PRINT_SIZE(_x_) {dprintf(#_x_" - 0x%X\n", sizeof(_x_));}
#define Boolean( x ) ( x ) ? "True" : "False"
// routines
BOOL DllInit(HANDLE hModule, DWORD dwReason, DWORD dwReserved ) { switch (dwReason) { case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH: break;
case DLL_THREAD_DETACH: break;
case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: break; }
return TRUE; }
void WinDbgExtensionDllInit( PWINDBG_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis, USHORT MajorVersion, USHORT MinorVersion ) { fKernelDebug = TRUE; ReadMemoryExt = ReadMemoryKernelMode; WriteMemoryExt = WriteMemoryKernelMode; ExtensionApis = *lpExtensionApis;
SavedMajorVersion = MajorVersion; SavedMinorVersion = MinorVersion;
return; }
// define our own operators new and delete, so that we do not have to include the crt
void* __cdecl ::operator new(size_t dwBytes) { void *p; p = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, dwBytes); return (p); }
void __cdecl ::operator delete (void* p) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, p); }
BOOL ReadMemoryUserMode( HANDLE hProcess, const void* pAddress, void* pBuffer, DWORD dwSize, DWORD* pdwRead ) { return ReadProcessMemory( hProcess, pAddress, pBuffer, dwSize, pdwRead ); }
BOOL ReadMemoryKernelMode( HANDLE, const void* pAddress, void* pBuffer, DWORD dwSize, DWORD* pdwRead ) { return ReadMemory( (ULONG) pAddress, pBuffer, dwSize, pdwRead ); }
BOOL WriteMemoryUserMode( HANDLE hProcess, const void* pAddress, void* pBuffer, DWORD dwSize, DWORD* pdwRead ) { return WriteProcessMemory( hProcess, (void*) pAddress, pBuffer, dwSize, pdwRead ); }
BOOL WriteMemoryKernelMode( HANDLE, const void* pAddress, void* pBuffer, DWORD dwSize, DWORD* pdwRead ) { return WriteMemory( (ULONG) pAddress, pBuffer, dwSize, pdwRead ); }
void PrintUuid( UUID x ) { dprintf("%08lx-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x", x.Data1, x.Data2, x.Data3, x.Data4[0], x.Data4[1], x.Data4[2], x.Data4[3], x.Data4[4], x.Data4[5], x.Data4[6], x.Data4[7] ); }
void version(HANDLE hCurrentProcess, HANDLE hCurrentThread, DWORD dwCurrentPc, PWINDBG_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis, LPSTR lpArgumentString ) { ExtensionRoutinePrologue(); #if DBG
PCHAR DebuggerType = "Checked"; #else
PCHAR DebuggerType = "Free"; #endif
if ( fKernelDebug ) { dprintf( "%s UserEnv Extension dll for Build %d debugging %s kernel for Build %d\n", DebuggerType, VER_PRODUCTBUILD, SavedMajorVersion == 0x0c ? "Checked" : "Free", SavedMinorVersion ); } else { dprintf( "%s UserEnv Extension dll for Build %d\n", DebuggerType, VER_PRODUCTBUILD ); } }
LPEXT_API_VERSION ExtensionApiVersion( void ) { return &ApiVersion; }
void help( HANDLE hCurrentProcess, HANDLE hCurrentThread, DWORD dwCurrentPc, PWINDBG_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis, LPSTR lpArgumentString )
{ ExtensionRoutinePrologue(); dprintf("!version\n"); dprintf("!gpo <address>\n"); dprintf("!gpext <address>\n"); dprintf("!container <address>\n"); dprintf("!som <address>\n"); dprintf("!profile <address>\n"); dprintf("!debuglevel <address>\n"); dprintf("!dmpregtable <address>\n"); // dprintf("!globals\n");
dprintf("!sizes\n"); }
void gpo( HANDLE hCurrentProcess, HANDLE hCurrentThread, DWORD dwCurrentPc, PWINDBG_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis, LPSTR lpArgumentString )
{ ExtensionRoutinePrologue(); unsigned char buffer[sizeof(GPOINFO)]; LPGPOINFO lpGPOInfo = (LPGPOINFO) buffer; DWORD dwBytesRead = 0; BOOL bOk = ReadMemoryExt( hCurrentProcess, ( const void * ) dwAddr, buffer, sizeof(GPOINFO), &dwBytesRead );
if ( bOk && dwBytesRead == sizeof(GPOINFO) ) { dprintf("dwFlags - 0x%08X\n", lpGPOInfo->dwFlags ); dprintf("iMachineRole - %d\n", lpGPOInfo->iMachineRole ); dprintf("hToken - 0x%08X\n", lpGPOInfo->hToken ); dprintf("pRsopToken - 0x%08X\n", lpGPOInfo->pRsopToken );
WCHAR sz[128]; bOk = ReadMemoryExt( hCurrentProcess, ( const void * ) lpGPOInfo->lpDNName, sz, sizeof(WCHAR) * 128, &dwBytesRead ); sz[127] = 0;
dprintf("lpDNName - 0x%08X\t: \"%S\"\n", lpGPOInfo->lpDNName, bOk ? sz : L"" ); dprintf("hEvent - 0x%08X\n", lpGPOInfo->hEvent ); dprintf("hKeyRoot - 0x%08X\n", lpGPOInfo->hKeyRoot ); dprintf("bXferToExtList - %s\n", Boolean( lpGPOInfo->bXferToExtList ) ); dprintf("lpExtFilterList - 0x%08X\n", lpGPOInfo->lpExtFilterList ); dprintf("lpGPOList - 0x%08X\n", lpGPOInfo->lpGPOList ); bOk = ReadMemoryExt( hCurrentProcess, ( const void * ) lpGPOInfo->lpwszSidUser, sz, sizeof(WCHAR) * 128, &dwBytesRead ); sz[127] = 0;
dprintf("lpwszSidUser - 0x%08X\t: \"%S\"\n", lpGPOInfo->lpwszSidUser, bOk ? sz : L"" ); dprintf("hTriggerEvent - 0x%08X\n", lpGPOInfo->hTriggerEvent ); dprintf("hNotifyEvent - 0x%08X\n", lpGPOInfo->hNotifyEvent ); dprintf("hCritSection - 0x%08X\n", lpGPOInfo->hCritSection ); dprintf("lpExtensions - 0x%08X\n", lpGPOInfo->lpExtensions ); dprintf("bMemChanged - %s\n", Boolean( lpGPOInfo->bMemChanged ) ); dprintf("bUserLocalMemChanged - %s\n", Boolean( lpGPOInfo->bUserLocalMemChanged ) ); dprintf("pStatusCallback - 0x%08X\n", lpGPOInfo->pStatusCallback ); dprintf("lpSOMList - 0x%08X\n", lpGPOInfo->lpSOMList ); dprintf("lpGpContainerList - 0x%08X\n", lpGPOInfo->lpGpContainerList ); dprintf("lpLoopbackSOMList - 0x%08X\n", lpGPOInfo->lpLoopbackSOMList ); dprintf("lpLoopbackGpContainer - 0x%08X\n", lpGPOInfo->lpLoopbackGpContainerList ); } }
void gpext( HANDLE hCurrentProcess, HANDLE hCurrentThread, DWORD dwCurrentPc, PWINDBG_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis, LPSTR lpArgumentString ) { ExtensionRoutinePrologue(); unsigned char buffer[sizeof(GPEXT)]; LPGPEXT lpGPExt = (LPGPEXT) buffer; DWORD dwBytesRead = 0; BOOL bOk = ReadMemoryExt( hCurrentProcess, ( const void * ) dwAddr, buffer, sizeof(GPEXT), &dwBytesRead );
if ( bOk && dwBytesRead == sizeof(GPEXT) ) { WCHAR sz[256]; bOk = ReadMemoryExt( hCurrentProcess, ( const void * ) lpGPExt->lpDisplayName, sz, sizeof(WCHAR) * 128, &dwBytesRead ); sz[127] = 0; dprintf("lpDisplayName - 0x%08X\t: \"%S\"\n", lpGPExt->lpDisplayName, bOk ? sz : L"" ); bOk = ReadMemoryExt( hCurrentProcess, ( const void * ) lpGPExt->lpKeyName, sz, sizeof(WCHAR) * 128, &dwBytesRead ); sz[127] = 0; dprintf("lpKeyName - 0x%08X\t: \"%S\"\n", lpGPExt->lpKeyName, bOk ? sz : L"" ); bOk = ReadMemoryExt( hCurrentProcess, ( const void * ) lpGPExt->lpDllName, sz, sizeof(WCHAR) * 128, &dwBytesRead ); sz[127] = 0; dprintf("lpDllName - 0x%08X\t: \"%S\"\n", lpGPExt->lpDllName, bOk ? sz : L"" ); bOk = ReadMemoryExt( hCurrentProcess, ( const void * ) lpGPExt->lpFunctionName, sz, sizeof(WCHAR) * 128, &dwBytesRead ); sz[127] = 0; dprintf("lpFunctionName - 0x%08X\t: \"%S\"\n", lpGPExt->lpFunctionName, bOk ? sz : L"" ); bOk = ReadMemoryExt( hCurrentProcess, ( const void * ) lpGPExt->lpRsopFunctionName, sz, sizeof(WCHAR) * 128, &dwBytesRead ); sz[127] = 0; dprintf("lpRsopFunctionName - 0x%08X\t: \"%S\"\n", lpGPExt->lpRsopFunctionName, bOk ? sz : L"" ); dprintf("hInstance - 0x%08X\n", lpGPExt->hInstance );
DWORD dwDisplacement = 0; GetSymbol((void*)lpGPExt->pEntryPoint, (UCHAR *)sz, &dwDisplacement); sz[64] = 0; dprintf("pEntryPoint - 0x%08X\t: %s\n", lpGPExt->pEntryPoint, sz ); GetSymbol((void*)lpGPExt->pRsopEntryPoint, (UCHAR *)sz, &dwDisplacement); sz[64] = 0; dprintf("pRsopEntryPoint - 0x%08X\t: %s\n", lpGPExt->pRsopEntryPoint, sz ); dprintf("dwNoMachPolicy - 0x%08X\n", lpGPExt->dwNoMachPolicy ); dprintf("dwNoUserPolicy - 0x%08X\n", lpGPExt->dwNoUserPolicy ); dprintf("dwNoSlowLink - 0x%08X\n", lpGPExt->dwNoSlowLink ); dprintf("dwNoBackgroundPolicy - 0x%08X\n", lpGPExt->dwNoBackgroundPolicy ); dprintf("dwNoGPOChanges - 0x%08X\n", lpGPExt->dwNoGPOChanges ); dprintf("dwUserLocalSetting - 0x%08X\n", lpGPExt->dwUserLocalSetting ); dprintf("dwRequireRegistry - 0x%08X\n", lpGPExt->dwRequireRegistry ); dprintf("dwEnableAsynch - 0x%08X\n", lpGPExt->dwEnableAsynch ); dprintf("dwLinkTransition - 0x%08X\n", lpGPExt->dwLinkTransition ); dprintf("dwMaxChangesInterval - 0x%08X\n", lpGPExt->dwMaxChangesInterval ); dprintf("bRegistryExt - %s\n", Boolean( lpGPExt->bRegistryExt ) ); dprintf("bSkipped - %s\n", Boolean( lpGPExt->bSkipped ) ); dprintf("bHistoryProcessing - %s\n", Boolean( lpGPExt->bHistoryProcessing ) ); // dprintf("dwSlowLinkPrev - 0x%08X\n", lpGPExt->dwSlowLinkPrev );
dprintf("guid - " ); PrintUuid( lpGPExt->guid ); dprintf("\n" );
dprintf("pNext - 0x%08X\n", lpGPExt->pNext ); } }
void container(HANDLE hCurrentProcess, HANDLE hCurrentThread, DWORD dwCurrentPc, PWINDBG_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis, LPSTR lpArgumentString ) { ExtensionRoutinePrologue(); unsigned char buffer[sizeof(GPCONTAINER)]; LPGPCONTAINER lpGPCont = (LPGPCONTAINER) buffer; DWORD dwBytesRead = 0; BOOL bOk = ReadMemoryExt( hCurrentProcess, ( const void * ) dwAddr, buffer, sizeof(GPCONTAINER), &dwBytesRead );
if ( bOk && dwBytesRead == sizeof(GPCONTAINER) ) { WCHAR sz[256]; bOk = ReadMemoryExt( hCurrentProcess, ( const void * ) lpGPCont->pwszDSPath, sz, sizeof(WCHAR) * 128, &dwBytesRead ); sz[127] = 0; dprintf("pwszDSPath - 0x%08X\t: \"%S\"\n", lpGPCont->pwszDSPath, bOk ? sz : L"" ); bOk = ReadMemoryExt( hCurrentProcess, ( const void * ) lpGPCont->pwszGPOName, sz, sizeof(WCHAR) * 128, &dwBytesRead ); sz[127] = 0; dprintf("pwszGPONa - 0x%08X\t: \"%S\"\n", lpGPCont->pwszGPOName, bOk ? sz : L"" ); bOk = ReadMemoryExt( hCurrentProcess, ( const void * ) lpGPCont->pwszDisplayName, sz, sizeof(WCHAR) * 128, &dwBytesRead ); sz[127] = 0; dprintf("pwszDisplayName - 0x%08X\t: \"%S\"\n", lpGPCont->pwszDisplayName, bOk ? sz : L"" ); bOk = ReadMemoryExt( hCurrentProcess, ( const void * ) lpGPCont->pwszFileSysPath, sz, sizeof(WCHAR) * 128, &dwBytesRead ); sz[127] = 0; dprintf("pwszFileSysPath - 0x%08X\t: \"%S\"\n", lpGPCont->pwszFileSysPath, bOk ? sz : L"" );
dprintf("bFound - %s\n", Boolean( lpGPCont->bFound ) ); dprintf("bAccessDenied - %s\n", Boolean( lpGPCont->bAccessDenied ) ); dprintf("bUserDisabled - %s\n", Boolean( lpGPCont->bUserDisabled ) ); dprintf("bMachDisabled - %s\n", Boolean( lpGPCont->bMachDisabled ) );
dprintf("dwUserVersion - 0x%08X\n", lpGPCont->dwUserVersion ); dprintf("dwMachVersion - 0x%08X\n", lpGPCont->dwMachVersion ); dprintf("pSD - 0x%08X\n", lpGPCont->pSD ); dprintf("cbSDLen - 0x%08X\n", lpGPCont->cbSDLen ); dprintf("pNext - 0x%08X\n", lpGPCont->pNext ); } }
void som( HANDLE hCurrentProcess, HANDLE hCurrentThread, DWORD dwCurrentPc, PWINDBG_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis, LPSTR lpArgumentString ) { ExtensionRoutinePrologue(); unsigned char buffer[sizeof(SCOPEOFMGMT)]; LPSCOPEOFMGMT lpSOM = (LPSCOPEOFMGMT) buffer; DWORD dwBytesRead = 0; BOOL bOk = ReadMemoryExt( hCurrentProcess, ( const void * ) dwAddr, buffer, sizeof(SCOPEOFMGMT), &dwBytesRead );
if ( bOk && dwBytesRead == sizeof(SCOPEOFMGMT) ) { WCHAR sz[128]; bOk = ReadMemoryExt( hCurrentProcess, ( const void * ) lpSOM->pwszSOMId, sz, sizeof(WCHAR) * 128, &dwBytesRead ); sz[127] = 0; dprintf("pwszSOMId - 0x%08X\t: \"%S\"\n", lpSOM->pwszSOMId, bOk ? sz : L"" ); dprintf("dwType - 0x%08X\n", lpSOM->dwType ); dprintf("bBlocking - %s\n", Boolean( lpSOM->bBlocking ) ); dprintf("pGpLinkList - 0x%08X\n", lpSOM->pGpLinkList ); } }
void profile( HANDLE hCurrentProcess, HANDLE hCurrentThread, DWORD dwCurrentPc, PWINDBG_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis, LPSTR lpArgumentString ) { ExtensionRoutinePrologue(); unsigned char buffer[sizeof(USERPROFILE)]; LPPROFILE lpProf = (LPPROFILE) buffer; DWORD dwBytesRead = 0; BOOL bOk = ReadMemoryExt( hCurrentProcess, ( const void * ) dwAddr, buffer, sizeof(USERPROFILE), &dwBytesRead );
if ( bOk && dwBytesRead == sizeof(USERPROFILE) ) { WCHAR sz[128]; dprintf("dwFlags - 0x%08X\n", lpProf->dwFlags ); dprintf("dwInternalFlags - 0x%08X\n", lpProf->dwInternalFlags ); dprintf("dwUserPreference - 0x%08X\n", lpProf->dwUserPreference ); dprintf("hToken - 0x%08X\n", lpProf->hToken ); bOk = ReadMemoryExt( hCurrentProcess, ( const void * ) lpProf->lpUserName, sz, sizeof(WCHAR) * 128, &dwBytesRead ); sz[127] = 0; dprintf("lpUserName - 0x%08X\t: \"%S\"\n", lpProf->lpUserName, bOk ? sz : L"" ); bOk = ReadMemoryExt( hCurrentProcess, ( const void * ) lpProf->lpProfilePath, sz, sizeof(WCHAR) * 128, &dwBytesRead ); sz[127] = 0; dprintf("lpProfilePath - 0x%08X\t: \"%S\"\n", lpProf->lpProfilePath, bOk ? sz : L"" ); bOk = ReadMemoryExt( hCurrentProcess, ( const void * ) lpProf->lpRoamingProfile, sz, sizeof(WCHAR) * 128, &dwBytesRead ); sz[127] = 0; dprintf("lpRoamingProfile - 0x%08X\t: \"%S\"\n", lpProf->lpRoamingProfile, bOk ? sz : L"" ); bOk = ReadMemoryExt( hCurrentProcess, ( const void * ) lpProf->lpDefaultProfile, sz, sizeof(WCHAR) * 128, &dwBytesRead ); sz[127] = 0; dprintf("lpDefaultProfile - 0x%08X\t: \"%S\"\n", lpProf->lpDefaultProfile, bOk ? sz : L"" ); bOk = ReadMemoryExt( hCurrentProcess, ( const void * ) lpProf->lpLocalProfile, sz, sizeof(WCHAR) * 128, &dwBytesRead ); sz[127] = 0; dprintf("lpLocalProfile - 0x%08X\t: \"%S\"\n", lpProf->lpLocalProfile, bOk ? sz : L"" ); bOk = ReadMemoryExt( hCurrentProcess, ( const void * ) lpProf->lpPolicyPath, sz, sizeof(WCHAR) * 128, &dwBytesRead ); sz[127] = 0; dprintf("lpPolicyPath - 0x%08X\t: \"%S\"\n", lpProf->lpPolicyPath, bOk ? sz : L"" ); bOk = ReadMemoryExt( hCurrentProcess, ( const void * ) lpProf->lpServerName, sz, sizeof(WCHAR) * 128, &dwBytesRead ); sz[127] = 0; dprintf("lpServerName - 0x%08X\t: \"%S\"\n", lpProf->lpServerName, bOk ? sz : L"" );
dprintf("hKeyCurrentUser - 0x%08X\n", lpProf->hKeyCurrentUser ); dprintf("ftProfileLoad - 0x%08X:0x%08X\n", lpProf->ftProfileLoad.dwLowDateTime, lpProf->ftProfileLoad.dwHighDateTime ); dprintf("ftProfileUnload - 0x%08X:0x%08X\n", lpProf->ftProfileUnload.dwLowDateTime, lpProf->ftProfileUnload.dwHighDateTime ); bOk = ReadMemoryExt( hCurrentProcess, ( const void * ) lpProf->lpExclusionList, sz, sizeof(WCHAR) * 128, &dwBytesRead ); sz[127] = 0; dprintf("lpExclusionList - 0x%08X\t: \"%S\"\n", lpProf->lpExclusionList, bOk ? sz : L"" ); } }
void debuglevel( HANDLE hCurrentProcess, HANDLE hCurrentThread, DWORD dwCurrentPc, PWINDBG_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis, LPSTR lpArgumentString ) { ExtensionRoutinePrologue();
DWORD dwDebugLevelPtr = 0;
dwDebugLevelPtr = GetExpression( "userenv!dwDebugLevel" );
if ( dwDebugLevelPtr ) { unsigned char buffer[sizeof(DWORD)]; LPDWORD lpdw = (LPDWORD) buffer; DWORD dwBytesRead = 0; BOOL bOk = ReadMemoryExt( hCurrentProcess, ( const void * ) dwDebugLevelPtr, buffer, sizeof(DWORD), &dwBytesRead );
if ( bOk && dwBytesRead == sizeof(DWORD) ) { dprintf("0x%08X\n", *lpdw ); }
if ( lpArgumentString && isxdigit( *lpArgumentString ) ) { DWORD dwValue = GetExpression(lpArgumentString); dprintf("%x, Writing 0x%X at 0x%X\n", ExtensionApis.lpWriteProcessMemoryRoutine, dwValue, dwDebugLevelPtr ); WriteMemoryExt( hCurrentProcess, (void*) dwDebugLevelPtr, (void*) dwValue, sizeof( DWORD ), 0 ); } */ } else { dprintf("Could not resolve symbol dwDebugLevel in module userenv!\n" ); } }
void globals( HANDLE hCurrentProcess, HANDLE hCurrentThread, DWORD dwCurrentPc, PWINDBG_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis, LPSTR lpArgumentString ) { ExtensionRoutinePrologue(); }
void dmpregtable( HANDLE hCurrentProcess, HANDLE hCurrentThread, DWORD dwCurrentPc, PWINDBG_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis, LPSTR lpArgumentString ) { ExtensionRoutinePrologue(); unsigned char buffer[sizeof(REGHASHTABLE)]; LPREGHASHTABLE pHashTable = (LPREGHASHTABLE) buffer; DWORD dwBytesRead = 0; int i; BOOL bError=FALSE; BOOL bOk = ReadMemoryExt( hCurrentProcess, ( const void * ) dwAddr, buffer, sizeof(REGHASHTABLE), &dwBytesRead );
if ( bOk && dwBytesRead == sizeof(REGHASHTABLE) ) { WCHAR sz[128];
dprintf("Dumping Registry HashTable at Location 0x%08X\n", dwAddr ); for ( i=0; i<HASH_TABLE_SIZE; i++ ) { REGKEYENTRY *pKeyEntry = pHashTable->aHashTable[i]; REGKEYENTRY KeyEntry;
if (pKeyEntry) dprintf("Hash Bucket 0x%X\n", i); while ( pKeyEntry ) {
bOk = ReadMemoryExt( hCurrentProcess, ( const void * ) pKeyEntry, &KeyEntry, sizeof(REGKEYENTRY), &dwBytesRead ); if (!bOk || dwBytesRead != sizeof(REGKEYENTRY) ) { dprintf(" !!Couldn't read keyEntry at 0x%08X. quitting..\n", pKeyEntry); bError = TRUE; break; } dprintf(" KeyEntry at 0x%08X\n", pKeyEntry); pKeyEntry = &KeyEntry; bOk = ReadMemoryExt( hCurrentProcess, ( const void * ) pKeyEntry->pwszKeyName, sz, sizeof(WCHAR) * 128, &dwBytesRead ); sz[127] = 0; dprintf(" pwszKeyName - 0x%08X\t: \"%S\"\n", pKeyEntry->pwszKeyName, pKeyEntry->pwszKeyName?sz:L"<NULL>");
REGVALUEENTRY *pValueList=pKeyEntry->pValueList; REGVALUEENTRY ValueList; while ( pValueList ) { bOk = ReadMemoryExt( hCurrentProcess, ( const void * ) pValueList, &ValueList, sizeof(REGVALUEENTRY), &dwBytesRead ); if (!bOk || dwBytesRead != sizeof(REGVALUEENTRY) ) { dprintf(" !!Couldn't read ValueEntry at 0x%08X. quitting..\n", pValueList); bError = TRUE; break; } dprintf(" ValueEntry at 0x%08X\n", pValueList);
pValueList = &ValueList; bOk = ReadMemoryExt( hCurrentProcess, ( const void * ) pValueList->pwszValueName, sz, sizeof(WCHAR) * 128, &dwBytesRead ); sz[127] = 0; dprintf(" pwszValueName - 0x%08X\t: \"%S\"\n", pValueList->pwszValueName, pValueList->pwszValueName?sz:L"<NULL>");
REGDATAENTRY *pDataList = pValueList->pDataList; REGDATAENTRY DataList;
while ( pDataList ) { bOk = ReadMemoryExt( hCurrentProcess, ( const void * ) pDataList, &DataList, sizeof(REGDATAENTRY), &dwBytesRead ); if (!bOk || dwBytesRead != sizeof(REGDATAENTRY) ) { dprintf(" !!Couldn't read DataEntry at 0x%08X. quitting..\n", pDataList); bError = TRUE; break; } dprintf(" **DataEntry** at 0x%08X\n", pDataList);
pDataList = &DataList;
dprintf(" bDeleted - %s\n", pDataList->bDeleted?"TRUE":"FALSE"); dprintf(" bAdmPolicy - %s\n", pDataList->bAdmPolicy?"TRUE":"FALSE"); dprintf(" dwValueType - 0x%X\n", pDataList->dwValueType); dprintf(" dwDataLen - 0x%X\n", pDataList->dwDataLen); dprintf(" pData - 0x%08X\n", pDataList->pData);
bOk = ReadMemoryExt( hCurrentProcess, ( const void * ) pDataList->pwszGPO, sz, sizeof(WCHAR) * 128, &dwBytesRead ); sz[127] = 0; dprintf(" pwszGPO - 0x%08X\t: \"%S\"\n", pDataList->pwszGPO, pDataList->pwszGPO?sz:L"<NULL>"); bOk = ReadMemoryExt( hCurrentProcess, ( const void * ) pDataList->pwszSOM, sz, sizeof(WCHAR) * 128, &dwBytesRead ); sz[127] = 0; dprintf(" pwszSOM - 0x%08X\t: \"%S\"\n", pDataList->pwszSOM, pDataList->pwszSOM?sz:L"<NULL>");
bOk = ReadMemoryExt( hCurrentProcess, ( const void * ) pDataList->pwszCommand, sz, sizeof(WCHAR) * 128, &dwBytesRead ); sz[127] = 0; dprintf(" pwszCommand - 0x%08X\t: \"%S\"\n", pDataList->pwszCommand, pDataList->pwszCommand?sz:L"<NULL>");
if (bError) break; pDataList = pDataList->pNext; } // While pDataList
if (bError) break; pValueList = pValueList->pNext; } // While pValue
if (bError) break; pKeyEntry = pKeyEntry->pNext; dprintf("\n");
} // while pKey
if (bError) break; }
} // for