// This is a part of the Active Template Library.
// Copyright (C) 1996-2001 Microsoft Corporation
// All rights reserved.
// This source code is only intended as a supplement to the
// Active Template Library Reference and related
// electronic documentation provided with the library.
// See these sources for detailed information regarding the
// Active Template Library product.
#ifndef __ATLMEM_H__
#define __ATLMEM_H__
#pragma once
#include <atlbase.h>
#include <limits.h>
namespace ATL {
template< typename N > inline N AtlAlignUp( N n, ULONG nAlign ) throw() { return( N( (n+(nAlign-1))&~(N( nAlign )-1) ) ); }
template< typename N > inline N AtlAlignDown( N n, ULONG nAlign ) throw() { return( N( n&~(N( nAlign )-1) ) ); }
__interface __declspec(uuid("654F7EF5-CFDF-4df9-A450-6C6A13C622C0")) IAtlMemMgr { public: void* Allocate( size_t nBytes ) throw(); void Free( void* p ) throw(); void* Reallocate( void* p, size_t nBytes ) throw(); size_t GetSize( void* p ) throw(); };
#ifndef _ATL_MIN_CRT
class CCRTHeap : public IAtlMemMgr { public: virtual void* Allocate( size_t nBytes ) throw() { return( malloc( nBytes ) ); } virtual void Free( void* p ) throw() { free( p ); } virtual void* Reallocate( void* p, size_t nBytes ) throw() { return( realloc( p, nBytes ) ); } virtual size_t GetSize( void* p ) throw() { return( _msize( p ) ); }
public: };
#endif //!_ATL_MIN_CRT
class CWin32Heap : public IAtlMemMgr { public: CWin32Heap() throw() : m_hHeap( NULL ), m_bOwnHeap( false ) { } CWin32Heap( HANDLE hHeap ) throw() : m_hHeap( hHeap ), m_bOwnHeap( false ) { ATLASSERT( hHeap != NULL ); } CWin32Heap( DWORD dwFlags, size_t nInitialSize, size_t nMaxSize = 0 ) : m_hHeap( NULL ), m_bOwnHeap( true ) { ATLASSERT( !(dwFlags&HEAP_GENERATE_EXCEPTIONS) ); m_hHeap = ::HeapCreate( dwFlags, nInitialSize, nMaxSize ); if( m_hHeap == NULL ) { AtlThrowLastWin32(); } } ~CWin32Heap() throw() { if( m_bOwnHeap && (m_hHeap != NULL) ) { BOOL bSuccess;
bSuccess = ::HeapDestroy( m_hHeap ); ATLASSERT( bSuccess ); } }
void Attach( HANDLE hHeap, bool bTakeOwnership ) throw() { ATLASSERT( hHeap != NULL ); ATLASSERT( m_hHeap == NULL ); m_hHeap = hHeap; m_bOwnHeap = bTakeOwnership; } HANDLE Detach() throw() { HANDLE hHeap;
hHeap = m_hHeap; m_hHeap = NULL; m_bOwnHeap = false;
return( hHeap ); }
// IAtlMemMgr
virtual void* Allocate( size_t nBytes ) throw() { return( ::HeapAlloc( m_hHeap, 0, nBytes ) ); } virtual void Free( void* p ) throw() { if( p != NULL ) { BOOL bSuccess;
bSuccess = ::HeapFree( m_hHeap, 0, p ); ATLASSERT( bSuccess ); } } virtual void* Reallocate( void* p, size_t nBytes ) throw() { if( p == NULL ) { return( Allocate( nBytes ) ); } else { return( ::HeapReAlloc( m_hHeap, 0, p, nBytes ) ); } } virtual size_t GetSize( void* p ) throw() { return( ::HeapSize( m_hHeap, 0, p ) ); }
public: HANDLE m_hHeap; bool m_bOwnHeap; };
class CComHeap : public IAtlMemMgr { // IAtlMemMgr
public: virtual void* Allocate( size_t nBytes ) throw() { #ifdef _WIN64
if( nBytes > INT_MAX ) { return( NULL ); } #endif
return( ::CoTaskMemAlloc( ULONG( nBytes ) ) ); } virtual void Free( void* p ) throw() { ::CoTaskMemFree( p ); } virtual void* Reallocate( void* p, size_t nBytes ) throw() { #ifdef _WIN64
if( nBytes > INT_MAX ) { return( NULL ); } #endif
return( ::CoTaskMemRealloc( p, ULONG( nBytes ) ) ); } virtual size_t GetSize( void* p ) throw() { CComPtr< IMalloc > pMalloc;
::CoGetMalloc( 1, &pMalloc );
return( pMalloc->GetSize( p ) ); } };
class CLocalHeap : public IAtlMemMgr { // IAtlMemMgr
public: virtual void* Allocate( size_t nBytes ) throw() { return( ::LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, nBytes ) ); } virtual void Free( void* p ) throw() { ::LocalFree( p ); } virtual void* Reallocate( void* p, size_t nBytes ) throw() { return( ::LocalReAlloc( p, nBytes, 0 ) ); } virtual size_t GetSize( void* p ) throw() { return( ::LocalSize( p ) ); } };
class CGlobalHeap : public IAtlMemMgr { // IAtlMemMgr
public: virtual void* Allocate( size_t nBytes ) throw() { return( ::GlobalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, nBytes ) ); } virtual void Free( void* p ) throw() { ::GlobalFree( p ); } virtual void* Reallocate( void* p, size_t nBytes ) throw() { return( ::GlobalReAlloc( p, nBytes, 0 ) ); } virtual size_t GetSize( void* p ) throw() { return( ::GlobalSize( p ) ); } };
// OLE task memory allocation support
inline LPWSTR AtlAllocTaskWideString(LPCWSTR lpszString) throw() { if (lpszString == NULL) return NULL; UINT nSize = (UINT)((wcslen(lpszString)+1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); LPWSTR lpszResult = (LPWSTR)CoTaskMemAlloc(nSize); if (lpszResult != NULL) memcpy(lpszResult, lpszString, nSize); return lpszResult; }
inline LPWSTR AtlAllocTaskWideString(LPCSTR lpszString) throw() { if (lpszString == NULL) return NULL; UINT nLen = lstrlenA(lpszString)+1; LPWSTR lpszResult = (LPWSTR)CoTaskMemAlloc(nLen*sizeof(WCHAR)); if (lpszResult != NULL) ATLVERIFY(MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, lpszString, -1, lpszResult, nLen)); return lpszResult; }
inline LPSTR AtlAllocTaskAnsiString(LPCWSTR lpszString) throw() { if (lpszString == NULL) return NULL; UINT nBytes = (UINT)((wcslen(lpszString)+1)*2); LPSTR lpszResult = (LPSTR)CoTaskMemAlloc(nBytes); if (lpszResult != NULL) ATLVERIFY(WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpszString, -1, lpszResult, nBytes, NULL, NULL)); return lpszResult; }
inline LPSTR AtlAllocTaskAnsiString(LPCSTR lpszString) throw() { if (lpszString == NULL) return NULL; UINT nSize = lstrlenA(lpszString)+1; LPSTR lpszResult = (LPSTR)CoTaskMemAlloc(nSize); if (lpszResult != NULL) memcpy(lpszResult, lpszString, nSize); return lpszResult; }
#ifdef _UNICODE
#define AtlAllocTaskString(x) AtlAllocTaskWideString(x)
#define AtlAllocTaskString(x) AtlAllocTaskAnsiString(x)
#define AtlAllocTaskOleString(x) AtlAllocTaskWideString(x)
}; // namespace ATL
#endif //__ATLMEM_H__