// This is a part of the Active Template Library.
// Copyright (C) 1996-2001 Microsoft Corporation
// All rights reserved.
// This source code is only intended as a supplement to the
// Active Template Library Reference and related
// electronic documentation provided with the library.
// See these sources for detailed information regarding the
// Active Template Library product.
#ifndef __ATLUTIL_H__
#define __ATLUTIL_H__
#pragma once
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <crtdbg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <mbstring.h>
#include <atldef.h>
#include <imagehlp.h>
#include <atlbase.h>
#include <atlstr.h>
#include <atlcoll.h>
#include <atlsiface.h>
#include <atlenc.h>
#include <atlcom.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "imagehlp.lib")
#pragma warning( push )
#pragma warning( disable: 4127 )
namespace ATL {
inline BOOL IsFullPath(LPCTSTR szPath) { size_t nLen = _tcslen(szPath); if (nLen <= 1) return FALSE; if (*szPath == _T('"')) { szPath++; } if (szPath[1]==_T(':')) // drive: case
return TRUE; if (nLen > 2 && szPath[0]==_T('\\') && szPath[1]==_T('\\')) // unc path name
return TRUE; return FALSE; }
inline BOOL IsFullPathA(LPCSTR szPath) { DWORD nLen = (DWORD) strlen(szPath); if (nLen <= 1) return FALSE; if (*szPath == '"') { szPath++; } if (szPath[1]==':') // drive: case
return TRUE; if (nLen > 2 && szPath[0]=='\\' && szPath[1]=='\\') // unc path name
return TRUE; return FALSE; }
#if(_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0400)
// Helper class for reverting the thread impersonation token
// and then restoring it back to what it was
class CRevertThreadToken { public: HANDLE m_hThreadToken;
CRevertThreadToken() { m_hThreadToken = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
~CRevertThreadToken() { Restore(); } // When called, this function
// makes a copy of the thread's impersonation token
// and then calls RevertToSelf() to revert the impersonation
// level to the process
// call Restore() to restore the impersonation
// token
// Restore is automatically called by the destructor
BOOL Initialize() { if (OpenThreadToken(GetCurrentThread(), TOKEN_DUPLICATE, FALSE, &m_hThreadToken)) { if (!RevertToSelf()) { CloseHandle(m_hThreadToken); m_hThreadToken = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; return FALSE; } return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
void Restore() { if (m_hThreadToken != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { SetThreadToken(NULL, m_hThreadToken); CloseHandle(m_hThreadToken); m_hThreadToken = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } } }; #else
// Dummy version for downlevel support
class CRevertThreadToken { public: BOOL Initialize() { return FALSE; } void Restore() { } }; #endif // _WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0400)
//typedefs and defines for CUrl (essentially the same as the ones from wininet, but with an ATL_ prepended)
#define ATL_URL_MAX_PORT_NUMBER_LENGTH 5 // ATL_URL_PORT is unsigned short
#define ATL_URL_MAX_PORT_NUMBER_VALUE 65535 // maximum unsigned short value
#define ATL_URL_MAX_SCHEME_LENGTH 32 // longest protocol name length
+ sizeof("://") \ + ATL_URL_MAX_PATH_LENGTH)
#define ATL_URL_INVALID_PORT_NUMBER 0 // use the protocol-specific default
#define ATL_URL_DEFAULT_FTP_PORT 21 // default for FTP servers
#define ATL_URL_DEFAULT_GOPHER_PORT 70 // " " gopher "
#define ATL_URL_DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT 80 // " " HTTP "
#define ATL_URL_DEFAULT_SOCKS_PORT 1080 // default for SOCKS firewall servers.
template <DWORD dwSizeT=ATL_ISAPI_BUFFER_SIZE> class CAtlIsapiBuffer { protected: char m_szBuffer[dwSizeT]; LPSTR m_pBuffer; DWORD m_dwLen; DWORD m_dwAlloc; HANDLE m_hProcHeap;
public: CAtlIsapiBuffer() throw() { if (dwSizeT > 0) m_szBuffer[0] = 0;
m_pBuffer = m_szBuffer; m_dwLen = 0; m_dwAlloc = dwSizeT; m_hProcHeap = GetProcessHeap(); }
CAtlIsapiBuffer(LPCSTR sz) { m_pBuffer = m_szBuffer; m_dwLen = 0; m_dwAlloc = dwSizeT; m_hProcHeap = GetProcessHeap();
if (!Append(sz)) AtlThrow(E_OUTOFMEMORY); }
~CAtlIsapiBuffer() throw() { Free(); }
BOOL Alloc(DWORD dwSize) throw() { if (m_dwAlloc >= dwSize) { return TRUE; } if (m_pBuffer != m_szBuffer) { HeapFree(m_hProcHeap, 0, m_pBuffer); m_dwLen = 0; m_dwAlloc = 0; } m_pBuffer = (LPSTR)HeapAlloc(m_hProcHeap, 0, dwSize); if (m_pBuffer) { m_dwAlloc = dwSize; return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
BOOL ReAlloc(DWORD dwNewSize) throw() { if (dwNewSize <= m_dwAlloc) return TRUE;
if (m_pBuffer == m_szBuffer) { BOOL bRet = Alloc(dwNewSize); if (bRet) memcpy(m_pBuffer, m_szBuffer, m_dwLen); return bRet; }
LPSTR pvNew = (LPSTR )HeapReAlloc(m_hProcHeap, 0, m_pBuffer, dwNewSize); if (pvNew) { m_pBuffer = pvNew; m_dwAlloc = dwNewSize; return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
void Free() throw() { if (m_pBuffer != m_szBuffer) { HeapFree(m_hProcHeap,0 , m_pBuffer); m_dwAlloc = dwSizeT; m_pBuffer = m_szBuffer; } Empty(); }
void Empty() throw() { if (m_pBuffer) { m_pBuffer[0]=0; m_dwLen = 0; } }
DWORD GetLength() throw() { return m_dwLen; }
BOOL Append(LPCSTR sz, int nLen = -1) throw() { if (nLen == -1) nLen = (int) strlen(sz);
if (m_dwLen + nLen + 1 > m_dwAlloc) { if (!ReAlloc(m_dwAlloc + (nLen+1 > ATL_ISAPI_BUFFER_SIZE ? nLen+1 : ATL_ISAPI_BUFFER_SIZE))) return FALSE; } memcpy(m_pBuffer + m_dwLen, sz, nLen); m_dwLen += nLen; m_pBuffer[m_dwLen]=0; return TRUE; }
operator LPCSTR() throw() { return m_pBuffer; }
CAtlIsapiBuffer& operator+=(LPCSTR sz) { if (!Append(sz)) AtlThrow(E_OUTOFMEMORY); return *this; } }; // class CAtlIsapiBuffer
__interface IStackDumpHandler { public: void __stdcall OnBegin(); void __stdcall OnEntry(void *pvAddress, LPCSTR szModule, LPCSTR szSymbol); void __stdcall OnError(LPCSTR szError); void __stdcall OnEnd(); };
#define ATL_SYMBOL_NAME_LEN 1024
// Helper class for generating a stack dump
// This is used internally by AtlDumpStack
class CStackDumper { public: struct _ATL_SYMBOL_INFO { ULONG_PTR dwAddress; ULONG_PTR dwOffset; CHAR szModule[ATL_MODULE_NAME_LEN]; CHAR szSymbol[ATL_SYMBOL_NAME_LEN]; };
static LPVOID __stdcall FunctionTableAccess(HANDLE hProcess, ULONG_PTR dwPCAddress) { #ifdef _WIN64
return SymFunctionTableAccess(hProcess, dwPCAddress); #else
return SymFunctionTableAccess(hProcess, (ULONG)dwPCAddress); #endif
static ULONG_PTR __stdcall GetModuleBase(HANDLE hProcess, ULONG_PTR dwReturnAddress) { IMAGEHLP_MODULE moduleInfo;
#ifdef _WIN64
if (SymGetModuleInfo(hProcess, dwReturnAddress, &moduleInfo)) #else
if (SymGetModuleInfo(hProcess, (ULONG)dwReturnAddress, &moduleInfo)) #endif
return moduleInfo.BaseOfImage; else { MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION memoryBasicInfo;
if (::VirtualQueryEx(hProcess, (LPVOID) dwReturnAddress, &memoryBasicInfo, sizeof(memoryBasicInfo))) { DWORD cch = 0; char szFile[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
cch = GetModuleFileNameA((HINSTANCE)memoryBasicInfo.AllocationBase, szFile, MAX_PATH);
// Ignore the return code since we can't do anything with it.
SymLoadModule(hProcess, NULL, ((cch) ? szFile : NULL), #ifdef _WIN64
NULL, (DWORD_PTR) memoryBasicInfo.AllocationBase, 0); #else
NULL, (DWORD)(DWORD_PTR)memoryBasicInfo.AllocationBase, 0); #endif
return (DWORD_PTR) memoryBasicInfo.AllocationBase; } }
return 0; }
static BOOL ResolveSymbol(HANDLE hProcess, UINT_PTR dwAddress, _ATL_SYMBOL_INFO &siSymbol) { BOOL fRetval = TRUE;
siSymbol.dwAddress = dwAddress;
memset(&siSymbol, 0, sizeof(_ATL_SYMBOL_INFO)); mi.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(IMAGEHLP_MODULE);
#ifdef _WIN64
if (!SymGetModuleInfo(hProcess, dwAddress, &mi)) #else
if (!SymGetModuleInfo(hProcess, (UINT)dwAddress, &mi)) #endif
lstrcpyA(siSymbol.szModule, "<no module>"); else { LPSTR pszModule = strchr(mi.ImageName, '\\'); if (pszModule == NULL) pszModule = mi.ImageName; else pszModule++;
lstrcpynA(siSymbol.szModule, pszModule, sizeof(siSymbol.szModule)/sizeof(siSymbol.szModule[0])); }
__try { union { CHAR rgchSymbol[sizeof(IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL) + ATL_SYMBOL_NAME_LEN]; IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL sym; } sym; memset(&sym.sym, 0x00, sizeof(sym.sym)); sym.sym.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL); #ifdef _WIN64
sym.sym.Address = dwAddress; #else
sym.sym.Address = (DWORD)dwAddress; #endif
sym.sym.MaxNameLength = ATL_SYMBOL_NAME_LEN;
#ifdef _WIN64
if (SymGetSymFromAddr(hProcess, dwAddress, &(siSymbol.dwOffset), &sym.sym)) #else
if (SymGetSymFromAddr(hProcess, (DWORD)dwAddress, &(siSymbol.dwOffset), &sym.sym)) #endif
{ pszSymbol = sym.sym.Name; if (UnDecorateSymbolName(sym.sym.Name, szUndec, sizeof(szUndec)/sizeof(szUndec[0]), UNDNAME_NO_MS_KEYWORDS | UNDNAME_NO_ACCESS_SPECIFIERS)) { pszSymbol = szUndec; } else if (SymUnDName(&sym.sym, szUndec, sizeof(szUndec)/sizeof(szUndec[0]))) { pszSymbol = szUndec; } if (siSymbol.dwOffset != 0) { wsprintfA(szWithOffset, "%s + %d bytes", pszSymbol, siSymbol.dwOffset); pszSymbol = szWithOffset; } } else pszSymbol = "<no symbol>"; } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { pszSymbol = "<EX: no symbol>"; siSymbol.dwOffset = dwAddress - mi.BaseOfImage; }
lstrcpynA(siSymbol.szSymbol, pszSymbol, sizeof(siSymbol.szSymbol)/sizeof(siSymbol.szSymbol[0])); return fRetval; } };
// Helper function to produce a stack dump
ATL_NOINLINE inline void AtlDumpStack(IStackDumpHandler *pHandler) { ATLASSERT(pHandler);
CAtlArray<void *> adwAddress; HANDLE hProcess = ::GetCurrentProcess(); if (SymInitialize(hProcess, NULL, FALSE)) { // force undecorated names to get params
DWORD dw = SymGetOptions(); dw &= ~SYMOPT_UNDNAME; SymSetOptions(dw);
HANDLE hThread = ::GetCurrentThread(); CONTEXT threadContext;
threadContext.ContextFlags = CONTEXT_FULL;
if (::GetThreadContext(hThread, &threadContext)) { //DumpContext(&threadContext);
STACKFRAME stackFrame; memset(&stackFrame, 0, sizeof(stackFrame)); stackFrame.AddrPC.Mode = AddrModeFlat;
DWORD dwMachType;
#if defined(_M_IX86)
dwMachType = IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386; // program counter, stack pointer, and frame pointer
stackFrame.AddrPC.Offset = threadContext.Eip; stackFrame.AddrStack.Offset = threadContext.Esp; stackFrame.AddrStack.Mode = AddrModeFlat; stackFrame.AddrFrame.Offset = threadContext.Ebp; stackFrame.AddrFrame.Mode = AddrModeFlat; #elif defined(_M_AMD64)
// only program counter
dwMachType = IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64; stackFrame.AddrPC.Offset = threadContext.Rip; #elif defined(_M_IA64)
//IA64: What do we need to do here?
dwMachType = IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_IA64; #if 0
stackFrame.AddrPC.Offset = threadContext.StIIP; stackFrame.AddrPC.Mode = AddrModeFlat; stackFrame.AddrStack.Offset = threadContext.IntSp; stackFrame.AddrStack.Mode = AddrModeFlat; stackFrame.AddrFrame.Offset = threadContext.IntSp; stackFrame.AddrFrame.Mode = AddrModeFlat; stackFrame.AddrBStore.Offset = threadContext.RsBSP; stackFrame.AddrBStore.Mode = AddrModeFlat; stackFrame.AddrReturn.Offset = threadContext.BrRp; stackFrame.AddrReturn.Mode = AddrModeFlat; #endif
#error("Unknown Target Machine");
adwAddress.SetCount(0, 16);
int nFrame; for (nFrame = 0; nFrame < 5; nFrame++) { if (!StackWalk(dwMachType, hProcess, hProcess, &stackFrame, &threadContext, NULL, CStackDumper::FunctionTableAccess, CStackDumper::GetModuleBase, NULL)) { break; } adwAddress.SetAtGrow(nFrame, (void*)(DWORD_PTR)stackFrame.AddrPC.Offset); } } } else { DWORD dw = GetLastError(); char sz[100]; wsprintfA(sz, "AtlDumpStack Error: IMAGEHLP.DLL wasn't found. " "GetLastError() returned 0x%8.8X\r\n", dw); pHandler->OnError(sz); }
// dump it out now
INT_PTR nAddress; INT_PTR cAddresses = adwAddress.GetCount(); for (nAddress = 0; nAddress < cAddresses; nAddress++) { CStackDumper::_ATL_SYMBOL_INFO info; UINT_PTR dwAddress = (UINT_PTR)adwAddress[nAddress];
LPCSTR szModule = NULL; LPCSTR szSymbol = NULL;
if (CStackDumper::ResolveSymbol(hProcess, dwAddress, info)) { szModule = info.szModule; szSymbol = info.szSymbol; } pHandler->OnEntry((void *) dwAddress, szModule, szSymbol); } pHandler->OnEnd(); }
// CReportHookDumpHandler is a stack dump handler
// that gathers the stack dump into the format
// used by CDebugReportHook
class CReportHookDumpHandler : public IStackDumpHandler { public: CReportHookDumpHandler() { m_pstr = NULL; }
void GetStackDump(CStringA *pstr) { ATLASSERT(pstr); SetString(pstr); AtlDumpStack(this); SetString(NULL); }
void SetString(CStringA *pstr) { m_pstr = pstr; }
// implementation
// IStackDumpHandler methods
void __stdcall OnBegin() { } void __stdcall OnEntry(void *pvAddress, LPCSTR szModule, LPCSTR szSymbol) { // make sure SetString was called before
// trying to get a stack dump
ATLASSERT(m_pstr); if (!m_pstr) return;
char szBuf[100]; sprintf(szBuf, "0x%p;", pvAddress); *m_pstr += szBuf; if (!szModule) szModule = "Unknown"; if (!szSymbol) szSymbol = "<No Info>";
*m_pstr += szModule; *m_pstr += STACK_TRACE_PART_DELIMITER; ATLASSERT(szSymbol); *m_pstr += szSymbol; *m_pstr += STACK_TRACE_PART_DELIMITER; *m_pstr += STACK_TRACE_LINE_DELIMITER; } void __stdcall OnError(LPCSTR /*szError*/) { } void __stdcall OnEnd() { }
protected: CStringA *m_pstr;
DWORD dwProcessId; // process id of client
DWORD dwClientNameLen; // length of client name
size_t dwTextLen; // length of text message including null terminator
BOOL bIsDebuggerAttached; // TRUE if the debugger is already attached
#ifdef _DEBUG
extern "C" WINBASEAPI BOOL WINAPI IsDebuggerPresent( VOID );
class CDebugReportHook { protected: _CRT_REPORT_HOOK m_pfnOldHook; static char m_szPipeName[MAX_PATH+1]; static DWORD m_dwTimeout; static DWORD m_dwClientNameLen; static char m_szClientName[MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH+1]; public: CDebugReportHook(LPCSTR szMachineName = ".", LPCSTR szPipeName = "AtlsDbgPipe", DWORD dwTimeout = 20000) throw() { if (SetPipeName(szMachineName, szPipeName)) { SetTimeout(dwTimeout); SetHook(); } m_dwClientNameLen = sizeof(m_szClientName); GetComputerNameA(m_szClientName, &m_dwClientNameLen); }
~CDebugReportHook() throw() { RemoveHook(); }
BOOL SetPipeName(LPCSTR szMachineName = ".", LPCSTR szPipeName = "AtlsDbgPipe") throw() { size_t nLen1 = strlen(szMachineName); size_t nLen2 = strlen(szPipeName); if (nLen1 + nLen2 + 8 <= MAX_PATH) { _snprintf(m_szPipeName, MAX_PATH, "\\\\%s\\pipe\\%s", szMachineName, szPipeName); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
void SetTimeout(DWORD dwTimeout) { m_dwTimeout = dwTimeout; }
void SetHook() throw() { m_pfnOldHook = _CrtSetReportHook(CDebugReportHookProc); }
void RemoveHook() throw() { _CrtSetReportHook(m_pfnOldHook); }
static int __cdecl CDebugReportHookProc(int reportType, char *message, int *returnValue) throw() { DWORD dwWritten; *returnValue = 0;
CRevertThreadToken revert; revert.Initialize();
CHandle hdlPipe; while (1) { HANDLE hPipe = CreateFileA(m_szPipeName, GENERIC_WRITE | GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); if (hPipe != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { hdlPipe.Attach(hPipe); break; }
if (GetLastError() != ERROR_PIPE_BUSY) { if (reportType == _CRT_ASSERT) return TRUE; return FALSE; }
//If the pipe is busy, we wait for up to m_dwTimeout
if (!WaitNamedPipeA(m_szPipeName, m_dwTimeout)) { if (reportType == _CRT_ASSERT) return TRUE; return FALSE; } }
Message.bIsDebuggerAttached = IsDebuggerPresent();
if (reportType == _CRT_ASSERT) { Message.dwType = DEBUG_SERVER_MESSAGE_ASSERT; } else { Message.dwType = DEBUG_SERVER_MESSAGE_TRACE; }
Message.dwProcessId = GetCurrentProcessId(); Message.dwClientNameLen = m_dwClientNameLen+1; // add 1 for the null terminator
Message.dwTextLen = strlen(message)+1;
int nRet = 1;
WriteFile(hdlPipe, &Message, sizeof(DEBUG_SERVER_MESSAGE), &dwWritten, NULL);
WriteFile(hdlPipe, m_szClientName, Message.dwClientNameLen, &dwWritten, NULL);
WriteFile(hdlPipe, message, (DWORD)Message.dwTextLen, &dwWritten, NULL);
//Check to see whether or not to send stack trace
BOOL bRet = ReadFile(hdlPipe, &nRet, sizeof(nRet), &dwWritten, NULL);
//if nRet == 1, the user wants stack trace info
if (bRet && nRet) { _ATLTRY { CStringA str; CReportHookDumpHandler stackDumper; stackDumper.GetStackDump(&str); if (!WriteFile(hdlPipe, (LPCSTR)str, str.GetLength(), &dwWritten, NULL)) return (reportType == _CRT_ASSERT ? TRUE : FALSE); } _ATLCATCHALL() { return (reportType == _CRT_ASSERT ? TRUE : FALSE); } }
if (bRet) bRet = ReadFile(hdlPipe, &nRet, sizeof(nRet), &dwWritten, NULL); if (!bRet) nRet = 0;
// possible return values
// 0 -> Ignore or cancel
// 1 -> Retry
// 2 -> Abort
if (nRet == 0) { return (reportType == _CRT_ASSERT ? TRUE : FALSE); } if (nRet == 1) { if (IsDebuggerPresent()) { DebugBreak(); } }
if (nRet == 2) abort();
return (reportType == _CRT_ASSERT ? TRUE : FALSE); } }; // class CDebugReportHook
__declspec(selectany) char CDebugReportHook::m_szPipeName[MAX_PATH+1]; __declspec(selectany) DWORD CDebugReportHook::m_dwTimeout; __declspec(selectany) DWORD CDebugReportHook::m_dwClientNameLen; __declspec(selectany) char CDebugReportHook::m_szClientName[MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH+1]; #endif
// CThreadPool
// This class is a simple IO completion port based thread pool
// Worker:
// is a class that is responsible for handling requests
// queued on the thread pool.
// It must have a typedef for RequestType, where request type
// is the datatype to be queued on the pool
// RequestType must be castable to (DWORD)
// The value -1 is reserved for shutdown
// of the pool
// Worker must also have a void Execute(RequestType request, void *pvParam, OVERLAPPED *pOverlapped) function
// ThreadTraits:
// is a class that implements a static CreateThread function
// This allows for overriding how the threads are created
#define ATLS_POOL_SHUTDOWN ((OVERLAPPED*) ((__int64) -1))
template <class Worker, class ThreadTraits=DefaultThreadTraits> class CThreadPool : public IThreadPoolConfig { protected:
CSimpleMap<DWORD, HANDLE> m_threadMap;
DWORD m_dwThreadEventId; CComCriticalSection m_critSec; DWORD m_dwStackSize; DWORD m_dwMaxWait; void *m_pvWorkerParam; LONG m_bShutdown;
HANDLE m_hThreadEvent; HANDLE m_hRequestQueue;
public: CThreadPool() throw() : m_hRequestQueue(NULL), m_pvWorkerParam(NULL), m_dwMaxWait(ATLS_DEFAULT_THREADPOOLSHUTDOWNTIMEOUT), m_bShutdown(FALSE), m_dwThreadEventId(0), m_dwStackSize(0) { }
~CThreadPool() throw() { Shutdown(); } // Initialize the thread pool
// if nNumThreads > 0, then it specifies the number of threads
// if nNumThreads < 0, then it specifies the number of threads per proc (-)
// if nNumThreads == 0, then it defaults to two threads per proc
// hCompletion is a handle of a file to associate with the completion port
// pvWorkerParam is a parameter that will be passed to Worker::Execute
// dwStackSize:
// The stack size to use when creating the threads
HRESULT Initialize(void *pvWorkerParam=NULL, int nNumThreads=0, DWORD dwStackSize=0, HANDLE hCompletion=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) throw() { ATLASSERT( m_hRequestQueue == NULL );
if (m_hRequestQueue) // Already initialized
return AtlHresultFromWin32(ERROR_ALREADY_INITIALIZED);
if (S_OK != m_critSec.Init()) return E_FAIL;
m_hThreadEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); if (!m_hThreadEvent) { m_critSec.Term(); return AtlHresultFromLastError(); }
// Create IO completion port to queue the requests
m_hRequestQueue = CreateIoCompletionPort(hCompletion, NULL, 0, nNumThreads); if (m_hRequestQueue == NULL) { // failed creating the Io completion port
m_critSec.Term(); CloseHandle(m_hThreadEvent); return AtlHresultFromLastError(); } m_pvWorkerParam = pvWorkerParam; m_dwStackSize = dwStackSize;
HRESULT hr = SetSize(nNumThreads); if (hr != S_OK) { // Close the request queue handle
CloseHandle(m_hRequestQueue); // Clear the queue handle
m_hRequestQueue = NULL;
// Uninitialize the critical sections
m_critSec.Term(); CloseHandle(m_hThreadEvent);
return hr; }
return S_OK; }
// Shutdown the thread pool
// This function posts the shutdown request to all the threads in the pool
// It will wait for the threads to shutdown a maximum of dwMaxWait MS.
// If the timeout expires it just returns without terminating the threads.
void Shutdown(DWORD dwMaxWait=0) throw() { if (!m_hRequestQueue) // Not initialized
CComCritSecLock<CComCriticalSection> lock(m_critSec, false); if (FAILED(lock.Lock())) { // out of memory
ATLASSERT( FALSE ); return; }
if (dwMaxWait == 0) dwMaxWait = m_dwMaxWait;
HRESULT hr = InternalResizePool(0, dwMaxWait);
if (hr != S_OK) ATLTRACE(atlTraceUtil, 0, _T("Thread pool not shutting down cleanly : %08x"), hr); // If the threads have not returned, then something is wrong
for (int i = m_threadMap.GetSize() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { HANDLE hThread = m_threadMap.GetValueAt(i); DWORD dwExitCode; GetExitCodeThread(hThread, &dwExitCode); if (dwExitCode == STILL_ACTIVE) { ATLTRACE(atlTraceUtil, 0, _T("Terminating thread")); TerminateThread(hThread, 0); } CloseHandle(hThread); }
// Close the request queue handle
CloseHandle(m_hRequestQueue); // Clear the queue handle
m_hRequestQueue = NULL;
ATLASSERT(m_threadMap.GetSize() == 0);
// Uninitialize the critical sections
lock.Unlock(); m_critSec.Term(); CloseHandle(m_hThreadEvent);
// IThreadPoolConfig methods
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetSize(int nNumThreads) throw() { if (nNumThreads == 0) nNumThreads = -ATLS_DEFAULT_THREADSPERPROC;
if (nNumThreads < 0) { SYSTEM_INFO si; GetSystemInfo(&si); nNumThreads = (int) (-nNumThreads) * si.dwNumberOfProcessors; }
return InternalResizePool(nNumThreads, m_dwMaxWait); }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetSize(int *pnNumThreads) throw() { if (!pnNumThreads) return E_POINTER;
*pnNumThreads = GetNumThreads(); return S_OK; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetTimeout(DWORD dwMaxWait) throw() { m_dwMaxWait = dwMaxWait;
return S_OK; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetTimeout(DWORD *pdwMaxWait) throw() { if (!pdwMaxWait) return E_POINTER;
*pdwMaxWait = m_dwMaxWait;
return S_OK; }
// IUnknown methods
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppv) throw() { if (!ppv) return E_POINTER;
*ppv = NULL;
if (InlineIsEqualGUID(riid, __uuidof(IUnknown)) || InlineIsEqualGUID(riid, __uuidof(IThreadPoolConfig))) { *ppv = static_cast<IThreadPoolConfig*>(this); AddRef(); return S_OK; } return E_NOINTERFACE; }
ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddRef() throw() { return 1; } ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE Release() throw() { return 1; }
HANDLE GetQueueHandle() throw() { return m_hRequestQueue; }
int GetNumThreads() throw() { return m_threadMap.GetSize(); }
// QueueRequest adds a request to the thread pool
// it will be picked up by one of the threads and dispatched to the worker
// in WorkerThreadProc
BOOL QueueRequest(Worker::RequestType request) throw() { if (!PostQueuedCompletionStatus(m_hRequestQueue, 0, (ULONG_PTR) request, NULL)) return FALSE; return TRUE; }
DWORD ThreadProc() throw() { DWORD dwBytesTransfered; ULONG_PTR dwCompletionKey;
OVERLAPPED* pOverlapped;
// We instantiate an instance of the worker class on the stack
// for the life time of the thread.
Worker theWorker;
if (theWorker.Initialize(m_pvWorkerParam) == FALSE) { return 1; }
SetEvent(m_hThreadEvent); // Get the request from the IO completion port
while (GetQueuedCompletionStatus(m_hRequestQueue, &dwBytesTransfered, &dwCompletionKey, &pOverlapped, INFINITE)) { if (pOverlapped == ATLS_POOL_SHUTDOWN) // Shut down
{ m_dwThreadEventId = GetCurrentThreadId(); LONG bResult = InterlockedExchange(&m_bShutdown, FALSE); if (bResult) // Shutdown has not been cancelled
break; m_dwThreadEventId = 0; // else, shutdown has been cancelled -- continue as before
} else // Do work
{ Worker::RequestType request = (Worker::RequestType) dwCompletionKey;
// Process the request. Notice the following:
// (1) It is the worker's responsibility to free any memory associated
// with the request if the request is complete
// (2) If the request still requires some more processing
// the worker should queue the request again for dispatching
theWorker.Execute(request, m_pvWorkerParam, pOverlapped); } } SetEvent(m_hThreadEvent); theWorker.Terminate(m_pvWorkerParam); return 0; }
static DWORD WINAPI WorkerThreadProc(LPVOID pv) throw() { CThreadPool* pThis = reinterpret_cast< CThreadPool* >(pv);
return pThis->ThreadProc(); }
HRESULT InternalResizePool(int nNumThreads, int dwMaxWait) throw() { if (!m_hRequestQueue) // Not initialized
return E_FAIL;
CComCritSecLock<CComCriticalSection> lock(m_critSec, false); if (FAILED(lock.Lock())) { // out of memory
int nCurThreads = m_threadMap.GetSize(); if (nNumThreads == nCurThreads) { return S_OK; } else if (nNumThreads < nCurThreads) { int nNumShutdownThreads = nCurThreads - nNumThreads; for (int nThreadIndex = 0; nThreadIndex < nNumShutdownThreads; nThreadIndex++) { ResetEvent(m_hThreadEvent);
m_bShutdown = TRUE; PostQueuedCompletionStatus(m_hRequestQueue, 0, 0, ATLS_POOL_SHUTDOWN); DWORD dwRet = WaitForSingleObject(m_hThreadEvent, dwMaxWait);
if (dwRet == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { LONG bResult = InterlockedExchange(&m_bShutdown, FALSE); if (bResult) // Nobody picked up the shutdown message
{ // m_critSec.Unlock();
return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(WAIT_TIMEOUT); } } else if (dwRet != WAIT_OBJECT_0) { // m_critSec.Unlock();
return AtlHresultFromLastError(); }
int nIndex = m_threadMap.FindKey(m_dwThreadEventId); if (nIndex != -1) { HANDLE hThread = m_threadMap.GetValueAt(nIndex); CloseHandle(hThread); m_threadMap.RemoveAt(nIndex); } } } else { int nNumNewThreads = nNumThreads - nCurThreads; // Create and initialize worker threads
for (int nThreadIndex = 0; nThreadIndex < nNumNewThreads; nThreadIndex++) { DWORD dwThreadID; ResetEvent(m_hThreadEvent); // HANDLE hThread = ThreadTraits::CreateThread(NULL, m_dwStackSize, WorkerThreadProc, (LPVOID)this, 0, &dwThreadID);
CHandle hdlThread( ThreadTraits::CreateThread(NULL, m_dwStackSize, WorkerThreadProc, (LPVOID)this, 0, &dwThreadID) ); if (!hdlThread) { HRESULT hr = AtlHresultFromLastError(); ATLASSERT(hr != S_OK); // m_critSec.Unlock();
return hr; }
DWORD dwRet = WaitForSingleObject(m_hThreadEvent, dwMaxWait); if (dwRet != WAIT_OBJECT_0) { if (dwRet == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { // m_critSec.Unlock();
return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(WAIT_TIMEOUT); } else { // m_critSec.Unlock();
return AtlHresultFromLastError(); } } if (m_threadMap.Add(dwThreadID, hdlThread) != FALSE) { hdlThread.Detach(); } } } // m_critSec.Unlock();
return S_OK; }
}; // class CThreadPool
// CNonStatelessWorker
// This class is a simple wrapper for use with CThreadPool.
// It instantiates one instance of Worker per request
// this allows Worker to hold state for each request
// and depend on the destructor being called
// Worker:
// is a class that is responsible for handling requests
// queued on the thread pool (See CThreadPool)
template <class Worker> class CNonStatelessWorker { public: typedef Worker::RequestType RequestType;
BOOL Initialize(void * /*pvParam*/) throw() { return TRUE; } void Execute(Worker::RequestType request, void *pvWorkerParam, OVERLAPPED *pOverlapped) { Worker worker; worker.Execute(request, pvWorkerParam, pOverlapped); } void Terminate(void* /*pvParam*/) throw() { } }; // class CNonStatelessWorker
#define ATL_URL_ESCAPE 1 // (un)escape URL characters
#define ATL_URL_NO_ENCODE 2 // Don't convert unsafe characters to escape sequence
#define ATL_URL_DECODE 4 // Convert %XX escape sequences to characters
#define ATL_URL_NO_META 8 // Don't convert .. etc. meta path sequences
#define ATL_URL_ENCODE_SPACES_ONLY 16 // Encode spaces only
#define ATL_URL_BROWSER_MODE 32 // Special encode/decode rules for browser
#define ATL_URL_ENCODE_PERCENT 64 // Encode percent (by default, not encoded)
#define ATL_URL_CANONICALIZE 128 // Internal: used by Canonicalize for AtlEscapeUrl: Cannot be set via SetFlags
#define ATL_URL_COMBINE 256 // Internal: Cannot be set via SetFlags
//Get the decimal value of a hexadecimal character
inline short AtlHexValue(char chIn) { unsigned char ch = (unsigned char)chIn; if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') return (short)(ch - '0'); if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F') return (short)(ch - 'A' + 10); if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f') return (short)(ch - 'a' + 10); return -1; }
//Determine if the character is unsafe under the URI RFC document
inline BOOL AtlIsUnsafeUrlChar(char chIn) throw() { unsigned char ch = (unsigned char)chIn; switch(ch) { case ';': case '\\': case '?': case '@': case '&': case '=': case '+': case '$': case ',': case ' ': case '<': case '>': case '#': case '%': case '\"': case '{': case '}': case '|': case '^': case '[': case ']': case '`': return TRUE; default: { if (ch < 32 || ch > 126) return TRUE; return FALSE; } } }
//Get the default internet port for a particular scheme
//Escape a meta sequence with lpszOutUrl as the base url and lpszInUrl as the relative url
//i.e. lpszInUrl = ./* or ../*
ATL_NOINLINE inline BOOL AtlEscapeUrlMetaHelper( LPSTR* ppszOutUrl, DWORD dwOutLen, LPSTR* ppszInUrl, DWORD* pdwLen, DWORD dwFlags = 0, DWORD dwColonPos = ATL_URL_MAX_URL_LENGTH) throw() { ATLASSERT( ppszOutUrl != NULL ); ATLASSERT( ppszInUrl != NULL ); ATLASSERT( pdwLen != NULL);
LPSTR szOut = *ppszOutUrl; LPSTR szIn = *ppszInUrl; DWORD dwUrlLen = dwOutLen; char chPrev = *(szOut-1); BOOL bRet = FALSE;
//if the previous character is a directory delimiter
if (chPrev == '/' || chPrev == '\\') { char chNext = *szIn;
//if the next character is a directory delimiter
if (chNext == '/' || chNext == '\\') { //the meta sequence is of the form /./*
szIn++; bRet = TRUE; } else if (chNext == '.' && ((chNext = *(szIn+1)) == '/' || chNext == '\\' || chNext == '\0')) { //otherwise if the meta sequence is of the form "/../"
//skip the preceding "/"
//skip the ".." of the meta sequence
szIn+= 2; DWORD dwOutPos = dwUrlLen-1; LPSTR szTmp = szOut;
//while we are not at the beginning of the base url
while (dwOutPos) { szTmp--; dwOutPos--;
//if it is a directory delimiter
if (*szTmp == '/' || *szTmp == '\\') { //if we are canonicalizing the url and NOT combining it
//and if we have encountered the ':' or we are at a position before the ':'
if ((dwFlags & ATL_URL_CANONICALIZE) && ((dwFlags & ATL_URL_COMBINE) == 0) && (dwColonPos && (dwOutPos <= dwColonPos+1))) { //NOTE: this is to match the way that InternetCanonicalizeUrl and
// InternetCombineUrl handle this case
break; }
//otherwise, set the current output string position to right after the '/'
szOut = szTmp+1;
//update the length to match
dwUrlLen = dwOutPos+1; bRet = TRUE; break; } }
//if we could not properly escape the meta sequence
if (dwUrlLen != dwOutPos+1) { //restore everything to its original value
szIn-= 2; szOut++; } else { bRet = TRUE; } } } //update the strings
*ppszOutUrl = szOut; *ppszInUrl = szIn; *pdwLen = dwUrlLen; return bRet; }
//Convert all unsafe characters in szStringIn to escape sequences
//lpszStringIn and lpszStringOut should be different strings
inline BOOL AtlEscapeUrlA( LPCSTR szStringIn, LPSTR szStringOut, DWORD* pdwStrLen, DWORD dwMaxLength, DWORD dwFlags = 0) throw() { ATLASSERT( szStringIn != NULL ); ATLASSERT( szStringOut != NULL ); ATLASSERT( szStringIn != szStringOut );
char ch; DWORD dwLen = 0; BOOL bRet = TRUE; BOOL bSchemeFile = FALSE; DWORD dwColonPos = 0; DWORD dwFlagsInternal = dwFlags; while((ch = *szStringIn++) != '\0') { //if we are at the maximum length, set bRet to FALSE
//this ensures no more data is written to szStringOut, but
//the length of the string is still updated, so the user
//knows how much space to allocate
if (dwLen == dwMaxLength) { bRet = FALSE; } //Keep track of the first ':' position to match the weird way
//InternetCanonicalizeUrl handles it
if (ch == ':' && (dwFlagsInternal & ATL_URL_CANONICALIZE) && !dwColonPos) { if (bRet) { *szStringOut = '\0'; _strlwr(szStringOut-dwLen);
if (dwLen == 4 && !strncmp("file", (szStringOut-4), 4)) { bSchemeFile = TRUE; } }
dwColonPos = dwLen+1; } else if (ch == '%' && (dwFlagsInternal & ATL_URL_DECODE)) { //decode the escaped sequence
ch = (char)(16*AtlHexValue(*szStringIn++)); ch = (char)(ch+AtlHexValue(*szStringIn++)); } else if ((ch == '?' || ch == '#') && (dwFlagsInternal & ATL_URL_BROWSER_MODE)) { //ATL_URL_BROWSER mode does not encode after a '?' or a '#'
dwFlagsInternal |= ATL_URL_NO_ENCODE; }
if ((dwFlagsInternal & ATL_URL_CANONICALIZE) && (dwFlagsInternal & ATL_URL_NO_ENCODE)==0) { //canonicalize the '\' to '/'
if (ch == '\\' && (dwColonPos || (dwFlagsInternal & ATL_URL_COMBINE)) && bRet) { //if the scheme is not file or it is file and the '\' is in "file:\\"
//NOTE: This is to match the way InternetCanonicalizeUrl handles this case
if (!bSchemeFile || (dwLen < 7)) { ch = '/'; } } else if (ch == '.' && dwLen > 0 && (dwFlagsInternal & ATL_URL_NO_META)==0) { //if we are escaping meta sequences, attempt to do so
if (AtlEscapeUrlMetaHelper(&szStringOut, dwLen, (char**)(&szStringIn), &dwLen, dwFlagsInternal, dwColonPos)) continue; } }
//if we are encoding and it is an unsafe character
if (AtlIsUnsafeUrlChar(ch) && (dwFlagsInternal & ATL_URL_NO_ENCODE)==0) { //if we are only encoding spaces, and ch is not a space or
//if we are not encoding meta sequences and it is a dot or
//if we not encoding percents and it is a percent
if (((dwFlagsInternal & ATL_URL_ENCODE_SPACES_ONLY) && ch != ' ') || ((dwFlagsInternal & ATL_URL_NO_META) && ch == '.') || (((dwFlagsInternal & ATL_URL_ENCODE_PERCENT) == 0) && ch == '%')) { //just output it without encoding
if (bRet) *szStringOut++ = ch; } else { //if there is not enough space for the escape sequence
if (dwLen >= (dwMaxLength-3)) { bRet = FALSE; } if (bRet) { //output the percent, followed by the hex value of the character
*szStringOut++ = '%'; // sprintf(szStringOut, "%.2X", (unsigned char)(ch));
_itoa((int)ch, szStringOut, 16); szStringOut+= 2; } dwLen += 2; } } else //safe character
{ if (bRet) *szStringOut++ = ch; } dwLen++; }
if ((dwFlags & ATL_URL_BROWSER_MODE)==0) { //trim trailing whitespace
szStringOut--; while (1) { if (*szStringOut == ' ') { --szStringOut; continue; } if (!strncmp(szStringOut-2, "%20", 3)) { szStringOut -= 3; continue; } break; } szStringOut++; }
if (bRet) *szStringOut = '\0';
if (pdwStrLen) *pdwStrLen = dwLen; return bRet; }
inline BOOL AtlEscapeUrlW( LPCWSTR szStringIn, LPWSTR szStringOut, DWORD* pdwStrLen, DWORD dwMaxLength, DWORD dwFlags = 0) throw() { // convert to UTF8
int nSrcLen = (int) wcslen(szStringIn); int nCnt = AtlUnicodeToUTF8(szStringIn, nSrcLen, NULL, 0); if (nCnt != 0) { nCnt++; CHeapPtr<char> szIn;
char szInBuf[ATL_URL_MAX_URL_LENGTH]; char *pszIn = szInBuf;
// try to avoid allocation
if (nCnt > ATL_URL_MAX_URL_LENGTH) { if (!szIn.AllocateBytes(nCnt)) { // out of memory
return FALSE; } pszIn = szIn; }
nCnt = AtlUnicodeToUTF8(szStringIn, nSrcLen, pszIn, nCnt); ATLASSERT( nCnt != 0 );
pszIn[nCnt] = '\0'; char szOutBuf[ATL_URL_MAX_URL_LENGTH]; char *pszOut = szOutBuf; CHeapPtr<char> szTmp;
// try to avoid allocation
if (dwMaxLength > ATL_URL_MAX_URL_LENGTH) { if (!szTmp.AllocateBytes(dwMaxLength)) { // out of memory
return FALSE; } pszOut = szTmp; }
DWORD dwStrLen = 0; bRet = AtlEscapeUrlA(pszIn, pszOut, &dwStrLen, dwMaxLength, dwFlags); if (bRet != FALSE) { // it is now safe to convert using any codepage, since there
// are no non-ASCII characters
pszOut[dwStrLen] = '\0'; _ATLTRY { memcpy(szStringOut, CA2W( pszOut ), dwStrLen*sizeof(wchar_t)); szStringOut[dwStrLen] = '\0'; } _ATLCATCHALL() { bRet = FALSE; } } if (pdwStrLen) { *pdwStrLen = dwStrLen; } }
return bRet; }
//Convert all escaped characters in szString to their real values
//lpszStringIn and lpszStringOut can be the same string
inline BOOL AtlUnescapeUrlA( LPCSTR szStringIn, LPSTR szStringOut, LPDWORD pdwStrLen, DWORD dwMaxLength) throw() { ATLASSERT(szStringIn != NULL); ATLASSERT(szStringOut != NULL);
int nValue = 0; char ch; DWORD dwLen = 0; BOOL bRet = TRUE; while ((ch = *szStringIn) != 0) { if (dwLen == dwMaxLength) bRet = FALSE;
if (bRet) { if (ch == '%') { if ((*(szStringIn+1) == '\0') || (*(szStringIn+2) == '\0')) { bRet = FALSE; break; } ch = *(++szStringIn); //currently assuming 2 hex values after '%'
//as per the RFC 2396 document
nValue = 16*AtlHexValue(ch); nValue+= AtlHexValue(*(++szStringIn)); *szStringOut++ = (char) nValue; } else //non-escape character
{ if (bRet) *szStringOut++ = ch; } } dwLen++; szStringIn++; }
if (bRet) *szStringOut = '\0';
if (pdwStrLen) *pdwStrLen = dwLen; return TRUE; }
inline BOOL AtlUnescapeUrlW( LPCWSTR szStringIn, LPWSTR szStringOut, LPDWORD pdwStrLen, DWORD dwMaxLength) throw() { /// convert to UTF8
int nSrcLen = (int) wcslen(szStringIn); int nCnt = AtlUnicodeToUTF8(szStringIn, nSrcLen, NULL, 0); if (nCnt != 0) { nCnt++; CHeapPtr<char> szIn;
char szInBuf[ATL_URL_MAX_URL_LENGTH]; char *pszIn = szInBuf;
// try to avoid allocation
if (nCnt > ATL_URL_MAX_URL_LENGTH) { if (!szIn.AllocateBytes(nCnt)) { // out of memory
return FALSE; } pszIn = szIn; }
nCnt = AtlUnicodeToUTF8(szStringIn, nSrcLen, pszIn, nCnt); ATLASSERT( nCnt != 0 );
pszIn[nCnt] = '\0'; char szOutBuf[ATL_URL_MAX_URL_LENGTH]; char *pszOut = szOutBuf; CHeapPtr<char> szTmp;
// try to avoid allocation
if (dwMaxLength > ATL_URL_MAX_URL_LENGTH) { if (!szTmp.AllocateBytes(dwMaxLength)) { // out of memory
return FALSE; } pszOut = szTmp; }
DWORD dwStrLen = 0; bRet = AtlUnescapeUrlA(pszIn, pszOut, &dwStrLen, dwMaxLength); if (bRet != FALSE) { // it is now safe to convert using any codepage, since there
// are no non-ASCII characters
pszOut[dwStrLen] = '\0'; _ATLTRY { memcpy(szStringOut, CA2W( pszOut ), dwStrLen*sizeof(wchar_t)); szStringOut[dwStrLen] = '\0'; } _ATLCATCHALL() { bRet = FALSE; } } if (pdwStrLen) { *pdwStrLen = dwStrLen; } }
return bRet; }
#ifdef UNICODE
#define AtlEscapeUrl AtlEscapeUrlW
#define AtlUnescapeUrl AtlUnescapeUrlW
#define AtlEscapeUrl AtlEscapeUrlA
#define AtlUnescapeUrl AtlUnescapeUrlA
//Canonicalize a URL (same as InternetCanonicalizeUrl)
inline BOOL AtlCanonicalizeUrl( LPCTSTR szUrl, LPTSTR szCanonicalized, DWORD* pdwMaxLength, DWORD dwFlags = 0) throw() { ATLASSERT( szUrl != NULL ); ATLASSERT( szCanonicalized != NULL ); ATLASSERT( pdwMaxLength != NULL);
return AtlEscapeUrl(szUrl, szCanonicalized, pdwMaxLength, *pdwMaxLength, dwFlags | ATL_URL_CANONICALIZE); }
//Combine a base and relative URL (same as InternetCombineUrl)
inline BOOL AtlCombineUrl( LPCTSTR szBaseUrl, LPCTSTR szRelativeUrl, LPTSTR szBuffer, DWORD* pdwMaxLength, DWORD dwFlags = 0) throw() { ATLASSERT(szBaseUrl != NULL); ATLASSERT(szRelativeUrl != NULL); ATLASSERT(szBuffer != NULL); ATLASSERT(pdwMaxLength != NULL);
size_t nLen1 = _tcslen(szBaseUrl); TCHAR szCombined[2*ATL_URL_MAX_URL_LENGTH]; if (nLen1 >= 2*ATL_URL_MAX_URL_LENGTH) { return FALSE; }
_tcscpy(szCombined, szBaseUrl);
// if last char of szBaseUrl is not a slash, add it.
if (nLen1 > 0 && szCombined[nLen1-1] != _T('/')) { szCombined[nLen1] = _T('/'); nLen1++; szCombined[nLen1] = _T('\0'); }
size_t nLen2 = _tcslen(szRelativeUrl); if (nLen2+nLen1+1 >= 2*ATL_URL_MAX_URL_LENGTH) { return FALSE; }
_tcsncpy(szCombined+nLen1, szRelativeUrl, nLen2+1); DWORD dwLen = (DWORD) (nLen1+nLen2); if (dwLen >= *pdwMaxLength) { *pdwMaxLength = dwLen; return FALSE; } return AtlEscapeUrl(szCombined, szBuffer, pdwMaxLength, *pdwMaxLength, dwFlags | ATL_URL_COMBINE | ATL_URL_CANONICALIZE); }
class CUrl { private: //scheme names cannot contain escape/unsafe characters
//host names cannot contain escape/unsafe characters
ATL_URL_PORT m_nPortNumber; ATL_URL_SCHEME m_nScheme;
DWORD m_dwSchemeNameLength; DWORD m_dwHostNameLength; DWORD m_dwUserNameLength; DWORD m_dwPasswordLength; DWORD m_dwUrlPathLength; DWORD m_dwExtraInfoLength;
public: //Empty constructor
CUrl() throw() { InitFields(); SetScheme(ATL_URL_SCHEME_HTTP); }
//Copy constructor--maybe make private
CUrl(const CUrl& urlThat) throw() { CopyFields(urlThat); }
//Destructor (empty)
~CUrl() throw() { }
CUrl& operator=(const CUrl& urlThat) throw() { CopyFields(urlThat); return (*this); }
//Set the url
BOOL CrackUrl(LPCTSTR lpszUrl, DWORD dwFlags = 0) throw() { ATLASSERT(lpszUrl != NULL);
InitFields(); BOOL bRet = FALSE; if (dwFlags & ATL_URL_DECODE) { //decode the url before parsing it
TCHAR szDecodedUrl[ATL_URL_MAX_URL_LENGTH]; DWORD dwLen; if (!AtlUnescapeUrl(lpszUrl, szDecodedUrl, &dwLen, ATL_URL_MAX_URL_LENGTH)) return FALSE; bRet = Parse(szDecodedUrl); } else { bRet = Parse(lpszUrl); } if (bRet && (dwFlags & ATL_URL_ESCAPE)) { bRet = AtlUnescapeUrl(m_szUserName, m_szUserName, &m_dwUserNameLength, ATL_URL_MAX_USER_NAME_LENGTH); if (bRet) { bRet = AtlUnescapeUrl(m_szPassword, m_szPassword, &m_dwPasswordLength, ATL_URL_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH); if (bRet) { bRet = AtlUnescapeUrl(m_szUrlPath, m_szUrlPath, &m_dwUrlPathLength, ATL_URL_MAX_PATH_LENGTH); if (bRet) { bRet = AtlUnescapeUrl(m_szExtraInfo, m_szExtraInfo, &m_dwExtraInfoLength, ATL_URL_MAX_PATH_LENGTH); } } } } return bRet; }
inline BOOL CreateUrl(LPTSTR lpszUrl, DWORD* pdwMaxLength, DWORD dwFlags = 0) const throw() { ATLASSERT(lpszUrl != NULL); ATLASSERT(pdwMaxLength != NULL);
//build URL: <scheme>://<user>:<pass>@<domain>:<port><path><extra>
TCHAR szPortNumber[ATL_URL_MAX_PORT_NUMBER_LENGTH+2]; DWORD dwLength = *pdwMaxLength; *pdwMaxLength = GetUrlLength()+1; if (*pdwMaxLength > dwLength) return FALSE; _stprintf(szPortNumber, _T(":%d"), m_nPortNumber); LPTSTR lpszOutUrl = lpszUrl; *lpszUrl = '\0';
if (*m_szScheme) { _tcsncpy(lpszUrl, m_szScheme, m_dwSchemeNameLength); lpszUrl += m_dwSchemeNameLength; *lpszUrl++ = ':'; if (m_nScheme != ATL_URL_SCHEME_MAILTO) { *lpszUrl++ = '/'; *lpszUrl++ = '/'; } } if (*m_szUserName) { _tcsncpy(lpszUrl, m_szUserName, m_dwUserNameLength); lpszUrl += m_dwUserNameLength; if (*m_szPassword) { *lpszUrl++ = ':'; _tcsncpy(lpszUrl, m_szPassword, m_dwPasswordLength); lpszUrl += m_dwPasswordLength; } *lpszUrl++ = '@'; }
if (*m_szHostName) { _tcsncpy(lpszUrl, m_szHostName, m_dwHostNameLength); lpszUrl += m_dwHostNameLength; if (m_nPortNumber != AtlGetDefaultUrlPort(m_nScheme)) { DWORD dwPortLen = (DWORD) _tcslen(szPortNumber); _tcsncpy(lpszUrl, szPortNumber, dwPortLen); lpszUrl += dwPortLen; } if (*m_szUrlPath && *m_szUrlPath != '/' && *m_szUrlPath != '\\') *lpszUrl++ = '/'; }
if (*m_szUrlPath) { _tcsncpy(lpszUrl, m_szUrlPath, m_dwUrlPathLength); lpszUrl+= m_dwUrlPathLength; }
if (*m_szExtraInfo) { _tcsncpy(lpszUrl, m_szExtraInfo, m_dwExtraInfoLength); lpszUrl += m_dwExtraInfoLength; } *lpszUrl = '\0';
(*pdwMaxLength)--; if (dwFlags & ATL_URL_ESCAPE) { TCHAR szUrl[ATL_URL_MAX_URL_LENGTH]; _tcsncpy(szUrl, lpszOutUrl, *pdwMaxLength+1); return AtlUnescapeUrl(szUrl, lpszOutUrl, pdwMaxLength, dwLength); }
return TRUE; }
inline void Clear() throw() { InitFields(); }
inline DWORD GetUrlLength() const throw() { //The conditionals in this method are related to the conditionals in the CreateUrl method
//scheme + ':'
DWORD dwUrlLength = m_dwSchemeNameLength+1;
//i.e. "//"
if (m_nScheme != ATL_URL_SCHEME_MAILTO) dwUrlLength += 2;
dwUrlLength += m_dwUserNameLength;
//i.e. "username@"
if (m_dwUserNameLength > 0) dwUrlLength += m_dwUserNameLength+1;
//i.e. ":password"
if (m_dwPasswordLength > 0) dwUrlLength += m_dwPasswordLength+1; dwUrlLength += m_dwHostNameLength;
// will need to add an extra '/' in this case
if (m_dwHostNameLength && m_dwUrlPathLength && *m_szUrlPath != '/' && *m_szUrlPath != '\\') dwUrlLength++;
//i.e. ":xx" where "xx" is the port number
if (m_nPortNumber != AtlGetDefaultUrlPort(m_nScheme)) { TCHAR szPortTmp[6]; dwUrlLength += _stprintf(szPortTmp, _T(":%d"), m_nPortNumber); }
dwUrlLength += m_dwUrlPathLength + m_dwExtraInfoLength;
return dwUrlLength; }
//Get the Scheme Name (i.e. http, ftp, etc.)
inline LPCTSTR GetSchemeName() const throw() { return m_szScheme; }
//Get the Scheme Name length
inline DWORD GetSchemeNameLength() const throw() { return m_dwSchemeNameLength; }
//This method will incur the cost of
//validating the scheme and updating the scheme name
inline BOOL SetSchemeName(LPCTSTR lpszSchm) throw() { ATLASSERT(lpszSchm != NULL);
const _schemeinfo *pSchemes = GetSchemes();
ATLASSERT( pSchemes != NULL );
int nScheme = -1;
for (int i=0; i<s_nSchemes; i++) { if (_tcsicmp(lpszSchm, pSchemes[i].szSchemeName) == 0) { nScheme = i; break; } }
if (nScheme != -1) { m_nScheme = (ATL_URL_SCHEME) nScheme; m_dwSchemeNameLength = pSchemes[nScheme].dwSchemeLength; m_nPortNumber = (ATL_URL_PORT) pSchemes[nScheme].nUrlPort; } else { // unknown scheme
m_nScheme = ATL_URL_SCHEME_UNKNOWN; m_dwSchemeNameLength = (DWORD) _tcslen(lpszSchm); m_nPortNumber = ATL_URL_INVALID_PORT_NUMBER; }
_tcsncpy(m_szScheme, lpszSchm, m_dwSchemeNameLength); m_szScheme[m_dwSchemeNameLength] = '\0';
return TRUE; }
inline BOOL SetScheme(ATL_URL_SCHEME nScheme) throw() { if ((nScheme < 0) || (nScheme >= s_nSchemes)) { // invalid scheme
return FALSE; }
const _schemeinfo *pSchemes = GetSchemes();
ATLASSERT( pSchemes != NULL );
m_nScheme = (ATL_URL_SCHEME) nScheme; m_dwSchemeNameLength = pSchemes[nScheme].dwSchemeLength; m_nPortNumber = (ATL_URL_PORT) pSchemes[nScheme].nUrlPort; _tcsncpy(m_szScheme, pSchemes[nScheme].szSchemeName, m_dwSchemeNameLength);
return TRUE; }
inline ATL_URL_SCHEME GetScheme() const throw() { return m_nScheme; }
//Get the host name
inline LPCTSTR GetHostName() const throw() { return m_szHostName; }
//Get the host name's length
inline DWORD GetHostNameLength() const throw() { return m_dwHostNameLength; }
//Set the Host name
inline BOOL SetHostName(LPCTSTR lpszHost) throw() { ATLASSERT(lpszHost != NULL);
DWORD dwLen = (DWORD) _tcslen(lpszHost); if (dwLen > ATL_URL_MAX_HOST_NAME_LENGTH) return FALSE;
_tcsncpy(m_szHostName, lpszHost, dwLen+1); m_dwHostNameLength = dwLen; return TRUE; }
//Get the port number in terms of ATL_URL_PORT
inline ATL_URL_PORT GetPortNumber() const throw() { return m_nPortNumber; }
//Set the port number in terms of ATL_URL_PORT
inline BOOL SetPortNumber(ATL_URL_PORT nPrt) throw() { m_nPortNumber = nPrt; return TRUE; }
//Get the user name
inline LPCTSTR GetUserName() const throw() { return m_szUserName; }
//Get the user name's length
inline DWORD GetUserNameLength() const throw() { return m_dwUserNameLength; }
//Set the user name
inline BOOL SetUserName(LPCTSTR lpszUser) throw() { ATLASSERT(lpszUser != NULL); DWORD dwLen = (DWORD) _tcslen(lpszUser); if (dwLen > ATL_URL_MAX_USER_NAME_LENGTH) return FALSE;
_tcsncpy(m_szUserName, lpszUser, dwLen+1); m_dwUserNameLength = dwLen;
return TRUE; }
//Get the password
inline LPCTSTR GetPassword() const throw() { return m_szPassword; }
//Get the password's length
inline DWORD GetPasswordLength() const throw() { return m_dwPasswordLength; }
//Set the password
inline BOOL SetPassword(LPCTSTR lpszPass) throw() { ATLASSERT(lpszPass != NULL);
if (*lpszPass && !*m_szUserName) return FALSE;
DWORD dwLen = (DWORD) _tcslen(lpszPass); if (dwLen > ATL_URL_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH) return FALSE;
_tcsncpy(m_szPassword, lpszPass, dwLen+1); m_dwPasswordLength = dwLen;
return TRUE; }
//Get the url path (everything after scheme and
//before extra info)
inline LPCTSTR GetUrlPath() const throw() { return m_szUrlPath; }
//Get the url path's length
inline DWORD GetUrlPathLength() const throw() { return m_dwUrlPathLength; }
//Set the url path
inline BOOL SetUrlPath(LPCTSTR lpszPath) throw() { ATLASSERT(lpszPath != NULL);
DWORD dwLen = (DWORD) _tcslen(lpszPath); if (dwLen > ATL_URL_MAX_PATH_LENGTH) return FALSE;
_tcsncpy(m_szUrlPath, lpszPath, dwLen+1); m_dwUrlPathLength = dwLen; return TRUE; }
//Get extra info (i.e. ?something or #something)
inline LPCTSTR GetExtraInfo() const throw() { return m_szExtraInfo; }
//Get extra info's length
inline DWORD GetExtraInfoLength() const throw() { return m_dwExtraInfoLength; }
//Set extra info
inline BOOL SetExtraInfo(LPCTSTR lpszInfo) throw() { ATLASSERT(lpszInfo != NULL);
DWORD dwLen = (DWORD) _tcslen(lpszInfo); if (dwLen > ATL_URL_MAX_PATH_LENGTH) return FALSE;
_tcsncpy(m_szExtraInfo, lpszInfo, dwLen+1); m_dwExtraInfoLength = dwLen; return TRUE; } //Insert Escape characters into URL
inline BOOL Canonicalize(DWORD dwFlags = 0) throw() { _tcslwr(m_szScheme); TCHAR szTmp[ATL_URL_MAX_URL_LENGTH]; _tcscpy(szTmp, m_szUserName); BOOL bRet = AtlEscapeUrl(szTmp, m_szUserName, &m_dwUserNameLength, ATL_URL_MAX_USER_NAME_LENGTH, dwFlags); if (bRet) { _tcscpy(szTmp, m_szPassword); bRet = AtlEscapeUrl(szTmp, m_szPassword, &m_dwPasswordLength, ATL_URL_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH, dwFlags); } if (bRet) { _tcscpy(szTmp, m_szHostName); bRet = AtlEscapeUrl(szTmp, m_szHostName, &m_dwHostNameLength, ATL_URL_MAX_HOST_NAME_LENGTH, dwFlags); } if (bRet) { _tcscpy(szTmp, m_szUrlPath); bRet = AtlEscapeUrl(szTmp, m_szUrlPath, &m_dwUrlPathLength, ATL_URL_MAX_PATH_LENGTH, dwFlags); }
//in ATL_URL_BROWSER mode, the portion of the URL following the '?' or '#' is not encoded
if (bRet && (dwFlags & ATL_URL_BROWSER_MODE) == 0) { _tcscpy(szTmp, m_szExtraInfo); bRet = AtlEscapeUrl(szTmp+1, m_szExtraInfo+1, &m_dwExtraInfoLength, ATL_URL_MAX_PATH_LENGTH-1, dwFlags); if (bRet) m_dwExtraInfoLength++; }
return bRet; }
const static DWORD s_nSchemes = 8;
struct _schemeinfo { LPCTSTR szSchemeName; DWORD dwSchemeLength; ATL_URL_PORT nUrlPort; };
const _schemeinfo * GetSchemes() throw() { const static _schemeinfo s_schemes[] = { { _T("ftp"), sizeof("ftp")-1, ATL_URL_DEFAULT_FTP_PORT }, { _T("gopher"), sizeof("gopher")-1, ATL_URL_DEFAULT_GOPHER_PORT }, { _T("http"), sizeof("http")-1, ATL_URL_DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT }, { _T("https"), sizeof("https")-1, ATL_URL_DEFAULT_HTTPS_PORT }, { _T("file"), sizeof("file")-1, ATL_URL_INVALID_PORT_NUMBER }, { _T("news"), sizeof("news")-1, ATL_URL_INVALID_PORT_NUMBER }, { _T("mailto"), sizeof("mailto")-1, ATL_URL_INVALID_PORT_NUMBER }, { _T("socks"), sizeof("socks")-1, ATL_URL_DEFAULT_SOCKS_PORT } };
return s_schemes; }
inline BOOL Parse(LPCTSTR lpszUrl) throw() { ATLASSERT(lpszUrl != NULL);
TCHAR ch; BOOL bGotScheme = FALSE; BOOL bGotUserName = FALSE; BOOL bGotHostName = FALSE; BOOL bGotPortNumber = FALSE; TCHAR szCurrentUrl[ATL_URL_MAX_URL_LENGTH+6]; TCHAR* pszCurrentUrl = szCurrentUrl;
//parse lpszUrl using szCurrentUrl to store temporary data
//this loop will get the following if it exists:
while ((ch = *lpszUrl) != '\0') { if (ch == ':') { //3 cases:
//(1) Just encountered a scheme
//(2) Port number follows
//(3) Form of username:password@
// Check to see if we've just encountered a scheme
*pszCurrentUrl = '\0'; if (!bGotScheme) { if (!SetSchemeName(szCurrentUrl)) goto error;
//Set a flag to avoid checking for
//schemes everytime we encounter a :
bGotScheme = TRUE;
if (*(lpszUrl+1) == '/') { if (*(lpszUrl+2) == '/') { //the mailto scheme cannot have a '/' following the "mailto:" portion
if (bGotScheme && m_nScheme == ATL_URL_SCHEME_MAILTO) goto error;
//Skip these characters and continue
lpszUrl+= 2; } else { //it is an absolute path
//no domain name, port, username, or password is allowed in this case
//break to loop that gets path
lpszUrl++; pszCurrentUrl = szCurrentUrl; break; } }
//reset pszCurrentUrl
pszCurrentUrl = szCurrentUrl; lpszUrl++;
//if the scheme is file, skip to getting the path information
if (m_nScheme == ATL_URL_SCHEME_FILE) break; continue; } else if (!bGotUserName || !bGotPortNumber) { //It must be a username:password or a port number
*pszCurrentUrl = '\0';
pszCurrentUrl = szCurrentUrl; TCHAR tmpBuf[ATL_URL_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH]; TCHAR* pTmpBuf = tmpBuf; int nCnt = 0;
//get the user or portnumber (break on either '/', '@', or '\0'
while (((ch = *(++lpszUrl)) != '/') && (ch != '@') && (ch != '\0')) { if (nCnt >= ATL_URL_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH) goto error; *pTmpBuf++ = ch; nCnt++; } *pTmpBuf = '\0';
//if we broke on a '/' or a '\0', it must be a port number
if (!bGotPortNumber && (ch == '/' || ch == '\0')) { //the host name must immediately preced the port number
if (!SetHostName(szCurrentUrl)) goto error;
//get the port number
m_nPortNumber = (ATL_URL_PORT) _ttoi(tmpBuf); if (m_nPortNumber < 0) goto error;
bGotPortNumber = bGotHostName = TRUE; } else if (!bGotUserName && ch=='@') { //otherwise it must be a username:password
if (!SetUserName(szCurrentUrl) || !SetPassword(tmpBuf)) goto error;
bGotUserName = TRUE; lpszUrl++; } else { goto error; } } } else if (ch == '@') { if (bGotUserName) goto error; //type is userinfo@
*pszCurrentUrl = '\0'; if (!SetUserName(szCurrentUrl)) goto error;
bGotUserName = TRUE; lpszUrl++; pszCurrentUrl = szCurrentUrl; } else if (ch == '/' || ch == '?' || (!*(lpszUrl+1))) { //we're at the end of this loop
//set the domain name and break
if (!*(lpszUrl+1) && ch != '/' && ch != '?') { *pszCurrentUrl++ = ch; lpszUrl++; } *pszCurrentUrl = '\0'; if (!bGotHostName) { if (!SetHostName(szCurrentUrl)) goto error; } pszCurrentUrl = szCurrentUrl; break; } else { *pszCurrentUrl++ = ch; lpszUrl++; } }
if (!bGotScheme) goto error;
//Now build the path
while ((ch = *lpszUrl) != '\0') { //break on a '#' or a '?', which delimit "extra information"
if (m_nScheme != ATL_URL_SCHEME_FILE && (ch == '#' || ch == '?')) { break; } *pszCurrentUrl++ = ch; lpszUrl++; } *pszCurrentUrl = '\0'; if (*szCurrentUrl != '\0' && !SetUrlPath(szCurrentUrl)) goto error;
pszCurrentUrl = szCurrentUrl;
while ((ch = *lpszUrl++) != '\0') { *pszCurrentUrl++ = ch; }
*pszCurrentUrl = '\0'; if (*szCurrentUrl != '\0' && !SetExtraInfo(szCurrentUrl)) goto error;
switch(m_nScheme) { case ATL_URL_SCHEME_FILE: m_nPortNumber = ATL_URL_INVALID_PORT_NUMBER; break; case ATL_URL_SCHEME_NEWS: m_nPortNumber = ATL_URL_INVALID_PORT_NUMBER; break; case ATL_URL_SCHEME_MAILTO: m_nPortNumber = ATL_URL_INVALID_PORT_NUMBER; break; default: if (!bGotPortNumber) m_nPortNumber = (unsigned short)AtlGetDefaultUrlPort(m_nScheme); }
return TRUE;
error: InitFields(); return FALSE;
ATL_NOINLINE void InitFields() throw() { m_nPortNumber = ATL_URL_INVALID_PORT_NUMBER; m_nScheme = ATL_URL_SCHEME_UNKNOWN;
m_dwSchemeNameLength = 0; m_dwHostNameLength = 0; m_dwUserNameLength = 0; m_dwUrlPathLength = 0; m_dwPasswordLength = 0; m_dwExtraInfoLength = 0;
m_szScheme[0] = '\0'; m_szHostName[0] = '\0'; m_szUserName[0] = '\0'; m_szPassword[0] = '\0'; m_szUrlPath[0] = '\0'; m_szExtraInfo[0] = '\0'; }
//copy all fields from urlThat
inline void CopyFields(const CUrl& urlThat) throw() { _tcsncpy(m_szScheme, urlThat.m_szScheme, urlThat.m_dwSchemeNameLength+1); _tcsncpy(m_szHostName, urlThat.m_szHostName, urlThat.m_dwHostNameLength+1); _tcsncpy(m_szUserName, urlThat.m_szUserName, urlThat.m_dwUserNameLength+1); _tcsncpy(m_szPassword, urlThat.m_szPassword, urlThat.m_dwPasswordLength+1); _tcsncpy(m_szUrlPath, urlThat.m_szUrlPath, urlThat.m_dwUrlPathLength+1); _tcsncpy(m_szExtraInfo, urlThat.m_szExtraInfo, urlThat.m_dwExtraInfoLength+1);
m_nPortNumber = urlThat.m_nPortNumber; m_nScheme = urlThat.m_nScheme; m_dwSchemeNameLength = urlThat.m_dwSchemeNameLength; m_dwHostNameLength = urlThat.m_dwHostNameLength; m_dwUserNameLength = urlThat.m_dwUserNameLength; m_dwPasswordLength = urlThat.m_dwPasswordLength; m_dwUrlPathLength = urlThat.m_dwUrlPathLength; m_dwExtraInfoLength = urlThat.m_dwExtraInfoLength; }
}; // class CUrl
typedef CUrl* LPURL; typedef const CUrl * LPCURL;
#define ATL_WORKER_THREAD_WAIT 10000 // time to wait when shutting down
// CWorkerThread
// This class creates a worker thread that waits on kernel
// object handles and executes a specified client
// function when the handle is signaled
// To use it, construct an instance, call Initialize
// then call add AddHandle with the handle of a kernel
// object and pass a pointer to your implementation
// of IWorkerThreadClient. Execute on your IWorkerThreadClient
// implementation will be called when the handle is signaled
// You can also use AddTimer() to add a waitable timer
// to the worker thread.
// If the thread is still active when your object is destroyed
// you must call RemoveHandle() on each handle that your object
// owns.
// To terminate the thread, call Shutdown
template <class ThreadTraits=DefaultThreadTraits> class CWorkerThread { protected: HANDLE m_hThread; DWORD m_dwThreadId; CWorkerThread<ThreadTraits> *m_pThread; struct WorkerClientEntry { IWorkerThreadClient *pClient; DWORD_PTR dwParam; };
CSimpleArray<HANDLE> m_hWaitHandles; CSimpleArray<WorkerClientEntry, CSimpleArrayEqualHelperFalse<WorkerClientEntry> > m_ClientEntries; CComCriticalSection m_critSec; HANDLE m_hRefreshComplete;
void Refresh() throw() { ATLASSERT(m_hRefreshComplete); BOOL bRet = SetEvent(m_hWaitHandles[1]); ATLASSERT(bRet); bRet; // unused
WaitForSingleObject(m_hRefreshComplete, INFINITE); }
public: CWorkerThread() throw() : m_hThread(NULL), m_dwThreadId(0), m_hRefreshComplete(NULL), m_pThread(NULL) {
~CWorkerThread() throw() { Shutdown(); }
DWORD GetThreadId() throw() { if (m_pThread) return m_pThread->GetThreadId();
return m_dwThreadId; }
HANDLE GetThreadHandle() throw() { if (m_pThread) return m_pThread->GetThreadHandle();
return m_hThread; }
HRESULT Initialize() throw() { if (m_pThread) return E_UNEXPECTED; // already initialized!
// the object should be initialized first
ATLASSERT(m_hWaitHandles.GetSize() == 0);
// create the refresh complete event
m_hRefreshComplete = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); if (!m_hRefreshComplete) { m_critSec.Term(); return AtlHresultFromLastError(); }
// add the shutdown event
HANDLE hEventShutdown = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); if (!hEventShutdown) { hr = AtlHresultFromLastError(); Shutdown(); return hr; }
hr = AddHandle(hEventShutdown, NULL, 0); if (FAILED(hr)) { CloseHandle(hEventShutdown); Shutdown(); return hr; }
// create the refresh event
HANDLE hEventRefresh = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); if (!hEventRefresh) { hr = AtlHresultFromLastError(); Shutdown(); return hr; }
hr = AddHandle(hEventRefresh, NULL, 0); if (FAILED(hr)) { CloseHandle(hEventRefresh); Shutdown(); return hr; }
m_hThread = ThreadTraits::CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) _WorkerThreadProc, this, 0, &m_dwThreadId); if (!m_hThread) { hr = AtlHresultFromLastError(); Shutdown(); return hr; }
WaitForSingleObject(m_hRefreshComplete, INFINITE);
return S_OK; }
HRESULT Initialize(CWorkerThread<ThreadTraits> *pThread) { if (!pThread) return E_INVALIDARG;
if (m_hThread) return E_UNEXPECTED; // already initialized
if (!m_pThread) { m_pThread = pThread; } return S_OK; }
HRESULT AddHandle(HANDLE hObject, IWorkerThreadClient *pClient, DWORD_PTR dwParam) throw() { if (m_pThread) return m_pThread->AddHandle(hObject, pClient, dwParam); // Make sure the object has been initialized
ATLASSERT(m_hRefreshComplete != NULL);
CComCritSecLock<CComCriticalSection> lock(m_critSec, false); HRESULT hr = lock.Lock(); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
if (m_hWaitHandles.GetSize() == MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS) { return AtlHresultFromWin32(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } BOOL bRet = m_hWaitHandles.Add(hObject); if (!bRet) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
WorkerClientEntry entry; entry.pClient = pClient; entry.dwParam = dwParam; bRet = m_ClientEntries.Add(entry); if (!bRet) { m_hWaitHandles.RemoveAt(m_hWaitHandles.GetSize()-1); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } if (m_hWaitHandles.GetSize() > 2) { // tell the worker thread to refresh
Refresh(); } return S_OK; }
#if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0400) || (_WIN32_WINDOWS > 0x0400)
HRESULT AddTimer(DWORD dwInterval, IWorkerThreadClient *pClient, DWORD_PTR dwParam, HANDLE *phTimer) throw() { if (m_pThread) return m_pThread->AddTimer(dwInterval, pClient, dwParam, phTimer); // Make sure the object has been initialized
ATLASSERT(m_hRefreshComplete != NULL);
ATLASSERT(phTimer); *phTimer = NULL;
HANDLE hTimer = CreateWaitableTimer(NULL, FALSE, NULL); if (!hTimer) { return AtlHresultFromLastError(); }
liDueTime.QuadPart = -10000 * (__int64) dwInterval;
BOOL bRet = SetWaitableTimer(hTimer, &liDueTime, dwInterval, NULL, NULL, FALSE); if (!bRet) { hr = AtlHresultFromLastError(); CloseHandle(hTimer); return hr; }
hr = AddHandle(hTimer, pClient, dwParam); if (FAILED(hr)) { CloseHandle(hTimer); return hr; } if (phTimer) *phTimer = hTimer; return S_OK; } #endif
HRESULT RemoveHandle(HANDLE hObject) throw() { if (m_pThread) return m_pThread->RemoveHandle(hObject);
// Make sure the object has been initialized
ATLASSERT(m_hRefreshComplete != NULL);
CComCritSecLock<CComCriticalSection> lock(m_critSec, false); HRESULT hr = lock.Lock(); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
int nIndex = m_hWaitHandles.Find(hObject); if (nIndex >= 0) { ATLASSERT(nIndex < m_ClientEntries.GetSize());
IWorkerThreadClient *pClient = m_ClientEntries[nIndex].pClient;
m_hWaitHandles.RemoveAt(nIndex); m_ClientEntries.RemoveAt(nIndex);
Refresh(); // now it is safe to close the handle
if (!pClient || FAILED(pClient->CloseHandle(hObject))) CloseHandle(hObject); } return S_OK; }
HRESULT Shutdown(DWORD dwWait=ATL_WORKER_THREAD_WAIT) throw() { if (m_pThread) return S_OK;
if (!m_hThread) { RemoveAllClients(); m_critSec.Term(); if (m_hRefreshComplete) { CloseHandle(m_hRefreshComplete); m_hRefreshComplete = NULL; } return S_OK; }
ATLASSERT(m_hWaitHandles.GetSize() > 0);
DWORD dwRet = WaitForSingleObject(m_hThread, dwWait);
CloseHandle(m_hThread); m_hThread = NULL; if (m_hRefreshComplete) { CloseHandle(m_hRefreshComplete); m_hRefreshComplete = NULL; } m_critSec.Term(); return (dwRet == WAIT_OBJECT_0) ? S_OK : AtlHresultFromWin32(dwRet); }
protected: void RemoveAllClients() throw() { ATLASSERT(m_hWaitHandles.GetSize() == m_ClientEntries.GetSize());
int nLen = m_hWaitHandles.GetSize(); for (int i = 0; i < nLen; i++) { WorkerClientEntry& entry = m_ClientEntries[i]; if (!entry.pClient || FAILED(entry.pClient->CloseHandle(m_hWaitHandles[i]))) CloseHandle(m_hWaitHandles[i]); } m_hWaitHandles.RemoveAll();
m_ClientEntries.RemoveAll(); }
DWORD WorkerThreadProc() throw() { // Make sure the object has been initialized
ATLASSERT(m_hRefreshComplete != NULL);
CSimpleArray<HANDLE> handles(m_hWaitHandles); CSimpleArray<WorkerClientEntry, CSimpleArrayEqualHelperFalse<WorkerClientEntry> > clientEntries(m_ClientEntries);
// tell the main thread we're done copying
while (TRUE) { DWORD dwRet = WaitForMultipleObjects(handles.GetSize(), handles.GetData(), FALSE, INFINITE); // check for shutdown
if (dwRet == WAIT_OBJECT_0) return 0; else if (dwRet == WAIT_OBJECT_0+1) // check for refresh
{ handles = m_hWaitHandles; clientEntries = m_ClientEntries;
// tell the main thread we're done copying
SetEvent(m_hRefreshComplete); continue; } else if (dwRet > WAIT_OBJECT_0 && dwRet < WAIT_OBJECT_0 + handles.GetSize()) { // execute the approriate client
WorkerClientEntry& entry = clientEntries[dwRet - WAIT_OBJECT_0];
// We ignore the error code because nothing useful can be done with it in this
// implementation
entry.pClient->Execute(entry.dwParam, handles[dwRet - WAIT_OBJECT_0]); } else { // this probably means an invalid handle was added
ATLASSERT(FALSE); return 1; } } return 0; }
static DWORD WINAPI _WorkerThreadProc(CWorkerThread *pThis) throw() { return pThis->WorkerThreadProc(); } }; // class CWorkerThread
// Use CNoWorkerThread as a template argument for classes
// that need a worker thread type as a template argument but
// don't require the services of a worker thread. An example
// would be CDllCache (atlutil.h) when you want to create a
// CDllCache with no sweeper thread.
class CNoWorkerThread { public: DWORD GetThreadId() throw() { return 0; }
HANDLE GetThreadHandle() throw() { return NULL; }
HRESULT Initialize() throw() { return S_OK; }
HRESULT AddHandle(HANDLE /*hObject*/, IWorkerThreadClient * /*pClient*/, DWORD_PTR /*dwParam*/) throw() { return S_OK; }
HRESULT AddTimer(DWORD /*dwInterval*/, IWorkerThreadClient * /*pClient*/, DWORD_PTR /*dwParam*/, HANDLE * /*phTimer*/) throw() { return S_OK; }
HRESULT RemoveHandle(HANDLE /*hObject*/) throw() { return S_OK; }
HRESULT Shutdown(DWORD dwWait=ATL_WORKER_THREAD_WAIT) throw() { dwWait; return S_OK; } }; // CNoWorkerThread
class CBrowserCaps : public IBrowserCaps, public CComObjectRootEx<CComSingleThreadModel> { public:
CBrowserCaps() { }
void FinalRelease() { if (m_pParent) m_pParent->Release(); }
HRESULT Initialize(IXMLDOMNode * pNode, IBrowserCapsSvc * pSvc) { if (!pNode) return E_POINTER;
HRESULT hr = pNode->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IXMLDOMElement), (void **)&m_spElement); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
CComPtr<IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap> spList; hr = pNode->get_attributes(&spList); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> spItem; hr = spList->getNamedItem((BSTR)L"parent", &spItem); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
if (hr == S_FALSE) m_pParent = NULL; else { if (!spItem) return E_FAIL;
CComVariant varVal; hr = spItem->get_nodeValue(&varVal); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
varVal.ChangeType(VT_BSTR); hr = pSvc->GetCapsUserAgent(varVal.bstrVal, (IBrowserCaps **)&m_pParent); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; }
return S_OK; }
HRESULT GetPropertyString(BSTR bstrProperty, BSTR * pbstrOut) { ATLASSERT(m_spElement); if (!m_spElement) return E_FAIL;
if (!pbstrOut) return E_POINTER;
*pbstrOut = NULL;
CComPtr<IXMLDOMNodeList> spList; HRESULT hr = m_spElement->getElementsByTagName(bstrProperty, &spList); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
long nLength; hr = spList->get_length(&nLength); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
if (nLength == 0) { if (m_pParent) return m_pParent->GetPropertyString(bstrProperty, pbstrOut); else return E_FAIL; }
// Assume the first one is the correct node
CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> spNode; hr = spList->get_item(0, &spNode); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
CComBSTR bstrValue;
hr = spNode->get_text(&bstrValue); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
*pbstrOut = bstrValue.Detach(); return hr; }
HRESULT GetBooleanPropertyValue(BSTR bstrProperty, BOOL* pbOut) { if (!pbOut) return E_POINTER;
CComBSTR bstrOut; HRESULT hr = GetPropertyString(bstrProperty, &bstrOut); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
if (bstrOut[0] == L'1' && bstrOut.Length() == 1) *pbOut = TRUE; else *pbOut = FALSE;
return S_OK; }
HRESULT GetBrowserName(BSTR * pbstrName) { return GetPropertyString(L"name", pbstrName); }
HRESULT GetPlatform(BSTR * pbstrPlatform) { return GetPropertyString(L"platform", pbstrPlatform); }
HRESULT GetVersion(BSTR * pbstrVersion) { return GetPropertyString(L"version", pbstrVersion); }
HRESULT GetMajorVer(BSTR * pbstrMajorVer) { return GetPropertyString(L"majorver", pbstrMajorVer); }
HRESULT GetMinorVer(BSTR * pbstrMinorVer) { return GetPropertyString(L"minorver", pbstrMinorVer); }
HRESULT SupportsFrames(BOOL* pbFrames) { return GetBooleanPropertyValue(L"frames", pbFrames); }
HRESULT SupportsTables(BOOL* pbTables) { return GetBooleanPropertyValue(L"tables", pbTables); } HRESULT SupportsCookies(BOOL* pbCookies) { return GetBooleanPropertyValue(L"cookies", pbCookies); } HRESULT SupportsBackgroundSounds(BOOL* pbBackgroundSounds) { return GetBooleanPropertyValue(L"backgroundsounds", pbBackgroundSounds); } HRESULT SupportsVBScript(BOOL* pbVBScript) { return GetBooleanPropertyValue(L"vbscript", pbVBScript); } HRESULT SupportsJavaScript(BOOL* pbJavaScript) { return GetBooleanPropertyValue(L"javascript", pbJavaScript); } HRESULT SupportsJavaApplets(BOOL* pbJavaApplets) { return GetBooleanPropertyValue(L"javaapplets", pbJavaApplets); } HRESULT SupportsActiveXControls(BOOL* pbActiveXControls) { return GetBooleanPropertyValue(L"ActiveXControls", pbActiveXControls); } HRESULT SupportsCDF(BOOL* pbCDF) { return GetBooleanPropertyValue(L"CDF", pbCDF); } HRESULT SupportsAuthenticodeUpdate(BOOL* pbAuthenticodeUpdate) { return GetBooleanPropertyValue(L"AuthenticodeUpdate", pbAuthenticodeUpdate); } HRESULT IsBeta(BOOL* pbIsBeta) { return GetBooleanPropertyValue(L"beta", pbIsBeta); } HRESULT IsCrawler(BOOL* pbIsCrawler) { return GetBooleanPropertyValue(L"Crawler", pbIsCrawler); } HRESULT IsAOL(BOOL* pbIsAOL) { return GetBooleanPropertyValue(L"AOL", pbIsAOL); } HRESULT IsWin16(BOOL* pbIsWin16) { return GetBooleanPropertyValue(L"Win16", pbIsWin16); } HRESULT IsAK(BOOL* pbIsAK) { return GetBooleanPropertyValue(L"AK", pbIsAK); } HRESULT IsSK(BOOL* pbIsSK) { return GetBooleanPropertyValue(L"SK", pbIsSK); } HRESULT IsUpdate(BOOL* pbIsUpdate) { return GetBooleanPropertyValue(L"Update", pbIsUpdate); }
private: CComPtr<IXMLDOMElement> m_spElement; CComObjectNoLock<CBrowserCaps> * m_pParent; };
template <class TVal> class CWildCardEqualHelper { public: static bool IsEqualKey(LPCWSTR szPattern, LPCWSTR szInput) { while (*szPattern && *szInput && *szPattern == *szInput) { szPattern++; szInput++; }
if (*szPattern == *szInput) return TRUE;
if (*szPattern == '*') { szPattern++; if (!*szPattern) return true; while(*szInput) { if (IsEqualKey(szPattern, szInput)) return TRUE; szInput++; } } return FALSE;
static bool IsEqualValue(TVal& v1, const TVal& v2) { return (v1 == v2); }
class CBrowserCapsSvc : public IBrowserCapsSvc, public CComObjectRootEx<CComSingleThreadModel> { public: BEGIN_COM_MAP(CBrowserCapsSvc) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IBrowserCapsSvc) END_COM_MAP()
HRESULT GetCaps(IHttpServerContext * pContext, IBrowserCaps ** ppOut) { if (!pContext) return E_POINTER;
if (!ppOut) return E_POINTER;
*ppOut = NULL;
char szUserAgent[256]; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(szUserAgent); if (!pContext->GetServerVariable("HTTP_USER_AGENT", szUserAgent, &dwSize)) return E_FAIL;
CComBSTR bstrAgent = szUserAgent;
return GetCapsUserAgent(bstrAgent, ppOut); }
HRESULT GetCapsUserAgent(BSTR bstrAgent, IBrowserCaps ** ppOut) { if (!bstrAgent) return E_POINTER;
if (!ppOut) return E_POINTER;
*ppOut = NULL;
CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> spNode; spNode = m_Map.Lookup((LPCWSTR)bstrAgent); if (spNode != NULL) { CComObjectNoLock<CBrowserCaps> *pRet = NULL; ATLTRY(pRet = new CComObjectNoLock<CBrowserCaps>); if (!pRet) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
HRESULT hr = pRet->Initialize(spNode, this); if (FAILED(hr)) { delete pRet; return hr; } pRet->AddRef(); *ppOut = pRet; return S_OK; } return E_FAIL; }
HRESULT Initialize(HINSTANCE hInstance) { HRESULT hr = _Initialize(hInstance); if (FAILED(hr)) Clear();
return hr; }
HRESULT Uninitialize() { Clear(); return S_OK; }
private: HRESULT _Initialize(HINSTANCE hInstance) { if (m_spDoc) // Already initialized
return S_OK;
HRESULT hr; hr = m_spDoc.CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(DOMDocument), NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
if (!m_spDoc) return E_FAIL;
hr = m_spDoc->put_async(VARIANT_FALSE); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
char szPath[MAX_PATH];
int nRet = GetModuleFileNameA(hInstance, szPath, MAX_PATH); if (!nRet) return AtlHresultFromLastError();
LPSTR szMark = strrchr(szPath, '\\');
if (szMark) *szMark = '\0';
CComBSTR bstrFile; bstrFile += "file://"; bstrFile += szPath ; bstrFile += "\\browscap.xml";
CComVariant varFile(bstrFile); VARIANT_BOOL varBool; hr = m_spDoc->load(varFile, &varBool); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
if (!varBool) return E_FAIL;
hr = m_spDoc->get_documentElement(&m_spRoot); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
if (!m_spRoot) return E_FAIL;
CComPtr<IXMLDOMElement> spElement; hr = m_spRoot->QueryInterface(&spElement); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
if (!spElement) return E_FAIL;
CComPtr<IXMLDOMNodeList> spList; hr = spElement->getElementsByTagName(L"browser", &spList); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; if (!spList) return E_FAIL;
CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> spCurrent; hr = spList->nextNode(&spCurrent); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
while (spCurrent) { CComPtr<IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap> spAttrs; CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> spItem;
DOMNodeType nodeType; hr = spCurrent->get_nodeType(&nodeType); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
if (nodeType == NODE_ELEMENT) { hr = spCurrent->get_attributes(&spAttrs); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
hr = spAttrs->getNamedItem((BSTR)L"user-agent", &spItem); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
CComVariant varVal; hr = spItem->get_nodeValue(&varVal); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
hr = varVal.ChangeType(VT_BSTR); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
CComBSTR bstrValue = varVal.bstrVal; m_Map.Add((LPCWSTR)bstrValue, spCurrent); bstrValue.Detach(); }
CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> spNext; spList->nextNode(&spNext); spCurrent = spNext; }
return S_OK; }
void Clear() { if (!m_spDoc) return;
m_Map.RemoveAll(); m_spRoot.Release(); m_spDoc.Release(); }
CSimpleMap<LPCWSTR, CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode>, CWildCardEqualHelper< CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> > > m_Map; CComCriticalSection m_critSec; CComPtr<IXMLDOMDocument> m_spDoc; CComPtr<IXMLDOMElement> m_spRoot; };
// Copies a CString into a null-terminated string.
// pdwDestLen on input is the size of the buffer in characters (including the null)
// On success, pdwDestLen contains the length of the string in characters (not including the null)
// On failure, pdwDestLen contains the length of the string including the null.
template <class StringType> inline BOOL CopyCString(const StringType& str, StringType::PXSTR szDest, DWORD *pdwDestLen) throw() { if (!pdwDestLen) return FALSE;
DWORD dwLen = str.GetLength(); if (!szDest || *pdwDestLen < (dwLen + 1)) { *pdwDestLen = dwLen + 1; return FALSE; }
StringType::PCXSTR szBuffer = str; if (szBuffer) { memcpy(szDest, szBuffer, (dwLen+1) * sizeof(StringType::XCHAR)); *pdwDestLen = dwLen; return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
// Call this function to convert from a SYSTEMTIME
// structure to an Http-date as defined in rfc2616
inline void SystemTimeToHttpDate(const SYSTEMTIME& st, CStringA &strTime) { static LPCSTR szDays[] = { "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat" }; static LPCSTR szMonth[] = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" };
strTime.Format("%s, %02d %s %d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT", szDays[st.wDayOfWeek], st.wDay, szMonth[st.wMonth-1], st.wYear, st.wHour, st.wMinute, st.wSecond); }
// RGBToHtml - Converts a COLORREF to a color that can be used in HTML.
// Eg. RGB(11,22,33) would be converted to #112233
// color: The color to convert.
// pbOut: The output buffer that will hold the the resulting color.
// nBuffer: Specifies the number of bytes in pbOut.
bool inline RGBToHtml(COLORREF color, LPTSTR pbOut, long nBuffer) { // make sure the buffer is big enough
if (nBuffer < (7 * sizeof(TCHAR))) return false;
wsprintf(pbOut, _T("#%0.2x%0.2x%0.2x"), GetRValue(color), GetGValue(color), GetBValue(color)); return true; }
} // namespace ATL
#pragma warning( pop )
#endif // __ATLUTIL_H__